Good and evil - why doesn't God stop all evil on earth? Demonic Influence and Possession

One of the central tasks of human studies is the creation of a new branch of psychological science - moral and ethical psychology. However, psychological science has not yet formulated a clear idea of ​​its subject, adequate research methods, and a strict system of correlated concepts. Humanity is ambivalent, represented by the relationship between good and evil, has deep roots in the history of human culture. Behavior can be contemplative and transformative, measurable and unappreciated. It manifests itself in actions, situations, due to external and internal factors, as well as the level of humanity.

Behavior as a manifestation of human activity is a subject of study in psychology, ethology, pedagogy, sociology, ethics, and jurisprudence. Psychology and ethology in all their directions study how behavior is manifested in the actions, reactions of any living system, including humans. In jurisprudence, the behavior of an individual is considered from the point of view of the correspondence of human actions in relation to other people, animals, society, material values, the interests of the state. It is assumed that real human behavior should be regulated by laws, where following the laws is encouraged and violation is punished. There is reason to believe that fundamental scientific knowledge and the sciences derived from it are formed in the process of in-depth contemplation of any object, phenomenon, process and encourage the researcher not so much to evaluate them as to penetrate into the essence and create a model representation of it in a sign form, which, like knowledge, is not requires moral judgment.

However, the full cycle of human life includes the second type of direction of human actions, his subjective initiative actions to transform the world, society and himself. And if contemplation can occur at the level of satisfying one's own curiosity, then transformative actions must be correlated with the interests of other people, the laws of nature and social life. This necessitates the introduction of an evaluating component into the structure of a person's actions, who decides to apply the knowledge found in practice. According to S.L. Rubinstein, "an act is not every action of a person, but only one in which a conscious attitude to other people, to society, to the norms of social morality is of paramount importance."

Humanity as a phenomenon of a person's spiritual life, based on the materials of the book by V.D. Shadrikova, manifested in the form of virtues and vices, Good and Evil, and in real actions like love or hate, is ambivalent, Good and Evil are present in her. Humanity, according to V.D. Shadrikova, arose on the basis of instincts, which in the process of evolution from animals to humans also developed into separate manifestations of humanity: the sexual instinct grew into love; defensive instinct - in courage, courage; the instinct of sacrifice - into compassion, altruism.

Another source of humanity was legends, customs, thanks to which the identification of oneself with one's people was carried out. Humanity, manifesting itself in the struggle between good and evil, egoism and altruism, ultimately acts as a victory of good over evil in a specific act and in the entire personality structure. The expression of humanity is spirituality, the main source of which is the awareness of oneself and one's relationships with other people, the awareness of one's own benefit and rejection of it in the name of another. The formation of spirituality was influenced by the fact that since ancient times a person was formed under the influence of the morality of faith and secular morality. The moral of faith is formed in the form of fear of punishment before God for moral evil. In secular morality, spirituality is correlated with the ideas of freedom, equality, justice, patriotism, that is, ideas for which a person is ready to give his life or sacrifice valuable, if they are personally significant to him.

  • 1. Good, like evil, is an ethical characteristic of human activity, people's behavior, and their relationships.
  • 2. Good and evil are the most general ideas of people, containing comprehension and assessment of everything that exists: the state of the world order, social structure, human qualities, motives of his actions and results of actions.
  • 3. The main properties of the manifestation of good and evil are in universality, concreteness, subjectivity, relativity and unity of confrontation.
  • 4. Humanity is the ratio of the manifestations of a person's virtues and vices.

Practical part

Good and evil are fundamental categories of ethical consciousness, on the content on which spirituality and all ethical concepts depend. Humanity as a phenomenon of a person's spiritual life, manifesting itself in the form of virtues and vices, Good and Evil, and in real actions like love or hate, is ambivalent, Good and Evil are present in it. The study involved confirming the hypothesis.

Hypothesis: Manifestations of a positive attitude towards the outside world and good deeds of people determine the coefficient of humanity.

Purpose: To determine the level of manifestation of good and evil as a factor of humanity.

  • 1. To study the concepts of "Good and evil" in different cultures and at different historical stages of the formation of society.
  • 2. To highlight the properties and manifestations of "Good and Evil" in the life of people and society.
  • 3. Conduct a psychological study to determine the level of good and evil as a manifestation of the coefficient of humanity.

Research object: manifestations of good and evil.

Research subject: coefficient of humanity.

Respondents: adolescents 15 - 18 years old, teachers - 12 people.

In total: 84 people (pupils of grades 8-11 and teachers of the secondary school №9, Angarsk).

Research methods:

  • · 1. Theoretical: analysis, systematization.
  • · 2. Empirical: questioning, testing.

The criterion for the assessed behavior can be the level of humanity of an act in conditions of situational manifestation. The level of humanity is determined by the difference in the manifestation of virtuously assessed actions and actions assessed as vicious, contrary to accepted norms.

The level of humanity (high, medium, low) in accordance with these justifications can be individually recorded in the form of a quantitative indicator using the "Good-evil" test [Appendix # 1]. Behavior at the philosophical level is defined as "a system of interrelated actions carried out by the subject in order to implement a certain function and requiring his interaction with the environment." When assessing real human behavior, external and internal regulators of behavior are determined. External should be understood as social, group, individual norms and values ​​of culture, subculture, where a person is prescribed in a given situation a certain type of behavior, a particular way of achieving a goal. Internal needs and motives of activity are understood. The internal regulators of behavior should include value orientations, attitudes, a system of value meanings, as well as psychological characteristics of a person. Virtuous actions correlate with those traits (properties, characteristics) of the personality that are given in ethical sources as positively assessed: dignity, spirituality, responsibility, justice, bashfulness, altruism, mercy, tolerance, impartiality, selflessness, etc. Vicious actions correlate with such traits as malice, greed, envy, laziness, pessimism, rancor, vanity, conflict, jealousy, treachery.

The experimental test "Good and Evil" by Professor L.M. Popov from Kazan State University was most suitable for the study, since it was developed and tested on university students, and also directly reveals the evaluative features of people's attitudes to other people. The test identifies superficial, deep and core manifestations of Good and Evil in a person's personality. Humanity coefficient is determined by the difference between the sum of Good and Evil, i.e. according to the formula: DZ = sum A (manifestations of Good) - sum B (manifestation of Evil) or DZ = Sum A - Sum of GV (deep manifestations of Evil). We calculated the results using the first formula recommended by the author of the test in his book.

The research results are presented in the table:

The testing was attended by students 8 "a" - 27 people, 10 "a" - 23 people, 11 "a" -22 people of classes and also 12 teachers of our school, a total of 84 people took part. Testing was conducted during class hours. Analyzing the results, we noted that the manifestation of the studied characteristics did not depend on the age of the schoolchildren, but the teachers showed a higher coefficient of manifestation of goodness and, in turn, humanity. Thus, we got the results and see that women, in view of their characteristics (femininity, gentleness), turned out to be a little kinder than men, regardless of age. But in general, the results showed that the coefficient of humanity is high (test): men - 94% (average and above average - 25%), women - 93% (above average - 61%). Above the average level was shown by 50.5% of those tested.

We have developed a questionnaire to find out if the subjects consider themselves to be kind people: Do you consider yourself a kind person? Yes - 61%, I don't know - 30%, No - 9%. We consider the answers to be objective, because everyone wants to be better and kinder in their souls. The results of the answers were generally in line with the results of the test. To find out which works of art teach goodness and influence a person, we asked the following questions: The most famous literary work, where there is a confrontation between good and evil: M. Bulgakov Master and Margarita. 51%. The most joyful event in a person's life: the birth of a child - 75%, Love - 81%, a good salary - 83%. The kindest work: Russian folk tales - 78%, Bible 35%.

  • 1. Manifestations of Good and Evil determine the level of humanity.
  • 2. Manifestations of Good and Evil in a person's life do not depend on age or gender.
  • 3. Pupils and teachers of the secondary school №9, Angarsk have a level of humanity above average.

We all use such concepts as good and evil, but what does each of you mean by these words? After all, each person has his own personal good and evil. Although very often opinions may coincide with other people, because we are all brought up and educated in the same society, albeit in different layers. So, what is the depth of immersion in delusions about good and evil for each of us? In this article I will touch upon a topic that is in front of everyone's eyes, but many do not realize it, do not see it, or do not want to see it. What is the depth of immersion in the illusion?

I would like to figure out what evil really is. Let's just reflect on this topic. There are several options, let's take the first that comes to mind.

Evil is the absence of good.
Evil is the low-vibration world and the entities or people that fill it.
Evil is the flip side of good.

To begin with, let's take at least three of the most common versions.

Evil is the absence of good

In other words, the supporters of this version argue that what is called evil is actually emptiness. For clarity, it can be compared with light. Light is the presence of a stream of photons, and darkness is its absence, much the same with evil. If there is no good, then there is emptiness in this place, that is, there is evil.

In order to understand what it really is, you need to somehow define what is evil. In the realm of feelings, resentment, anger, hatred can be called evil, well, at least we will take these three as an example. In my opinion, this is evil in its pure manifestation, all of the above feelings have one main feature: they destroy, so they are evil.
If we take these manifestations as one of the manifestations of evil, then this is not an absence, because we feel them as a strong emotion, a flow of energy. In other words, there is a physical quantity as a flow of energy, which means that the option with the absence did not fit. For fidelity, you can take another manifestation of evil in a physical version, in other words, war, murder, violence, I think, can be safely attributed to manifestations of evil. I think that no one will argue with the fact that here, too, we are not talking about emptiness. In each of the above cases, there is an object that carries destruction.

Evil is a low vibrational world and people filling it

In my opinion, this option is well suited, for the most part, people carrying evil look something like this. For the most part, these are evil selfish creatures, they do not know how to create in the global sense of the word, for everyone. Consciousness of them at a primitive level, if he liked something, he tries to take it over his head, if he doesn't like something (does not fit into his picture of the world) then it must be destroyed.

