What to give a child for 1 boy. What should not be given to a one-year-old baby? Universal birthday present for a child

The approach of the child's first birthday (not taking into account, of course, the day of his birth) is an exciting period for all parents and people who will take a direct part in the celebration.

The closest family members need to organize a memorable, vivid holiday, take memorable pictures of each of its key moments and try to gather all the welcome guests at the same time and in one place, but numerous relatives and friends of the family need to find a useful and functional gift for the baby.

The last task, perhaps, is one of the most difficult, because in children's stores there is a huge variety of goods, faced with which it is not easy to make the final choice. In this situation, there are three options for resolving the issue. Can:

  • Consult with the parents of the baby about what should be a gift for a 1 year old boy.
  • Choose a gift of your choice.
  • Just hand over an envelope with money, and mom and dad of the hero of the occasion will decide for themselves how and on what to spend it.

We propose to consider the second option in detail, since in our opinion, it allows you to show your maximum attention to the baby.

In this article, you will learn:

Before moving on to considering options for gifts for a boy for 1 year, we suggest analyzing the main stages of his development that he successfully went through during these 365 days of life. Understanding the changes that have happened to the baby will help to understand what may be useful to him in the future. So, in just a year, the child learned almost perfectly to control his body, muscles and muscles, and, from a helpless creature, he turned into a strong and confident little one. In the arsenal of his skills:

  • Successful understanding of most words spoken by adults.
  • Attempts to express your feelings with incoherent babbling, gestures and tactile techniques.
  • Possession of the technique of manipulating people, especially one's own parents.
  • Expression of violent emotions: joy, resentment, anxiety, interest and fear.
  • An irrepressible zeal to comprehend the world around and its forbidden components in particular.
  • The development of research skills that are honed by familiarizing themselves with toys and household items to taste, touch, sound and look.
  • The desire to get to know their own kind and establish social contact with them.
  • Attempts to make independent decisions.
  • Development of the concept of "cause-and-effect relationship".

In addition, closer to the year, many boys already have time to get acquainted with a cup, spoon and fork, all kinds of food and goodies, try to express their interests, love or dislike for certain activities, are able to build simple structures (pyramids, houses) and hone fine motor skills by working with sand, dough, clay, beads, balls, balls or plasticine under the supervision of an adult.

Now, understanding the full range of the little man's capabilities, you can try to choose for him the most suitable and irreplaceable things that can be presented to him as a gift.

What to give a boy for a year

Despite the fact that the child does not quite understand why the turmoil is being started around him, he will be incredibly happy with the gifts that relatives and close people will simply "fall asleep" with. To make the boy like your gift for 1 year, we have tried to collect the most successful examples of toys that have already been presented to children of this age.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with them, and perhaps this selection of ideas will help you out and make it easier to find a surprise for your birthday.

"The best gift, in my opinion ..." Educational toy

The most popular gift for a boy for 1 year is this is an educational toy... It can perform a wide variety of functions, but its main purpose is the development of certain skills.

  • For example, miracle pot - sorter, making pleasant melodies and funny sounds, if the task is successfully completed, will help teach the baby such concepts as shape, size, volume and color.
  • , such as a children's piano, a small synthesizer, maracas, a drum, a guitar, a xylophone today have found a convenient form for children and perfectly train their sound perception of the world, hand motor skills, associative thinking and develop an understanding of causality.
  • Constructor with volumetric elements(not small-scale LEGO), pyramids and bricks (wooden and plastic) are some of the most favorite games of children from one year to another. Despite their apparent simplicity, they have a positive effect on the development of spatial and abstract thinking, coordination of movements, large and fine motor skills of the child's hands.
  • Talking Electronic Toys(cats, hamsters) with a built-in recording and playback device will delight most babies, in addition, they contribute to the development of their speech and creativity.
  • Game center or music mat. This, of course, is not a cheap pleasure, however, it is very useful and definitely worth the money spent.

- this is, as a rule, a large music table that is endowed with a number of different functions. It has blinking, glowing and moving elements that represent the control panel, and it also has a pleasant musical and sound accompaniment that will certainly attract the attention of the child. With such a toy, he clearly will not get bored and will be able to spend his active time with the benefit of his own development.
- This is a unique object, the main task of which is to motivate the development of a steady, confident walk. For kids who have just begun to comprehend this vital skill, such rugs will come in handy and very soon make them move in a playful, unobtrusive manner on their own two.

And a few more options

If you want to make a gift, so to speak, "for growth", then:

  • For a boy for a year, a gift in the form of rocking horses... She will serve him for several years, and will delight him every time the baby decides to swing on it.
  • - this is another thing that will certainly come in handy for the growing tomboy. You can play with it both at home and on the street, on horseback and just carry it with you.
  • Hand trolley(butterflies, ducks, cars, turtles, etc.) can captivate the baby for a long time. It can be operated with a handle or carried on a string. Both the first and second options are very popular with children, especially if it is endowed with musical or noise accompaniment.
  • Swing. Well, what kids don't like swinging on a swing? You just won't find them. A home swing will bring a lot of pleasure to the birthday boy, so this option has a place to be.
  • Easel, drawing board. All babies very quickly learn the skill of using crayons, markers and pencils. And if you provide them with a separate field for creativity, the effect will not be long in coming: little "shishkins" and "rembrandts" will delight their parents with their creativity and the active development of artistic skills.
  • - these little things will be very useful for every child and will bring color and fun to his daily hygiene procedures.

