What to write to a girl in the first message: original examples. An example of a letter to a foreigner in different languages

The first phrase is the key to a pleasant acquaintance!

If you want to make a good impression on the person you like, then you should know that first phrases are always the most decisive. Here, for example, you see your favorite girl or guy and write a banal "hello", but believe me, this word in itself is uninteresting and banal. You need to write in such a way that the person is “hooked” and led to the idea that you are a cool guy or girl. Words affect a person like a magnet. And do not neglect such a special "weapon" that will help you find happiness in love. Open your true feelings to another person with the help of enticing statements, and you will get exactly what you are counting on!

Simple and understandable words are the key to longevity of acquaintance!

Good afternoon I have been looking for you (ala) on the Internet for so long, and you are here ...

Always dreamed (ala) to meet such a wonderful person like you.

You are unique!

Good afternoon. I would like (ala) to get to know you better, watch a movie or have a cup of coffee in a cozy cafe. What do you think about that?

Hello, it seems to me or have you really starred in some movie?

It's a beautiful day, isn't it?

You know, when I saw you (la) I immediately wanted to live happily ever after!

Hello! I dreamed about you today...

Hi. Today is such a wonderful day. When I saw (la) you, I could not (la) resist not to write!

I wish you a wonderful and pleasant day!

If you want, I'll give you happiness!

Hello. I am (name) and I really want to meet you! To be honest, I have never met such a person before. I really liked your profile and your photo is so cute. How do you like my suggestion to go somewhere and just chat?

Hello. Can you tell me how to get to the library? It's a joke, of course)) You are just so sweet that I was confused (was) and didn't know (la) what to say. Let's be friends?

Hi Hello). You have such beautiful eyes (legs, hair, dress, suit, biceps, mustache, beard, handbag)!

Good afternoon. How is your mood?

I knew (la) that the most beautiful girls (guys) are here!

Hello. You have such a thoughtful look (mysterious, bewitching, striking, captivating, striking on the spot, sweet, gentle, wonderful, maddening, unsurpassed, unpredictable, insanely beautiful, surprised, attractive, sunny, fabulous, in love with life).

Hello, I really liked you, let's get acquainted, I am (name), are you looking for your destiny?

Good afternoon If you are tired of the same type of days, then I propose to spend a wonderful day in a cafe, cinema or wherever you wish! How do you look at it, and when will it be convenient for you to meet?

Greetings! Can I entertain you on this site or even in reality?

Greetings to you. Please advise me how to please a girl (guy)?

Hello, do you need a funny (th) and witty (th) husband (wife)?

Good afternoon, what are you doing tonight?

Hello, do you think I'm cute?

Hello! I have been looking for you (ala) for many years, days, hours, minutes, seconds! And now I found (found)! Let's meet tonight, shall we?

Folded letters into the correct phrase - knock down anyone at once!

If you are between 18 and 70 years old and you often do not know what and how to write to a person, then welcome to our Garden of Eden with such simple and understandable phrases for the first communication on the Internet using the site.
Never be discouraged if you don't get a response to your first email on the Internet. This is not a person who does not want to communicate with you, but you have not written to him. You can always try to re-write something that will open his eyes to your attention. This is a regularity: all the most serious arises from the frivolous.

Rather, even the first stupid joke can make the other person fall in love with you. If you really want love and a lot of attention, look at the person’s profile and, guided by it, write those phrases for dating a girl or a guy that we offer to you. All people are different, but one thing unites everyone, and also the desire to be happy.

Read the phrases and look for among them exactly those that, in your opinion, will win the heart of your sympathy. It's so easy and simple. In fact, everything in our life is easy and simple. You just need to understand this and find those methods of communication that will attract to you only those who you need. And we assure you that it will work with you, and after a while you will no longer do anything, and people will write to you and write to you. And already you will think to answer them with a mutual answer or not.

You can find a friend or soul mate in various ways, each of which has the right to life. Of course, meeting a handsome prince in the park in the evening, who will take you into the sunset in his white limousine, is incredibly romantic, but it is more like something from the realm of fantasy.

