Oily skin. How to normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands? Vitamin mask from grapefruit juice and oatmeal

The skin of the face is oily - many people suffer from this problem. It provokes annoying shine, acne. To eliminate oily skin of the face, drying cosmetics are usually used, the manufacturers of which promise a quickly attainable effect.

However, they will provide a stable result, provided that the cause of the oily skin is eliminated. Therefore, the first step in solving the dermal problem is the normalization of the sebaceous glands.

Signs and origins of oily skin

Oily skin is the result of an overproduction of fat by the sebaceous glands. These glands are located under the surface of the skin.

Sebum is a substance made up of fats. It's not all that bad as it protects and moisturizes the skin and keeps scalp hair shiny and healthy.

Too much sebum, however, can lead to oily skin, which will trigger clogged pores and acne breakouts.

Not uncommon and the occurrence of comedones (blackheads), cysts of fatty glands,. The skin is similar to orange peel because pores are prominent on it.

An indisputable advantage for people with oily skin is that wrinkles begin to appear later.

The epidermis, glossy from grease, is an unpleasant phenomenon for its owners. Due to the excessive work of the sebaceous glands on the skin, a rough, porous texture with an unhealthy tone and greasy sheen is formed, the surface of the skin can be dry, like parchment.

Genetics, hormonal changes, or even stress can increase sebum production.

The fatty cover on the face is localized in the T-zone: forehead, chin and nose. On the trunk, the greasy epidermis is located on the back and chest. The properties of oily skin appear on oily hair on the head.

This happens for the following reasons:

  1. Genetically inherent. Under these circumstances, the epidermis is oily throughout life.
  2. Adolescence. Teenagers are familiar with the manifestations of oily skin, which becomes combined by the age of 25-30.
  3. Intensive work of the fatty glands. This is associated with an inherited disposition to oily skin, disturbed processes in the gastrointestinal tract (cholecystitis, colitis, constipation), hormonal changes. The reason for the excessive productivity of fat on the skin surface is the diet (addiction to spicy, fatty, starchy foods, alcohol, soda), labor activity when the temperature rises, being in a room smoky with cigarettes, under UV radiation.
  4. Hormonal. This happens during sexual development and the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle. Hormonal disruption occurs during menopause, pregnancy, stress. A similar proceeds also due to treatment with hormones or their abrupt use, prolonged use of oral contraceptives.
  5. Disorders in the endocrine system. This happens when, in hypothyroidism, both dry skin and oily epidermis on the face are noted.

Reduced immunity also affects the appearance of the sebaceous surface of the epidermis.

7 diseases that cause oily skin

The doctor will be able to find out why the patient has oily skin on his face. Because the sebaceous epidermis also appears in patients:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • cachexia (exhaustion);
  • obesity;
  • with tumors, polycystic ovaries;
  • hyperandrogenism;
  • hypertrichosis;
  • with liver diseases.

Illiterate hygienic care with the use of aggressive cleansing of the skin surface with cosmetics containing alcohol contributes to the appearance of excess fat on the skin.

It can also cause the use of scrubs, regular degreasing of the epidermis, the consumption of fatty creams, etc.

You should not rely only on your own knowledge. It is better to trust a dermatologist who will determine the cause of excessive grease on the skin surface. This will save you from serious health problems.

What to do if facial skin is oily? How can you help yourself?

10 rules for oily skin

You should adhere to the rules aimed at preventing diseases of the oily surface of the skin. Here is a list of them:

  1. Eliminate (limit) the consumption of fatty and fried foods. Better to say no to salty and smoked, pickled and sweet foods. Preferred on the menu are dishes from lean fish and white meat, vegetables and fruits, bran.
  2. Cosmetics are chosen with a reduced lipid content and one in which antibacterial and antiseptic substances are represented by ethanol up to 10%.
  3. Do not touch your face with unwashed hands.

It is preferable to purchase hypoallergenic cosmetics containing plant extracts to soothe sensitive and irritated skin.

Choose all care products marked “for combination or oily skin”.

