Household cleaning products. Natural cleaning products for cleaning the whole house. Best mops: MicroFiber Swivel Mop LTT3437 Microfiber Swivel Floor Cleaning Mop

Regular cleaning in an apartment is a guarantee of cleanliness and preservation of health. Cleaning products for bathtubs, carpets, floors, tiles and other surfaces can be of great help. They remove any dirt much faster, saving time and effort during cleaning.

Today you can buy cleaning products from a wide variety of manufacturers that are specially formulated for specific purposes, making it easier to choose and use. At the same time, specialization significantly improves their efficiency, allowing developers to take into account the characteristics of specific contaminants.

Where to buy cleaning products?

If you want to update your stock of special products for floors, carpets, baths, then the best option would be to buy Apricot in our online store in Moscow. We specialize in selling quality products with home delivery, as well as a full range of related products. By making a purchase here, you get the following benefits:

  • affordable prices;
  • a wide selection of popular brands including SANFOR, Meine Liebe, Muscle, Comet;
  • prompt delivery;
  • regular promotions and special offers.

You can place an order for cleaning agents on the website yourself or with the help of operators by phone.

My eco-friendly household chemicals - I share my personal experience again. I'll tell you what products I use to clean the house and what I found this summer =)

I thought about safe household chemicals for a long time, but switched to safe means gradually, not one day.

I bought various products and compared: I liked some immediately and stayed for a long time, others did not repeat. The easiest thing for me was the transition to dishwashing detergents, the most difficult thing was to decide on the laundry.

Even now I cannot boast that everything suits me - I have much to strive for!

But household chemicals at home have become much less, this is a fact. Today I will share my findings and environmentally friendly cleaning products.

And at the end I will tell you about the principles of cleaning that are easy to do now =)

Eco-friendly household chemicals on iHerb

I have been buying household chemicals on iHerb for many years in a row, preferring Ecover and Attitude.

Belgian Ecover one of the most famous manufacturers of cleaning products. Most do not contain toxic components, but you need to look at the compositions. For allergy sufferers, there is a Zero fragrance-free line.

I love Ecover, Liquid Dish Soap with lime: concentrated, lathers well and cleans up all dirt, but it's better to wash the dishes with gloves. The composition contains sodium lauryl sulfate.

Stain Remover Ecover, Stain Remover removes fresh stains on colored and white fabrics, refreshes shirt collars and cuffs and is chlorine free. The bottle has a convenient brush, I apply it on the stain and after 5 minutes I send the thing to the wash.

I regularly buy concentrated dishwashing detergent Dishwashing Liquid, Pink Grapefruit- it has a delicate dense foam, a pleasant aroma and soft plant glucosides in its composition.

The brand also has excellent working products for the bathroom: Bathroom, Citrus Zest (removes soapstone, cleans tiles) and Daily Shower Cleaner (prevents soapstone formation on glass).

Ecover in Russia

Ecover assortment iHerb cut a lot in the last year and I started buying many heavy products here more often. The prices are roughly the same, if we recalculate in terms of volume - the packages are different.

I like cream cleaning agent, I use it for plumbing and in the kitchen for various surfaces.

Liked washing liquid: This is a versatile everyday remedy for white and colored fabrics. Washes at a low temperature (I do not wash above 30 degrees), does not contain enzymes and bleaches, rinses well and does not damage the fabric.

In addition to it I take eco-friendly fabric softener, I use 1 cap per wash.

Where can I buy: FCX705 for all

Eco-friendly household chemicals BioMio

In the summer, I tried new brands of environmentally friendly household chemicals that are sold in Russia.

From Russian brands I met with BioMio, the brand is owned by Splat and produces cleaning products. Environmental friendliness is confirmed by the Russian certificate "Leaf of Life" on the packaging.

I was offered to take the dish gel for testing, and I bought the detergents myself in order to get a general impression of the brand.

I liked the dishwashing gel and proved to be economical! I have been using it all summer, but I also have a dishwasher and I do not wash the dishes by hand every day. This is worth considering.

I have a mint essential oil dish gel. I have not tried other flavors (there is also mandarin, lavender, verbena), but this is the most beautiful and sweet mint. The scent is fresh, natural and bright, it improves the mood.

