The Biblical Parable of the Prodigal Son: History and Significance. Modern interpretation of the parable of the prodigal son

The parable of the prodigal son can literally be called one of the most famous Gospel legends. According to her plot, pictures are painted and statues are created, she is remembered in films on biblical themes ... Even in the speech of a person far from religion, no, no, yes, it will slip through: "Oh, you prodigal son!" Moreover, there is a day during which the words of the parable are repeated in all Orthodox churches in the world. What kind of story is this?

A story of fall, remorse and all-forgiving love

Let us briefly recall the essence of the Gospel legend.

One father had two sons. Each of the children hoped over time to receive their share of the inheritance; however, the younger found it offensive to wait for the death of his parent in order to gain, as they would say now, financial independence. He went to his father and asked for the allotted part of the economy to him immediately, and having received it, he soon sold it and went to foreign lands in search of a riotous life.

Having lost his fortune, the guy fell into deep need and was forced to take on the darkest work, so as not to starve to death. Having pushed around for some time in a foreign land, the young man decided to return to his native land, to confess his mistakes and ask him to return to his parental home. At least as a hired worker! But the father, exhausted with anxiety for the unreasonable offspring, did not even listen to his repentant speeches - he immediately ordered the servants to dress and put shoes on the unlucky traveler and arrange a festival in his honor.

The incident made everyone happy, except for the boy's brother, who all this time remained at home, obediently fulfilling his filial duty. Convinced that he had become a victim of injustice, he began to blame his parent - they say, how can this be? I work tirelessly, and do not deserve a holiday like that which this worthless reveler was awarded ?!

The eldest son could not rejoice at his brother's return ...

- "You are always with me" - he heard in response. - “And all mine is yours. And your brother was dead and lost, but now he has revived and is found. How can I not be happy? "

What does the parable of the prodigal son teach? It will be easier to answer this question if we dwell in more detail on each of the images displayed in it.


It seems that many will guess that under the guise of a father in this story, the Lord himself appears, always ready to forgive and accept his children - if only they wanted to come. And they will be right.

Imagine! After all, the boy's father was probably offended by the unreasonable behavior of his son. Upset by his long absence. Perhaps he was annoyed by the loss of half of his fortune, about which he could at least casually blame the offspring who showed up on the doorstep: they say, he let down on drunk friends what I had made for years of honest work! .. But the parent did not even think of scolding.

The joy of the return of the prodigal son was so great that they immediately threw a feast in the house! And, of course, the first to sit at the table was a washed, dressed up and shod tramp who appeared under his stepfather's roof almost naked. The gesture, by the way, is symbolic: having ordered to find his son shoes, the father took him into the house on the same rights, although the young man agreed to the role of a simple worker who was not supposed to have shoes.

There was no greater joy for a father than to see his child safe and sound

If an earthly father did this for a reveler-like son, and easily, without anger in his soul, then will the Heavenly Father not accept the repentant sinner? Let him misbehave a lot, wasted the great gifts given to him - time, strength, spiritual purity - even if he upset and angered the Father more than once ... One has only to realize his fall, be imbued with a desire to change his life, come to the threshold of God's temple with a bowed head - and you will be heard ... For those who truly love us will not turn their backs on us.

It is not for nothing that Jesus himself, in his conversations with his disciples, says that in heaven one repentant sinner is more welcome than 99 righteous.

Prodigal son

Actually, why is the son called the prodigal? Because away from his father's house he led a dissolute lifestyle? Not really. If you turn to connoisseurs-linguists, they will tell you: the word that was used to denote an unreasonable youth in church books can be translated not only as "dissolute" or "wasteful", but also as "lost", "lost", "lost".

Repentant Sinner - Same Prodigal Son Returning Home

Lost is a son who perished in a foreign land in pursuit of pleasure. Lost is the one who departed from God and His love in search of a life not burdened by daily work on his soul ... And the one who managed to wake up one day and, taking a sober look at himself from the outside, find the strength to take the path of correction, is found. Saved. Returned to the parental home, where you can forget the hardships you have experienced, heal your sin-weary soul and truly resurrect ...

Even the meaning of the phraseology "prodigal son" keeps a note of positiveness. When we use it in everyday speech, we usually mean someone who has gone astray, abandoned family, friends, or a close-knit team. But at the same time, we often seem to imply that the “free tramp” can still change his mind and return. How else, after all, a soul mate, not a stranger!

