Application or drawing on the theme of my family. Volumetric application on the theme "family". Application "Beautiful house"

Subject: My friendly family

Integration of educational areas: "Knowledge" (formation of a holistic picture of the world), "Communication", "Artistic creativity" (application), "Reading fiction", "Health".

Types of children's activities:playful, communicative, productive, reading.

The purpose of the teacher's activity: to form ideas about the family and its members, about the friendly relations of relatives; about the emotional state of family members; to cultivate love and respect for their relatives; form the concept: my home, my family; arouse in children the joy of the image they created; develop the habit of careful work.

Planned results of the development of the integrative qualities of a preschooler: follows the development of action in dramatization games (meeting a hedgehog) with emotional interest, answers the teacher's questions during a conversation about family members, is active in creating a collective composition in the Beautiful House application.

Material and equipment: pictures depicting family members, a picture depicting the whole family, a double-sided palm with sad and cheerful faces, a white paper house, various figures cut out of colored paper.

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, listen, someone is knocking. Who is it that came to visit us? (Hedgehog enters)

Hedgehog: Hello guys! I brought you a letter, your address is written here. Here, take it. (Hands over to teacher)

Educator: Hello, hedgehog! Thank you very much, come in, be our guest.

Hedgehog: Not when I, I still have a lot to do. I'll be sure to check it out next time guys!

All: Goodbye, hedgehog. Come visit us again.

2. Riddles. Conversation about family members.

Educator: Children, let's see what kind of letter the hedgehog brought us. Guys, this is a mystery. Now listen to the riddle:

She radiates light

A dimple from a smile ...

Nobody is more valuable

Than native…

Children: Mom.

(Exposes a picture of mother on a flannelograph).

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

How is your mother's name?

Who are you for mom?

What does your mother affectionately call you?

Teacher: Great! Now listen to the following riddle:

Guess who is it?

Kind, strong, clever, brave.

I'm waiting for your answer guys

Well done! Of course…

Children: Dad.

Educator: Well done, guys, right!

(Exposes a picture of dad).

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

What name of your father?

Who are you to dad?

Teacher: Great, guys! Read the following riddle:

All economy: quinoa,

Yes Corydalis Ryabushka,

But cheesecakes always

We will be fed...

Children: Grandmother.

Educator: Well done, guys, right!

(Exposes a picture of a grandmother).

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

What are you to grandma?

Educator: Well done! And here's another riddle:

Soak in warm milk

He's a piece of bread

Walks with a stick in his hand

Our beloved…

Children: Grandpa.

Educator: Yes, guys, right!

(Exposes a picture of a grandfather).

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

Who are you to grandpa?

Teacher: Great, guys! You are all just smart.

(Exposes a picture of the whole family).

And all these people together are called by one word - Family. Guys, let's show our family on the palm of our hand.

3. Finger gymnastics "Family".

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is dad

This finger is mom

And this finger is me,

That's my whole family.

(Palm with sad faces is exposed).

Teacher: Oh guys. Something happened in this family. Look how sad they are. What do you think could happen?

Children: They quarreled.

Teacher: What do you think we can do?

Children: We need to reconcile the family.

Educator: Of course, guys, the family needs to be reconciled!

4. Mobile game "Reconciled"

Bad mood in our family in the morning,

And that's why things don't go well in our family.

(head down, arms along the body, turns to the right, to the left)

Our grandfather has a backache all day,

(lean forward, hands behind back)

An old grandmother's head is spinning,

(circular head movements)

Daddy wanted to hammer a nail, suddenly hit on his finger

(banging fists against each other)

Mom's dinner burned down, we have a scandal in the family

(looks at open palms)

Let's reconcile them, you need to love your family.

Let's smile at each other and hold hands

(hold hands and smile at each other)

Let's all hug together and then make peace!

(The family was reconciled, we turn the palm over, the family smiles).

Educator: Guys, look, the whole family is smiling again, everything is fine with them, they have reconciled. Where do you think the family lives?

Children: In your house.

(A paper white house is superimposed on the palm, with windows for each finger).

5. Application "Beautiful house".

Educator: Guys, look how sad the house is. What do you think should be done to make the house cheerful and beautiful? (Children express their guesses.) Let's decorate it and make it beautiful. The children and the teacher decorate the house.

Teacher: Well done guys! Look how beautiful and festive the house turned out for the family. Let's tell a poem about the house for everyone.

Children and teacher:

Houses are different

Brick, frame.

With iron balconies;

There are even snow

Just like the real ones.

But the best is mine

I live in it

With my family.

5. Reflection.

Guys, who came to visit us?

Whom did we reconcile with you?

And for whom did we decorate the house so beautifully?


