(1) Nina has existed for a long time ✔ in a state of enduring mental stress. Love online and in reality Nina has long existed state

In 2016, the range of concepts proposed at the OGE in task 15.3 was expanded and updated. Let's consider some of them: for example, what is self-doubt, life values, motherly love, fortitude, mutual assistance, self-education, moral choice, compassion, mercy, beauty. In their essays, students give arguments from the books they have read.

In each specific case, we recall the task itself, indicate which text is used, and provide the compositions of grade 9 students. For convenience, we report the total number of words in each essay.


SELF-DOUBT? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is self-doubt", taking your definition as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) example-arguments that support your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience. The length of the essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Composition according to the text S.A. Lubenets"(1) Nina has long existed in a state of enduring mental stress."

Student composition:

Self-doubt is the state of a person when he is afraid to commit any act or, on the contrary, does something incredibly stupid due to lack of faith in himself. If doubts about their own abilities are constant, then a person often refuses what he wants and does not strive for his goal. Here are some examples of the manifestation of self-doubt.

In the text of S.A. Lubenets insecure can be called a girl Nina. She has an inferiority complex due to the fact that she does not have a friend, like all classmates. To change herself, Nina tries to throw out of her life that which used to give her joy: girly magazines, cardboard dolls, hairpins, baubles, pendants and earrings. Then he even comes up with a "virtual guy" to the envy of his friends. But these external, and not internal, changes are unlikely to help her overcome her insecurity.

The hero of V. Korolenko's story "The Blind Musician" is also depressed, feels resentment, envy, despair, feels defective. Petrus is completely immersed in personal misfortune. But Evelina, godfather, folk and classical music, his own perseverance help him to restore his peace of mind. In the finale of the piece, we see a confident, strong Peter.

A person suffering from self-doubt cannot make a decision on his own, worries about what other people say or think about him. But success in life is achieved only by those who believe in themselves and their capabilities.

(203 words.)


15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the phrase LIFE VALUES? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What are life values", taking your definition as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) example-arguments that support your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience. The length of the essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.
Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Composition according to the text I.L. Muravyova"(1) I close my eyes and see my alley."

Student composition:

Ideals, moral concepts, beliefs are called life values. They have an important impact on a person's attitude to the world around them and to people, they serve as special guidelines in life. As a rule, values ​​are formed thanks to parents and loved ones, under the influence of kindergarten and school. It is not words that have a special effect, but deeds, deeds: examples are more useful than any instructions.

The most significant values ​​are love, health, family. This is what the heroine of I. Muravyova's text is convinced of when she recalls her childhood and her grandfather, who showed her true, sacrificial love: “How could I, six years old, know what it means to sit still and freeze in the name of love?” The old man was freezing every day on the street, being nearby and calming his six-year-old granddaughter with his presence.

Reading the story of A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter", we understand that close people are the most dear and beloved. Ivan Kuzmich, the captain of the Belogorsk fortress, fatherly affectionate with the soldiers, a brave officer, faithful to duty and oath, raised his daughter Masha to be obedient and modest. She is a worthy daughter of her parents: prudent and sensitive, loyal and determined, selfless and honest. The girl shows wisdom by refusing to marry Grinev without the blessing of his father. The heroine follows the values ​​of life that she has absorbed in her family, and therefore goes to the queen herself to save Peter, trusting in mercy and forgiveness.

Life values ​​are an integral part of our inner world, we gladly spend our time and energy on them. Everything must be done so that these spiritual and moral values ​​are close and necessary to every person.


15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the phrase MOTHER'S LOVE? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is mother's love", taking your definition as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) example-arguments that support your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience. The length of the essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Composition according to the text V. Chaplina"(1) One day, in early spring, a wolverine was brought to the zoo."

Student composition:

Mother's love is a holy feeling that has tremendous power and can work miracles, revive, save and protect. It is based on care and protection, affection and kindness.

In "Tales of Italy" M. Gorky said: "... without the Mother - there is no poet, no hero!" And the power of maternal love is such that on her way she is not afraid of the seas and mountains, forests and wild animals, she is not afraid of the great ruler Timur, who shed rivers of blood. Struck by the courageous words of the brave mother, the king orders to send messengers to all ends of the lands he conquered and to find the son of this woman.

Animals, like humans, are endowed with a mother's instinct. V. Chaplin writes about this in the story about the wolverine. With the advent of the cubs, the wolverine mother “ceased to yearn and rush to freedom,” “growled in a special way” when they were in danger. She rushed to protect the little wolverines from the wolves, violently rushed at them and did not let them near the children. And when the danger was over, the wolverine began to lick the frightened babies, as if reassuring them. She did everything necessary so that her offspring could survive and independently reflect the dangers of the surrounding world.