It’s better not to wait until the guy finds you, which may not happen, but to start an active search yourself. How to search for it? Write a letter, for example. How to write a letter for dating?

To whom we write, for what purpose

Do you already have a guy in mind that you would like to meet? For example, a friend of your girlfriend, whom you saw only a few times, or a handsome guy who studies at the same university with you, in parallel. If there is no one in mind, first find someone to write to. Decide what the subject of the letter will be - whether you want to start a friendship or something more serious.

Way of writing

Anything you want to say to a guy can be handwritten and then sealed in an envelope and mailed.. This way is the most romantic, but the letter will take a relatively long time to reach the addressee. Although you do live in the same city, so it won’t take much time. You can print your kiss on a piece of paper with a letter, put your photo in an envelope along with a piece of paper, sprinkle your perfume on it.

A virtual letter sent by e-mail is a much faster way, because your letter will reach the subscriber's e-mail box in a matter of fractions of a second. However, there is much less romance in this way. Although you can attach your photo and choose a beautiful design, it’s still not the same as if you were writing a tangible, “alive” letter.


say hello at first. The subsequent text depends on what the greeting will be.. It is better to start with a respectful greeting, but only without unnecessary officialdom. Although you can allow a little familiarity if you immediately want to indicate your friendly position.


Guys love compliments just as much as girls., it's just that they (compliments) must be correct. For example, your friend told about this guy that he loves poetry very much. Then you can write that you are crazy about romantic guys. You could write, “I know we haven't met in person yet, but I'm sure we'll get along great. You love poetry, which speaks of your romance and sophistication…”. Just make sure that your compliments do not turn into outright flattery.

tell us about yourself

Then you can tell about yourself. Do not write a lot, indicate only those moments that the guy should like. It is unlikely that a sophisticated romantic will be interested in knowing that you visit the gym on odd days of the week. But it is very possible and necessary to write about your love for classical music.

It remains to say goodbye, and also check your letter for errors. It's best to submit your creation when you're sure it's well-written.

It would seem that it could be easier - to write a letter or a message to the person you like. It's not personal, looking straight into the eyes, to say about his sympathy. Stuttering, skin color change to bright red, embarrassed and stupid facial expression and other unforeseen troubles are excluded. However, in reality, writing a letter for acquaintance turns out to be much more difficult than it seemed. Let's try to understand how to do it according to the rules.

How to write a letter for dating: important rules

There can be many ways to find friends or a soulmate. Of course, casual meetings and acquaintances are the most romantic means. However, a regular letter can be a much more attractive reason to get to know the person you are interested in. So, how to write a letter to get acquainted with the object of your attention?

The sequence of your actions

First of all, we decide who and why we are writing a letter. Perhaps you are planning not a romantic relationship, but a business acquaintance or friendship. In any case, your interest should be reflected in the style of writing the letter;

The way it is written is also important. You can write a letter for dating in a modern way, that is, using a PC, or by hand, as in the good old days. Be that as it may, literacy is above all.

How to write a letter for dating for different purposes?

First, greet the recipient. The first greeting will set the tone for the rest of the letter and will also give the person an impression of you. The respectful opening is the most neutral and common. However, if you want to demonstrate a friendly disposition or a willingness to communicate more closely, it is perfectly acceptable to make it easier, especially if you are going to write a letter of acquaintance that does not concern the business sphere;

Talk about what attracts you to a particular person. Perhaps he owns some special technique, skills that your business cannot do without. Or, let's say you liked the appearance of the chosen person, his tastes or views on things;

Give a couple of compliments to the addressee. Do not stoop to outright flattery. Indicate only what the person himself knows without you and what he is proud of. For example, a scientist can be praised for his knowledge, and in a beautiful girl, emphasize a wasp waist or a perfect lip line. Two or three similar remarks in the whole letter are quite enough;

Tell about yourself. Here you can exploit your imagination with might and main, the main thing is not to write too much. For example, a potential partner should not talk about “how I spent my summer”, and an object of attention or a friend should not talk about where you work and how much you earn;

Do not overload the letter with information, try to write a short acquaintance letter. Even when you're trying to come across as an honest person, don't put all of your "insider things" in the letter. Then you will have a chance and a reason for subsequent letters;

How to write a letter to a guy for dating

So, your journey through the Internet space has finally been crowned with success. On the screen - a photo of the very prince for whom you will become an ideal soulmate. Only now he does not even know about it.

