What to cook for the crumb. Steam fish cutlets

The baby's menu at 8 months is more varied than the diet that he had in the previous month. How many new recipes can be used to vary the nutrition of the crumbs!

Infants who are given complementary foods still have five meals a day. They sleep at night. But some babies, for various reasons, may eat breast milk or formula at night.

It is very good if the baby is still feeding on healthy breast milk. It contains important antibodies (immunoglobulins), enzymes, proteins and other essential substances that no complementary food can replace. The baby's immune system has not yet been formed, and breast milk protects health and makes it easier for the digestive system to get to know new dishes that appear in the children's menu.

It is worth noting that not all breastfed babies receive three meals a day at eight months. If the baby has enough mother's milk and he does not want other food, then, experts say, there is nothing wrong with that. In such a situation, it is advisable to organize one complementary food, which will consist of a variety of purees based on fruits and vegetables.

Nutrition with artificial feeding

The menu of an 8-month-old baby on artificial feeding does not differ much from the diet of his peers receiving breast milk.

All artificially fed babies have three complementary foods a day. Their daily food should not only be complete, but also very varied in order to provide the growing body with the maximum amount of nutrients, trace elements and vitamins.

Try to change porridge, meat, vegetables and fruits every day for a week. After all, even the highest quality and most expensive infant formula cannot fully compensate for the lack of breast milk in a baby's diet. Therefore, full-fledged complementary feeding of artificial people is very important.

Oatmeal should be present in the menu of a baby at 8 months who is bottle-fed, which contributes to the normal functioning of the intestines, and also prevents such a nuisance as constipation. At the end of the eighth month, lean fish can be offered instead of meat once a week.

Complementary feeding tables

The answer to the question of how to feed a baby at 8 months can be found in the complementary feeding table.
It indicates how many foods you can give your baby. So with the help of the table, the introduction of new food into the diet of children is easy to plan. It is more difficult to create a complementary food menu for every day, as well as to cook deliciously and variedly. This will require a loving mommy to be creative and inventive. Keep in mind that your baby's meals should be fresh, cool and attractive.

Start forming good habits: do not forget to wash your little hands before eating, serve soup in a deep plate, and porridge in a bowl for main courses. Fruit juices and compotes can already be drunk from a cup.

General diet

At eight months, the list of products increases, the portions of complementary foods become larger. The menu already includes buckwheat, corn and rice porridge. Now is the time to add barley and pearl barley to this list.

A spoonful of butter or vegetable oil, half of a hard-boiled chicken yolk are fortified with cereals.

The diet contains lean poultry meat (chicken, chicken, turkey), as well as veal, beef. Meat is added to porridges boiled in water, to vegetable purees, gradually increasing the amount. Chicken should be introduced into the diet very carefully, especially for infants prone to allergies.

Buy dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir) only fresh. If possible, it's best to cook them yourself.

In addition to the above, the diet of an eight-month-old man should have a large set of fruits: pears, cherries, apricots, peaches, apples, bananas, prunes, currants, blueberries, raspberries and others.

The main rule is still the same: new food is introduced gradually. And don't forget that the first and last feeding is Mom's milk or an artificial adapted milk formula.

The baby can drink water between feedings. During this period, many children have itchy gums, as teeth are being cut. You can offer your baby a crouton or a bagel. So he will get acquainted with bread and scratch his gums.

Vegetable puree "Mimosa"

You will need

  • spinach leaves - 80 g
  • potatoes - 1pc. (about 100 g)
  • infant formula - 2 scoops
  • hard boiled egg yolk - ½ pc.
  • water - 60 ml

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the potatoes, wash, cut into small cubes.
  2. Place the potatoes in boiling water and cook for 15 minutes.
  3. Add spinach and cook for another 5 minutes.
  4. Mix the vegetable broth in a blender.
  5. Pour into a bowl, carefully sprinkle with crumbled yolk.

The puree is served warm.