  1. educational- to form an idea of ​​the family, as about people who live together.
  2. Educational- to develop a sense of pride in one's family, to activate the children's vocabulary based on deepening knowledge about their family.
  3. nurturing- to cultivate a desire to take care of loved ones.

Preliminary work: drawings of children "My mother" (grandmother, sister), "My father".

Equipment: glue, brush, finished parts of chicken, rooster and chicken.

Lesson progress

Organizing moment:

All the children gathered in a circle.
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly
And we smile at each other.

Look at your faces, who would I be friends with here? I am Oksana Alexandrovna, and who are you? Tell me, what is your affectionate name? (Ksyushenka, Renarochka ....).

Hello, dear children, you are the most beautiful in the world. Here are such good-looking, I invite you to play.

Lesson topic message.

- Guys, today we have a photo exhibition "My Family" in our group.

Who wants to talk about their family? (children optionally approach the photo of their family, tell who is depicted).

Along the way, the teacher asks about family members, who's name, where the family was photographed.

- Who do you live with?

- Who is the oldest in your family?

- Who is the youngest?

- What are you to your mother?

- What about grandma?

- Do you love your loved ones? Why? (because they are kind, affectionate, caring).

Who and what does the family do?

- Who cares about you?

– How do you think of others?

Guys, now let's play the game "Collect the chain"

  • baby - girl - preschooler - schoolgirl - student - mother-grandmother;
  • baby - boy - preschooler - schoolboy - student - dad-grandfather;

The development of connected speech.

Guys, what do you usually call your mother? (mommy, mommy)?

What do you call your daddy (daddy, daddy)?

And what is the name of your mother, grandparents (Zinochka, daughter)?

What are the names of your grandparents?

What do your parents call them?

And if your loved ones get sick, how will you feel sorry for them?


Guys what season is it? Autumn is correct. And let's imagine that we have become leaves. Everyone stand up and let's picture this:

We are autumn leaves
We are sitting on branches.
The wind blew - flew
We flew, we flew.
And they sat quietly on the ground.
The wind picked up again.
And lifted all the leaves
Twirled, flew
And they sat down on the ground again.

Communication of new knowledge.

The teacher offers children illustrations from children's books, which depict families of animals and birds (rooster, chicken, chickens; a cat with kittens, a bird with chicks in a nest).

- Do you think you can say that these pictures depict a family. Why?

- What does a cat feel next to her kittens?

What do chickens feel next to a rooster and a hen?

- That's right, both animals and birds experience a sense of joy when they are surrounded by their families, because children please their parents by growing up, getting stronger, learning everything new in life. And the cubs rejoice that their parents warm them, protect them, take care of them. It's good that you all have a family! You are the happiest children in the world, because in your families they love each other, they all live together cheerfully and amicably. Families are big and small. The main thing is that the family should always have peace, friendship, respect, love for each other. The family has been revered since ancient times, the people have put together many proverbs.

  • "When the sun is warm, when the mother is good."
  • "There is no sweeter friend than your own mother."
  • "Gold and silver do not age, father and mother, they have no price."

And now we will make a gift for our own, such a family. (application "Family").

The guys sit down at the tables and make a gift to their family.

Discussion of children's work.

What would you like to wish your family?

And this is where our lesson ends. Well done children. All worked well.

Summary of productive activities

application in the middle group

on the topic: "My family."

Target: create conditions for the child to realize his place in the family.

Educational tasks:

Educational: Cultivate a caring attitude towards family members. Make children happy and proud that they have a family.

Educational:To teach children to cut out the round details of the appliqué, distribute the figures on the workpiece (wood) and stick them on.

Developing: Develop fine motor skills of the fingers and interest in the application.

Educational areas:social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Activities:game, communicative, visual, perception of fiction and folklore.

Preliminary work:family talk, poetry reading"Mom is the best friend" M. Skrebtsova, “ Poem about dad” R. Eidelman.

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual, practical, game.

Materials and equipment:pictures with trees (apple trees), glue stick, glue board, container for applique details, scissors, napkins.

Educator: Guys, today we will talk about family...

(knock on door)

Educator: I wonder who came to us?

(the teacher looks out the door and brings a basket of apples into the group, and a letter in it.)

Educator: Guys here is a letter (reads) “Hello guys, Fedya the Hedgehog writes to you, I sent you gifts from the forest. Although our family is large, the harvest this year was good, and I give you apples. Because I know that the kids love to eat them, like my hedgehogs.

Educator: The family can be big and small, but the main thing in the family should be love, friendship and respect. Who is in your family?

Children's answers.

Educator: Listen to my riddle. Who is she talking about?

Who is the most tender in the world?

Who cooks dinner for us?

And who do children love so much?

And who is not more beautiful?

Who reads books at night?

Doesn't he scold me and my brother?

