What is friendship for you. An essay on a moral and ethical theme; What friendship means to me

Friendship is a relationship between two or more people, which is based on mutual respect and complete trust. Almost always, such relationships connect people with common interests and outlooks on life, but they can also find joint communication pleasant and completely opposite personalities. True friendship is a concept that involves developing an inner and deep affection for a person.

What is friendship

The emergence of friendship occurs on the mutual interest between people, over time, relations develop, gradually developing into complete trust and mutual respect. It was these qualities that became the basis for the definition of such a concept as friendship.

The presence of trust indicates confidence in a person, his moral and moral qualities. But this does not mean that you need to idealize a friend, because this factor does not indicate his perfection, only about the similarity of life principles. Moreover, if there are doubts about the truthfulness and honesty of a friend, complete trust will no longer work.

One has to deal with the concept of "friendship" even in early childhood, when attachments to peers begin to appear. Friendship is important for children, because it is an experience of building relationships with others, which can last for many years, without stopping even at an older age.

Each person should remember that there is no friendship if there is no mutual trust and respect. It is these qualities that will speak about the value of you for each other, and about the fact that you reckon with his opinion and value for a lot of positive qualities.

The main thing in friendship is trust, which gives confidence in a person and in the fact that he is completely sincere with you. But even the best friend can sometimes make mistakes, which should not interfere with friendship. More often than not, this happens unintentionally.

Friendship does not depend on a person's gender or work; this feeling cannot be influenced by age or place of residence. But it is directly influenced by internal moral attitudes and similar values. It is quite difficult to become friends and communicate with people who have different ideas about what is good or evil.

Friendship will be much stronger between people who have common hobbies and interests, because it is much easier and more fun for them to spend time together than in a company with a person who has other hobbies. But there are exceptions when friendship is struck in early childhood, but over time, friends develop different interests. In some cases, this still does not become an obstacle to communication and joint pastime.

What is real friendship

The question often arises - what is the main thing in friendship between men or women? As a rule, strong relationships appear between representatives of the same sex, because they have much more common interests. Friendship between men almost always originates in school years or in the army, when moral support of a loved one is required.

And such a relationship can last for many years, despite the fact that communication may stop for a while. When they meet again, it becomes clear that the friendship did not stop.

There is an opinion that there is no friendship between women, because they often envy each other and can quarrel over any trifle. But this is not so, girls find common topics for communication much easier and friends are able to talk for hours. Girls more often than young people share their experiences, intimate secrets with a loved one, give some advice, go shopping, and regardless of gender, they like to spend time and have fun together, go on vacation, etc.

There is a stereotype that women need friendship for as long as they need such communication. People are different, and in some cases, such an opinion is not so far from the truth. Today, a large number of well-known examples of both long and short-term female friendship are known.

Friendship between members of the opposite sex is much less common. However, this does not mean that such a friendship cannot exist, because two people are able to provide the necessary moral support, give good advice, while intimate contacts or sexual affection are completely excluded. The difference between the sexes does not matter, so there should be no question of how friendship is different from a relationship.

Children's friendship

In this concept, children do not put quite the same meaning as adults, because their main life values ​​are a fun pastime.

Little friends share their secrets, protect each other and never betray. In childhood, nothing interferes with friendship, and even a beautiful, coveted toy is not capable of destroying this relationship. It is friends, whose relationship began in childhood, who value each other very much and try to keep in touch despite their age.

What is more important is friendship or love

Discussions do not stop about what is more important in a person's life - love or friendship. There is no unequivocal answer today, because everyone puts into this concept something of their own, intimate that others cannot understand. Often, communication between women stops when they enter into a serious relationship, because after meeting a lover, the meaning of the previous friendship is lost. Many people prefer to go to a cafe or talk to their chosen one.

What gets in the way of friendship

Even long-term relationships between friends and girlfriends can be completely destroyed by lies, mistrust, or jealousy. Sometimes friendships appear between members of the opposite sex, but they can be destroyed by the onset of a romantic relationship. As a result, becoming friends again will be very difficult, and sometimes even impossible.

