What does small handwriting mean? Determining character by handwriting

There is such a thing direction in psychology, like graphology. So, its representatives only need a quick glance at the manuscript to determine what kind of character the person who wrote it has and what emotional state he was in at that moment. Graphologists believe that the manner of writing letters is a mirror of everything. You can learn quite a lot about a person from letters, and changing handwriting - even change.

The force of pressure on the pen indicates the degree of emotional arousal: the harder a person presses on the pen, the higher the internal intensity. Moreover, each letter in handwriting is “responsible” for a certain character trait. Based on the size of letters, inclination, and other features of writing, graphologists create a psychological portrait of a person with an accuracy of up to 90%. And when meeting people, they advise us to pay attention to several of the most significant features of handwriting, which we will talk about next.

What does a person's handwriting say?

Slopes in handwriting
Handwriting that is deliberately straight, when the letters stand on paper like soldiers in formation, reveals narcissistic individuals who are not interested in the opinions of others. Right-handed people write with a slant to the right or to the left. But there is one important nuance. A person with “running” handwriting (strong slant to the right) usually has a day scheduled minute by minute, he is constantly on the move, and free time is always in short supply. However, sometimes this indicates an attempt to escape from oneself. A strong tilt to the left is characteristic of touchy and vindictive people, who are always dissatisfied with others and with themselves. The best option is a slight tilt to the right. Such people usually move forward progressively, and without getting ahead of events.

What can letter combinations in handwriting tell you?
The consistent spelling of letters in words is emphasized - a sign of people with a very high degree of diligence. They always scrupulously carry out assignments at work, and in personal relationships they will never betray. But if they decide to break off the relationship, most likely they will not change their mind. Sometimes such people are overly conservative. Gaps between letters in words make individuals more flexible, capable of changing priorities, goals and objectives in the course of life. This style of behavior by graphomaniacs is considered more conducive to self-development and. Rarely, but still, one encounters “ragged” handwriting, in which almost all the letters stand apart. This is a sign of non-committal people: they value freedom more than anything in life, hate the system, and usually do not fit in with corporations.

What do sharp corners in handwriting mean?
Graphologists recommend minimizing communication with right-handed people, whose handwriting slopes to the left, and the top of all letters is very pointed. Often such people are capable of meanness, don’t feed them bread, let a neighbor or colleague do some dirty tricks. In addition, they are touchy and vindictive. Sharp top handwriting is also a sign of closed people who do not trust the world. The presence of triangular lower tails in small capital letters “z”, “d”, “u” speaks of rancor and dissatisfaction with oneself. It is especially dangerous to deal with people who prescribe a large triangular tail to the letter “z”. Evil brawlers - there is no other way to call them.

Diagnosis of the letter "T" in handwriting
By writing the letter “t,” graphologists determine a person’s ability to learn and the type of decision-making they practice. Everyone who writes this letter in school style is less likely to rely on intuition. Usually, to make decisions, they collect the maximum amount of information and only then make their choice. Such people need more time to retrain, they are not very open to something new, and it is almost impossible to convince them of something. Once they learn something, they will stick with it until the end. The school “t” with a horizontal line on top is a symbol of self-doubt, an attempt to give weight to one’s decisions and knowledge. But the modernized version of the “t” (a stick with a cap on top) speaks of a predisposition to healthy risks, quick analysis of the situation and quick learning. It is interesting that the printed “t” with a hat slanted to the right, performed by doctors, betrays those who are not sure of the diagnosis. Having noticed such a letter in a freshly written prescription, it may make sense to go to another specialist for backup.

By changing handwriting we change character

The older the person is, the more difficult it is to change his handwriting, and accordingly his character. And yet, with the help of graphotherapy - psychocorrection of personality by changing handwriting - you can become much better, more flexible, more successful. If you have long wanted to change some of your character traits, strengthen it or, conversely, weaken it, start with your handwriting. And soon you yourself will be surprised at the changes in yourself.

Handwriting is an autobiography.
Curry Leitet

In primary school, calligraphy is a compulsory subject: every student dreamed of writing a letter evenly and beautifully and getting an “excellent” mark. What does our handwriting mean? You've probably noticed how handwriting reflects a person's character. Impulsive people write quickly, drawing out sharp ends; calmer people write every letter. There is a science that analyzes a person's character based on their handwriting!

The main features of handwriting analyzed by graphological examination:

  • Letter size: (very small, small, medium, large).
  • Slant of letters: (left slant, slight slant to the left, right slant, sharp slant to the right).
  • Direction of handwriting: (lines creep up, lines straight, lines creep down).
  • Swing and pressure force: (light, medium, strong, very strong).
  • Character of writing words: (tendency to connect letters and words, tendency to distance letters from each other, mixed style).
  • Overall assessment: (the handwriting is diligent, the letters are written neatly; the handwriting is uneven, some words are difficult to read; the handwriting is sloppy, illegible, the letters are written poorly).