Educator: Who is this? Our mother). Now listen to another one:

Who is not joking, but seriously

Will a nail teach us how to hammer?

Who will teach you to be brave?

Falling from a height, do not whine?

And scratched my knee

Don't cry. Of course (dad)

Educator: And now we will stand near our chairs and prepare pens.

Fizkultminutka “Who lives in our apartment? »

1, 2, 3, 4 - who lives in our apartment?

Dad, mom, brother, sister, cat Murka,

Two kittens, my cricket, a puppy and me.

That's my whole family.

Educator: Okay, sit down quietly. Mom and dad love you, take care of you. How do you help mom and dad?(children's answers).

Educator: I liked the way you talked about your family. I suggest you count how many family members live in your house.

(children consider mom, dad, themselves, brothers and sisters, if any)

Educator: Now imagine that your family is a tree, and you are apples, let's stick as many apples on your trees as there are family members in your house.

Show the kids the basis for the application, the details that need to be cut out. If necessary, help the kids correctly count the composition of the family, help in the process of cutting apples.


What have we learned about the family?

Did you enjoy today's lesson?

Educator: Let's take our applications to the parent box. Look what a beautiful garden we have! I have a poem for your work:

I have a wonderful tree.
It is my family
And it is family to me. Family is WE. Family is me
Family is my dad and mom, Family is a holiday at the round table,
Family is happiness
Family is home
Where they love and wait, and do not remember evil!

Conclusion: one more time consider the resulting applications, praise for the work done, for the good work.

Maria Martynova

Abstract of the lesson on the application on the topic:

"My family"

Targets and goals:

Systematize and expand knowledge about the family;

To cultivate a sensitive attitude towards adults, to cultivate a sense of pride in one's family;

Learn to create applications from geometric shapes, draw up work according to the model;

Develop artistic and aesthetic imagination;

Clarify ideas about geometric shapes: triangle, square, rectangle, circle, oval and their main features; - exercise in the analysis of various properties of figures;

Develop visual-figurative and abstract thinking;

Learn to select material for application.

Preparatory work

Conversation on the topic "My family";

Review safety rules when working with scissors;

Cutting geometric shapes in the evening.

Equipment and materials

Masks of a bear and a she-bear, a toy - a bear cub, a box, hearts made of cardboard, an application sample; a set of geometric shapes, scissors, colored paper, landscape paper for the base, PVA glue, brush holders, napkins, colored pencils.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

Children with a teacher in a circle.


All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other.

Educator: Guys, today we are waiting for unusual guests! Let's get ready for the meeting. (The teacher invites the children to stand in a semicircle). - And here are the guests.

The characters "bear" and "bear" enter. "Bear" is holding a teddy bear.

Etude "Loving parents" (The musical composition is a lullaby of a bear from the cartoon "Umka", music by E. Krylatov, lyrics by Yu. Yakovlev).

Mom - a bear and dad - a bear are rocking their beloved son - a bear cub. First, mother-bear shakes the bear cub, gently hugging him to her, and father-bear looks at mother and son with a kind smile, and he also sways a little. Mother bear gives the bear cub to the bear. Then the father-bear shakes the baby, and the mother-bear looks at both affectionately, with love.

Teacher: Who did we meet? How, in one word, to call them all together?

Children: Family.

Teacher: What is their family like? What do you think, Nastya? Egor, what do you think, what kind of family do they have? I agree with you that they have a caring, loving family. Polina, why do you think so? Sasha? (Answers of children).

Educator: That's right, this is a family. And these are loving and caring parents and their child. Masha and Maxim, you tried so hard, they looked like a real family. Thank you! (Heroes leave).

2. The main part.

Children's stories about their families.

Educator: Guys, you also have families, but they are different, unlike each other. Let's talk about them. I have an unusual box. In it we will add words about the family, different words that are not similar to each other. (The teacher takes a tray with a box and hearts cut out of cardboard on it).

Educator: I, like you, have a family, so let me be the first to put the word about my family. Listen and see how I do it. "My family is healthy because we walk in the fresh air every day."

(He takes a heart from a tray and puts it in a box. Children take turns passing the box, putting hearts in it, saying words about the family).

Educator: And the box returned to me, full of kind and good words about the family. Each of you spoke about the family in an interesting way, in your own way. And now let's go to the tables and dream a little. I propose to make an application on the theme “My family” from colored paper, but exercise your fingers before work.

Finger gymnastics "Friendly family".

(In accordance with the words of the nursery rhyme, the children alternately bend their fingers, starting with the thumb).

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

But this finger is me,

Together - a friendly family!

Teacher: And now let's get to work. (The teacher invites the children to make members of their family from the materials, explains the sequence of work, shows individual techniques).