The righteous son

When we read the biblical parable of the prodigal son, we traditionally focus on the key characters: the vagrant boy and his parent. Meanwhile, the second offspring is a curious figure!

How can one fail to recall the arrogant righteous Pharisee and the repentant publican!

How does the Gospel describe it? An honest guy who uncomplainingly worked on his father's arable land and vineyards, while his brother cheerfully burned his share of the inheritance in distant lands ... It seems that the eldest son had reasons to grumble at the sight of the jubilation that rose in the house because of the negligent offspring. After all, after the created, an honest man and a brother could not be called a brother!

But once you look at history from a different angle, the picture changes.

If, under the guise of the prodigal son, the legend brings us a sinner, then his righteous brother is a person who lives strictly according to the commandments of God. Regularly attending church. Observing fasts. He who knows by heart the prayers and where, when, and in what order they should be read. AND…

… And he who does not have the strength in his soul to rejoice for the resurrected - read, the church-going, reunited with God - brother. Alas, the righteousness of such people is based not on love, but on selfishness: look, Lord, how diligently I serve you, I try, I fulfill every letter of your commandments! You will not put me, through and through the pious, on the same level with the sinner, on whom, on occasion, I am not ashamed to snort contemptuously: let him know his place, unworthy ...

Another common symbol of a sinful person is the lost sheep.

In a word, the parable gives cause for thought to everyone. For sinners - to find the hope of salvation, remembering the mercy of God. For the righteous - to test the soul for pride. This year, February 24, the second preparatory week before Lent, is dedicated to the memories of the prodigal son. We will try to spend this day with benefit and if not eradicate unkind impulses in our souls, then at least realize them, and after realizing, take the first step towards eradicating our shortcomings.

Video: The Parable of the Prodigal Son

For the smallest - and adults who are more pleased to perceive visual information - we suggest watching a cartoon from the channel "Orthodoxy in Details" ...

... And a wonderful video sequence from MYDROSTVEKOV

Video: Return of the Prodigal Son

Luke, 79 credits, xv, 11-32.

11 A certain man had two sons; 12 And the younger of them said to his father: Father! give me the next to me part of the estate. AND father divided the estate to them.

13 After a few days, the younger son, having gathered everything, went to a distant country, and there he squandered his property, living dissolutely.

14 When he had lived through everything, there came a great famine in that country, and he began to be in need; 15 And he went and joined himself to one of the inhabitants of that country, and he sent him into his fields to feed pigs. 16 and he was glad to fill his belly with the horns that the pigs ate, but no one gave him.

17 And when he came to himself, he said: How many of my father's hired workers have enough bread, but I am dying of hunger; 18 I will rise, I will go to my father, and I will say to him: Father! I have sinned against heaven and before you 19 and am no longer worthy to be called your son; accept me as your mercenary.

20 He got up and went to his father. And while he was still far away, his father saw him and took pity; and running, fell on his neck and kissed him.

21 And the son said to him, Father! I have sinned against heaven and before you, and am no longer worthy to be called your son.

22 And the father said to his servants, Bring your best clothes and clothe him, and give a ring for his hand and shoes for his feet; 23 and bring the fatted calf, and kill; let's eat and have fun! 24 For this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found. And they began to have fun.

25 And his elder son was in the field; and returning, when he approached the house, he heard singing and exultation; 26 And calling one of the servants, he asked: What is this?

27 And he said to him, Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fatted calf, because he received him safe.

28 He was angry and did not want to enter. But his father went out and called him.

29 But he answered his father: behold, I have served you for so many years and have never violated your command, but you have never given me a goat to have fun with my friends; 30 But when this thy son, who squandered his property with harlots, came, you killed the fatted calf for him.

31 But he said to him, My son! you are always with me, and all mine is yours, 32 but about that it was necessary to rejoice and be glad, that your brother was dead and came to life, was lost and is found.

Interpretation of the parable of the prodigal son

In the parable of the prodigal son, the Lord likens the joy of God over the sinner's repentance to the joy of a child-loving father, to whom his prodigal son returned (vv. 11-32).

