Happy birthday quotes for son. Statuses about a son with meaning: about love for the most important

Cool statuses and aphorisms about the birth of a child

M Perhaps babies cry at birth precisely because they are trying to hold on to the last moments of their past lives.

D The day of the birth of a child is the only happiest day about which a woman can say: "It was terrible !!!"

To Of course, medicine has reached enormous heights. But still, she still has not been able to defeat the common cold and make sure that children are not born at the most inopportune time of the day.

D nine months of "marathon" is nothing compared to your Prize.

P The first cry of a baby is a mother's anthem

R the birth of a child is the cure for idleness.

H and nothing beautifies a woman like a child.

D friends, do not wait for me for the next 18 years - my daughter was born!

R I used to be told that the stork brings babies. But, in fact, the birth of a child is a complex biochemical process in a woman's body, due to the influence of male influences ... although no, a stork is better.

With The most valuable gifts are put in an envelope... and taken out of the hospital!

I he erected a monument to himself ... - he bungled his son!

With It’s not scary to be a single mother, it’s scary not to become a mother at all ...

AT we made fun, and you gave birth

B a butterfly at birth wraps itself in a cocoon, and after a while a creature of unknown beauty flies out from there, just like with a child, it was born, wrapped up, and then a beautiful creature.

M The dream of every woman who has given birth is that children really JUST BRING THE STORK!

M the lad is a great example of a ruling minority.

R The birth of a child takes a lot of strength, health, and time from a woman. But in return it gives a lot of happiness, love, tenderness.

AT The family experienced a population explosion: a second child was born.

I I want to give you a son. I want, without strength, to lie in the ward after childbirth and feel that you are kissing my hands and whispering: “Thank you, dear.”

D The birth of the first child ends with the birth of the second ...

H born - such a small, but such an important person for someone!

R the birth of a child is like litmus paper for the family, it immediately becomes clear who is who

R to give birth to a child means to decide that your heart will now and forever roam outside your body.

P The first cry of a newborn is evidence that the person realized how he was set up and where he ended up.

L The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.

B There are days when my child is mischievous. There are days when my child is cranky. There are days when my child does not listen to me. But there are no days when he is not my sweet bunny!

R waiting to crawl - will not sit!

With you relive everything about your child - you take the first steps, you learn to speak the first words...

D Nine months of hassle are forgotten with the first cry of a baby.

I I asked God for happiness, I asked God for love. And one warm summer night Fate gave me happiness. And now I ask so little: So that happiness always laughs, So that my happiness does not hurt, And wake up a little later

With I want some! So small, small, with tiny arms and legs.

D Itya is not short on his way - life begins with contractions.

R The birth of a child contributes to the increase in the apartment.

T give birth to me, and I'll call you back.

H A real man should give birth to a son, plant a tree and build a house. And he does not care who will raise this son for the rest of his life, water this tree and clean this house.

To someone was lucky to be born. And someone got hurt...

My mother gave birth to my little sister on the first of April. Personally, I didn't like the joke.

E If men had to give birth, none of them would have more than one child.

E If the peasants had children only when they wanted it, we would all have died out long ago...

H I hate it when new parents ask which of them the child looks like.
He was born 15 minutes ago.
He looks like a potato.

G they say that you can’t buy happiness .. but you can’t buy it, you will give birth to it!

R The birth of a child has a magical effect on most women - they have the gift of seeing in the dark, moving at the speed of light, reading the thoughts of their child.

With The most interesting things you learn after the birth of a child: threads can be eaten, poop can be smeared, porridge can be stuffed up your nose!

And the truth that you understand after the birth of a child: everything that is stored in inaccessible places gets in 28 seconds;
a tube of toothpaste is enough for half a wall and a door

O Where we come from is best informed by obstetricians.

P After Russia began to pay money for the birth of a second child, the phrase "we found you in cabbage" took on meaning.

R the birth of a child turns ordinary life upside down - now even the noisiest ones will behave quietly, and the one who commanded everyone will lead the stomping man by the hand

AT a place to reproach your wife after childbirth, how she has changed, help around the house, take a walk with the child, and most importantly - just let her sleep!!!

M oh children's diary: "The first thing I saw in my life was the kind eyes of a gynecologist. And a month later I was born!

O I was from happiness in the seventh month ...

M Men don't need to go on safari to Africa to get the thrill! It is enough just to be present at the birth of your child!

With Marriage before the birth of the first child is the gender of the family. After the birth of a child, it is already a whole family.

Statuses about the son are beautiful

The totality of emotions experienced by parents with the advent of a child is very large. The feeling of delight can be replaced by sadness, but this is always a manifestation of care and interest in your own baby. The statuses about the son are beautiful, like the feelings of mom and dad for their little copy.