What is a circular friendship

Friendship is circular - this is a relative concept, because in this case, trusting relationships arise between several people, sometimes large companies. But such alliances do not always last long and can be destroyed after one of the company participants meets their soul mate and she does not fit into the old team, or friends grow up and understand that there are not so many ties between them, or there may be some other that's the reason.

It is simply impossible to find a universal recipe for friendship, for each person this word has a certain meaning and meaning. Its main quality is the desire in any situation and the time to come to the aid of a comrade, without asking unnecessary questions and without condemning his friend for an act, action or word.

  • Yes ... 99.9% of the time it is.
    For offering friendship after love is somehow strange, to say the least.

    why ... you can say that ... but the result is unknown ........ just like everything in reality ...

    Yeah, like "you can't spoil sex with friendship" =)

  • What is friendship

    Philosopher Friendship is a close relationship between two or more people, which is based on mutual trust and common interests. Schopenhauer was more critical in defining friendship: "True friendship is one of those things that, like giant sea snakes, are unknown, whether they are fictional or exist somewhere."

    Housewives a Friendship is a relationship built on mutual sympathy. Friendships can be fleeting and pass along with that sympathy. Sometimes friendship lasts for years and is constantly strengthened during this time. True friendship is based on trust, mutual assistance. People who are friends are psychologically comfortable with each other. Friends are often emotionally closer to each other than relatives.

  • Friendship is a close relationship between two or more people, which is based on mutual trust and common interests. Schopenhauer was more critical in defining friendship: "True friendship is one of those things that, like giant sea snakes, are unknown, whether they are fictional or exist somewhere."

    Friendship is a relationship built on mutual sympathy. Friendships can be fleeting and pass along with that sympathy. Sometimes friendship lasts for years and is constantly strengthened during this time. True friendship is based on trust, mutual assistance. People who are friends are psychologically comfortable with each other. Friends are often emotionally closer to each other than relatives.

    Sosnitsky was a non-standard person, Sosnitsky paid for friendship ...

    FIG knows, there are enough friends, but there are no friends anymore.
    in my understanding, a friend is a person who, regardless of the situation, always will support, always at the right time will be there.

Good afternoon, dear visitor to my review. Today we will analyze the concept of "friendship". Do you think friendship is eternal or can it break? True friendship is forever, even if the person close to you is not around.

If the friendship was not real, then it can break at any moment. In fact, friendship does not need to be managed, it needs to be cherished. Because only a friend can really help you out in a difficult situation for you. Of course, parents will always come to the rescue, but a friend will turn out to be much faster. Today we will consider some options for friendship. But one more thing I want to tell you that I believe that there is no friendship between a guy and a girl. Friendships of different sexes can turn into relationships at any time.

How much are we used to value our friendship? Do you have a real best friend?

So now the youth have gone a little spoiled and they do not know how to value friendship. Let's remember our childhood, we all played hide and seek, catch-up, jumping ropes, jump ropes in the yard. And now what is left of this? Perhaps nothing. Every now and then that is sitting in computers, playing phones and other gadgets. This is because parents do not pay proper attention to their children. Like sitting at the computer and let it not distract us from business. Children need to be dealt with, which is why now it is very rare to find a situation when children walk on the streets and play various games, but it is from an early age that they should be given the kind of upbringing that will direct them towards friendship with their partners.

A real friend - he is an assistant in any business and you do not need to ask a real friend, he will help you before your request. It is by actions that you can appreciate a true friend. No matter what problem you have, a friend will always be ready to help you in difficult times.

Unfortunately, I had one unpleasant experience when one of my best friends set me up. It so happened that there were two groups in our yard, and we did not communicate with each other, but my best friend was in that group, but we never broke off contact. But at one point he set me up very strongly in front of his friends, after that we temporarily stopped contact. But it so happened that it was he who was my witness at our wedding with his wife. So life is a very amazing thing, you don't know what might happen tomorrow.

A true friend will never let you down in any business. And most importantly, he will always prioritize other friends. He will devote more time to you than to new friends. And I believe that the best friends are those with whom you have known for a long time. New friends can set you up at any time.