Evil is the other side of good

In other words, it is simply a choice, or a balancing structure in relation to good. In this version, each person is both one and the other. He just keeps balance or deliberately leans in the chosen direction.
But if a person is not stable, his father-in-law does not have enough will and endurance, then situations that are unpleasant for him throw the person into a state of evil, touchy irritable. Man becomes a source of destruction - evil. But when the same person is restored, balances his mental state, is filled with energy, strength, he becomes kind. Rather, he has the opportunity not to be annoyed with the people around him. But then what happens? This person is evil by nature, but by volitional effort he transfers himself into a state of good and keeps himself in this state until he has enough strength to curb his inner demon.
I want to remind you that people degrade when faced with insurmountable obstacles. They return to the beginning of their development, and do not fall into enlightenment and holiness. This reflects the essence, the nature of man. But we remember that a person consists of 3 main components, body, personality and soul, so who is the leader in a person? Who is in charge?

Back to the topic, what is good then?
What should be a person who, according to everyone's opinion, will be good? Is a person helping everyone around? But to dig deeper, then in almost any help you can find either total destruction or at least these notes. But here I will not continue, let these words help you come to your own conclusions.

In conclusion, I want to give a reason for reflection.
Everything that our civilization does destroys the environment, any artificially made object that we touch is created at a factory that, in addition to producing products, throws hundreds of thousands of tons of various waste into the world, destroying our planet. Also, for the plant itself and the creation of transport routes to it, huge spaces of wildlife were polluted and destroyed. Plus factories for the production of components. This is only the most obvious in human manifestation.

Well, since we found ourselves in such an environment, in this ready-made civilization, what should we do? We are a part of it, and our life is negligible against the background of all civilization. Yes, personally, most of us most likely did not make the decision to build a plant for the sake of profit. But demand creates supply, we are all consumers, giving birth to new and new factories. And our consumer inclinations for the most part are formed not by necessity, but by envy, greed, and the desire to stand out, to boast.
Do not agree!?
Then the question is, how often do you change phones and why, wallpaper in apartments, cars, clothes… .you change your phone because it fell apart in half because of old age, or a car…. or clothes?

No, I do not urge you to go to the caves and live by the fire eating frogs. I'm just talking about good and evil. We are part of a system that is inherently evil for the world around us.
But even for us people, it is not good, it destroys us in the same way.

A question for reflection, what living creature do you know that would bring such large-scale destruction to the surrounding world? Or at least some significant ones.

What can we do about it, since we are born in this world? Each of us reading this post. We cannot change the world, but we are able to change ourselves, the person of which this civilization consists.
What is goodness to you?

Here is one reason for reflection, For the Tyumen people.
Remember 10-15 years ago what you saw in the morning after a proud day? The asphalt was not visible from the debris, bottles of paper cans lay in a layer of 10-15 cm throughout the city, all the streets were clogged with this ... ... and what now. This means only one thing, changes are possible!

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Evil is a combination of negative character traits and human emotions such as Vanity, Destruction, Violence, Fear, Hatred, Aggressiveness, Anger, Envy, Anger, Dependency, Indifference.

Evil, like Good, can be manifested in millions of forms and shades, but in order to learn to recognize it and not fall for its tricks and temptations, you need to understand well the essence of Evil and know what is the antidote. Evil appears where there is no light or very little of it

Manifestations of Evil:

Negative thoughts, reactions, emotions, anger, hatred, aggressiveness, envy, laziness, greed. These manifestations lead to human and personality destruction and suffering. As a result, to negative consequences, punishment and death.

All kinds of bad habits: rudeness, alcoholism, drug addiction, backbiting, all types of dependence, licentiousness, prostitution are the classic manifestations of Evil.

The Components of Evil

Violence violent transformation of any energy, object or process against their will.

Hatred- purposeful destructive energy impact and targeted energy impact on the object of hatred.

Fear- negative emotional reaction of a person to unknown or known events.

Aggressiveness- a destructive negative impact or manifestation of both physical activity and other type of energy on the object of hatred.

Anger- human condition, emotional release of aggressive energy for maximum destruction on the target.

Envy- the state of human suffering, both moral suffering and physical, at the sight of the successes of other people or living beings. Envy manifests itself in the form of an improvement in mood or an increase in the energy state due to the Suffering of other people or living beings. Most often these are energy vampires.

Anger, anger- a short emotional state of the simultaneous presence of fear, aggression, anger and envy. Anger is a negative emotion that arises as a specific response to a situation.

Lack of freedom- a state of inability to choose actions. The state of a person bound by Fear. Dependence on external circumstances and internal attitudes.

Indifference- closedness in the manifestation of emotional responses and the loss of the value of something meaningful, good and truly valuable.

Places where Evil settles

Evil dwells where there is no Good. Evil replaces Good at critical moments, sometimes settling for a while, and sometimes forever.
Evil is capable of destroying EVERYTHING, but people who have protection in the form of the absence of flaws, approaching the ideal, are practically protected. Why practically? There is no guarantee of protection against the evil of external influences.

Methods and fight against the Evil within oneself

Fighting Evil is necessary to gain strength. The fight against Evil is necessary for the knowledge and prevention of evil in oneself, it requires great strength and the absence of Evil in oneself.

The expediency and use of Evil is the development of people through the firmness of Character and the Inner core and Courage.

Variety of Evil

Evil has as many manifestations as good, and can enter any consciousness and life - from our thoughts, motives, goals, methods to momentary reactions and way of life. The most important thing to understand is that Evil is what destroys your inner Self, Body, Mind and Light feelings.

Evil is always the enemy, no matter what a person thinks to himself and no matter how he justifies Evil. because, we have different nature with him, or rather the opposite. The Soul has a divine nature, light, and Evil is a program of destruction of everything divine.

How is Evil manifested in a person and in life?

Evil manifests itself in the form of negative behavior, aggression, words that destroy and oppress other people, causing them suffering and pain.

Evil manifests itself in the form of destructive actions and negative actions - different types of crime: drug trafficking, direct violence or destruction, murder, theft, war. Self-harm, both through bad habits and direct violence.

Evil manifests itself in the form of destruction of one's own destiny or the destiny of another person.

Fight against Evil

To realize Evil, its structure, all the causes and consequences of the emergence of Evil, both in oneself and outside, is a very difficult task.

Evil, hiding behind all sorts of masks of justification, takes root in the consciousness of Man and replaces good. Man actually becomes the hand of Evil and is ruled by this Evil.
Not everyone can see its manifestations in the life of society and people, hiding behind the guise of good. Evil is perfectly disguised. A place where there is no Love - Hatred arises, where there is no Fearlessness - there is Fear born, where there is no Kindness - Anger replaces it.

Can Evil Be Defeated?

Evil can be defeated and must be defeated. This is a serious job with a Coach. Self-correction is possible only within certain limits.
To reduce the likelihood of the occurrence of Evil within you, do so that there is as much Good and Light as possible inside you and around you.

The fight against evil is a separate big topic - what is the fight against evil, you cannot fit everything into one article, there will be a continuation!

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The inevitability of the manifestation of evil.
13.06.2006 14:18.
If a person has some internal properties of his soul and his character, then he will definitely show them, in his life, in connection with need and interest, desire, striving and attraction. Depending on the surrounding reality.
And since one can live only at the expense of the other, then the manifestation of evil is inevitable.
Whoever suffers from one type of evil, manifests another, not considering it evil - but somehow you have to live.
The inevitability of life in the world of the inevitable manifestation of evil.
And what about all this? Especially when evil drives you into a dead end and into a situation of its inevitable manifestation and suffering from it. Or maybe put an end to such a life? What is now often resorted to.
Moreover, the more aspirations, towards non-manifestation of evil, the more it tempts and influences, influences and drives into the inevitability of its manifestation. The system of spirits that rule over the souls of people strictly keeps each soul within the framework of its own system. It is impossible to break out of it. Even if you end this life.
If you say to yourself, I will not do this, but I will do this, then you will do the opposite a hundred times. And the more you manifest evil, within the framework of reason, the greater the success. Within the framework of reason, these are the properties and types that the system allows.
The worst thing is to be in the dark and guesswork, which are always deceiving. And therefore, enduring evil, all the time you console yourself with the thought: everything that is not done is done for the better, if only it does not get worse. But it won't get any worse, and such consolation is only for the evil system, and it plays into the hands. You console me, I think differently: yes, everything will pass anyway. And death will surely come. But even that there is no consolation, because after death the demons in hell will harass even more.

06/13/2006 Paradoxically incomprehensible question about the reincarnation of souls. If the soul is immortal, why does it need a mortal body in order to incarnate into it?
On the other hand. How does a mortal body give birth to an immortal soul?
The answer can be found if you do not approach the question critically.
For example, a spirit striving for manifestation forms material structures. Manifested spirit, by someone. What for? Again. The question will not find an answer if it is posed in this way. And how to put it and whether to put it at all.
Why strive for life that should not live? After all, a person is born for torment. Whoever lives for his own pleasure, then torments in hell. And who is suffering here, how can you call it life? A world of inverted states. Why and who needs such a world? But the world exists. Living beings - animals, plants, insects, etc. and people, each with their own worries, problems, experiences, diseases. A man is born from a sexual urge, and where can he go? To survive and live you must consume. And what is consumed is also alive. Hence, it must be killed for consumption, manifesting evil. And the inevitability of the manifestation of evil, not only for physical, material needs, but also spiritual. And much more, even the main one - spiritual.
Manifestations boil in all directions, and the prospect is the same - death. Nobody needs a sick, evil world, but it exists. And its meaning is primitively one. Having been born, give birth to their own kind, die. Life is lived, not without the manifestation of evil. Why joy if it is replaced by grief? Why life if it is for death. Why all kinds of teachings against evil, if they are impracticable, due to the inevitability of its manifestation, inherent in nature. And no matter how much you study them, no matter how much you accumulate knowledge, no matter how much you try to fulfill it, you still cannot succeed in order to live without the manifestation of evil. Repentance. But it is also impossible. Because it is impossible to change your nature.
Well, is it hopelessness? Yes.

The spirit carries information. Consciousness chooses information. Will governs consciousness, consciousness governs will or spirit.
Love, if it seeks to receive something, generates, forms evil.
Love and expression of love.
Any desire causes low-frequency vibrations (the desire to absorb spiritual energy) desiring itself from someone. Inconsistency of desires causes discontent and condemnation.
Fluctuations in the frequency of spiritual energies. Period of hesitation. Wave or waveform.
High consciousness and lack of conscience is the service of evil. Conscience in the absence of consciousness - the impossibility of explaining remorse.
High level of consciousness and intelligence. Consciousness will not give intellectual development if it sees in it the development of the properties of evil. Intellect is high, there is no consciousness.
If desires control the direction of consciousness, then consciousness is at a low level. Or. If the level of consciousness is low, then it is controlled by passionate desires. At a high level of consciousness, it controls all inner desires.