Beef puree with vegetables

You will need:

  • beef tenderloin - 70 g;
  • pumpkin - a small piece
  • medium potatoes - 1 pc.
  • small onion - ¼
  • unrefined olive oil - 1 tsp

Cooking method

  1. Boil the meat for 2 hours (you can cook it the night before).
  2. Peel the vegetables and wash well.
  3. Place in a saucepan, add boiled meat.
  4. Pour in water, cover and cook until vegetables are tender. (Excess water can be drained off).
  5. Grind the mixture in a blender until puree or mash well with a fork.
  6. Cool it down. Add olive oil to the puree before serving.

Compote "Four Fruits"

Prunes contain a wide range of useful elements. In addition, dried plums normalize stool. Therefore, they can be added to cereals and mashed potatoes and prepare a delicious compote.

You will need:

  • dried plums (prunes) - 1/4 cup (45 g)
  • dried apricots - 1/4 cup (35 g)
  • apple - 1 pc.
  • pear - 1 pc.
  • water - 2 cups (475 ml)

Cooking method:

  1. Cut prunes and dried apricots into small pieces.
  2. Peel and core the apple and pear, cut.
  3. Place the chopped fruit in a small saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil.
  4. Then cook over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Stir occasionally to soften the fruit. Top up with boiled water if necessary.
  5. Knead the mixture well or mix with a blender. Serve this compote warm.

You should have 2 1/3 cup servings. This is approximately 85 ml.

Summing up:

At eight months, the child continues to get acquainted with new products, his diet is gradually replenished. This allows mom to create a more varied and interesting menu. The five meals a day are still maintained. The baby receives breast milk or adapted milk formula with every feeding. Between meals, you can treat your baby to a crouton or drying, so that he scratches his gums, offer water, juice or compote.

  1. At eight months, the crumbs already have a fairly varied menu that allows them to plan a balanced meal.
  2. In addition to fruit and vegetable purees, all kinds of cereals, the complementary foods include: kefir, meat, fish and bread.
  3. They do not put sugar, salt and spices in the food that mom prepares for the baby.
  4. You can season your food with butter or refined vegetable oil.
  5. To make it easier to get used to new products, they can be added to your favorite dishes, gradually increasing the proportions.

The child's menu at 8 months of age should be balanced. There is no particular difference between baby bottle feeding and breastfeeding. Unless an artificial person needs more full-fledged food, and a baby at this age can have mother's milk and food in proportions of 50:50, since he receives almost all the substances the child needs from his mother.

The kid can already eat a lot, but it is still worth carefully introducing him to new products. New food is introduced into the diet gradually in order to observe the reaction of the crumbs' body. You can add new foods to your favorite dishes - then they will be perceived better.

The first (after sleep) and the last feeding (before sleep) should be formula or breast milk!

What foods can you?

How to feed a baby at 8 months old? Necessarily porridge. You can cook corn, rice, oatmeal separately, or you can assorted several cereals. It is better to do this with cow or goat milk, slightly diluted with water.

In addition to cereals, the baby should eat:

  • vegetables (all varieties of cabbage, zucchini, potatoes, pumpkin, onions, carrots);
  • fruits (apples, bananas, pears, peaches);
  • berries (currants, raspberries, blueberries, cherries);
  • meat (veal, rabbit, turkey, chicken);
  • eggs (no more than one egg twice a week);
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt);
  • herbs (parsley, green onions, dill);
  • legumes (beans, peas);
  • fish (lean fillet).

The last point has been controversial for a long time. Some mothers say that it is too early to give fish at such a small age, others insist that the fish contains substances necessary for proper brain activity, which is important at a time when the baby learns the world. Remember that the child's diet is thought out only by the mother, who sees her child and his reaction to different foods.

What foods are banned?