Handwriting also depends on a person’s physique! You can very easily identify the handwriting of an asthenic or a picnic and an athletic person. Let us remind you: the picnic type is a body type characterized by a wide and stocky figure with a short neck, prone to obesity; the asthenic type is characterized by high growth, a narrow and long chest and weak muscles. The athletic type is characterized by well-developed muscle mass. So here it is:

Picnic's handwriting is characterized by the absence of separately written letters, and the word is one continuous, smooth whole, consisting of one or two complex curved lines, the letters are uniform in size, shape and slope, and rounded. The general impression is lightness, ease, smoothness of writing, lack of micrography. The similarities between picnic handwritings are noted;

The handwriting of an asthenic person is characterized by one or more of the following properties:

  1. division of a word into several parts, into letters or parts of letters that are not connected to each other;
  2. if the letters are connected, then in a bizarre, uneven manner;
  3. individual letters are uneven, irregular in size, shape, slope, not rounded, pointed;
  4. sometimes the letters are uniform and rounded, but there is excessive care and accuracy in drawing individual letters;
  5. the well-known “childishness”, irregularity, uncertainty of handwriting;
  6. micrography;
  7. the fossilization of handwriting, its invariability either with emotions or with the speed of writing;
  8. unusual slant of letters;

The handwriting of an athlete, in contrast to the handwriting of asthenics and picnics, is more variable and is largely associated with the role that the athlete chooses for himself in a given case. The transformation of an athlete from one role to another is also manifested in the corresponding handwriting.

Beautiful handwriting can be part of the design of products, cards, greeting albums and books! Probably each of us tries to sign a postcard with love and focus on the handwriting, but even if you try to change your handwriting for the better, you will be given parameters that are taken into account when analyzing handwriting:

1. Press

Strong pressure is typical for self-confident and energetic people with high performance. Such people are usually very sociable and attract people with their determination and optimism. Light pressure most often occurs in extremely sensitive and romantic people. These are dreamers, focused primarily on their inner world. They are responsible, but unhurried, they do everything carefully, trying to avoid mistakes. Often such pressure is a sign of weakness

2. Tilt

A slight tilt to the left is most often found among individualists: they always put their own interests above group interests. Such people have a critical mindset.

Strong tilt to the left. Owners of this style are self-sufficient and independent, they always have their own point of view on any problem.

A slight inclination to the right is the most common inclination of handwriting, characteristic of calm and balanced people. Always open to communication, but also not averse to being alone for some time. Prone to mood swings.

A strong tilt to the right indicates determination and perseverance. Such people, as a rule, are maximalists and strive to be the first in everything, so if they decide to do something, it is on the condition that they get either everything or nothing. They are amorous and very jealous.

If the handwriting is vertical, then this speaks of internal harmony, a balance of rationality and emotionality at the same time. People with this style carefully analyze the situation and only after that make decisions. The most important character trait is stubbornness.

3. The size of handwriting indicates a person’s sociability.

For example, those with large handwriting (more than 3 mm) are open, emotional and easily find a common language with people. By nature they are leaders and the soul of any company. They can convince anyone that they are right.

Small handwriting (less than 3 mm) indicates that its owner is a reserved, calculating, secretive and reserved person. He can be trusted with responsible work, as he knows how to fully concentrate on the task at hand.

Broad handwriting – broad soul! This is how creative and talented people write. Narrow letters are a sign of rationality and frugality.

4. Outlines

Round letters indicate kindness and responsiveness, as well as the ability to compromise. If you meet a person with such handwriting, know: you can rely on him, he will always support you in difficult times.

Angular handwriting is a sign of selfishness. A person with such a style strives for independence and does not like being told how and what to do.

5. Line layout

For optimistic people, the line rises towards the end, for pessimists, on the contrary, it goes down. Straight lines are typical for calm, reasonable, balanced people. Uneven lines indicate frequent mood swings or instability of a person.

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Enjoy every day in harmony with yourself and others

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Watch the entries and learn how to decipher your Handwriting Map

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Combine the characteristics of your handwriting into a single system and move in the right direction now!

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Your own handwriting is the key to the unconscious features of your personality and excludes subjective assessment. World statistics have shown that the accuracy of the technique reaches 95-98%


Graphologists claim that handwriting helps to determine distinctive character traits. To understand character, you need to know the signs of writing letters. It has been noticed that people's handwriting, like their character, is different.

What is graphology and who are graphologists?

Graphology is a science that studies handwriting, as an example - a graphological analysis of a person’s character based on his handwriting. Graphologists, as follows from the definition, are people capable of performing such analysis. Although until the middle of the last century the methods of this science were considered to be those that help to study the characters of people in psychology, in our time this doctrine of the inextricable connection between character and handwriting is considered pseudoscientific, it is classified as proto-scientific thinking. In medicine, this term is found in the form of the possibility of studying handwriting as an auxiliary element for monitoring diseases of the brain and central nervous system.

Modern scientists are skeptical about graphology, despite the past achievements of science.

The scientific community questions the reliability of graphology. A considerable number of researchers graphology is recognized as a pseudoscience. The British Society of Psychologists puts graphology on a par with astrology. Despite the fact that the science of studying handwriting and character analysis initially found support in scientific circles, and despite the fact that some studies support the validity of such a theory, most scientists are confident that graphology has no predictive ability.