Compliance with such rules is also important:

  1. Choose the right wash (gel or foam, milk is best avoided). The use of soap, washcloths, hot water is prohibited.
  2. Once every 7 days, use an ordinary peeling, facial cleansing (for example).
  3. Use UV protective cream UVA and UVB all year round (eg Bioderma AKN).
  4. Do not use with foundation, reduce use to twice a week.
  5. Decorative cosmetics should be chosen wisely, for example, powder with minerals.
  6. It is permissible to resort to home masks no more than 1-2 times in 7 days. For procedures, use white, green, blue clay, apples, kiwi, lemon juice. A positive result is achieved with a mask of mushy fresh potatoes.
  7. Lotions with sea salt are effective. They are performed once every 7 days, taking 500 ml of melt water and 1 tsp for the solution. salt. Withstand the product for 5-10 minutes.
  8. Only moisturize with creams and serums for combination to oily skin.
  9. Consider retinol products. The vitamin A preparation accelerates cell turnover, making it one of the best anti-aging treatments. It also works wonders for acne. Differin has recently become available over the counter without a prescription.
  10. Sauna trips help.

Green Pharmacy (5 medicinal herbs)

How to get rid of the problem at home? It is advisable to treat the sebaceous skin with herbaceous plants.

The presence in them of flavonoids, tannins, saponins (nitrogen-free and alkaline-free organic natural substances), silicic acid, plant hormones and trace elements have a positive effect on the sebaceous epidermis.

  1. Chamomile is a natural antiseptic with anti-inflammatory properties. Its extract is able to cleanse and soften the skin surface on the face, restore elasticity and smoothness.
  2. Salvia officinalis has a bactericidal, soothing, regenerating effect. Calendula officinalis has the ability to heal and restore damaged epidermis.
  3. The bark of oak (birch) is famous for its antiseptic and tanning qualities. Tricolor violet extract is aimed at cleansing, stimulating metabolic processes and ridding the body of harmful substances.
  4. Green tea extract has the role of an antioxidant, which reduces the effect of free radicals on the skin.
  5. Dandelion root extract increases the body's protective forces, helps in the life of the liver, gall bladder, and kidneys. The plant extract is involved in the release of the body from metabolic products, which has a positive effect on the surface of the skin.

Each patient selects a herb that is effective on the oily dermis individually. Replace the water when washing with herbal infusions of chamomile, mint, nettle, linden blossom.

Oils in the fight against oily skin

Oil formulations are used instead of night cream. They are applied in a thin layer to a clean skin surface.

Oils act on pores clogged from dirt and solid fat, regulate the production of fat, and affect cell regeneration.

What oils to use? Here is a list of them:

  1. Hazelnut in pure form or in other oils. The surface of the skin under the influence of the product is cleansed, smoothed and restored, the pores are tightened.
  2. Grape seed, after which the surface of the dermis looks moisturized and without noticeable pores.
  3. Berries, buds, black currant leaves - the product is endowed with antibacterial properties, the skin after it becomes elastic, the tone increases.
  4. Sesame seeds, affecting the normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands, narrowing of the pores.
  5. Almond kernels, dealing with pore clearing, irritation of red spots.
  6. Tea tree leaves - oily composition saves from acne and normalizes the condition of the dermis.
  7. Lavender restores dullness to the skin, acts on the dermis with an anti-inflammatory effect.

Hazelnut oil is used (50% of mixing) with the addition of 10% each of the other selected oils. If you take essential oils (from sandalwood, rosemary, juniper, bergamot, grapefruit, cedar), add 1-2 drops to the base oil composition.

Beauty treatments for oily skin

What to do if the skin is oily and acne appears? To eliminate the problem of oily skin, it is permissible to include the following measures:

  • the use of scrubs (from almonds, apricots, salt, clay, etc.), this will even out and cleanse the skin;
  • use (milk, pyruvic, trichloroacetic, glycolic, etc.), this will reduce the pH, regulate the production of fat and reduce the fat content of the dermis;
  • the consumption of masks (mud, clay, based on seaweed), and this will disinfect, soothe the skin surface and remove excess fat formations.

Question answer

Of course, oily skin also needs regular hydration. With this type of skin, fat interferes with the normal respiration of cells, clogging of pores occurs, and even collagen production deteriorates. That is why it is important to cleanse the skin surface and then remember to moisturize it.

To do this, you can use special special napkins. They gently wipe the face, which removes excess sebum without spoiling the make-up. It is also worth carrying a powder with you, which after a while can hide the flaw.

This is because after using a paper towel, the person throws it away immediately. But the towel is often too damp, which is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. As a result, they end up on the skin surface, which, especially on oily skin, can lead to inflammation.