The product foams well and washes away dirt perfectly. But there is a minus - the full composition of the surfactants included in the composition is not indicated on the label. You can use the gel for baby dishes and for peeling fruits and vegetables. I tried it - the gel could not remove the wax film from the fruit.

Where can I buy: for 4fresh + 5% discount by code FCX705 for all

BioMio washing powder did not impress at all.

It is an ordinary and even mediocre odorless washing powder, the laundry lacks the feeling of cleanliness and freshness.

Only this can explain that an open box of powder has been worth for several months and I do not use it. Now I will finish the post and finish it as soon as possible to start trying other means.

I liked the BioMio liquid detergent for washing delicate fabrics more!

I haven't tried it for wool and silk, I use for everyday washing ordinary clothes made of colored fabrics. The manufacturer recommends it for children's clothing and people with sensitive skin.

The product is odorless and suitable for every day. The laundry is soft and pleasant after washing. It does not remove dirt, I add Sodasan bleach to it, I will talk about it later.

Sodasan Oxygen Treatment

Sodasan is a German brand of eco-friendly detergents. In the summer I bought oxygen bleach, recently the bottle ran out and I feel like I miss it, I have to order again.

The bleach is designed for white and colored fabrics, gently removes dirt without damaging the fibers. Retains the brightness of colored items and prevents aging of white things.

In fact, this is not a bleach, but a means to preserve brightness and remove impurities. According to the instructions, it is designed for 14 wash cycles. It took me much longer, I added 1 tablespoon of powder per wash.

Where can I buy: for 4fresh + 5% discount by code FCX705 for all

Eco-friendly cleaning

And I share my principles of sustainable home cleaning. Many are familiar to you, perhaps something will be new =)

1. Do not use synthetic aerosols and candles

These fresheners smell good, but they fill the air with toxic chemicals that we breathe in. Conventional candles often have a lead + wick made of paraffin - when burned, it forms toxic benzene and toluene.

The best choice: organic beeswax or soy candles, essential oils, aroma diffusers. These candles are from the Aroma Naturals (iHerb) brand, they are all made from soy wax.

2. Do not use antibacterial cleaning agents

Triclosan kills all living bacteria and promotes the emergence of resistant super bacteria, harmful to health and harm to the environment. Use natural antibacterial agents instead of triclosan and chlorine.

The best choice: grapefruit seed extract, tea tree, lemon, eucalyptus essential oils.

3. Get rid of excess

Superfluous things tend to accumulate and quickly turn into rubble, so I periodically “litter”. Each time the separation process becomes easier, and only really favorite things remain at home!

The best choice: if you don't know where to start, just take apart one cupboard in the kitchen and leave your favorite tools. You will be surprised how inspiring it is! =)

4. Dispose of waste wisely

It is easy to throw the battery in the trash, but just one battery contaminates about 20 square meters with heavy metals (mercury, lead). m. of land. There are special containers for collection, from which the batteries are sent for recycling.

The best choice: In Moscow, there are containers for collecting batteries in Ikea, Media Markt, and some VkusVill stores.

5. Choose environmentally friendly cleaning products

Modern environmentally friendly household chemicals are effective, do not contain substances toxic to health and poisonous odors. It is also environmentally friendly and made from renewable raw materials.

The best choice: products with recognized eco-certificates (Ecocert, EcoLogo, Ecolabel, Leaf of Life).

Such environmentally friendly household chemicals are in use. Share your experience of switching to safe cleaning products =)

It is impossible to maintain cleanliness in the house without the use of detergents. Bacteria can multiply in any corner of your apartment, and you can't get rid of them with a damp cloth. In order not to aggravate the situation with diseases, to avoid allergic reactions, you need to choose the right cleaning products. Their regular use will help not only keep order, but also avoid health problems.

What are home cleaning products for?

Today manufacturers offer a number of multifunctional powders, gels for various purposes: for washing, washing dishes, floors, household appliances, glass, plumbing, etc. All of them are necessary and important if you want your home to be always clean. To save money, many people prefer to buy universal products that are suitable for cleaning both the gas stove and the sink. In any case, it is difficult to get rid of all germs and dirt without chemicals.

How to choose effective cleaning products

The assortment is huge, so before entering a store and buying a cleaning agent, pay attention to an important selection criterion - health safety. Consider how much and what kind of chemistry is contained in a particular preparation. Products differ in purpose, type, application methods and some characteristics. Most have the same composition, but new production technologies appear.

