100% elimination of striae. How to get rid of stretch marks on the body: the best methods. What do stretch marks look like on the body?


It is difficult to imagine a person's life without little helpers and workers - fingers. They carefully hold a cup of coffee, tirelessly write, do all the small and difficult work. Due to this high performance, fingers are susceptible to a number of diseases. In order not to bring pathological processes to irreversible consequences, it is necessary to know why the joints of the hands hurt, how they can be cured.

What is pain in the joints of the fingers

The human musculoskeletal system contains over 300 joints. The fingers are the most mobile and small of them. The joints at the ends of the hands have a thin synovial membrane and a small articular surface, so they are often subject to various diseases. Each finger on the hand consists of three joints (proximal phalangeal, middle phalangeal, distal interphalangeal) and three bones (proximal, middle, distal phalanx).

Pain can be caused by inflammation of the joints. Against the background of hypothermia of the hands, soreness may occur, accompanied by cyanosis of the skin, which subsequently turns into redness. As a result of trauma or compression of the wrist joint, paroxysmal pain occurs. Sharp and cutting sensations, accompanied by a feeling of electric current passing through the fingers, may indicate cervical osteochondrosis.

The duration of symptoms depends on the cause of the disease. The longer you ignore pain syndromes in the hands, the more their motor activity is disturbed. If the first signs of developing finger diseases are not treated, irreversible deformity of the joints can be allowed, in which a person is given a disability. The most dangerous complications:

  • necrosis of bone tissue;
  • osteomyelitis (purulent-necrotic process that develops in the bone);
  • osteolysis (complete resorption of bone tissue elements);
  • generalized sepsis (purulent infection.

Why do fingers hurt

As a rule, pain in the joints of the upper extremities is a sign of developing diseases of the hands. Often, these symptoms indicate manifestations of diseases of other organs. Pain in the phalanges is a sign of cervical osteochondrosis, coronary heart disease, pathologies of peripheral nerves. If the joints of the fingers hurt, it is important to quickly determine the cause in order to identify possible risk factors for human health.

When flexed

The cause of pain in the joints during flexion of the phalanges may be the following conditions:

  1. Pinched spinal nerves. Occurs when the nerve roots extending from the spinal cord compress hernias, cartilage, tumors, spasmodic muscles, tendons, or other vertebrae.
  2. Osteoarthritis. There is a degeneration of the articular cartilage and the development of osteophytes on the bones, which leads to impaired mobility.
  3. tunnel syndrome. There is a pinching of the median nerve, which passes to the palm through the carpal tunnel, which protects the nerve fibers from being squeezed. Subsequently, it can lead to tendovaginitis - an inflammatory disease of the tendons and tendon sheaths;
  4. Stenosing ligamentitis. It is characterized by blocking of the phalanges in an unbent or bent position. More often it hurts the joint of the thumb on the hand. Pathology refers to diseases of the tendon-ligamentous apparatus.
  5. Rhizarthrosis. There is a deformation of the cartilaginous plates in the articular joint of the thumb after an injury or excessive load.
  6. vibration sickness. An occupational disease that occurs when working with a vibrating tool.

The joints of the fingers are swollen and sore

The problem of puffiness is faced by both elderly patients and young people. Sometimes the fingers swell due to fluid retention in the body, but if they also hurt, this may indicate pathological changes in bone joints. The reasons for this condition may be as follows:

  • open wounds, abrasions, cuts;
  • fractures, dislocations, injuries;
  • insect bites;
  • neuropathy of the radial nerve;
  • pathology of the heart and / or kidneys;
  • fibromyalgia (muscle-joint pain);
  • polycythemia (a pathological increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood);
  • bursitis (inflammation of the joint bag);
  • osteomyelitis (inflammation of bone tissue);
  • chronic arthritis of various origins (rheumatoid, gouty, septic, neglected, purulent, and others).

In the morning

Any disease of the joints of the fingers is manifested by pain in the morning. In order to prevent the progression of pathology, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis, and for this to undergo an appropriate examination. More often fingers hurt in the morning with arthritis of various origins. The disease may not be infectious in nature, but manifest itself due to disorders of the immune system.

With rheumatoid arthritis, the articular cartilages of the index fingers often hurt, on which small seals are visible. With this pathology, a symmetrical lesion of the joints on both hands can also develop. Infectious arthritis affects several fingers at once and develops under the influence of viruses or bacteria. In addition to pain, there is an increase in body temperature in the morning, intoxication of the whole organism. Phalanges hurt in the morning and with psoriatic arthritis, and with gout, and with osteoarthritis.

The latter disease, in addition to morning pain, is characterized by stiffness and stiffness. Osteoarthritis is more common in middle-aged women, since its development is associated with fluctuations in estrogen levels. Gout can be identified by unbearable paroxysmal pain in the morning or at night, accompanied by redness and swelling of the joint.

Sharp pain

Stenosing ligamentitis of the wrist is accompanied by burning pains in all fingers except the little finger. Burning and numbness is felt not only at the ends of the hand, but also along the entire length of the palm. The symptoms are worse at night and get worse during the day. Osteochondrosis of the cervical region is also accompanied by sharp pains in the joints of the extremities, but numbness appears only in the little finger.

Panaritium (purulent inflammation of the tissues of the hand) can also provoke such a symptom. The disease occurs as a result of infection. The pain has a sharp, jerking character, gradually intensifies, especially at night. The phalanges swell, become red, touching them is very painful, often the body temperature rises. Panaritium requires prompt medical care, otherwise a person cannot avoid serious complications.

With Raynaud's syndrome, first there is a cold and spasm in the vessels, and then, due to a violation of blood flow, a person feels a sharp pain in the fingers, which swell and turn blue. In the third stage of the disease, when the blood flow improves, these symptoms disappear. The pain attack lasts from several minutes to half an hour. Raynaud's disease is a consequence of atherosclerosis of the extremities, so you need to treat it first.