But there are still many who believe in the ability of graphology to determine the main character traits. Of course, no one guarantees 100% probability and accuracy in judgments, but approximate characteristics of a person will be indicated by handwriting.

Why do you need a psychological analysis of personality based on handwriting?

It is worth immediately noting that the description of handwriting makes it possible to make probable conclusions, but not exact statements. In addition, analysis of human handwriting in psychology with examples is common and is considered to provide a general description of human psychology, but not an exact one. In addition, graphologists require at least a page of text that is handwritten, and even better, a couple that are written in dissimilar situations.

Why is analysis needed? Often, personnel workers need to identify the main personality qualities, character traits and state of mind of the applicant. This will make it possible to more accurately determine its suitability for the job. In addition, knowledge of graphology will help an individual decide when choosing or changing a field of activity. Remember that each sign should not be considered as an absolute dogma. It needs to be compared with other features.

Handwriting analysis will allow you to find the main character traits. Sometimes this is important when applying for a job.

An interesting discovery was made by Western scientists. It turned out that people who have lost their arms are trying to write the same letters with their feet and mouth as they wrote earlier. It turns out that we write like this: as the brain tells us, and the hands only follow orders.

For this reason handwriting is a mirror of a person. This fact was also proven by the biologist Preyer. He conducted an experiment using hypnosis. The person was told that he was angry or boastful, while at the same time a text was dictated to him. As a result, the handwriting turned out to be different, with characteristic features.

What does handwriting depend on?

Many people are interested in the question What does our handwriting depend on? If you believe the observations of scientists, our handwriting depends not only on age, but also on profession and position. Moreover, each of us has several handwritings. One is for personal notes, another is for important statements, the third is for congratulations and letters to friends.

But for graphologists they are all the same; even parsing crooked handwriting (for example, as a result of illness or stress) is not difficult. In all handwritings of one person, only the size of the letters and quality are changed, the internal structure does not change. It would seem, what is the dependence of character and these scribbles? Developed by scientists system of signs, which explains the features of a person’s handwriting and his character.

Some of them are immediately visible, others - if you look closely, but still others are in no way connected with experience. There are many dark spots in this science, or as scientists are sure, pseudoscience, but this does not prevent people from using graphology in practice.

Determining character from a person’s handwriting with examples

So let's consider signs for graphological analysis and find out what a person’s handwriting says using examples:


20-30 degrees to the right. This is the most popular slope. Such people can be called open-minded, but they cannot be said to be impulsive. A person is characterized by the ability to control emotions in tense, emergency situations.
If the slope is stronger, 50-60 degrees to the right– an indicator of the desire for communication and love. These people will most likely try to show their feelings. A person with a similar style is receptive to everything new. At the same time, owners of this inclination have developed possessive instincts.
Slight tilt to the left speaks of the predominance of reason over emotions. Such people are secretive and rational.
Large tilt to the left more common in left-handed people. There is great control of emotions, secrecy combined with sensuality.
If no tilt– balance of emotions and rationality.


Nowadays, when many varieties of pens have appeared, it is sometimes difficult to determine the pressure. But if you can take it apart, it will help a lot.

Strong pressure- evidence of perseverance, energy, and ability to work. They are sociable individuals who love their work and people.
If the pressure is superficial and light, then such individuals are distinguished by sensitivity and subtlety of nature. These are often introverts whose self-control helps them cope with important tasks.
If average pressure force, then such a person is more predictable, she likes to explore the outside world.

Combination of pressure and other characteristics

Even letters and light pressure – rationality of thoughts, high morality, discipline. Large round letters and light pressure – weak will, non-conflict, altruism. Strong emphasis on capital letters - energy, leadership and creativity.

Line arrangement

If the lines remain horizontal to the end of the sheet, there is balance in everything. Such people carefully think through all their actions.
If the handwriting goes up, you have an optimistic nature. In a career - purposefulness.
The lines go down - a skeptic, realistically assesses events.
An uneven line means mood swings and poor adaptability.

Roundness of letters

Decoding round letters in a person’s handwriting indicates the individual’s readiness to cooperate. Such a person is not persistent; he is open to others. But he is worse at doing things that require perseverance.

Remember that all these qualities must be analyzed together. Separately, it is impossible to create even an approximate portrait. Everything must be double-checked in comparison with other features.

Space between lines and words

Often, the density of words is an indicator of frugality. The further the distance, the more wasteful a person is.

Margin size

This is an indicator that helps identify the level of waste. Vast fields everywhere - excellent taste, craving for art. If they are rational, it is an indicator of prudence. Narrow, even on the sides - a tendency towards frugality. If the text occupies the entire sheet, and the margins are very small, the desire to get the maximum.

Letter size

How to understand a person's character by small or large handwriting?

Small letters indicate the ability to concentrate in one direction. These are non-aggressive individuals. If the capital letters are also too large - courage and pride. If they are too small, there is a lack of courage. Small handwriting with small distances - a secretive nature, a person who loves solitude.
Large letters found in expansive, somewhat aggressive natures. If the capital letters are graceful - the ability to attract people to oneself, the romanticism of nature.
Middle letters occur in many people, so they cannot be taken as a separate indicator for analysis.