By composition, all cleaning products are divided into:

  • Abrasive. Here, the main components are fine-grained substances - chalk, pumice, quartz sand. By origin, they can be artificial and natural. They are used when you need to get rid of difficult stains, hard deposits. Large particles can scratch the surface over time. Abrasive products are produced in the form of powders.
  • Non-abrasive products. It comes in the form of powder and liquid. The main components are soda, acids, organic solvents, phosphates. Such products are better suited to ceramics, glass, because will not scratch the surface.
  • Alkaline preparations easily deal with stubborn dirt. Homemade home remedies such as laundry soap or baking soda, which are free of toxic ingredients, are suitable here. They are completely safe, capable of cleaning any surface and disinfecting the room. Frequent use of disinfectant liquids is not recommended: this leads to the fact that bacteria become pathogenic - that is, more dangerous.
  • Acidic preparations cope well with rust, limescale. An excellent tool for cleaning the house with your own hands does not even need to be cooked - take table vinegar or citric acid. If you add essential oil and water to vinegar, you get a harmless air freshener that can be used as a tobacco control.

By appointment, drugs are for:

  • Bathroom, toilet, pipes. Many people use Mole liquid to clean drainpipes - it is inexpensive, and a liter bottle lasts for a long time. Toilet Comet keeps it clean and creates a protective layer against bacteria. There are special tablets for the tank. The Sanfor cleaning disinfectant is suitable for disinfecting the bathroom.
  • House cleaning. This may include Mr Proper floor cleaning fluids, Pronto anti-dust, Fairy dishware, and Meliseptol Foam disinfectant.
  • Surface cleaning. There are different preparations depending on the material. For example, for glass ceramics - Cillit Bang spray. To clean the stone, you can use Karcher or special impregnations.
  • For glass, windows, mirrors - Frosch, Sanita, HG and others.
  • Kitchen appliances. Suitable for kitchens are Flat Cleaner, Sanita Spray, Ecozone and many others.
  • Furniture. For example, Grass Torus is designed for polishing hard furniture. It will hide all damage, add shine. You can apply it with microfiber. For upholstered furniture, spray Unicum will help.
  • Floor coverings. For laminate you can use inexpensive HG, for parquet - Bagi, for linoleum - DEC.
  • Electronics. For example, Ritmix is ​​suitable for TVs or computers. Compressed air cans are popular.
  • Tile. Grout spray will help you to remove limescale, odor, dirt.
  • Carpets. Vanish is popular for cleaning carpets in the form of sprays, shampoos, and powders.

According to the form of release, washing products are divided into:

  • gels - Comet, Grass, Sanfor;
  • emulsions - Luxus, Cinderella, Kiilto Visionoil;
  • pastes - Sanros, Dr. Beckmann;
  • sprays - Universal Spray, TechPoint, Ecozone;
  • liquids - Aqualon, Mr.Proper;
  • granules - Pothan, Tornado, Luxus Professional;
  • powders - "Pemolux", "Chistin", Comet;
  • tablets - Typhoon, Jura.

In order for the detergent to be harmless to health, you need to know whether it is organic or not:

  • Organic products contain essential oils, lactic acid, other acids (for example, citric) and natural substances: sugar, vegetable soap and others. Harmful preservatives and flavors have been replaced with sodium salt and natural essential oils. Choose organic foods if you have allergies or have a child in your family - they are harmless. An example is Klar Hypoallergenic Dishwashing Gel, a cleaning liquid based on Sodasan organic vinegar.
  • Surfactants (surfactants). Among inorganic agents are chlorine, hydrochloric acid, ammonia, which have a pungent odor, are toxic and act as irritants. Additives in the form of benzene or formaldehyde are harmful to human health and pollute the environment. They can provoke skin irritation, shortness of breath, and vomiting. Frequent use of inorganic products has a devastating effect on human health. Such drugs are chosen because surfactants are able to cope with any kind of pollution and do it much faster than organic substances.

