What to do to the knitwear sat down. Methods of washing synthetic materials so that they give shrinkage. Ways to shrink different types of fabric

Every woman is committed to excellence, one of whose criteria is a wonderful figure. Having reached the goal, the lady may encounter a problem - how to wash the thing so that she sat down. After all, your favorite beautiful dress or sexy tight jeans will no longer sit so well. In this case, our information will be like this. We will tell you what to wash things so that they sat down, and how to do it effectively and easily.

What to wash things to get it?

In this case, you will not need a lot of special funds. Stains, folk remedies or expensive powders here will not be useful. All you need is:

  1. Know the quality of the fabric.
  2. Create contrast water temperature.
  3. Be able to use the washing machine.
  4. Have a washing powder that will match the needs of the fabric of your item, that is, for white things or for color.
  5. Iron.
  6. Bowl for soaking.
  7. Clean towels.

Armed with all the necessary information, inventory and the thing with which you gathered to work, proceed to business.

And so that you should not have faced with such problems, at the same time check your knowledge of clothing care. Go on the link with the article to remember things from different fabrics and different colors.

How to put a thing that she sat down?

The most important thing in this business is to determine the quality of the fabric, as for each of its approach and means. Very good if there is a tag on your clothes, where the composition of the fabric and the temperature at which it is recommended to wash the thing. If it is not, do not despair: try to determine the composition of the material yourself or consult advice to the specialists, and the temperature mode in which you want to wash clothes so that it takes you, we will tell you.

Read everything about not to deal with such problems.

How to erase cotton to sat down?

For such things there are several ways of exposure. They are unpretentious and easily reduced in size. The only one to show caution is when choosing a washing powder. So that the boring tissue does not lose their colors, use the powder for color things.

Method number 1.

It is as follows:

  1. Fold the thing in the washing machine at 60 degrees.
  2. Set the spin function to the standard mode.
  3. If your typewriter has a drying function, then set it to the maximum temperature.

Method number 2.

Return the old shape stretched cotton clothing can use temperature contrast. If the thing is clean, the detergent can not be used at all.

Stick up such instructions when washing:

  1. Soak clothes in very hot water.
  2. After the water cools, leaving.
  3. Prepare a pelvis with ice water and place clothes there.
  4. After 20 minutes, press the product slightly and lay it on a clean towel.

Method number 3.

If it happened that the new thing has lacquered in your closet, and you looked at the size, and you want to wear it, then iron with a steam function will reduce it. Take advantage so:

  1. Heat the iron to the maximum temperature.
  2. Well, inflate the thing with the use of steam.

How to wash the wool so that she sat down?

Such products are also very well sitting. But they can not be erased in the car, as it is likely that after washing your thing will take it only on the child. For optimal shrinkage fabric, act as:

  1. Soak the desired item of your wardrobe in water, which should be 20 degrees hotter than indicated on the label.
  2. After 1 hour, post manually with powder.
  3. Rinse in cold water.
  4. Spread, not twisting, on clean tissue.

If your woolen thing is clean, outside the winter window, and you need to urgently reduce it by 2-4 cm, then you can use this way:

  1. Water clothes.
  2. Hang to dry on a hot battery, raking the fabric.

Note: Summer battery can always replace a hot battery in the bathroom.

How to fuck jeans so that he sat down?

It will be more difficult to cope with such a type of fabric. The stretch denim facility does not sit down at all, and with classic denim products can still be competed. Two methods of exposure to such a type of fabric are separated.

Option number 1

This solution is designed for machine washing:

  1. Fold clothes in the car at 90 degrees.
  2. Set the port to maximum speed.
  3. Single at a large temperature in drying.

Option number 2.

If you erase with your hands, then you will suit this way:

  1. Soak the thing in cold water.
  2. After 20 minutes, place it in very hot water.
  3. After the water cools, put the clothes in cold water again.
  4. Out well and place the hot battery.

Note: Be prepared for the fact that clothes can lose not only size, but also length.

How to wash silk to get him?