During pregnancy

Why the joints of the fingers on the hands hurt during pregnancy and after childbirth, gynecologists know for sure. When limbs swell during childbearing, this indicates the following pathologies:

  • the presence of joint diseases;
  • an increase in the level of relaxin - a hormone responsible for softening the ligaments;
  • pinching of the median nerve;
  • lack of calcium in the body;
  • fibromyalgia caused by depression.

Painful sensations can quickly pass, and sometimes intensify every day. Often this happens at 35 weeks of gestation, which is associated with rapid weight gain, which causes compression of the nerve trunks that connect the hand to the arm. The problem also lies in the fact that a woman is haunted not only by joint pain, but also by other symptoms:

  • burning, itching of the palms;
  • sudden sharp pain in the forearm;
  • numbness of the upper limbs.

After exercise

The appearance of painful symptoms in the hands after any physical activity is a clear sign of vascular disease. Pain is accompanied by numbness of the joints, cramps, fatigue of the hands. The skin becomes pale and cold, the hairline thins, the nail plates thicken. Pathology becomes chronic over time, as a result of which it becomes impossible to feel the pulse on the radial artery, the lumen of the vessels narrows, and the blood flow of the extremities is disturbed. Pain becomes constant and reappears even with light exertion.

As a person ages, cartilage becomes thinner, brittle, and when moving, a crunch is heard in them. If, after physical exertion, pain in the hands appears, then this symptomatology may indicate developing polyosteoarthritis. The disease is characterized by destructive changes in the joints that hurt when the fingers work or before the weather changes. It is difficult for a person to straighten and bend the brush. The pain syndrome subsides when work with hands is excluded.


Early diagnosis will help to remove the symptoms of joint diseases and completely recover. Only an experienced specialist (neuropathologist, surgeon, traumatologist) will be able to accurately determine the cause of this symptomatology. Diagnosis is made on the basis of test results and the patient's history. When collecting information, the nature of complaints, the time of occurrence of the first pains, the presence of articular pathologies in the next of kin are clarified. Family predisposition in the development of arthritis and arthrosis plays a big role.

Investigations that are needed for complaints of pain in the joints of the extremities:

  • radiography;
  • ultrasonography;
  • CT scan;
  • electrospondylography (computer diagnostics of the spine);
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • contrast discography;
  • blood and synovial fluid tests;
  • puncture (injection of the drug into the cavity of the cone);
  • skin biopsy.


Therapeutic tactics is determined by the type of pathology, the severity of symptoms, the dynamics of the inflammatory process, and the characteristics of the clinical course of the disease. When prescribing drug treatment, the patient's hypersensitivity to the active components of the drugs is taken into account. Complex treatment involves the appointment of chondroprotectors, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), glucocorticosteroids.

In addition to medicines, local massage and specially designed gymnastic exercises are prescribed. An excellent therapeutic effect can be achieved with the help of acupuncture and other types of physiotherapy procedures. A diet-table number 10 is mandatory, the main rules of which are:

  • reduced salt intake;
  • once a week fasting days on vegetables and dairy products;
  • diet without the use of tomatoes, sorrel, spicy dishes, fatty meats.

With joint pain, doctors recommend undergoing spa treatment. Doctors for each patient select an individual rehabilitation program that will be most effective in each case. The sanatorium teaches healthy lifestyle skills, conducts therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy, massage. As a rule, after such treatment, the patient forgets about the recurrence of the disease for a long time.

Medical treatment

When prescribing medications, two goals are pursued: stopping the inflammatory process and eliminating the pain syndrome. Basically, doctors use cyclooxygenase inhibitors (NSAIDs), and if the cause of the disease lies in an autoimmune pathology, then drugs of the steroid group are prescribed. In acute infections, antibiotics may be used.

To quickly relieve symptoms, topical medications (creams, ointments, gels) are prescribed. With dystrophic damage to the articular surfaces, it is recommended to use chondroprotectors. Effective drugs for eliminating joint pain:

  • Celecoxib. NVPS of the coxibs group. The drug has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effect. For arthritis, 200 mg is prescribed 2 times / day for no more than 5 days. With the wrong dosage, unwanted reactions can occur in the form of drowsiness, respiratory depression, epigastric pain, and even a coma. Do not prescribe the drug for bronchial asthma, colitis, peptic ulcer, pathologies of peripheral arteries, pregnancy, lactation.
  • Nimesil. The drug belongs to the group of non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. In case of pain in the musculoskeletal system, it is prescribed at a dosage of 100 mg 2 times / day. The medicine is recommended to be taken after meals for 7-15 days. With prolonged treatment, adverse reactions from the lymphatic, circulatory and central nervous systems may occur: anemia, thrombocytopenia, headaches, nightmares, dizziness. Nimesil is not prescribed for inflammatory bowel diseases, ulcers, bleeding tendencies.
  • Prednisolone. Synthetic glucocorticosteroid drug. It has an immunosuppressive, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory effect. The daily dose for adults is from 4 to 60 mg of intravenous or intramuscular administration of the solution. Children under 12 years of age are administered no more than 25 mg / day. The duration of treatment is 5-7 days. Possible adverse reactions: violation of the menstrual cycle and secretion of sex hormones, fluid retention, hypokalemia, weight gain and others. Contraindications: ulcer, tendency to thromboembolism, viral infections, arterial hypertension, herpes, syphilis and many others.
  • Dexamethasone. Powerful synthetic glucocorticoid. It has desensitizing, anti-shock, anti-toxic, anti-inflammatory properties. For arthritis, oral administration of 1-9 mg / day is indicated. The dosage is divided into 2-3 doses. The duration of treatment is from 3 days to several weeks. Dexamethasone can cause many undesirable effects, including: nausea, vomiting, bradycardia, arrhythmia, steroid diabetes mellitus. The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components.
  • Metipred. Glucocorticoid agent that has an immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory effect. In diseases of the joints, it is prescribed at a dose of 4-48 g / day. The daily dosage is taken once. The duration of therapy is 3-7 days, depending on the severity of the disease. Adverse reactions may occur in the form of indigestion, candidal lesions of the esophagus, bulimia. Contraindications to the use of Metipred: tuberculosis, lactose intolerance, viral or bacterial infections.
  • Don. Chondroprotector containing components of natural cartilage. For the treatment of osteoarthritis of any localization, it is prescribed orally 1 packet of powder dissolved in a glass of water 1 time / day. The duration of therapy is 4-12 weeks. The course is repeated at intervals of 2 months. Side effects are rare: violation of cardiac conduction, tremor, numbness of the mouth, tongue. The drug is contraindicated in phenylketonuria, patients with severe heart failure, severe pathology of the liver or kidneys.
  • Teraflex. Combined chondoprotector containing glucosamine and chondroitin. With changes in the articular tissues, it is prescribed to restore cartilage, 1 capsule 2 times / day for several months (at least 6). Flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain may occur. The drug is contraindicated in renal failure, pregnancy, lactation.