14.06.2006 14:30.
The fundamental basis of temptations and adversities on the part of Satan may be that if Satan sends demons to something that touches, then something also hurts Satan. Of course, this can be completely incomprehensible.
Well then. I still do not understand: why did they drag Christ to throw him into the abyss? So He hurt them, causing discontent, and demonic rage flared up in them.
Luke 4:28 Hearing this, everyone in the synagogue was filled with rage 29 and, getting up, drove him out of the city and led him to the top of the mountain on which their city was built in order to overthrow him; 30 but he passed in the midst of them and departed.
Is it demonic rage? Demonic could not be, because all demons were submissive to Christ. Who is the rebellious? Probably the one who tempted Him in the wilderness? Devil? Yes.
It is difficult to navigate the terminology.
At first. Are the devil and the devil the same thing or not?
Secondly. Satan and the devil, in the Gospel, are kind of the same thing.
So Christ could not tame their fury. Why? Because it was the rage of people like Himself, which was aroused in them by the spirit, by the action of which they formed their beliefs. The spirit of the father of lies. This means the Devil. The convictions and affirmations of Christ come from the action of the Holy Spirit.
Discontent has a double course of action. Summoned by the spirit of the devil, and summoned against it.
Yes, of course you can get confused here.
Therefore, it should be noted that a person's dissatisfaction arises in connection with the fact that contradicts his ideal, his conviction.
The discontent of Christ, against the merchants, could not have been caused by a satanic, demonic or devilish spirit. But the very quality of dissatisfaction with Him was manifested. Can't stand it, purely humanly? Don't know.
One thing is certain. People, in the stubbornness of their conviction, could not accept the teachings of Christ and therefore got rid of Him. He could not tame their rage, because you cannot force love, and if the human will is subordinated to the satanic one, then it is also impossible to change the direction of submission, without the consent of the person's free will. Satan's will has the power of compulsion. God's will is chosen only freely. Not according to the established rules and laws, but according to the property and principle of God. the basis of which is that God only gives everything and does not require anything and does not take, does not take for Himself. Hence the fact that He does not require for Himself either someone's love or even that someone should strive to fulfill His will. Proceeding not from desire, but from a fundamental property. In contrast, Satan strives for everything for himself.
Therefore, the cup of Christ, for which He prayed, could not pass. She would have passed Him if the people who decided to get rid of Him changed their minds. But they were moved by the spirit of Satan - this is their free choice. And if God only gives everything, then his meaning and action are not in that, so that someone does not take what He gives. People did not want to accept His will, but accepted Satan's, which means that they did not need Christ either. And since they don't need Him, why should He stay? There was simply no one for Him to stay for. People had their own requirements, desires, intentions and aspirations that did not coincide with Christ's direction.
And how interesting the situation now looks when they continue to crucify Christ on the cross and ask Him for mercy and forgiveness of their sins. Forgiveness for the fact that they crucified him, and He would, pouring His Blood, wash them with Her and prepare a place for them in His Kingdom. Truly, the situation of Pushkin's old woman, yearning for the dominion of the sea.
Satan did not deny God so that God would return him to Himself. How do those who serve Satan desire the Kingdom of Heaven for themselves? How can those who do not cease serving Satan, with their spirit of pride, desire good for themselves from God, opposing Christ, ask Him for salvation?
Therefore, the end of the world does not come, because the will of people is directed not at the end of the evil world, but at saving it. Desiring the salvation of the evil world, they are constantly postponing the dates of its death. Two thousand years have passed, and people are still trying to equip this evil world. And everyone begs God that He does not show His anger. But, no matter how much the terms are extended, what is foreseen in the prophecies will certainly come true. And what is the actual difference if the end of the world happened earlier or happens later? And if earlier, then how much evil would not have been manifested. And so, the evil world continues to exist and its evil continues to manifest and improve.
Monks complain about the renunciation of the world, but this does not happen. And how can you renounce what you live for and in what?
Some succeeded in renouncing the world, but with what efforts, with what torments of torture and self-torture. And that is partial. Only the martyrs, whose heads were cut off, were completely successful in the abdication. And then. Monks and hermits renounced the evil world and prayed for its salvation. Paradox. Either I understand something wrong, or I know it wrong.
Everyone is trying to make the wicked world not wicked. But this is unreal. Many predicted the end of the world, but this did not come true.

Why in illness do they want recovery, and not death? In order not to stop, but to continue to manifest evil? Those who had a chance to be corrected and returned from the afterlife. And others - to live as long as possible, to manifest evil as much as possible, within the will of Satan, and to tempt and torture others as much as possible and for a long time.
All want deliverance from suffering, and give birth to new offspring for suffering.
We all hope that God will settle everything, but we ourselves live according to the principles of the opposite god.
Materialists hope for the ideological construction of a system that will solve all problems. Everything is for the sake of the future, but the future is coming, and everything is not as it was done for the sake of it. A generation passes without waiting for what it was striving for. The next comes, and again builds its own - for the sake of the future. And it does not come again. But people grow old and die in the hope that their offspring will live better. Well, someone lives better, someone does not, but the basic principles and properties of evil are always manifested and fulfilled, and this will always be so, in the world, for this arisen. Why arisen and not created? Because God could not create an evil world. And if Satan, who is in charge here, cannot do anything at all. So it arose, by itself, as a result of certain actions and manifestations.

16.06.2006 8:45.
How do you say: Glory to God, if you were treated in such a way that there is no limit to indignation, regret and annoyance? Only Job could say: God gave, God took…. But it was not God who took it, but Satan. And Christ, in general, teaches that everything is only to give. And how to live if you lost everything, and even the last was taken away? And no perspective is visible. Suffering is indispensable here. And Job also suffered. How he suffered, you will not wish the enemy.
And suddenly, something like this happens to you. I counted on help and support, but got a bummer on deception. And I lost the last one too. The mood is not the best. An agonizing sorrow overcame the soul.
How so? After all, I wanted it to be the best. And why do they do this? And why should I attack this? - so thoughts are twisting, stirring up the soul and finding no way out. The fact that I was afraid of everything also befell me. Yes, there is no time for joy and no time to thank God. Only one who lives like cheese in butter can make such recommendations to rejoice in sorrow. And how will he overtake himself, so where are these recommendations? Complaints, discontent, indignation, curses, thirst for punishment of the offender, and pour from the offended soul. Everything is forgotten, nothing is needed - only one thought, which is the most important. And the world does not exist, but there is only one problem, only the situation in which you find yourself, the most important.
So it turns out that theory is one thing, but how it touched itself is quite another. Why?
Because when you think that you can fulfill some commandment, you deceive yourself that you do not know what level of consciousness and strength of mind you have in order to overcome the strength of the impending misfortune. And what to teach others if you do not know yourself. And here it is no longer important that you know a lot, but that you cannot accomplish anything. So it turns out that there are many smart and scientists, but there are no wise ones. Or, there are many scientists, but there are no smart, conscious ones.
But knowledge is necessary. It is necessary to study and comprehend all kinds of knowledge. And you also need to teach, but only in front of yourself. You learn the theory and teach yourself in practice, studying your capabilities and all those properties that are manifested in a given situation, in a given situation.
Seeing the calamity of another person, you think: well, why is the poor fellow thinning out, tormenting and tormenting himself? What's wrong with that? Yes, he spat on everything and live merrily. Etc. And how did you touch yourself !? Here it is, those on!
So why, in that case, where, theoretically, one should rejoice and rejoice, according to one's own conviction, sorrow, anguish, torment and torment practically pile up, that the white light is not nice, that it would destroy all villains and enemies. And even if you know yourself, it will still be so.
The basis of the cause is in the innate properties of good and evil, and the level of consciousness. The wolf will not eat grass, no matter how forced. Different people react differently to the same situation. It is impossible to reincarnate yourself. You can only control the consciousness, everything that happens to the soul. If the level of consciousness is low, can it be raised?
Any learning is successful in the accumulation of knowledge, within the limits of the possibility to accumulate it. The area of ​​knowledge is selected according to opportunities, abilities and interest. But what to do with the level of consciousness, I do not know. Probably because if consciousness controls everything, then how can it control and define itself? And if a person begins to determine his level of consciousness, he will certainly overestimate it. The level of consciousness will be determined from the extent to which one or another practical life situation will be realized, in accordance with the available knowledge. And if consciousness manifests itself above the predominance of feelings, then its level is higher than the forces that cause these feelings. If they hit on the cheek, and turned up the other, although the feeling is extremely unpleasant, it means that he fulfilled the commandment by the power of consciousness.
And if you could not fulfill, even if you knew about it and thought that you would fulfill it, then the next choice in the definition will depend on what, whether you will justify yourself in why you did not fulfill it, or you admit your worthlessness. Further, recognizing your worthlessness, you will calm yourself down with this, or you will work out the situation in the direction of fulfilling the commandment. Well, I could not, yes, the guts are thin. Why? Weak. But there is no grudge against the offender. Or is there? Here's another step in the definition. And so on.
There is no point in determining your level of consciousness for yourself and for others. But to see in a real-true sense, how consciousness reacts, and what choice it makes is necessary. And if the course of the choice of consciousness coincides with the practical fulfillment of Christ's commandments, then its level is high. If consciousness determines the benefit and benefit only for itself, then such a choice is not made by consciousness. Such a choice is made by the mind, in the direction of satisfying its needs, in their minimum prosperity or to the maximum. But the size of the rational is what makes consciousness. Those. minimum sufficient.