A certain person had two sons: God is represented under the image of this person; two sons are sinners and imaginary righteous - scribes and Pharisees. The younger, apparently having already reached the age of majority, but, of course, still inexperienced and frivolous, asks to allocate to him the allotted part of his father's estate, according to the Law of Moses (Deut. 21:17), a third part, while the older brother received two-thirds ...

Upon receiving the estate, the youngest son had a desire to live in freedom, of his own free will, and he left for a distant country, where he squandered the property he received, living prodigally. Thus, a person endowed with spiritual and bodily gifts from God, feeling an attraction to sin, begins to be weighed down by the Divine law, rejects life according to the will of God, indulges in lawlessness, and in spiritual and bodily profligacy he squanders all the gifts that God has endowed him with.

“A great famine has come” - this is how God often sends a sinner who has gone too far in his sinful life, and external calamities to force him to reason. These external calamities are both God's punishment and God's call to repentance.

“Shepherding pigs” is the most humiliating occupation for a true Jew, for the Jewish law abhorred the pig as it was unclean animals. Thus, a sinner, when attached to any object through which he satisfies his sinful passion, often brings himself to the most humiliating state. No one even gave him horns - these are the fruits of one tree growing in Syria and Asia Minor, which feed pigs. This indicates the extremely miserable condition of the sinner. And now he "comes to his senses."

“Coming to your senses” is an extremely expressive turn of speech. Just as a sick person recovering from a serious illness accompanied by loss of consciousness comes to his senses, so a sinner, all embraced by sin, can be likened to such a sick person who has lost consciousness, for he is no longer aware of the requirements of the law of God and his conscience seems to freeze. The grave consequences of sin, combined with external disasters, finally force him to wake up: as he wakes up, he comes to himself from his previous unconscious state, and a sober consciousness returns to him: he begins to see and understand all the misery of his state, and is looking for a way out of him.

“I will rise, I will go to my father” - this is the sinner's determination to forsake sin and repent. “Sinned into Heaven”, i.e. before the holy dwelling place of God and pure sinless spirits, “and before you” disdain for a loving father, “and already thy son is worthy to be baptized” is an expression of deep humility and consciousness of his unworthiness, which always accompanies the sinner's sincere repentance.

“Create me, as one from your mercenary” - an expression of deep love for the home and shelter of the fatherly and consent, even on the most difficult conditions, to be accepted into the father's house. All further portrayal of events is intended to emphasize the infinity of God's love for the repentant sinner, Divine forgiveness and the joy that happens, according to Christ, in heaven about the only sinner who repents (Luke 15: 7).

The elder father, seeing his son returning from afar and still not knowing anything about his inner mood, runs to meet him, hugs and kisses him, not letting him finish his repentant words, orders him to shoe and dress him, instead of rags, in the best clothes and arranges a home feast in honor of his return. All these are human-like features of how, out of love for a repentant sinner, the Lord mercifully accepts his repentance and endows him with new spiritual blessings and gifts, instead of those he lost through sin.

“Be dead and come alive” - a sinner alienated from God is the same as a dead person, for the true life of a person depends only on the source of life - God: the conversion of a sinner to God is therefore presented as a resurrection from the dead.

The elder brother, angry with his father for his mercy to his younger brother, is a living image of the scribes and Pharisees, who are proud of their appearance by the exact and strict fulfillment of the law, but in their souls they are cold and heartless in relation to their brothers, who boast of the fulfillment of the will of God, but do not want to have communion with repentant tax collectors and sinners. Just as the elder brother “was angry and did not even hear it,” so the alleged exact executors of the law, the Pharisees, were angry with the Lord Jesus Christ because He entered into close fellowship with repentant sinners. Instead of sympathizing with his brother and father, the elder brother begins to show his merits, he does not even want to call his brother “brother”, but contemptuously says: “this son is yours”.

“You are always with me and all mine is yours” - this indicates that the Pharisees, in whose hands the law, can always have access to God and spiritual goods, but cannot deserve the favor of the Heavenly Father with such a perverse and cruel spiritual and moral mood.

history of the holiday

The establishment of the week of the prodigal son dates back to the ancient times of Christianity. In addition to the church charter, the fathers and writers of the Church of the 4th and 5th centuries testify to its antiquity, who spoke in conversations this week, such as St. Chrysostom, Augustine, Asterius, Bishop of Amasia, and others. In the 8th century, Joseph the Studite wrote a canon for the week about the prodigal son, which is now sung by the Church that week.

