Spontaneous Kindness Day - olga1982a. International Day of Spontaneous Acting of Kindness 17 February Kindness Day

International Day for Spontaneous Acts of Kindness, a day to express and receive philanthropy in return.

Sometimes the smallest act of compassion towards others, simply by saying please or thank you, can make life so much better. The holiday of spontaneous manifestation of kindness helps people see the world in a different light, uniting them in kindness.

The history of the holiday of complacency

Spontaneous Kindness Celebration was first established in Denver, Colorado in 1995. Nine years later, it spread to New Zealand, where random acts of humanity began to include anything: compliments about appearance, words of gratitude, free meals, paper chains of humanity among schoolchildren, or handing out chocolate at the train station. Today the idea of ​​this holiday has spread all over the world. Even on the worst day, those around you will be able to feel the powerful force of kindheartedness.

Research has shown that the very act of doing something for someone else gives the person the “chemical” the ultimate joy.

How do you show occasional acts of responsiveness and warmth?

Shows of kindheartedness come in all forms, large and small. How you decide to carry them out is entirely up to you. Some people think that it is enough to throw a few coins into the cup of a bum on the street, others take a friend with them to dinner, who for some reason cannot pay for themselves. Look around, perhaps someone nearby is waiting for your help. Say thank you with a smile for the hot coffee or tea on the table, remembering to wish a good day. The simplest smile and kind words can have a profound impact on those around you.
On a day of spontaneous display of cordiality, help yourself by helping others with a smile on your face and kindness in your soul, proving it's worth it. Remember to celebrate and promote kindness in all its forms.

"Kindness is hearing for the deaf and sight for the blind" (Mark Twain)

The Day of Spontaneous Acts of Kindness is an international holiday that is usually celebrated by all peoples on one day, namely February 17 of each year. It doesn't matter who you are by nationality, what country you live in and what your religious views are.

On this Day of Kindness, you have the right to do as much good as you want, or just more than usual. This is only approved and supported by other people, because the essence of this holiday is to learn to be kind, responsive and disinterested towards other people and their problems.

This is an international holiday, the purpose of which is to strengthen friendship between peoples, as well as to revive the best and most positive qualities of soul and character in the hearts of people!

This holiday is celebrated by both European countries and others, including the USA, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Great Britain, Thailand and Canada. Russia has only recently joined the celebration of the World Kindness Day, but has already managed to accomplish and undertake a lot in favor of kindness and manifestation of love for others.

History of the holiday:

The decision to celebrate this holiday was made on November 13, 1998 in the city of Tokyo, where representatives-initiators of the “movement of kindness” from different countries suggested celebrating this day on February 17. Gradually, more and more countries joined the celebration of this wonderful day.

The motto of the Day of Spontaneous Kindness can be considered the words of the great American classic: "Kindness is a quality, the manifestation of which is never superfluous." One cannot but agree with the words of the great classic, because it is very difficult for all living things on this Earth to live without ordinary human kindness and support.

Unfortunately, not all of our people are capable of selfless help to others. Someone is hampered by fatigue, someone because of business does not notice what is happening around, and the other simply indifferently walks past a beggar person. On the Day of Spontaneous Kindness, the initiators of this bright holiday ask us to look around and start noticing other people who need our help, support, kind words and pleasant deeds.

It will become much easier for many of us to live, we will notice in the eyes of others a lot of positiveness, benevolence and joy, because this is very important for ourselves. They say that a person is happy when he not only receives, but also gives.

This is true, each of us needs to feel useful and needed by society, friends, family, and not just ourselves! So why not start doing good on the Day of Spontaneous Acts of Kindness?

How to Celebrate the Day of Spontaneous Goodness?

In some countries, on February 17, it is customary to give flowers to passers-by and strangers, thus showing his love and care. It is believed that this is the usual manifestation of kind attention to other people, after this gift the mood rises and the desire to do something kind in return. This is the point - to learn to do good deeds disinterestedly and without any benefit, and to get pleasure from it!

If you do not have the money to purchase a lush bouquet of flowers to distribute to passers-by, then you can try another way to raise the mood and spirit of passers-by. For example, write nice words with good wishes on your computer, then print them out and hand out to passers-by! Be sure that this is a very good and kind deed that will surely cheer you up and the townspeople. Perhaps you will really cheer someone up, but for someone you will become a predictor! So go ahead and act.