This is just a small, but the most popular part of potential gifts for 1 year old boys. We hope, now, it will be easier for you to make a choice.

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    Irina :

    If the baby has not yet learned to walk by the age of one year, then you can give him a wheelchair walker, which will help speed up the "first steps" process.
    You can also give your baby a tunnel through which he will crawl. Tunnels are often found in parks at playgrounds, children love to crawl along them, and here they are at home ... and their own tunnel). This game will serve the kid for a couple of years, that's for sure.
    And of course, all the boys from childhood are already ready to turn the steering wheel of the car, apparently it is in their blood, so you can give a car, where you need to push off with your legs.
    In general, now there are a lot of various toys in children's stores and all toys are sorted by age (manufacturers indicate on the boxes from what age it is better to use this toy).

    Evgeniy :

    Yes, the car is probably the best option, at least one of the. The kid will ride on it, pushing off with his feet, turning the steering wheel with his hands, which has a beneficial effect on the development of the musculoskeletal system. Also, like the aforementioned tunnel, a tent house made of lightweight fabric will be long-lasting, children love to sit there and play with their toys. A kind of personal space, not all the time to spend in the crib or in the arena)


    And in our environment, the most popular gift for 1 year is a tolokar machine ... Firstly, the kids really like it, they immediately begin to sit on it, even if they themselves are still not quite well on their feet. Secondly, it may be an economy option for you, because they are relatively inexpensive, and the size, after all, is voluminous for such an amount ... So if you want an effective gift, but there are no special financial opportunities - this option is for you ...

    Konstantin .

Children's Birthday is always a sea of ​​joy, fun and positive. After all, when a lot of children gather in the house, no one has to get bored.

However, if young guests do not bother themselves with any worries on the eve of the holiday, then adults have to run around the shops in search of a suitable gift. And parents want to please the little one by giving him the most useful present. And in the case when the hero of the occasion is still very young, the task becomes much more complicated. After all, the crumbs do not yet have special interests and preferences, and he does not play with toys so much as he tastes them. Therefore, the question of what to give a boy for one year is not so simple. Let's try to find the answer to it.

Age features of the birthday man


Reflecting on the question of what can be given to a baby for 1 year, it is necessary to be guided by his skills and level of development. As a rule, at this age, the boys already move around the house on their own, exploring with interest everything that they can reach. They carefully examine and feel objects, taste them. In addition, children at the age of 1 understand well the speech addressed to them and are able to fulfill the elementary requests of their parents. Little ones even try to communicate with adults in their own language and express feelings through gestures and tactile techniques.


Although the baby has only recently learned to walk, he is quite capable of combining this process with other activities. For example, a crumb can push objects forward or pull them behind him, bring something to his parents, and so on. One-year-old children have a good "relationship" with the dishes. They can already drink from a cup on their own, hold a spoon with food and move it from one handle to another. Kids with undisguised pleasure scratch pencils on a sheet of paper, open cabinet doors, untie bows on laces, crumple and tear newspaper sheets, play in the bathroom while bathing and in the sandbox while walking.


The baby is especially interested in new sounds. Various musical toys and TV advertisements immediately grab his attention. The toddler also learns to independently produce sounds, knocking on a glass with a spoon, selflessly twirling a rattle in his hands and trying to sing "songs". The lion's share of discoveries the baby makes during the game. He really likes to pour pasta and cereals, turn over boxes and cans, shaking out the contents from them. The kid gradually learns to interact with objects, sometimes finding them the most unexpected application. Taking into account the listed age characteristics of the child, it will be much easier to choose a present to his liking.

All children's gifts can be roughly divided into several categories. Firstly, these are educational toys that will become the kid's best allies in mastering new skills. Secondly, gifts for creativity. Thirdly, items for organizing active leisure crumbs. And finally, universal gifts that are suitable for all children, regardless of age. Here are gift ideas for 1 year in each of the categories.

Educational toys

Cubes and constructors

Not a single boy can resist a designer with bright large details. When choosing it, it is important to ensure that the elements are easily connected to each other and are strong enough. After all, the baby will certainly want to try them on the tooth, throw the details on the floor and even walk on them. Also, the kid should like the fabric cubes, which are nice to wrinkle in their hands. Usually, images of animals, plants, fruits, vegetables, people of various professions are applied on them. Thus, the child does not just play with blocks, but also learns the world. Particular attention should be paid to cubes with fragments of pictures that need to be put together. For one-year-old kids, 4-piece paintings will be quite enough. If desired, you can purchase as a gift cubes "for growth" from 6-8 parts.


This educational toy is designed for sorting objects according to various characteristics (shape, color, size). It can be made both in the form of a cube or a bucket, and in the form of various animals, houses. The toy comes with bright parts that must be placed in the holes located on its body. There are music sorters that start making sounds if the baby has successfully completed the task.

Rugs and posters

To date, there are many sounded products of a similar plan. They can imitate the sounds of animals, vehicles, musical instruments, name letters and numbers. The advantage of a poster over a rug is that it can be hung on the wall, making the teaching aid as convenient as possible for the child.

