Why is facial massage useful? Which facial massage is more effective. Why face massage is useful and how it is harmful: tips for saving from bad consequences

The struggle for youth and beauty should be carried out on all fronts and directions. Along with the latest technologies, traditional methods of skin care have not lost their relevance to this day.

Basics and essence of facial massage, indications and benefits

An affordable, effective and relatively safe procedure that improves blood circulation, relieves swelling and oxygenates tissues. Special techniques of mechanical and reflex action on the skin with the help of hands increase tone, strengthen the muscle frame, and improve color.

This procedure is indicated for flaccid dull skin, with emerging wrinkles and a floating oval. Prevention of the appearance of cosmetic defects such as comedones and acne.

Solving purely cosmetological tasks, as a pleasant bonus, it gives a feeling of comfort and spiritual harmony.

Types of facial massage

Different techniques may differ in the methods of exposure used by the means, have their own purpose - some fight wrinkles, others tighten the chin or relieve swelling around the eyes, and others are aimed at healing and rejuvenation.


The traditional method is distinguished by democracy and conservatism - it suits almost everyone, and all methods are gentle and careful. They mainly use rubbing and stroking. Vibrations and kneading are used occasionally. Hands gently slide strictly along the massage lines. The procedure involves the mandatory use of special oils or thick creams.

This technique will be useful for dehydrated, aging skin and mild sagging muscles.

A pleasant and safe procedure, but you should not expect a significant transformation from it. The cosmetic effect here largely depends on the composition of the oils and serums used, rather than on the actions.

Lymphatic drainage

All failures in the functioning of the lymphatic system are primarily reflected in the skin: swelling, bags under the eyes, drooping of the eyelids, flews and other unpleasant changes appear.

With the help of lymphatic drainage, signs of lymph stagnation are eliminated, and a significant correction of external flaws quickly occurs: the skin becomes more elastic, the oval is tightened, puffiness disappears.

There are many different techniques of lymphomassage (oriental, author's methods of Akhabadze, Levchenko, manual and hardware). But they are all based on a thorough knowledge of the location of the lymph nodes and lymph tract.

Unfortunately, such an effective procedure is not shown to everyone. Contraindicated for any infection in the body, dermatological problems, oncology, exacerbation of herpes, heart disease.

Asahi (Japanese)

The real name of this technique is ZOGAN (Tsogan, Zogan) massage, which means "face creation". The ancient technique was brought back to life through the efforts of the beautician Hiroshi Hisashi, but it gained worldwide popularity thanks to Yukuko Tanaka, who wrote a book about Zogan and released a number of video tutorials.

The Japanese technique is distinguished by aggressiveness and radicalism - all manipulations are done with effort, not only the epidermis is worked out, but also deep muscle layers and even bone tissue. The Zogan procedure perfectly stimulates the lymph nodes and blood vessels, as a result of which excess fluid is removed along with toxins and improves tissue nutrition.

Such a fundamental effect helps to revitalize the face from the inside: correcting the position of the bones improves the features, intensive study of the areas with fat deposits on the chin and cheeks allows you to correct the oval, the load on the muscles tones and tightens them, thanks to the increased blood supply and outflow of lymph, a fresh and healthy look is acquired.

Since Asahi directly affects lymphatic drainage, you should not resort to it for any ENT diseases, because infection also spreads with the lymph flow. This technique should be used with caution by people with sunken cheeks and a thin layer of fat - the face will become even thinner. Intense muscle training can aggravate the manifestations of rosacea.


The main difference between the technique is that it lacks traditional smoothing techniques. In Shiatsu, only pressing with the fingertips on certain points (tsubo) is used according to a strict scheme. The "awakened" energy flows activate metabolic processes and improve the nutrition of the epidermal cells, due to which edema disappears, the color is evened out, and the elasticity of the skin is restored.

Despite the ease of manipulation, incompetent performance of the Shiatsu procedure, instead of a healing and rejuvenating effect, can lead to pinching of nerve endings, damage to muscle tissue and internal hematomas.


Another name for this non-standard technique is sublingual, since the muscles are flexed through the open mouth. It was invented and brought out by the cult French cosmetologist and ardent opponent of plastic surgery - Joelle Siocco.

The specialist captures one or another area of ​​the lips, cheeks and chin from both sides and rather intensively massages every inch, slightly stretching and stretching the entire thickness of the muscles. After the session, there are unpleasant sensations comparable to muscle pain after training.