TOP-5 methods of treatment

Skin with excess fat, prone to peeling, requires additional treatment prescribed by a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

The course of treatment is determined by a specialist after receiving the results of a blood test (for glucose, hormones), familiarization with a hereditary tendency, anamnesis, etc.

The skin surface is cured of grease and hardware measures:

  1. . The beam induces photochemical transformations in the dermis. During the sessions, the epidermis is smoothed, renewed and regenerated. Its elasticity and tone are improved.
  2. Microdermabrasion of the dermis. Based on the action of an abundance of microscopic particles. They smoothen the skin without pain, eliminate wrinkled manifestations, narrow pores, and reduce stretch marks.
  3. Iontophoresis. It acts on the sebaceous dermis. As a result, blood flow to it, nutrition and microcirculation improve. The cure restores the skin surface due to deep diffusion of nutrients, eliminates oiliness.
  4. Cavitation (ultrasonic) peeling. A shock wave cleans the skin without pain, removes excess sebum from the pores of the hair follicles, cleans the keratinized dermis.
  5. Based on mechanical vibrations. The procedure achieves massage, destruction of fibrous tissue, lymphatic drainage (removal of excess fluid). The technique does not allow clogging of hair follicles with fat, reduces skin rashes and irritable manifestations on the dermis.

Darsonvalization by pulsed high-frequency current acts on the skin with vacuum electrodes. As a result, the skin dries out, nutrition and tissue regeneration are enhanced.

What method of treating the fat content of the dermis is suitable for a particular patient, the doctor decides at the appointment.

10 medications that normalize fat metabolism

After visiting a dermatologist at home, it is possible to use medications that include the following active ingredients:

  • azaleic acid, as an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and exfoliating agent for the skin;
  • zinc, which has a keratolytic orientation;
  • sulfur with the property of blocking the production of fat by the sebaceous glands;
  • , dexpanthenol, used in the recovery process at the end of physiotherapy, for cleaning, regulation of metabolic processes in the cells of the dermis;
  • adaptive as a prophylactic substance against the formation of comedones and inflammation on the skin surface;
  • benzoyl peroxide for exfoliation of dermis keratinization and renovation of the cell structure;
  • copper, which regulates sebum production;
  • isotretinoid with a cleaving effect on the stratum corneum and suppressing the synthesis of fatty formation;
  • bacteriocins and pyocyanins - products of metabolic processes in microorganisms that increase the immunity of the epidermis and are involved in recovery;
  • vitamins PP and group B, which have a positive effect on the dermis, blood supply and fat metabolism in it.

Drug therapy against the fat content of the dermis at home is carried out, following the doctor's recommendations.

Expert opinion

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

Reducing the consumption of fat in food does not really change the situation. Be sure to use special products when washing your face, just water will not be able to thoroughly cleanse the skin. But do not overdo it, as it can lead to excessive defatting or overdrying.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

For washing, use gels, foams suitable for skin type, cold water. Use toners, and moisturize your skin with cream before applying cosmetics. I also recommend not forgetting about sunscreen. Cleanse the skin from dirt and cosmetics daily in the evening. And reapply the cream, only at night. These are simple rules, but they will help maintain the beauty of your skin.

Proper care and a healthy lifestyle will help eliminate excess oily skin. It makes the surface of the dermis attractive, eliminates acne, greasy shine. At the same time, it is not difficult to preserve the visual youth of the face.

To do this, you should adhere to simple rules, take care of your skin. If you cannot solve the problem of excess fat on your own, you should consult a doctor.

What should be cosmetics for oily skin? To make the right choice, it is important to determine the criteria that meet the needs of the body. Oily skin is one of the normal options. Proper care is essential to minimize problems. Subject to simple rules, the skin of the face is able to maintain a fresh look for a long time, without being exposed to such a phenomenon as early wrinkles. But in puberty, it can cause a lot of trouble: greasy shine, comedones, acne, enlarged pores. In some cases, these problems persist beyond the age of 30. If the fat content becomes pathological, you should contact a dermatologist and endocrinologist to exclude serious disruptions at the hormonal level.

Getting rid of comedones

Before using cosmetics for the skin, you should get rid of various acne formations. Among them are comedones. This is a specific type of cyst that forms when the mouth of the hair follicle is blocked. There are two types: open - black dots, and closed - white subcutaneous balls.

Blackheads take on a dark color due to the oxidation of sebum on the surface. This species is not hazardous to health.