Didactic footwear

A soft developing boot or shoe with an abundance of additional details will become very useful gift for a one-year-old crumbs. Mirrors, Velcro, buttons, fasteners are placed on it from different sides. Parents will be able to hide various surprises for the little one inside the shoe, which can only be reached by unlacing the shoes. In addition, in such shoes, the baby will be able to walk at home when he grows up a little.

Game centers

Despite the fact that such a gift will require serious expenses, it will certainly pay off. After all, a large music table, endowed with a number of functions, delights all babies without exception. It has a "control panel" with an abundance of glowing, flashing and moving elements. Added benefits are fun music and soundtracks, along with fun, often hanging toys that can be replaced as needed.

Gifts for creativity

Easel or drawing board

Toddlers start their acquaintance with crayons, felt-tip pens and pencils quite early. They are very enthusiastic at drawing whimsical scribbles on paper. Over time, the scope of creativity only increases, a modest album sheet is no longer enough for a small artist. This is where wallpaper and furniture begin to suffer. An easel will allow you to keep the interior safe and sound. With him, the child will be able not to limit his creative impulses. And the board will become an irreplaceable assistant in the study of letters and numbers. Such gifts will take their rightful place in the children's room for many years.

Table for creativity

This gift will certainly be appreciated by parents. After all, from now on, the child will not draw where necessary, but in a specially designated place. Often, parents, handing felt-tip pens to the baby, sit him at the feeding table. However, as the baby grows up, the need for this accessory gradually disappears. This is where the need for a table for creativity arises. Models for the smallest are distinguished by a fancy design and are equipped with an abundance of additional shelves and drawers.

Finger paint

A one-year-old baby is not yet able to hold the brush correctly, let alone pick up paint on it. At this stage, it is much easier for the baby to create with the help of fingers and palms. For this purpose, there are special paints with which you can draw not only on paper, but also on various surfaces. They are hypoallergenic, non-toxic and can be easily washed off with water. Even if the kid draws himself from head to toe or pulls his hands stained with paints into his mouth, nothing bad will happen. Thanks to their safe composition, they can be used from the moment when the baby begins to sit confidently.

Musical instruments

While some children tend to draw more, others prefer music. However, one does not interfere with the other. This means that the child's arsenal should have a full set of items for the development of creative abilities. For one-year-old toddlers, such simple musical instruments as a tambourine, drum, piano and maracas are suitable.

Kinetic sand

As a rule, at the age of 1 year, children already begin to show an interest in sand. They like to pour it over, to break the figures erected by adults. However, playing in the street sandbox is a very risky activity for toddlers. After all, a child can pull dirty fingers into his mouth and pick up any kind of infection. Much safer to have fun at home digging in children's kinetic sand. Painted in bright colors, it does not stain baby's hands and is easy to pick up off the floor.

Olga, mother of Arseny (1.5 years): “For his birthday, the mother-in-law gave her son kinetic sand. At first I wondered how you can make Easter cakes and build castles with such a crumb. After all, it is almost impossible to attract his attention for more than 5 minutes. As a result, we found another use for sand. I began to bury small objects and pictures with animals in it, and then my son dug out the “treasure” with his fingers. This occupation fascinated him very much. Now they began to decorate the Easter cakes that I have made with various natural materials: twigs, pebbles, shells, flowers. It turns out real works of art, which the kid then destroys with great pleasure. "

Items for organizing active leisure

House tent

Today, many tents of the most interesting shapes and colors are on sale. Some of them are made in the form of a palace, others look like a pirate ship, and others are a copy of a cozy village house. Many of them combine the functions of a dry pool and are filled with balls. Children love to spend time inside these houses. They are happy to frolic among the balls and scatter them around the room.


This lightweight, small machine with a comfortable handle on the back will help your little one to improve their walking skills. At first, he will move after her, leaning on the handrail and pushing the vehicle in front of him. A little later, the baby will learn how to independently move around the house by car, pushing off the floor with two legs.

Floor or hanging swing

If there is enough space in the house, you can purchase a stationary swing for your baby. However, it should be noted that most of them are designed for children under two years old. A suspended swing will become much more affordable, but at the same time a "long-playing" gift. The convenience of such a product can hardly be overestimated. It does not take up much space, due to which it can be stored on the mezzanine or on a shelf in the closet. The swing is attached to a horizontal bar or doorway. They can usually be used until the child is five years old.

Rocking chair

Rocking horses have existed since Soviet times. However, they have not lost their popularity to this day. True, today, in addition to traditional horses, you can find rocking chairs in the form of a wide variety of animals. Of course, a one-year-old baby will still not be able to swing without the help of his parents, but over time he will certainly master this skill. The rocking chair will serve the baby for two to three years. An alternative to this gift can be rubber donkeys and deer, which are so much fun to jump on!