So it is clear that the state of a person is determined by the manifestation of his internal properties, depending on the situation. So what? This concept will change neither the form, nor the image, nor the properties, nor the course of these manifestations. Inborn spiritual properties, manifest instinctively. Physical instincts are learned. What are spiritual instincts?
Inborn spiritual properties are spiritual instincts. But psychology does not allow such a concept, believing that a person acquires all spiritual properties through education.
Spiritual inheritance determines spiritual instincts.
If there is a spiritual instinct, then there must be a spiritual reflex? Yes. This is a reaction, a response to the influence of one or another property of the spirit. The heart reacts.
A physical reflex is developed when the same action is repeated many times. A spiritual reflex is developed in the formation of beliefs and statements. If you coincide with a belief, a positive reaction arises, if you disagree, a negative one. With numerous repetitions of the influence of the same spirit, a spiritual reflex is also developed. The spirit is perceived by attention, and the heart reacts. Or the spirit is perceived by the heart and reacts with its state and feeling, unconsciously.
Physical instinct determines needs. The need for striving for life, for procreation.
Spiritual instinct determines spiritual needs.
If one does evil to another, then it is his spiritual need. To manifest certain properties of evil is the need of the soul laid down, determined by spiritual heredity.
The satisfaction of spiritual needs determines the desire for religion, art, creativity, etc.
If a person, in his good intention, begins to implement it and if someone starts to interfere with him, then he turns on him the principles of evil instinctively embedded in him in order to stop or get rid of the obstacle.
16.06.2006 13:31.
Finding fault, digging, pestering, accusing, condemning, etc., is also a spiritual need.
The inevitability of the manifestation of evil lies in the fact that every living being that manifests evil, manifests it, according to his need, instinctively.

16.06.2006 17:50.
If someone has the ability to express deeply a thought, it does not mean that there will be those who will understand everything just as deeply and correctly.

Everything that is not done is done for the better, if only it would not be worse. Or.
Everything that is not done is done for the better, even if it becomes bad and will be even worse.
You won't live more life, you won't go further than death, you won't take everything you accumulate here with you.

How can it be that the road to hell is paved with good intentions?
Let's say one person borrowed money for another to help him with his problem. And he decides not to give them away. And so it happened that the one who gave the money paved the way to hell for the one who took it. Whoever gave the money and did not receive it back, of course, suffers and worries, but there is no sin in that. For whoever loses does not manifest evil. But the one who takes and does not give, commits a sin, because he deceived. And the one who gave should have more suffering, not because he lost what he had to help another, but because he led him into the temptation to sin. Will it be easier for the one who has sinned because the one from whom he took and did not give him up will forgive him and wish him all the best and every success? It will not be if it does not repent. It will be better for the one who gave. Because the sin is not in the hurt inflicted, but in the desire for evil to the offender.
The fact that death is inevitable is understandable. But, is it a need? For suicides, is. And for whom and for what? For evil. So that it stops the manifestation of the same species. After all, he needs to improve. Now, if Stalin had become incalculable? What would be the fate of the country now? Yes, probably the third world war would be inevitable. And if not, then people would just turn into zombies. And evil, the prince of this world, does not need this either. He needs fresh, energetic figures, constantly varying, sorting out various properties in the manifestation of evil. Life is in motion, not stagnant. Anything that stops is doomed to die.
If one person kills another, then killing is also his need.

17.06.2006 10:28.
Here is a man says: Lord, Thy will be done. And he himself implies the hope that it will be as he himself wishes.
If, for example, one person borrowed money from another, but he does not give it back. Well, of course, it's a nuisance. Yes, and what. And so, in the loss of hope for good luck, he begins to rely on God that He will help him and instruct the debtor to repay the debt. And he does not know at all that there is no will of God for that, and will not be, because Christ said:
Luke 6.30 Give to everyone who asks of you, and do not demand back from him who has taken yours.
And not that there was a desire to repay the debt, but in the very desire to repay it, there is no longer God's will.
This means that it will not have the power to ask and trust God to help in solving the problem, but to ask that God help fulfill His will. And this means that the very desire to repay the debt has disappeared. This means that the one who has borrowed and does not give up has a great need for that. His need and choice to be evil. And your choice, if you want to fulfill God's will, is not to manifest evil, under any circumstances.
Or they also say: yes, that there is, all the same, the Will of God for everything, in the intention to justify their sins and to justify the manifestation of evil.
All the benefits built on deception will be detrimental.
All the benefits built on deception, from greed, are bound to bring double damage. Greed robs the sense of proportion.
There are properties of evil of a pleasant feeling: flattery, seduction, vanity, etc. Are there any properties of decent evil? Oh sure. Pride, disguised as dignity, is the most decent quality of evil. Showy, hypocritical humility is also a property of evil, of a decent kind. The first is in the secular world, the second is in the church.

In general, it will continue to be so. When humanity completely moves away from direct communication with nature and will completely depend on centralized energy sources, this is where the main game will begin, to drive the torment out of human souls. For the prince of peace, there will be just a great thrill when life on the whole earth turns into a continuous blockade of Leningrad. 06/19/2006 15:42. Apparently, these are the times of the Antichrist, about which Christ says:
MF 24. 21 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, and will not be.
So, everything that was on earth is still flowers. Because, even with all the world wars, not everyone was in poverty, but many lived well. And the coming disaster will affect everyone, without exception.

19.06.2006 7:21.
Now, when everything is getting better after the period when the military confrontation was at its maximum, it is not even possible to believe and it is impossible to imagine what will happen, something like that or even worse. The spirit of this world will never give universal insight into the fact that real life is in God's pure World, and not in a sore. And until it gets sick and heals, life will continue in the form of cycles that history repeats.
So. Everything is under the control of invisible beings. Thoughts, feelings, assumptions, etc. Lie detector - rest. But people will invent and make a device that will remotely determine the entire inner essence of any person. The direction of such developments, just like everyone else on earth, will be inspired by none other than the same prince of the world to achieve their goals, as it were, under the guise of the need for the development of civilization.
Satan - the leader of the fallen spiritual universe - is the cause of the formation of sores and the development of disease.
The prince of this world is his servant on earth. Serpent, beast, devil, maybe they are one and the same, or maybe they are different, depending on the performance of different functions. Demons, demons, etc., all subordinate.
So life on earth not only reflects the events taking place in the invisible area, sphere, invisible world, but is also controlled from it. Moreover, each person is within a strictly defined framework, which is kept in accordance with the state and condition of the system at any given moment in time. There is freedom of choice, as a concept, but the choice is controlled and directed, in accordance with the direction of the will of a person, but in conformity with the management of the fallen system. Anyone who goes beyond the limits of the system's limitation in choice is forced into it, not by washing it by rolling. Or liquidate.
What about God? And God gave the commandments, and whoever fulfills them, he helps him. But the system, with all its might, prevents this, and under the guise of God's commandments imposes its own laws, distorting and replacing God, in its own way.
If, for example, a person decides not to resist evil and turn the other cheek when he is hit (spiritually), then he will be bullied to such an extent that he is forced to manifest evil. And he can resist only if he endures constantly, renouncing and renouncing everything earthly. And not just endured something, and passed, but constantly. And if relief and consolation comes, do not relax, because at this moment they, someone, demons, are preparing another attack. And they attack at that moment and in the place where you do not expect at all - and when you relax as much as possible, believing that everything is fine and will not happen again.
So, the system works approximately according to the following principles: first it gives, then it takes away; selects, then returns; the principle of accumulation and consumption of various types of energy. Redistribution and compensation. White stripe, black. Why? I typed, and if I did not give it voluntarily, they take it by force. And when they take it away by force, here it is a black stripe, because you don't want to give it away. So they give the opportunity to first recruit, as if for themselves, (because who will recruit for others), and then they take it away. He who gives himself lives in peace. But it doesn't work that way.
A system where one lives at the expense of the other, and everything is for one - the leader of the system - the prince of this world. Who, too, does not take everything for himself. Rather, he takes everything for himself, but they also take away from him.
Frankness, openness, sociability, an open desire for good for everyone, etc. give a lot of opportunities for demons to carry out adversity.
=. The concept - demons, also makes sense to separate, as demons - creatures, and as demonic spirits. For example, irritation is the influence and manifestation of a demonic spirit. At this moment, the person himself acts as a demon, manifesting the property of a demonic spirit. And demons, as creatures, are when they appear in different images, or when they are possessed by a person - an obsession. =
He who cannot take by force and deception, he secretly takes - steals.
Christ has great strength and therefore, during his earthly life, he openly went to the people. Hermits and hermits were separated from people in order to limit the temptation.
They are spiritual beings of the earthly world, they control and influence only as far as earthly problems are concerned, directing the course of events at their will. As for reflections not related to current events, at the moment, they can only interfere, distract and bring confusion, but they cannot hinder, stop or limit freedom. For an obvious example, we can say that during Stalin's life, nothing could be said against him. The control was carried out explicitly, over every person. But each person could reflect and think about the great leader, anything, as long as - without giving a pretense. But the invisible part of the control, all the time, provokes the secretly thinking person against the system to open up explicitly. And whoever did not distinguish it, blabbed and got caught. Now, about the former great leader, everyone can say anything they want, because the ruling force is different. And you can say anything about her, except the truth. But soviet rulers, even critics did not admit to their address. Now a little bit is possible, within the established political system, within the framework. Only serve the master faithfully, and you can laugh at him a little.
But the political system only cares about one thing. So that there were as many producing slaves as possible, at the expense of which it exists.
And the spiritual system also cares, only one thing. Spiritual energy of suitable properties and qualities for use, i.e. absorption for your food. So that there are as many slaves and servants as possible who generate this energy.
Servants are those who do not generate energy themselves, but provoke others to do so. Who lives well at the expense of others - by deception, theft, etc.
There are those who work out and provoke themselves - these are good ministers. Who does not live and does not give to others. Who are the slaves? All the rest who only work out. This is someone who does not want to do badly, but does, because he cannot, do only good all the time. Shows the properties of evil under the force of violent temptation, through weakness, ignorance, etc.
Most tempted are those who strive for God in the power of the spirit of true meaning.
Churchmen, sectarians, occultists and others, figures who desire the good and happiness on earth, all of them, also serve the fallen spiritual system of the earth and fulfill the will of the Prince.
The churchmen of all directions serve best of all, who, under the guise of serving God, serve the Prince. And many Protestants even carry out the mission of the Antichrist.
Who serves God. No one. Why? Because if Christ was not given, then what can we say about others.
The most that a person can do is to figure out what degree of evil he has in himself, and what he manifests. And that is relative. The absolute properties of good and evil can only be learned to distinguish and determine in oneself.
But, by self-determination, usually, the properties of evil are reduced to a minimum, and of good, to a maximum. Few see them in their true meaning. And no one wants to see in himself only evil and nothing good. Because it does not give the property of striving for excellence. And the stronger it is, the kinder the person is in his suspicious self-image.
And why the heck do we need all this? Yes, absolutely unnecessary. But where to go? We do not need the properties that we have, but we do have them. Who needs them then? To those who have these properties, we are forced to manifest. Properties of evil, disguised as good. And the property is that if a person does something good, he says - I did it. And if something is bad, then he says that the demon has advised. And in fact it is. A man will do something good, and the demon inspires him to boast of his good deeds. And when he boasts, the demon ascribes to himself all the good deeds done by a person. And he is left with a seductive vanity pleasure. And for the sake of this pleasure we are trying. We do good deeds and serve demons.
That is why Christ speaks.
Luke 17.10 So you also, when you have done everything that was commanded to you, say: we are worthless slaves, because we have done what we had to do.