Because right now you are painfully thinking about how to compose the first message so that it does not go unanswered. After all, such a handsome guy probably receives letters in whole batches. And your "Hi, how are you?" or "Let's get acquainted" are unlikely to receive attention.

Obviously, before writing a letter to a guy, you need to thoroughly study his profile. What he does, how he likes to spend his free time, what exactly he hopes to find on a dating site, etc. It's great if you find common interests, then the task is greatly simplified.

But even if you didn’t find any, you can pretend to be for a good purpose. For example, he plays the guitar very well. Then you can build the first message in this way: “Since childhood, I dreamed of playing the guitar, can you teach it?”

However, the first letter to the guy can be longer. So you will demonstrate a genuine interest in his person, which the prince will certainly be pleased with. It would be nice to emphasize your similarities in the message - it's always nice to find a soul mate. Ask him about something not listed in the questionnaire.

Make a compliment - believe me, they give pleasure not only to women. Why not just write the truth - after all, you really liked those mysterious blue-gray eyes. Or you can also ask in a half-joking way who gave him such a wonderful smile.

By the way, humor is an indispensable assistant in communication through correspondence. It makes dialogue easier, more relaxed, more interesting. And besides, a sense of humor can say a lot about the intelligence of its owner. So it would be quite useful to joke a little in the first message, showing yourself to be a smart and cheerful interlocutor.

Speaking about how to write a letter to a guy, one cannot ignore flirting. In reasonable doses, it is very useful. It is only important not to go too far, otherwise you can easily scare away the prince who has dawned on the horizon.

The same undesirable effect is likely to cause complex long phrases. Brevity is the sister of talent, and everything refined is simple. Do not forget about this - and your message will definitely reach the goal.

Finally, it's best to forget about template expressions. In the first message, as nowhere else, it is important to emphasize your uniqueness. In addition, having received a standard letter, the prince may decide that you are simply copying the text and sending it to everyone. Will the handsome guy in the photo want to do business with you after that? Of course not. Moreover, he has enough other fans.

If you really want to get to know him better, try to write a sincere and sincere letter to the guy for dating, coming straight from the heart. Do not be afraid to even honestly admit that you really hope for continued communication. It is unlikely that such an act will go unnoticed.

How to write a letter to a guy on paper: important rules

You can frame a piece of paper. You can come up with several dozen design styles in the form of a frame. You can simply decorate the paper with small hearts, which will be neatly and asymmetrically arranged.

But naturally, the most important thing in a letter is the text of the letter. You should not torment yourself with endless thoughts on how to write a letter to a guy. It is worth expressing thoughts evenly, consistently, but not too dryly, because our goal is to write a letter for acquaintance, i.e. to continue the relationship.

It is worth not to impose yourself, but to submit if you decide to write a letter for dating. No slogans or appeals should be written. If you need to write a letter to a young person with whom you do not know, then in the first lines you should introduce yourself and describe yourself.

It is not worth lying and embellishing reality. It is necessary to tell truthfully, but not in too much detail about your life and interests. It is not worth writing in detail about work, family and income level. You can talk about looks. Once again, do not embellish or downplay the facts. You can talk about why it was decided to write. In addition, it will be interesting for a young man to read about entertaining facts from the life of a girl that can characterize her. But it is worth writing really interesting stories.

Confessing love in a letter to a stranger is not worth it. After the letter is written, the only thing left is to send it by mail.