Ksenia, mother of two-year-old Misha: “In a year we gave our son a rocking chair in the shape of a snail with a soft comfortable chair. At first, he did not show much interest in her, and two months later the present migrated under the table. But at about 1.5 years old, the son began to roll the snail into the middle of the room and swing on it, saying "kach-kach". Now he puts his toys in a chair and gives them a funny "attraction". And he often watches cartoons in the rocking chair. In general, we did not regret buying. "

Sled or tricycle

If the baby's birthday falls on the warmer months, you can give him a bicycle as a present. In modern models equipped with a long handle for parents, even a one-year-old toddler can move. Such transport will be an excellent replacement for a bulky and heavy stroller. However, if the baby is still sleeping while walking, you will have to wait a little while using the accessory. The parents of the birthday boy, who was born in the cold months, will be happy to receive a present in the form of a sled-carriage. Equipped with a comfortable handle, visor and leg cover, they are the ideal transport for winter walks.

Universal presents


Obviously, one-year-old toddlers are not yet able to assimilate long tales and stories. They do not understand the meaning of many words and cannot sit in one place for a long time. The most successful gift for a child's first birthday will be books with short poems and perky nursery rhymes. Specially for young children, voiced versions of printed editions have been created today. It is enough for a crumb to press a button to make speech flow from the speaker. There are also books with sounds of animals, birds, songs and quotes from cartoons.

Clothes and footwear

If it is difficult for adults to please with wardrobe items, then in the case of a child, everything is much easier. It is enough to go to any children's department and buy a couple of cute little things of a suitable size. If necessary, you can always consult with the seller to determine the approximate parameters of a one-year-old crumbs. In any case, clothes should be purchased with a margin. As for shoes, this is a rather specific gift that should be presented only from loved ones. Many parents purchase orthopedic shoe models of certain companies for their babies. Therefore, the risk of not being pleased with the present is great enough. If you want to donate just shoes, you can choose cute house slippers in the form of any animal.


Children of all ages need sleep attributes. Pillows, blankets, bedding sets - all of this can be classified as useful gifts that will last the baby for more than one year. When choosing sheets, duvet covers, pillowcases, you should give preference to children's models with the image of funny animals and cartoon characters. It is desirable that the linen is made of breathable cotton. Although calico, satin, jacquard and chintz also have a right to exist. You can also present the baby with an anti-stress pillow in the form of a cartoon character, which is so nice and funny to wrinkle in your hands.


At 1 year old, children are already trying to eat on their own. At this time, they are best suited for plastic plates with suction cups, which cannot be knocked over or broken. It is desirable that a funny drawing is present at the bottom, which will become an additional incentive for emptying the dishes. Many manufacturers produce whole sets for toddlers, consisting of one or more plates, spoons and forks. As for the mugs, at this age it is more convenient for children to drink from the sippy cups. If necessary, parents can always remove the lid from them and use the container like a regular glass with comfortable handles. A silver spoon with the name of the hero of the occasion will be an excellent memorable gift for a lifetime.


Bills in an envelope are often the easiest and most successful gift option. After all, parents are best aware of the needs of their child. However, if the invitees are counting on a small amount, it is better to pick up a modest present than to put a couple of small banknotes in an envelope.

List of alternative gifts

Of course, the listed ideas give a far from complete answer to the question of what to give a boy at 1 year old. The list of successful presentations can be supplemented with a number of items. Great gifts for your baby will be:

  • stadiometer;
  • a set for making impressions;
  • children's photo session;
  • electric car;
  • car seat;
  • toy set of tools (screwdriver, hammer, screwdriver, etc.);
  • frame with inserts;
  • CD with educational cartoons;
  • maxi puzzle;
  • gold / silver souvenir coin;
  • chain with a cross or medallion;
  • accessories for cleaning teeth;
  • children's photo album;
  • matryoshka;
  • bath toys.

Gifts to Avoid

Toxic toys

It is clear that a one-year-old baby should not be given objects and toys made of toxic materials. After all, they pose an obvious threat to the health of the baby.

Toys with small parts

It is also worth avoiding products containing small parts. Since at this age the baby tries to taste everything, he may swallow or accidentally inhale a tiny object.

Toys not for their age

Presents that the child has clearly outgrown will not work either. Their category includes the simplest rattles, tumblers, mobiles, sliders and booties. It is also not advisable to hand over presentations "for growth". Such items will not arouse interest in the crumbs and will only take up space in the apartment, waiting in the wings. And again, games for older children may contain various small details that are unacceptable in toys for one-year-olds.

Stuffed Toys

Surprisingly, soft toys are also on the list of unsuccessful gifts. They collect dust and get dirty easily. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the baby will certainly pull toys into his mouth. There will be no actual benefit from such presentations. After all, a one-year-old toddler still does not know how to use them for their intended purpose. He is unfamiliar with various role-playing games involving plush animals. Therefore, the toys will have to lie on the shelf until the crumb grows up to them.

Playing on their own

Self-propelled toys with batteries, whether they be barking puppies or walking robots, are also not the best choice. At this age, babies need to interact more with objects than observe them from the side. It is much better to give a child an inexpensive practical nesting doll, which he will disassemble and assemble on his own, rather than spend fabulous money on toys that do not require any active manifestations from the crumbs.