There are also a number of foods that are undesirable in the diet of an 8 month old baby. We will not write about chips, crackers, sweets bought in a store, mayonnaise and so on, because this is a matter of course. In addition, it is better not to give the baby:

  • melon;
  • watermelon;
  • kiwi;
  • nutritional yeast;
  • bread;
  • flour;
  • fatty;
  • spicy;
  • sweet (marshmallows and similar sweets);
  • sausage and other raw smoked products.

You should not put salt, spices or sugar in your child's food, you can only season it with sunflower or butter for taste. I will also change a child of 8 months on breastfeeding, or on an artificial one it is necessary to remove everything to which he has allergic reactions, diarrhea or constipation.

Sample menu for the day

  • 7:00 - milk mixture or milk;
  • 10:00 - any porridge, fruit juice or fruit and vegetable puree;
  • 14:00 - vegetable puree, a little meat puree, egg yolk;
  • 18:00 - cottage cheese or kefir, one cookie, you can supplement it with milk or a mixture;
  • 21.00-22.00 - milk or mixture.

This is how the menu of an 8-month-old child looks like for every day, but all children are unique: someone eats complementary foods from 4 months, and someone at 8 months only gets to know him. Only the regime itself remains unchanged in children: feeding occurs 4-6 times a day, leaving an interval of about 4-5 hours. Some eat when they wake up in the middle of the night. Try not to overfeed your baby at night so that his body also rests during sleep.

Sample menu for a week

Creating a menu for a baby 8 months for a week is practically a science. It is necessary to distribute the dishes for a week in such a way that the baby gets the maximum benefit from them, and so that he does not get tired of eating the same thing. We made the following approximate table:

Day of week Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner Night food (if required)
Monday Milk or mixture Curd Oatmeal

Apple or pear puree

Zucchini and potato puree

Egg yolk

Rabbit mousse

Vegetable juice


Vegetable juice or compote

Milk or mixture Milk or biscuits
Tuesday Milk or mixture Buckwheat

Natural yogurt or kefir

Peach puree

Soup with potatoes and cauliflower

Meat puree

Rice milk porridge with pumpkin

Fruit juice

Milk or mixture Milk or applesauce
Wednesday Milk or mixture Rice porrige

Plum puree with quince

Fruit juice

Cauliflower and zucchini puree

Turkey or chicken puree

Blackcurrant juice

Milk porridge oat

Fruit and vegetable juice with pulp

Milk or mixture Milk or fruit puree

On other days of the week, you can repeat this menu or come up with something else.

Menu for a baby of 8 months on artificial feeding or on the chest does not have to look like that. Correct it at your discretion, ask your pediatrician, and most importantly - watch the baby. If the baby does not like the product, try giving it a little, mixing with other products. The child completely refuses to eat, for example, broccoli, "calculating" in any puree? Stop feeding her and try again after a few months.


Between meals, treat crumbs to dryers or homemade breadcrumbs to scratch their gums. Be sure to give juice, water or compote throughout the day. It is better to make the drink yourself to be sure of its quality. You know how to feed your child - all that remains is to figure out how to create a varied menu from these products. Try to decorate the dishes at the same time - the child will like it, and he will eat with great appetite.

The diet of an eight-month-old baby on artificial and breastfeeding is becoming more and more varied every day. It already contains at least 3 types of cereals (buckwheat, corn, rice), dairy products, juices, lean meat, hypoallergenic vegetables and fruits. The baby receives three complementary foods a day, so the food at this time can be tasty and varied. The main thing for mom is to try to preserve the natural taste of products, avoid sweeteners.

