Auspicious days for the conception of a boy with rams. Why a boy? The most famous ways to give birth to a future man

When the family understands that it is time to have a baby, the question arises: who wants whom more? As a rule, most guys want to have a boy who would be the successor of the family. But how to do that?

No matter how I would like, no one will give a 100% guarantee about the conception of a child of a certain sex.

There are many techniques, tables and techniques that assert that following a certain scenario, there will definitely be a boy.

And yet, who to trust is up to the future parents to decide.

When to plan for conception as a boy

Of course, it is a great happiness to have a child, and it does not matter what article he belongs to. But what if there is reason to want a boy? For example, some peculiarities (illness, predisposition to diseases) are transmitted along the female line at the genetic level, or just a daughter is already growing in the family, or two, or more. In this case, the woman will agree to try to make the boy, but only if she has certain guarantees.

Calculation by ovulation

The most scientifically proven way to conceive a boy is to count the days and have intercourse on the same day or the day before ovulation. This is due to changes in the chemical composition of the woman's internal environment before, during and after ovulation, which affects the X- and Y-chromosomes in different ways.

The female reproductive cell carries only the X chromosome (female origin), the male reproductive cell may have a Y chromosome (female origin) and a Y chromosome (male origin). When the XX chromosomes merge, you get a girl, and the XY chromosomes, a boy.

Before ovulation, the chemical composition of a woman's genitals changes to favor the sperm carrying the Y chromosome. Such sex cells are more mobile, mobile, tenacious, in contrast to female spermatozoa. Therefore, the most accurate way is to count the days for conception by ovulation.

Ovulation calendar

To know the exact time of ovulation, you need to draw up a specific calendar, which will indicate the time of the beginning and end of menstruation, the time of possible conception and the day of ovulation.

Better days

The female ovum matures in the follicles. When it is ripe, the follicle bursts and the egg enters the abdominal cavity.

Her life lasts from 24 to 48 hours, that is, a maximum of 2 days. The life of spermatozoa in the cavity of female organs lasts from 2 to 4 days, and male cells, although more nimble than female ones, die faster than female cells.

How many days before ovulation does a boy become pregnant?

Since the carriers of male chromosomes are more adapted to survive in an unfavorable environment, they will have a better chance of not dying and getting to the egg first, so it is advisable to try to have a boy on the day of ovulation or the day before it.

Of course, there is a chance of conceiving a girl in the pre-ovulation period, but there are more chances for the Y chromosomes.

How much after ovulation

The chances that a boy will become pregnant after ovulation is extremely small.

Since the egg cell lives for 24, maximum 48 hours and sexual intercourse will occur on this day, then fast sperm cells will be able to reach it in a day and pregnancy will occur. Only when the ovum retains its vital functions can the X- and Y-chromosomes fertilize it. When the life of the oocyte stops, fertilization becomes impossible.

Calculation example

The method cannot be 100% guaranteed for one reason: the displacement of the female cycle. It is enough to get nervous or get sick, and menstruation will begin a few days earlier or later than the due date.

If we take into account that 14 days pass between ovulation and the first day of menstruation, then a woman will not be able to know when this will happen. Only special tests will be able to give an accurate answer to this question.

You can also use. It is based on fluctuations in basal temperature. Every morning, without getting out of bed and without making sudden movements, the temperature of the anus is measured and entered into the table. To determine a regular ovulation cycle, numbers are noted for at least three months. The plotting should be like this:

  • the top line indicates the days of the month;
  • the bottom line shows the temperature (for example) from 35.8˚ to 37.5˚.

When measuring basal temperature, you need to put a point on the graph at the intersection of the lines of the day of the month and today's temperature. If the next day the temperature increased by 04.06 degrees, it means that ovulation occurred on that day.

Popular tables for calculating pregnancy by a boy

Many married couples use a variety of tables, believing that they will help conceive the desired boy. There are several popular tables.

There is no scientific justification for the correctness of the tables, no one can give a 100% guarantee either, however, tables have been used by many married couples for many years. If the table says that it is now the most likely to conceive a boy, this does not mean that it will be so.

The theory of predicting the sex of a child using tables has long been popular.


The Chinese table for calculating the sex of a child is based on the number of full years a woman has lived. The age is indicated vertically from 18 to 45 years, horizontally 12 months of the year. By crossing them, you can see who should conceive this month.


In the Japanese calendar, the month of birth of a woman and a man is used to calculate the sex of a child. At the intersection of these two values, we get a figure.

In the second table, the numbers from 1 to 12 are written on the upper horizontal line. The table itself is divided into 2 parts, where there are indications "boy" and "girl". You need to find the number that turned out in the first table, and find it on the top line of the second table. Each number indicates the 12 months when a child can be conceived, and the likelihood of conceiving a child of a particular gender that month. The more crosses, the greater the probability.

Lunar calendar: table

The lunar calendar is closely related to astrology. Depending on which phase the moon is in, astrologers make a table for a month or a year, indicating the most favorable days for conceiving a boy and a girl.

Lunar calendar 2018

By renewing the parent's blood

A woman's blood is renewed every 3 years, a man's - every 4 years. Whoever has younger blood will make the child work. The calculation of blood renewal begins from the moment of birth, but if there was blood loss or blood transfusion, it must be counted from this date.

By parent's blood type

The most likely to conceive a boy is in the III and IV blood groups.

This table shows the result of the fusion of different parental blood types.

Nutrition for conception by a boy

Many people use diets when trying to conceive a boy. If you regularly consume certain foods, the hormonal background of a woman changes, this affects the alkalinity of the genitals, creating a favorable environment for the Y chromosomes.

The use of certain products helps to create a favorable internal environment, but this does not mean that there will definitely be a boy.

What is

To conceive a boy, it is recommended to eat foods filled with sodium and potassium ions, for example:

  • semolina;
  • mushrooms;
  • wheat bran;
  • a fish;
  • meat;
  • vegetables (zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, radishes);
  • fruits and berries (apples, cherries, pears, apricots, watermelon, dates, bananas).


The presence of vitamins can help conceive a child, but is unlikely to help with conceiving a particular sex. - an important component for the normal functioning of the body, and when planning a pregnancy, it is generally necessary. Pharmacies sell various types of prenatal vitamins that are taken before, during and after pregnancy.