Printed letters

What does printed handwriting mean? The nature of such a letter is to write block letters where written letters should be - which means that the person seeks to replace his outdated views on life with modern ones.


How does curly handwriting characterize a person? The presence of various decorations in the letter (a curly “lid” for the letter “th”, curls, vignettes, etc.) indicates a person’s desire to attract attention and the superficiality of his thinking.


If no bottom loops, then the person is distinguished by independent thinking and prefers the search for simple explanations. They are inventive and adaptable.
The loops at the bottom are narrow- an indicator of caution, spirituality, love for family. Wide extended lower loops - the desire to satisfy material needs. Too large loops at the bottom - a person does not like to be tied to something.
Too small loops at the top and bottom- indecision to take the path of independence.

Breaks in words

If breaks are located in every word, then the person is inclined to believe in intuition. This sign is correlated with another. If there are no breaks in the words, this is a sign of logic.

Letter sizes

If words begin with capital letters and then decrease, the person is in a position where strict secrecy is very important. Words begin with small letters and then increase in size - a person does not know how to keep secrets.

Graphology and signature

A special place in this science is given to signature analysis. It takes us a long time to come up with and model an autograph. For this reason, it is believed that the writing of the text determines the personality of a person, what he is, and the signature - what he wants to be. This is the key to predicting changes in personality and character, in fate.

We choose our signature ourselves; it contains important information about our goals and aspirations.

Signatures, like handwritten text, are examined according to parameters, which include the length and sharpness of the letters, interesting characters and the unity of the letters, the distance between them and the pressure force, dots, hooks, etc. Let's consider some characteristics:

direction. Here, take a look at where the tip of the signature is pointing. If up - optimistic nature, energy, desire for goals. Direct – balance in personality. Down – pessimistic moods;
length. Long signatures speak of thoroughness, slowness, and perseverance. Short – a person is constantly in a hurry, takes things lightly;
letter size. If the first letter is noticeably different from the rest, then the person is capricious and overly demanding of others. With a slight difference from other letters - modesty. Small letter sizes – rationality, economy, concentration. Capital letters - dreamy nature, trusting, impractical;
breaks and connection. If all the letters are connected - evidence of logic and consistency, conservatism of views. If a small number of gaps are noticed, adaptability and flexibility of thinking. A large number of breaks - daydreaming;

decorations. If a person likes to brag and embellish himself, then this is immediately noticeable in the signature, because it is also decorated: with ribbons, curls, etc. The number of curls shows the level of insincerity of the personality, secrecy. But jewelry is found among creative individuals: actors, musicians. A testament to the richness of imagination then. Mathematicians' signatures are often “naked.” The letters seem to be losing some parts;
letter spacing. This sign determines the level of generosity: at a large distance - a high level. If the letters are almost on top of each other - stinginess and frugality;
ponytails, underlining. If the signature is underlined at the bottom, then the person is characterized by pride, touchiness, and is interested in the opinions of others. If the line is on top - pride, vanity, desire for something new. But the length of the host at the end of the signature speaks about people’s reaction to interference in their affairs. The longer the tail, the less a person tolerates comments and decrees. If the signature is crossed out - evidence of self-dissatisfaction, self-criticism, hesitation;
dot. This is a positive sign. If there is a dot in the signature, this is evidence of discipline, the desire to finish what you started. If it stands at the end, a person finishes what he started under any circumstances. At the beginning of the signature - the desire to obtain complete data before starting work;
repetition of elements. Identical signs indicate obsessiveness in actions and thoughts, and established habits. Along with this, this sign is an indicator of perseverance and the ability to easily cope with monotonous work.


This article discusses the most important criteria, the so-called key points for working with handwriting and analyzing its elements that can shed light on the personal characteristics of its owner. But there are still many nuances that help determine the character by signature. If you wish, it is possible to master such skills on your own, but to do this you will have to analyze a lot of handwritten texts of closely acquainted people, whose character is known to one degree or another.

January 19, 2014

Cluttered, illegible, neat, small, large, ornate, beautiful, careless... Whatever handwriting there is. Each of us has our own. It begins to form at approximately the age of 8–10 years, is finally formed only at 20, but can change throughout life. And it can tell a lot about us. Scientists have long established that there is a certain connection between a person’s handwriting and his character: when writing, hand movements are controlled by the brain, and therefore bear the imprint of the mental processes occurring in it. So, do you want to draw a psychological portrait of a person? Analyze his handwriting!

General information

Graphology is a scientific field of knowledge that studies the laws of the relationship between handwriting and personality, human character. Graphological analysis is carried out on the basis of a number of parameters: the direction of the line is important (with a shift to the left, right, up and down), and the features of writing letters, and the slope and degree of compression of the handwriting, the location on the sheet... From the combination of these and many other parameters, a individual characteristic. A good graphological analysis provides a complete description - from prospects for personal growth, determination of abilities to sexual preferences and propensity for drug addiction.

