Day of light industry workers. When light industry day is celebrated

Shots from Valery Todorovsky's film "Hipsters" very clearly demonstrated the state of light industry in the 50s of the last century. Dim identical fabrics, the same shoes, and only rare attempts to somehow decorate your life with the help of beautiful clothes. Now the situation has changed dramatically. Anyone can dress in accordance with their taste and financial capabilities, and the merit for this is not only foreign manufacturers, but the workers of our domestic light industry. Not only large, but also many small businesses are working to create beautiful, competitive products that customers would love to wear. In recognition of the importance of their work in the life of society, by order of the President in 2000, the Day of Light Industry Workers was established, which is celebrated on the second Sunday of June.

Both the tailor and the seamstress
And I'm in a hurry to cutter
I congratulate you on this day.
We call you the best!

So that the needle does not break
Pattern so as not to get lost
Muse to visit
And I did not know fatigue!

Everything so that it works out in life,
Life with whom you need to get in touch.
So that there are no frustrations
So that you succeed in everything.

Light industry celebrates its day.
Your work is very important, necessary and appreciated.
Happy this day, I congratulate you with excitement
And I wish you happiness, joy, love.

Let the work be easy and loved.
Let it often bring you a lot of income.
Let life become a kind and beautiful fairy tale.
And success with luck will lead you forward.

Rejoice more often, laugh, smile.
May your health be age-old.
Be you loved and do not be discouraged.
Let all your troubles melt away like smoke.

In the light industry
The work is not easy
Sometimes it's so hard to stand
Long at the machine.

But, as in any job,
You, for sure,
Here creativity is held in high esteem
And a light hand.

Let me congratulate you,
Having drunk what is stronger than tea.
We wish you to compose
Competition to China.

Light industry workers!
All of you with a significant day!
May all your thoughts be clear
The innovations will spill out in a stream.

Successful, successful decisions,
Finds, flights, dreams.
So that there are no frequent doubts -
Ideas of love, beauty.

So that in life - health and joy,
Don't know what fatigue is.
You should always be able to rest,
It's easy to fly over a problem.

Good worker of the light industry,
Congratulations, accept.
Your hands are golden
There is no price for them in the world.

And be sick, don't you dare
After all, where is without you.
Be happy and positive
May life make you happy.

Let the bosses appreciate you
Respectfully cherish.
Know that your labor is not in vain,
And the people honor him.

Today we celebrate the day of our workers,
In light industry: from bosses to privates.
May skill and luck not leave you,
Well, the quality with design is like that of world brands.
We wish you technologies, advanced production,
And reliable stability, prosperity of the centers.

Light industry workers
Congratulations today.
I wish everyone good luck
Success in work, fidelity in love.

I wish your salary to grow,
And to work so that you hurry with joy,
I wish you were rich
So that you live happily and cheerfully.

Light industry workers,
You are all masters of needles,
On your holiday, I sincerely wish you
Great success and kindness.

Work always go well
Things are only going uphill,
Let there be a place for joy
Let your work be appreciated.

Our light industry -
This is the most, the highest class,
You are offering goods to the people,
And, in fact, you dress it!

For this from the people - honor, praise!
We wish the factory to bloom
To improve the quality all the time,
Your money did not fit in the wallet!

To always accompany you with success,
And the director often gave a prize,
So that families have joy and peace,
So that happiness covers you headlong!

All workers in the light industry
Please accept congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
We wish you so many wonderful blessings,
So that you all have good days.

We wish you health,
To keep happiness from any misfortune.
And, of course, joy with love,
And, of course, dreams come true.

Congratulations: 36 in verse.

The history of the holiday Day of the worker of light industry originates in the Soviet Union, when this date was established by the decree of the state power. The event is dated October 1, 1980, and it is celebrated by everyone who has at least something to do with this industry until now. In 2000, the holiday received an official status in Russia and was named the Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers. It is celebrated on the second Sunday of June. This year it fell on the 10th.

Light Industry Worker Day is considered a holiday of representatives of many professions.

The industry is quite extensive and includes representatives of such professions as seamstresses, tanners, those who produce shoes, modern polymer fabrics. The dressing of fur is referred to the light industry and creates a leather substitute. It is impossible to imagine a person's life today without products that have appeared thanks to workers in the light industry.