Such a deep study of the lower half of the face returns the lost elasticity, and the contour - clarity. The technique copes even with noticeable age-related changes, and is considered the best in eliminating nasolabial folds. Buccal - sometimes used not only in cosmetology - it helps to develop atrophied muscles in patients after a stroke.

The procedure should be carried out only by an experienced specialist who understands the anatomical structure of the muscular apparatus and the location of nerve bundles and blood vessels.

The main disadvantage of the technique is the inability to cover the entire physiognomy.


Vacuum processing is carried out using a special apparatus or jars made of glass, plastic or silicone. The negative pressure created inside the device nozzle or can promotes blood flow, partial detachment of the stratum corneum, lymphatic drainage effect, opening of pores and release of comedones. The suction cup is placed in specific areas or gently pushed along the massage lines.

Vacuum - useful for oily, aging skin with signs of pastiness. However, with chronic dermatoses, superficial capillary network, thin skin, this technique should be abandoned. After inept treatment of the procedure, often bruises and stretch marks remain for a long memory.


This hardware procedure in cosmetology is the most effective and safe. It requires a generator of ultrasonic waves up to 1 MHz. With such low sound vibrations, it is possible to care for even the thinnest areas of the dermis - the area around the eyes and lips.

Ultrasound, penetrating into living tissues, causes alternate relaxation and contraction of muscle fibers, carrying out a kind of micromassage. The release of a certain amount of thermal energy expands the lumen of the vessels, which has a positive effect on metabolic, regenerative, anti-inflammatory processes. Wave vibrations of sound increase the permeability of cell membranes, as a result of which the active components of the used creams are absorbed faster, and in all layers of the dermis. Nutrient-rich skin produces collagen and elastin more efficiently.

Ultrasonic - delicate and completely insured against the appearance of severe redness and bruising, suitable for any type of epidermis and has a small number of contraindications (presence of a pacemaker, oncology, acute infection).


Getting rid of fine wrinkles, delicate blush and tightened skin in just three minutes a day promises the method of Frenchwoman Joelle Siocco.

A well-groomed appearance of the skin is achieved through three movements:

  • For 1 minute, unhurried pressure should be carried out with your fingers (middle, index and ring), moving from the forehead to the décolleté area. In such a simple way, the lymph flow is activated and puffiness is removed.
  • For 1 minute, knead the folds captured between the thumb and forefinger. The skin can be lifted slightly, but in no case should it be stretched. The direction is chosen arbitrarily. The main thing is to cover all areas of the head and neck. This exercise restores firmness and elasticity.
  • 1 minute is devoted to patting with relaxed hands on the face, ears and neck until slight redness. With the help of such "slaps" the blood is accelerated, the epidermis is toned and enriched with oxygen.

The method is effective at any age and is applicable to any skin type. This express technique increases the effectiveness of caring creams and gels, which should be applied immediately after the procedure.


The special technique, developed by the Spanish professor of medicine Enrique Castells, is a combination of a European approach, taking into account anatomical and physiological characteristics, and Eastern techniques, in which energy points and channels are of decisive importance.

In the arsenal of a specialist practicing this type of influence, there are techniques of classical manual therapy, elements of passive yoga, rhythmic acupressure, Buddhist muscle stretching technique.

The same technique is not repeated twice during the session - this is an important feature of the Spanish technique. This approach prevents the client from getting used to the monotonous effect, and the nervous system remains sensitive to every touch.

Despite extremely gentle manipulations, it has a tangible effect on tissues, muscles, nervous, circulatory and lymphatic systems. Such a comprehensive effect allows you to achieve tangible results in the fight against age-related changes in the epidermis.

The softness of the Spanish technique leads to the almost complete absence of side effects and contraindications.


Eastern techniques are very far from simple kneading of the skin. Any technique follows a complex theory that explains the movement of Yin and Yang energies in the human body. By acting on certain points in the desired sequence, it is possible to achieve a balance of these two streams, which means not only to heal the skin, but also to achieve excellent health and stop the aging process of the whole organism.