Mother's love is always selfless, natural and selfless. A mother teaches her child to learn about the world and moral rules, sets an example of responsible behavior and mercy. Whatever the child, she will accept him by anyone and will do her best to save and protect.


15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the phrase STRENGTH OF MIND? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is fortitude", taking your definition as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) example-arguments that support your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience. The length of the essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Composition according to the text E. Shima"(1) The first post-war spring has come to Leningrad."

Student composition:

Strength of mind is one of the qualities that make a person staunch and inflexible. This strength is made up of will and perseverance. Courageous people are said to be made of iron, do not bend or break.

The writer Eduard Shim also reflects on the manifestations of the fortitude of the inhabitants of besieged Leningrad: “... what can you not sacrifice for the sake of a crumb of warmth, for the sake of a weak flame in the stove? And the huge old tree survived. " The spreading bird cherry not only adorned a quiet street, but also gave people hope, helped to endure cold and hunger and believe in victory and an early spring.

In "The Tale of a Real Man" B. Field pilot Meresiev possesses extraordinary fortitude. Saving his life, doctors amputated both legs, depriving him of any hope of remaining in the profession. But the hero does not lose heart. Through regular training, overcoming physical pain, he was able to restore health and achieved permission to fly again. The strength of the spirit of this courageous person is truly admirable!

Thus, fortitude helps to achieve life goals, overcome any difficulties and obstacles, become independent and successful. A strong person knows what he wants and always gets things done.


MUTUAL HANDLING? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is mutual assistance", taking your definition as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) example-arguments that support your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience. The length of the essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Composition according to the text T. Mikheeva"- (1) Mash, Mash, and we chose a new one ..."

Student composition:

Mutual assistance is mutual help, support for each other in difficult times. Throughout history, man has survived by showing solidarity and acting in concert. It is impossible to live without mutual assistance even today.

The writer T. Mikheeva talks about the difficult situation around the new girl. The squad in the camp lived in anticipation of revenge: the guys nominated Alyonka for a beauty contest, refusing to help her, and expected her to fail. The new girl was in the camp for the first time and did not understand that the main thing here was to do everything together, because "without a detachment, nowhere." It's good that the counselor Masha decided to help Alena. The desire to come to the rescue in the most difficult situation is a worthy act.

"One for all and all for one" is the famous motto of the three Musketeers and the young Gascon d'Artagnan, who came to the capital to seek honor and glory. Alone, he would not have been able to cope with those who followed him in order to prevent the queen from fulfilling the assignment. Athos, Porthos and Aramis are reliable and loyal comrades, ready to share everything they have. These four could sacrifice everything for each other - from wallet to life.

As you can see, mutual assistance makes life easier for people, helps them cope with difficulties. Only together, together, can any complex problems be solved.


15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word SELF-FOOD? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: "What is self-education", taking your definition as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples - arguments that confirm your reasoning: one example - give the argument from the text you read, and the second - from your life experience. The length of the essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Composition according to the text K. Osipova"(1) Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov came from a poor noble family."

Student composition:

What is self-education? This is the independent cultivation of their talents, learning something new, the ability to force oneself to achieve some goal through certain hardships. It is not easy to educate someone, but it is even more difficult to educate yourself. To do this, you need to have perseverance and willpower.

The writer K. Osipov introduces us to the biography of Alexander Suvorov, a bright historical personality, a brilliant commander who glorified the Russian army. Few people know that his family was against his son's military career. But the boy chose his own path, worked hard, read a lot, choosing from everywhere "grains of useful knowledge." Being weak and sickly, Alexander subjected himself to severe hardening: he doused himself with cold water, did not wear warm underwear, rode on horseback in the pouring rain. Thanks to this, he was able to perfectly prepare himself for future military service.

Sanya Grigoriev, the hero of the novel "Two Captains" by Veniamin Kaverin, was also able to overcome his ailment. He was dumb from birth, having witnessed the death of his father, he could not tell his mother and the police about it. Only the advice of Dr. Ivan Ivanovich, who suggested to him the way of pronouncing sounds, instilled in the boy the confidence that he would be able to speak. Sanya practiced every day and finally found the gift of speech.

Self-education is a very complex process: it depends on the person how much effort, time, and, most importantly, perseverance is needed to achieve the set goals. The path of self-education requires considerable sacrifices, which only people with a strong character and endurance are ready to make, but the fruits of such labors and patience are very sweet.


15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the phrase MORAL CHOICE? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is a moral choice", taking your definition as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) example-arguments that support your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience. The length of the essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Composition according to the text Y. Yakovleva"(1) The girl's name was Alice."

Student composition:

What is moral choice? This is a choice between good and evil, which a person makes not only at the fateful moment of his life, but also when his worries are daily, ordinary. A person too often finds himself in a situation of choice. He has to give preference to some values ​​and norms, rejecting others.