It is about the things that surround us every day throughout our life. These are clothes and shoes, towels and bed linen, tablecloths and car covers. Most consumer goods are the result of the labor of this particular industry.

Light industry covers the entire cycle of production of things, from raw materials required for production to trade in finished products. No matter how difficult the economic situation in the country is, the industry will always be in demand. Its profitability depends on the needs of the people.

Congratulations to light industry workers on their professional holiday

Everyone is forced to buy essential items that are constantly worn out, which means that the need to purchase them will be constant. Against the background of a wide range of not only domestic, but also foreign things, the products are becoming more high-quality and competitive. There is simply no other way out.

In everyday life, a person constantly uses household items made by workers in light industry. This means that each of us should be grateful to them for the opportunity to live comfortably, to dress and put on shoes, to surround ourselves with household items that improve our life.

On this day, congratulations to all who work in this field. The best and most worthy workers in production are awarded certificates and gifts. Everyone whose labor activity is related to the textile and light industry will celebrate their professional holiday on June 10.

Knitters, weavers, tailors, fashion designers, furriers have their own solemn date - Light Industry Day. It has existed for over 30 years and is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of the first summer month.

What is light industry

The industry is engaged in the manufacture of consumer goods from various types of raw materials. It includes several subsectors:

  • Sewing: fur, haberdashery, shoe.
  • Textile: silk, cotton, knitted, linen.

The enterprises also manufacture products for industrial and technical purposes for the food, chemical, aviation, furniture, and automotive industries. The peculiarity lies in the quick return on investment, high mobility of production and the ability to quickly change the assortment of manufactured goods.

Light Industry Day: the story of its emergence

The factory industry originated in the 18th century. The impetus for technical progress was provided by complex machines and apparatus: a spinning machine, a weaving machine. It was a transitional stage from manual to machine labor.

In the 19th century, there was an intensive growth of many businesses. This was due to the fact that capitalist factories appeared, using the labor of hired workers, and not By the end of the century, they determined the industrial development of Russia.

Light Industry Day was not celebrated at that time. The main enterprises were located in the centers (tailor, weaving, lace). the number of employees was very low, as there was a lack of mechanisms and a poor raw material base in production. The situation was aggravated by the economic crisis.

Only in the 20s of the 20th century began the establishment of the knitwear, clothing, footwear industry. The construction of new cotton, silk-weaving, silk-winding factories began. After the war, the enterprises quickly recovered and started working with renewed vigor. And in 1980, the Day of Light Industry was announced. It is like a reward for people for their continuous work, like a memory of our history.

Industry today

Nowadays, the industry is of great importance - to dress and shoe all the inhabitants of the country. There are also problems:

  • low wages for employees;
  • operation of obsolete equipment;
  • the appearance of goods illegally imported into the territory of the country;
  • lack of own funds from enterprises.

Despite the difficulties, the light industry is celebrated in June, the second Sunday of the month. National fanfare does not sound to the employees, festivals and rallies are not organized everywhere, but each enterprise organizes the presentation of awards and a solemn performance with words of gratitude. In the family circle, it is customary to congratulate relatives and friends who work in this industry. They are always pleased to receive congratulations on the Day of Light Industry, for example:

Now it's time to congratulate

Dear person,

No, I will not dissemble -

You have already plowed a third of a century.

The master's work is afraid

And the industry is growing

I wish that work

Brought income to the house!

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 17, 2000, No. 1111, the second Sunday of June is celebrated. In 2019, this holiday date falls on June 9th.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation

1. Set and celebrate it on the second Sunday in June.
2. This Decree shall enter into force on the day of its signing.

President of Russian Federation

On this holiday, all employees of this industry accept congratulations from colleagues, friends, bosses and officials of different ranks. Veterans of light industry are also honored. Indeed, it is thanks to the hard work of these people that we have the opportunity to buy quality products of domestic production.

The enterprises of the light industry employ mainly the fair sex. They produce a wide variety of consumer goods. Small businesses and private entrepreneurs who are engaged in sewing clothes in small batches and according to individual orders, make special clothes and tourist equipment are gaining more and more weight in the production volumes of the industry.