The most famous Chinese acupressure techniques are:

  1. Taoist. The most important thing in this technique is the special energy emanating from the hands, which is transmitted through the points to the whole body. Regular procedures allow you to achieve not only rejuvenation, but also treat neuroses, increase visual acuity.
  2. Spoons. Heated and cold spoons are applied alternately. The contrast of temperatures, stroking and tapping on certain lines restore the lost elasticity of the epidermis and fight wrinkles.
  3. Guasha. Professionals use jade scrapers or black buffalo horn plates during the procedure. They are moved along 8 meridians located on the face. The gouache technique allows you to activate all the energy points without stretching the skin. In addition to improving her condition, due to the most powerful stimulation of capillary blood flow, wrinkles are smoothed, rashes are eliminated, and color is evened. Guasha is applicable at any age and for any type of skin. It can be especially helpful for pigmentation and excess sebum secretion. Since the plates absolutely do not shift the skin, it is quite possible to carry out after Botox injections.


This is the most unusual way, because the Atahina snails act as masseurs here. Molluscs simply crawl on the skin soaked in warm milk, leaving a sticky trail behind them.

The secret of popularity is hidden in the unique composition of mucus containing valuable natural ingredients that effectively smooth wrinkles, smooth scars and scars, heal wounds and ulcers.

Since snail therapy takes place without mechanical influences, it is practically harmless. In addition to sensitivity to mucus, there are no contraindications to it as such. The only but significant disadvantage of such a procedure is that not everyone is ready to overcome their dislike for huge slugs crawling across their faces.

Home self-massage

It is not at all necessary to carry out the procedure only in a beauty salon. Many techniques can be mastered and performed independently. In order not to harm the skin and achieve maximum results, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Spend at the same time.
  • It is not recommended to go out in the sun immediately after the procedure.
  • The use of oils, talcum powder or fatty serums and creams will provide easy gliding of the hands and help to avoid stretching of the skin.
  • All movements are performed only along the lines, you should also bypass the lymph nodes.

Preparation and technique of facial massage

Before the session, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands and cleanse the skin from accumulated impurities and cosmetics with the help of appropriate lotions.

Then the face is warmed over a steam bath or a napkin soaked in hot water so that the moist heat causes a rush of blood and pores open.

The choice of the remedy depends on the state of the activity of the sebaceous glands. Oily skin is treated with talcum powder or rice powder. For normal and dry - a nourishing cream with a non-viscous texture or a base oil (olive, almond, jojoba) is suitable.

After 15 minutes, when the steamed skin has absorbed the beneficial components of the oil or cream, you should take a comfortable position in front of the mirror and start the procedure.

At home, as a rule, they resort to the following techniques:

  • Stroking technique. This technique is usually used to start and end the session. Stroking can be done with any part of the hand. Sliding movements should not shift the skin or create wrinkles.
  • Kneading technique. Forceps are applied. Thumb and forefinger gently grip the skin roll and, trying not to pull it off, lightly roll it between the fingers.
  • Tapping technique. Working exclusively with the pads of the fingers, rhythmic beats are delicately applied along the lines.
  • Pressing technique. Fingertips or the back of the palm are firmly pressed on the skin.
  • Patting technique. A series of light blows are applied with the palm flat at close range.

How to do facial massage at home


Tilt your head back slightly, tilting it to the right. With closed fingers of the left hand, smooth the right side of the neck with sliding movements from top to bottom. After that, lay your head on the other side and do the same manipulations, only with your right hand. Massaging the front of the neck should be carried out from the bottom up, avoiding exposure to the thyroid region.

Chin and mouth

Place the pads of the fingers of both hands (except for the thumb and little fingers) at the center of the chin and beat them, moving towards the earlobe along the contour of the face. After that, place your fingers under the lower lip and repeat the same manipulations, again ending them at the earlobes.


First, place your thumbs on the sides of your chin, and with the rest of your fingers (except for the little finger), make several gentle arc strokes, starting from the middle of the nose towards the ears.

Then put three fingers on the top of the cheekbones, and large ones under them. Gently grasp the fold of the skin and gently squeeze it for a count of three.


First, with the pads of the ring fingers, with frequent light touches, we work out the upper eyelids (from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer ones). Movements on the lower eyelids are carried out in the opposite direction.

When overhanging the upper eyelids, another technique helps: we place the index fingers at the bridge of the nose above the eyebrows, and the big ones below them. Slightly squeezing and releasing the superciliary arches, move with frequent intermittent steps along the entire eyebrow line.


For this area, circular and rectilinear movements are used in the technique of stroking and pressing. The direction of movement is from the tip of the nose up to the bridge of the nose, from the wings of the nose along the lateral sides to the inner corners of the eyes.


With three fingers "drum" this area, starting from the center towards the temples until the onset of pleasant warmth.