Popular home cleaning products

There is a wide variety of detergent gels and powders on store shelves, so the question often arises as to what means to clean this or that item in the house. Someone is guided by the safety of the drug, someone is interested in its cost, and some are used to trusting advertising. The table below lists popular cleaning products for various purposes that most people use:



Release form


Cleaning floors

"Mister proper"

Detergent liquid

  • manual cleaning;
  • Surfactant: no more than 5%;
  • does not need to be washed off;
  • able to dry quickly;
  • concentrate.


  • aroma: lemon;
  • Surfactant: 15%;
  • for sensitive skin;
  • can be washed in cold water;
  • has a dispenser.

Cleaning of kitchen surfaces


  • suitable for metal, enameled surfaces, microwave ovens, stoves, ovens, grills;
  • removes old fat;
  • concentrate.

From fat and scale

  • removes grease from kitchen utensils, walls, hoods.

Baths, shower cabins


  • contains soft surfactants, purified water, flavor;
  • has a convenient spray bottle.
  • antibacterial;
  • from the smell.

Glass cleaning

"Mister Muscle"

  • Surfactants: 5%;
  • contains water, organic solvent sodium citrate, perfume, aqueous ammonia, dyes;
  • has a spray bottle.

Cleaning polished surfaces

  • manual cleaning;
  • suitable for electronics;
  • Surfactant: 5%;
  • antistatic effect.

Cleaning the slabs


  • removes old fat;
  • Surfactant: 5%.

Cleaning the ovens

  • removes old fat;
  • Surfactant: 5%.

For tiles


  • from limescale;
  • from the smell;
  • Surfactant: 5%.

Plumbing, pipes


  • from complex blockages;
  • from the smell;
  • in the composition of chlorine;
  • Surfactant: 5%;
  • antibacterial.

Which multifunctional cleaner to choose

In order not to be confused with a bunch of bubbles and jars, many people prefer to buy a Universal product that is suitable for washing and cleaning several items at once. In addition, such a purchase is much more profitable. There are several popular liquids and powders that have become the choice of most buyers. All of them are shown in the table below. You can order them from the online store.



  • washes any surfaces in the house;
  • suitable for hand washing;
  • for washing the car without harm to paint;
  • liquid.
  • does not irritate the skin, can be used without gloves;
  • harmless to people allergic to household chemicals;
  • contains substances of plant origin;
  • inexpensive;
  • nice smell;
  • does not leave streaks.
  • foams strongly;
  • low content of surfactants.


  • for washing dishes, plumbing, tiles, floors, bathrooms;
  • liquid.
  • cheap;
  • large volume 5 l;
  • nice smell;
  • rinses off well.
  • inconvenient capacity;
  • surfactant content.
  • for washing dishes, glass, sanitary ware, tiles, floors, bathrooms, etc .;
  • liquid.
  • does not need to be washed off;
  • can be used without gloves;
  • nice smell.
  • expensive;
  • no dispenser;
  • the content of surfactants, fragrances.

"Pemolux Soda 5"

  • for dishes, cleaning kitchen appliances (microwave oven, stove).
  • powder.
  • cheap;
  • does not leave scratches;
  • weak smell;
  • does not contain chlorine;
  • convenient dispenser.
  • does not cope with heavy pollution;
  • it is better to use gloves.
  • cleans any surface;
  • suitable for washing, removes stains from clothes, shoes;
  • powder with a sponge.
  • does not contain surfactants, phosphorus, chlorine;
  • biodegradable;
  • without preservatives, dyes, solvents;
  • safe for allergy sufferers, asthmatics, children.
  • high price;
  • small volume 300 g

Bathroom cleaner

Constant maintenance of the bathroom in its original condition is essential. Over time, rust or yellowness may appear on it, which is difficult to get rid of. Even with effective cleaners and detergents, it can be difficult to restore the original appearance. Below are the popular gels for baths, shower cabins, with which you can wash the most stagnant stains.

Name, manufacturer


Effect, Russia

Alkaline type universal product, contains abrasives. The powder cleans ceramic, earthenware, enamelled, stainless steel surfaces. Eliminates unpleasant odors.

Lion LOOK with orange aroma, Japan

Creamy texture removes dirt from sinks, bathtubs, walls, floors. The abrasive contains 6% surfactants, stabilizers, fragrances.

Grohe Grohclean, Germany

The liquid removes limescale, water stains, dirt, grease, soap residues.