Many light industry enterprises are pursuing an active marketing and sales strategy, which helps them to expand their presence both in the local market and in other regions of Russia. Depending on consumer demand and changes in the economic situation, the range of products is expanding and dramatically changing, production is diversifying, and new progressive technologies are being introduced.

Textile and light industry

Unfortunately, many Russian light industry enterprises are currently going through difficult times. Private entrepreneurs and small businesses are becoming increasingly important in terms of production volumes in the industry.

Today the industry faces new and important challenges. The problem of increasing the competitiveness of manufactured products, as well as the investment attractiveness and professionalism of personnel, has become very urgent.

It is the textile and light industry that provide us with everything that we need so much in everyday life. The country needs their products; a huge number of Russians work in this industry - more than 2 million people. One of the features of this industry can be called the fact that mostly women work at its enterprises.

This industry accounts for more than 40% of all non-food consumer goods. Today, light industry plays a significant role in relations between the CIS countries. These countries regularly exchange not only raw materials, but also semi-finished products and finished products. Products for industrial purposes are also produced.

The industry is engaged in the production of various consumer goods, produces clothing, footwear, hosiery, linen, fabrics, etc.

It is no secret that clothes, footwear and other similar goods of domestic production are cheaper than the same goods imported from other countries. Thanks to the work of this industry, we have the opportunity to buy Russian clothing and footwear.

The products manufactured by the industry are of a sufficiently high quality and are able to meet the demands of not only Russian, but also foreign buyers. There is a gradual expansion and change in the range of products. This is due to consumer demand and changes in the economic situation in the country. So far, however, the situation is not very good. The light industry of our country has suffered quite badly as a result of the economic crisis.

The volume of production has dropped significantly. A major role in this was played by the lack of raw materials, especially cotton, because it is not grown on the territory of our country. Russia is forced to import flax, wool, leather raw materials and chemical fibers.

Light industry is a complex industry that includes more than 20 sub-sectors. All of them can be combined into 3 main groups. The first group includes the textile industry. It includes: linen, woolen, cotton, silk, knitwear, etc. The second group includes the garment industry, and the third - leather, fur and footwear. The textile industry is the leader among these industries in terms of such indicators as the volume of production and the number of workers employed in it. It includes: primary processing of raw materials, production of all types of fabrics, production of nonwovens, as well as other similar products.

In our country in the 19th - early 20th centuries. the production of fabrics was the most developed industry. The location of the textile industry was very uneven. More than 80% of all products were manufactured in the Central and North-Western regions of the country. After the collapse of the USSR, the Russian textile industry faced a very important issue related to the raw material base. The country needed supplies from other CIS countries of such raw materials as: cotton fiber, wool and natural silk threads.

For this reason, chemical fibers have moved to the forefront of the industry in the balance of raw materials. Currently, a huge number of products are made with an admixture of chemical fibers. This helps to reduce the tension in providing the industry with raw materials, but negatively affects the quality of manufactured products.

The leading branch of the textile industry is cotton. It is she who provides more than 70% of all fabrics produced in our country.

Light industry is very closely related to all sectors of the economy. Its strongest connection can be traced to agriculture. The chemical industry also acts as a raw material base for the light industry. It produces synthetic fibers, dyes and artificial leathers.

The meat industry supplies leather, the mechanical engineering provides the industry with equipment. The fuel and energy sector ensures the smooth operation of light industry enterprises.

It must be said that there are light industry enterprises in every economic region of Russia. However, there are also specialized areas in our country, which have long been considered centers for the development of light industry. The main of these regions is the Central District, and within it are the Ivanovo and Tver Regions. They specialize in the production of cotton products.

The volume of production, unfortunately, continues to decline every year. The situation is especially difficult in the textile industry. It is experiencing the greatest decline in production. The main reason for this is the lack of raw materials. Raw material prices are rising. This becomes the reason for a rather tangible increase in prices for finished products. Therefore, domestic products in this industry are becoming less competitive in comparison with imported goods.