Place one palm on your forehead, and then press firmly with the other palm. After that, smoothly move your hands together with the pressed skin in different directions (up - down, right - left, in a circle).

Contraindications to facial massage

  • acute infections;
  • purulent eruptions, large moles, warts;
  • hypertrichosis (increased hair growth);
  • wounds and scratches;
  • manifestations of herpes;
  • hemophilia;
  • low pressure;
  • oncological diseases.

Each of us has different associations with the word "massage". Someone imagines how they knead his back in the spa, and someone dreamily recalls the massage of the feet performed by the spouse, but few immediately think about the face. Many were able to appreciate the positive results of this procedure, but mainly it concerns the body. But whether facial massage is useful to such an extent that it can be given special attention, not everyone is sure. And someone even doubts its benefits. There are even those who consider it harmful.

Video: professional face and neck massage

Almost every woman, applying cream on her face, taps her fingertips under her eyes. She does it almost intuitively, based on the experience of the older generation, sometimes without even thinking that this is massage. Today, people have not only the experience of previous generations, but also the results of scientific research, which means they have answers to many questions, including in the field of cosmetology and medicine.

Choosing the type of facial massage

There are a huge number of varieties of this procedure, it is rather difficult to make an accurate classification, since all species are closely interconnected. For example, almost any method can be called curative.

If we are talking about the face, then we will be interested in the following types of massage:

  1. hygienic (aka preventive);
  2. plastic;
  3. medicinal.

The massage relaxes the muscles, but activates the beneficial metabolic processes of the skin

All these types are collectively called cosmetic massage. By the type of performance, it is also divided into manual and hardware. You need to choose a variety depending on the age, condition and type of skin.

Hygienic massage is suitable for dry skin with reduced muscle tone. It maintains the elasticity of the skin, helps to maintain its freshness and firmness, and is recommended for girls under 27 years of age. For oily skin prone to edema, blackheads and rosacea, plastic massage is recommended. It enhances blood circulation, smoothes fine wrinkles, activates the activity of the sebaceous glands, affects not only the skin itself, but also the facial muscles and subcutaneous tissue. It is often recommended for women aged 27 and over.

Therapeutic massage can be prescribed by a cosmetologist or dermatologist for serious skin problems, for example: acne, acne, circulatory disorders. It is carried out using special technologies. For example, there is Pospelov's method or Jacquet's method, they are designed to cleanse the sebaceous glands, based on a special technique of stroking and pinching.

The manual and hardware methods have both advantages and disadvantages. It is impossible to say unequivocally which of them is more effective, since everything depends on the specific tasks and problems that need to be solved. A specialist will best of all help you choose the right type and method.

Positive aspects of the procedure

The advantages can be enumerated endlessly, because it was invented many centuries ago, its traces can be traced in the history of different peoples for millennia. Many women think that this is just a pleasant relaxing procedure, but these are not all of its advantages. How is facial massage useful besides relaxation?

Here are a few problems that he can fix or eliminate altogether.

  1. Excessive muscle tension, including stress-related.
  2. Dead cells on the surface of the skin.
  3. Problems at a deeper level (subcutaneous layer): toxins, puffiness, pallor, fatigue, acne.
  4. Age-related changes: fine wrinkles, sagging skin, indistinct facial contour. Provided that the set of procedures has been correctly selected, the effect can be compared with the result of botox injections, although it takes longer.

But this is not all, the procedure helps the body to produce elastin and collagen faster, stimulates blood circulation (with tactile action on the muscles of the face, blood flow to it increases), thereby helping oxygen to penetrate the skin cells faster, as well as cosmetics that are often used in the process ... Even if you came to the salon with a different purpose, for example, to make a nourishing mask, you must first be sure to massage your face a little, which is not only pleasant, but will also enhance the effect of the mask.

A woman of elegant age will be able to tighten the skin and reduce the number of fine lines with massage

Arguments against facial massage

Sometimes you can hear opinions that it can be not only ineffective, but even harmful. Especially doubts and fears are raised by hardware facial massage, the benefits and harms of which are actively discussed every time a particular innovative method appears. Here are some of the arguments people are making based on rumors or even bad experiences.

  1. The skin stretches and becomes flabby.
  2. The skin gets used to the procedures. To keep it in good shape, they need to be repeated constantly, otherwise it can again stretch out.
  3. The consequences may be edema, allergic reactions, and the skin may be disturbed.