Machine washing for such delicate products is unacceptable: clothes will lose not only size, but also a presentable view. You can handle silk only manually. For this:

  1. Put the cloth in warm water.
  2. Hang to dry on fresh air.

How to wipe the synthetics to leave?

Nylon and polyester sit very easily. It is enough to know several nuances:

  • You can simply wash the machine.
  • If you do not have a typewriter, just soak in cool water and post.
  • Prefer the machine drying, but if you do not use it, then hang the thing on the battery or dry outdoor.

Lycra, Spandex and Acrylic - such types of materials do not sit at all. The only thing that can help you is a trip to the studio or buying new clothes suitable in size. You can also use our master classes to independently

How to erase woolen things so that they do not sat down?

If you ever happened after washing, remove a woolen sweater or a dress for several sizes less than it was in fact, then you definitely understand the importance of the correct wash of products from wool. With incorrect washing, such things sit down, and it is no longer possible to return them to the initial size. How to wash woolen things so that they do not sat down, do not polish and not spoiled, you need to know everything, because for sure of each of us in the wardrobe there is at least one such thing.

Wool products are made manually erased, but with modern progress and the presence of a washing machine in almost every home, few people stick to this rule. Yes, and the washing machine will quite cope with woolen things, if you can contact it correctly.

Hand wash woolen things

If you have free time and wash for you not like a terrible dream, it is better to wash things from wool hand. To do this, type in basic warm water (up to 30-35 degrees) and soak the product in it for a few minutes. It is very important that the water is not hot and not ice, otherwise the thing will inevitably sit down. The perfect option is a little warm, even cool water.
Add to water a powder for washing the wool (for example, a "Vorki" powder, "Aistenok", "Lask", "Lip", or any other) and proceed to business. Erase carefully, not deforming and not tortime too much. If at home you do not have a powder for washing the wool, you can use the usual shampoo. Standard washing powders are not recommended, since in barely warm water their washing qualities are noticeably reduced, and they are harsh and hard for natural wool.

At the end of the washing, drain soap water and pour clean in the pelvis, you can add air conditioning for woolen things or other softening agents (for example, Lenor). Then the wool will be soft and not rolled after washing. It is important that the water is the same temperature as the washing, that is, slightly warm.

  • Important! Woolen clothes are always soaked, erased and put in water in the water of the same temperature, otherwise it will sit down.

After washing, do not unscrew the thing, and take in the hands of a room and slightly squeeze to the glasses of excess water. Then decompose it on a thick terry towel and leave for a while so that the excess water came out of the wool and absorbed into the fabric. As you wet the towels, you can change. When the main fluid goes and the thing will be simply wet, it is painted on the horizontal surface (you can on a towel) and leave so far to completely dry. For loyalty, you can fix it with pins.

  • Important! Woolen clothes are not dried on the ropes, otherwise it will deteriorate and lose their shape. It is impossible to dry it on hot heating batteries.

Washing woolen things in the typewriter

Again, the water temperature should be no higher than 30-35 degrees. In the settings, the wool washing mode or delicate washing mode. Spin turn off, otherwise the thing will sit down or deform. At the end of the wash without pressing, the drain mode immediately includes, then removed the wet woolen thing and squeezed with its hands slightly (without twisting, but as it were, as it were, as described above). It is dried in the future in the same way as after manual washing: placing on the horizontal surface.

  • Useful advice: Before making woolen things in a typewriter, so that they do not sit, they are recommended to first soak into the pelvis in warm water (up to 30 degrees) for 5 minutes. Wool does not carry icy and hot water, and in the drum machine water usually comes from the pipes cold and heated already during the washing process. Therefore, it is better that the thing before that has passed a little in warm water.

Clothes made of natural fabrics are rapidly stretched with a regular toe, losing its original look and clear form. Before you go to the Atelier for conducting a correction or throw away your favorite product, you should read the recommendations how to wash the thing to leave. This technique has proven itself as a quick and effective way to solve the problem.