Proper nutrition of the child is the basis for full growth and development

Feeding regimen for a baby at 8 months

In the menu of an 8 month old baby, you can enter several products at once: carrots, pumpkin, lean white fish, biscuit biscuits, yolk. He is already "armed" with teeth and is ready to get acquainted with meat, fish, new varieties of fruits. To the question of how to feed a bottle-fed baby and breastfeeding, the diet will answer:

  1. First breakfast - 6:00. This is mother's milk or a 200 ml bottle with the usual mixture.
  2. Second breakfast - 10:00. Consists of porridge with milk / mixture / water (you can try oatmeal) with a volume of 150 ml. and fruit puree (50 grams). You can serve dishes from a spoon.
  3. Lunch - 14:00. Vegetable soup or puree soup - 170 grams, vegetable puree (50 gr), yolk - ¼, meat puree (50 gr), non-concentrated compote.
  4. Dinner - 18:00. Vegetable puree (50 gr), kefir or fermented baked milk (100 gr), cottage cheese (50 gr). You can offer biscuits or crackers.
  5. Food before bed - 22:00. Feeding with formula or breastfeeding in a volume of 200 ml.

New foods in the baby's diet

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Every mother wants to diversify the baby's diet as soon as possible, but this should be done gradually

Mom's desire to diversify the baby's menu at 8 months is natural. When introducing new products, it is important to closely monitor the digestion and skin reaction of the crumbs. If there is diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, rash, the product introduced the day before is excluded. You can return to it no earlier than in 2-3 weeks. The interval between the introduction of new products is a week.

In the diet of 8 month old babies breastfed and artificially fed, the following may be present:

  1. Milk (in the absence of an allergy to its protein) can be used diluted to create cereals, mashed potatoes, stew fish and other dishes. From fermented milk products in the daily diet, yoghurts, cottage cheese, children's kefir and fermented baked milk are approved.
  2. Fruits. The child can try juices and purees from baby food. It is advisable to start with one-component products (apple, plum, apricot juices and purees), gradually moving to multi-component products. The fruit must be grown in the area where the family lives. By the end of 8 months, you can eat black currants, strawberries and raspberries.
  3. Meatballs and pates. Nutritionists and pediatricians, including Dr. Komarovsky, recommend including them in the daily menu for babies both breastfed and artificially fed. Meat contains valuable amino acids, iron, necessary for the proper development of muscles and the nervous system. The crumb can taste high-quality rabbit meat, turkey meat, beef. Soups should be cooked exclusively in vegetable broths.
  4. Lean white fish (we recommend reading :). A new product in the baby's diet if he receives complementary foods from 5 months. It is rich in phosphorus, valuable amino acids and vitamins, which are important for the harmonious growth of the baby. For the first time, it is important to choose marine species - hake, pollock, or fresh - carp. It is better to postpone acquaintance with salmonids until 2 years. Some mothers, whose children are on HB, lay off fish food for up to 10 months, which is a variant of the norm.
  5. Bakery products. Wheat bread is a new product, the daily volume of which in the diet is no more than 5 grams. It is too early to try rye bread for a child, but you can give baby biscuits, bagels, crackers.

The basis of a child's nutrition is vegetables and fruits, but do not forget about other products, for example, meat and fish.

Menu for the week

What dishes and how much to feed the baby and the artificial at 8 months? It is allowed to try a lot of natural products, but all of them are recommended in limited quantities. Diet planning will help the mother organize the correct baby regimen, expand the richness of taste sensations and buy fresh food on time.

An approximate weekly menu for every day for a baby on HB and feeding with milk formula is presented in the table:

Day1 breakfast2 breakfastDinnerDinnerAt night
Mondaybreast milk or formulaoatmeal porridge, apple puree (we recommend to read :)squash puree,
egg yolk,
rabbit mousse, compote
cottage cheese, pear pureebreast milk or formula
Tuesdaybuckwheat porridge, plum pureemashed cauliflower and zucchini,
steamed turkey cutlet, compote
cottage cheese, kefir
Wednesdayrice porridge, prune pureebroccoli puree soup,
egg yolk,
beef puree, compote
cottage cheese, carrot and apple puree
Thursdaycorn porridge, carrot pureespinach puree, chicken mousse, compotecottage cheese, kefir (we recommend reading :)
Fridaysemolina porridge, dried apricot pureeassorted vegetable puree soup, rabbit meatballs, compotecottage cheese, pumpkin-apple puree
Saturdaymillet porridge, plum puree (we recommend to read :)beet-apple puree,
egg yolk, turkey puree, compote
cottage cheese, kefir
Sundaybuckwheat porridge, dried apple pureevegetable soup with potatoes and cauliflower, fish puree, compotecottage cheese, mashed potatoes and carrots