You should only trust your face in the hands of a real professional.

Yes, negative consequences are possible, but this can only happen if the cosmetologist is unprofessional, and also because the presence of contraindications that each type of procedure has was not taken into account. It is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the skin. For example, if she is very sensitive to any physical influences, apparatus massage should not be performed. There may be a reaction to cosmetics used during the procedure, so any unfamiliar cosmetics should always be tested on a small area of ​​the skin in advance.

General contraindications to massages

  1. Diseases of the skin, hair and nails of various kinds. For example: allergic dermatitis, infection, fungus and others.
  2. Acute inflammation of the lymphatic and blood vessels, varicose veins, thrombosis.
  3. Influenza, ARVI, ARI.

These are not all contraindications, the list may be different for each type. This point must be taken into account before the procedure, and it does not matter whether you do it yourself or in the salon.

If you have skin problems, you need to be examined by a dermatologist before visiting massage sessions.

Rumors of negative consequences can also be spread for commercial purposes, for example, at the initiative of those who provide cosmetic services using more radical and expensive methods of rejuvenation. But the thousand-year history of massage, which was mentioned by Hippocrates, speaks for itself.

Today, facial massage is the most popular and demanded procedure. It is able to significantly improve the condition of the facial skin. During the procedure, blood circulation is stabilized, and the outflow and flow of lymph is improved. The procedure itself contributes to an increase in skin turgor, restores its youth and beauty.

Benefits of face massage

  • Prevents the appearance of wrinkles and also increases the production of collagen and elastin
  • Relaxes facial muscles and activates blood circulation, which helps cosmetic products to quickly overcome the upper layer of the skin
  • Improves skin color and reduces swelling
  • Unclogs pores

This procedure is carried out taking into account the anatomical features of the structure of the facial muscles.

During the procedure, the direction of movement of the fingers is very important. Often they should follow the direction of the muscle tissue, along the so-called massage lines. Moving against these lines is fraught with wrinkling of the skin, and excessive pressure when stroking can contribute to the appearance of new wrinkles. The same actions can lead to ptosis (ptosis) of the skin, which is most typical for the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, the corners of the mouth and the area of ​​the upper eyelid.

Indications and contraindications for facial massage

Like many procedures, facial massage also has both indications and contraindications.


An indication for the procedure may be the introduction of certain types of gel-like correctors of wrinkles and facial contours under the skin. Most of them accelerate their main action after the procedure.

In addition, facial massage can be performed if the patient feels strong local discomfort, as well as after injections of a drug that contains botulinum toxin. In this case, the procedure can help restore muscle function.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the indications for facial massage for each age group of people.

Regardless of the age category, facial massage is relevant in the presence of a double chin, which has arisen due to an excess of subcutaneous fat or due to hypotension, as well as in the case of atony of dry dehydrated skin. Naturally, a specific massage technique is shown for each individual case.


Like any other aesthetic or medical procedure, massage of the face, neck and décolleté has its limitations.

Categorical contraindications to massage:

  • The presence of acute infectious and allergic rashes on the skin (eczema, pyoderma, herpes, etc.);
  • Numerous moles (nevi) and papillomatous formations;
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin (scratches, abrasions, cuts);
  • Increased fragility of the superficial vessels of the skin;
  • After medium and deep chemical peels.

In addition, massage of the above zones is contraindicated in the presence of oncological diseases of nearby organs, acute neuritis of the facial nerves, hypertension (3rd stage), acute sinusitis, sinusitis, diseases of the blood coagulation system.

Types of facial massage

There are several main types of this procedure:

It has a beneficial effect on the expression muscles in the area of ​​the ears, nose, eyes and mouth. The massage scheme affects the forehead, eye sockets, nose and nasolabial folds, cheeks and takes into account the blood supply, which is carried out by branches outside the carotid artery and arteries of the eyes.

It is performed in order to normalize the outflow of lymph and its normal circulation in the skin tissues. The result of the procedure is to restore skin tone, renew cells, reduce puffiness and eliminate dark circles under the eyes. In addition, this procedure prevents skin sagging, as well as the formation and deepening of wrinkles.

One of the best ways to deal with accumulated emotional stress. This type of massage not only eliminates stress and its consequences, but also significantly increases the body's resistance to stress.