Elena Smirnova, psychologist, specialist at the Toy Center at Moscow State University of Psychology: “The main problem today is toys that play by themselves and do not require the child's special participation. Turned on - and you're done. Due to the modern appearance and the abundance of "skills", such toys are popular with adults. But they also kill the gameplay. When the duckling walks on its own, quacks and flaps its wings, the child has no choice but to watch him from the side. You cannot play with such toys. You have to wait for them to be silent. "

At the same time, there are many wonderful gift options for a one-year-old baby. The main thing is to choose a present based on the age characteristics and the level of development of the crumbs. When you go shopping, it is useful to take note of a few universal ideas suitable for children of all ages. As a last resort, you can always give the parents an envelope with money, for which they will purchase the most useful gift for their child.


What to give a child for 1 year? Sooner or later, everyone faces this question - either in the role of an already established parent, or as a family friend, where they are preparing for the birthday of the year-old.

A generalized list of gifts, compiled on the basis of monitoring forums, a survey of young parents and personal experience - in our article.


At this age, it is one of the most sought-after gifts. Remember the main thing - he must develop some skill in the child, and not just gather dust on the shelf.

Big car or tolokar

In general, yearlings, as a rule, are indescribably delighted with everything that rolls. And if you can tie a rope to this car and put your beloved bear or even ride yourself - that's a double delight!

Bike with handle

(the handle is for parents)

A kind of analogue of a stroller "for advanced". The child will have the feeling that he himself controls, which is important at this age. But keep in mind one thing - such a bike is most useful on the street in the dry season, or at home only if the birthday person's apartment is spacious enough for this kind of transportation.

Play tent or house

For a relatively low price, you will give your child their own secret corner. Perhaps not all children will immediately understand the beauty of a gift, but sooner or later they will appreciate it. Remember yourself in childhood, when we built "huts" under the table and bedspreads.


A rare child does not like to swing. Today, you can choose a children's swing for both the home and the street.

Rocking toy

Also a swing option, but outdoor and safer. There are inflatable rockers, there are wooden ones and there are plush ones (according to the survey, the most favorite among children).

Inflatable ball pool

As a rule, it is very popular with children, especially if you immediately show him how to use the pool. In addition, the child will find use for balls outside the pool. But be prepared (or prepare the parents of the birthday boy) that these same balls will be evenly distributed throughout the apartment. Many doctors believe that such a toy has a very good effect on the physical development of the baby.


You can already give the girl a doll. It is desirable that her clothes be taken off, then the baby can be taught to dress and undress the doll. However, this skill will be useful for a boy too, but we, of course, understand that you cannot come to a boy's birthday with a doll. Among other things, complete with a doll, you can give dollware without small parts, as well as a toy bed and a stroller.


Training shoes

These are soft bright shoes, with the help of which the baby can develop fine motor skills of hands - lace up shoes, use Velcro, etc. There are boots with buttons, pockets and other details. In addition to the educational function, the gift also has a practical value - you can just walk at home in such shoes.

Developing table

There are many different models on sale, but their essence is the same - a large set of various educational games, concentrated on one table. Usually it is a sorter, pyramid, constructor. The child will learn to distinguish objects by shape, size, color. The toy develops perseverance, coordination, logic.


Yes, yes, a good old nesting doll, which makes an adult smile, but a child will certainly like it. Moreover, child psychologists assure that the fundamental logical skill is the ability to fold small forms into large ones.


The most popular among children and parents are "talking" books in which the text or its fragments are voiced. The sound appears when you press the buttons.

Finger paint

Together with this uncomplicated gift, you will bring to the family several guaranteed happy and extremely funny moments when the sheets of whatman paper, the floor, walls, clothes, hands and faces will be full of bright colors.

Practical gifts

They are more likely to be appreciated by parents than by the child, but the benefits of such gifts from this do not diminish.

Bed linen or towels

Too trite, you say? Maybe so, or maybe vice versa, your gift will be the most useful on this day. Ask the mother of the birthday boy if she was given a million bed sets in the first year of the child's life. And if not, then feel free to give one. In addition, you can decorate a pillowcase or towel with embroidery or applique with a dedication or personal inscription, and then the gift will also become memorable. In the same category of gifts - baby pillow and blanket (Children under one year old are usually not recommended to sleep on a pillow and covered with a blanket, so it is quite possible that the birthday person does not have these accessories yet).

Clothes and footwear

At about a year old, the time begins when the baby wears out or spoils the clothes. The child has probably already grown up from the huge stocks of things donated for discharge from the hospital. Therefore, the clothes will always be appropriate, but it is desirable that they be made up. Do not overdo it so that, for example, summer T-shirts do not fit the child for winter.

A quality toothbrush (or several) and a set of pastes with different tastes


In winter or the season approaching winter, you can make your baby happy with a sled. In some cases (when during a walk you do not need to go to a store or cross the road) a sled ride will be very comfortable for both mother and baby.

Memorable gifts

Silver spoon with engraving

If one has not yet been presented for the "first tooth", then now is the time! The child will have his own spoon, which will later take its place in the chest with family memorabilia.

Scrapbooking photo album

Ask the parents for the best photographs of the child from birth, and arrange a photo album (on your own, or order scrap-masters). The gift will make a splash. Leave a blank spread at the end of the album, where you can later paste in a photo from your first birthday.

Photoshoot for baby

This gift will make a splash even more than the previous one. Learn more about how to arrange a photo session for your baby.