Folk omens for the onset of pregnancy with a son

Popular beliefs have been formed over the years, when people noticed when and how they got a boy.

  • It is believed that in order to conceive a boy, a man must take the initiative to have sex and be the first to experience an orgasm.
  • During orgasm, a man must penetrate a woman as deeply as possible.
  • If intercourse took place under a new month, and not on a new moon, there will be a boy.
  • A boy is conceived in even years and odd months.
  • There should be a boy's toy under the pillow.

Beliefs of different peoples:

  • Italians are convinced that an overweight woman is more likely to become pregnant with a boy.
  • Germans believe that in turbulent times (war, popular confrontations, unrest) more boys are born. They say that during the war there will be many girls without a pair, and to even out the balance, more boys will be born. They also believe that the stress experienced contributes to the conception of a male baby.
  • The Japanese claim that non-smoking parents have a 33% higher chance of conceiving a boy.

How to get pregnant with a boy the first time, the effectiveness of the methods

In vitro fertilization is done if a married couple has been unable to conceive a child on their own for more than one year. A lot is made, female and male reproductive cells are removed, after which the egg is artificially fertilized with sperm.

As for the choice of the sex of the child, it is quite possible if there is evidence. For example, if genetic diseases are transmitted through the female line, then this is a good reason to prepare male embryos.


With a varied choice of methods of conceiving a boy, your head can go round. But how to choose the right one to get “right on target” if no one gives any guarantees.

The most scientifically substantiated way of conceiving a boy is to calculate the sex of a child by ovulation, but even here there is no 100% guarantee. Whom to believe and who not - the choice is individual for everyone.

Exceptions in this case can be only in some cases:

  1. Incorrectly calculated forecast.
  2. Surgical intervention of one of the spouses (if any) was not taken into account. This only applies to planning for blood renewal.


To date, an exact result cannot be expected.

Even if you eat the right foods, have sex during ovulation, use a variety of tables, do not smoke, nature can still say its decisive: "No, you don't need a boy, you will have a girl!" Probably, only IVF gives the result closest to 100%.

Even the most scientific method for calculating a baby's sex by ovulation is not accurate. You cannot be sure that ovulation will come on time this month.

There are many different methods and tables, and some even have scientific evidence. The choice between what to trust and what not is left to the choice of the couple.

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Conception of a child is a mysterious and responsible process in itself, since you cannot guess the gender of the unborn baby. And how you want a little prince or a beautiful baby to be born to the delight of mom and dad. For many parents, the sex of their unborn child is very important, but still, is it possible to guess and do everything possible so that at conception the order of the chromosomes determines the gender of the boy, will be described below.

Options: how to get pregnant with a boy

Often, expectant mothers and fathers have already chosen the sex of the child, and even more often, the conception of a boy is laid down for parental purposes, especially if beautiful ladies have already been born in the family. Only Y chromosomes are actively involved in the choice of the male sex; they are more mobile than the others and therefore have the ability to quickly die off.

Most likely, if the act takes place some time before ovulation, the sperm carrying the boy's gene will die, but if conception takes place on the day of ovulation, it is highly likely that a boy will be born.

The conception of a boy should take place on the 1st day of ovulation, but some time before it from the process, it is advised to abstain from conception in order to give birth to a man. A few tips on how to get pregnant with a boy will come in handy.


  1. In order for a boy to be born 100%, it is important to accurately identify the occurrence of ovulation: by measuring the basal body temperature, a test for determining ovulation and diagnosing the follicles of an ultrasound machine.
  2. Also, in order for a boy to be born the first time, many mothers follow a special diet designed specifically for the birth of a son.
  3. According to scientists, parents who are fond of tobacco products have a low ability to give birth to a son, so before conceiving, you should take care of your health.

As the reviews show, a very effective way to give birth to a boy is conception using a table. For this, a calendar is used. The table of conception has 2 origins: Japanese or Chinese, and both options give a 95% guarantee. It all depends on the age of the mother, the month in which conception takes place and the desired sex of the unborn child.

Ways: how to give birth to a boy

It is possible to calculate the birth of a son, and even safely affects the course of pregnancy, since the gender is known, and you can show your love to the baby when he is still in the womb. One of the most famous methods for pregnancy with a son is conception by blood type - this method is very popular, but not quite suitable for use. Husbands often say: "I want another man to appear in the family." But what to do to make dreams come true?

Methods to be followed for the birth of a boy:

  1. When conceiving a boyfriend, it is better to be relaxed, since after situations where stress is present, girls are usually born.
  2. To make a boy according to the Chinese calendar methods, you can choose almost any day in November.
  3. But the Japanese calendar says that pregnancy with a boy depends not only on the month of conception, but also on the date of birth of the parents.

Pregnancy by a guy directly depends on the set of chromosomes embedded in the fetus, and artificial insemination will help to facilitate this process. The blood renewal method is also very popular in the conception of a boy, as it indicates that the young blood of the father helps the woman to carry the boy.

It is a known fact: women with low birthweight tend to give birth to a girl.

Also, the visualization method is very important and effective so that a son is born in a family, you just need to represent your future baby in detail, and the desire should be embodied in reality.

Reviews on how to conceive a boy 100 percent

Planning the conception of a boy is also possible by date. The tables showing the days of favorable conception will help to correctly determine the gender. It is also possible to calculate the percentage of a boy's pregnancy if the nutrition is correct.

Reviews about 100 percent conception of a son:

  1. Vasilisa. I tried to count the days according to the calendar method, as a result I gave birth to a girl, and when I saw her for the first time, I realized that it doesn't matter what gender the child will be, because he is so dear, and most importantly healthy.
  2. Lara. If you correctly calculate the onset of ovulation, then a boy will be born 100%! This is how I gave birth to a wonderful son.
  3. Diana. My grandmother advised me to calculate the sex of the unborn child by the method of blood renewal, she had 2 wonderful girls and 3 sons, and I had a wonderful man.
  4. Olga. And I determined the gender of my child according to the table of the Chinese calendar, and everything worked out! The main thing is not to be mistaken with the choice of the month of conception.
  5. Tamara Viacheslavovna. And I did not plan anything at all, but just very much my husband and I wanted a son. And I, being in a position, imagined my son: how I walk with him, how we give him to the basketball section, how I press him against my chest and just make him a real man - I have a son. My husband and I are wildly happy, so it's not for nothing that they say the correct attitude is the key to real success. Good luck to all!