If you do everything correctly, you can count on a positive result after the first approach. Simple manipulations are able to restore the favorite sweater, which has become dimensionless, saving a sweater in some seats, lost elasticity of a cap and even delicate silk blouse.

It is worth considering that if the trouble occurred with a synthetic tissue, it will be possible to restore it only with natural fibers in the composition of matter. However, only mixed synthetics is capable of stretching, losing the form.

How to make a thing from wool?

Restoring wool products, you need to read the instructions for washing and do the opposite. Just act needed carefully, without falling into extremes.

To minimize the risks of the pori product, it is recommended to work according to the following scheme:

  • First, the victim sweater or cap is soaked in hot water. The duration of the stage should not be more than half an hour. The fluid temperature is set to about 20 degrees higher than the one that is indicated on the tag.
  • After the specified time, we write a woolen thing using very cold water, you can even add a few pieces of ice to liquid. Properly organized temperature difference will be able to make a significant part of the work.
  • Having wrapped in a dry and warm terry towel. We remove the excess moisture with flossing movements. Unscrew woolen things extremely recommended, especially a sweater, dress or sweater.
  • Next clothes will dry. On a dense horizontal surface without apparent relief, a hygroscopic fabric is stailed. From above, spread a sweater or another product. It is advisable to send the flows of artificial heat to the wool, then the shrinkage will be more dense. During the drying, the subject needed to give the right shape to hand, regularly correcting the matter so that it does not stretch.

Tip: A wool cap is better to pull on an inverted salad bowl or a vase with a rounded smooth bottom of the right size.

Washing in the car also gives a strong shrinkage, but it is very difficult to control the process. As a last resort, the stretched sweater can be driven on a special mode for wool or manual washing, but the result can be unpredictable.

How at home "plant" cotton?

Practice shows that cotton t-shirt stretches even faster than a sweater from wool. But in this case, it is possible to adjust the form of a thing. It is worth considering that when working with cotton recovery is possible only if the clothes were sewn correctly. If the threads are located and directed incorrectly, then nothing will work.

Cotton products give the maximum shrinkage in the following cases:

  1. Washing in a typewriter at which mode is used with very hot water and a maximum spin.
  2. The product can be simply omitted in boiling water. True, even a short-term stay of a color product in such a hot water can provoke his molting. But only five minutes of processing will reduce the thing to size, a quarter of an hour in boiling water and clothes will be 1.5-2 sizes less.
  3. If you do not want to risk the color of things, it is better to wash it in a traditional way, then put in the electric dryer.

The result is assessed by a fully dried product. If you could not do anything from the first time, it is not even worth trying more. The positive effect is most likely no longer comes, but to spoil the subject will finally succeed. In this case, you will have to contact the atelier or update the wardrobe.

Effective methods of impact on denim fabric, silk and synthetics

Working with denim is carried out only if there is a cotton in its composition. In this case, the whole responsibility for the result again lies on hot water. The product is soaked in the liquid, the temperature of which should not exceed 60 ° C, otherwise the color of matter will begin to wash. After the water cools, we wash the products as usual, we try to lose at a minimum. Then press the pants using a terry towel and lay down on drying. In this case, the parts of the product should not be delayed. In the vertical position of jeans, only if you need to save their length, reducing the volume.

To reduce the size of the silk product, it is sufficient to hold it in warm water, the temperature of which will be the maximum permissible limits. After that, the thing is dried naturally.

Polyester and nylon will noticeably sit, if you simply wash them in cold water. Dry them better in the washing machine, on high speed. Otherwise, the product will have to be dried directly on the battery.

Products from acrylic, spandex and lycra do not decrease under the influence of chemical or physical types of impact. Their size can be changed only by overboving the item. But if such materials stretched out, it will be very difficult to restore the original form.

Things tend to stretch. This is especially true of clothing made from natural materials. What to do if the favorite sweater, blouse or jeans stretched? Throw sorry. But also to buy a new thing every time not everyone afford. If you encountered a similar problem, do not hurry to upset! There are many effective techniques, how to reduce things when washing at 1 or 2 sizes.