If a letter is written to a well-known guy, then it’s worth laying everything out as if in spirit. To say about everything that cannot be said in person. In this case, delivering a letter to the addressee will be even more difficult. It will be necessary to quietly throw the letter in a place visible to the young man.

You can put the letter in a jacket pocket or in a case, briefcase or bag of a young person. Naturally, all this must be done away from prying eyes. Outsiders may think that some strange fraud is being committed.

If the guy did not pay attention to the girl who threw the letter, then maybe he just did not find the letter or accidentally lost it without finding it. You can write another letter to the guy and try to re-toss it to the addressee. You can put the letter in the mailbox or under the door. If in this case, the young man does not give a look, then he does not want to communicate. And most likely, he considers the planted letter a misunderstanding.

In this case, you can gather your will into a fist and talk to the young man about everything to be honest. In this case, you don’t have to bother yourself with questions about how to write a letter to a guy. It will be possible to resolve all difficulties with the help of a confidential conversation.

How to write a letter to a man for dating

Your first letter should be carefully thought out. It should be short but meaningful. Try to keep within 200 characters and at the same time describe yourself. A woman should remain a mystery, so you do not need to immediately lay out all the information about yourself. Men love cheerful and a little self-critical females.

In the first message, you should not write about your chest size, or the length of your legs. A normal man is not initially very interested in these parameters, and he will not take you seriously. In this case, he may think that you just need a one-night stand and provide you with it. Only here it is not necessary to accuse him of being a bastard. Here it is already her own fault - what she offered him, he took advantage of it.

No need to think long about how to write a letter to meet a man. You just need to sit down and write a simple, short, but with a twist, letter.

You need to decide who you are going to write a letter to get acquainted with and for what purpose. You have the opportunity to plan a profitable business acquaintance, friendly conversations or strong personal relationships. Although your enthusiasm must be reflected in the words you have chosen.

Choose your own way of writing a letter. It can be done in the spirit of modern times using a computer or handwritten with a personal address. Be sure to keep an eye on literacy.

Greet the recipient. The style of the first greeting can determine the whole tone of your letter, as well as the first impression you make on the person. The most neutral and popular option would be a simple, respectful start. Although since you want to immediately show your friendly location and readiness for close communication, then you can arrange a greeting in the most familiar or easy way.

Tell us about what lured you in this particular person, what prompted you to write a letter for acquaintance. He probably has some unusual technique or skill that you will need to grow your business. Or you are interested in the appearance of the chosen one, his skills and tastes.

Also give a couple of compliments. But sincere flattery should not be written under any circumstances. You can only show what a person already knows very well about himself or what he is proud of. At the scientific worker, praise knowledge and merits. Be sure to point out to the beauty the special eyes and the tempting line of the lips. 2x-3x remarks for the first letter will suffice.

Tell about yourself. Here you have the largest choice for a flight of fancy. Although there are many tips on how not to write anything superfluous. Remember that a potential business partner does not need to know about your vacation, and a fan or just a friend does not need to tell about the work history and reputation of the company.

Be careful not to overload the letter with information, try to write a letter to get acquainted with a short one. Including when you are eager to make a representation of a frank person, then you don’t have to lay out everything “from” and “to”. Then you already have the opportunity for the 2nd and following letters.

Do not praise yourself in a letter. Including when you really want it - you don't need it. First of all, then you will have to convince the declared qualities, and, secondly, it is likely that your addressee is much more pleasant to talk about himself. Better let him ask you himself in his own answer. We hope that our tips have helped you answer the question: "How to write a letter for dating."

5. Content:
short letters not very effective for dating. A person is a complex nature, therefore it is impossible to put all his characteristics in one line. However, very often people, first of all, in response to the questionnaire, write exactly short letters, sometimes one sentence long, or even a phrase. This is a kind of probing, checking the seriousness of the intentions of the person who posted the questionnaire. Respond to such letters only in the absence of other more interesting letters. But, what is most surprising, people continue to write such letters, and, sometimes, behind a short, uninformative phrase: “Hello! My name is Lesha. Let's get to know each other! ”, - a very interesting and noteworthy person may be hiding.