Yuri Yakovlev tells about the noble deed of the young driver Nazarov, who saved the artist Sergeev from the icy water. He then did not even have time to get scared, instantly making the only correct decision. Unfortunately, it turned out that the artist no longer remembers that incident and cannot give temporary shelter to the driver and his sick father. A six-year-old girl Alisa managed to sort out this difficult situation and found a way out, how to “save Nazarov from shame and ingratitude”. She did not know how her act would be perceived at home, "after all, when they save, they do not think for a long time, and once - and into cold water!"

Literary heroes also have to choose, and these decisions are not easy for them. What will the newly admitted to the Guard d'Artagnan do when the Musketeers are on the King's side, and Cardinal Richelieu himself offers him friendship? Gascon remembered the stern face of Athos: if he had agreed to an alliance with the cardinal, Athos would not have given him a hand, would have disowned him. And d'Artanyan refuses to swear allegiance to the cardinal, knowing that henceforth he acquires a powerful enemy.

Moral choice is always associated with making a decision, with a preference for one option out of several possible. Shakespeare was right in emphasizing the exceptional importance of such moments in life: "To be or not to be, that is the question ..."

(233 words.)


15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word COMPASSION? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: "What is compassion", taking as a thesis your definition. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples - arguments that confirm your reasoning: one example - give the argument from the text you read, and the second - from your life experience. The length of the essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Composition according to the text A. Likhanova"(1) An old two-story house with peeling plaster stood on the edge of town."

Student composition:

Compassion is pity, participation, such a quality of the human soul that underlies mercy. It manifests itself in both words and deeds. People everywhere need love, compassion and kindness. A benevolent, caring attitude towards another person, the ability to forgive and help is very important right now, when there is so much cruelty and indifference around.

We see an example of compassion for someone else's pain and loneliness in the text of A. Likhanov. Nicholas, who came in search of his mother to the city's orphanage, cannot remain indifferent to the fate of the abandoned babies left in the care of the state. Parents who refuse sick children act cruelly and heartlessly. And although some will then be adopted, the ties with loved ones will be lost forever. There were many orphans in our country when the Great Patriotic War ended. Why don't they decrease in time of peace?

A keen feeling of pity arises when we turn to the pages of M. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man." The lonely soldier Andrei Sokolov, who lost his entire family, takes the orphan Vanyusha as his son, confessing to him that he is his real father. Having endured the loss of loved ones, the experienced front-line soldier did not harden his soul, did not squander his sensitivity. He feels someone else's grief with all his aching heart and does not submit to fate.

Compassion is the ability to perceive someone else's pain as our own and the ability, without hesitation, to help not only relatives, friends and acquaintances, but also those whom we do not know. Compassion manifests itself in both words and deeds.


15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word MERCY? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: "What is mercy", taking your definition as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples - arguments that confirm your reasoning: one example - give the argument from the text you read, and the second - from your life experience. The length of the essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Composition according to the text V. Astafieva"Geese in the hole" "(1) I have seen geese swimming among the ice floes before."

Student composition:

Mercy is the ability of a person to be kind, caring, sympathetic. You need to take an active part in the lives of other people, provide help disinterestedly, without demanding anything in return. Only those who are capable of compassion can be truly merciful.

Let us turn to the story of V. Astafiev "Geese in the ice hole". The hero, seeing a flock of birds trapped in an ice trap, could not leave them to die and, together with his friends, tried to help them. He held out the board to the goose, lying on the fragile ice and risking falling into the cold water. Despite the danger, the boy waited for the moment when the mother goose and the whole flock followed her ashore.

In "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ..." Prince Guidon, saving a beautiful swan, kills a predator. Before his eyes, a graceful bird turns into a beautiful princess. It turns out that he shot not a kite, but a sorcerer.

If a person is ready to help, if he can overcome his shyness or even fear for this, if he is able to think in difficult times not about himself, but about others, then this is where real mercy is manifested.


15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word THE BEAUTY? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: "What is beauty", taking your definition as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples - arguments that confirm your reasoning: one example - give the argument from the text you read, and the second - from your life experience. The length of the essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Composition according to the text V.P. Kataeva"(1) I was sitting in front of the living Ivan Bunin, watching his hand, which slowly turned over the pages of my general notebook ..."

Student composition:

"What a beauty!" - we exclaim, admiring nature. The world of beauty is around us. You just need to see it, notice the unusual in the most ordinary. This is exactly what Ivan Bunin speaks to the young poet, who despaired of finding new themes and rhymes for his poems. The advice is simple: "Be independent in art ... And then the inexhaustible world of genuine poetry will open before you." It turns out that the simplest things "can turn into a work of art."