Scientists have compiled a diet that will contribute to the selection of the sex of the child by chromosomes. Different couples have different opinions on the favorable conception of a son, as evidenced by the reviews.

The current calendar of the conception of a boy

The probability of pregnancy with a boy will help to determine the calculation according to the calendar of conception, of which there are many on the network, and they are always online. The calendar will help you quickly calculate the gender of the future baby and even calculate the date of his birth. There are also folk signs by which you can determine the future sex of the child. And also a diet has been drawn up in which certain foods are present.

Pregnancy planning notes:

  1. Ovulation usually begins towards the end of 2 weeks of the menstrual cycle.
  2. It is important to know the favorable days for conceiving a child, since it is not every day that it is possible to get pregnant.
  3. Male chromosomes are responsible for the future sex of the child.
  4. Pregnancy can occur even during menstruation, but it is extremely difficult to guess this outcome.
  5. Sperm cells have the ability to live for 2 days, but girls are often born in such cases.

It's important to keep track of your menstrual cycle to track your ovulation. It is extremely difficult to calculate the onset of ovulation, since each woman's menstrual cycle has a different duration.

The answers of the midwives were as follows: every second is planning their pregnancy according to the calendar, it is so fashionable now, and you save a lot of money, when you know the sex of the child, you immediately buy clothes of a certain color.

When planning a pregnancy, you must try to avoid various stresses that can adversely affect the health of the mother and the unborn baby. When planning a pregnancy, it is very important to take into account all factors, regardless of the desired gender of the child.

Possibilities of conceiving a boy

To figure out which days the conception of a boy is guaranteed, one of the tables of child's conception will help. Such tables are an option, tested by many pairs and the most reliable method of its kind. The gender of the child largely depends on the month in which he was conceived. Also, in the process of conception, the choice of the position in which conception takes place is very important.

Conception of a boy according to the lunar calendar:

  1. If you conceive a child 12 days before the full moon, then there is a high probability that a boy will be born.
  2. According to the lunar calendar, there are only 2 favorable days for conception.
  3. The lunar calendar complains that when planning a child, it is also important to plan a zodiac sign for him, which will allow him to find understanding with parents and the world around him in the future.
  4. It is not very good to conceive on the days of a solar or lunar eclipse, you must wait at least 4 days before or after it.

A faithful assistant in the matter of choosing the sex of the child is the Japanese calendar. The belly of a pregnant woman also shows the sex of the unborn child: if it is large and round, then there will be a girl, and if it is small and neat, then a man will be born in the family.

If you believe in Islam, then some time before conception it is worth refraining from intimate intimacy so that the so-called energy accumulates, which will positively affect the conception of a future baby.

As you know, the sex of the child directly depends on the set of chromosomes in men, and there is a possibility that the desired boy can be given birth if you follow the astrological calendar of conception. For example, if the father is Leo and the mother is Scorpio, then the couple certainly has a chance to close up the heir.

Recommendations: how to get pregnant with a boy the first time

How often, having become pregnant, we as soon as possible want to know the gender of our future baby - this gives us some degree of gravity, allows us to choose a name for the child, equip the nursery and buy beautiful clothes in which the future child will be dressed.

Foods that are advised to use for the birth of a boy:

  1. Meat products, sausages, all types of fish - these purely male products will make your body literally give birth to an heir.
  2. Consumption of eggs in large quantities.
  3. Not canned mushrooms, pickles, zucchini and other pickles, canned goods.
  4. A large amount of potatoes in the diet, all kinds of cereals.
  5. Eating a large amount of dried fruits in the diet, especially dates.
  6. Be careful with fruits, be sure to exclude citrus fruits, and it is advisable to eat more apricots.
  7. It is advisable to eat a large number of legumes.

For some time, the opinions of doctors were very different on the issue of planning a pregnancy with a boy. Someone advised to eat certain foods in order to achieve the desired result, someone to navigate the days of the cycle in order to get pregnant with a boy for sure, but the advice remained inappropriate and many women had daughters.

Due to its renewal, male blood is able to determine the sex of the desired child, which is precisely indicated by the method of blood renewal.

Since the set of male chromosomes is dominant, everything largely depends on the father's blood. When planning a pregnancy with a boy, it is very important to revise your diet, on which, according to doctors and scientists, the sex of the child directly depends.

Instructions: how to calculate the birth of a boy

The Chinese accuracy in compiling the table by day of conception did not disappoint many, and as a result, listening to its compilers, many couples became happy parents of a child of the desired gender. It is the child who brings joy to the life of many, and the son or daughter, is this already how fate will order, or is it still possible to influence the outcome of events?

There is an opinion among people that it is soda that will help to conceive a boy, that is, douching with it, thanks to it, creates an alkaline microflora in the womb, which guys love so much.

Surely, when planning a pregnancy, everyone carefully studied all the factors of conceiving a child of one sex or another. There are parents who want to conceive a child of a particular zodiac sign, someone is impressed by Scorpio, others want Leo, Virgo, and this moment can probably be planned if you carefully study everything. Many parents are concerned about how to give birth to two boys, and what is required for this. Having carefully scrolled through the pictures, they are touched by the twins and really want to have twins.

Favorable factors for the birth of a son:

  • Pose at the moment of conception;
  • Ovulation tests;
  • Correct parenting attitude;
  • Correct environment at the time of conception;
  • Leadership position in a couple - and it is very important to determine the sex of the unborn child;
  • The correct days for conception;
  • Pregnancy management calendar;
  • A healthy lifestyle, and minimizing the number of sexual contacts;
  • Compliance with the rules of the lunar calendar, or the timing of one of the tables;
  • Compliance with a diet for the birth of a boy;
  • Analyzes of a married couple, which will indicate the favorableness of pregnancy in general.