The Prince of Peace shows everyone what will happen to those who want to act like Christ. And Christ says the same thing. You will have sorrow, you will be persecuted and they will kill you.
The one who reaches the Kingdom of God will be saved. Whoever claims that he will be saved, at the expense of the Savior, in vain deceives himself.
Thus, the prince of the world, all and bribes.
The prince of peace, under the influence of the spirit of Satan, seeks to preserve this world in order to exist at its expense. By converting dense physical types of energies into spiritual energies, convenient for feeding fallen beings. Gluttony in consumption and thirst for a large amount of energies of the evil range leads to the outbreak of wars.
People strive for the arrangement of this world, under the inspiring action of the prince of the world. The striving for creation, inspired by the prince, is necessary in order to have something to destroy.
So, one more conclusion is a postulate. Living beings on earth are needed to transform energies. Physical to spiritual.
And I keep asking, but why the heck we all need this. Here is the answer to the question about the meaning of life. All organic life works to transform energies to nourish the respective beings.
Is organic life formed or created by the spiritual beings of the fallen region.
So what do you get in the final image? Satan, in the act of apostasy, began to separate or move away from God's world in an effort to form his own. Then that painful tumor arose - our universe. Of course, it did not arise by itself. And according to the principle of how this kind of disease arises and develops. For example, a boil. Or any other tumor. Figuratively, of course.
To feed on energy that God does not give, you must either create or look for other sources. One of them, probably out of many, exists on earth. It is difficult to fully grasp the mechanism of action of such a phenomenon. There are many disagreeing questions. One thing is clear. Spiritual beings create material ones to transform energies from material structures into spiritual ones or from dense matter to receive energy of a spiritual structure of the corresponding range. And in this case, the range of properties of evil. Here is a log burning. Its dense structure transforms into fire, giving off light and warmth. This is clearly a visual process. But who will explain it in detail? Here is a man living. Eats, grows, develops. But he still excretes something, besides impurities, of course? It turns out that yes. And that, yes, is spiritual energy.
The vampirism hypothesis is an attempt to prove something or justify something. What is it? Little things. Everything is built on the fact that some eat at the expense of others, or one feeds and lives at the expense of the other. A person must eat in order to live. He raises a cow, then kills her. Meat for yourself, the energy released as a result of the act of murder - to demons.
19.06.2006 14:25.
A person needs to eat in order to live. To eat, you need to get food. How much evil is manifested when a person gets food ?! It turns out that when obtaining food for himself physically, a person feeds evil beings spiritually. Is the manifestation of evil a necessity for a person? There is no need, but the inevitability of manifestation, yes. After all, in order for a person to exist physically, it is enough to eat and drink. And in order for a person to live a full life, he has much more needs. But why not implement them with good properties? Because, in order to meet needs by good means, good beings live in a good world, without evil. And in a wicked world, wicked ones. And if a person were not a transformative source for nourishing evil creatures, then he would not be evil. Would not display evil properties.
So is a person needed for himself in life, manifesting evil? No, of course not. And he is needed, not for himself, as a converter of energies, but for those who need these transformed energies. Spiritual energies of all properties that exist on earth.
Here, for example, is the Colorado potato beetle. So what? A beautiful harmless insect. Eats, reproduces, dies, leaving offspring. And there is no evil in him. But, because of him ... ?! E ..., B ..., on X ... and how much more, all that ...? So in the system for generating the corresponding spiritual energies, this little bug is of great importance.
So, is the manifestation of hatred for a harmless bug a necessity or a human need? No. But according to the property by which it was created, this manifestation is inevitable.
Another example. Here is a man who loves to chat. And suddenly for a long time he does not find someone with whom he could scratch his tongue. So what? Doesn't find a place for himself. My soul itches, things don't go, the mood is not right. Will it be a need for him to fulfill his desire? Maybe yes.
So, a person manifests some types of evil from the need, in such a manifestation, and some, according to their inner property, because they simply strive to manifest. In hearts and feelings.
A man came to the garden, and the beetles ate all the potatoes. The mood was good, but suddenly…. Well, why the heck would he express his displeasure, irritation and hatred? Yes, it is not necessary at all, neither for him, nor for potatoes, nor for beetles. However, he poured out his anger in the form: "your mother ...", and it became easier. And it became easier because the creature that expects such a manifestation from him and provokes him when he is lacking, has been nourished.
Why do men and women have such a different psyche? To complement each other? So everyone thinks. And in fact, not for that. And to provoke each other to manifest evil. Take the basis of procreation - sexual relations. Everything is on opposites. So how much evil is manifested on the desire to get closer, on the wave or need for the manifestation of love passions? So such a psyche was not formed as a result of evolutionary development. And it exists as a result of the action of the corresponding property of the spirit, so that the corresponding type of spiritual energy is generated. If evolution, then surely it would strive for a harmonious psyche, and not for a transverse one. And even if in the struggle for existence, everyone is for himself, but in the desire to procreate, why should such properties? Surely, they do not fucking need any married couple, but they have everything, without exception. And only in patience, sometimes some harmony is achieved. And patience is not a property of the instinct of procreation, and not even love passions, but a property of consciousness.

So. Life on earth was formed as a result of the influence of spiritual beings on matter, with the mapping of various properties of spirits, which have various corresponding images, into their corresponding types on earth.
The corresponding species, living on earth, transforms coarse matter into spiritual energy, necessary for the nutrition of those spiritual beings who have formed their species on earth.
This is the answer to the question: what is primary, spirit or matter? First, spirit is primary, and then matter, before the formation of life on earth. And then: First, matter is primary, and then spirit.
In a word. Spiritual beings create material beings in order to live off of them. Spirit forms matter, matter radiates spirit.
First, consciousness determines being, then being affects consciousness in order to provide being.
Is fire matter? Philosophy, you will understand, in its definitions. Some people separate matter and energy, others say that energy is also material. The thought is material. Although thought cannot be material, here is how energy can affect matter. Or materiality?
Here it is necessary to concretize the concepts.
Burn. MATTER, -and, well. 1. Objective reality that exists outside and independently of human consciousness. Forms of existence of matter. Live m. Nezhivaya m.
But spirituality is also an objective reality. And also existing outside and independently of human consciousness. Only materialists don't think so. Therefore, all their arguments are one-sided and flawed. But there is no point in contradicting them, and therefore we can add that everything in the universe is matter. And materiality and energies, and spiritual beings, and God. Fire too. Then let us separate matter from materiality.
=. Matter is everything that fills everything. Only with different degrees of density and different particle sizes, types of structure and with different types and properties.
=. Materiality is a kind of matter of a certain density.
Yes, of course, with this concretization, you can specifically confuse your head. But nowhere to go. We'll have to give definitions based on what is in the arsenal. And the arsenal is such that some extremes. Yes, here's how to combine them in a certain systematization, and the picture would become clear and understandable.
Energy carriers.
Here, take a log. Is it a carrier of energy? And the hell knows. If you ignite it, there will be fire until it burns out. And if they get kicked in the head? Oh ... oh. it is no longer a carrier, but a carrier, and extremely evil energy. The carrier is the one who suddenly decided to use the log to carry out his evil goal.
Okay, jokes aside. Let's take a radio wave. Do any particles participate in the existence of an electromagnetic wave? Here are the ones that came. They told me: teach physics at school as you should. So you, after all, it was lazy.
Why the heck I'm so buried. We need to simplify everything. There is an object and there is what it emits and what it absorbs. Everything. And on this basis, build all fundamental relationships. The task is simple. Explain, figuratively, the properties of good and evil. The reasons for the formation and the course of development. And where will it all lead. And what is there, particles or fields, but the fuck is needed.
Let's assume that all energy is immaterial. Energy is energy, and materiality is material. And the economy should be economical, as the great hierarch of the times of soviet stagnation said. It's still very simple. Oil is oily, iron is iron, water is wet, fire is hot, the spirit is evil or good. And if he is evil, then he cannot be good. And if he is good, then he will not turn into evil. One spirit can only be replaced by another. And just as one type of energy is transformed into another, so spiritual energies are transformed from one type to another. But the final or intermediate properties are unchanged. Fire can be of different types of flame, depending on what is burning. But it always gives off warmth. When the coals are smoldering, it is no longer fire, but heat is still generated. Light has color and power. Likewise, the properties of spirits differ in appearance and strength, from coarse to refined. From cruel to flattering and seductive.
The most powerful instinct for the prolongation of the race, of every living creature on earth, is for this purpose necessary for the forces of evil, so that, destroying, not to destroy everything completely.

Striving for excellence is one thing. Is it possible to prevent this by striving? How? Disobeying a proud man? Maybe if you don't become proud yourself. Therefore, pride can only not be shown, but it is impossible to stop. Christ could do nothing with the proud Pharisees, even though he taught and denounced them. And seeing the futility of his efforts, he told them all that woe to them. They dealt with Him so that they would not frighten him.

19.06.2006 21:45.
If we resort to elementary arithmetic, then we can estimate that, how many evil spiritual beings a person grows up in his life, by his radiation, as a result of the manifestation of evil properties, the same force will torment him forever after death. Only now it is not clear, is it really so? Or maybe someone alone, once confused and everyone began to inspire each other with intimidating lies in order to catch up terribly? Everything is painfully primitive.