With arthritis or arthrosis of the fingers, one drug treatment is not enough. During the period of remission of the disease, specialists offer to take courses of therapeutic massage, the number of sessions of which the doctor will determine individually. The procedure begins with kneading each part of the hand. If the patient does not feel severe pain, then the impact on the affected joints begins already at the first session.

The preparatory stage of the massage is the warming up of the hand from the elbow to the fingers with spiral movements. The patient is in a sitting position, the arm is placed on the table, the bent elbow lies on the support, and a roller is placed under the hand. After warming up, the specialist kneads each finger individually with stroking movements, without affecting the joints. For the best effect, 2-3 approaches are done.


Physiotherapy helps to speed up recovery, relieve symptoms and ensure the prevention of complications. Patients who experience severe pain in the fingers are advised to pay attention to the following techniques:

  • electrophoresis. Treatment is based on deep injection of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs under the skin. The procedure takes place under the influence of a direct electric current. For subcutaneous administration, magnesium sulphate, eufillin, mummy, novocaine are often used. The course of treatment - 10 procedures for 25 minutes.
  • Ultrasound Therapy. During the session, tissue micromassage is performed using ultrasonic vibrations with a frequency of 800-900 kHz. Ultrasound activates metabolic processes, removes excess uric acid, increases local immunity. The exposure time is 1-5 minutes per area. The session lasts 12-15 minutes. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures.
  • Microwave (microwave therapy). The treatment is based on the use of electromagnetic oscillations with a wave up to 1 m. The impact is aimed at restoring biological processes and functional systems of cellular structures. The duration of exposure is 8-12 minutes. The number of sessions is from 2 to 12.
  • Thermal treatments. Include the effect of heat on the affected joints. Apply steam baths with the addition of essential oils, salts or medicinal herbs. Duration of the course - 12-20 procedures for 15-20 minutes.
  • barotherapy. Treatment in a hyperbaric chamber with low or high pressure helps to saturate the body with oxygen, which provokes muscles, tissues and joints to recover faster. The duration of the procedure is 60 minutes. The full course includes 22-25 sessions.

Folk remedies

Alternative treatment will help prevent the destruction of articular cartilage in the fingers. Most popular recipes:

  • Take a thick fermented milk product, mix with oatmeal, which must first be crushed. Leave the mixture on sore fingers all night, wrapped in a cloth;
  • Pass 500 g of Kalanchoe through a meat grinder, pour 1 liter of vodka, leave for 5 days. After the tincture, rub daily into sore joints;
  • Mix 1 tbsp. l. olive oil with a few drops of freshly squeezed garlic. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach


In order not to suffer from inflammatory processes in the joints of the fingers and not to treat arthrosis and arthritis for a long time, it is necessary to adhere to simple preventive measures:

  • keep hands warm;
  • exclude alcohol, cigarettes;
  • include more fruits and vegetables in the daily menu;
  • do not endure colds on the legs;
  • remove the habit of "clicking" fingers;
  • replace tea and coffee with herbal decoctions;
  • control body weight.

Pain in the fingers can speak both about the diseases of the hand itself, and about disorders in other organs.

Diseases in which there may be pain in the fingers:
rheumatoid arthritis;
carpal (tunnel) syndrome;
diseases of the blood vessels;
neuropathy of the ulnar nerve;
vibration disease;
Raynaud's syndrome;
problems in the cervical spine;
ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction.


Inflammation of the finger joint.

swelling of the finger;
redness of the finger;
movements in the affected finger are difficult;
pain when moving the finger.

Rheumatoid arthritis

A common and one of the most severe autoimmune diseases. Has nothing to do with rheumatism. The cause of the disease is in the human immune system. She begins to perceive the cells of her body as foreign, exposes them to attack. This leads to inflammation, dysfunction of the organ and its pathologies.
It occurs most often in middle age (25-35 years) and more often in women. Adolescents are also susceptible to illness. In children, the onset of the disease is often acute, and both the joints of the extremities and the joints of the cervical region are involved in the inflammatory chronic process.

Signs of rheumatoid arthritis(in addition to those listed above):
simultaneous defeat of three small joints of the hand or more;
inflammation lasts longer than three months;
often symmetrical joints of two hands are involved in the pathological process (for example, both first joints of the 2nd finger of both the right and left hands);
pain can be both constant and intermittent;
pain intensity - medium;
morning stiffness in the movements of diseased joints;
stiffness during the day passes;
swelling of the affected area;
skin redness;
limited mobility of the affected joints (difficulty in flexion, extension);
joints take the form of a spindle;
if the disease is not treated, then dislocation and subluxation occur in diseased joints.

Arthritis usually starts in one joint. If left untreated, the disease gradually affects other joints. Thus, more and more joints are involved in the process, and the patient is not able to make small movements with his fingers.

With this arthritis, not only the statutes suffer, but also the cartilaginous tissue that is adjacent to them, the bone structures. Prolonged incessant inflammation is the cause of the gradual destruction of the tissues surrounding diseased joints.