How to conceive a child for men (video)

In general, the gender of the child is not so much important as the birth itself. After all, the main thing is the health of the future baby and parents, and everything else will follow. But, if you still can't wait to give birth to a son, then turning to all the advice, theories and rules outlined above, everything will definitely work out - the main thing is to believe and imagine how joyfully you lead your son through life, smiling and holding his hand.

For a long time, the question of what gender a child will be born has worried many parents. Some want just a girl, and some just want a boy. Most interestingly, the question of how to conceive a boy arises much more often than about a girl. The reasons are different: maybe the family already has a daughter, or dad wants an heir. Therefore, many couples initially try to plan the sex of the unborn child.

And for some, it turns out quite well. Therefore, it is worthwhile to figure out what the sex of the child depends on and what factors should be taken into account when planning a pregnancy, so that as a result, at discharge, the dad would hold his son in his arms.

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    Is the result 100% real?

    Nobody dares to give a categorical answer. Despite the huge number of methods that help to calculate the option of conceiving a male child, there is still no guarantee of a 100% result. Therefore, if someone claims that his method gives exactly such a result, you should not take such words seriously. A method that works for one couple may not work at all for another. When planning, you need to take into account a huge number of factors, and few can do it.

    It is possible to become pregnant with a male child with a 100% probability only in one case - when artificial fertilization is carried out. Only the IVF procedure makes it possible to preserve the embryo of the selected sex. This method is rarely used, under special specific circumstances, for example, if there is a serious pathology in the family, which is transmitted from generation to generation only through the female line. If there are no special prerequisites, then IVF solely for gender selection is impractical and too expensive.

    But still, today there are a huge number of techniques that allow you to plan the sex of the baby with high accuracy. True, it is necessary to prepare thoroughly for the process of conceiving a child. One of the most effective and popular is the method for calculating the ovulation calendar. Some people calculate the period for the birth of a boy by date of birth or blood type.

    How to plan the birth of a boy using the method for determining ovulation is worth figuring out. What is this option based on and how does it work?

    Planning for an ovulation calendar

    Planning in this way is based on the method of calculating the best day, which is in the middle of the cycle and is ideal for conceiving a male child.

    At a certain point, a mature egg leaves the ovary, and for a positive outcome, it must meet with the male sperm. Fertilization should occur precisely during a specific day, because then a non-fertilized cell cannot exist in the microflora of the female vagina, and dies. For such purposes, it is precisely the day when ovulation occurs in the body that is calculated.

    The fact that the sex of the baby fully depends only on the man was understood by many for a very long time, but they could figure out how this happens only after the discovery of concepts such as DNA and a set of chromosomes.

    The unborn child acquires a set of DNA and certain chromosomes from mom and dad equally. Any person, both a man and a woman, has 2 chromosomes, only mom has both XX, but dad has XY. Therefore, the sex of the baby completely depends on which chromosome will be in the male reproductive cell, which will participate in fertilization. In order for the long-awaited boy to be born, a sperm with a Y chromosome must participate in fertilization.

    This is the first and main point on which the method of scheduling a boy for ovulation is based. The second aspect that affects fertilization is the difference in motility of sperm with Y and X chromosomes.

    It is worth noting that sperm with the X chromosome have less mobility, but they are much more likely to survive in an acidic environment, which is characteristic of a woman's vagina. Therefore, the owners of the X chromosome will move towards the goal much longer. Their feature is the ability to conceive even 2 days after entering the female body.

    At the same time, male germ cells with the Y chromosome are more mobile and impetuous, but they live no more than a day. If during the first day after sex there is no ovulation, fertilization will not occur. But the likelihood that male germ cells with a female chromosome will reach the goal is higher, since they live more in the vaginal environment, and then a girl will appear.

    How to conceive a boy?

    Few people know that a woman has the opportunity to become pregnant only once a month. There are exceptions, but they are quite rare when women have two ovulations in one cycle. During ovulation, an egg is released from the ovaries, which is fully prepared for further fertilization, but only lives for a day. Therefore, when planning, it is important to know how to calculate the correct day of ovulation.

    Ovulation is a rather complex physiological process in every female body, while it is not very stable. It has been found that this day is approximately between the 11th and 21st days of the menstrual cycle. For a particular woman, it occurs at different times, since the duration of the cycle is unique for everyone. It is believed that the average cycle lasts about 28 days.

    Today, to calculate the day of ovulation, the easiest way is to use online calculators, which, after entering certain data on the cycle, will indicate not only the day of ovulation itself, but also the most favorable days for conceiving each sex. Such programs are very popular and easy to use, but the accuracy of such calculations is questioned, because failures in the cycle can occur even due to trivial stress or an illness. But despite this, the ovulation calculator for conceiving a boy is very popular and in demand. It doesn't take long to think about how to calculate the day of ovulation by yourself, the calculator will do everything by itself.

    For those who do not have the opportunity to use a calculator, you can calculate the desired day yourself. There is a very simple formula.

    Simple manual ovulation calculation

    It has long been studied that ovulation in any woman occurs 2 weeks before the start of the next cycle, not earlier and not later. After the start of the cycle, until the day on which ovulation will occur, the period may differ, but after this date, 14 days always pass before the onset of menstrual flow.

    If the expectant mother has a regular cycle, and menstruation occurs exactly according to her female calendar, to calculate ovulation, you can use the formula:

    Day of ovulation = date of next period - 14 days.

    Thanks to the formula, you can calculate it yourself, no calculator is needed. Therefore, to calculate the day of ovulation, you should calculate the end of the cycle, and then just count 14 days from it. By the same principle, not only a calendar for conceiving a boy is compiled, but also for protection against unwanted pregnancy. Despite the simplicity of such calculations, there is one significant drawback. This formula should only be used with a stable, constant cycle, in which there are no changes or irregularities from month to month. For the calculation, you should draw up a menstruation schedule for 4-6 months and take it for the basis.

    For couples who are planning pregnancy and the imminent birth of a child, it is very important to keep an ovulation calendar with constant regularity in order to calculate the days for conceiving a boy. True, such a calculation of ovulation for conceiving a boy cannot be called very accurate. Even with a constant cycle, certain factors may cause the day of ovulation to shift. Such disruptions can be caused by stress, hormonal disruptions, taking antibiotics and much more.