Closed comedones in the form of white balls are located under the skin and do not have an open exit to the surface of the epidermis. Such conditions are favorable for the growth of bacteria and fungi, so they must be eliminated.

The reasons for the appearance of comedones are varied:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • the presence of diseases;
  • heredity;
  • improper nutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • toxic environment;
  • non-compliance with hygiene rules;
  • tablets, etc.

It is quite possible to cope with blackheads on your own; today there are a large number of methods for eliminating this type of comedones. And in the presence of white subcutaneous comedones, it is necessary to consult a specialist and undergo a course of treatment.

Cosmetic care for oily skin

For decorative cosmetics to fit well on the texture of the skin, it is important to choose the right skin care products. Cosmetologists recommend that you first purchase one product from the series and test it. It is not only the absence of a negative reaction that matters, but also the presence of a positive effect. If the result is satisfactory, you can try the rest of the funds from the selected line.

A complete complex for oily and problem skin should be multi-stage and include means for cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing. To achieve the maximum effect, all procedures for cleansing the face and saturating it with useful substances are recommended to be carried out at short intervals, at least 10 minutes. This allows the products at each stage of care to fully fulfill their functions and prepare the skin for the next procedure.

The main stages of care for oily skin

In caring for oily skin, it is important to follow all 5 steps. The first three of them are cleansing, the most important treatment for oily skin. You should pay maximum attention to cleansing your face. Toning, moisturizing and nutrition cannot be ignored either.

Composition of cosmetics for oily skin

The most effective substance against fat content is alcohol, however, the use of funds with it in the composition should be limited and strictly dosed. Firstly, excessive drying of the skin leads to the opposite effect - an increase in the work of the sebaceous glands. Secondly, alcohol only increases irritation. Because of this, it is completely unsuitable for sensitive skin. Inorganic dye bismuth oxychloride and dimethicone, a liquid silicone, promote pore clogging and acne.

Decorative cosmetics

Very often, make-up blocks the beneficial effects of cosmetics and aggravates skin problems. To avoid this, it is important to pay due attention to the choice of decorative cosmetics. First you need to make a list of the funds that you need, and refuse the rest.

Oily skin must breathe, which is in no way possible under a thick layer of makeup.

Ideally, it is advisable to stop using make-up base, foundation and powder, and reduce the amount and frequency of blush application. If this is not possible, choose creams with a light texture. For eye makeup, dry eye shadow and eyeliner are preferred. Matting face wipes can help remove excess oil.

Salon treatments for oily skin

Of the cosmetic procedures, the most effective are those that are carried out in specialized salons.

Ultrasonic cleaning

Ultrasonic face cleansing is one of the most popular procedures for oily skin. It is able to effectively and painlessly cleanse the skin without injuring it. The skin is cleansed of external damage and dead cells of the epidermis, the ducts of the sebaceous glands open, while decreasing in size, blood supply improves.

Chemical peeling

All of them are preferred when only the stratum corneum or the first few layers of the epidermis is affected. Acids brighten the skin, even out its tone and surface relief, stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin. However, even multiple procedures will not allow you to achieve the same result as from a single midline peel. almost completely eliminates the stratum corneum and affects the deep layers of the epidermis. This procedure is able to remove fine wrinkles, relieve the skin of scars, age spots and post-acne. A common component of peeling is. Depending on the desired depth of exposure, a 15% or 25-30% solution is selected for oily skin.


The procedure saturates the deep layers with hyaluronic acid, essential element for nutrition and cell division, which can also suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands, thereby reducing the fat content of the skin.


During a mesotherapy session, the beautician fills the skin with vitamins and microelements by injecting directly into the problem area. Local anesthesia can help make the procedure less painful. Cosmetic companies Natura Bisse from Spain and Dermalogica from the USA have developed special lines of products for oily skin that include medicinal ingredients. After the diagnosis, the specialist selects an individual set that will provide the skin with professional and comprehensive care.


Cosmetics for the care of oily skin must have a cleansing, anti-inflammatory, drying effect. To enhance the effect of cosmetics, salon procedures should be carried out. For oily skin, chemical peels, ultrasonic face cleansing, biorevitalization and mesotherapy are perfect.