This gift is clearly made up. As a rule, a pendant or a chain is presented.


Since the baby is able to stand on its own, it's time to start making marks of his growth in growth. Previously, a door frame served as a height meter. Today there are few fans of this old-fashioned method, so a gift will come in handy.

Impression kit

It can be used to make clay prints of the baby's arms and legs. If the parents have already made such casts from the arms and legs of the newborn, then the "one-year-old" casts will remain in memory for comparison.


There used to be such a custom - to bury a bottle of wine in the ground at the birth of a child in the family, and to uncork it after 18-20 years, when the child can already drink and the wine will be infused to its very taste. Present an expensive vintage wine with an unlimited shelf life by attaching the "Drink on the day of majority" tag to it. Take the word from your parents that they will hide the wine away and will not open it until the 18th birthday of the child under any circumstances. Now imagine his 18th birthday, when a dusty bottle will be uncorked with fanfare and applause, and wine will be savoring with pleasant memories of the birthday boy's first birthday.

Unwanted gifts:

· Rattles and other toys for young children. A year-old will be interested in them for a maximum of 5 minutes.

· Toys intended for children from three years of age. The birthday boy will have to wait too long to enjoy the game. In addition, by the age of three, he may simply spoil or break the toy, without having time to use it for its intended purpose.

· Toys with small parts that could choke on the child.

· Stuffed Toys. Many different actions cannot be performed with them, and this is now extremely important for a child.

· Toys not made from environmentally friendly materials.

· Radio-controlled toys. The kid still does not know how to control them, but he can be frightened by a sharp sound.

The long-awaited day has come - the baby's first birthday. This is an important event for the child and his parents. The birthday boy is looking forward to surprises, and parents and guests are thinking - what gift for a one-year-old boy will bring the most pleasure.

So, how to create a festive atmosphere for the child and not disappoint on his first birthday?

Everything should be colorful and festive

Remember that at 1 year old a child understands a lot, so his first birthday should be remembered by the baby as something unusual!

At such a young age, the baby shows interest in everything, learns the world, so the bright decoration of his room is already a wonderful gift for a child.

The boy will certainly enjoy playing with helium balloons, examining colorful posters with images of fairytale heroes who came to congratulate the birthday boy, and recognize parents and grandparents in photographs. It does not matter where the holiday will take place, the atmosphere is important, which the kid will remember as something unusual and fabulous.

Choosing a birthday surprise

Undoubtedly, a gift for a 1 year old boy must be chosen carefully and carefully. In order for the surprise to really turn out to be pleasant and long-awaited, it is better to consult with the parents - which toy is not yet in the child's collection, to find out about the birthday boy's hobbies.

Hit parade of toys

  • House tent. Today you can find such houses of completely different designs, various colors. If balls are included with the tent, you will get a wonderful dry pool. Additional tunnels, baskets for balls contribute to the development of a child's orientation in space and physical development. Indeed, in such a house it is never boring - you can live here, come up with various mysterious stories and have fun playing with friends.
  • Pool. A great gift if the baby's birthday is in the summer and the family is planning a vacation in the country. Fun, cool and interesting.
  • Rocking toys. In this category of gifts there is such a variety of models that it is very difficult to choose one. Inflatable rockers, plastic, wooden, plush, with musical accompaniment, making sounds of animals - such a gift will undoubtedly please a child.
  • Hanging or floor swing. This is a great gift for a boy for a year! Many swing models are designed for a long service life, so the kid will be happy to ride them for more than one year.
  • Various models of typewriters. Well, this option will delight a boy at any age. At 1 year old, the baby makes his first steps, in this case, leaning on the back of the toy, the child will feel more confident. As a result, you can also master driving, if you use the gift as a tolokar, that is, push off with your feet from the floor. In an electric car, you can safely ride on the street to the envy of all your friends. Many models of such cars are supplemented with remote control, so parents, driving vehicles, will always be calm about the safety of their child.
  • Sports complexes, large rubber balls with horns. An especially active boy will like these options. The child will have a place to realize his activity, to develop physical strength. However, it is better to pre-agree such a gift with the parents.
  • Children's tricycle. A special handle is designed for parental control over the fidget. Over time, the handle can be removed and the baby will be happy to master the transport on his own.
  • Sled. If the boy's birthday falls in the winter month, you can donate a sled. In snowy weather, such a surprise will be appreciated by both the birthday person and the mother.

Gifts for the creative person

  • Musical instruments. Parents probably know how babies at 1 year old love to knock objects against each other and listen to new sounds. Various musical instruments will help develop the child's ear for music: a piano, a drum, a xylophone.
  • Paints. A gift that will bring true pleasure to the whole family. With the help of a set of finger paints, completely safe for a child, you are sure to depict artistic masterpieces.

Let the baby grow up sane

  • Any toys that resemble household items - a children's computer, telephone, remote control. Such gifts will help the baby quickly get used to the new environment and find out the purpose of these items.
  • Funny developing shoes. Soft to the touch and very useful boots with lots of Velcro, pockets and fasteners are a great idea for developing fine motor skills. In addition, you can walk at home in such cozy boots.
  • Developing rug. Today in children's stores you can find rugs with animals, fish, cars, letters and numbers, musical instruments. What to give a boy for a year - decide and choose for yourself.
  • Pyramids and cubes. The kid will be happy to disassemble, assemble the pyramid, study colors, build towers from cubes, study geometric shapes.
  • Books. It is better for a child at the age of 1 year to present a book that can speak. Unusual, colorful and useful.
  • Matryoshka. The birthday boy will be happy to look at and study the doll in which the same dolls live.
  • Puzzles and mosaics. When buying such a gift, it is important to consider that the size of the constituent parts of the game is large enough.