Baby porridge recipes

Porridge is one of the staple foods in a baby's diet. They are prepared from rice, buckwheat flour or cereals. A couple of times a week, you can cook oatmeal (if you are not allergic to gluten), barley and millet porridge. You should wait a little with hearty semolina - it is hard on the digestive tract. However, an underweight breastfed baby can periodically offer liquid semolina in diluted milk at night.



  • milk 2.5% - 125 ml;
  • semolina - 2 tsp;
  • children's water like "Agusha" - 25 ml;
  • butter 72% - 1/3 tsp

Boil 60 ml. milk diluted with water. Gently add semolina and cook, stirring occasionally, for at least 15 minutes. Pour in the rest of the milk in a warm state, boil, turn off and season with butter. Serve the semolina in a plate at a temperature of 36 degrees.

Mashed buckwheat

Buckwheat for porridge can be grinded in a coffee grinder or whole grains can be used, which is rubbed at the end of cooking.


  • buckwheat groats (freshly ground flour) - without a slide 1 tsp;
  • purified drinking water - 50 ml;
  • 2.5% milk - 125 ml;
  • unsalted butter - 1/3 tsp

Boil water, carefully add prepared cereals (whole or ground). Cover with a lid and cook over low heat for 10-20 minutes. Wipe hot porridge, pour in hot milk, boil. Remove buckwheat, oil, cool and feed with a silicone spoon.

Rice porrige


  • rice (grade "Krasnodar") - 2 tablespoons, without a slide;
  • baby milk - 125 ml;
  • drinking water for children - 250 ml;
  • unsalted butter - 1/2 tsp

Rinse the groats, pour boiling water over and cook for 1/3 hour. Rub the thick hot porridge through a sieve. Pour hot milk into a homogeneous mass, mix gently. Boil, stirring actively. Turn off when the dish thickens, and season it with soft butter.

Soup and puree recipes

Pureed soups can be present in the child's diet every day, but they should be prepared from a small amount of products in one dish

An artificial baby can be offered cream soups from 7-9 months of age (we recommend reading :). They improve digestion, serve as a supplier of energy and trace elements. Having studied what soups and how much an eight-month-old baby can and how much, mom can cook them every day.

The main rule is to use only vegetable broth. Lean meat should be boiled separately and added to the finished dish. You can use a blender or food processor to grind the soup until it is creamy.

Rice-carrot puree soup


  • juicy carrots - 1 pc;
  • drinking water for children - 250 ml;
  • baby milk 2.5% - 125 ml;
  • rice "Krasnodar" - 1-1.5 tbsp. without a slide;
  • butter 72% unsalted - 1 tsp

Chop clean carrots, pour a small amount of hot (95-98 degrees) water. Bring to a boil, while hot, gently rub with a sieve along with separately boiled rice. Oil the resulting gruel, pour in the remaining carrot broth, hot milk, boil and cool the soup to 40 degrees.

Young vegetable puree soup

You can also add carrots to the puree soup, then the dish will acquire a beautiful color and interesting taste.


  • peeled young zucchini, cauliflower - 50 g each;
  • unsalted butter - 1/3 tsp;
  • boiled egg yolk - half.

Place the neatly chopped vegetables in a shallow aluminum saucepan, add hot water, simmer for 20 minutes. Pour the vegetable broth into a separate container, and rub the hot vegetables through a sieve. Add warm broth to the vegetable mass, boil, oil and add chopped yolk.