In addition to disorders in the functioning of the joint, rheumatoid arthritis sometimes causes serious disorders in the internal organs (lungs, kidneys, blood vessels).

A similar process can often be on the toes, as well as on the ankle joints. But large joints (shoulder, hip, knee) almost never suffer from rheumatoid arthritis.

collection of complaints;
laboratory tests (detection of rheumatoid factor in the blood);

If there is a suspicion of rheumatoid arthritis, then you need to contact a rheumatologist as soon as possible. This disease is not completely curable. However, with the help of timely anti-inflammatory therapy or surgery, it is possible to stop the deformity of the joints.


Osteoarthritis is based on early aging, wear and tear of the cartilage that covers the joint. The affected cartilage becomes thinner, cracked, dehydrated, and loses its cushioning characteristics. This is where the pain comes from.

Over time, osteophytes - bone spikes - form on the surface of the joint. They deform the joint and injure the surrounding tissue, causing even more pain.

Most often, the disease affects the elderly, but some can happen in their youth. Osteoarthritis can affect the area of ​​the wrist joint.

Some symptoms of osteoarthritis:
Blunt pain;
pain increases during the day;
pain worsens with exertion;
pain intensity decreases in the morning and after rest;
cracking and clicking in the joints.

With the progression of the process, the pain becomes stronger, it does not go away after rest, it may appear at night. The course of the disease comes in waves, exacerbation can last several months.
Diagnosis - X-ray.

removal of the inflammatory process (steroid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs);
the use of drugs to increase the protective properties of cartilage;

Stenosing ligamentitis of the transverse carpal ligament (tunnel syndrome)

Another name for the pathology is carpal tunnel syndrome. Pain in the hand is due to compression of the nerve conductors in the narrow spaces of the wrist between the tendons and bone along the nerve.

Women 40 - 60 years old suffer more often. Pathology often occurs against the background of endocrine and hormonal disruptions in the body (during pregnancy, menopause, diabetes).
Carpal tunnel syndrome is also observed due to certain working conditions. Previously, the disease was common among typists, in the modern world it affects people who sit at the computer for a long time. A static constant load on the same muscles, an awkward position of the hand when working with a mouse or keyboard lead to a pinched nerve.

Characteristic signs of the disease:
pain in all fingers except the little finger. To a lesser extent, the pain is expressed in the ring finger;
the nature of the pain is burning;
numbness of fingers;
discomfort is more pronounced in the palmar surface of the fingers;
the pain goes from the base of the palm to the tips of the fingers. Unpleasant sensations cover the entire length of the fingers, they do not concentrate in any joints;
pain may radiate up the arm;
unpleasant sensations are aggravated at night or closer to the morning. During the day, pain and numbness are less pronounced;
the appearance of the joints is not changed;
sometimes - a slight swelling of the hand and fingers;
sometimes - pallor of the fingers or their cyanosis (acrocyanosis).
Prevention of carpal syndrome:
the use of special mouse pads that relieve stress (with rollers and a support for the brush);
breaks during prolonged work at the computer;
warm-up, shaking hands.


There are three types of injuries:
bone injury;
injuries of the articular-ligamentous apparatus and tendons;
muscle tissue injury.

Dislocation of the finger

A dislocation most often occurs in the first (thumb) finger.
sharp pain in the affected finger;
unnatural position of the finger - it sticks out of the joint;
lack of movement in the affected finger.

Angiospastic peripheral crisis

in mild forms - paresthesia (sensitivity disorders) in the fingers and toes;
cyanosis of the skin;
pain in the fingers;
in pronounced forms - blanching of the fingers;
cold fingers;
cyanosis of fingers joins later;
then there is reddening of the fingers (Raynaud's syndrome).
the attack lasts for several minutes;
such an attack can be repeated several times a day.

Provoking factors:
mental trauma.

Diseases of the blood vessels of the hands

finger fatigue during physical exertion;
numbness in the fingers (intermittent);
sometimes - the skin of the fingers is pale;
sometimes - the skin of the fingers is cold to the touch. A provoking factor may be working with cold water;
heaviness in the hands;
feeling of weakness in the fingers;
thickening of nails;
hair loss on the fingers.
The lumen of the arteries of the hands gradually narrows more and more over time, the blood flow is more disturbed.
Signs of process progression:
pain in the fingers, hands becomes constant;
pain appears even with minimal exertion;
the skin of the fingers is cold;
the pulse on the wrist, on the radial arteries becomes weaker, or it is not palpable at all.

vibration sickness

It occurs in people associated with work with a mechanized tool, from which there is a local vibration on the fingers.

There are several stages of vibration disease.

signs 1st stage:
pain in the fingers (transient);
sensory disturbances (paresthesia) of the fingers;
feeling of numbness in the fingers.

signs 2nd stage:
pain and paresthesia become more stable;
there are changes in vascular tone (capillaries, also larger vessels);
sensitivity disorders are quite pronounced. The sensitivity to vibration is especially reduced;
symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia appear;

signs 3rd stage vibration sickness:
there are bouts of pain;
bouts of numbness;
expressed vasomotor, trophic disorders;
the syndrome of vasospasm is clearly expressed - the fingers turn white, there are mixed sensitivity disorders (peripheral, often segmental).

Ulnar nerve neuropathy

Occurs due to injury or compression of the nerve in the area of ​​​​the elbow joint or the wrist.

Typical symptoms:
pain in the ring finger and little finger of the hand;
paresthesia in these fingers;
pain on palpation and percussion of the area of ​​nerve compression.
as the pathology progresses, movement disorders of the 4th and 5th fingers (weakness of abduction, adduction of fingers);
atrophy of the interosseous muscles and muscles of the hypothenar;
the formation of the so-called "clawed brush".