  • "You can stop loving all the men in the world. Except your son."
  • "The son is the protector whom the Lord sends to the woman."
  • "It seems that all the love of the world is concentrated in one beautiful sound - the sonorous laughter of our son."
  • "Do you know what a happy family is? When a son, when asked where his parents are, puts his hand on his heart and says:" Here!
  • "Not a single book is as interesting as my naughty son."
  • "I'll probably never stop being proud of my son."
  • "Son! I ask God for one thing - that you be happy. And I will love you in any way."
  • "I will lay my life on the altar of your destiny, son."

Statuses about a son with meaning

With the advent of the baby, family life changes dramatically. Parents no longer belong only to themselves, they realize the importance of their own behavior and influence on the growing person. Statuses about the birth of a son always reflect the meaning that each of the parents puts into this event.

  • "Only a mother can teach her son to be a gentleman and behave properly in a society of women."
  • "Sons leave the family one at a time. And they return with couples."
  • "With the birth of my son, I no longer need cosmetics. After all, I lead the main decoration by the hand."
  • "From early childhood, I treat my son like a man. Let him get used to it."
  • "Not a single lullaby can contain all the tenderness that a mother experiences."
  • "Raising a son is not difficult. It is more difficult to rejoice, noticing yourself in him."
  • "I want to have time to absorb all the joy from every day spent next to my son."

Funny statuses about son

How much joy brings parents the appearance of a child in the family! How many funny moments everyone can remember when his son took his first steps, distorted new words for him and came up with original names for existing objects, how he mastered dancing and cycling. Statuses about the birth of a son and the pleasant emotions associated with it - further.

  • "This man always hugs and kisses for no reason. He makes tea from the leaves of the tree and treats them. He dances to cheer me up. He is a real man, the only drawback of which is that he does not like to go to kindergarten."
  • "Son, because of your tricks, my hair is turning gray! - Mom, this is how much you had to indulge in order to do this with your grandmother!"
  • "In a family of optimists, when a son tells that he broke a window at school, hit a physical education teacher with a ball, pulled the girl's pigtails and got an A, they rejoice that the child is an excellent student."
  • "The future parents of a boy should stock up not only on diapers, clothes, a crib and a stroller. But also plasters, brilliant green and bandages."

Touching statuses about the son

Statuses about a son are meaningfully filled with pleasant experiences associated with the growing up of a child, with his exploration of the world and the formation of character. More touching moments are hard to imagine.

  • "There are two hearts beating in our son - mother's and father's."
  • "Sometimes he commands like a general, sometimes he acts up like a princess, but he always remains our angel."
  • “When a woman doubts her beauty, she can immediately turn to the most important expert. He answers this question in the same way: “Mom, you are my most beautiful!”.
  • "What a delightful feeling it is to watch your two most beloved men communicate - a son and a husband."
  • "It happens when I lead my son by the hand, tears come out in my eyes. After all, one day I will be able to take him only by the arm."
  • "The surest way to prove to a man that he is the best is to give birth to his copy, a son."

Statuses about sons

Many parents are happy educators of more than one boy. Needless to say, such families have more joy and funny stories? In the next selection, you can find the status of two or more sons.

  • "I never understood the question, who do I love more - the eldest or the youngest son? Is it like choosing which part of the heart is more important to me - the right or the left?"
  • "They say that the youth of parents lasts until their children grow up. So: my life is endless, I am a happy mother of three sons!".
  • "The more sons in the house, the fewer outlets that anyone can fix."
  • "A family fire burns brighter when two sons live in the house."
  • "The birth of twins is a multiplication of joy, fun, trouble and diapers by two."

Statuses about son and father

The relationship between father and son is special. In his heir, a man sees an extension of himself, he wants to pass on knowledge and experience to him, share with him the pleasure of male hobbies and finally be proud of him, as his father once was proud of. Short statuses about a son will help describe the whole range of feelings and relationships that develop between two relatives.

  • "The son always made me think. Like that time when he asked why I married his mother."
  • "A son will be able to understand his father when he himself becomes a dad."
  • "The father loves his son more than the father's son. This is because everyone cherishes his creation with all his might."
  • "When dad and son go to the store for ice cream, they only have enough money for beer."
  • "The only man whose love a husband will forgive his wife is their son."
  • "A father is the first superhero that a son looks up to."
  • "Never does a father show so much wisdom as when he advises something to his son."
  • "Only for the success of his son, the father rejoices more than for his own."
  • "Do you know why dads are more waiting for the birth of a boy than a girl? They dream of those toys that they will give to their son."
  • "I'll teach you how to fish, ride a moped and write to girls. And you teach me to enjoy every day."

Statuses about a son with meaning make it possible to share with others the joy that parents are overwhelmed with - the joy of being mentors, teachers and just loved ones for a growing person.