So if you have some important event, then your best friend will definitely be there. He will not go to watch the match that day, he will not sit with classmates in a cafe, and so on. Your best friend will always share time with you on an important and significant day.

Do not think that if you quarrel with a friend tomorrow, you will run away to the corners and will never communicate again. True friends will never part, no matter what the serious reasons for this. And it is very important to be able to appreciate such moments.

Tomorrow you will find yourself in a very unpleasant situation - a friend will help you out. After a while, the situation will turn over and you should be next to your friend. This is the concept of true friendship.

And best friends will always be with you.

I hope my review remained useful for you, write your concept of friendship in the comments!

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Friendship is the most important part of our life, which can enrich us and help us.

But sometimes friendship is called something that in fact is not.
Communication with people who violate our boundaries and pour negativity onto you
Regularly draining negativity to other people
Destructive psychological games

Many of us use friends as psychologists, and meeting with them is a way of relaxation. We tell them about our difficulties, we complain about life.

At the same time, people who endlessly listen to our outpourings do not necessarily treat us well. We may feel that they support us, but usually they pursue their own goals. As a rule, this is self-affirmation. When we once again tell how bad everything is with us, they are convinced that in comparison with us they are more successful.
They say that "friends are known in trouble." In my opinion, this is not entirely true. Friends are not those who grieve with us about our failures, but those who rejoice at our successes. If everything is working out for you, and your friend is not bursting with envy, this is a really good friend. And patting you on the head and regretting when something is wrong - what is easier?

If the negative is poured into us

For many, the opposite situation is relevant: girlfriends and friends constantly talk about their difficulties, demanding sympathy. You consider yourself obligated to maintain friendly relations, but this is a burden to you. And here you need to look at yourself. First, most likely, this is due to the inability to take care of their interests. And secondly - with a feeling of superiority - only now yours.

Helping friends is natural. But a healthy person has his own affairs in priority. First you and your family, then friends. Sometimes we can drop everything and rush to a friend if something serious has really happened. But this happens every few years. If your girlfriend regularly cries to you on the phone, and because of this you do not have time to talk to your husband or your mood is spoiled, this means that you are being used.

If the formation of your friendships takes place according to one of the listed principles, think about what hidden benefits you have from this.

Game partners

Another variant of friendship is a “club of interests,” more precisely, of psychological games. You may be familiar with these clubs. They can endlessly scold the government, diseases, problems in the family. And the important thing is not the topics discussed, but the attitude. Either accusations - that someone is to blame for the problems, or negative aspects of life in general. An important sign of games is that club members are not ready to abandon a verified communication algorithm. If, for example, people each time they meet discuss how everything is bad in life, the one who decides to talk about their successes will not meet with understanding.

What is friendship?

I offer you a different understanding of friendship. It may not work for everyone, but you can shape your own vision. It is very important to be aware of why you communicate and meet with other people, what you expect from them and what you can give them yourself.

There is an important criterion that I once very clearly defined for myself. People who do not know how to be happy for me, no matter who they are, are not needed in my life. With such I stop communicating as soon as I understand that they do not know how and will not learn to share my joy with me.

What else is important for me in friendship:
Friendship is a kind of activity. It is important to understand why you are communicating.
This is a voluntary business at any given time.
Balance (we take into account our interests and at the same time are able to give something to others)
Friendship should provide inspiration for growth.

No matter how the society changes, all the same, for millennia, eternal values ​​remain that are of great importance for people of all generations, confessions and cultures. One of such eternal values, of course, is friendship. People very often use this word in their speech, they call certain people their friends, but few can articulate what friendship is, who is a real friend, what he should be. Unfortunately, I am no exception. And it's hard for me to define what friendship is. But, I think, this needs to be understood once and for all, because it is important first of all for oneself.