Mashed potato soup


  • boiled chicken yolk - 1 unit;
  • milk 2.5% baby - 125 ml;
  • young potatoes - 2 pcs;
  • unsalted butter - 1 tsp

Boil and mashed potatoes. Pour the vegetable mass with warm milk and drained broth, boil. Oil the finished dish and add carefully mashed yolk. Optionally, instead of the yolk, you can boil the meat separately, attach it to the soup in a grated form.

Delicate squash puree will appeal to a small child


  • medium potatoes - 1 unit;
  • young zucchini without peel - 150 gr;
  • unrefined olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • boiled quail yolk - 1 pc;
  • milk 2.5% baby - 125 ml.

Chop vegetables and boil. Grind with a blender until puree. Add soft butter, mashed yolk, dilute with warm milk and mix. Keep on fire until boiling, serve at about 36 degrees.

Fruit puree


  • an apple and a honey pear - half each;
  • dried apricots - 30 gr;
  • children's water like "Agusha" - 15 ml;
  • diluted milk mixture - 1 tbsp;
  • porridge in powder rice type "Baby" - 0.5 tbsp.

Chop dried apricots and fruits. Boil the apple and dried apricots separately for 5 minutes, put the pear and simmer over medium heat for a couple of minutes. Rub the prepared fruits hot, add warm milk mixture diluted with powder. Stir well, serve the puree warm.

Meat recipes

High-quality meat should be present in the diet of eight-month-old children.

Meat delicacies are served to eight-month-old children in a puree-like form. To do this, they are ground in a blender or several times in a meat grinder. You can buy ready-made meat puree in jars - it is convenient to take it to the clinic and for a walk. However, it is much more interesting for the hostess to cook a high-quality dish at home, relying on recipes with photos and step-by-step instructions.

Chicken dumplings


  • frozen chicken fillet - 150 g;
  • unsalted butter - 1 tbsp;
  • baby milk -125 ml;
  • wheat bread - 50 gr.

Soak bread or crust in milk and chop together with boiled fillet, butter, fresh yolk, beat well. Form neat balls, cook them in a double boiler, multicooker. You can add the pulp of boiled zucchini to the minced meat.

Meat puree

It is still difficult for a child to chew meat, so it is recommended to grind the product with a blender

By the age of 8 months, the child already realizes that in the kitchen he is now often offered to taste something new and tasty. Therefore, he closely follows the movements of his mother, what is interesting this time she will put on a plate. And mom, in turn, tries her best to please her child, looking for suitable recipes for children and replenishing the diet with new products. What does a baby's nutrition look like at 8 months old? This is what our article is about.

What about breastfeeding?

Despite the fact that with the beginning of complementary feeding, the baby eats less and less mother's milk and lactation has decreased slightly, there is no reason to refuse breastfeeding. The fact is that with milk, the child receives antibodies that help him fight infections or recover faster.

Therefore, try to survive breastfeeding for at least a year. Moreover, it is convenient when morning and evening feeding is "at hand" and there is no need to get up at 6 am and warm up (cook) anything.

About liquid hot meals and cereals

Soups and borscht for our regions are equated with national dishes. However, it is not yet possible to serve them to the baby in the form that adults eat. Vegetable and meat puree soups are allowed.

From 8 months, you can carefully introduce cereals containing gluten: oatmeal, wheat, and barley. Nowadays, pediatricians do not often recommend preparing everyone's favorite semolina porridge, since there are few nutrients in it, but it will interfere with the absorption of iron. If previously the preference was given to a one-component porridge, now you can mix it with fruits, for example, you can cook oatmeal with apples.

Meat delicacies

Most likely, a month earlier, you have already tried some types of boiled meat, rich in iron and essential amino acids. Now it's time to diversify the menu of an 8 month old baby with offal: liver, tongue, brains.

Liver proteins are mostly represented by albumin, and fats are biologically active phosphatides. The nutritional value of the brain is determined by the presence of choline and inositol in them, as well as the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The nutritional value of beef tongue is comparable to meat.