Recently, the Government of the Russian Federation has been implementing a number of measures of economic support for domestic manufacturers of the textile and light industry. A number of decrees have been adopted on temporary exemption from import duties for the most important types of technological equipment imported for the modernization of production, partial changes have been made to the regulation on customs duties on goods transported for personal use by individuals, issues of allocating funds from the federal budget to partially subsidize interest rates on loans received for the seasonal purchase of raw materials and supplies. The Russian Union of Entrepreneurs of the Textile and Light Industry stands guard over domestic interests.

The list of honorary titles in Russia includes the title "Honored Worker of the Textile and Light Industry of the Russian Federation".

Each person strives for comfort, so he tries to purchase different shoes and clothes that are suitable for different weather conditions. Today you can find many clothes and footwear from foreign and domestic manufacturers, offered in a huge assortment. However, many people forget about the titanic work of people involved in the production of such products, providing maximum comfort, helping to escape from heat, rain or cold.

history of the holiday

Such a holiday can be called relatively young, since it began to be celebrated only 30 years ago. The document that became the basis for the introduction of such an important holiday was the Decree of the Presidium of the Council of the Soviet Union, adopted on October 1, 1980. The holiday was celebrated throughout the entire USSR, congratulating labor shock workers and presenting meritorious certificates and prizes. However, after the collapse of the great superpower, the holiday remained, but was accepted by the heads of each of the breakaway countries, including Russia.

How they celebrate in Russia

On the Day of Light Industry Workers, various meetings and conferences are held to highlight the most successful companies that contribute to the development of the country's light industry, as well as to solve the main problems arising in this area. At various production enterprises, solemn meetings are held, providing for the presentation of certificates and awards to the most distinguished employees for work and diligence. Labor veterans who have put a lot of time and effort into improving light industry technologies and processes are also often invited. On this day, the bosses and officials of various ranks expresses gratitude to all workers and labor veterans, and also congratulates them on the great professional holiday.

Recently, mainly female employees have been employed at light industry enterprises, who are distinguished by patience, attentiveness and the ability to perform monotonous work for a long time. At the same time, today most of the light industry is made up of small companies with a small staff of personnel, engaged in the production of a limited number of products to order, or sewing workwear, tourist equipment. Congratulations to employees of such companies are carried out by their management.

Also, light industry workers are congratulated by friends, colleagues and simple acquaintances, giving them small gifts or expressing congratulations in poetic form (SMS, postcards, and so on).

Celebrating in the world

In other countries that were previously part of the Soviet Union, the celebration of such an event occurs in much the same way. Workers and veterans of labor in the field of light industry are congratulated by the management, as well as close, familiar colleagues. Often on this day, foremost workers receive certificates, as well as incentive prizes. In many countries, many conferences are timed to this day, designed to draw attention to the problems of light industry in different countries, and also to find the most appropriate ways to solve them.

Light industry in Russia

Light industry in Russia originated in the 17th century. Then the first workshops began to open, engaged in sewing clothes from cloth and linen, created by the state. It is noteworthy that the state forced people to work in such enterprises, depriving them of full rest and the possibility of earning money. The next step was the opening of capitalist workshops, engaged in sewing various products from wool and flax. At this time, hired labor already appeared, people began to receive remuneration for their efforts and time spent. Only in the 19th century, the first factories were opened, equipped with multifunctional equipment, allowing the mass production of high-quality footwear and clothing.

During the existence of the Soviet Union, the rapid development of light industry was observed. Combines processing high-quality knitwear, linen, cotton and wool began to open everywhere. However, workers who worked at such factories received scanty wages, derogating the importance of their work. During the collapse of the superpower, foreign-made clothing and footwear began to be massively brought to Russia, which negatively affected the state of the domestic light industry. Today, the import of foreign products is not blocked, but domestic factories and small enterprises have managed to reach a certain level, producing quality products that compete with foreign brands.

Large light industry enterprises are located in 12 economic regions of Russia. The most important regions producing the maximum amount of products are Tver and Ivanovo, located in the central part of the country. In such areas, the production of high-quality knitwear and various products from this material has been established. Every year, numerous enterprises from these regions hold thematic fairs, offering everyone to buy high-quality products of domestic production. However, every year the country's reserves, necessary for the production of textiles, are becoming scarce, which leads to a gradual decrease in the volume of production, as well as a significant increase in the cost of domestic textiles.