Now many do not distinguish real WTOs and acquaintances. My peers sometimes tend to call friends the people they are with; just having fun, sometimes adults call their colleagues friends, with whom they sometimes communicate outside the office. I think this is not friendship, but just a kind of relationship between people. Over time, such "friendship" will disappear by itself, and therefore it will not even become lonely, perhaps you will not even notice it. I believe that friendship does not depend on age, social status, material wealth. Also, it is not divided into male and female. In general, you hear a lot of opinions about whether there is a female friendship, there is a friendship between a man and a woman. As for me, of course, women build their relationships in a completely different way from men, so their "friendship" is absolutely not like a man's, but this does not mean that there is no friendship between them. It's just that the manner of friendship and the views on friendship are as different as different people in the world. They say friendship is love that has its wings clipped. Then in this E. But I believe that friendship also has its wings, they are just “a different color ...

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An essay on a moral and ethical theme; What does friendship mean to me?

No matter how society changes, all the same, for millennia, there remain eternal values ​​that are of great importance for people of all generations, confessions and cultures. One of such eternal values, of course, is friendship. People very often use this word in their speech, they call certain people their friends, but few can articulate what friendship is, who is a real friend, what he should be. Unfortunately, I am no exception. And it's hard for me to define what friendship is. But, I think, this needs to be understood once and for all, because it is important, first of all, for oneself.

Nowadays, many do not distinguish between real friends and acquaintances. My peers sometimes tend to call friends people with whom they just have fun, sometimes adults call their colleagues friends, with whom they sometimes communicate outside the office. I think this is not friendship, but just a kind of relationship between people. Over time, such "friendship" will disappear by itself, and at the same time it will not even become lonely, perhaps you will not even notice it. I believe that friendship does not depend on age, social status, material wealth. Also, it is not divided into male and female. In general, you hear a lot of opinions about the existence of female friendship, there is friendship between a man and a woman. As for me, of course, women build their relationships in a completely different way from men, so their "friendship" is absolutely not like a man's, but this does not mean that there is no friendship between them. It's just that the manner of friendship and the views on friendship are as different as different people in the world. They say friendship is love with clipped wings. But I believe that friendship also has wings, they are just of a different color.

What does group friendship mean to you?

Niall: Without friendship, we would not have achieved anything, because people would have guessed everything right away.

Louis: Our friendship is very important to us and our group. One of the reasons people love us is because they see us having a good time together.

Liam: To me, our friendship means a lot. I don't think I would have had this kind of relationship with anyone else if I wasn't in the band. I am still friends with friends from home, but this friendship is a little different since the guys and I spend a lot of time together. Perhaps my words will sound like a cliché, but we are brothers.

Zane: I have no acquaintances who understand what I do and what I go through alone. We are all in the same boat, and we understand each other, and we understand when one of us is trying to cope with something or he needs time to be alone. I know I can trust guys and they will never betray me. They always reckon with me. None of us will do something bad towards another. If this is in their interest, then it is in mine too. I can give a hundred percent guarantee that we need each other.

Harry: I have known a lot of my friends from home for 10 years, but I feel closer to the guys, having only known them for three years. I was afraid that I would lose touch with old friends from school, because I will not be able to communicate with them often, because we are very busy. But over time, everyone has friends who are closer to you from the university, so the guys are kind of my university friends. This friendship means a lot to me.

Who is the loudest?

Louis: Yes, that's for sure, I don't mind that either.

Who is the funniest?

Louis: Zane is funny too.

Who is the most impudent, impudent?

Louis: I think it's Harry.

Zane: I agree with Louis. Harry can be very cocky when he wants to.

Niall: I'll tell Louis

Harry: I might be cocky, but I'll tell Louis anyway.

Liam: I'll name myself.

Louis: Niall is very calm.

Zane: I'll also call myself, I think calm.

Harry: I think it's Zane. I have a very calm voice even when I'm not calm.

Who gets the most attention?

Liam: Niall. It's all his Irish charm.

Louis: Harry, he's all adorable from head to toe.

Harry: Louis, he's good at joking.

Niall: I agree with Harry, Louis. You can kill with your jokes and charm.

Zane: I'll name myself. Our tour manager, Paul, and I get along the most. If I get up late, then nothing will come of it.

Niall: It's true. I didn't even think about it. You get along well with Paul, Zane. It's all your charm.

What friendship means to me

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