Letters - "personal data"- rather stupid letters, designed only for compatibility in physical parameters. Usually this is not enough for dating. As a rule, getting to know you, they expect something special, something new from you. You must interest a person, give him what he is looking for on the net - and, as a rule, these are new sensations or a promise of the fulfillment of his desires. First of all, this task is facing men, as women online are looking for something more than just male society.

“My name is Michael, 29 years old, height 172cm. No bad habits, I don't smoke, I rarely drink and in moderation. By nature, he is a workaholic (I live by work that I like). Ready to meet, talk with the possible consequences. If you don't mind, write, Michael.

Humorous and ironic letters- Irony and humor in the first letter are inappropriate, unless such behavior is part of your life, and you are ready to joke "all night long." Humor is usually characteristic of people under the age of 30, who are still romantic, and for whom the whole life is still ahead, and you need to live it cheerfully. If you are already over 30, but you want to have fun, then write about it in the next letter, but not in the first. Otherwise, you may simply be misunderstood, and you will look very strange in the eyes of the interlocutor. In general, a sense of humor is a very valuable quality of a person, and therefore do not hesitate to use it when meeting.

“Surprisingly, this is the first ad written by a girl with a head on her shoulders, and not a makeup display case. And if the photo is yours, then you are amusing in your youth and insolence, but what is it for? Do you like to play tricks, to scoff? Good too! And yet .... I would like to talk with you, you, in my opinion, are the most amusing little man! B.P."

Romantic, sensual, emotional letters with "personal data" or with a brief mention of "personal data" Romance is a state of mind. If your state of mind is not like this, then never write romantic letters. Well, if you really are a romantic nature, or at least 10-20% romantic, then do not miss the chance to take advantage of this. A huge number of people come to the Internet who want to know the taste of romantic dating, especially when you consider that, in itself, dating through the Internet acquires a romantic connotation for some. The mere fact that young people aged 24-25 who write romantic letters to 40-year-old ladies and receive responses from them already says something. And if you write the same letter to a young girl or young man. In this case, your letter will have a great chance of being noticed. As for the question: “Should I write personal data or not?”, The answer is: Write, then you will throw off a certain veil from the secret of your personality, and this will begin to determine your future relationship already at the stage of the first letter. If you do not leave personal data, then the person will be intrigued, and if he is as romantic as your letter is romantic, or accepts romanticism in principle, then this person will definitely answer you. Thus, in the case of the first option, people who are unsuitable in terms of parameters will be cut off, and in the case of the second, those who are unsuitable for the state of their soul. Which is better, you choose.

"Hi, mysterious stranger!
Intriguing greeting. Is not it? It just so happened that I don’t know you at all, but still your profile managed to intrigue me. I found it in the "passionate love" section and decided to write to you. After reading your profile, I simply could not tear myself away from the image before my eyes, which beckons and burns with its beauty. You seemed to accidentally entered my soul and remained in its depths. The elegance and grace of your movements is so attractive in the radiance of the sun that the azure sky that has enveloped our earth simply cannot keep this mighty source within itself, and launched it here - into the virtual. It probably sounds stupid and funny, but I suddenly wanted to take you away from the virtual and return you to the real world of feelings and pleasures. Let me try to make it. Please don't deprive the hungry traveler of that little tender living violet that he found in this virtual void. My name is Roman. It has been 26 years since I was born into this world. During this time, my main hobbies were economics, the Internet, psychology, cinema and art, but they did not bring me such feelings and emotions as the thought that we could be together. I look forward to your soon reply.