Interpretations and sayings of the holy fathers:

  • Until death came, until the doors were closed, the opportunity to enter was not taken away, until terror fell on the universe, until the light faded ..., ask, sinner, bounty from the Lord (St. Ephraim the Syrian).
  • If we are hated by God for our sins, then we will again be loved for repentance (St. Nilus of Sinai).
  • Weep for sin, so that you do not weep for punishment, justify yourself before the Judge before you appear before the judgment seat ... Repentance opens heaven for man, it elevates him to paradise, it conquers the devil.
  • There is no sin, no matter how great, that overcomes God's love for mankind, if at the right time we bring repentance and ask for forgiveness.
  • Great is the power of repentance if it makes us pure like snow and white like a wave, even if sin has previously stained our souls (St. John Chrysostom).
  • Whether you are in the house of your father, do not rush to freedom. You see how this experience ended! Have you run away and are running away, stop quickly. Whether you squandered everything and are in distress, make up your mind to return as soon as possible, and return. All the indulgence, the old love and contentment awaits you there. The last step is the most necessary. But there is nothing to expand on about him. Everything is said briefly and clearly. Come to your senses, make up your mind to return, get up and hurry to the Father. His arms are open and ready to receive you (St. Theophan the Recluse).

Features of the worship of the week (week) about the prodigal son

1) At Matins on the Week of the Prodigal Son and then in the Meat and Cheese Week, after singing the polyeleos psalms (134 and 135) "Praise the name of the Lord" and "Confess to the Lord", psalm 136 is also sung: "On the rivers of Babylon ... "" with Red Alleluia. This psalm excites sinners who are in captivity to sin and the devil to realize their unhappy, sinful state, like the Jews who realized their bitter situation in captivity in Babylon and subsequently repented. Then Sunday troparia are sung - "The Cathedral of the Angel ...".

2) Singing at Matins after the 50th psalm of the penitent troparion: "Open the doors of repentance ...".

3) Reading at the liturgy: Apostle - Corinth., Credits. 135, Gospel - from Luke, cred. 79.

4) The week (Sunday) of the prodigal son concludes a week (under the same name), which, as already indicated, is continuous (abolition of fasting on Wednesday and Friday), Participated: "Praise the Lord from heaven ...".

Sermon by Patriarch Kirill in the week (week) about the prodigal son

Sermons on the Week (week) about the prodigal son

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh about the parable of the prodigal son.

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh about the parable of the prodigal son.

Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann about the parable of the prodigal son.

Priest Philip Parfenov about the parable of the prodigal son.

Protodeacon Andrey Kuraev. The parable of the prodigal son

Poems about the parable of the prodigal son

About the prodigal son

Father and brother are my family.
Our home is both holy and abundant.
I don't know about sickness or tears
And the external enemy is powerless for us,
But something alien in me:
Desire to live in a foreign country.

Forgetting that only being an orphan,
I can inherit a property
I asked the Father, despising my shame,
Took a part and without a blessing
He left immediately. And the way lay for me
A cross of four roads.

Forefather Adam for insolence
He was expelled from paradise with a curse.
Nobody chased me. I myself
Indulging your pride,
Left the house. Goodbye Father.
And brother. For them I became a dead man.

To me God is pagan Baal,
Wine, libertines, vices ...
I tasted everything I wanted
Forgetting the times and terms.
But hunger fell on that ground
And I have experienced poverty.

So I'm God's prodigal son
In disbelief, in feasts and quarrels,
Lavishing inheritance, one
Grazing pigs. In sins and punishments
I live. The horns are my food
And they are not always full.

All at once left me.
In a hungry year, a stranger is not needed.
By a lonely fire
I'm making my own sad supper.
Night comes. And with her
Reproaches of my conscience.

What to do? Who will give me advice?
There is no oblivion in the decayed tent,
No sleep. Dawn is not coming
And there is no hope of salvation.
And hears my hungry roof
Only the screeching of pigs and the howling of wolves.

And in the Father's house everyone is full:
Shepherd, singer, minister, warrior ...
The father will not forgive betrayal.
I'm not worthy to be called a son.
I will say in my repentance:
"Father, hire me."