These are of course wonderful deeds, but you can take this holiday more seriously and try to help exactly those people or children who really need your help. For example, in Russia in 2007, residents of Nizhny Novgorod held an action, according to which they cleared snow from the paths on the playground in the kindergarten. The residents also raised enough money to renovate the children's recreation room in the rehabilitation center.

Helping children is the best deed of a worthy person, because they are still very young and very much in need of our adult help and support. This is another good way to show your good qualities in relation to children, as well as give them a piece of your love and care. If unnecessary soft toys are stuck in your house or a lot of children's clothes, present them to the baby's house or children's home! Believe me, there these things are always worth their weight in gold, so you will do a good deed and make room in the house for new purchases!

Since February 17 falls in the winter season, it will be very pleasant and useful for passers-by to treat themselves to a cup of hot coffee or tea. If you do not have the opportunity to hold such a promotion for free, then make a 50% discount on tea drinking, and treat passers-by with delicious sweets as a gift. So you can attract the attention of many people who, over time, will also want to do something good, and this is already the result!

Do good deeds and deeds, pay attention to people who need your help and support, and do not pass by a needy or poor person. February is a cold month, and many birds have nowhere to live and find food for themselves. Why not build feeders and nests for the poor birds? This way they will be able to ride out the cold times and not starve to death! Be sure that nature will thank you for this, because all good deeds return to a person with a positive boomerang in response. This is the law of the universe!

As the famous writer Mark Twain used to say: "Kindness is what the deaf can hear and the blind can see!" These are truly great words because they reveal the essence and importance of this righteous quality. Sincere kindness comes only from the heart of a person and is accepted only by the heart, therefore a deaf person can hear it and a blind person can see it. This feeling seems to be hovering in the warm air of happiness and harmony, and when it touches a person's soul, it raises his spirits, gives warm emotions and positive!

As you celebrate Kindness Day with your friends, coworkers, or on your own, try to be a truly friendly, affable, and compassionate person. Do not refuse to help anyone, devote this day not to yourself, but to others. It doesn't matter who it will be - homeless animals or tired passers-by, homeless people or old people, children from orphanages or your acquaintance. Just be attentive and kind to everyone, because it is very important to remain useful for yourself and the society in which you live!

You can treat a passer-by with delicious cakes, buy sweets for the yard children, or just give a bouquet to your beloved grandmother, mother or cousin! Be kind and considerate to others, fight the callousness and indifference of the soul, and after the end of February 17, try not to change your principles and the good traditions of the holiday!

The Day of Spontaneous Acts of Kindness is an international holiday that is usually celebrated by all peoples on one day, namely February 17 of each year. It doesn't matter who you are by nationality, what country you live in and what your religious views are. On this Day of Kindness, you have the right to do as much good as you want, or just more than usual! This is only approved and supported by other people, because the essence of this holiday is to learn to be kind, responsive and disinterested towards other people and their problems.

Staying kind is not a weakness, it is a great strength that helps to survive, remain human and retain the best and necessary character traits. Only by actions and good deeds can you prove that you are a kind, sympathetic and good person. It's not just that, this holiday is international and is celebrated by all countries and peoples on one day, so we must learn to love each other, regardless of origin, skin color, place of residence and continent! This is an international holiday, the purpose of which is to strengthen friendship between peoples, as well as to revive the best and most positive qualities of soul and character in the hearts of people!

This holiday is celebrated by both European countries and others, including the USA, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Great Britain, Thailand and Canada. Russia has only recently joined the celebration of the World Day of Kindness, but has already managed to accomplish and undertake a lot in favor of kindness and manifestation of love for others!

history of the holiday

The decision to celebrate this holiday was made on November 13, 1998 in the city of Tokyo, where representatives-initiators of the "movement of kindness" from different countries proposed to celebrate this day on February 17! Gradually, more and more countries joined the celebration of this wonderful day.

The motto of the Day of Spontaneous Kindness can be considered the words of the great American classic: "Kindness is a quality, the manifestation of which is never superfluous." One cannot but agree with the words of the great classic, because it is very difficult for all living things on this Earth to live without ordinary human kindness and support.