Recently, many companies have been using the services of handwriting experts to compile characteristics of specialists hired, as well as to assess some of the characteristics of competitors. So don’t be alarmed if, when applying for a job, you are offered a blank sheet of paper, a slate pencil and asked to write a couple of sentences on a free topic. It is unlikely that you will be able to deceive a graphologist, but by artificially distorting your handwriting, you can do yourself a disservice by receiving a description of a person who is not suitable for the given position.

The basic principles of graphological analysis are shared by a psychologist, graphologist Mikhail Petukhov.

What do you need?

For graphological analysis, you need text written by hand on a blank sheet of paper. At least four sentences with signature. The larger the text, the better (for example, an A4 sheet).

It is better to write with a lead pencil or a fountain pen - this makes it easier to assess the pressure.

Not every handwritten text is suitable for analysis. For example, a congratulation in a postcard is not the best option, since when signing, a person, as a rule, makes some effort to make it as beautiful as possible. The document being analyzed should be written under circumstances when the person is calm and in no hurry. It is best to have several copies written at different times.

Main stages of analysis

1. Press

Strong pressure is typical for self-confident and energetic people with high performance. Such people are usually very sociable and attract people with their determination and optimism.

Light pressure most often occurs in extremely sensitive and romantic people. These are dreamers, focused primarily on their inner world. They are responsible, but unhurried, they do everything carefully, trying to avoid mistakes. Often such pressure is a sign of weakness.

2. Tilt

A slight tilt to the left is most often found among individualists: they always put their own interests above group interests. Such people have a critical mindset.

Strong tilt to the left. Owners of this style are self-sufficient and independent, they always have their own point of view on any problem.

A slight inclination to the right is the most common inclination of handwriting, characteristic of calm and balanced people. Always open to communication, but also not averse to being alone for some time. Prone to mood swings.

A strong tilt to the right indicates determination and perseverance. Such people, as a rule, are maximalists and strive to be the first in everything, so if they decide to do something, it is on the condition that they get either everything or nothing. They are amorous and very jealous.

If the handwriting is vertical, then this speaks of internal harmony, a balance of rationality and emotionality at the same time. People with this style carefully analyze the situation and only after that make decisions. The most important character trait is stubbornness.

3. The size of handwriting indicates a person’s sociability.

For example, those with large handwriting (more than 3 mm) are open, emotional and easily find a common language with people. By nature they are leaders and the soul of any company. They can convince anyone that they are right.

Small handwriting (less than 3 mm) indicates that its owner is a reserved, calculating, secretive and reserved person. He can be trusted with responsible work, as he knows how to fully concentrate on the task at hand.

Broad handwriting – broad soul! This is how creative and talented people write. Narrow letters are a sign of rationality and frugality.

4. Outlines

Round letters indicate kindness and responsiveness, as well as the ability to compromise. If you meet a person with such handwriting, know: you can rely on him, he will always support you in difficult times.

Angular handwriting is a sign of selfishness. A person with such a style strives for independence and does not like being told how and what to do.

5. Line layout

For optimistic people, the line rises towards the end, for pessimists, on the contrary, it goes down. Straight lines are typical for calm, reasonable, balanced people. Uneven lines indicate frequent mood swings or instability of a person.

Graphologist Mikhail Petukhov agreed to analyze for us a series of texts with different types of handwriting. A small disclaimer: these remarks cannot be considered a full-fledged personality characteristic. A real graphological analysis is a scrupulous study of how, from what angle, and with what pressure a person writes. It is advisable to have an example of how to write all the letters. Only in this case will the specialist give a complete and detailed description of the person.

However, these brief characteristics will give you an idea of ​​how a graphologist works and what conclusions he draws on the basis of which significant elements. Take a closer look, maybe you will find handwriting that is somewhat similar to yours?


Small fieldson the left they talk about frugality, pettiness, a penchant for family life,wide margins- about activity and the absence of pettiness in character. Too wide fields -evidence of generosity, extravagance, boasting, striving for originality, and soto luxury and splendor. In addition, it speaks of family pride, social habits and manners.

If the left edge of the field gradually expands, then this also indicates generosity andwastefulness, the pursuit of frugality, only with the opposite result.

The left field is narrowing - selfishness, frugality, reaching the point of stinginess; self-control.

Wide, sweeping handwriting, “compressed” and “hanging” on the right side, saysabout the lack of logic, about a false view of things.

“Dishesive” handwriting is carefree, careless, active and wasteful. ness.


Straight, even lines speak of calmness, a person’s self-confidence, the presencehe has willpower, a strong, developed sense of duty, as well as prudence and trustnews Lines that tend to rise, rising lines are evidence of honor.love, vanity, courage and determination, consciousness of one’s own strength, as well as actionconfidence, self-confidence and desire for success.

The lines going down, on the contrary, indicate that this is a person without initiative, apathetic, a pessimist, he distrusts himself, most likely, he is sentimental and unlucky.

Wavy lines are evidence of cunning, resourcefulness, desire to lie,but also commercial inclinations.

If the lines first rise and then fall, then this indicates impermanencecharacter, impatience - before us is a person who takes on several things at once and does notgraduates from none, he often experiences disappointment; success does not follow him.