I will bow to my father, but elder brother!
How to endure his contempt,
Reproaches from servants if back
Will I come? Let me have enough humility
On the eve of a new path
Determination to find in yourself

Turn the course of life
Walk from drain to source,
Worlds mysterious essence
Feel again in the blink of an eye
Fall on your knees by the porch
In tears to wait for the mercy of the father.

Morning comes, I must
Today the main choice is to make:
Return to the Fatherland
Or to the death of soul and body
Stay? God, give some reason!
I'm coming. Have mercy and accept.

Dust, headwind, home is far away
And the legs are filled with weight,
Ravines, holes across
Secret roads are open
The rise is both rocky and steep,
And sinners are calling back.

The old way was wide for me.
The rich, proud went to destruction ...
Enough strength to turn.
Pig faces are looking after me ...
I'm going home in awe
Unhappy, beggar, but alive.

What an excuse to tell me!
I am guilty of my father and heaven.
Having bought debauchery for grace,
No longer worthy to be a son.
I will tell the Father, swearing my sin:
Take them as slaves. Forgive me.

A sultry day obscures my eyes,
At night the people I meet laugh laugh
In the face. Exile and disgrace
They prophesy with evil joy.
But here are the birthmarks.
Here I must descend from the cross.

I see our house. He is rich
He is both holy and exudes goodness.
My brother did not come out to meet me.
But, God, who meets me!
The wanderings have come to an end:
He himself hurries to me. Father.

I cried out: “Father! I was weak
Was in the dark on his deathbed
Like a pitiful and worthless slave
All before You, here I am, God!
Like a slave, without a home, without relatives.
In tears I pray: Do not drive away. "

Behold, the veil fell from my eyes,
The rumor returned. And the essence of the world
I felt. And God's voice:
"Do not make yourself an idol!"
I hear it again. And it reopened
That God is Grace and Love.

... A feast in the house. I am forgiven by the Father,
On the finger is a ring - a symbol of power,
Shod, clothed and oiled,
Taurus is stabbed. Fruit, sweets,
Friends, contentment and comfort,
Everyone is having fun and singing.

The elder brother comes from the field.
And seeing joyful faces,
I asked the servant what he was glad about,
Found out the answer, and great anger
He embraced him. Will not come here
And asks the Father's judgment:

“I am always in obedience,
I didn't take a kid for a friend ...
And this one, who knows no shame,
Your son, came with an empty knapsack,
Speaking a lie with his lips!
And you are calling him to a feast! "

By the fruits of your labor
You are proud and looking for justice.
But above all judgment
Love and Grace always stand!
Do not condemn anyone:
Neither servants, nor your brother! "

Father and brother are my family.
I'm in the house. The strength returned.
I know my calling:
Serve the Father to the grave
To pray until I die
Fallen sinners in the world.

Leonid Alekseevich

Art based on the parable of the prodigal son

The parable of the prodigal son is one of the most frequently depicted gospel parables in art. Its plot usually includes the following scenes: the prodigal son receives his share of the inheritance; he leaves home; he feasts with courtesans at an inn; they chase him away when he runs out of money; he grazes pigs; he returns home and repents to his Father.

Click on the image to view the gallery

Gerrit van Honthorst. Prodigal son. 1622

Expulsion of the prodigal son. Bartolomeo Murillo. 1660

Then, coming to his senses, he remembered his father, repented of his deed and thought: “How many of my father’s mercenaries (workers) eat bread in abundance, and I am dying of hunger! I will get up, go to my father, and say to him: “Father! I have sinned against heaven and before you, and am no longer worthy to be called your son; accept me among your mercenaries. "

The return of the prodigal son. Bartolomeo Murillo. 1667-1670

Prodigal son. James Tissot

The return of the prodigal son. Liz Swindle. 2005

aligncenter "title =" (! LANG: Return of the Prodigal Son (29)" src="" alt="The parable of the prodigal son. Icon 7" width="363" height="421">!}