Allows you to achieve a healthy complexion, restore shape. In addition, performing such a massage as a prophylaxis can achieve a pronounced rejuvenating effect, as well as stimulate the sebaceous glands. As a result of the procedure, blood circulation is activated and lymph flow in the tissues is normalized; there is a splitting effect on the area of ​​subcutaneous fat; noticeable regenerating effect.

Facial massage effect

After facial massage, the following changes are observed.

Massage is interesting as a procedure for both men and women, but many would like to know more why do you need a facial massage... Despite the fact that massage procedures are famous for a huge variety, more people are still interested in cosmetic massage.

why do you need a facial massage

Experts believe that facial massage perfectly stimulates the facial muscles, and the result is firm, elastic skin that is free of wrinkles. If we talk about the benefits of facial massage, then first of all it should be noted the effect on the lymphatic system, that is, its stimulation - this process is called lymphatic drainage. The beauty and health portal provides information on techniques for performing facial massage. Click on the link and read about how to properly do a facial massage at home!

In addition, the skin capillaries are also exposed to the massage therapist's hands, and this helps to improve the microcirculation of the blood flow. The result of the massage will be getting rid of the swelling of the face - well, isn't it a miracle ?! Competent actions of the masseur will contribute to the fact that the skin is saturated with oxygen, it becomes well-groomed and healthy. There are many massage techniques - there is one that helps to smooth wrinkles, lighten age spots, tighten the skin of the chin and tone the skin of the face, in general. And this means that the skin will be rejuvenated - the dream of many women and men - why do you need a facial massage... Many people know that there are special points on the face that are responsible for the functioning of certain organs. A competent massage therapist, by stimulating these points, can help improve the health of his patient. In addition, massage evokes positive emotions, which is very beneficial for everyone.

It is advisable, in order to achieve the desired effect from the massage, to complete at least one ten-day course, but completely. Usually, two sessions are prescribed per week, but it is advisable to carry them out at a strictly agreed time. A couple of massage sessions are recommended per year - then the result of the masseur's efforts will be perfectly noticeable. Actually, after the first session, positive changes can be noted - the complexion becomes healthy, the skin becomes more toned and youthful - this is a wonderful stimulus for further massage sessions.

face massage, preparation

For greater effectiveness of massage procedures, the skin on the face is pre-prepared. Preparation consists in cleaning the skin from makeup, if there is none, then the skin is simply cleansed of impurities and dead cells.

Immediately before the procedure, the skin should be steamed with a towel, which has been held over steam for some time - why do you need a facial massage. A well-warmed towel should be applied to the face and kept for up to ten minutes. However, the towel should not be heated too much to avoid burns.

Facial massage involves the use of olive oil, or a nourishing and moisturizing cream and applying it to the face about ten minutes before the massage procedure. The skin before the procedure will receive maximum benefits, therefore, the effectiveness of the massage will be the best. Another useful feature of oil and cream is that thanks to them, the skin during the massage will not gather into folds and excessively stretch.

Massage is the most affordable method of relaxation and disease prevention. Studies have shown that massage has a positive effect on the human body, which is why it is prescribed to people of all ages for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. What about a facial massage? After all, the skin of the face is extremely delicate and sensitive. So is facial massage harmful and what benefits does it have in itself?

The benefits of face massage: what effect does it have?

Facial massage has a lot of useful properties. It is primarily used to give skin elasticity and prevent wrinkles. The fact is that face massage is understood as active anti-smoothing movements of the fingers, and it is these actions that give the skin a lifting effect.

Do not forget about the relaxing effect of this procedure, it relieves stress and fatigue, and has a calming effect.

Also, massage has a positive effect on blood circulation. Blood begins to flow better to the skin, which improves its condition, provides elasticity and a healthy complexion.

The harm of facial massage

The main disadvantage of massage is pain. This is especially true for people with a high pain threshold or hypersensitive facial skin. But if the pain during the procedure may not carry a threat, then you should pay attention to the painful sensations after the massage, because they may indicate the unprofessionalism of the massage therapist or an error made as a result of massage at home. Pain can be caused by damage to the structure of muscle fibers or impaired blood circulation. Such mistakes in facial massage can lead to the following consequences:

Circles under the eyes

Various rashes on the skin of the face

Cracks and wrinkles

From the above, it becomes clear that you should take facial massage seriously: follow the recommendations for self-massage at home or carefully choose a professional.