Useful gift

The so-called practical gifts will be more appreciated by parents, nevertheless, the birthday person will also be happy to see and touch a new thing.

  • Bedding - blankets, pillows, blankets, bedding sets. Despite the fact that the gift is quite prosaic, in everyday life it will be necessary and relevant. Especially if on a pillowcase or on a towel there is an embroidered dedication, the initials of the birthday man.
  • Clothes and footwear. It is at the age of 1 that children actively begin to move and grow no less actively. Many parents know how fast they have to buy larger clothes and shoes. The main thing is not to give your child a summer thing that will fit him in winter. It is better to check the required size with your parents.
  • Teeth cleaning supplies. From the age of one, dentists advise to teach kids to brush their teeth. However, this procedure should look like a game: bright toothbrushes, toothpastes with different tastes and funny stories of mom and dad about healthy teeth.
  • Height meter. Of course, at first, the procedure for measuring growth will be exciting only for parents, but over time, the child will also take an active part in it. What better way for loving parents than watching their son grow up.

Long memory gifts

  • Silver spoon with engraving. Such a gift can not only become a real family heirloom, but also help parents teach their fidget to eat on their own.
  • Photo album, designed in a special scrapbooking technique. It will not be difficult to order an album, because on the Internet you can easily find advertisements for the production of exclusive, memorable souvenirs. Believe that this unusual album will make an indelible impression on the baby, his parents and all the guests.
  • If the holiday takes place in the country, the child can be presented with a tree. Plant a seedling, which is also 1 year old, and watch for many years how it grows stronger and develops together with the boy.
  • Photo session for the baby. A gift that parents will be delighted with, and the baby will be able to feel like a star for the first time.
  • Impression set. How can you preserve a tiny little hand or a baby's leg for a long memory? It is enough to give such a set and the parents will be able to make prints of the birthday boy.

In the video below you can see another idea. Namely - a machine with soap bubbles:

Gifts to refuse

  • Souvenirs made from non-environmentally friendly components.
  • Souvenirs that do not correspond to the age of the baby. If the gift turns out to be for the age of less than a year, the birthday person will not be interested in such a thing. With a gift designed for the age of three years, the baby may simply not cope.
  • Stuffed Toys. On the one hand, soft toys are a source of dust, and on the other hand, the child is unable to perform various actions with them.
  • Souvenirs with lots of small details. A child can easily swallow them.

Remember that the baby in the first years of his life learns the world through the objects around him and mainly through toys. Choose a gift with soul, love and benefit for the birthday person. And then the little fidget will definitely like your surprise.

The first birthday is a special holiday, which means that gifts for the little birthday person should be chosen appropriate: interesting, bright and safe, which will delight both the child and the parents. What exactly to give a boy for a year depends on a number of factors, including the financial capabilities of the guest. Fortunately, there are a lot of options to choose from.

Toys from parents, grandmothers and other relatives

The most suitable gift from relatives for a one-year-old child (son, grandson, nephew) is a toy. But even in this case, the present should be carefully thought out. The thing must be of high quality, and the manufacturer must be proven. Safety first.

You can choose a gift for your baby from the following options.

  1. A gurney that makes a sound while driving, which the baby will surely like. It can be in the form of a typewriter, a large bright wheel and an animal with a handle.
  2. A light rubber ball is suitable for walking with parents, because children love outdoor games from an early age.
  3. Dry pool with plastic balls. It is located in a large room or outdoors. The birthday boy will spend time there with interest.
  4. Car models. Choose any cars, but for the time being it is better to refuse metal ones: the crumb can drop the toy and injure the leg. A great option is large plastic dump trucks on a rope.
  5. Musical instruments. Toddlers love to learn new sounds. Toy pianos, drum or guitar are always desirable for a little boy.
  6. The children's tent will complement the interior of a one-year-old child's room.

Educational toys deserve special attention. They will not only distract the toddler from unsafe places in the house, but also help to quickly learn about the world around him.

  1. Interactive posters featuring letters or animals will satisfy your little one's curiosity. When you click on a certain picture, he hears a sound.
  2. A large designer develops fine motor skills of hands, introduces flowers.
  3. Matryoshka dolls, pyramids, sorters contribute to the mental development of the crumbs.
  4. Puzzles and jigsaw puzzles improve mental and physical abilities.
  5. Finger paints, colored pencils and sketchbooks, a water-drawing mat, and bathroom paints will develop creativity and help you learn colors.
  6. Colorful books with large drawings will instill a love of reading.