    Therefore, doctors, when determining the day of ovulation, recommend using a comprehensive method:

    • Make a calculation;
    • Draw up a basal temperature chart;
    • Focus on your feelings;
    • If possible, purchase an ovulation test.

    The most correct results for determining this date are shown by an ultrasound scan, thanks to which this day can be calculated most accurately. But not everyone has the opportunity to do it.

    Basal temperature chart

    Building such a graph will allow you to clearly see the day of ovulation. When carrying out such measurements over several cycles, you can analyze all the data of these calculations and calculate the next day of ovulation as accurately as possible. In such cases, error is minimized.

    It is best to start plotting on the very first day of your cycle. A new schedule should be built for each menstrual cycle.

    It is considered normal when the basal temperature from the first day of the cycle is below 37 and has insignificant fluctuations. On the ovulation day, there is a significant decrease in temperature, and the next day it is followed by a sharp increase (it becomes more than 37 degrees). The moment of increase marks the second phase. The temperature is in this range for the remaining 14 days until the end of the cycle. And already on the first day of the new cycle, it will fall below 37.

    To get the most reliable results, you should adhere to the simple rules for measuring basal temperature:

    • Temperature measurement must be performed at the same time every day;
    • To take the measurement, the thermometer is gently inserted into the rectum.
    • The measurement should be checked in the morning within 10 minutes after waking up.
    • Before you start measuring the basal temperature, you must not get out of bed, so the thermometer should be placed next to the sleeping place. So he will always be at hand.
    • The basal temperature measurement should be taken after three hours of uninterrupted sleep - this is the minimum at which correct data should be expected.
    • If there is a need to go to the toilet in the morning, you should still measure the temperature first, and then get up.

    If, when planning, you build a temperature chart and draw up an ovulation calendar for conceiving a boy, then there will be more chances for success.

    The influence of posture on the effectiveness of the result

    Few people even guess that during conception, the pose in which it will take place also plays an important role. When planning the birth of a boy, you should adhere to the rule in sex: the deeper the better. Poses with the deepest penetration are appropriate here, for example, "man behind" or "woman on top".

    It will also have a beneficial effect on the conception of a boy if the expectant mother has an orgasm. During this period, an alkaline environment is formed, which is unfavorable for sperm with an X chromosome.

    Features of planning the gender of the child

    Knowing the principle of planning the birth of a boy by the method of calculating ovulation, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    • Chromosomes, which are responsible for the immediate birth of a boy, are more motile than female spermatozoa with an X chromosome;
    • Male sperm have less ability to survive in acid microflora. Therefore, if partners dream of giving birth to a boy, they should actively have sex on or before the calculated day of ovulation.
    • It is also recommended to conceive a baby in positions with the deepest possible penetration.
    • It is worth remembering that if intercourse occurs a few days before the onset of ovulation, then there is a very small chance that the male chromosomes will survive until the most crucial moment of fertilization.

    Alkaline environment

    The parents themselves must help to cope with their task, because they dream of having a son. To do this, you need to take care of creating an alkaline environment, which is most favorable for male spermatozoa, and creates an unfavorable microflora for X chromosomes.

    You can do the douching procedure for a woman with a special solution of baking soda just before the start of intercourse. In a liter of slightly warmed water, about half an hour before sex, you should dissolve 2 tablespoons of baking soda. The douching procedure is performed with the whole solution, which should help the boy become pregnant.

    As noted earlier, an important condition for creating an alkaline environment is a woman's orgasm during sex, which should occur earlier than a man's.

    Additional points

    To increase the likelihood of having a boy, it is not only a woman who should prepare, but also a man. He should collect in his body as many male spermatozoa as possible, so it is worthwhile to pause for some time between sexual intercourse.

    There are also certain rules, the observance of which will help to become pregnant with a boy. Both parents-to-be should follow these rules.

    • In the preparatory period for conception, both partners should stop taking too hot baths or go to saunas or baths.
    • If during sex the spouses are accustomed to using artificial lubricants, then at that time they should be abandoned.
    • After the intended conception, it is worth using condoms for some time during sex.
    • After sex, a woman does not need to get up right away, but for a while just lie down and rest.

    Many experts suggest that the birth of a boy also depends on the psychological state of the mother, as well as her moral readiness to become the mother of her son. Therefore, mom should also adhere to these tips:

    • No smoking;
    • Do not reduce body weight below 55 kg;
    • Lead a calm and measured lifestyle, try to avoid stressful situations as much as possible;
    • Try to give in to her husband as much as possible so that he is the main one in the family;
    • As often as possible, visualize your son in the image of a boy.

    It has also been noticed for a long time that the longer it takes to conceive a child, the more likely it is that a boy will be born.

    Healthy diet

    As a result of some specific studies, it has been established that certain nutrition can also affect planning for the sex of the future. If you stick to a specific diet, you can significantly increase the likelihood of having a boy. The French were the first to draw attention to this relationship between nutrition and the sex of the child.

    According to studies, it was found that parents during the planning period of a child, if they are trying to conceive a boy, need to eat more food, in which sodium and potassium are present in a decent amount. And this is meat and fish, sausages, peas and lentils, potatoes, beans, egg white, semolina and rice, mushrooms, dark chocolate and cookies.

    From fruits, it is necessary to give preference to bananas, peaches, dates and oranges. It is not recommended when planning the conception of a boy to eat a lot of bread, nuts and greens, as well as cabbage, green beans. If possible, milk should be excluded from the diet, as well as mineral water enriched with calcium.

    Knowing how to conceive a boy by ovulation, you can begin a long preparation for the birth of a son.

"My heir was born!" How often can you hear such words of jubilation from the fathers of boys. “But you can't predict the sex of a child,” the wives complain. How to give birth to a boy for her husband? Since ancient times, men have always dreamed of a son, and literally demanded that their beloved give birth to an heir. Couples have tried different ways of planning the gender of the child, and some of them are still popular today.

Conceiving a child - how important chromosomes are

The future sex of the child is directly affected by the chromosome set of the parents.

Even schoolchildren are studying that the chromosome set plays a direct role in the conception of a baby. When an egg is fertilized with an X chromosome, a girl will be born, if the y chromosome intervenes, a male child will be born.