Raynaud's syndrome

Sometimes the syndrome flows as an independent disease - not accompanied by other diseases. Sometimes Reyono's syndrome can be a symptom of other diseases (for example, scleroderma).
Characteristic signs:
paroxysmal pain in the fingers;
the pain is severe, burning in nature;
pain is accompanied by a sharp whitening of the fingertips.

hand injuries.

With frequent attacks, the nutrition of tissues is disrupted, the access of oxygen to them is difficult. This can (rarely) lead to necrosis of areas of the finger.
Diagnosis is sometimes difficult. In any case, Raynaud's syndrome must be treated so as not to cause complications.


Inflammation of the tissues of the finger. The pathological process usually covers the tip of the finger.

Most often, panaritium occurs due to an infection that is introduced with poor-quality manicure (burr removal), infection of abrasions in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nail, etc.

the nature of the pain is twitching;
the pain gradually increases;
pain worse at night;
redness of the finger;
any touch on the finger is painful;
often - an increase in body temperature.

This disease requires an immediate appeal to the surgeon, since severe complications are possible with panaritium, namely, blood poisoning (sepsis) and finger deformity.


This is the name for an increase in the number of red blood cells in a person's blood. The disease occurs in people over the age of 15, but the peak incidence is observed in people after 50. Men are more often ill.
There are three forms of the disease.

Primary polycythemia. Red, white blood cells and platelets are overproduced.
Reactive polycythemia (secondary). This is a complication of diseases that are not related to blood problems.
Pseudopolycythemia (stress polycythemia). Occurs when there is a decrease in the amount of plasma, the liquid part of the blood.

Polycythemia vera is caused by a large number of red blood cells, high erythrocytosis, a larger than usual circulating blood volume, and an increase in blood viscosity.
The disease progresses gradually.

heaviness in the head;
skin itching, worse after taking a bath;
erythromelalgia - pain in the fingertips, paroxysmal;
numbness of the fingertips.

These symptoms are associated with impaired microcirculation, increased blood filling of the vessels.


Degenerative process of tendon tissue. The primary reaction of the tendon to constant overload is swelling, microscopic breakdown of collagen, changes in the surrounding mucosa. In more severe forms, mucous degeneration develops - the central part of the tendon is replaced by a jelly-like mucous sediment.

There may also be tendovaginitis - inflammation in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tendons, which are covered with a synovial membrane. The shell at the same time shows an inflammatory reaction - the release of transudate or exudate, which contain inflammatory cells. The reaction can occur due to overloads on the sheath, trauma to the joint, or inflammation.

Causes of tendinitis:
increased physical activity;

During work, the place of attachment of muscles to the skeleton suffers a heavy load. With excessive and regular load, degenerative changes occur in the tissues of the tendon, cartilage tissues. Small areas of tissue necrosis, areas of fatty degeneration of tissues appear, calcium salts are deposited.
Salt deposits are more likely to occur precisely at the site of the former injury - a microrupture of the tendon fiber.

Calcium salts can also damage surrounding tissues because they have a hard structure.
With prolonged physical exertion, the cartilage tissue between the tendon fibers ossifies, bone growths are formed - osteophytes, spikes and spurs. These processes lead to tendinosis.
Tendinosis or tendinopathies indicate an excess load on the muscle.

Most often, they occur in athletes, since it is they who have excessive loads on the muscles, sometimes such loads are completely prohibitive. Workers whose work is associated with significant physical labor are also ill.

Diseases of a rheumatic nature can also lead to tendinosis:
rheumatoid arthritis;
reactive arthritis;

Some types of tendonitis that can cause pain in the fingers

De Quervain's disease

Tenosynovitis stenosing the short extensor and long abductor muscles of the 1st finger of the hand. With this pathology, the first canal of the dorsal carpal ligament narrows.

Main symptoms:
pain in the thumb of the hand when it is extended and abducted;
pain on palpation of the radial xoti (styloid process);
positive Elkin test.
Elkin's test: ask the patient to bring the tip of the 1st finger of the finger with the tips of the 2nd and 5th fingers. If the patient feels pain, then the test is considered positive.

Ulnar styloiditis

Stenosing tendovaginitis of the extensor ulnaris of the hand. With this pathology, the 6th canal of the dorsal carpal ligament narrows.

Main symptoms:
pain in the ulna, in the region of the styloid process;
swelling of the area.

Treatment of tendinitis
Therapy at an early stage:
physiotherapy (ultrasound, laser and magnetotherapy);
taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
taking systemic enzyme therapy drugs.

Therapy for the second stage of tendonitis:
exercise therapy;
the use of special fixatives (including bandaging).

If conservative therapy does not improve the condition, surgical treatment is prescribed. The hypertrophic degenerative tissue of the tendinous area is excised and then repaired and treated as in an acute tear.

Spinal injuries (cervical)

If there are no local causes for the appearance of pain in the hand (joint damage or injury), then you need to pay attention to the spine, in particular, the cervical region.
Pain in the hand can be with such pathologies of the spine:
osteochondrosis of the spine (cervical);
intervertebral hernia;
protrusion of the intervertebral disc;
cervical sciatica.

Pain in the hand with these pathologies is caused by the fact that inflammation or compression of the nerve pathways at the outlet of the spinal cord leads to a disruption in the transmission of nerve impulses that go to the hand. The pain can radiate to the entire arm, as well as to the wrist joint, to individual fingers.

discomfort (pain, numbness of fingers) in one hand;
the process covers either all fingers of the hand, or only the little finger and ring finger.

Very characteristic is the spread of pain from the elbow to the hand. Sometimes it is this symptom that provides the main information for diagnosis. It allows you to identify which particular vertebra caused the pain.

Osteochondrosis of the spine (cervical)

The main symptom of nerve root compression is pain.