It is still better to serve meat products finely chopped or by making mashed potatoes. To do this, add 10 ml of milk and 2 grams of butter and flour to 80 grams of boiled meat, passed through a meat grinder twice. First, without lumps, the flour is brewed with milk heated to 70o C, then the rest of the products are added, thoroughly grinding the mixture to a pasty state.

Can I give fish?

It is possible and necessary. With age, the need for replenishment of the body with iodine, calcium and phosphorus increases, which breast milk is no longer able to cover. Start your acquaintance with the white ocean fish with large bones that come off easily. Marine varieties are considered less allergenic than river varieties.

Steamed fish cakes for children

Include it in your diet weekly for a fish day. The fillet is steamed or stewed and then chopped. You can add it to mashed vegetables or make steamed patties. Since the possibility of allergies is not excluded, fish complementary foods begin with minimal portions - literally from half a teaspoon.

Fermented milk joy

Dairy and fermented milk products are needed for the full growth and development of teeth and bones. Whole milk, whether goat's or cow's, is not recommended for now.

The most ideal product of this series is kefir. It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and, as a rule, children like it. It is recommended to combine cottage cheese with fruit puree or biscuits, while kefir can replace a full evening meal.

Bakery products

Bagels, croutons or just a crust of bread will delight your baby, as they are not only tasty, but also help to cope with the discomfort from teething. Therefore, be sure to include cereals in the diet of the crumbs.

Juices and drinks

For many, juices are associated with vitamins and something useful. This is not entirely true. From the point of view of a healthy diet, canned juices do not have any particular nutritional or energy value. For this reason, it is inappropriate to give them earlier than 7-8 months. It is best to use water (not carbonated or distilled) or freshly brewed compote for drinking.

Vegetables and fruits

The child's diet should include the following vegetables: zucchini, squash, potatoes, pumpkin, cabbage. Basically, they are boiled and mashed by adding a few drops of vegetable oil. And if in the beginning only one-component dishes were prepared, now you can combine several types of vegetables.

Carrots as a delicious tooth-chewer

When it comes to fruit, a lot depends on the season. Nevertheless, it does not bother the kid to get acquainted with apples, bananas, peaches, plums and apricots.
It is helpful to provide chunks of raw vegetables and fruits for chewing to help form the bite properly. Moreover, when teeth crawl, I so want to scratch them on something. Offering a whole piece of carrot to nibble on the crumbs, the adult should be nearby and help the baby if he suddenly chokes.

If the child does not eat well

There may be several reasons why a baby refuses complementary foods or eats poorly:

  1. Feeding in a hurry... This happens when a mother tries to feed only for the purpose of not being hungry or in a very hurry somewhere, but it is necessary to feed. Food is a kind of ritual in which not only the taste of the dish is important, but also the positive atmosphere and personal example. Try eating slowly with your baby, and your expression should reflect the enjoyment of the food. Then the crumb will reach for its plate.
  2. Snacks between meals... A frequently occurring situation when there is no clear diet. Recall that at this age it is usually five times a day: breast milk in the morning and evening and three complementary foods. But it happens that the crumb often requires a breast or literally hangs on it, and then, interrupting the appetite, refuses lunch. The situation should be analyzed. If the frequent demands of breastfeeding are not associated with illness, it may be necessary to be persistent and be able to refuse him.
  3. I don't like the taste of a certain product... For example, a child flatly refuses to eat cauliflower. Well, he doesn't like her! You, too, have foods that you refuse to eat. Replace the dish with broccoli, and offer the colored dish again after two weeks. The main thing is not to force-feed.

Find out the reason why the baby does not eat well.

About good habits

The kid develops at a rapid pace and becomes a full participant in the meal (). Therefore, it would be good for him to have his own chair that meets all safety standards, with fixing straps and stable support. It is more convenient to put a high chair on the table.

It's time to instill good habits. Just before dinner, pop into the bathroom with your baby to wash the handles. In the kitchen, put him in a high chair, put on a bib, put his personal dishes. The kid begins to master the technique of holding a spoon, do not forget to give him the opportunity to take food on his own. Before lunch, remove from the table everything unnecessary (especially any yummy) that could distract the child from eating.