When the sperm with the X chromosome gets to the egg faster, then a set of female chromosomes (XX) is obtained, therefore, at conception, a girl is obtained, if the Y chromosome dominates, then the woman will bear a boy, since as a result such a set is obtained - XY.

Knowing this factor, women turn to clinics in many countries with a request to artificially fertilize an egg by injecting the necessary sperm. With this method, the likelihood of conceiving a male child increases significantly.

Fertility professionals are of the opinion that good planning and preparation is essential before pregnancy. For example, the bad habit of smoking strongly affects the process of conception. It is believed that if a woman uses tobacco, then it is unlikely that she will be able to give birth to a boy.

In order for a boy to be born, one should completely abandon bad habits and eat well, which, in principle, is required of everyone planning to become a mother.

Medical scientific methods of conceiving a boy

There are a number of ways you can plan for a baby boy.

Everyone knows one scientific fact: sperm carrying the female chromosome can live up to several days, but they move very slowly, and the male cell responsible for conceiving a boy moves much faster, but also dies earlier.

Following science, the birth of a boy can be predicted using the following methods:

  • Calculate when blood renewal will occur.
  • Calculate the day of ovulation.
  • To resort to artificial fertilization.

All methods are good for different categories of women, but, unfortunately, none of them will give a 100% guarantee. But science has stepped forward, and on the Internet, and in medical institutions, various methods of influencing the body are being promoted in order to give birth to a boy exclusively.

You should consider in detail each of the above methods, weigh all the pros and cons, and choose the most optimal one for yourself individually.

However, researchers in the field of genetics and fertilization argue that the chances of having a male baby are higher in the following categories of women:

  1. Those who do not abuse bad habits.
  2. Having a sufficient body weight (more than 55 kg.).
  3. They have been trying to conceive a child for a long time.
  4. Living in a good psychological environment.

Considering all factors, you can achieve your goal!

By blood group (Method 1)

This method is very common among Russian women. The following table will clearly show how to determine the correct gender of a child by blood type.

Blood type Father
Mother I II III IV

The Rh factor of parents can also play a significant role in conception. So, if the mother and father have opposite Rh factors, then the likelihood of giving birth to a male baby increases.

A very well-known and popular method is calculating the sex of a child by blood renewal. The renewal process of male blood occurs once every 4 years, and female blood is renewed every 3 years. In this case, the baby's gender will depend on whose blood was last updated. The blood renewal is calculated according to the following formula: the age of the parents is divided by 3 or 4, respectively, then the residuals obtained are compared, who has less, that sex won.

Important!Blood renewal is counted from birth, but if there was a large amount of blood loss (surgery, childbirth), then the count should be made from the last blood loss event.

You can calculate the sex of the child by the blood group of the parents.

By the day of ovulation (Method 2)

An equally well-known way to give birth to a boy is to calculate it by the day of ovulation. Today, pharmacies sell many means to identify the favorable period for conception. In order for the male chromosome to win the fight for fertilization, it is advised to have intimacy on the very first day of ovulation, since a more favorable environment is created on the walls of the vagina for the advancement of sperm. And male cells that carry the Y chromosome will reach their goal faster.

It is also advised to refrain from intimacy a few days before the onset of ovulation, since chromosomes may begin to predominate, contributing to the conception of a girl, if the proximity was short, who live for a longer period.

Pose with intimacy also plays an important role. It is believed that the "man behind" pose will help to give birth to a boy, since the sperm directly overtake the egg.

Artificial insemination (Method 3)

This method can give one hundred percent results. It is based on the forced separation of male chromosomes from female chromosomes, which helps to choose the desired gender of the child. When a mother wants to give birth to a boy, she agrees to IVF fertilization, and selected male chromosomes are injected into her. Subsequently, this leads to the desired pregnancy with a boy.

Often this method facilitates the attachment of several embryos at once, resulting in multiple pregnancies.

On a note!Eco is a very expensive procedure and is performed if a couple cannot conceive and give birth to a baby naturally for a long time.

Artificial insemination is the only one hundred percent way to predict the sex of a child

How to conceive a boy according to the table? (Method 4)

On the Internet, there are a variety of ways to plan a pregnancy. And among them there are many tables displaying factors that affect the conception of a boy or girl.

Different peoples and nationalities invented their own methods of conceiving a child: some encouraged them to do this on the full moon, others at sunrise, and still others put certain objects under the pillow so that a boy was born.

The ancients came up with various tables for determining the sex of the unborn child, which are popular to this day. The most commonly used tables are Chinese and Japanese.

All tables are based on comparing numerical values ​​and calculating the sex of the baby from them.

Of course, these are not the most reliable ways to conceive and give birth to a male baby, but many have long used tables, since this was the only method for determining the sex of a child. There was no ultrasound machine then, they did not know about the method of determining sex by blood and ovulation, so they used what people who lived long before us came up with.

Chinese table of conception

The ancient Chinese drew up a table a long time ago to enable women to give birth to a boy. The table compares the age of the expectant mother, as well as the planned month of conception. When using this table, a woman finds a number equal to her age and adds 1 to it (since the Chinese count age from conception, not from birth). Then the planned month of conception is found, and at the intersection of the values ​​there is a letter indicating the sex of the unborn child.

On a note!Based on the feedback from mothers who compared the sex of their children who were already born using this table (i.e. tried to calculate the sex of the child retroactively), the results differ - many people confirm the truthfulness of the table, but there are also those who consider this method complete nonsense.

Another ancient table used to calculate favorable months in order to give birth to a desired son.

This table compares the birth years of the parents of the unborn child. For the calculation, 2 tables are used. One of them contains calendar months. It is necessary to mark the month of birth of the mother, then the father, at the intersection is the corresponding number (1-12). The resulting number must be found in table 2, and see which month is most favorable in order to conceive a boy. This can be understood with the help of the marked crosses. The month opposite which the most crosses are marked is the most favorable for planning a boy.

other methods

In addition to the methods proven by medicine and science, there are well-known folk methods to help give birth to a son. Among them:

  • Special diets. According to popular observations, it has been noticed that certain food products have a negative effect, while others, on the contrary, push the man's body, for example, to produce sperm with the Y chromosome.
  • Calculation method according to the calendar. According to this method, many women were able to successfully give birth to the desired boy, but this method did not find recognition in science. To plan a child of a certain gender using this method, it is necessary that the woman has a stable menstrual cycle, without interruptions, and she knows exactly the days of ovulation.
  • Other folk signs.