Humanity has the ability to create according to the laws of beauty. And beauty is always associated with feelings, experiences. Sometimes a person admires a beautiful object, but cannot explain why it is beautiful. It also happens that he does not notice the true beauty, which is hidden behind awkwardness and outwardly not visible. And this is exactly what Nikolai Zabolotsky says in his poem "Ugly Girl". However, the "grace of the soul" cannot be hidden, it will certainly manifest itself in a kind, bold, selfless act. Surely, there will be those who will be able to appreciate these qualities.

Human beauty is "a fire flickering in a vessel." Like nature and art, she is able to make the world brighter, brighter and happier. Beauty is true perfection, a harmonious combination of the qualities and properties of an object, this is what causes aesthetic pleasure.

Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist A. I. Gorshkov: “The best stylistic possibilities are contained in the vocabulary (vocabulary) of the Russian language. The syntax is also rich in them. " Arguing your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read.

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing a topic on linguistic material. You can start your essay with the above statement.

(1) Nina has long existed in a state of enduring mental stress. (2) Today the girls at school were showing off their boyfriends again. (3) Almost everyone has a friend. (4) But she doesn't.

(5) She used to live and lived, she was quite satisfied with the youth TV series "Schoolchildren" and girly glossy magazines, from which it was possible to cut cardboard dolls and dress in dresses for princesses. (6) But the day came, and Nina took out of all the boxes of cardboard dolls, hairpins in the form of butterflies and hearts, baubles, glass pendants, plastic earrings and sent this wealth to the garbage chute. (7) She acted decisively and methodically, as if preparing for some new life, emptying her room of cheap junk, toys and stupid magazines. (8) And after some time, she suddenly realized that all the changes, by and large, were only external: her life is still empty, boring and very monotonous: school, home, books, Internet ...

(9) Nina somehow put up with such a meager life, until her best friend Irishka suddenly fell in love with Valerka Selivanov overnight, and now the lovers walked everywhere together, touchingly holding hands.

(10) If she could oppose her friend to Valera Irishkin ... (11) But there is no friend ...

(12) And if not, maybe it is worth inventing it? (13) What! (14) She already found a name for him - Dmitry. (15) What might it look like? (16) Let him be tall, slender, broad-shouldered, as befits real men, even young ones ... (17) And be sure to have a brunette! (18) Let his eyes be gray to contrast with the hair. (19) It is so beautiful when pure light eyes look out from under the dark bangs! (20) Dark-haired people, of course, are most often brown-eyed, but Mitya is not real. (21) He is, so to speak, a virtual hero! (22) Virtual ... (23) Virtual ?! (24) Exactly! (25) Idea!

(26) Nina ran to the nearest cell phone store and bought a new SIM card. (27) At home, she activated it, and then turned on the computer. (28) Here it is, the “All to us!” Network ... (29) Registration ... (30) Name, surname, mobile phone number, password ... (31) What kind of password to come up with? (32) But what ... (33) We type in the Latin alphabet "my dream" ... (34) Do you suggest adding some numbers? (35) Please ... (36) It turned out "my dream at 15" ... (37) Yeah, they missed it! (38) Excellent! (39) She came up with a biography for the virtual Mitya without difficulty, and took the photo from her mother's album: a young man sits astride some kind of fence and smiles beautifully. (40) His eyes are light, and his hair is dark, as if ordered ...

(41) Having done everything that was needed to fill Mitya's page, Nina exhaled in satisfaction and leaned back in her computer chair to admire her handiwork. (42) In the network "All to us!" a new user Dmitry Alekseev has appeared, who will look after Nina Kiryanova so beautifully that, with envy, he will skew not only Dinka Svisyaeva and her Slavik, but all other classmates as well!

(According to S. A. Lubenets) *

* Lubenets Svetlana Anatolyevna - a modern children's writer from St. Petersburg, writes books about teenagers, about the relationship between them, school stories of the most ordinary and not quite ordinary children. Her series "Only for girls", "Only for boys", "Black kitten" are in great demand among readers.

Indicate erroneous judgment.

1) There are six sounds in the word BRIGHT.
2) In the word FENECHKI, all consonants are soft.
3) In the word CELLULAR, all consonant sounds have a deafness-voiced pair.
4) There are two syllables in the word HER.


In the word CELLULAR, the consonant Y is always voiced, has no deafness pair.

The correct answer is indicated at number 3.

Answer: 3

Replace the bookish word "enduring" in Sentence 1 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.


The word "enduring" can be replaced by a stylistically neutral synonym for "permanent" and eternal

There is no mistake in this word: the imperishable is not the one that does not come.

Answer: permanent or eternal

Answer: permanent | eternal

Source: Open Bank FIPI, option 3E9832

Using the text you read, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 9.1, 9.2 or 9.3. Before writing an essay, write down the number of the selected task: 9.1, 9.2 or 9.3.

9.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist A. I. Gorshkov: “The best stylistic possibilities are contained in the vocabulary (vocabulary) of the Russian language. The syntax is also rich in them. " Arguing your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the desired sentences or use quotations.