Lines that first fall and then rise are characteristic of a self-confident person who is reluctant is taken gets down to business, but, having started, brings it to the end, and therefore achieves success.

Each next word begins higher than the end of the previous one - activity, butself-doubt, a highly developed sense of duty.

Large spaces at the ends of lines as a way to avoid word wrapping - caution,

2 reaching the point of cowardice.

Filling lines to the end, squeezing the letters, is evidence that a person hasthe need to speak out, to share a feeling, and at the same time he experiences unconsciousness great fear of being misunderstood and not receiving sympathy.


Strong tilt, almost lying letters - evidence of incontinence, hot-temperedshyness, sentimentality, this is a captivating and touchy nature.

Tilt in different directions speaks of a capricious disposition, uncertainty and indecisiveness.truth, about discord with oneself, about the struggle between feelings and reason. But a person with such handwriting is more likely toOverall, he has a sense of humor.

The handwriting is restless, with letters constantly changing in size and inclination, onThe rulers of the lines are usually people who are active, nervous, and constantly experiencing anxiety.

Handwriting Types:

Small handwritingpeople are usually observant, calm, even cold-bloodedsmart, secretive, and at the same time witty, inclined to care about others.

Round hand,As a rule, it belongs to proud, self-loving, enterprising peoplestrong, decisive, striving for dominance.

Narrow handwriting- this is restraint, secrecy, stinginess, diligence, cruelty,desire for precision. People with this style are often afraid of losing their fortune, losing their well-being.

Wide handwriting- intelligence, energy, sociability and carefreeness, even carelessness; generosity and extravagance.

If a person uses a fountain pen, then by pressing the pen you can also do someconclusions. Strong pressure speaks of a strict outlook on life, writing without pressure speaks of madnesscharacter, excessive sensitivity, compliance. Such a person realizes that he is not understood those around you.

Fluent and sweeping enterprising, active people have handwriting, and at the same timecurious and cheerful, often dreamers.

Trembling, angular handwriting speaks of nervousness, cowardice, uncertainty and indecisivenesstelnosti. This is usually written by touchy people prone to causeless sadness.

Highly angular - harshness of character, selfishness, stubbornness.

Fluent and "dry" handwriting occurs in smart and reserved people; too florid- yvain, who love external splendor, but who are characterized by a feeling of dissatisfaction.

Simple, legible handwriting speaks of forethought, intelligence, prudence,worthiness, determination and confidence in business. A person with such handwriting usuallysuccess follows.

Illegible, very irregular handwriting is typical for nervous, carefree people,prone to extravagance.

Very illegible handwriting speaks of impenetrability, mystery, the impossibility of charactertera. A person with such handwriting rarely loses his temper.

Beautiful, calligraphic handwriting is typical for people who are spineless, lacking in self-reliancetelny, always under the influence of others.


If a person, when signing up, puts only one of his last name then this speaks about himmodesty, courtesy, but often also about spinelessness. If to the surname flourishes are added ki,then this is evidence of vanity, pride, pride, consciousness of one’s own dignity va.

Last name, only underlined, - false pride, exaggerated conceit, rich imagination.

A signature ending with a sharp stroke and a dot speaks of mistrust and caution ness.

Hook in front and after signature - evidence of great distrust, suspicious sti.

Multiple stroke means determination, a tendency to act extravagantly, sometimes madness.

Compressed and “twisted” stroke - truthfulness, love of clarity.

wavy line in the signature it can mean sensuality, sometimes talent,Most likely, we are faced with an addicted nature.

Signature with zigzags with sharp corners speaks of irresistible energy.

A flourish wrapped around a surname - evidence of secrecy and selfishness.

Tail-shaped stroke speaks of meanness, passion for gossip and intrigue.

Angles and arcs. The same letters, for example “p”, “t”, “sh”, can be written either roundly orangular. If ascending and descending strokes are connected by rounded curvesniyami, then the handwriting can be called round; on the contrary, if these strokes intersect everywhere underangle, then the handwriting is called angular.

It has been noticed that people who are inclined to soften contradictions and make compromises do not haveangularity in letter patterns. This indicates gentleness and peacefulness. Rounded writingmo in men indicates that the owner can adapt to any conditions, lovesgossip, strives for crowded fun, loses a sense of proportion when success he likes it.

Angular handwriting suggests stubbornness, intransigence, and demanding behavior in the writer.strength, sharpness. Ability to work energetically and hard, amazing self-control,the endurance of these people in relation to physical and moral suffering reaches its extreme limit. The sharp-angled handwriting of Bismarck, the angular one of Rasputin, is indicative. Pointed writing in women means their increased activity.

arcadian(those. right-circuit) And garland(those. left-circular) character of the letter.If the letter "w" is written like a "t", the arcs face their convexity towards the top edge of the pagetsy, the letters are connected at the top - this is arcadic a letter possessed by persons inclined tofantasy, romantic nature.

If the letter "i" is written like a "p", the arcs are convex to the bottom (writingon the edge of the page, the letters are connected at the bottom, resembling a garland, this is garland characterrubbed letters. Its owners are taciturn and prone to aggravating relationships.