Christ says:
11 But I say to you that many will come from the east and west and will lie down with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven; 12 But the sons of the kingdom will be cast out into outer darkness: there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 40 Therefore, as they gather tares and burn them with fire, so it will be at the end of this age: 41 The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will gather from his kingdom all the temptations and the perpetrators of iniquity, 42 and cast them into the fiery furnace; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth; 43 Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear!
... 49 So it will be at the end of the age: angels will come out, and separate the wicked from among the righteous, 50 and cast them into the fiery furnace: there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
... 11 The king, coming in to look at the guests, saw there a man who was not dressed in a wedding garment, 12 and said to him: Friend! how did you come in here not wearing a wedding garment? He was silent. 13 Then the king said to the servants: Having bound his hands and feet, take him and cast him into the outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth; 14 For many are called, but few are chosen.
... 49 and will begin to beat his comrades and eat and drink with drunkards, - 50 then the master of that servant will come on the day on which he does not expect, and at the hour at which he does not think, 51 and he will cut him open and subject him to one fate with hypocrites; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
... 28 so, take the talent from him and give to him who has ten talents,
29 For to everyone who has it, it will be given, and it will increase; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away. 30 Throw away the worthless servant into the outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Having said this, he cried out: He who has ears to hear, let him hear!
… 26 Then you will begin to say: we ate and drank in your presence, and you taught in our streets.
27 But he will say, I say to you, I do not know you, where you are from; depart from Me, all workers of unrighteousness. 28 There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, and yourself cast out.

However, there are quite a few passages from the Gospels about this. So this is not a primitive lie. And Christ does not frighten, but warns. And a lot. Therefore, arithmetic, although elementary, is correct. But who hears His warnings?

I, for example, only by irritation alone, how many demons I feed. They really won't leave me in posthumous peace. Here they torture and scoff, and then they will trample in hell, and there they will torture. What to do and where to go? What property, so is fate. Whom you serve is a servant. Repentance? Is it there? And where can I get it? And here, at least repent, at least no, innate properties cannot be reborn. Means what? Hopelessness? Yes. And then you can't say: why the heck is it needed? It is unnecessary, but there is. You want to get rid of it, but you can't.
The inevitability of the manifestation of evil and the impossibility of getting out, by its nature, for the multimillion masses of the people - this is that objective reality that neither philosophers nor psychologists talk about.

Militant spirit. Emanation. Evolution.
You can consider an anthill from the position of an ant, or you can look at it from the position of a person. So, basically, the world, a person considers, like an ant an anthill. If the world is not viewed from the position of an ant, then it looks much more extensive, and one universe is not limited, no matter how great it may be. To an ant, the entire globe will appear the same as the universe to us, but the universe is not limited to the earthly world.
So it is in the debate about evolution and emanation. Neither one nor the other is wrong, just as both are right. But both are limited, with a narrowed point of view. This is the nature of a proud person. And one person cannot accept equally two opposing sides. If you suppress pride in yourself, and consider everything not from within your ascending ego, but with an abstract gaze, outside yourself, then everything is seen differently. It's like an ant, flew on an airplane and contemplated the world from a height of flight. Provided, of course, if his vision allows him. Most are ants. There are those who manage
fly on an airplane, but do not have the opportunity to see what is happening behind the window. And only a few manage to look into it. Ahrenet! And that's all. Figuratively primitive, one can imagine the gaze of God on a person, as a person on an anthill. And if a person looks at the world from the perspective of God? Is this possible? If there was no pride, it would be possible. After all, man was created in the image and likeness of God. But no. Each I is of great importance to itself. And from the position of this importance, he sees nothing but himself.

20.06.2006 12:16.
Emaciated spiritual teachings lead to exaltation, temptation, and downfall. How? Here, for example, a person reads: how he should, and how he should, and decides to do so, not knowing either his strength, or his capabilities, or those inner properties of the soul that he has in himself. The perniciousness of all charters and rules lies precisely in the fact that they do not require knowledge about their insides. Do it, and that's it, and you will be saved, and your mother - the church will save you. With this approach, not hope is manifested, but arrogance, not humility, but humility, not love, but vanity and seduction, not faith, but self-confidence.
The properties of evil have all substitute forms and types that replace the properties of good. They even manage to replace holiness with church decency. It happens that a churchman who has not reached the level of holiness is considered a saint. I, of course, do not want to belittle the meaning of holiness, for truly saints. But the phenomenon of substitute holiness takes place and it should be said about it. This happens because of servility, excessive worship, hypocrisy and ostentatious recognition and worship of the churchman as a deity.
So, all the properties of good, on earth, have substitutions for the properties of evil. Exactly all, but not some and not the majority.
Depends on the direction of the manifestation.
If love for God is expressed, then to which God? To the One that is true in its meaning, or the one that is invented for their convenience? Or who is dogmatized, according to this or that course of convictions. And the dogmas are different for everyone.
Whoever confesses and preaches God, on the basis of his convictions, preaches, first of all, his convictions and himself. Protestants, for example, invented a Jesus that is not at all like the Gospel. And Orthodox clergymen, reading the Gospel every day, do not at all want to strive for what Christ teaches there, relying on church rules, which are also far from His teaching.
Substitutions are everywhere and in everything. And if it were not so, then everything would be much simpler. Here is God, and here is the devil. And so, for centuries they have not been able to give concrete definitions to all spiritual phenomena. There are, of course, definitions, but each with its own bias. And sometimes, to the opposite.
Okay, stop vilifying everyone and everything. Take it and give it a definition, and don't fucking talk about it. What a bummer? Is the intestine thin? That's it, that's it!
Love for real God is love for a far-fetched God.
Holiness is church decency.
Humility is humility.
Mercy is the giving of mercy for the sake of vanity.
Meekness is ostentatious modesty.
Hope in God is hope for the future.
Repentance is a formal confession.

Or maybe there is some property that is not substituted? Contest. Who will find - a prize: the road to paradise.
Faith. Can't there be a substitution? Yes, not only a substitution, but a lot of substitutions. What a person does not believe in, and, perhaps, there is not one who would live without faith at all.
Christ said: if you had faith the size of a mustard seed, mountains would move. For two thousand years, no one has moved a single mountain. This means that there is no faith that He spoke about. That is why he said: But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?

20.06.2006 16:41.
If a person is a diseased cell of the body, then how, and is it possible, to treat the disease? Does anything, in this regard, give a direction to the salvation of your soul? It is not possible to stop the development of the disease by manifesting evil. But this is possible only with the mortification of a passionate soul. Or all the passions of the soul. But this is also impossible, because, at least some needs, always remain. And in order to satisfy the need, it is necessary to absorb something. Physically it is food, spiritually it is spiritual energy. And in order to absorb something, it is necessary, it is something, somewhere to take. Where?
The first transformation - physical energy into spiritual - is getting satisfaction from physical labor. Sport, for an athlete, gives tremendous spiritual energy, in moments of victory, but it quickly disappears, dissolves for an athlete, because it is consumed by fans and demons of sports passions. And when an athlete becomes no longer an athlete, then he experiences a great yearning that there is not what he received before. Laurel crowns are replaced with a bath broom, and then wreaths at the grave. In an effort to experience the greatness of superiority, how much effort is expended? The irrepressible passion of the spirit of pride.
The second transformation is psychic to spiritual and vice versa. Art. Religions. Parties and organizations.
The greatest transformation of physical, mental, spiritual energies takes place during wars. Everything works to the limit and beyond the possible. This is why wars on earth have never stopped.
The third world war did not arise only because if it did arise, nothing would remain of the earth. And therefore, the prince of peace, seeing such a prospect, began to inspire people, programs and ways to establish peace. It is most unprofitable for him to lose land. But, it is impossible without wars. And so he will instill programs for the destruction of weapons of mass destruction. And if people accept these suggestions, then after everything is eliminated, it is unlikely that a world war will not unleash.
And not unleashing a world war depends on the potential of all-destroying weapons. As long as it is great, there will be no war. But general disarmament will also take place, and the unification of countries, and their division and wars, wars, wars.
This is the course of manifestation of those fundamental foundations for the sake of which life on earth was organized. The Earth is like a living machine, by transforming certain types of energies.
And with what kind of feeling can you live here, realizing that you feed demonic beings with your life to ensure their life? And seeing in that the whole meaning and aspiration of all living things on earth.
Only one desire is for death. But even then, realizing that she will not change anything.

29 To him that smacked you on the cheek, substitute the other, and to him that takes away your outer garment, do not prevent him from taking a shirt. 30 To everyone who asks of you, give, and from him who has taken yours, do not demand back. 31 And as you want people to do to you, so you do to them. 32 And if you love those who love you, what thanks do you have? for sinners also love those who love them. 33 And if you do good to those who do good to you, what thanks are you? for sinners also do the same. 34 And if you lend to those from whom you hope to receive back, what thanks are you for that? for sinners also lend to sinners in order to get back the same amount. 35 But you love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He is good to both the ungrateful and the wicked. 36, be merciful, as your Father is merciful.

Why does a person grow old and die? Because it wears out like a mechanism working in the transformation of energies. Physical to mental and vice versa.
Who is striving for a long life? One who has adapted to receive more than to give. Giving one kind, receiving another. Those who outwardly try to look kind and decent, but internally, they try to do everything only for themselves.
Diseases - breakdowns of the body, from the processing, processing of poor-quality energy; from a lack or excess of various types of energies. Or from a lack of some and an excess of other types and properties of energies.
The system, loosening, breaking and falling apart, strives for balance all the time. Where balance fails, crashes occur.
Those who begin to consume much more than the norms of the balance of the system are killed or die from diseases.
But why then Christ was killed, because he did not consume anything, but only gave. He upset the balance of the system, in which, first the manifestation of evil, and then the restoration from the destructive manifestation. And He upset the balance by bringing one good. So, an evil system does not need good, in such an amount.
It so happens that some die from wear and tear in working for the system, others from excess consumption, and others from imbalance, by activities against the system. Great people who are killed are taken out of the system to keep the balance.
So, something I'm confused. Not that.

So, there is a system in which everyone, striving for superiority, removes competitors.