The causes of oily skin are a thick layer of the epidermis and overly active functioning of the sebaceous glands. Fatty acids stimulate the process of thickening of the upper layer of the skin of the face. This causes the pores to be compressed, and they expand. The large amount of moisture associated with the fat cells of the skin causes the pores to swell at the edges. In addition, the production of sebum is enhanced, which manifests itself as an oily sheen and clogs pores, forming plugs. Pores become clogged, skin breathing becomes difficult, and the natural process of cleansing and exfoliating is disrupted. The main causes of oily skin. Heredity. Disturbances in the diet, namely: an excess of spicy, spicy, sweet and fatty foods. Frequent use of alcohol-based cleansers that dry out the skin and further stimulate the activity of the sebaceous glands. The use of oily cosmetics that clog the pores of the skin. Caring cosmetics should be appropriate for your skin type. Excess testosterone in the body. Testosterone stimulates the growth of the sebaceous gland, its maturation and accelerates the production of sebum. Health problems of internal organs: thyroid gland, liver, gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, adrenal glands. Health problems of internal organs: thyroid gland, liver, gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, adrenal glands. Prolonged stress. Chronic infectious diseases.

What procedures does a beautician have to care for oily skin?

Cosmetic procedures for oily skin: ultrasonic face cleansing gently cleanses the skin of the face, affecting only the stratum corneum of the epidermis, superficial peels help to narrow pores, remove gray tones, even out skin tone, middle peelings act more deeply. They even out the skin relief, remove fine wrinkles, age spots, face massage, it improves blood circulation, removes puffiness. Mesotherapy allows you to deliver vitamins and microelements to the deep layers of the skin. Biorevitalization helps to eliminate dehydration, which often accompanies the problem of oily skin.

Comedones. What is it?

One of the problems common to oily skin is comedones. They are open (black dots) and closed white milia. The black color of open comedone is given by the products of oxidation of sebum fats and the remaining cells in it, exfoliated from the walls of the sebaceous gland duct, containing a dark pigment - melanin. The color of the white comedo is due to the color of the sebum in it. Since in this case it does not have contact with atmospheric oxygen, it does not oxidize and retains its light color.

Home care for oily skin

Home care for oily skin. For oily skin, it is not recommended to use soap, either regular or antibacterial, for washing. It dries out the skin, activates the activity of the sebaceous glands. It is better to wash your face with a gel for washing 1-2 times a day. You can not wash your face often with warm or hot water, as this makes the skin atonic, expands the pores. It is better to rinse your face with cool water, or use a contrasting wash. Do not use alcohol-based products, lotions. Do not use oily creams; in caring for oily skin, it is better to use light creams or hydrogels, they allow you to moisturize the skin without increasing its oily content. If possible, carry out professional peels. you must follow a diet. If possible, do not consume fatty, fried, spicy foods, sweets and alcohol. Try to avoid stressful conditions.

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Oily body skin

Oily skin of the body. Areas of the skin with increased activity of the sebaceous glands are also found on the body, most often the chest and back. Home care recommendations are the same as for facial skin. You can take baths with salt or botanicals (chamomile, oak bark, sage, calendula, St. John's wort, etc.), which have an anti-inflammatory, soothing effect. It is important to choose underwear and clothing made from natural breathable fabrics.

Oh, this oily skin! How many troubles and hassles she brings to its owners and owners! And if the only problem was the oily skin itself, then such skin is prone to all kinds of inflammation and rashes. I just want to calm down in one thing, the owners of dry skin also have many problems, only the opposite. But for oily skin to be not a disadvantage, but an advantage, you just need to carry out the correct regular cosmetic procedures for oily skin. Let's talk about them.

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Photo gallery: Beauty treatments for oily skin

First, I want to conduct a kind "Relaxation procedure" for owners of oily skin, the purpose of which is to create a positive attitude. Why is this? When you achieve any result, you need to have an optimistic attitude and believe in its effectiveness. So it is here. Knowing the virtues of your skin, you will simply believe that you are a happy owner of oily skin. So, what are the advantages of oily skin?

First, those with oily skin are the least likely to develop early wrinkles. Secondly, oily skin is supplied with a natural lubricant that protects it from dehydration and drying out. Thirdly, with age, when the hormonal background of the body is restored, the fat content of the skin decreases significantly and therefore does not cause so much trouble. Fourthly, the owners of dry skin envy the owners of oily skin, and with proper care, oily skin is as much of a hassle as dry or sensitive skin.

Now let's move on directly to cosmetic procedures for oily skin. So what does oily skin require? Like any other skin, oily skin needs direct basic care, namely: cleansing, toning and moisturizing, as well as special care for oily skin. Let's talk about each procedure in more detail.