With love in my heart and hope in my soul.
Your Romantic »

And here is an example of a female letter that is simply amazing (trust me, on the Internet such letters are very rare in the mailboxes of men):
“Good afternoon, Vasily! By the way, nothing if it's just Vasya or Basil or something else? And then Vasily is somehow very official. This morning in my horoscope, for the sake of laughter, I read the forecast for today. There I was promised a romantic acquaintance, which will be of great importance to me for a long time to come. Well, I think it's fate, not otherwise. But somehow no one comes up to me first, there are no charming strangers in the elevator, no one steps on my foot, no one asked for what hour. It's okay, I'm a pushy girl. If the mountain does not go to Mohammed ... In short, I go to a dating site and find a profile of a person who believes in love. Well, maybe in horoscopes they write not only nonsense, what if I have a chance?
And now a little about me. Small (152), thin (size 40), modest in appearance, but very temperamental inside. My name is Katyushka, I am 24 years old, I work as a nurse, I am divorced. I will send you two pictures. Looks like I got nothing on them. I really hope for an answer."

Problem letters Never write about your problems to the person you want to meet. Having problems will only repel you, not attract you. Everyone has their own problems and no one wants to solve someone else's.

" Hello,
Today in the morning a great sunny day was planned, but by the middle of the day the clouds began to thicken. The weather is changing. This is how my state of mind either flares up like a flame into which diesel fuel has been poured, then it goes out. It's probably okay. Emotions in a person have always been considered dignity. However, emotions need to be put somewhere, splashed out somewhere. After all, if the reactor starts to smoke, and then pour water on it, it can explode. It is better to spend energy gradually, without haste. For this, a person needs someone who will understand him, perceive him, become his friend, and maybe even something more. The latter depends on the circumstances. I will not talk about myself yet, I think, from my introduction, something has already become clear to you. A photograph completes the overall picture.
Waiting for an answer.
Maksim "