21.06.2006 15:22.
External and internal manifestation of evil. Which intrinsic and extrinsic properties are more or less harmful?
Any virtue, for its own sake, leads the soul to destruction. Here are the ones on! Yes, that's how everyone lives. Why into destruction? Because, one thing is the satisfaction of needs, and another is the desire to take possession of all that is good. If it is a virtue, then surely for the sake of someone. If for oneself, then all virtue turns to harm. Because even though a virtue is done to someone, it takes it away, it doesn't matter to itself. And since it takes away, then it is no longer a virtue.
But everyone lives for themselves and for themselves. For your well-being, for your health. And they build churches for themselves. And if something is missing, then they ask God, for themselves. Well, how could it be otherwise?
A monk, shutting himself up in his cells, prays for his own salvation. But even though he does not manifest evil, he fights with his inner evil. And not a manifestation of evil - this is the best virtue on earth. And if he obtains what is needed for himself, then he does not take even that little from anyone. But such a life, and even in monasteries, is an exception, not as a rule. Some monks live no worse than average lay people, especially now. And cars and housing and so on have land. And they live off alms, doing nothing. Having evil in themselves and manifesting it, they convince themselves that they serve God, they have excuses for their sins.
OK. Again I rolled the barrel in condemnation. The system is the same. There is no other way.
In any case, monastic life is cleaner than secular life. And what church hierarchs do there, so in the family, not without its black sheep.
To me the main principles to reveal. And not roll the barrels.
This is the kind of paradox it turns out. That if you do good, for yourself, then this is death for the soul. And if you do not show evil, doing nothing, then this is the best virtue.
But a monk, in a cell, alone, works more than any worker. He doesn't let the demons eat. And for this they tempt him, and attack, and torture, and into despondency ... and bring him to despair. I mean real monks who live according to the spirit of fighting evil, and not according to the monastic rules. But there are very few such people. Because the spirit of this world is a service to evil, and not a fight against it.
The task of earthly life is to feed the demons. And if you don't feed, there will be no life.
Thus, living for ourselves, we think that we are living for ourselves. It turns out not.
And therefore the teaching of Christ is not fully acceptable, because it is against evil. And people, inspired by demons, strive for its manifestation and justification.

22.06.2006 9:15.
Two of the most intriguing questions. Life expectancy and prediction of the future.
You can answer them with a question: why the heck, is it needed? Not because these questions are uninteresting or useless, but because in all predictions there is no coincidence with reality. They try to push, pull one over the other, inspire what they want and deceive everyone, try to pass it off as real, etc., and events develop on their own. Predictions are inspired by the spirits of the system, who desperately need no one to know the future, and therefore false data are suggested. But if we reveal the fundamental logic of the system, then proceeding from the fact that one phenomenon follows another, according to this logic, then something can be spread.

The first is that in the system, all living beings are driven by the spirit of pride - the desire for superiority. And each of them, all the time strive to eliminate or subjugate and enslave competitors, in a destructive struggle.
Second. In order not to destroy the system completely, it is necessary to maintain a balance, both physical and spiritual. Empires are created and crumbled, created on a large scale and crumbled. One system is replaced by another. And such a tendency in the course of events is not due to the struggle for existence, as the materialists claim, but to the desire to achieve superiority. Any creature, possessed by the influence of the spirit of pride, strives for leadership, power, wealth, fame, humiliation, submission and enslavement of their own kind. Death replaces the dominant leaders. But each subsequent one has the same fundamental basis. But in order to keep the balance, one ruler achieves superiority in conquest and destruction, the other in restoration and creation. By the suggestion of the Prince of this World.
Death, two kinds. Natural and violent.
Natural premature death occurs in the event of a violation of the internal spiritual and physical balance. The reasons are very different and it is very difficult to systematize them. There are more questions than true assumptions. But accidents, as such, do not depend on anything. Spiritual beings must be involved. And if you distinguish between their fundamental basis, then maybe it will be possible to predetermine some kind of move. But how can you tell them apart if they are invisible? Therefore, it is better to leave the question for now. because in order to look for answers, it is necessary to tie up some demon to give information, and he, as always, will lie. And for God to help, you have to be holy.
Natural death due to old age is understandable without explanation, but the duration is different. What does this duration depend on? Now many are looking for an answer to this question, but there is only one answer: it does not matter how long to live, but for what to live. Moreover, after physical death, life continues.
Violent death. Murder and suicide.
Murders are committed for the same reason. Rivals, competitors, hindering, etc.
But the sanction and suggestion for suicide is also given by spiritual beings. Maybe even beings of karma. Yes, there are those who are not good, not evil, but serving the Prince of this World. Probably, it is their responsibility and task to monitor the balance of the system. But they are subordinate to the system, because it is ruled by the Prince of this World. He rules the world through demons, and those, in turn, through demons. Karmic beings can restrain demons and demons or give them a move, if something is related to balance.
=. Spiritual beings. All those that are, but are invisible to us.
Demons, those people who become unnecessary to the system, drive them to suicide. Those who, for one reason or another, were unable to conform to the system. And if he did not find protection and strength from God, then the demons, as they already have complete power over a person, drive him into a corner of hopelessness, and he lays hands on himself. There are also fanatics with a shifted psyche, such as shiza, but all of them are dominated by demons.
Is suicide really such a terrible sin as the churchmen represent it? And are there factors that justify suicide?
Suicide is considered a manifestation of cowardice. But a state of despair arises from the action of a demonic spirit. The natural desire and desire to get rid of this action, which gives such a state, and leads, unbelievers and few believers people, to suicide. But the church, at least once a year, but pray for baptized suicides. It means that all is not lost. But I would justify suicide, with a warning that it will not be easier anyway. There is a specific despair here. And if the demon is hooked, and leads to despair, then there is only one way out: to give him all the power of suffering, torment, torment in patience, with the thought that it will still pass, no matter how long it lasts. And the demon, when he is full, will let go and leave. All this is theory, of course, when to attack, thoughts are completely different. But the principle of action is just that.

There are periods of rampant devilry, when no karma has time to keep track of. Who got under the arm…. But everything is controlled by Himself, and the overall balance, although it reaches extremes, is maintained. Extremely extreme manifestation of evil, but not going beyond the limit.
Lazarev's diagnostics of karma shows some patterns according to which the beings of karma act. Only God, whom he calls to love, is the Prince of this World. He himself proves this very simply when he admits the concept of contradiction between God and the Holy Spirit. What he explains in his relationship between God and the Holy Spirit simply cannot be, according to the properties of the Holy Spirit, like Love, mercy, humility, meekness…. The very property of the Holy Spirit is Love. What kind of love and who else to love? This means that Lazarevsky's god is different. And what is the first commandment of Satan? Love me as I love myself. But the disturbed balance, according to Lazarev's method, is restored, people are recovering, the results are obvious, what else is needed? Nothing. That's what bribe. Lazarev himself, by the action of the same spirit, striving for superiority, also begins to be driven in places, if he is not already driven into arrogance. Every pimple, on the butt, strives to show itself that it is the navel of the earth. In general, a cunning move of the evil one. Under the guise of love for God, to call to love Satan, the Prince of this World.
The impact of spiritual beings on life on earth is fundamental, and not in the way people imagine themselves. Therefore, many questions have erroneous answers, but they suit people for each given historical period of life. For the manifestation of evil, within the established balance.
Sl. Golubev.
Karma is the central concept of all ancient Indian philosophy, the factor that puts pressure on the freedom to choose one's own destiny literally means "action". In a broad sense, karma is understood as the sum of actions committed by every living being and their consequences, which determine his fate, primarily the nature of his new birth and all further existence. According to mutually exclusive points of view, karma either constantly "hangs over the fate" of a person, or is only light
an incentive that allows you to make a correction of fate ("correction of karma"). (HF)
= KARMA-YOGA - in the ancient Indian teachings, achieving unity with the Supreme Soul through one's own actions. It is one of the ways to change karma. (HF)

Spiritual beings of Karma. Guardians of karma are creatures that monitor the balance of the manifestation of evil and good, within the framework established by the Prince of this World. So that evil does not lead to irreparable destruction, and the degree of pride does not exceed the degree of Satan himself. Good is determined by justice. That is, so that everything is smooth. The concept of the properties of forgiveness, mercy, humility are absent and are replaced by their corresponding ones. Mercy - give more to get more. Humility - humble yourself before the Prince of this World, the Supreme Soul. Humility is not like the absence of pride, but worship and admiration for the highest, superior. Whoever has achieved excellence, bow before him. Forgiveness replaced with punishment. Repentance is not acceptable.

22.06.2006 14:37.
Delicious food leads first to overeating, and then to gluttony. But a hungry person is angrier than a well-fed person.
Isoteric knowledge.
22.06.2006 18:40.
Of course, it is difficult and even impossible for a person to admit that if he thinks about something, then he thinks at someone's instigation or suggestion, but not himself. There is, of course, also a share of the thinking of the person himself, directed by his power of conscious will.
So are there any points of support that allow you to determine the ratio of the direction of your own thinking and the suggested and suggested?
So the first and global direction of thinking from instigation is everything that is connected with earthly life, in accordance with the needs, desires, aspirations, passions, and with the existing abilities, capabilities and talent of a person. In practice, it looks like this. First, desire arises, depending on the need, interest, and the direction and quality of passion. It is called - the person caught fire. Or maybe they did. And off we go. A lot of demons hover around a person, and each one offers his own idea. Thoughts are circling in a herd. And God or His Angels do not participate in these matters.