The highchair must be safe

Replenishing the cookbook

When the mother is faced with the question of how to feed the baby at 8 months, she begins to look for suitable recipes, because the usual food for adults will not work here. We bring to your attention several dishes specially selected for an 8 month old baby.

Fish cakes

250 g of hake fillet, 50 ml of milk, a slice of loaf, half an egg, 10 g of butter.

The fish is cleaned of skin, bones, twisted in a meat grinder. Skipping the minced meat in the second circle, bread soaked in milk is added to it. The resulting mixture is slightly salted, add an egg and beat until a fluffy mass is formed.

The formed patties are placed on the wire rack of a steam pan, covered tightly and steamed for about 20 minutes.

200 gr chicken fillet, 4-5 medium cauliflower inflorescences, 1 tbsp. l. rice, half a carrot, a third of an onion.

The fillet is cut into small portions, dipped in water and brought to a boil, after which the broth is drained, and the meat must again be poured with boiling water. Cook until tender in lightly salted water. Then the meat is removed from the pan, and rice is sent to the broth for 10 minutes, after which the remaining ingredients are added (finely chopped onion, grated carrots). 5 minutes before the end of cooking, the meat is returned back to the broth. The contents are ground in a blender - the puree soup is ready to eat.

The mode of feeding a child at 8 months while breastfed does not differ from the schedule of an artificial food intake. The frequency of 4 o'clock, usual for mom and baby, is preserved, traditional options for eating are clearly traced: breakfast, lunch, dinner. To accustom the baby to the fact that they eat porridge for breakfast, and soup for lunch is necessary now. In the future, this will save you from worries about what to cook for your baby, and when he goes to kindergarten, it will allow him to quickly adapt to the conditions of the children's collective.

Power features

The daily routine and nutrition of the child at 8 months by the clock is as follows:

Differences in the diet of infants and artificial

The mode of feeding a baby at 8 months on artificial feeding may differ in the set of products from the diet of the baby. If your baby first received complementary foods not at 6 months, but earlier - at 4 or 5, at this age you can acquaint him with older products, in particular with fish.

According to pediatricians, the benefits of fish are enormous. The substances contained in it help the development of many body systems, in particular, the formation of the retina of the eye, the strengthening and growth of bones and teeth. The varieties of ocean fish, which it is advisable to cook for a child, contain the required amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are responsible for the work of the cardiovascular system.

Including fish in your diet should be done carefully. The ideal varieties for the first feed are hake, pollock and cod, that is, fish with white meat. Also, add small amounts of lure, starting with half a teaspoon. And even if your baby liked the fish, and you are already giving him its full portion, limit the number of such feedings per week to one fish day.

Feeding table

The following table will tell you in detail about the diet of a child at 8 months. She assumes that the baby receives complementary foods from the recommended time, that is, from six months, and is breastfed, artificial or mixed feeding.

Feeding Products Volume
  • Breast milk (mixture). Artificial can be offered children's kefir
  • Up to 200 g
  • Milk porridge with butter
  • Hard boiled egg yolk
  • Fruit puree
  • 180 g + 5 g (slightly less than a teaspoon)
  • ½-1 pc.
  • Vegetable puree with vegetable oil
  • Meat mousse
  • Fruit juice (it is allowed to give it to the baby between feedings)
  • Fruit puree
  • 180 g + 5 g (about a teaspoon)
  • 40 ml
  • Piece weighing 5 g
  • Cottage cheese
  • Fruit juice (puree)
  • Baby cookies (biscuit or drying)
  • Breast milk, formula, or baby kefir
  • 2 pcs.
  • 120 g
  • Breast milk, formula. Children's kefir can be offered to both babies and artificial people.
  • 200 g

The specified diet will be the key to the healthy development of your baby!