Cleansing oily skin

Cleansing oily skin should be carried out at least twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, as well as during the day, if necessary. The modern market of cosmetic products offers us a whole range of different gels, foams and mousses for cleansing oily skin. Their liquid, foaming consistency is ideal for cleansing oily skin.

When cleansing oily skin, you need to follow two main rules: avoid washing with hot water, as well as excessive drying of the skin, especially with soap. If your skin is peeling, it is recommended to apply a liquid cream, vegetable oil or kefir to it before washing.

Useful: wash your face in the morning with cold water, and also wipe your skin with an ice cube prepared on the basis of infusions of anti-inflammatory medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, string, plantain).

Toning oily skin

The main rule of cleansing the skin of the face is toning after washing. The purpose of the face toner is to complete cleansing, refresh and tighten pores. Many women ignore the use of toner, as they consider this cosmetic product an unnecessary means of daily skin care and save money on buying it. But if the toner is not used, then the products of daily life of the skin, particles of makeup, impurities, as well as particles of gel for washing will remain on the face, which will prevent the effective penetration of the cream into the skin. After washing your face in the evening and wiping your skin with a toner, you will notice that there are traces of powder or foundation and skin contamination on the cotton swab. Therefore, use the toner in the morning and evening after the obligatory cleansing of the skin of the face. As a result, you will notice that the skin is clearer and the complexion is more refreshed.

Important: avoid alcohol-based toners, as when using them you can get the opposite result, or rather dry seborrhea - increased secretion of sebum with an overdried upper layer of the epidermis.

Moisturizing oily skin

Many people think that a cream for oily skin is simply contraindicated. I want to refute this myth. Modern moisturizers for oily skin not only moisturize it, but also have an important healing effect that is simply necessary for this type of skin. In addition, a high-quality cream for oily skin has a light texture, is quickly absorbed and does not leave even a hint of oily sheen. Therefore, after cleansing the skin and wiping it with a tonic, it is imperative to apply a special moisturizer to avoid unwanted drying out of the skin.

Important: to choose a high-quality cream for yourself, which causes comfortable sensations on the skin. Using a new cosmetic product for three days makes it clear whether it is right for you or not.

Special care for oily skin

Special care for oily skin includes the following cosmetic procedures: steam baths, deep cleansing peels, cosmetic masks, therapeutic massage, hardware procedures, as well as the use of special medicinal preparations.

Steam baths are used for deep cleansing of the skin of the face from its waste products. It is recommended to prepare a steam bath based on a decoction of medicinal herbs such as chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, string, plantain. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 20-25 minutes. During the procedure, you should feel comfortable, in case of any discomfort, dizziness or headache, you should immediately stop the procedure and consult a doctor about the possibility of using steam baths. For a steam bath, both a saucepan and a special device, which is usually called a "face sauna", are ideal. Steaming the skin (vaporization) stimulates the secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands, expands pores and increases blood circulation, and effectively removes impurities. After a steam bath, the effect of many cosmetic procedures is intensified many times over. Therefore, vaporization is applied before using cosmetic masks, peels, therapeutic emulsions and serums, creating the most favorable conditions for the penetration of medicinal and nutrient substances.

Peeling (exfoliation) is intended for deep exfoliation of the upper stratum corneum of the epidermis. Thanks to this cosmetic procedure, the appearance of the skin is improved, the complexion becomes more healthy. The simplest and most affordable at home peeling with facial scrubs. Exfoliate the skin with a scrub no more than once a week. In addition, it is important to remember that the use of scrubs for pustular skin lesions can, on the contrary, aggravate the problem and lead to the spread of inflammation throughout the skin. Therefore, the main rule for using face peels is clean, inflammation-free skin.

Cosmetic masks designed to complement basic oily skin care. Depending on the purpose of the mask, they are divided into drying, anti-inflammatory, medicinal, moisturizing and nourishing. One mask can perform several functions, it can both deeply cleanse the skin from fat, and dry it, as well as have healing properties due to the active ingredients that make up its composition. A mask for oily skin can be prepared either at home or bought ready-made in a cosmetic store.

Healing emulsions and serums contain, as a rule, medicinal components, the purpose of which is to restore the balance of the skin, normalize its microflora, heal inflammations that oily skin is prone to. Such procedures are carried out in courses, about 10 procedures every six months.