Unicum, Russia

Liquid for acrylic, plastic bathtubs and shower cabins. Provides gentle cleaning of coatings, removes traces of soap, salt deposits, rust, mold, mildew.

Sanfor, Russia

The gel will cleanse any kind of bath. The content of special components prevents the appearance of dirt. Copes with plaque, rust, soap stains.

For tiles, plumbing and pipes

Sooner or later, microparticles form in the washed off water, which adhere to the pipe walls and form plugs. A plunger can cope with such a problem only for a while, so you have to buy special gels. In addition, the occurrence of moisture is excellent conditions for the growth of bacteria and fungus, so it is important to take care of the tiles and plumbing. The table shows the TOP 5 tools that will help you cope. You can choose and order the best option with home delivery.

Name, manufacturer


Bagi Pothan, Israel

The granular agent cleans drainpipes and sewer pipes. Removes blockages, calcium deposits, eliminates odor, dissolves dirt

Tiret Turbo, Russia

Domestos universal, Double strength Atlantic freshness, Russia

Cleans, disinfects, bleaches sinks, bathtubs, toilets, drains, gutters, floors, tiles. Fights germs

Cillit BANG Plaque and Rust, Russia

The spray removes limescale, rust

Meine Liebe, Russia

Cleans plumbing fixtures, removing rust, plaque, soap stains. Gives shine, removes unpleasant odors.

Means for cleaning kitchen surfaces

The kitchen is a place where a lot of dirt can accumulate. Drops of fat are sprayed in all directions during cooking, mixed with dust and deposited on any surface - from a countertop to an electric kettle. Therefore, it is important to regularly wipe down kitchen utensils and use antiseptic liquids for general cleaning. The following drugs can help you with this:

Name, manufacturer


Kaneyo Scent of flowers, Japan

Cleaning powder for kitchen and bath

Grass Gloss, Russia

Universal detergent for bathroom and kitchen. Removes tough, stubborn dirt

Biolan, Russia

The cleaning powder cleans any surfaces in the kitchen without scratching them, fights against unpleasant odors

Cinderella, Russia

The cream is designed for cleaning any metal

Chistin, Russia

The gel removes plaque, rust from faience surfaces, tiles, tiles

For washing glasses and mirrors

Almost any apartment or house starts with mirrors: a large mirror in the hallway or a wardrobe with mirrored doors. A clean mirror is the pride of the hostess. To keep your mirror free of smudges, streaks or other marks, you can use the sprays below. They are also suitable for cleaning glass, glass products. Choose the brand you like best:

Name, manufacturer


Synergetic (trigger), Russia

Spray with antistatic agent cleans glass. Hypoallergenic, antibacterial

PROSEPT Universal Anti-dust, Russia

Spray cleans glass, mirrors, crystal, chandeliers

Mr. Muscle Professional, Turkey

Liquid with ammonia cleans glass, adds shine

Clean Home, Russia

Spray for cleaning glass, mirrors, glassware, porcelain, crystal, car glass

LUDWIK, Poland

Spray for nano-tech glass, glaze.

Dishes for dishes

The choice of dishwashing gel should be done with care - it must be safe for health, have a pleasant smell, not harm the skin of the hands, effectively wash the dishes and rinse well. So that you do not have to conduct a detailed analysis of all cookware products, the table below shows the liquids that have gained popularity.

Name, manufacturer


Mama Lemon, Indonesia

Concentrated gel for dishes, baby supplies with green tea scent

Lion Chamgreen, Korea

Cleans dishes, fruits, vegetables. Removes bacteria, germs

Fairy, Russia

Thick gel dissolves grease from any dish

Synergetic, Russia

Handles dirty dishes, baby dishes, toys, peels fruit

Pigeon, Japan

For washing vegetables, fruits, children's dishes, toys. Provides disinfection

Household Appliance Cleaning Care

Household appliances, like other furniture in an apartment, need regular maintenance. The kits shown in the table below will help to extend the life of the equipment, get rid of excess bacteria and viruses, and allow you to enjoy a clean appearance of the equipment. Some funds are expensive, so it is more profitable to order them through online stores - they will be brought to you in Moscow or any other city.