Return of the prodigal son

Images: Open Source

Luke 15: 11-32

A certain man had two sons; And the younger of them said to his father: Father! give me the next part of the estate. And the father divided the estate for them. After a few days, the younger son, having collected everything, went to the far side and there he squandered his property, living dissolutely. When he had lived everything, there came a great famine in that country, and he began to be in need; And he went and joined himself to one of the inhabitants of that country, and he sent him into his fields to feed pigs. and he was glad to fill his belly with the horns that the pigs ate, but no one gave him. When he came to himself, he said: How many of my father's mercenaries have enough bread, but I am dying of hunger; I will get up, go to my father and say to him: Father! I have sinned against heaven and before you, and am no longer worthy to be called your son; accept me as your mercenary.
He got up and went to his father. And while he was still far away, his father saw him and took pity; and running, fell on his neck and kissed him. The son said to him: Father! I have sinned against heaven and before you, and am no longer worthy to be called your son. And the father said to his servants: Bring the best clothes and clothe him, and give a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet; and bring the fatted calf, and kill; let's eat and have fun! for this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found. And they began to have fun.
His eldest son was in the field; and returning, when he approached the house, he heard singing and exultation; and calling one of the servants, he asked: what is this? And he said to him, Thy brother has come, and thy father killed the fatted calf, because he received him safe. He got angry and did not want to enter. But his father went out and called him. But he answered his father: behold, I have been serving you for so many years and have never violated your command, but you have never given me a goat to have fun with my friends; and when this thy son, who squandered his property with harlots, came, you killed the fatted calf for him. But he said to him: My son! you are always with me, and all mine is yours, but about that it was necessary to rejoice and be merry, that your brother was dead and came to life, was lost and was found.


The return of the prodigal son is an example of turning to God. Reading this gospel story, we can step by step follow the younger son and pay attention to the paradoxical nature of this process of conversion: it appears before us not so much as an actual appeal to God, as the comprehension of the truth that God is addressed to us from the very beginning. However, this text cannot be reduced only to its morality. Lectio divina is called upon to seek in Scripture not only moral, but also spiritual and eschatological meaning. The parable of the prodigal son, which can also be called "the parable of the father's mercy," is a description of the image of the Triune God inviting us to the feast of the Lamb.

Three Phases of Conversion The return of a son is divided into three phases. Turning to God is a process that always takes time and gradualness.

First phase- the son's awareness of his poverty. After spending some time away from his home, the son, says Christ, "began to need." The process of this awareness takes place in two stages. First, according to the Gospel, the son "came to his senses." After all, sin takes us away from itself. Without realizing one's own poverty, it is impossible to turn; there is no turning to God without first returning to oneself. The second stage of this realization is the hope for improving the conditions of my life: "How many mercenaries my father has in abundance with bread, and I am dying of hunger," the son says to himself. All this may seem very selfish: the reason for the return of the son is bread. In fact, it would be a mistake to think that the motive of our striving to turn to God is only our love for Him; it is deeply mistaken who thinks that our hopes become pure when we turn to God. We need to realize that our conversion is often selfish. Only God - not us - He alone can make our desires truly Christian. Awareness of our sins, which can also be called "contrition" (in moral theology: attritio), is the first stage of our return to God.

The second phase of the son's conversion - action. It, like the first, consists of two stages. The first step is the decision. The son thinks: "I will get up and go to my father." Indeed, the clarity of the awareness of our poverty, the hope for an improvement in the situation would be harmful and even destructive if they did not prompt a concrete solution. The second stage of the son's action is oral confession: "Father, I have sinned (...) and am no longer worthy to be called your son." So, "to come to your senses" and your sins means to drive out the evil one. Truly, sins, like vampires in movies, disappear in the light

Awareness of poverty, transition to action ... Now came the third and most important phase of the prodigal son's conversion. While the son is still on the way, and "when he was still far away," he sees that the father, in his mercy, comes out to meet him. The father, according to the testimony of the Gospel, "saw him and took pity; and running, fell on his neck and kissed him." Here is the paradox of conversion: turning to God is not so much a search for God as the realization that God is looking for us. Since Adam sinned, like the prodigal son who demanded his share of the property, God has been incessantly looking for the lost sheep. Remember: immediately after the fall of Adam, God called to him and asked: "Where are you?" The parable of the prodigal son is an explanation of the first fall.