In order to safely give birth to a boy, it is important to have a wholesome psychological attitude. The principle of domination must be observed in the family, then the man will have a strong desire to conceive an heir.

For a long time, peoples have used many different methods of planning the sex of the child, and have successfully achieved a positive result. In ancient times, the scientific and medical methods of giving birth to a boy, used today, were not known, so women used the experience gained from their ancestors.

Special diet to give birth to a boy (Method 5)

Adhering to a certain diet can predict the sex of the child.

When parents want a son, it is very important for them to balance their diet.

Eating the following foods is believed to help in planning for a male child:

  1. Any kind of meat.
  2. Sausages.
  3. Hot drinks (coffee, tea).
  4. Cold drinks in the form of a variety of fruit juices (preferably apple juices).
  5. Cereals (rice, semolina, buckwheat).
  6. Dairy products.
  7. Legumes.
  8. Bakery products.
  9. Fresh fruits (bananas, oranges, peaches, apples).
  10. Chocolate.
  11. Fish dishes.
  12. Various greens (spinach, parsley).
  13. Dried fruits.
  14. Fresh vegetables (zucchini, broccoli, pumpkin).

Adherence to a special diet is imperative for both parents. Especially a man needs nutritional adjustments, since the gender of the child depends to a greater extent on the father.

Calendar method (Method 6)

This method is based on calculating favorable days for planning a boy according to the calendar.

The Chinese table is often applied to the calendar method, since it calculates the favorable time for conceiving a boy. In it, for every age of a woman, there is a favorable month for conceiving a child of the desired sex.

In ancient times, another method was widely used, where the age of the expectant mother influenced the month of conception. If a woman's age is an even number, then odd months should be chosen for planning a boy, and vice versa.

Today, the calendar method is used by those women who clearly know their cycle and the days of ovulation. Then you can hit the target very accurately. If a woman has a regular menstrual cycle, then she is most likely to conceive a boy on the day of ovulation.

There are many different calendar ways, based on the month of birth of the parents or their age, day of ovulation.

Folk omens and methods (Method 7)

It is believed that an incomplete moon is the best time to conceive a boy.

Folk omens helped some parents to safely give birth to a boy. Here is some of them:

  1. A favorable time for conceiving a son is an incomplete moon.
  2. The room in which the sexual act is planned should not be hot.
  3. Items used by a man in everyday life should be placed under the pillow.
  4. Before embarking on conception, parents should saturate their bodies with meat, potatoes, and legumes.
  5. A man should be more active during intercourse.
  6. Sexual intercourse should not be performed on Wednesday, Friday or Sunday.
  7. A preferable position is when the woman is positioned with her head to the north.

Applying these signs and methods in ancient times, women believed that a boy should have been born.

We draw conclusions - is it possible to "order" the sex of the child?

Of course, neither medical, nor scientific, nor folk methods will give a full guarantee to future parents that a boy will be born. It's worth a try, though. And each woman chooses the optimal method for planning the sex of the baby for herself and her partner.

If a married couple trusts only specialists, then they can resort to scientific methods of conceiving a boy:

  • Method by group or renewal of blood.
  • On the day of ovulation.

If future parents are not averse to experimenting, then you can turn to the tables of Ancient China and Japan, which take into account the age of the parents or the month of their birth, as well as the favorable month for conception.

There are also those who trust exclusively the people, so they try to conceive a son using signs.

To give birth to a boy is the dream of many families; future fathers especially think about the heir. And they are ready to go to great lengths to have a boy "by order".

So, is it possible to "order" the sex of the child? As the experience of many parents shows, yes. To begin with, you should collect well information about possible ways and methods of planning the sex of the child, and choose the best one! But also remember, even if you really want a son, none of the methods will give a 100% guarantee, and you still need to rejoice for a child of any gender, because being a parent is a great happiness, and most importantly, it's the baby's health!

2016-01-25 , 10048

People say that a son is the only man that a woman will love no matter what. The son is the pride of the father and the hope of the mother. That is why many married couples dream of conceiving a boy during pregnancy. Is it possible with a 100% guarantee to foresee and plan the conception of a child of a certain gender?

Is it possible to conceive a boy

In this article common methods are described, which, with varying degrees of probability, allow you to conceive a boy. Often the result depends on the heredity of the parents, but you can still correct it.

All methods of conception

The following are the most common ways to conceive a boy. They helped some women, others write that the methods "did not work." But anyway the birth of a child is always a joyful event!

By ovulation

it the most popular way, which allows you to plan the conception of a future boy. It does not require any costs if the woman has a stable menstrual cycle and knows exactly when it will happen. If the cycle is not constant, then ovulation is determined by a special test, which is sold in a pharmacy without a prescription. Or on schedule.

But the most accurate method for determining ovulation is folliculometry or ultrasound.

According to this method, a boy can be conceived only on the day of ovulation or on the first day after it... This fact is confirmed by physiological processes.

Among women XX-set of chromosomes, and in men - XY... It means that the probability of conceiving a boy is 50%... And this is where the laws of the nature of the human body come into force. On the day of ovulation the egg is maximally ready for fertilization. And sperm with the Y chromosome are fast, but less tenacious.

From all of the above, it follows that in order to conceive a boy, it is necessary that sperm with the Y chromosome reached the egg as quickly as possible.

By blood

The essence of this method is very simple: human blood has the ability to renew itself... So, in men, renewal occurs every four years, a woman's blood - once every three years... And whose blood, so to speak, is younger - a man or a woman - of this gender will be a child.

Determine the "youth" of blood can be done using a simple mathematical action - division. The mother's age must be divided by 3 and the father's age by 4.

For example: my mother is 22 years old, and my father is 24 years old. Let's carry out the calculations:

22/3 = 7.3 or 22/3 = 7 * 3 + 1,

where 1 is the age of the renewed blood, i.e., the mother's blood was renewed 1 year ago.

24/4 = 6 or 24/4 = 6 * 4 + 0

It follows from this that the blood has recently been renewed.

If the father's age is a multiple of 4, then his blood is considered renewed.