Name, manufacturer


Topperr 3013, Germany

Iron care set

Dr. Beckmann hygienic, Germany

Washing machine cleaner


Coffee maker cleaning product

Wpro, Italy

Oven cleaner

Luxus Professional, Russia

Spray for cleaning refrigerators and freezers

Cleaners for furniture, carpets and floor coverings

Carpets and furniture must be especially carefully monitored - over time, germs can accumulate here. You can vacuum the furniture and wipe it down with a soapy washcloth, but these measures are often insufficient. The table below will tell you what cleaning products should be in every home. They all have a different consistency, purpose and will definitely not be superfluous:

Name, manufacturer


Mr. Proper, Italy

Washing liquid for floors and walls, lemon flavor

Bagi "Super Leather", Israel

Leather product cleaner

Synergetic, Russia

Universal cleaner for floors, laminates

BabyLine, Belgium

For cleaning children's rooms

Vanish, Russia

Antibacterial shampoo for manual cleaning of carpets


Our own dwelling, which should be our fortress, is actually a dangerous place for humans. Insects, dust mites, microbial sponges, spoiling food - all this is fraught with a whole bunch of medical problems, from allergies and asthma to gastrointestinal infections. According to experts, it is easier to get sick at home than anywhere else.

Worse, struggling to keep your home clean can be unsafe. Indeed, with the amount of chemistry that a person uses to clean the house, you can kill not only bacteria and insects, but also yourself. However, there is a way out. Here are some tips on how to clean your apartment safely.

Effective cleaning should be done according to a plan. In other words, you don’t have to walk up and down the room, wiping from one corner to another. Move from top to bottom and, say, from left to right. Start from the ceiling and go down to the baseboards, consistently cleaning walls, windows, furniture from dirt and dust. Take care of carpets and flooring last.

Cleanse what you never thought was dirty

For example, your mattress is a true incubator for allergy-causing dust mites. If you wash its cover in hot water once a month, while wiping the surface of the mattress with it, it will become much easier to breathe in the morning. The same applies to handsets, which are home to a variety of disease-causing bacteria and viruses. Bins, shower curtains, dishwasher, air conditioner filters fall into this category.

Don't throw away your socks

These are wool socks as well as sweaters and blankets. If you rub the wool over any surface, then it accumulates static electricity, and then attracts dust. As a result, by wiping the furniture with an old woolen thing, you will make it shine without additional polishing.

Brush silver with toothpaste

After cleaning, simply rinse the silver with warm water and buff with a soft cloth. Clean large dishes with a paste made by adding a little water to baking soda.

Clean Sewers With Non-Toxic Products

Instead of toxic special products, pour a pot of boiling water into the drain every day or pour a handful of baking soda there and rinse it off with 100 ml of vinegar. Many brands of enzymatic detergents sold at pet stores are effective, especially in preventing blockages. These means wash away the traces of dog and cat "surprises" from carpets.

Clean windows with home remedies

The best window cleaner is water with the addition of ordinary ammonia (1 part of ammonia is diluted in 10 parts of water). After washing, the window should be wiped with newsprint or a rag.

If you don't even have ammonia on hand, raw potatoes can perform the function of a cleaning agent. To do this, wipe the windows with potato halves, and then wipe with a dry cloth.

Flush the toilet with vinegar

To clean the toilet without risking your health, use regular vinegar. Pour some vinegar on the bottom of the toilet, then spray the sides and sprinkle them with baking soda. Wait 15 minutes, then wipe off the dirt with a brush, sprinkling with the same baking soda. Pour a glass of vinegar down the toilet once a month at night. It dissolves salt deposits, preventing the appearance of dark rings left on the enamel by hard water.

Clean the floor with simple means

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I really want the houses and apartments in which we live to be not only beautiful, comfortable and clean, but also safe for health.

We try to surround ourselves with environmentally friendly things, change furniture, get rid of synthetic fabrics, monitor the environmental friendliness of products, but we still don't always read the composition of the detergents we buy at home.

But manufacturers often change only the name, and not the essence of the product, believing that the very word “eco-friendly” on the label will already make the world cleaner and buyers healthier.

site found several home cleaning products that absolutely harmless not only to humans, but also to the environment.

Soda and mustard

Replaces detergents for washing dishes, stoves, plumbing fixtures and kitchen countertops.