But this third phase of the return of the son has another, no less important significance. The prodigal son had misconceptions about his father. He thought that his father would no longer accept him, no longer recognize him as his son. "I am no longer worthy to be called your son," he wanted to tell him, "accept me among your mercenaries." You can compare this phrase with those misconceptions about the Lord that the servant in the parable of the talents discovers when he says, "I was afraid of you because you are a cruel man." The prodigal son, discovering the love of his awaiting father, regretted that he was unfaithful. This regret is no longer about his own poverty and sins, as in the beginning, but about the wound inflicted on his father: "I have sinned against heaven and before you." This regret, which may be called "repentance" (in moral theology: contritio), is a sign of our return to the love of God. This was the third and final phase of the son's conversion.

Inviting the Lamb to the Feast So, based on the example of the prodigal son, we can say that every appeal to God consists of three stages: contrition, action and repentance. However, it would be a mistake to interpret this parable only from the point of view of morality. In fact, it has not so much moral as spiritual meaning. The return of the prodigal son is not just an example for all sinners. It tells us much more about God than about us, describes the true image of God the Trinity.

Rembrandt, depicting this gospel story, understood well that the essence of the parable is not only in its morality. His creation is not just a work of art, a genre scene; it is a true icon of the Trinity. The father's hands are depicted in the very center of the picture and in the lightest part of it, they lie on the shoulders of his son. It is often said that they are a symbol of the Holy Spirit who revives a son. It is no coincidence that Rembrandt's painting is compared with Andrei Rublev's "Trinity", which depicts the visit of Abraham by three angels.

One of the similarities between this Old Testament Trinity and the parable of the prodigal son is the calf with which Abraham treats his guests, and the father - his son. This calf, of course, is a symbol of the Eucharist, a symbol of the feast, that is, a symbol of our communion with the Trinity itself. The painting "The Return of the Prodigal Son", like the Rublev Trinity, is an invitation to enter the holy of holies of divine life, the sacrament of the eldest son, to whom his father said: "My son, you are always with me, and all mine is yours." Turning to God means, first of all, responding to the invitation of the Trinity itself to the feast of the Lamb.

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One of the two sons asked his father to give him half of the property. The father fulfilled the request, dividing what he had between the sons.

A few days passed and he, taking with him everything that he received, went to distant countries. He lived, did not grieve and squandered his inheritance.

After he ran out of money and famine struck the country. He had a need to find food and shelter. The youngest son settled down to look after the pigs and graze them. He needed so much that he was glad to eat these pets, but he was not allowed to take this food.

As he pondered what was happening, he realized that his father's slaves ate better. I will go and beg forgiveness from my father, and I will be hired to work with him. And so he did.

Even at a distance, his father saw him, took pity on him and forgave him. He hugged his prodigal son, kissed him.
- Father! My sin is great and I am unworthy to be your son! - He said - Get me to work for your servants!

The father ordered his son to be dressed in the best clothes and shoes, Bring the thick calf and we will rejoice, as my son has risen from the dead. And the fun went. The elder brother worked all day in the field, approaching the house, he asked the servants: “Why is everyone walking? And he did not like that his father accepted his younger brother so. He stood and did not want to cross the threshold of his father's house.

For so many years I have been working for you and have never disobeyed you, and you never gave a kid to walk with your friends.

But, the father went out and called the eldest son.

A son! You live inseparably with me and all mine is yours, but we must be glad that the younger brother was lost and found. Died and resurrected!

The parable teaches: Leading a sinful way of life, a person destroys the soul and all the gifts (abilities, health, life), given away by our Father. The Lord, our Father, rejoices with the Angels in the repentance of sinners, passing humbly and with hope.

Picture or drawing The parable of the prodigal son

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On the ground. In his parables, he reveals to us the secrets of the universe and teaches the main thing - the acquisition of spiritual wealth and faith in God. The Parable of the Prodigal Son depicts the ineffable mercy of the Lord towards all sinful people who sincerely and deeply repented of their sins and turned to him for help and protection. The Orthodox Church calendar specifically marks the Week of the Prodigal Son, which is one of the four preparatory periods for Great Lent.

The parable of the prodigal son. Text

The father had two sons. One day the youngest son asked him for a part of his estate. The father did not resist and gave everything that was due to him. A few days later, the younger son, taking his part of the inheritance, left for distant lands. Not caring at all about the future, he began to live dissolutely and, as the people say, "on a grand scale." Acting in such a foolish way, he very quickly squandered all his wealth, and when famine struck in the city, he became in dire need of food.