Typical symptoms:
pain can be sharp, cutting;
feeling the passage of an electric current;
the pain spreads from top to bottom: from the area of ​​​​the shoulder girdle to the shoulder, forearm and fingers;
pain often radiates to the ring finger and little finger;
often - numbness of the fingers;
feeling of "crawling";
feeling of being frozen;
sensory disturbances (paresthesia);
all symptoms become more pronounced during the load on the spine;
paresthesia and pain become more intense when the head is tilted to the healthy side, as well as when sneezing, coughing, straining;
the pain is often worse at night;
sharply limited mobility in the affected spine.

Diagnosis of lesions of the spine:
collection of patient complaints;
CT (computed tomography);
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).

Therapy for osteochondrosis of the spine is long. There is no complete cure.
In the first stages - conservative treatment:
manual therapy - according to strict medical indications, it can not be used for disc herniation;
Spa treatment.
In later forms of osteochondrosis, surgery is often indicated.

Cardiac ischemia. myocardial infarction

Sometimes pain in the hands and fingers can be one of the signs of heart damage, especially if the pain is concentrated in the left hand and radiates to the upper arms. This symptom may be one of the signs of an exacerbation of coronary heart disease or myocardial infarction.

With cardiac pathologies, pain in the fingers and hand is combined with the following symptoms:
pressing pain behind the sternum, under the left scapula, in the left arm;
shortness of breath, shortness of breath;
difficulty breathing, shortness of breath;
pale skin;
cold sweat;
sometimes nausea;
feeling of anxiety and inexplicable fear.

If there is a combination of all of the above signs, then you need to call an ambulance.

conducting an ECG;
collection of complaints;
examination of the patient.

Therapy is long-term, with the use of drugs that improve the blood supply to the heart muscle.

localized pain

In addition to the conditions already listed that can cause pain in the fingers, there are several other diseases that can cause pain in one or more fingers.
Pain in the index finger, as well as in the thumb and middle finger, often occurs with damage to the median nerve of the forearm. The same localization of pain is possible with radiculitis of the cervical spine.

Due to damage to the branches of the nerves of the hands (for example, after an injury), tumors of the nervous tissue (benign) can form on the fingers.

These tumors are painful, sometimes the pain spreads up the arm.
Violations of the dorsal digital nerve (it is very sensitive) can be caused by pressure that an instrument (for example, scissors) exerts on the thumb during prolonged work. These injuries cause burning pain in this place.

If the pain is point and localized only in the terminal phalanx of only one finger, and more often in the area of ​​​​the nail bed, then we can assume the presence of a benign skin tumor, which is rich in nerve fibers.

Sometimes the neoplasm appears as a blue spot under the skin of the finger or under the nail.

With this disease, local pain appears at first only with pressure, then it occurs spontaneously even with the usual lowering of the hands down.

The feeling of pain in the joints of the fingers is a phenomenon that has become widespread among people over forty years old, but younger people can also experience a symptom. If the joints of the fingers hurt, it is recommended that every person know the causes and treatment, since no one is immune from the problem.

Joints are connections between bones, consisting of an articular bag, synovial membrane, hyaline cartilage, synovial fluid.

The human hand is equipped with the most mobile joints, providing all fine motor skills. There are 29 articular joints in one hand. There are three sections in the hand:

  1. wrist;
  2. metacarpus;
  3. fingers.

The most mobile joints are located in the fingers, providing grasping and other functions. Each finger, excluding the thumb, is equipped with three joints - in total, this is slightly less than half of all joints of the hand.

A small area of ​​the articular surface, a relatively thin connective sheath predispose to the frequent pathology of these joints.

Predisposing factors for pain in the joints of the fingers

Doctors identify predisposing factors that lead to diseases of the joints of the fingers. Predisposing factors do not necessarily lead to the development of pathology, while increasing the risk of occurrence.

Risk factors include:

  • changes in the hormonal system;
  • pathological processes in the immune defense system;
  • hereditary factors;
  • chronic, acute infectious processes;
  • pathological changes in normal metabolism;
  • influence of environmental factors;
  • injuries and injuries, the treatment of which is not given due attention.

It is impossible to completely eliminate the influence of risk factors.

Possible reasons

If pain in the joints of the fingers has developed, it is recommended to determine the causes and treatment accurately and in a short time. Problems with the articular surfaces of the hand develop under the influence of a large number of reasons, of which the most commonly diagnosed are:

  1. arthritis;
  2. arthrosis;
  3. osteomyelitis;
  4. mechanical injury;
  5. bursitis;
  6. gout;
  7. sharp narrowing of peripheral vessels.


Arthritis is an inflammatory lesion of the joint of acute and chronic type. Additional symptoms include swelling in the affected area, redness of the skin. Arthritis of the fingers in an isolated form is rare, more often other joints in the patient's body are affected.

Doctors distinguish types of arthritis:

  • infectious - bacteria enter the joint bag during a systemic disease;
  • psoriatic - accompanies psoriasis, the signs of which are scaly spots on the body;
  • rheumatoid - develops under the complex influence of several factors: overwork, stress, weakening of immunity mechanisms, infectious diseases.


Arthrosis is a disease that leads to a change in the configuration of the articular surfaces. Pain in the fingers due to arthrosis develops gradually, so doctors recommend starting treatment in the early stages.

The characteristic signs of arthrosis are the symmetry of the manifestation of pain and the alternating defeat of all fingers, starting with the thumb.


Osteomyelitis is a purulent inflammation of the joints and surrounding tissues. Osteomyelitis develops when pyogenic microorganisms enter the joint bag.

The process is acute, it begins with a jump in temperature to a mark of 40 degrees and above. Gradually join the symptoms of general intoxication of the body: weakness, nausea and vomiting, chills.

Pain in the fingers gradually increases during the first few days. The skin over the affected joint turns purple, becomes shiny and stretched due to severe swelling. Mobility is limited. The disease in its advanced form is characterized by a gradual loss of mobility in the entire arm, and not just in the hand.

Mechanical injury

Of the mechanical injuries, doctors most often encounter dislocations. A dislocation is a displacement of the articular surfaces, accompanied by soreness, a change in the shape of the joint, and swelling of the tissues.