Beyond the reference point of blood age it is customary to take a person's birthday. For example, if a father turns 24 on October 1, and conception is scheduled for November 1, therefore, his blood age is only 1 month.

In some cases blood renewal date is shifting... This is influenced by significant blood loss: trauma, childbirth, donation of blood.

In spite of accurate calculations, this method also does not give one hundred percent guarantee.

By calendar and table

The most popular calendar among young couples is the Chinese baby gender planning chart. The Chinese claim that this method gives 99% of the result, but in practice - a maximum of 70%.

This calendar is very easy to use. In the table horizontally, the months of conception are indicated, and vertically - the age of the expectant mother. The gender of the child is indicated at the intersection of rows and columns.

The Japanese calendar is the second most popular- consists of two parts. In the first table, the father’s birth months are shown horizontally, and the mother’s birth months, vertically. At their intersection are numbers (from 1 to 12). Having chosen the desired number, you should go to the second table ...

In this table, the same numbers are located horizontally. The table itself is divided into two parts: on the left, the months for conceiving a boy are listed in a special order, and on the right for conceiving a girl.

There are crosses in the center. The more crosses, the more likely it is to conceive a child of a certain gender.

Japanese doctors made an official statement that smoking father or mother reduces the likelihood of conception boy. Therefore, urgently get rid of this bad habit!

Another way to plan the sex of the unborn child is numerical... It is as follows:

if the mother's age is odd (for example, 25 years old), then you can conceive a boy in even months (February, April, June, August, October, December);

if the mother's age is even (for example, 24 years old), then it is necessary to plan conception in odd months (January, March, May, July, September, November).

On the lunar cycle

This method was invented by the ancient Slavs. They believed that inside every woman there is her own "moon", which is responsible for the birth of healthy offspring.

New moon it was a kind of sign that the woman began, therefore, during this period (it lasted 1 week), intimate relationships should not have been.

After that, the days for conception came. Moreover, each day had its own patroness. According to the Slavic conception calendar, on the 11th day of the lunar cycle, you can conceive a boy, on 12 - a girl, on 13 - a girl, 14 - a boy, 15 - a girl, 16 - a boy, 17 - a girl. This period was called "lunar road".

From 18 to 21 days they refused intimacy, since it was believed that on these days it was possible to conceive a sick child. And from the 22nd day was "Safe" period for love.

By pose

Sexual positions, according to our ancestors, also influenced the sex of the unborn child.

For example, the ancient Greeks believed that in order to conceive a boy it was necessary lie on your right side... And to conceive a girl - on the left.

And in China there is a sign that in order to conceive a future warrior, during intercourse you need lie with our heads to the north... Accordingly, for the conception of a daughter - to the south.

The most comfortable position for conceiving a boy is doggystyle. It is considered the most naturally natural.

By signs

In some nationalities under the bed for the newlyweds put an ax, mace, sword and other "male" attributes. It was believed that this contributes to the conception of an heir. Couples who decide to try this method can place a toy soldier, robot, or toy car under the bed.

Another medical sign: before intercourse, the expectant mother should do douching from a soda solution. This neutralizes the acidic environment in the vagina and allows sperm to reach the egg without hindrance.

It is believed that if father is older than mother then a boy will be born first. If a woman is the leader in the family, energetic and active, then she is more likely to have a son.


Planning the gender of the child by the sign of the zodiac- this is also one of the popular methods. The signs are divided into male and female.

The male signs of the zodiac include:

  • Aries;
  • Twins;
  • Scales;
  • Sagittarius;
  • Aquarius.
  • The female signs of the zodiac include:
  • Taurus;
  • Virgo;
  • Scorpion;
  • Capricorn;
  • Fishes.

The essence of this method is that a woman who was born under the "masculine" sign will give birth to the first-born boy in the month when the "feminine" sign will dominate. Conversely, if a woman was born under the "female" sign, then the boy will be born in the month of the "male" sign.

For example, if a woman was born under the sign of Libra (male sign), then one of the supposed signs for conceiving a boy is Virgo. The Virgo sign reigns from August 23 to September 22 - this is the period for the birth of a baby. In reverse order, count from this period 9 months (for bearing the fetus). It turns out that it is better to conceive a child from November 22 to December 21.


Psychological attitude is also important. If a couple is thinking about a future son before conception, then this method may well work. However, a man should be more attentive to his woman and give her as much pleasure as possible in bed. Simply put, if the expectant mother experiences an orgasm, then the likelihood of conceiving a boy increases significantly.

Another opinion of psychologists: a confident man has daughters. This is due to the fact that a son is paternal pride, and an overly confident man does not need extra pride. Therefore, you need to tune in to the boy and change, albeit for a short time, your attitude towards life.

It is believed that a child of the correct gender can be called into your family... So, the child can be "asked" by the water. For example, while walking along a pond, express your desire clearly.

By diet

Another way to conceive a child of the correct gender is to prepare your body. special diet... This method is based on the theory that foods can influence oocyte biochemical structure... This means that she can be prepared for the conception of a child of the desired sex.

Products for conceiving a boy:

  • potato;
  • eggs (preferably protein);
  • pickles;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • a fish;
  • meat and sausage;
  • any foods that contain a lot of salt;
  • peaches;
  • prunes and dried fruits;
  • dates;
  • bananas;
  • fresh juices;
  • mineral water saturated with hydrocarbonate;
  • What foods to exclude:
  • dairy products and cereals;
  • green beans;
  • chocolate and cocoa;
  • baked goods containing eggs and milk;
  • nuts;
  • seafood;
  • mineral water with calcium content.

This diet should be started 4 months before the planned conception, and then can be canceled.

On artificial insemination

In vitro fertilization is the most accurate method, which guarantees the conception of a healthy heir. For this, the clinic selects sperm with Y-chromosomes and fertilizes an egg with them.

This method was invented for couples who have a high probability of conceiving a child with various hereditary defects. It is also very expensive. And whether it is worth using this method is up to you.

However, whoever you give birth to, remember that in our world there are higher powers that control our destinies. No one can accurately predict the sex of the unborn child before conception. Therefore, tune in to love for your baby, because if you decide to plan your pregnancy, then he is already for you desired.