Benefits of different types of facial massage

The most common types of facial massage are:

1. Classic

2. Plastic

3. Medical

Classic massage, or as it is also called - hygienic, is aimed at maintaining skin tone and improving its appearance. This type of massage can be done by everyone, regardless of the individual characteristics of the skin, in order to prevent wrinkles and age-related changes. The classic massage combines the most basic and most effective techniques.

Plastic massage is indicated for women with swollen and sagging facial skin, wrinkles, skin tendency to age-related changes. This procedure is characterized by a deep effect on the skin of the face, intensive and active movements of the fingers are characteristic of this procedure. This massage improves blood circulation and shapes the facial features. This procedure is carried out using talc.

Therapeutic facial massage is used for the following skin diseases and skin disorders:

Acne and acne


Oily seborrhea

This procedure is characterized by pinching movements on the face and intense action on the skin. Therapeutic massage consists in capturing subcutaneous tissue, kneading, vibrating and stroking. This type of massage is performed with an auxiliary substance - talcum powder.

How to get all the benefits of facial massage on your own and not harm yourself?

You can start doing facial massage at home from about the age of 26. At this age, a woman's skin begins to undergo age-related changes and mimic wrinkles. The main recommendation is to do massage according to the schedule: daily or every other day before bedtime. As for the duration of the procedure, everything is simple here: the first procedure is 5 minutes, the next a little longer.

1. First of all, you should choose a cream or lotion for your face that suits your specific skin type.

2. It should be noted that facial massage is performed exclusively with fingers, not hands.

4. The first massage as described above lasts approximately 5 minutes, but the average duration is approximately 30 minutes.

5. Also, you can use different oils to make the massage more effective.

Before the massage, you should wash your hands and cleanse your face. On dry skin of the face, you need to put any hot compress (for about 2 minutes). After preparing the skin, moisturize the skin with a face cream. For oily skin, it is recommended to mix olive oil with lemon juice.

So, how do you do a massage so that it brings pleasure and does not harm your health?

1. Facial massage is always started from the highest point of the face - the forehead. The middle and ring fingers should be involved, with the help of which it is necessary to massage the forehead area in circular movements.

2. The next area of ​​influence should be the eyes. It must be remembered that movements in the area around the eyes should be light, no intense exposure is required.

4. The next step is to go to the mimic wrinkles around the mouth. Their presence can be corrected by light stroking from the chin upwards.

5. Cheeks and chin need patting, this should be done with active, light movements.

6. The last area of ​​massage is the neck. It needs to be stroked, moving from the collarbone to the chin.

These rules will help make massage useful and effective.

Home massage mistakes that can be harmful to health

It is important that the massage procedure does not harm, since there are many blood vessels on the face, damage to which can lead to such sad consequences as redness, unnatural skin tone and wrinkles. There are the following massage mistakes at home:

Rough rubbing

Intensive rubbing of the delicate skin of the face can affect the appearance of wrinkles, the skin will become flabby and reddened. Rubbing should be carried out with soft movements, without injuring the skin and not causing it to various reactions, including pain.

Massage without trajectory

Compliance with special massage lines is one of the main rules of facial massage. Ignoring the lines of massage is fraught with a change in the boundaries of facial features. Before starting the procedure at home, you should carefully study the information on this topic.

Irregularity of the procedure

Facial massage will give results and will be effective only if it is carried out daily or every other day, that is, regularly.

Ignoring contraindications

Despite the fact that every girl wants to have a tightened oval of the face, the absence of wrinkles and other advantages of facial massage, do not forget that contraindications to it should not be neglected. It is better to postpone the procedure and solve the reason that interferes with the massage.

Incorrect selection of aids

The best face massage products: lotions, creams, oils. All of them should tone the skin and have a regenerating effect. Also, it should be noted that facial aids must be appropriate for the skin type.

Contraindications to facial massage

Contraindications are an important part of any procedure, since ignoring the individual intolerance to facial massage can not only darken the impression of it, but also not negatively affect health. The procedure should not be carried out in the presence of the following deviations:

Rash due to allergies or infectious diseases

Open wounds or skin lesions


Viral disease

Individual intolerance

Increased or decreased intracranial pressure


Increased number of moles on the face

Rehabilitation period after facial procedures

Diseases of the ear, throat, nose

Cancer and blood diseases

Acute chronic diseases

If you monitor your condition and warn the beautician about the individual characteristics of the body, then facial massage will become a pleasant and effective procedure.

Facial massage is one of the best skin care methods. Its regular use in accordance with the above recommendations will have a positive effect on the skin and help to avoid noticeable age-related changes.