  1. What are you doing tonight, after our date?
  2. Do you think I like you more than you like me?
  3. Hello, can I talk to you? And then all sorts of girls stick around, trying to get acquainted ...
  4. Hello, can you tell me how to cook dumplings?
  5. You have a very happy nose!
  6. Can you tell me the recipe for birch jam?
  7. Hello! Today is an amazing day, can I cheer you up?
  8. Hello! Are you on VK too? And I. Do you play flute? Me neither. See how similar we are!
  9. Do you meet nice young people? Here I am!
  10. You have beautiful eyes, what color are they?
  11. And I bet you can't guess what your name is?
  12. You probably won't give me a chance to meet you... But send me a smile if I'm wrong!
  13. I'm clearly not the first person to want to meet you. But I'm the best! Do you want me to prove it?
  14. Hello! I sell happiness! Do you want me to give it to you for free?
  15. Can you tell me where is the best place to spend my salary?
  16. I'm tired of waiting for you to make the first move. Hello!
  17. You have amazing eyes, I can't tear myself away from them.
  18. I look at you and understand that we definitely need to get to know each other!
  19. Tell me, how many did you send off today? I'm four. Oh, and cheeky girls!
  20. I looked at your photos and forgot to meet you. Hello!
  21. Do you believe in love at forty-eight glance? And then I look at your pictures for so long that I fall in love!
  22. How did you know I was online?
  23. Let's change? You give me two hundred grams of sadness, and I give you a kilogram of my joy?
  24. Can we talk already or will we just like each other?
  25. Do you remember me? I dreamed about you!
  26. Hello, I was reading an interesting story just now. The guy met the girl, and they lived happily ever after! By the way, do you know how he met her? Said, "Hi, I'm reading an interesting story right now!"
  27. You know, before I met you, I was sure that I was gay!
  28. How about flirting?
  29. Hello! I want to interview you. Tell me what it's like to be the most beautiful girl?
  30. Can you help me learn how to talk to girls?
  31. Hello, I'm doing a census and I want to start with you!
  32. Hello, please change my free time to chat with you?
  33. You are very mistaken if you think that I want to get to know you. I want to invite you on a date!
  34. So two damn attractive people met. Hello!
  35. No, well, if you keep silent all the time, no one will get to know you. I'll help, hello!
  36. You know, I didn't have a very pleasant day. I was upset, but then I saw your avatar.
  37. Can you forgive yourself if you don't answer me?
  38. Haven't young people crawled at your feet? And at the hands?
  39. And if I were such a beautiful girl like you, I would get to know myself!
  40. And who are you dating? And come with me!
  41. Hello! I'm writing a book about what girls want. Won't you tell?
  42. A stunning girl like you should have a beautiful font!
  43. Hello! I got lost in life and barely found you, will you lead me out of the dim world of loneliness?
  44. Can I flirt with you?
  45. You know, there are things that are easy to imagine together - black and white, day and night, oil and porridge, you and me ...
  46. Don't want to talk to someone who really likes you?
  47. What questions do you think guys get slapped for?
  48. You have a boyfriend? Maybe you need something better?
  49. Are you in love with your city?
  50. I love dogs very much. Could you tell me what breed is better to have?
  51. Are you a professional stylist?
  52. You are beautiful! Can we switch to "you"?
  53. You spend a lot of time online, can we go to unwind?
  54. You're so beautiful! Or do you know a professional photographer?
  55. Imagine, I wrote you a huge text, and then they turned off the light. So just hello!
  56. Wow, I love this band too! And what is your favorite song?
  57. You have a very cute face!
  58. You have such beautiful eyes! Especially the left one!
  59. Gorgeous legs! And the right one is doubly gorgeous!
  60. I like your mouth ☺
  61. You know, you have such a cute chest! And there are two more of them!
  62. Nice dress! You know, the purse doesn't really fit.
  63. Have you heard the phrase that with whom you will lead, from that you will type? So, I like you, and I decided that I would get enough from you!
  64. It was difficult, but I was able to write to you! Reward with an answer?
  65. Have you ever ridden an escalator? Do you want me to ride?
  66. I think I have amnesia, otherwise I would have written to you!
  67. Do you happen to have a red thread? We would be able to make friends with her.
  68. Your beauty struck me so that I forgot what I wanted to tell you.
  69. Have you ever been offered a hand and a heart? I am a surgeon, I have a lot of them!
  70. Excuse me, can I tweak your plans for tonight?
  71. Didn't you just hit the "I like" button on my photo by accident? No? It's a pity…
  72. I wonder if your inner world matches your photos?
  73. It must be bad to be your friend, because you overshadowed everyone with your beauty!
  74. I miss two things in my life - you and hair.
  75. When I see you, I understand how good it is that I am single!
  76. You know, your hair matches the color of my pillow perfectly.
  77. Must it hurt to fall from heaven?
  78. Girl, does your mother need a son-in-law?
  79. I bet ten thousand that I ask you out on a date and you say no?
  80. Marry me!
  81. Urgent, call an ambulance, I was shot by an arrow of love ...
  82. Give me your sadness I need it for experiments.
  83. Hello! Could you please wake me up tomorrow? I'm afraid to oversleep.
  84. Are you from a fairy tale?
  85. Do you know what love at first sight is? If not, I'll write again!
  86. Are you Alice, my contact?
  87. Girl, are you probably tired of the question about your son-in-law?
  88. I bought borjomi and salami, come eat!
  89. And here I am collecting a harem. Only you are missing.
  90. When are you going to take your first step? I'm tired of waiting and I'm doing it myself! Let's get acquainted!
  91. I've definitely seen you somewhere, can you remind me where?
  92. You are beautiful on the Internet, show yourself in life?
  93. Hello! Amazing places in your photos. Where is it?
  94. You wrote that you love “….” group. Do you have any of their songs on cassettes?
  95. Have you ever seen a really interesting girl?
  96. You have a very familiar face! Were you at the club yesterday?
  97. You know the saying "listen to a woman and do the opposite"? Now, I don't want you to answer me!
  98. I have a great job! Man/Girl to go to the cinema with me. Don't you want to try?
  99. Hello. It's such a good day today. I want to cheer someone up. Maybe you?
  100. Today I saw you in a dream, but you managed to say only your first and last name. And so I found you!
  101. You have such beautiful eyes. I have been looking only at them for a long time, but I do not dare to write.