Athletes suffer from dislocations. The thumb is most commonly affected because it is farthest from the other fingers. Due to the anatomical location, the thumb is under attack with every wrong movement. The ligamentous apparatus is not always able to adequately compensate for the load, which leads to injury.


Bursitis is an inflammatory reaction that develops in the joint bag and is accompanied by the accumulation of fluid in the cavity. Bursitis is easily distinguished from other diseases by the shape of the swelling around the affected joint: the swelling is round and soft to the touch. Swelling can be seen visually.

Bursitis, as the cause of pain in the fingers, requires timely treatment, as it becomes chronic in a short time. With the transition to the chronic type, the accumulation of mineral salts in the joint bag begins, which increases pain.

If against the background of bursitis there was an attachment of purulent microflora, then doctors speak of a purulent type of disease.


Gout is diagnosed in the ankle joint, but sometimes found in the fingers. The reason for the development of the disease is a failure in the mechanism of utilization of purines, leading to their deposition in the joints.

Gout develops slowly, which is why patients turn to doctors only when the joints completely lose their mobility, and it is no longer possible to reverse the process.

Sharp constriction of peripheral vessels

A sharp narrowing of the vessels that provide nutrition to peripheral tissues is called an angiopathic peripheral crisis. The crisis is characterized by cold extremities, cyanosis, turning into reddening of the skin. The reason leading to the development of an angiopathic peripheral crisis is hypothermia.

In addition to the common causes of joint pain, there are causes that are less common:

  • Raynaud's syndrome, in which the fingers hurt paroxysmal, and the skin becomes sharply pale;
  • polycythemia, characterized by an excess of red blood cells (there are three types);
  • osteochondrosis, which affected the cervical spine, which causes pinching of the nerve roots;
  • de Quevren's disease, characterized by inflammatory processes in the ligament of the thumb;
  • tunnel syndrome that develops in young people due to prolonged work at the computer;
  • vibration disease, which is formed while working with mechanisms that create vibration, etc.

Establishing the cause of pain in the joints of the fingers contributes to the treatment.

Treatment of pain in the joints of the fingers for identified causes

If the joints of the fingers hurt and the causes of pain are established, treatment can begin.

Therapy is based on the elimination of the underlying disease and only then on the impact on pain, as a symptom of pathology.

In addition to eliminating the underlying disease and pain relief, it is recommended to restore joint function as much as possible.

  1. with simple pain in the fingers, not accompanied by swelling or redness, it is possible to independently apply an elastic bandage and create rest for the limb;
  2. in case of injury, cold is applied to the affected area, the duration of such a compress is about half an hour; on the second day after the injury, it is better to apply warm compresses that help blood circulation and active restoration of the joint.

Medical treatment

Drug treatment should perform two main functions: to eliminate pain and stop the process of inflammation. Basically, doctors use cyclooxygenase inhibitors, or, as they are also called, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

If the cause of pain lies in an autoimmune disease, the patient is prescribed a course of glucocorticosteroids.

An acute infectious disease requires not only the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but also the prescription of antibiotics. Antibiotics should be selected individually during a consultation with a doctor. It is important to establish which microflora contributed to the development of symptoms, and to choose antibacterial agents that will act specifically on this microflora.

To relieve symptoms, doctors prescribe gels and ointments with a menthol component as topical agents.

If a dystrophic lesion of the articular surfaces is diagnosed, it is recommended to use drugs from the group of chondroprotectors. Chondroprotectors are substances that can replace cartilage tissue that has undergone a destructive process.

The effectiveness of chondroprotectors is explained by their composition, which is closest to the natural structure of cartilage tissue. The effect of medicines of this group is enhanced due to vitamins and plant extracts, which act as excipients.

If the pain symptom is very pronounced, it is possible to prescribe different groups of painkillers.

Depending on the severity of the symptom, pain medication is selected individually.

Physiotherapy and gymnastics

Physiotherapeutic techniques are widely used in the fight against infectious pathogens, the reproduction of which has led to the appearance of pain in the articular surfaces. From the methods of physiotherapy use:

  • the introduction of novocaine under the action of electrophoresis;
  • electrosleep;
  • resonance therapy.

If the infectious disease of the joint is in remission, massage sessions, therapeutic mud wraps, and manual therapy are recommended.

Pain in the fingers is not a reason to deprive the limbs of any load, making them at rest. Doctors recommend choosing a set of exercises that strengthens the ligamentous and muscular apparatus of the hand. It is recommended to start gymnastics as soon as the acute phase of the disease has passed.

diet therapy

An auxiliary method of treating pain in the joints of the fingers, when the causes are known, is diet therapy. The selection of a rational diet, for example, for gout, will help reduce the severity of the disease and have a general strengthening effect on the joints.

Joint pain is usually associated with diseases of the elderly. However, this is not quite true. There are many diseases that can cause this symptom at a fairly young age. What to do if the joints of the fingers hurt, and what causes it?


There are more than 300 joints in the entire musculoskeletal system. Some are involved in human movements constantly, others function less frequently. The most mobile are the joints of the fingers. In addition, they are quite small, which increases the likelihood of their destruction at the slightest excess of the load.

A joint is a junction of bones that is surrounded by:

  • synovial fluid;
  • hyaline cartilage;
  • Articular bag;
  • Synovial membrane.

Anatomy of the hand

Pathology of any of the above structures leads to various diseases that affect the entire joint and provoke pain.

Diseases with pain in the fingers

Each finger of the hand has 3 bones and 3 joints. The cause of pain may be inflammatory or traumatic.

Below are the main diseases in which articular pain in the hand may appear.


This is a disease of inflammatory etiology. It can occur both acutely and chronically. The joint itself and adjacent tissues are inflamed.

Arthritis symptoms:

  • Pain on movement or at rest;
  • local edema;
  • Redness and local fever;
  • Crunch;
  • Restriction of mobility;
  • Shape change.