Hardware procedures are carried out, as a rule, in beauty salons. Even in the good old days, girls came to the beauty parlor and treated their skin with the Darsonval apparatus. It's much easier now. The device has become smaller and more affordable for the general consumer. Having bought such a device, it will become an indispensable component of your home first aid kit. Just don't overdo it! 10-12 procedures every 3-4 months will help your skin look 100%.

What is Darsonval and how does it work? Darsonvalization is the effect on the skin of pulsed alternating currents of high frequency and voltage. Therefore, the device is very effective for the treatment of acne, as well as its consequences - cyanotic spots on the face and seals. In addition, thanks to this device, blood circulation in the skin improves, which leads to both an improvement in complexion, narrowing of pores, and a healthier appearance.

Recently, the Zepter bioptron device has gained wide popularity. The bioptron lamp is similar in effect to sunlight, but at a higher concentration. With this device, you can achieve excellent results in cosmetic care for oily skin, especially with a tendency to inflammation.

Thus, modern cosmetology gives us ample opportunity to look good not only with normal and dry skin, but also with oily skin. The main thing is not to be lazy to take care of yourself and apply daily cosmetic procedures for oily skin. According to statistics, oily skin occurs in almost 45% of the European population between the ages of 12 and 30. Therefore, this type of skin is not a disease, but a hereditary factor that must be taken for granted and armed with everything necessary to maintain healthy, beautiful and well-groomed skin.

Oily skin will not cause any particular problems if it is properly and regularly looked after. What's more, with proper care, oily skin retains its youthful and fresh look for much longer than dry skin. People with oily skin tend to develop age-related wrinkles later. However, in youth, during the period of hormonal changes in the body, the oily skin is often manifested by a pronounced greasy sheen, enlarged pores, comedones and pustular elements can appear on it. Often, not only the skin of the face is distinguished by increased fat content, but also of the head, chest, and back. In about 10% of those with oily skin, these problems persist beyond the age of 30.

Oily skin is one of four normal options (dry, normal and combination skin is still possible). If the oily skin acquires a pathological character, it is seborrhea (when not only the production of sebum is increased, but also its qualitative composition is changed: the content of unsaturated fatty acids is insufficient, its bactericidal properties are reduced). If, against the background of seborrhea, pustular eruptions regularly occur, this is already an acne disease.

Oily skin and hormones

Oily skin is characterized by increased activity of the sebaceous glands, which is largely regulated by sex hormones. This is due to the fact that in youth, during the period of the highest level of sex hormones, the skin is more oily. As you age, both hormone levels and skin oiliness decrease. The sebaceous glands respond to changes in hormonal levels in all people, but the degree of their sensitivity is different for each person, it is genetically determined. Therefore, at the same level of hormones in different people, the oily skin will be different.

In women, there may be pronounced changes in the oily skin depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy.


One of the problems with oily skin is the appearance of comedones. These can be “black spots” blocking the ducts of the sebaceous glands - black comedones (open comedones). And "white pimples", unlike pustular elements, are not accompanied by inflammation (redness) - these are white comedones (closed comedones, milia).

Comedones occur due to blockage of the sebaceous gland duct. It is generally accepted that the color of black comedones is due to the "dirt" trapped in it from the outside. This is not the case, dust and other external pollutants do not play an important role in this. The black color is given to it by the products of oxidation of sebum fats and the remaining cells in it, exfoliated from the walls of the sebaceous gland duct, containing a dark pigment - melanin. The color of the white comedo is due to the color of the sebum in it. Since in this case it does not have contact with atmospheric oxygen, it does not oxidize and retains its light color.

Cosmetic procedures for oily skin

To suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands, cleanse and narrow skin pores, smooth the skin, cosmetologists use various effects:

  • Ultrasonic face cleansing(ultrasonic peeling) effectively cleanses the skin from various impurities, evens out the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Ultrasonic peeling affects only the stratum corneum of the skin, its effect is gentle, not traumatic.
  • Superficial chemical peeling allows you to make the rough superficial stratum corneum thinner, remove the gray tint that it imparts to the skin, tighten pores and restore a fresh look to the skin.
  • Medium peels(Pro Anthox, Yellow peel) completely remove the stratum corneum, affect the deeper layers of the epidermis. The use of medium peelings allows you to remove age spots and scars (often remaining after acne), even out the skin relief, and eliminate fine wrinkles.
  • Biocybernetic therapy Beautytek Premium allows you to normalize the function of the sebaceous glands, improve local metabolism, activate the removal of harmful substances from the skin and accelerate the processes of its recovery.
  • LPG face massage allows you to cope with puffiness, improves blood circulation to the skin.
  • Biorevitalization... Oily skin can be dehydrated. Of course, this problem is less common for her than for dry skin, but oily, dehydrated skin of the face is not so rare. Carrying out procedures for injection and laser biorevitalization allows it to be successfully solved.
  • Mesotherapy allows you to deliver vitamins, minerals and medicinal substances directly to the problem area.
  • Cosmetic procedures Natura Bisse and Dermalogica with the use of lines for oily skin - provide comprehensive individual care.

Home care for oily skin

Cleansing... With oily skin, you need to cleanse it 2-3 times a day using gels or foams for washing. It is not recommended to use regular or antibacterial soap - it dries out the skin, activates the activity of the sebaceous glands and can lead to increased inflammation. In the process of washing, there is no need to rush - the gel or foam does not work immediately, you need to gently and evenly rub them into the skin in circular movements for about 2-3 minutes.

Water... It is not recommended to constantly use hot and warm water, as this leads to skin atony, enlargement of pores. It is better to rinse your face with cool water or wipe it with a piece of ice. Contrast washing tones the skin well.

Creams and gels... You should not use fatty creams (the only exception may be the upcoming walk in 30-degree frost). In everyday care for oily skin, special “light” creams for oily skin or hydrogels should be used. They allow you to moisturize the skin without increasing its oily content. It is desirable that they include essential fatty acids (borage oils, black currant, primrose, rich in u-linolenic acid), as well as fatty acids of the omega-3 family (rapeseed oil, oil from sprouted wheat seeds and avocado). Also useful are plant extracts of astringent and antiseptic action (calamus, birch, witch hazel, eucalyptus, fir, cedar, burdock, etc.).

Non-comedogenic cosmetics... All oily skin care products must be non-comedogenic (comedogenicity is the property of a substance to promote the appearance of comedones, clog the ducts of the sebaceous glands). Many substances added to cosmetics as thickeners, dyes, and moisturizers can have comedogenic properties. If the skin is prone to comedogenic growth, cosmetics labeled "non-comedogenic" should be used. Although the presence of such an inscription does not guarantee the complete absence of comedogenic properties in it, since there is an individual sensitivity to the comedogenicity of substances, what is non-comedogenic for one may be comedogenic for another.

Peeling... If there is no opportunity to carry out regular professional superficial chemical peels, it is recommended to periodically carry out light mechanical peeling of oily skin at home. For this purpose, you can use a soft brush or scrubs. Depending on how pronounced the abrasive properties of the scrub, how intense the mechanical effect, how sensitive the skin is, the frequency of peeling is selected. As a rule, 1-2 times a week is sufficient. Peeling should not be done too often - this will lead to dryness of the skin, a decrease in its barrier function, and an increase in the activity of the sebaceous glands. Do not peel on inflamed skin areas.

Diet... Eating spices and hot seasonings, a large number of sweet and fatty foods, alcoholic beverages, chocolate, coffee is not recommended. These products can stimulate the sebaceous glands of the skin.

Stress... For many people, increased activity of the sebaceous glands occurs under the influence of stress. In such cases, before "planned" stress, for example, before exams, you can take sedatives. Better than herbal, if they are of origin, you should start taking them well in advance, about a week before the event.

Oily body skin

Areas of the skin with increased activity of the sebaceous glands are also found on the body. This is usually the skin of the chest and back. The recommendations for caring for these areas are almost the same as for oily skin. As a prophylactic agent, you can use baths with salt or foam, other agents containing plant extracts with disinfecting, soothing, anti-inflammatory, astringent properties that normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands. These can be extracts of witch hazel, blueberry, birch, chamomile, sage, grapes, calendula, oak bark, yarrow, St. John's wort, etc.

If pustular elements appear in these areas of the body, as well as on the face, they should be treated with antibacterial agents. This will prevent germs from spreading and will speed up the healing process.

An important point in this case is the correct selection of underwear and clothing: in artificial fabrics the skin "does not breathe", in conditions of high humidity, the stratum corneum of the epidermis becomes looser, its barrier function decreases. Prerequisites are created for the activation of microbes that cause pustular diseases.