If letters are performed with both left- and right-circular movements, then piA smart person is persistent in achieving a goal, but not “far-sighted.” He does not go to the goal in the easiest way, but chooses it without much thought.

Subject to analysis by a graphologist separate letters: there are open vowels(good nature, trustfulness, delicacy; developed ability to sympathize; inability to interruptrelationship), open vowels(hypocrisy, deceit) closed vowels(closedness).

Exaggerated size of capital letters means a persistent desire for independenceindependence, independence in the field of thought, the desire to identify one’s personality.

If a letter contains the writing of two letters at the same time as a result of peculiarconnections, then this is a person of logical thinking, enterprising.

Handwriting can also be characterized by loop length for letters such as “u”, “r”, “d”. Timepersonalize long(inability to think logically) and short(dislike of unnecessary conversations,laconicism in business, the ability not to express one’s thoughts) loops.

Stylizedhandwriting (the letters are distinguished by the curly design, harmony is visible in the outline) speaks of a rich figurative memory.

Handwritings are distinguished by configurations words: increasing towards the end of words(gullibility, iscarelessness, sentimentality), wedge-shaped ending words (cunning, secrecy), stolen hesitationwords (pettiness, talkativeness, imagination, complacency, foppishness).

The presence of loops, curls, different hooks in a letter and handwriting drawing speaks ofresourcefulness in the field of thought, enterprise.

Punctuation marks . If the punctuation marks are placed neatly, precisely, then this is a personneat, precise, careful. Thick, bold signs indicate sensual carnagewakefulness. Abuse of punctuation marks is observed in suspicious, obsessive people.

Signature. Signature without a stroke speaks of a high level of culture and taste. Straight strokeindicates energy, determination, courage; falling stroke, waves sty- diplomacy; zigzag stroke- for energy, activity.

Signature underlining - developed sense of self-esteem.

Centrifugal direction of signature - ambition.

Signature ending with a dot - tendency to introspection.

Temperament and handwriting . An interesting connection between temperament and handwriting, which has been studiedwrote graphologist Morgenstein.

1. Personality sanguine temperament has a torn, slanted handwriting with a cut
what strokes. He is active and handsome (Lermontov).

2. U phlegmatic personality letters are bold, thicker in places, and sometimes tone
kimi, the distance between the letters is unequal, they can be elongated, decorated, calli
graphic (Krylov).

3. For melancholic Characteristic are the letters dancing, pale with strokes. Wrap words from
long distances (Dostoevsky).

4. For choleric characterized by curled, tangled strokes and unequal spacing between layers
you; smeared letters with strong and original pressures, closed and cramped; falling
tilt to the right (Pushkin).

To summarize, let us present a table that shows the relationship between the graphological features of handwriting and the individual characteristics of the person writing.

The relationship between graphological features of handwriting and individual

human characteristics

Graphological sign

Individual characteristics

Lines: straight

Balance, restraint, consistency


Flexibility, plasticity, democracy


Impulsiveness, impatience, vehemence

rising up

Energy, ambition

Incline:normal (right)

Discipline, diligence


Restraint, self-control, endurance

overturned to the left

Willfulness, stubbornness, secrecy

different types (different slopes)

Moodiness, affectivity

Letters:exaggerated size new letters

Ambition, self-confidence, independence

the same in combination with decoration


compressed, low, short


correction of letters and words

Suspiciousness, dissatisfaction with oneself


Peacefulness, sociability


Stubbornness, demandingness

Signature: without a flourish

Simplicity, modesty

stroke, falling, wavy, in the form zigzags

Energy, activity, purposefulness

signature underlining


down up


ends with a period

Tendency to self-analysis, increased demandsself-compassion

Test for graphological examination of handwriting You can use any person’s handwriting for it (at least 20 lines).

1. Letter size: very small - 3 points; small - 7; average - 17; big -

2. Slant of letters: left - 2 points; light left - 5; right - 14; sharp to the right - 6.

3. Direction of handwriting: lines creep up—16 points; straight lines—12; line
ki are creeping down - 1.

4. Pressure force: light - 8 points; average—15; strong - 21.

5. Character of writing words: tendency to connect - 11 points; penchant for department
Leniya - 18; mixed style - 15.

6. Overall score: diligent, neat handwriting - 13 points; the handwriting is uneven
words that are difficult to read - 9; careless handwriting - 4.

7. Letter shape: round - 9 points; shapeless - 10; angular - 19.

Evaluation of results:

38-50 points. Most often this is an elderly person;51-63 points. Timid, passive, phlegmatic people;64-75 points. People are indecisive, soft; 76-87 points. Direct, open and frank people;88-98 points. People are proactive, decisive, practical;

99-109 points. People are quick-tempered, touchy, but gifted and prone to creativity; 110-121 points. Most often these are undisciplined and lax people.

1 Graphological examination

Handwriting is assessed according to three graphological categories: geometric consistency;harmony; graphological writing.

1.Degree geometric consistency writing (even lines of lines and margins, uniform spacing between lines and words, equal pressure and overall consistency of writing) determine the degree of volitional development of a person and the supply of neuropsychicenergy, ability to work. The evenness of the line lines, the uniformity of pressure indicate yourestraint and uniformity of energy, a well-known balance of nature. And onturnover, unevenness of lines, impulsiveness of pressure indicate conditional performance ity, manifested in individual outbreaks.