Folk remedies are good that they do not require large financial costs. As a rule, all components are always available in any woman. To reduce thing when washing at home, you will need the following:

  • Know the quality of the fabric. To do this, see the data specified on the product tag.
  • Alternate cold water with hot.
  • Have access to a washing machine.
  • Have a powder for white and color clothes.
  • Iron.
  • Tase for soaking.
  • Pure natural towels.

Thanks to this simple set, you will easily return things the desired size. So, proceed.

Effective ways how to wash cotton so that he sat down

Cotton is a very unpretentious fabric and easily reduced in size. The main thing is to choose the right powder so that the product does not lose color after washing.

  1. How to make the thing to take after washing in a washing machine.
  • Stretch the thing in the washing machine at a temperature of 60 degrees.
  • Press it on the standard pressure mode.
  • If there is a function of drying, install it to the maximum and dry the thing.

  1. Return the initial shape of cotton will help the contrast with cold and hot water. If the clothes are not dirty, you can do without a washing powder.
  • Place the thing in the container with very hot water until it cools.
  • Remove, but not much.
  • Then place the thing in the container with very cold water and leave for 25 minutes.
  • After slightly, press and put on a clean towel for 15 minutes.
  • Hang on the wrong place.
  1. This method is suitable if you need to reduce the cotton thing quite a bit. It requires iron with the option of steam ironing.
  • Heat the iron to the allowed maximum indicated on the product tag.
  • Carefully blame the ferry clothing.

Now you know how to erase cotton so that he sat down and does not lose after his external appeal. Also above methods will be useful if you have a problem, how to wash the kimono, which is the village.

Comments how to wipe the knitted thing to sat down

Knitted things are also well sit down, so they are better to wash them, because after machine wash, they can decrease so much that it will be notal for a child. The following principles will help you quickly return woolen things the right size.

  1. What water do you need to wash things from wool? For this, water is suitable, the temperature of which should be 15-20 degrees to exceed the one indicated on the tag. Soak clothes in it for an hour, then post your hands in a soap solution. Rinse in cold water and without twisting, put on a pure natural towel for half an hour. Then hang on a ventilated place until complete drying.
  2. In cold weather, information is useful how to wash a woolen cap so that she sat down. If the headdress is clean, do the following:
  • Water with a hat.
  • Put the hot battery, pre-lay on it clean natural fabric.

Attention! This method is suitable for any woolen thing, which must be reduced by 2-5 centimeters. If the product is dirty, post it, rinse well and you can proceed to decreasing actions.

Today the market is filled with clothing with a synthetic nylon and polyester, so it will be useful to find out how to wash things to sit down.

  1. How to wash the polyester so that he sat down? For this, the usual machine machine is suitable. Place on it the permissible temperature specified on the tag, and the average prescript mode.
  2. If there is no machine, soak the product in water no more than 30 degrees for 15 minutes and post. Then hang a thing on a pre-shy battery, or on the balcony under the right rays of the sun to complete drying.

As a rule, synthetic materials quickly acquire the desired form.

Useful comments, how to wash acrylic so that he sat down

Acrylic is a popular material, externally similar to wool, but more affordable and practical in operation. Despite the easy care, it is inherent in one drawback - stretching from frequent socks. To return the clothes for the old look, do the following:

  1. Place the type of delicate washing option. If there is no such function, then set the temperature of 30 degrees and the minimum pressure mode.
  2. Place the product in a special washbag for washing and throw in the drum.
  3. After washing and spin, the thing must be a little wet.
  4. Then put it on a flat horizontal surface, pre-shined clean cloth.
  5. Leave the product in this form until complete drying.

The result of the proceedings will continue for a month. If necessary, repeat. So that acrylic things are not stretched, it is better to store them in folded on the shelves.