In order to somehow live, he got a job with one of the local residents and began to graze his pigs. This guy was happy to eat pig horns, but no one would let him. Completely exhausted by hunger and poverty, he suddenly remembered about his father and the fact that all his mercenaries eat bread, but his own son will soon simply die of hunger.

Meeting with father

Further, "The Parable of the Prodigal Son" says that when the son saw his father, he immediately fell on his neck and began to kiss him. And then he prayed that he was not worthy to be called his son and that he was sinful before him and Heaven. And then he asked to accept him as an employee. The father took pity on his son, ordered him to bring him the best clothes, shoes and put a ring on him. Then he decided to slaughter the calf and have fun, as he was very glad that his son did not disappear, but was found alive and well.

Eldest son

At the same time, the eldest son was returning from field work. When he approached the house, he heard glee, singing and was very surprised at this. He became very angry when he learned the reason for these festivities. When his father called him to the table, the eldest son expressed his insult to him, because for so many years of faithful service, he had never killed even a kid for him so that he would have fun with his friends. And here the father did not spare the fattened calf for the one who spent all his inheritance with harlots and returned with nothing. His father reassured him and said: "You are always by my side, and everything mine is yours, and now we all need to rejoice that your younger brother was found safe and sound."

The parable of the prodigal son: interpretation

This parable tells about sin, repentance and what kind of relationship God can have with man. All the troubles of the youngest son began with the fact that he immediately demanded what was rightfully his. All of this equates to how people view the gifts of God from a practical point of view. That is, give me now everything that I want, but what I can get in the future, I refuse. This is the greatest sin of an insane person, who pays for quick and momentary pleasure by giving up great future benefits, which at first he does not care at all.

This begs the question of why the young man wanted to get his share. And all because he was a burden to guardianship of his father, and he wanted freedom. This is what most young people today do today. Due to all kinds of means of influence, they decided that if they did not break God's bonds now, they would not be tied on their feet and hands with the bonds of alluring and voluptuous forbidden desires and lusts. This is how apostasy from God happens. People begin to consider themselves gods and think that they are well versed in what is good and where is evil. This is precisely what the Parable of the Prodigal Son warns about. The point is that people want to do only what they please, and do not want to live according to God's commandments.

Delusion of the views of the youngest son

The well-known Gospel "The Parable of the Prodigal Son" tells how the youngest son wants to move away from the gaze and supervision of his father, he does not like this, because he limits his behavior and spending. The young guy is proud of himself, his arrogance knows no bounds. He believes he knows how to manage things and hopes to soon become a more prominent person than he is. All this suggests that human pride, especially in youth, is a powerful destructive force.

However, here the meekness and kindness of a father to his youngest son surprises and delights. He immediately gave what was due to his son. Unlike his younger brother, the elder was a more reasonable person; on the contrary, he wished that his father retained some of his power. For this, the eldest son hears very wise words from his father that everything that he owns will eventually become his.

Thus, having received his inheritance, the youngest son goes far from his home, and then squanders it and becomes a beggar. It is this spiritual state that persecutes a person who has fallen away from God. Anyone who voluntarily goes to sin is wasting the gifts of God - his mind and spiritual strength, which should serve people and God. Thus, the soul passes into the power of the devil, becomes a hostage of the world and flesh, begins to live dissolutely and squanders its wealth.

Payback for sin

The youngest son was sent by the evil lord to graze not even sheep, but chomping pigs. Thus, it is in the power of the devil to send his slave to satisfy the lusts of the fallen nature. The impoverished youngest son was glad to eat those horns that pigs ate, but this food was not for humans. Sin is a state of eternal gluttony, in which it is impossible to get relief from anything in the world. There is no need to appeal to the world, it has only that which can poison the soul, but not that which feeds it.

The Parable of the Prodigal Son also says that the Lord generously comforts those who ultimately come to deep repentance and awareness of their sinful life. The Lord has patience and mercy for every person, He is also lenient with sins, because He sees further and deeper. Man, however, must answer Him only with humble gratitude and love.

The "Parable of the Prodigal Son" will be especially useful for children, since they are just beginning to get to know the world in all its manifestations and must be ready for any temptations so as not to become dependent on sin and always live in peace with God.