Rheumatoid arthritis

The connective tissue becomes inflamed, and the symptoms are more likely to bother on the middle and index fingers. Characteristic features are the symmetry of the lesion on both hands and increased pain at night.

If untreated, the disease from small joints can spread to larger ones.


It occurs as a result of metabolic disorders, in particular, purines. The accumulation of salts in the joint provokes inflammation, pain and limited mobility.

It usually starts in the big toe and then spreads to other joints. Inflamed and enlarged bones swell and bake. The exacerbation can take up to several weeks.

Psoriatic inflammation

The defeat is not symmetrical. All the bones on the finger are aching. The disease leads to deformation of the joints, as a result of which the fingers of the two hands look different.

When an infection enters the bones or other structural elements of the joint, infectious arthritis appears. How to treat such a disease depends on the nature of the pathogen and the localization of the lesion.

Such pathologies are accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • General intoxication;
  • An increase in body temperature;
  • Violation of the patient's condition.

Stenosing ligamentitis

Occurs when a ligament is damaged. Pain appears in all fingers except the little finger. The patient complains of burning and numbness, cyanosis and swelling are visually visible. With this disease, the knuckles are poorly extended. Symptoms disturb mainly in the morning. Inflammation of the thumb ligament is called de Quervain's disease.


This is the name of the condition when the cartilage tissue is destroyed. Why is this happening? The reasons may be hidden in hormonal or metabolic disorders, genetic predisposition, prolonged increased stress.

The patient is concerned about:

  • Movement restriction;
  • Crunch;
  • In the morning the joint aches and does not bend;
  • Increased discomfort during exercise.

When the joint of the thumb on the hand hurts, rhizarthrosis is possible, which is also a degenerative disease. If the thumb is under constant stress, the likelihood of a problem increases.


The cause is bacteria that trigger a purulent-necrotic process in the joints and soft tissues. Local symptoms are joined by general ones - fever, headache, malaise.

The result may be a curvature of the bones and immobility of the joints.


Inflammation is localized in the joint bags, where fluid begins to accumulate. You may notice that the finger is swollen, does not bend, and on palpation there is a sharp pain. It is possible to attach a secondary infection to the process and the onset of purulent bursitis.

Vascular disorders

If the pain is accompanied by certain changes in the skin (cyanosis, cooling, and then redness), an angiospastic crisis of peripheral vessels can be assumed.


Injury to the radiocarpal joint of the left hand provokes pain in the fingers of this hand. In advanced stages, the joints are very difficult to bend and unbend. Raynaud's syndrome also belongs to disorders of nerve conduction, when during uncomfortable sensations the fingertips turn white, since blood does not flow to them.

White color on the fingertips is a distinctive symptom of such a condition, which is quite dangerous due to the high probability of tissue necrosis.

median nerve clamp

Cervical osteochondrosis

Shooting pain, like a discharge of current, penetrates the patient from the joints of the forearm to the phalanges of the fingers. It usually hurts after a load on the spine.

An additional symptom is a violation of mobility in some part of the spine and pain when tilting the head.


A dislocation of the joint or a severe bruise of the phalanx can cause sharp pain. As a rule, the patient himself knows where he hit.

Visible symptoms may be bulging of the joint of the thumb or, for example, the little finger, redness, local fever.

vibration sickness

Occurs due to frequent work with vibration mechanisms. At first it is manifested by periodic discomfort, tingling more often than the middle or ring finger of the right hand. Then the paresthesia becomes permanent and turns into loss of sensation and whitening of the phalanges from the base to the tips.

tunnel syndrome

Quite common in the modern world, although few know what it is. The reason is prolonged work at the computer, as a result of which the nerve leading from the wrist to the thumb, index, middle and ring fingers is pinched.

Features of pain

  • Sometimes the nature of the pain can be very likely to point to a cause.. For example, pain in the morning when bending is most likely a symptom of inflammation in the joint, in particular arthritis;
  • If the joints are swollen and twisted during pregnancy, then the aches are associated with hormonal disorders. This may be a softening of the ligaments or, for example, a calcium deficiency. Often the joints ache after childbirth;
  • If the fingers do not bend well after sleep, this may be due to vascular pathology and swelling;
  • Unpleasant sensations after exercise also indicate problems with blood vessels. It hurts not only to clench your fist, but also numbness is felt and convulsions are possible.

Who is prone to joint disease?

The likelihood of problems with the joints of the fingers depends on several predisposing factors:

  • Frequent infectious diseases;
  • Increased load and premature wear of the joints;
  • Age over 40;
  • Hormonal and metabolic disorders;
  • Hypothermia and injury.


To diagnose why the joints began to hurt, the following methods will help:

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe a urine and blood test.

Which doctor treats diseases of the joints?

At the first complaints of twisting and aching in the bones, you should contact a therapist, who will then refer you to a narrower specialist. Depending on the cause of the pathology, it can be an orthopedist, neurologist, surgeon, traumatologist and rheumatologist.


The basis of therapy is drugs of the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Movalis, Nimesil). In most diseases, they help eliminate the very cause and discomfort (when small or medium joints twist and hurt).

With poor efficiency, they switch to hormonal drugs (Dexamethasone, Metipred)

With degenerative changes, which are especially visible on the little finger and index finger, chondroprotectors (Don, Structum, Chondroxide ointment) should be prescribed.

Many drugs have side effects, so they should be selected only by a doctor after determining the exact cause of the disease.

Folk methods of treatment

If the joints are severely twisted and the pain reduces the quality of life, the patient can use folk remedies in parallel with medications:

  • Lotions from a mixture of vodka, honey and aloe will help relieve pain in the joints of the elbows and hands;
  • Infusion of lingonberry berries and leaves - they drink it inside, like tea. Removes discomfort in the little fingers, ring and other fingers, and is often used for arthrosis;
  • A piece of propolis is mixed with sunflower oil, getting an ointment. With fingertips, it should be easily rubbed into sore joints.

Video exercises for the joints of the fingers