2.Degree harmony writing is determined by the harmony in the combination of its constituent elementstov of writing, indicates the degree of a person’s giftedness, the development of mental abilities, the presence of taste, the degree of a person’s internal culture.

3.Degree graphological letters, i.e. deviations from impeccable calligraphyhandwriting, determines the degree of individual identity, personal initiative, the degree of diversitygap (or monotony) of mental manifestations of personality. And the more pronounced these deviations are,the more the writer brings into his own, original handwriting, the more rights we have tomother, that a person in any area of ​​​​his manifestation - material or spiritual - is not content with merely adapting to the conditions of his activity, but strives beyondBring something new and original to life. Calligraphic handwriting is impersonal.

We do not consciously care about the design of the letters, but subconsciously we choose it. StreBy gravitating toward certain forms and avoiding others, we thereby betray ourselves—our tastes, which we prefer. nia, your own style.

This is where the law works feedback. WITH on the one hand, our individual characteristicsseem to dictate the subconscious choice of letter design; on the other hand, some geometricconcepts have turned into a symbol to which we can somehow relate, accepting or rejectinggay him. “Sharp corners” are reliably associated with perseverance, harshness, and intransigence.If persistence and harshness are unpleasant to us, we will avoid sharp corners in writing.

Pressure. A person is stable in the manifestation of his feelings, balanced, with equalwith a measured surge of energy, such uniformity will be present in all movements (gait, gestures) - leisurely, calm. The opposite qualities of the regiongiven by a person whose handwriting is choppy, the strokes are not equal in strength. Its activity is characterized by separate bursts of energy of varying strength.

Strings. Direct lines indicate balance, restraint, self-control,wavy- diplomacy, flexibility of thinking, ability to notice weaknesses in people.

Impulsivity, impatience, ardor are characterized by parabolic lines.The author's feelings and desires are usually distinguished by significant intensity, forcingstrive for their immediate implementation. These people get down to business ardently, often without time toleading him to the end.

Spacesat the ends of lines, so as not to hyphenate words, indicate caution, often up toreaching the point of cowardice.

Risinglines are found most often among energetic, active, ambitious people of people.

Incline. Although at school we were taught to write askew, i.e. at a certain angle of inclination, we seeWe remember that everyone chooses a writing method that is convenient for them. For most handwritingit is characterized by an inclination of 40-45° (oblique handwriting), but there are also straight, vertical handwritingki (90°), inclined, Sometimes overturned(tilt up to 125°) handwriting. In addition, there ismany transitional degrees and combinations of these basic forms.

It can be noted that people who write in straight handwriting have great restraint,possession, endurance than people with slanted handwriting.

It has been noticed that the handwriting is too slanted (almost lying)- among the enterprising, activeknowledgeable people who are able to easily navigate in unfamiliar surroundings.

Overturned to the left handwriting most often arises as a result of a discrepancy between personal naturenatural inclinations and inclinations of a person to the external conditions of upbringing and life. It indicates willfulness, stubbornness, demandingness, distrust, and sometimes insincerity. and secrecy.

Heterogeneitytilt occurs in capricious, unrestrained, impetuous people, whoThey are characterized by heightened nervous sensitivity and scattered goals.

Connection. The letter itself has no meaning. Only a word consisting of a connectionletters that are interconnected mean something.

Fluencyhandwriting, due to rational combinations of connectives, characterizes an enterprising, smart, energetic person. 3 Stroke formation in handwriting . If the words run out horizontal stroke(especially the last ones in the line), then the person is distrustful, cautious (as if unconsciouslyIt seems that no one could deliver a point or some kind ofsome other sign that can change the meaning of what is written).

Curving left down (against the direction of movement) the stroke indicates selfishness ness.

There are also curving upwards touches (fantasy, impressionability), touches,preceding words (habit of acting according to inner conviction), exaggerated long, sharp, straight strokes preceding words (stubbornness, despotism), wrapping themselves up preceding strokes (stubbornness, persistence, unyielding vost).

Lack of strokes speaks of the desire to be based only on what is factually availabletical check.

Approximate classAnd handwriting fication. Depending on the height and width of the handwritingHandwriting is classified as “small”, “large”, “fluent” and some others.

Large and sweeping handwriting indicates the writer's tendency to reveal hispersonality. Such people usually do not put up well with ordinary living conditions.

If the letter large, then a person has a developed sense of self

dignity, it is impractical.

Smallletter (less than 3 mm) speaks of restraint, prudence, composure,observation.

Compressedhandwriting (height less than width) characterizes a prudent, thrifty, prudent person accustomed to saving. He involuntarily manifests these features in his writing, trying to fit as much as possible into the space provided (the margins of the letter will be almost absent, the spaces between words will be extremely insignificant, according tothe last letters will be reduced and cramped).

Normalwriting, which is not much different from calligraphy, indicates a ditchconsistency of behavior, general balance, constancy in affections and views. I'm writingHaving legible handwriting already shows attention to others.