  • My son was born, and I realized: my mission in this life is completed.
  • The birth of a child is like the birth of a moth: you see it, wrap it up and wait for it to turn into a butterfly.
  • A father always has fun when a good son is born.
  • I had a son, and now I know that I left my mark on this world.
  • Future parents of a boy should stock up not only on diapers, clothes, a crib and a stroller. But also plasters, brilliant green and bandages.

The best statuses about the birth of a son

  • Music has a very strong influence on me. There are some songs that, when I hear them, instantly take me back to certain moments in my life. There are songs that I can't hear because they remind me of, say, the birth of my daughter or son. I can't listen to them because I might burst into tears. (Johnny Depp)
  • First, the first cry and the world froze when the baby said with his eyes: “Thank you, Mom, for waiting for me And bringing me into this world with love ...”
  • Happiness cannot be bought. But it can be born!
  • The birth of a son turned our view of life upside down.
  • God has a favorite place - This is a small children's heart. He goes there slowly At the first moment of the baby's birth.
  • Quotes about the birth of a son- The birth of the first child makes us adults in one day. (Leonid Sukhorukov)
  • I take your palm in my hand, And kiss the wreath on your wrist! It was not in vain that I experienced torment, To give birth to such Happiness.
  • How many years do we have left to live? With our son, we are all happy!
  • There are two hearts beating in our son - mother's and father's.
  • In many years, we will remember our best moment in life, and this is not our first dinner together, and not even our wedding: this will be the moment when I give you a SON.
  • - My son was born! - Oh, congratulations! And who does he look like? - At me, drunk. - What is it like? - He yells at everyone and there are enough women for boobs ...
  • The most expensive bracelet is a rubber tag on which the weight, height and time of your baby's birth are written!
  • The time has come for him to be born, He began his circle of life, Let his heart beat evenly, Happiness and love will come!
  • It’s one thing to get pregnant… to understand that I’m pregnant… to endure this miracle and give birth… God, it hurts… but tears of happiness in my eyes… the happiest… with a baby in her arms… he sleeps sweetly, angel…
  • I asked God for happiness, I asked God for love. And one warm summer night Fate gave me happiness. And now I ask so little: So that happiness always laughs, So that my happiness does not hurt, And wake up a little later ...
  • I will have an heir! Our family is very happy!
  • We wanted a daughter, but a son was born. A decent family man will be our support.
  • My toddler is on his way home! Today I'm going to the hospital for my wife!
  • Finally, you were born and your journey began in life. May this path last longer, may there be happiness and love!
  • A new stage, a new life - I'm now a dad!
  • The birth of a son is like winning the lottery. There is a ticket, and whether you will hit the jackpot or be left with nothing, you will find out after a while.
  • Statuses about the birth of a son with meaning- The birth of a son destroyed my former illusory mirages. I have a new life.
  • Let this day be not a noisy holiday, Not a red day on the calendar, But it is happy and beautiful - You became a mother! The best mom on earth!
  • My son was born - a reason to invite to a feast.
  • We are born, we are children from feelings, Your baby is the fruit of great love, May he be happy on the planet, Always healthy and “tail pipe”!

Who knows others - write!

What a joy it is that I have a son, lovely eyes and plump cheeks, a cheerful smile and sonorous children's laughter ... and this little man is dearer than everyone in the world !!! ​ ​

Tender face, every line, snub-nosed nose sniffs! Money, career ... all this is unimportant ... Important - sleeping next to each other!

The only one that I will run after will shout to me “Catch up, mom!”.

I kiss a gently soft hand, I barely touch my nose with my lips, my heart stops with love for my son, for me there is no better creature in the world!

*♡* Happiness is soft, warm hands! Behind the sofa candy wrappers, crumbs on the sofa! What is happiness, it’s easier not to answer, everyone has happiness - who has children! *♡*

I will squeeze in my hands, your little legs. And I'll press it to my lips - I won't give them to anyone.

Take care mothers of daughters!!! My SON is growing!

First, the first cry and the world froze when the baby said with his eyes: “Thank you, Mom, for waiting for me And bringing me into this world with love ...”

Sonny, sonny, little son... Affectionate, beloved, warm little ball... Sunny child, sweet child... How we used to live with dad without you!!!

Happy... because I sing a lullaby... because my little hands tangle my hair... because the meaning of my life falls asleep on my hand.

A little baby was born

And now there is no time for sleep at all!

So much care is needed, affection,

And now things are in full swing,

To make those eyes laugh!

And there is no better trouble

A beloved man appeared in my life and my legal husband is simply crazy about him.

There is someone in whose hands is my heart. Whose smile adorns my entire day. Whose laughter for me shines brighter than the sun. Whose happiness makes me happy. This is my son.

What a cool guy! .. And he is my son

You sleep, my little friend, Innocent heart of an angel. I'll quietly go to the bed, And kiss you on the cheek...