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing a topic on linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of A. I. Gorshkov.

The length of the essay must be at least 70 words.

A work written without reference to the text read (not according to this text) is not evaluated.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

9.2 Write a reasoning essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the fragment of the text: “She acted decisively and methodically, as if preparing for some new life, emptying her room of cheap rubbish, toys and stupid magazines. And after some time, she suddenly realized that all the changes, by and large, were only external: her life is still empty, boring and very monotonous: school, home, books, Internet ... "

Give in the essay 2 arguments from the text read, confirming your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the desired sentences or use quotations.

The length of the essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

9.3 How do you understand the meaning of the phrase LOSS OF SELF-CONFIDENCE?

Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is self-doubt", taking your definition as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 examples-arguments that support your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The length of the essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


15.1 Linguist A. I. Gorshkov stated: “The best stylistic possibilities are contained in the vocabulary (vocabulary) of the Russian language. The syntax is also rich in them. " Let's try to understand the meaning of this statement.

This statement has two parts. Let's take a look at the first part.

Man needs words to give a name to everything in the world. This means that they reflect the thoughts of people. Figuratively speaking, language is a mold of our thinking. That is, the "language dictionary" indicates what people think about, how they think. For example, using words with a reduced expressive coloring inherent in youth slang (mobile phone, numbers) in the heroine's monologue speech, the author of the text emphasizes that the heroine's spiritual world is not very rich, which is why she feels envy towards her classmates and girlfriends.

Now let's dwell on the second part of the statement. To understand its meaning, you need to find out the meaning of the word "syntax". Syntax is a branch of the science of combining words and the structure of sentences. Without mastering the grammatical norms of the language, one cannot master the language perfectly, one cannot speak and write competently. Let's analyze several adjacent sentences of the text: sentences 21-25 (He is, so to speak, a virtual hero! (22) Virtual ... (23) Virtual ?! (24) Exactly! (25) Idea!) Monosyllabic, nouns. They are used to emphasize the abruptness of the heroine's ideas about the virtual world of her illusions she creates. This allows the author to attract the reader's attention with a special form of narration - grammar resources help to accurately express the author's intention.

Thus, we were able to confirm that vocabulary and knowledge of grammar together help us to correctly and vividly design our speech.

15.2 If you do not believe in yourself, in your strengths and capabilities, this inevitably leads to a loss of healthy self-esteem and the development of an inferiority complex. Likewise, Nina, the heroine of Svetlana Lubenets' text, feels insecure because she has no boyfriend. She strives for changes, but does not believe in them herself. The given lines of text are about this.

The first sentence of the text ("Nina has long existed in a state of enduring mental stress") conveyed the heroine's deep feelings about the fact that she is not like her friends. Further, the reason for this state of the heroine is revealed: "But there is no friend ..." (sentence number 11)

The efforts that the girl is making will help to forget this state, but not for long. Nina does not yet understand this, therefore, with such enthusiasm, she took up the "creation" of a virtual fan. He, in her opinion, should help her not to feel deprived. This is stated in proposal number 42.

It so happens that a person has remarkable strengths, abilities and capabilities, but self-doubt and low self-esteem does not allow him to take advantage of these benefits. This often happens because a person consciously or unconsciously compares himself with others, as the heroine S. Lubenets does. You can only feel self-sufficient when you manage to find your own path. When you learn to respect yourself, those around you will begin to treat you differently.

15.3 Uncertainty hiding behind modesty, low self-esteem, hiding behind shyness, an inferiority complex recognized by character traits ... All these words mean one fairly simple phenomenon - a person's lack of faith in himself and himself. How often low self-esteem and self-doubt have ruined a person's career, and sometimes relationships!

Nina, the heroine of Svetlana Lubenets's text, feels insecure because she doesn't have a boyfriend. She strives for changes, but does not believe in them herself. The efforts that the girl makes will help to forget the oppressive state, but not for long. Nina does not yet understand this, therefore, with such enthusiasm, she took up the "creation" of a virtual fan. He, in her opinion, should help her not to feel deprived.

An insecure person either closes in on himself, feeling like a victim, or, even worse, becomes a tyrant. To hide his weakness, he screams. A teacher who screams with self-doubt will never be able to gain authority in the class, and therefore will not be able to teach anyone.

It so happens that a person has remarkable strengths, abilities and capabilities, but self-doubt and low self-esteem does not allow him to take advantage of these benefits. You can feel like a self-sufficient person only when you manage to find your own path. When you learn to respect yourself, those around you will begin to treat you differently.