Toys for a one-year-old boy - gallery

Cars are interesting for boys already at an early age Large puzzles are a good gift for a boy for 1 year
Kids love musical instruments Interactive poster will help to learn new sounds Tent will decorate the interior of the children's room
The ball is suitable for outdoor games Sorter will contribute to the mental development of the crumbs Wheelchair - an excellent gift option for a one-year-old boy In the pool with balls, children have fun
Toddlers are attracted to toys that resemble household items
Bathroom paints are made on a soap base, so they do not stain leather and tiles and plumbing

An excellent gift option will also be a self-made development book. It will be a toy with various locks, buttons and Velcro, with the help of which the child will train hand motor skills, learn to think logically. For its manufacture, choose hypoallergenic materials.

Leafing through a developing book - video

Children's transport for the first birthday of the baby

  1. Tricycle. Most models have a parent handle. In addition, if many children do not want to sit in a stroller, then they are happy to drive their own vehicles.

    A tricycle with a handle cannot be called a complete replacement for a stroller. It is convenient to walk with it for short distances, but the bicycle seat is not designed for long and proper support of the back and legs, it will be difficult and unsafe to sleep in it.

  2. Runbikes are a kind of two-wheeled bicycles without pedals, which contribute to the physical development of the baby. To ride, the boy will have to push off with his feet.

    Balance bikes are produced for children of different ages. A one-year-old baby will fit with a low seat and two wheels in the back, which converge and turn into one as the child grows.

  3. The tolokar machine resembles a balance bike. First, the child can lean on it and walk, and then sit on the seat and ride.
  4. A rocking chair is a toy that will captivate a one-year-old toddler and will be useful to him in a year or two in role-playing games.
  5. Electric cars (battery-powered cars) - there will be no limit to the birthday man's delight. In addition, they are used for a long time, up to 6-7 years.
  6. Sleds are a suitable gift if your baby turns one year old in the cold season.

Children's transport for one-year-old toddlers - gallery

A tricycle will replace a stroller when walking for short distances Cycle race will contribute to the physical development of a child Tolokar will not only be a vehicle, but also a support when walking Sleds can be presented if a child turns one year old in winter An electric car is a rather expensive gift
Rocking horse will become a good friend in boy games

Topical gifts with benefit

  • clothes;
  • shoes;
  • hats;
  • utensils (it is worth remembering that a child is already learning to eat by himself);
  • accessories for cleaning teeth.

Another necessary present is a stadiometer, which makes it possible to track how intensively the baby is growing. Most manufacturers make them in the form of toys.

  1. A slide from which the baby will ride, because children love this activity.
  2. The swing will not only captivate the birthday person, but also perfectly contribute to physical development.
  3. The house is the boy's refuge, his personal space.
  4. Sandbox for games - in it the child will spend many hours of play.
  5. The pool will provide an interesting pastime on hot summer days.

Options for home and summer cottages - gallery

Little kids love to ride down a slide Hanging swing does not take up much space even in an apartment
Swimming pool - a necessary and useful thing in summer Children's house - a cozy refuge for a baby There are models of sandboxes with a cover to protect from rain and debris

What in a year can you give as a keepsake

The value of presents from this category will grow every year. A grown-up child in a few years will be able to find out how his first birthday went.

  1. Impression set. With its help, parents make an imprint of the palm and foot of their one-year-old son.
  2. PHOTOSESSION. Vivid pictures taken with a professional camera will decorate the family album.
  3. A seedling for families living in their own home. The tree will grow with the crumb.
  4. A beautifully designed photo album with pictures of different periods of the birthday man's life.
  5. Silver spoon with engraving. It is customary to give it when the baby's first milk tooth erupts. But if loved ones did not have time to present the original cutlery earlier, you can do this for the birthday of the little one.
  6. Bronze children's shoes. This is not just a souvenir, but a pair of children's shoes covered with bronze, the purpose of which is to remind loved ones of the first steps of a child made at one year old.

It is better for relatives and friends of the family to agree in advance about who will give which gift, so as not to buy the same thing.

Original gifts

Today you can find almost everything in stores, so it is quite difficult to surprise the parents of a one-year-old child. But the following gift options will surely be a pleasant surprise:

  • a portrait of a baby from a photograph (drawn or embroidered);
  • birthday sculpture;
  • a personalized book (a tale about a specific child to order).

Gifts made by yourself

To please a child, you do not need large financial costs. Adults who are invited to the party can make:

  • basket for toys;
  • wardrobe items;
  • bedding;
  • toys made of wood, etc.

An excellent option would be educational cards according to Doman's method - small cardboard images of vegetables and fruits, animals and plants, household items. Thanks to simple activities, the baby will quickly get to know the world around him.

You can easily make Doman cards yourself Stylish knitted set is a great gift option

We make Doman cards ourselves - video

What should not be given to a boy a year

  • Stuffed Toys. Firstly, not all one-year-old children are interested in such gifts. Secondly, they accumulate a lot of dust and often become a causal allergy in the baby;

    In order not to miss the gift, check with the parents of the baby before buying.

  • cheap toys from unknown manufacturers. Before purchasing a presentation, ask the seller about the availability of a quality certificate for a specific product;
  • toys that are not age appropriate. Designers with a lot of small parts are especially dangerous;
  • footwear and clothing for growth.

There are really a lot of gift options for a one-year-old boy. But it is still better to coordinate your choice with young parents. They know exactly what their son needs, otherwise the presented thing may be simply useless.