Unfortunately, not all of our people are capable of selfless help to others. Someone is hampered by fatigue, someone because of business does not notice what is happening around, and the other simply indifferently walks past a beggar person. On the Day of Spontaneous Kindness, the initiators of this bright holiday ask us to look around and start noticing other people who need our help, support, kind words and pleasant deeds.
May your hearts on this day open towards Light and Kindness, and hold out in this state until the next February 17th! Then it will become much easier for many of us to live, we will notice in the eyes of others a lot of positiveness, benevolence and joy, because this is very important for ourselves. They say that a person is happy when he not only receives, but also gives. This is true, each of us needs to feel useful and needed by society, friends, family, and not just ourselves! So why not start doing good on the Day of Spontaneous Acts of Kindness?

How to Celebrate the Day of Spontaneous Goodness?

In some countries, on February 17, it is customary to give flowers to passers-by and strangers, thus showing his love and care. It is believed that this is the usual manifestation of kind attention to other people, after this gift the mood rises and the desire to do something kind in return. This is the point - to learn to do good deeds disinterestedly and without any benefit, and to get pleasure from it!

If you do not have the money to purchase a lush bouquet of flowers to distribute to passers-by, then you can try another way to raise the mood and spirit of passers-by. For example, write nice words with good wishes on your computer, then print them out and hand out to passers-by! Be sure that this is a very good and kind deed that will surely cheer you up and the townspeople. Perhaps you will really cheer someone up, but for someone you will become a predictor! So go ahead and act.

These are of course wonderful deeds, but you can take this holiday more seriously and try to help exactly those people or children who really need your help. For example, in Russia in 2007, residents of Nizhny Novgorod held an action, according to which they cleared snow from the paths on the playground in the kindergarten. The residents also raised enough money to renovate the children's recreation room in the rehabilitation center.
Helping children is the best deed of a worthy person, because they are still very young and very much in need of our adult help and support. This is another good way to show your good qualities in relation to children, as well as give them a piece of your love and care. If unnecessary soft toys are stuck in your house or a lot of children's clothes, present them to the baby's house or children's home! Believe me, there these things are always worth their weight in gold, so you will do a good deed and make room in the house for new purchases!

Since February 17 falls in the winter season, it will be very pleasant and useful for passers-by to treat themselves to a cup of hot coffee or tea. If you do not have the opportunity to hold such a promotion for free, then make a 50% discount on tea drinking, and treat passers-by with delicious sweets as a gift. So you can attract the attention of many people who, over time, will also want to do something good, and this is already the result!

Do good deeds and deeds, pay attention to people who need your help and support, and do not pass by a needy or poor person. February is a cold month, and many birds have nowhere to live and find food for themselves. Why not build feeders and nests for the poor birds? This way they will be able to ride out the cold times and not starve to death! Be sure that nature will thank you for this, because all good deeds return to a person with a positive boomerang in response. This is the law of the universe!

As the famous writer Mark Twain used to say: "Kindness is what the deaf can hear and the blind can see!" These are truly great words because they reveal the essence and importance of this righteous quality. Sincere kindness comes only from the heart of a person and is accepted only by the heart, therefore a deaf person can hear it and a blind person can see it. This feeling seems to be hovering in the warm air of happiness and harmony, and when it touches a person's soul, it raises his spirits, gives warm emotions and positive!

As you celebrate Kindness Day with your friends, coworkers, or on your own, try to be a truly friendly, affable, and compassionate person. Do not refuse to help anyone, devote this day not to yourself, but to others. It doesn't matter who it will be - homeless animals or tired passers-by, homeless people or old people, children from orphanages or your acquaintance. Just be attentive and kind to everyone, because it is very important to remain useful for yourself and the society in which you live!

Do you have any other ideas on how to celebrate this day? You can treat a passer-by with delicious cakes, buy sweets for the yard children, or just give a bouquet to your beloved grandmother, mother or cousin! Be kind and considerate to others, fight the callousness and indifference of the soul, and after the end of February 17, try not to change your principles and the good traditions of the holiday!

Random Acts of Kindness Day is one of the recent initiatives of international charities.
This holiday has a global significance, it is celebrated by the whole world, regardless of citizenship, nationality and religious beliefs.

In Russia, this holiday is still little known. On this day, as the organizers urge, you need to try to be kind to everyone, and not just kind, but kind, boundlessly and disinterestedly.