1) Sample analysis.

Educator: Guys, look at the finished sample on the board, tell us what geometric shapes the little men consist of - mom, dad, son, daughter?

Children: The figures of little men consist of circles, rectangles, squares, triangles.

Educator: What is the difference between a circle and a square, a rectangle and a triangle? Why did we choose a circle for the face and a rectangle for the torso?

Children: A circle has no corners, but a square has four. A rectangle has four corners and four sides, while a triangle has three corners and three sides. A circle is shaped like a face, and a rectangle is like a torso.

Educator: Why are the sizes of little men different? What does it depend on?

Children: Because adults are older than children and taller.

2) Preparation of geometric shapes from colored paper for application.

Educator: You need to get from the set of geometric shapes those shapes that we will need when making the application. What are these figures?

Children: Circle, large and small triangles, rectangle, square.

Children take out the geometric shapes they need for application from the set.

Educator: Guys, there are sheets of colored paper on the tables in front of you. You must take geometric shapes in turn, put them on colored paper, trace with a pencil, and then cut out blanks for appliqué.

The teacher shows the children how to do this work, draws attention to the number of blanks, to the correct handling of scissors.

3) Placement of appliqué details on the base.

The teacher explains and shows the correct placement of the figures on the basis, the children, by analogy, perform this task.

4) Fixing the details of the application on the base with a brush and glue.

5) Supplementing the application with details drawn with colored pencils (eyes, nose, mouth, hair, mustache, beard, etc.).

Children complete this task independently under the guidance of a teacher.

Summary of the lesson

Educator: What did we do today in class, what did we talk about, what did we like the most, what did we learn? (Answers of children).

Educator: Guys, you all tried very well today, you got wonderful applications. Thanks for the activity.


While working with scissors, you can not spin;

Do not bring scissors close to your face and wave them;

If the scissors need to be handed over to a comrade, then they must be extended to him only with the rings forward;

When you hand them over to a comrade, you need to carefully monitor how the comrade picks them up;

Do not put scissors on the edge of the table, they can fall and injure your leg.

Synopsis of the OOD for the application

on the topic: "My family"

in the middle group

Target: systematize and expand knowledge about the family.


  • to cultivate a sensitive attitude towards adults, to cultivate a sense of pride in one's family;
  • learn to create applications from geometric shapes, draw up work according to the model;
  • develop artistic and aesthetic imagination;
  • clarify ideas about geometric shapes: triangle, square, rectangle, circle, oval and their main features;
  • exercise in the analysis of various properties of figures;
  • develop visual-figurative and abstract thinking;
  • learn to select material for application.

Preparatory work

  • Conversation on the topic "My family";
  • Review safety rules when working with scissors;
  • Cutting geometric shapes in the evening.

Equipment and materials:

Drawing depicting a family, sample application; a set of geometric shapes, scissors, colored paper, landscape paper for the base, PVA glue, brush holders, napkins, colored pencils.

Lesson progress

Children enter the group one after another, the teacher invites the children to join hands and form a circle.

Educator: “All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And smile at each other."

Look at your faces, who would I be friends with here?

I am Tatyana Nikolaevna, and who are you? Tell me what your affectionate name is (Irochka, Sashenka...).

Hello dear guys, you are the most beautiful in the world. Here are such good-looking, I invite you to play.

Educator: Show what kind of facial expression dad and mom have when they are happy, when they are in a good mood.

And if they get angry, frown?

Children show facial expressions.Educational activities with children.Children sit on chairs in the playroom.

Educator: Guys, look at this picture. Who do you think these people are?

How can you call them, in one word? (Family.) Yes, of course, this is a family.

Educator: And now let's go to the tables and dream a little. I propose to make an application on the theme “My family” from colored paper, but exercise your fingers before work.

Finger gymnastics "Friendly family".

(In accordance with the words of the nursery rhyme, the children alternately bend their fingers, starting with the thumb).

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

But this finger is me,

Together - a friendly family

Educator: Guys, look at the finished sample on the board, tell us what geometric shapes the little men consist of - mom, dad, son, daughter?(The figures of little men consist of circles, rectangles, squares, triangles).

Educator: What is the difference between a circle and a square, a rectangle and a triangle? Why did we choose a circle for the face and a rectangle for the torso?(A circle has no corners, but a square has four. A rectangle has four corners and four sides, and a triangle has three corners and three sides. A circle is shaped like a face, and a rectangle is like a torso.)

Educator: Why are human beings different sizes? What does it depend on? (Because adults are older than children and taller).

Educator: Well done, now let's get to work. You need to place geometric shapes on the base. Then h attach the appliqué details to the base with a brush and glue.Complete the application with colored pencils with details (eyes, nose, mouth, hair, mustache, beard, etc.).