(1) Nina has long existed in a state of enduring mental stress. (2) Today the girls at school were showing off their boyfriends again. (3) Almost everyone has a friend. (4) But she doesn't. (5) She used to live and lived, she was quite satisfied with the youth TV series "Schoolchildren" and girly glossy magazines, from which it was possible to cut cardboard dolls and dress in dresses for princesses. (6) But the day came, and Nina took out of all the boxes of cardboard dolls, hairpins in the form of butterflies and hearts, baubles, glass pendants, plastic earrings and sent this wealth to the garbage chute. (7) She acted decisively and methodically, as if preparing for some new life, emptying her room of cheap junk, toys and stupid magazines. (8) And after some time, she suddenly realized that all the changes, by and large, were only external: her life is still empty, boring and very monotonous: school, home, books, Internet ... (9) Nina is like she still put up with such a meager life, until her best friend Irishka suddenly fell in love with Valerka Selivanov overnight, and now the lovers walked everywhere together, touchingly holding hands. (10) If she could oppose her friend to Irishkin Valera ... (11) But there is no friend ... (12) And if not, maybe it is worth inventing one? (13) What! (14) She already found a name for him - Dmitry. (15) What might it look like? (16) Let him be tall, slender, broad-shouldered, as befits real men, even young ones ... (17) And be sure to have a brunette! (18) Let his eyes be gray to contrast with the hair. (19) It is so beautiful when pure light eyes look out from under the dark bangs! (20) Dark-haired people, of course, are most often brown-eyed, but Mitya is not real. (21) He is, so to speak, a virtual hero! (22) Virtual ... (23) Virtual ?! (24) Exactly! (25) Idea! (26) Nina ran to the nearest cell phone store and bought a new SIM card there. (27) At home, she activated it, and then turned on the computer. (28) Here it is, the “All to us!” Network ... (29) Registration ... (30) Name, surname, mobile phone number, password ... (31) What kind of password to come up with? (32) But what ... (33) We type in the Latin alphabet "my dream" ... (34) Do you suggest adding some numbers? (35) Please ... (36) It turned out "my dream at 15" ... (37) Yeah, they missed it! (38) Excellent! (39) She came up with a biography for the virtual Mitya without difficulty, and took the photo from her mother's album: a young man sits astride some kind of fence and smiles beautifully. (40) His eyes are light, and his hair is dark, as if ordered ... (41) Having done everything that was needed to fill Mitya's page, Nina exhaled in satisfaction and leaned back in her computer chair to admire her handiwork. (42) In the network "All to us!" a new user Dmitry Alekseev has appeared, who will look after Nina Kiryanova so beautifully that, with envy, he will skew not only Dinka Svisyaeva and her Slavik, but all other classmates as well! (According to SA Lubenets) * Svetlana Anatolyevna Lubenets is a modern children's writer from St. Petersburg, writes books about teenagers, the relationship between them, the most ordinary and not quite ordinary guys. Her series "Only for girls", "Only for boys", "Black kitten" are in great demand among readers. ❧ How do you understand the meaning of the phrase UNSECURE IN YOURSELF? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is self-doubt", taking your definition as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience. The length of the essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.

Svetlana Anatolyevna Lubenets

Love online and in reality

The birth of the ideal hero

Nina Kiryanova stood at the window in her own room and looked out into the street. The February day was wet, snowy and windy. A wooden slide in a children's town, usually pleasing to the eye with bright colors, seems to have faded, covered with a matte rough frost. The wind was throwing fine snow grains, and the railing of the hill gleamed white right before our eyes. But time passed too slowly. It seemed to the girl that she came from school almost last year and stood silently at the window for twelve months. The seasons followed each other, the days flowed into nights, nights into the morning, and she just looked out the window, unable to move. Here! Even my feet began to tingle and the fingers gripping the curtain became numb.

Nina glanced at the wall clock. It had only been twenty minutes since she returned home. Very strange. Will she now always live in slow motion? Or has the clock just stopped? The girl pulled out a cell phone from her school bag. No, that's right ... She's only twenty-two minutes home. What is it? Why are these minutes crawling like snails ?! However, it is clear ... Because she has nowhere to put herself! She does not want anything: neither watch TV, nor read, she does not even pull on the Internet. I'm tired of all! Everything!!! She does not need a minute or a hour ... so they mock her.

Today the girls at school were showing off their boyfriends again. Almost everyone has a friend. They lie, of course. Take Svisyaeva ... What kind of guy will covet her? One surname makes a bad thing! Yes, and Dinka herself is not a beauty: short, wide, with a liquid ponytail of hair of an indefinite color, but there too! The guy, you see, she has! Their name is Slavik! Ugh! Slaviks, Stasiks, Vadiki ... Is such a name a real guy should have ?! What is it? Well ... for example, Yaroslav! No, Yaroslavov's abbreviated name is Yariks. Slavik - Yarik ... one raspberry. Well ... here's another good name - Igor! No, Igor is also not good ... This name has no diminutive at all. Is that - Igorek ... Igorek. Igoreshka is a scoop, a nightmare! Not a single decent name ...