Remember, if a person expects gratitude for their kindness, that is not real kindness. You should not expect to witness the joy of others and hear their praise. Good deeds in and of themselves should give you pleasure, but you should not expect rewards when giving or helping others. This is real kindness. Few in our turbulent times are capable of such a "feat" - in a state of fatigue and irritation from pressing concerns, we increasingly indifferently pass by other people's problems until they touch us. And then we look for support and participation from people for whom “disinterested help”, “mercy” and “responsiveness” are not just words, but the meaning of life, which has become a vocation.

Photo: Mauricio Jordan De Souza Coelho / Rusmediabank.ru

"Kindness is a quality whose excess does not harm," said American classic John Galsworthy. However, how often do you meet people (and even more unfamiliar ones) who have this quality in excess? Today's wonderful date has been created to remind us of kindness in our ordinary daily life: February 17 is the Day of spontaneous manifestation of kindness.

How and why did the holiday appear?

This holiday is very young. He was born in 2004 from the idea of ​​a businessman from New Zealand named Josh de Jong. He presented his idea in the social. networks - friends supported the man, and like-minded people from the Web were also found quickly, and from different countries.

By the way, some of the activists are still offended: they say, we proposed this idea even earlier. So why is de Jong considered the creator of the date? It's simple: he found himself at the right time in the right place: he began to spread his idea on social networks, and presented it in English, the most popular language in the world. It is not surprising that his thoughts were supported very quickly: in a couple of years the holiday was celebrated by several million people around the world. It is most actively celebrated in America and Western Europe. How? They hold charity concerts, marathons and other events in which famous actors, singers, show business stars, as well as public and political figures take part. Anyone can attend the events - regardless of age, gender, profession, religion, citizenship and nationality.

In Russia, this date is not yet very popular, there are not many events (mainly charity events), but what their organizers, without exception, urge them to do, is a disinterested act of kindness to everyone who gets in your way on this day. The creators of the date remind: if you expect something in return, even kind words or praise, this cannot be considered truly sincere. Of course, it's nice to hear gratitude addressed to you or to see how others rejoice at your kindness, but the essence of the date is to remind you that you need to show kindness sincerely, from the heart and without expecting anything in return.

But one should not think that Russia did not want to support the international initiative, it is just that since 1997 there has been not even a day, but a whole week of kindness. It's called Spring Kindness Week. This annual all-Russian volunteer action takes place at the end of April and smoothly turns into preparation and celebration of May 9th. It is aimed at helping society and the country: these days volunteers are engaged in cleaning city parks, mass graves, collecting money for those in need, veterans, shelters, conducting environmental campaigns and free educational events for children and adults.

How to Celebrate Spontaneous Acts of Kindness Day?

Despite the fact that in Russia this date is still little known, the organizers, referring to the words of Mark Twain, "Kindness is what a blind person can see and a deaf person can hear", say how to spend it: you just need to show goodwill or help someone ... Probably everyone knows how and how he can help others, but, nevertheless, the creators of the celebration give some tips on how to celebrate this day:

Show your love to your family and relatives, and do it in the way that will most delight the addressee: wake up your loved one with a kiss, visit your parents and grandparents, go somewhere with your children, send your friends and acquaintances real or virtual postcards with warm words, or an expression of gratitude for the fact that the person is simply in your life.

Write a letter or visit a lonely, elderly, forgotten person.

Smile or make people who will meet you during the day: not only relatives or colleagues, but also everyone who gets along the way - a neighbor, a janitor, a conductor, a shop assistant, a hairdresser, a postal or bank employee. Agree with yourself: today you will say gratitude to 5 strangers. Experience shows that your actions will launch a whole chain of kindness: after all, the person whom you have pleased with your warm words will at least not want to be rude to someone, and at the most - he will also decide on a sincere act of kindness.

On the way to work or home, note: Who needs your help? Maybe it's a young mother with a toddler who needs help getting the stroller out of the doorway? Or is it an elderly woman carrying a heavy bag to the train? Or maybe an old man or a person with a disability, whom you can help to climb the high step of the tram?

Go through your mezzanines: perhaps a whole pile of already unnecessary but still good things has accumulated here: clothes, toys, books? All this can be distributed to families in need or taken to an orphanage, a nursing home, or an institution for people with disabilities.

Feed hungry animals or birds outside.