It is no secret that knitted things require careful exploitation and special care, but even at the same time they are prone to stretching. To return the previous attraction to your favorite blouse, do the following:

  • Pour hot water in the pelvis, exceeding the rate on the tag by 10 degrees.
  • Immerse the knitted thing there for 15-20 minutes.
  • Pull it, wrap it in a sheet or towel to leave an excess moisture.
  • Located on a flat surface clean tissue and spread knitwear on it.
  • Periodically change the litter until the product is completely drying.

Attention! The drying process can be accelerated by a hairdryer, which will also affect the thing to the village.

How to reduce denim size with washing

Denim fabric is poorly reduced. It all depends on its components. If stretch is prevailing in the product, it is impossible to plant it with washing. If we are talking about classic jeans, then we recommend executing this:

  1. Put the product in the washing machine at maximum temperature mode.
  2. Squeeze at the maximum twist of the drum.
  3. Dry in electrical drying at the highest temperature.

If there are no suitable devices, the second option is suitable:

  1. Soak jeans in water temperature for half an hour.
  2. Then immerse in very hot water until its complete cooling.
  3. Again, place a thing in cold water.
  4. Get out well and put on a hot battery.

The same tips will be relevant if you do not know how to wipe Caton so that he sat down.

How to wash to a piece of silk sat

Machine washing Even on delicate silk mode Strictly forbidden: Clothes will forever lose the external attractiveness. This material is not tested, but if for some reason it is necessary to reduce the size of the product, it is recommended to make a few simple actions:

  • Soak it for 25-30 minutes in warm soapy water.
  • Carefully wash.
  • Unscrew a little.
  • Hang dry on draft.

After drying, the thing will decrease by several centimeters.

How to wash the thing so that she does not sat down

If for some reason the thing you wanted to reduce, has become too small, do not hurry to throw it away. Everything is fixable!

  1. Woolen product can be stretched, re-dried in cold water for 25-30 minutes. Then, without push, hang on the linen rope for the bottom.
  2. Synthetic and combined fabrics erase several times in warm water, slightly pressed, put on a flat surface, stretch to the desired size and leave until complete drying.
  3. Jeans and cotton will not decrease in size if it was washed to comply with the recommendations indicated on the tag.

You learned in what water you need to wash and how to make clothes after washing. Before applying one of the specified techniques, read the information from the tag carefully, prepare your workplace and do not rush. Do not be mistaken if the first time does not work out. Folk tips are good that they can be repeated if necessary, without fearing to spoil the product.

And folk remedies. You will need the following:

  • knowledge of the quality of the fabric;
  • ensuring the contrast of water temperature;
  • the ability to use the washing machine;
  • iron;
  • powder corresponding to the needs of a particular material;
  • pelvis for soaking;
  • terry towels.

Carefully examine all the labels present on the product, prepare everything you need and proceed.

The most important point in washing, conducted for shrinkage of things - to accurately determine the type and quality of the fabric.

For each you need to use your funds. If there is a tag on clothes, which indicates the composition of the fabric and the recommended temperature for washing, the problems will not arise. In case of it, try to identify the features of the material yourself or contact your specialists. They will prompt at what temperature you need to wash things. You can give the product to dry cleaning. It is better to pay money for professional clothing processing than throwing a favorite outfit.

If there is a tag on clothes, which indicates the composition of the fabric and the recommended temperature for washing, the problems will not arise.

How to wash cotton

For such things you can use several impact methods. They are unpretentious and easily reduced in size. Caution is needed only when buying a washing powder. So that the fabric does not lose the original color, use the tool intended for color things.

Send it thing to a washing machine and post it at a temperature of sixty degrees by setting the spin function to the usual mode. If the device has a function of drying, set it on the maximum indicators.

Send it thing to a washing machine and post it at a temperature of sixty degrees by setting the spin function to the usual mode.

Method number 2.

If the cotton tissue has been stretched, it is possible to return to her for the previous form with the help of temperature contrast. For a clean thing, the detergent can not be added. When washing, soak clothes in a very hot water when it dries, lick and place the products in a pelvis filled with icy water. Twenty minutes later, press it slightly and put it on the towel.