However, the name is not the point. Now, if she, Nina, had a friend, she would not care what his name was ... One could even agree to some Stasik. She would call him Stas. Stylish! And Vadik can be called Vadim. Although no, Vadim is somehow very adult, officially ... But some Vadims, by the way, are called Dims. Yes! Dad has a friend who is Vadim, and so he is Uncle Dima. Dima, Dmitry ... Good name! Courageous. But it’s too common. They have two Dimas in their class. So what? She would call her Dmitry, for example, Mitya ... Ha! His own! Where can I get it, my own? There is no one to look at in the classroom. Both Dima are real cretins! And the rest are no better! In parallel classes, too, you can't look at guys without tears! Whoa! Where are you real guys?

It seemed to Nina that she had been thinking about this question for a long time, and therefore the minutes-snails should have already decently crawled forward. She glanced at her watch again and even stamped her foot in irritation. Only three minutes passed. Only three! And there is still half a day ahead! What are they to a person who has nowhere to put himself to and who has everything went wrong in the body?

She, Nina, has long existed in a state of enduring mental stress. Previously, she lived for herself and lived on the sly, floating with the flow, not thinking about anything especially. She was quite satisfied with the youth TV series "Schoolchildren" and girly glossy magazines. She always subscribed to attachments to them, from which she could cut cardboard dolls and dress in dresses for princesses. She had a whole collection of these dolls. But this August, after returning home from her grandmother, with whom she had been vacationing for two months, Nina took all the cardboard dolls to the garbage chute. Without any regret. They seemed very much to her ridiculous, lurid and tasteless. After that, Nina raked out bright hairpins in the form of butterflies and hearts, multi-colored baubles, pendants made of glass, plastic earrings from all the boxes and sent this wealth after the dolls. She acted decisively and methodically. On their own initiative. She, without realizing that she was preparing for some new life, freeing her room from cheap rubbish, toys and stupid magazines.

For several months after that, Nina happily lived in a new and, as it seemed to her, almost adult life, enjoying the change of values. She cut her hair, which she used to always curl into cool curls. Her haircut was stylish and asymmetrical. Long oblique bangs, however, made it difficult to look, but Nina easily resigned herself to this. Not only beauty, but also style requires certain sacrifices. Instead of large plastic earrings, she now wore her mother's silver roses with pink amethysts, and instead of her favorite bright crimson jacket with a trim, she wore a strict dark brown sheepskin coat, which she was previously ashamed to wear even in severe frosts.

The friends, of course, noticed the change that had happened to her. Some approved of this change, others did not, but Nina did not care. Almost all her friends, except for Irishka Mikheeva, she also cut off from herself in the most merciless way, like cardboard dolls. They were angry and tried to weave intrigues behind her, but there was nothing to weave them. Nina did not give the schemers any reason. She simply studied with pleasure, read books that were now advised not by her friends, but by her mother, and comprehended the wisdom of the new social Internet network under the funny name “All to us!”.

And after celebrating the New Year, Ninin's life for some reason went wrong. She suddenly realized that all the changes, by and large, were only external. Curls and haircuts are just hairstyles. Both plastic and silver earrings are all the same. The books recommended by my mother, of course, are more interesting than girls' magazines, but they are about someone else's life. And her, Ninina, life is still empty, boring and very monotonous: school, home, books, Internet ... and so on without end and without edge.

Nina somehow put up with such a meager fulfillment of life, until her best friend Irishka suddenly fell in love overnight. And into whom! To Valerka Selivanova, with whom they studied together from the very first grade. Of course, Selivanov enjoyed great respect in the class, but his appearance, from Nina's point of view, was no good. He was ugly blond and obscene snub-nosed, but for some reason Irishka did not bother at all. At the sight of Valerka, she alternately blushed, then blushed, then turned pale, until finally at the New Year's disco she invited him to dance and in the most courageous way confessed her ardent love. Selivanov, whom not a single girl had ever paid attention to as an object of sighing, was so stunned by the unexpected happiness that now he would not let Irishka go anywhere. The lovers walked everywhere together, touchingly holding the handles, and Nina was left alone. As they say, with their own interests. At first, she took up her studies with even greater zeal, especially focusing on physics, which was not very good for her, and one morning she suddenly woke up with a feeling of emptiness around her. Ringing. Cold. And what does she need this physics for? Why is everything necessary at all, if in this all she is completely alone? And the exhausting days of their endlessness dragged on.

At school, time still passed a little faster than at home, but even among her classmates, Nina now felt superfluous. The guys seemed funny and petty in comparison with the heroes of recently read books, and the girls seemed like stupid hens, who only had clothes and talk about love on their minds. Even Irishka, ever since she fell in love with Selivanov, could not talk about anything other than her Valera. You might think that Nina is interested in listening to it!