Application methods:

  • 1 tsp mustard powder for a few liters of hot water will wash even greasy pans to a squeak.
  • Pour a thin layer of baking soda on the dirty carpet, lightly brush and vacuum.


An excellent disinfectant that wipes off grease and dirt, soap stains on tiles.
Plus, it resists mildew and is a natural fragrance.

Replaces kitchen and bathroom cleaning products.

Application methods:

  • We wipe the board for cutting fish or meat for disinfection and getting rid of unpleasant odors.
  • A solution of lemon juice and water in proportions of 3 tbsp. l. 400 ml, placed in a container in the microwave for 10 minutes at the highest power, will completely clean it from the inside.
  • Lemon juice easily removes limescale on the tap.


A versatile product that helps keep your home clean and fresh. Perfectly removes water stone and stale plaque. To overcome the unpleasant smell of vinegar, you need to add a drop of lavender essential oil to it.

Replaces cleaning products for mirrors and windows, plumbing fixtures, tiles and floors.

Application methods:

  • 1 tsp We dilute vinegar in 1 liter of water, pour it into a bottle with a spray bottle and wash windows and mirrors.
  • Apply the product to the tiles in the bathroom, wait 10 minutes and rinse off with clean water.
  • In case of strong deposits on the sink, put a cloth soaked in hot vinegar on the dirty place, and after half an hour remove the plaque with a brush and ordinary soap.
  • Stubborn white plaque on the floor after repair is removed with a solution of 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water.


Always there in any kitchen. The cheapest cleaning product. Salt has many uses in everyday life.

Replaces detergents for cleaning the kitchen, bathroom, plumbing, stain removers.

Application methods:

  • To clean and disinfect kitchen sponges and washcloths, place them in containers of salt water.
  • To get rid of the unpleasant smell, before defrosting or washing the refrigerator, apply salt diluted in carbonated water to the door and internal parts.
  • A woolen bedside rug is easy to clean if you sprinkle it with salt, sprinkle it with water and vacuum it after half an hour.

Cola or Pepsi

Replaces detergents for washing showers, bathrooms, taps, plumbing fixtures, tiles, burnt dishes, ovens.

Application methods:

  • We boil soda in a saucepan with a burnt bottom - we get almost new dishes.
  • We remove rust and corrosion from any household items with this soda.
  • Pouring soda into the drain pipe overnight can help cleanse hair and grease deposits perfectly.

Vitamin C

Effervescent tablets are great for cleaning dirty plumbing. They deal with dirt without any effort on your part.

Replaces plumbing detergents.

Application methods:

  • To remove limescale deposits from the toilet under the water line, you can toss in a few effervescent vitamin C tablets overnight, then use a brush to remove the deposits in the morning and rinse off the water.

Olive oil

The best tool even for the most expensive furniture, and very economical - you need a couple of drops to clean. The oil refreshes and polishes wood surfaces.

Replaces polish and wood cleaners.

Application methods:

  • A couple of drops on cotton fabric will refresh and polish wood, leather furniture, solid wood items and parquet.
  • To prevent the balcony or country wicker furniture from drying out, you can wipe it with oil from time to time.

Essential oils

Oils are the best fragrances and an excellent disinfectant. They are able to prevent even the appearance of mold and mildew on the walls. They turn cleaning into aromatherapy.
Prevents mold.

Replaces air freshener, disinfectant, wood floor cleaner, anti-mold agent.

Application methods:

  • We treat any surfaces where bacteria accumulate with lavender or tea tree oil - kitchen countertops, cutting boards, plumbing fixtures.
  • Add 30 drops to 5 liters of water and wash the floor.
  • Undiluted oil of lemon, lemon balm, fir, juniper, thyme, mint, lavender, spruce will dissolve the greasy stain on the fabric in 3-5 minutes.


Pasta is always at hand. It cleans almost all surfaces effortlessly. It is an excellent stain remover.

Replaces abrasives, tile cleaners, sanitary ware, stain remover.

Application methods:

  • A single serving of toothpaste will clean even the oldest silver and silverware.
  • Handles ink, cosmetics, oil, coffee or tea stains on carpets. Put some toothpaste on the stain, leave it on for a few minutes and rinse well.
  • To clean wood furniture from traces of cups, take a soft cloth with a little paste and wipe the surface.
  • Easily removes felt-tip and pen marks from painted walls.