If the new thing was lying for a long time in the closet, and you have lost weight during this time, it will reduce its size, equipped with a steam function. Heat it up to the maximum temperature and thoroughly swing the product using steam.

If the new thing was lying for a long time in the closet, and you have lost weight during this time, it will reduce its size to reduce the iron, equipped with a steam function.

How to wash wool

Wool products are easy to sit, but they can not be washed in the typewriter. For an ideal shrinkage, soak clothes in the water - it must be twenty degrees hotter than indicated on the label. An hour later, put a thing manually, adding powder, then rinse it in cold water. Do not twist, spread the product to clean fabric.

If a wool wardrobe object is clean, and you need to urgently reduce its size, use the following way. Water clothing and hang it on a hot battery, underwing the clean cloth. With manual washing of good results, it is possible to achieve, if we cut the harsh temperature drops. For example, after the usual washing with a powder, plunge the thing into cold water and rinse, then throw in the container of ice cubes. As a result, woolen fibers will sit down.

It is very difficult to cope with this material. The stretch tissue does not sit down at all, but with conventional denim products you can do something. There are two methods of exposure.

If you are erased manually, use the following way. Soak clothes in cold water, after twenty minutes, put it in very hot water. When it cools, move the thing again and lower it into the cold liquid. Unscrew well and move to dry on the battery. It is important to remember that clothes can change not only in size, but also in length.

Soak clothes in cold water, after twenty minutes, put it in very hot water.

We erase flowing fabrics

How to wash silk

If you are interested in the question of how to wash the thing to sat down, do not forget that the machine washing for these delicate products is impossible: the clothes will lose not only its size, but also an attractive appearance. Silk can be handled only manually. To do this, wash the cloth in warm water and post outdoors.

Such fabrics like nylon and polyester sit very easily. You can simply wash the thing in the typewriter or soak it in cool water and then handle manually. Drying is better to choose a machine. An alternative is to hang the product on the battery or dry out the sun. Lycra and Spandex do not sit at all.

Such fabrics like nylon and polyester sit very easily.

This is a very common material, externally similar to wool, but more affordable and practical in operation. From frequent socks, he is able to stretch strongly. To return the clothes attractive look, do the following:

  1. Turn on the type of delicate washing mode. In the absence of such a function, set the temperature of the thirty degrees and the minimum pressure mode.
  2. Put the product in a special bag and send to the drum.
  3. After completion of the washing and spin, the thing should remain a little wet.
  4. Scatter it on a flat horizontal surface, pre-caught it with a clean cloth.
  5. Leave the product in this form until it fails.

So that acrylic things are not stretched, it is better to store them on the shelves in folded.

The result will be saved for a month. If necessary, repeat the procedure. So that acrylic things are not stretched, it is better to store them on the shelves in folded.

How to wash knitwear

Knitted clothing requires careful operation and special care, but even at the same time it is prone to stretching. To return your favorite thing to the previous attractiveness, pour hot water in the pelvis with temperatures for ten degrees higher than indicated on the tag. Lower the knitted thing in about twenty minutes. Then pull it out, wrap it in a towel to get rid of extra moisture. Spread the knitwear on the horizontal surface using a clean cloth. The litter should be periodically changed to the complete drying of the product. The drying process can be accelerated by a hairdryer.

How to wash the thing so that she does not sat down

If the foundation of the wardrobe, which you wanted to reduce, has become too small, do not hurry to throw it away. Following simple rules, the situation can be corrected. The wool product is easily stretched, if you soak it repeated in cold water for half an hour, and then squeezing to the bottom of the bottom without pushups. Synthetic and combined fabrics are erased several times in warm water, slightly pressed, put on a horizontal surface and stretched to the desired size. Jeans and cotton will not lose their size if the washing accurately follow the recommendations specified on the label.

To sit down your favorite clothes is not difficult. Enough to follow the above councils. If you did not succeed in achieving the desired size, make yourself a pleasant and fully update the wardrobe.