Although ... if she could oppose her friend to Valera Irishkin ... perhaps they would find common topics with their friend - they would discuss their relationship, boast, for example, of the gifts of their boyfriends ... But there is no friend ... no ... And if not, maybe is it worth coming up with? And what! She has already found a name for him - Dmitry, who can be called Mitya. Surname? Yes, you don't need a surname ... What is it for? How can Mitya look like? Well, how ... how ... He just has to look good! Let him be tall, slender, broad-shouldered, as befits real men, even young ones ... And be sure to have a brunette! It is only Irishka who can like chicken blondes. Let Mitya's eyes be gray to ... contrast with the hair. It is so beautiful when pure light eyes look out from under the dark bangs! Dark-haired people, of course, are most often brown-eyed, but Mitya is not real ... He is, so to speak ... a virtual hero! Virtual, virtual ... Virtual ?! Exactly! Idea!

In trouble came from where they did not expect

I have been looking for an epigraph for my text for a long time, but I could not choose among the many sayings of great people. After all, the educational role of the book is obvious to everyone. Or, in a broader sense, literature.
There are a lot of different books being published now. And parents have to choose what to buy for their child, and from what to carefully protect him. No matter how negatively I feel about the choice of those parents who believe that girls should think only about boys, dresses and dances, such, unfortunately, exist. But there are others who raise their daughters to be humble, eager to learn, be serious, and help adults. They shield their children from literature that colorfully describes the modern style of behavior of girls.
But trouble comes from where they did not expect. School. You can’t block yourself from it. Control work must be performed. And there the following text is proposed for work. Let's look at him and think about who he brings up. What effect does it have on girls. I left the numbers on purpose - this is how the text goes in the educational building.

(1) Nina has long existed in a state of enduring mental stress. (2) Today the girls at school were showing off their boyfriends again. (3) Almost everyone has a friend. (4) But she doesn't.
(5) She used to live and lived, she was quite satisfied with the youth TV series "Schoolchildren" and girly glossy magazines, from which it was possible to cut cardboard dolls and dress in dresses for princesses. (6) But the day came, and Nina took out of all the boxes of cardboard dolls, hairpins in the form of butterflies and hearts, baubles, glass pendants, plastic earrings and sent this wealth to the garbage chute. (7) She acted decisively and methodically, as if preparing for some new life, emptying her room of cheap junk, toys and stupid magazines. (8) And after some time, she suddenly realized that all the changes, by and large, were only external: her life is still empty, boring and very monotonous: school, home, books, Internet ...
(9) Nina somehow put up with such a meager life, until her best friend Irishka suddenly fell in love with Valerka Selivanov overnight, and now the lovers walked everywhere together, touchingly holding hands.
(10) If she could oppose her friend to Valera Irishkin ... (11) But there is no friend ...
(12) And if not, maybe it is worth inventing it? (13) What! (14) She already found a name for him - Dmitry. (15) What might it look like? (16) Let him be tall, slender, broad-shouldered, as befits real men, even young ones ... (17) And be sure to have a brunette! (18) Let his eyes be gray to contrast with the hair. (19) It is so beautiful when pure light eyes look out from under the dark bangs! (20) Dark-haired people, of course, are most often brown-eyed, but Mitya is not real. (21) He is, so to speak, a virtual hero! (22) Virtual ... (23) Virtual ?! (24) Exactly! (25) Idea!
(26) Nina ran to the nearest cell phone store and bought a new SIM card. (27) At home, she activated it, and then turned on the computer. (28) Here it is, the “All to us!” Network ... (29) Registration ... (30) Name, surname, mobile phone number, password ... (31) What kind of password to come up with? (32) But what ... (33) We type in the Latin alphabet "my dream" ... (34) Do you suggest adding some numbers? (35) Please ... (36) It turned out "my dream at 15" ... (37) Yeah, they missed it! (38) Excellent! (39) She came up with a biography for the virtual Mitya without difficulty, and took the photo from her mother's album: a young man sits astride some kind of fence and smiles beautifully. (40) His eyes are light, and his hair is dark, as if ordered ...
(41) Having done everything that was needed to fill Mitya's page, Nina exhaled in satisfaction and leaned back in her computer chair to admire her handiwork. (42) In the network "All to us!" a new user Dmitry Alekseev has appeared, who will look after Nina Kiryanova so beautifully that, with envy, he will skew not only Dinka Svisyaeva and her Slavik, but all other classmates as well!

This is a fragment from the work of S.A. Lubenets, a modern CHILDREN'S writer.
This raises many questions at once. Some of them - Are you sure the writer is for children? Do children really need to read this? and so on - I will omit it, because I am not considering a literary work here - someone will buy this book for their child, and someone prudently will not do this.
But another part of the questions concerns the authors of assignments for tests on literature in the 9th grade. Why did they take this work for work? After all, you can't get out of work. And then the parents will not be able to protect their daughter from such a text.