23.06.2006 4:58.
Yes, a grim picture is being drawn, of the existence of humanity. What about God? After all, He created the heavens and the earth, according to the legend of Moses. Yes, but that earth and that sky is not here on earth. There may be that land or part of it where Adam and Eve were expelled. And then, those terms, from the creation of the World, about 8000 years, are negligible, in comparison with those that geology proves.
So the whole point is that everyone is simply fixated on the Moses creation of the world. Probably because it is the only data source of this kind. And we can say that everything presented by Moses, after the creation of the World, is a kind of figurative, conventional, allegorical, inconsistent presentation of what they saw then about this. And then, the complexity of the position of Moses. Without any knowledge, however, it was necessary to provide at least some idea of ​​what he saw.
And then. God's word is modified by the personality of the prophet when translating spiritual information into verbal information. It is more accurate to say that spiritual information is set forth by each prophet, proceeding from his individual characteristics.
06/23/2006 8:34 am. There is a lot of different knowledge now. Teachings, teachings, edifications, interpretations, prophecies, assumptions, hypotheses, theories, dogmas, rules, statutes, concepts, regulations, codes, constitutions, etc. But everyone accepts for himself, only what is consistent with his individuality and the spirit of the times. And to what a person is inclined, in that direction he develops or simply is.
Driven by the spirit of pride and the suggestions of the system.
06/23/2006 11:20. On the basis of movement, the manifestation of the properties of the spirit of pride, there is always a striving: to be different. Even worse, but not like everyone else. On the same basis, all new teachings are created not with the aim of supplementing the existing ones, but in providing contradictions, replacing some arguments with others.
Lenin had a militant ideological spirit. And with his stupid genius, he rewrote all the available knowledge in his own way, utterly, as he said, breaking everything that was not part of his direction of belief. Not introducing anything new, but distorting, perverting, remaking, smashing, crushing, destroying everything that exists. "We will destroy the old world, to the ground, and then, we are ours, we will build a new world, whoever was nobody, he will become everything." This phrase of the song fully reflects the fundamental Satanic principle of striving for excellence and to be different. But only such an ideological position does not take into account the basic, fundamental dependence, the regularity: who seeks to destroy, he cannot build. And he who builds does not seek to destroy. Militant revolutionary demon, hooked and carried. A wave of passions captured everyone who got in the way. As a result, they created a system: neither fish nor meat. Somehow they dragged on for seventy years and everything fell apart by itself. Because they did not build, but constantly interfered with building.
Hence the conclusion: demons spray and inflame passions, and people, in the transformation of evil energies, suffer and die.
But that is the past. History, so to speak. What about now?
And now, in the power of passions, other demons. And also, kindle, inflame and carry. So that the world system for the transformation of energies works in full force, giving those types of energies that are convenient and tasty for consumption, consumption by those beings who control the system.
Lucifer-Satan, rules the Prince of this World, the one by demons and creatures of karma, demons - by demons, etc.
But, most likely, everything is determined by the spheres of influence.
One demon can affect several people and many demons can affect one person.
The structure of the spheres of the invisible world is similar, prototypically, to the structure of the spheres of mutual influence between people. But there is no single ruler for all people. But everything goes to that. The only ruler, for now, the Prince of this World, as a spiritual being, longs for his incarnation in order to manifest all the power of his power. Because spiritual beings obey him little. Or maybe they do not obey at all. Each for himself, each for himself. And as for people, he will definitely force everyone to obey, to himself. Like Joseph with a mustache, at one time. A third of the world will turn into camps. But history, although it repeats the fundamental principles, but in different forms. And so it will be so, but in a different way.

But it's interesting. Is it a demon of sexual passions, or is it separate for each state? And, most likely, they are divided according to the properties of manifestation. For example, lesbians, homosexuals, cattle lovers, maniacs, etc. have different directions of lust, which can be determined by the influence of the corresponding demons.


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Lecture 7.09.1994


Lecture 28.09.1994


The most serious interpretation of each horoscope is through the Guardians of the Sky - the very 5 Guardians of the Sky that we talked about.
When in the future we will make the canon and when we subject the horoscope of any person to a serious analysis, we will proceed from 3 basic principles of interpretation:
1. From the point of view of Hvarna: there is Hvarna, there is no Hvarna or Anti-Hvarna. It is determined from calendar cycles. For the Zoroastrian, calendar cycles are problem number one. Calendar cycles include: year, month, day, hour, minute. It used to be 16 hours, and each hour has 64 minutes. Whether or not the person matches the calendars. And at what level does it pass. Hvarna, or, in other words, markedness, and as one of its manifestations - charisma (grace, that is, the highest seal of the Almighty and the impossibility of applying purely earthly measures to such a person, the impossibility of judging him from earthly positions). All this is immediately compared with the horoscope, because it is necessary to clarify the question of the correspondence of a person's horoscope to his hvarna. Even the most beautiful khvarna, which is not confirmed by the horoscope, says that a person will spend his khvarna and will not be able to apply it. If we find in a person all the signs of badness both in appearance and in models of behavior, fate, but there is no confirmation of the horoscope, he will waste Hvarna. This khvarna does not hold, because the horoscope for khvarna (for the calendar) is like a frame for a stone. This is how the Zoroastrians looked at the horoscope. A gem is a calendar (the calendar cycle in which you were born) is a diamond that you received or did not receive. And the frame for him is your horoscope. You were born at a certain time, but at the same time a lot of people were born. And one has hvarna, and the other does not. Hvarna is given from above. Why is Hvarna coming? Only pure knowledge can be obtained for this question. When asked why? it is often impossible to answer, because it exclusively belongs to the field of knowledge. And in order to know, you need to know - you need to have open knowledge, you need not dig somewhere in books, but just have them. The knowledge that is given to you can be brought to that limit, to the point, until this knowledge becomes non-verbal. And the answer to the question "why did a person get hvarna, but I, who was born with him on the same day, did not receive" ... That is why a person born on the same day as Schwarzenegger is not Schwarzenegger, but, on the contrary, of average height is enough fidgety, speaks a lot, cracks, even he has black and white gray hair - this is absolutely the year of the Magpie - but which of them got khvarna? Are there magpies like Schwerzenegger? Heavyweight and reinforced concrete magpie, terminator magpie. Schwarzenegger has all sorts of privileges, even if he is a Hollywood actor, but he does not have a bad name. Once a person has received khvarna, he may be nobody socially, it may be correct that he is socially nobody - now in society we have all power in the hands of the peshatars (officials who do not have the right to power, they only have the right to obey the king , and we do not have people with a royal bad). Take any of our rulers - do they correspond to the king's hvarna? Does Yeltsin look like a donkey? And he was born in the year of the Donkey. There are no such hefty donkeys. Even such mules do not exist - he roars like a bear.
We raise all the hvarna, and then we choose the dominant one. The seal of the dominant khvarna on fate and compliance with the horoscope. We must clearly describe in the canon how each khvarna falls on the horoscope. Hvarna kings must pass through the stars.
Stars normally appear only in a person with hardness, and without hardness they also appear, but as additional indicators, as an additional load. In any horoscope, the stars are those physical indicators that show hvarna. In addition to the stars, there are also constellations.
2. The second principle, the second approach is the Guardians of the Sky, comparing them with other indicators of the horoscope. We reveal the horoscope through the Guardians of the Sky. We even reveal 4 main points of the horoscope through 4 Guardians. We subordinate all cycles to these guardians of time, even the phases of the moon and those are associated with the 4 Guardians of the Sky. Phase 1 is associated with Tishtar. Modeling of the future begins with it. Guardian of the East. Phase 2 is associated with Hauranga - Guardian of the North. Shatavaesh, or Priapus (Guardian of the West) - this is the 3rd phase. The last phase of the Moon is associated with Wanand, Guardian of the South, Eternity.
4 quadrants of the horoscope, ASC and DSC, Zenith and Nadir - these are 4 points of the horoscope through which we reveal the action of these 4 Guardians. 4 The Guardians of Heaven control the time that circulates in our lives. They control various time cycles and our direction. And the 5th Guardian - erases everything - this is Vakshya or Mirror Maiden. And the days of Hecate in the lunar cycle are dedicated to Vakshya, and all the moments of the transition from one phase to another are also devoted to her. Vaksya connecting the Guardians. In this case, Vakshya appears as Hecate. One of the symbols of Hecate was precisely the mirror. Thaws were also dedicated to her - crossroads of several roads, crossroads. The crossroads uniting 4 Guardians in the middle of which Vakshya stands in the form of Hecate fit very well into the lunar system. 4 Lunar days will also obey the Guardians. In Zervanism, much, including the interpretation of the horoscope, is associated with the Experiences of Heaven, i.e. with time. With time itself. From here, a lot is decided in terms of the interpretation and perception of events. For example, how time slows down in a person who has a strong Shatavaesh effect. Time, as it were, is curtailing, many events are slowed down. Why? Because the Guardian of the West is tied to the past. Hence the approaches to the forecasting methodology. You can't solve this without the Guardians. The westerners are still fighting, kick to decide. For some reason, it works for them in one case, in another - it does not work. It will work once, and 50 times will be the exact opposite. 4 verses - 4 Guardians. Even on the hand there are 5 fingers and there are 5 guards: the thumb is Vaksya (Mirror Virgo), which also represents the constellation Ophiuchus on the hand: Via combusta - the lower joint. The bright path is the upper joint. The element of wood. This is the overseer over the guards - opposed to four fingers. Ophiuchus consists of 2 parts: The burnt road - the erasing one, the Light path - the manifesting one. Vakshya has the same load. On the one hand, it erases everything that is superfluous, everything that interferes, and on the other hand, it shows the true hvarna. What does she show? The opposite sign is something that you have given up, something that you have nothing to do with. It shows the true essence and makes it more noticeable, especially if the person did not stick out. Vakshya's main program is non-stickiness. The state of non-protrusion is the state of Vakshya. If a person within himself is not inclined to show his ego, to show off, to show himself in front of others, but is determined to live like everyone else - Vakshya will not only not touch him - she will remove from his path everyone who prevents him from manifesting. There will be vortices around, and he will be untouched, in the center of the cyclone. Where is the least blowing? In the center. The Vakshya state is the state of the golden mean. A person who observes the golden mean does not protrude, he will be shown when all others have storms. Vakshya establishes balance, harmony, calmness. It prevents the manifestation of extremes. Vaksya strives to balance the scales. It is necessary to bring everything to a common denominator. One size fits all. So that everyone is the same - normal. Vakshya loves normal people, not fools and idiots - this is also extreme, and not too bright, if you are too bright, then you should behave so that no one will notice. Be humble, normal. The ideal of a Zoroastrian is a normal person. If he has hvarna, then it should not be combined with extras, but with the norm. "A genius has to be weird and has a lot to forgive" is a typically demonic theory. A genius must be normal, in all his manifestations he must be an average person. Many will disagree with the experience of such a person. There are no brilliant people now. If you delve deeply into this, then you will definitely find a deterioration - pederasty, epilepsy ... a genius must have, with all his physical, mental and everyday normality, something that distinguishes him from all people - this is a gift from God. He does not stand out, he is like everyone else, with everyone on an equal footing, but there is something supernormal in him. Vakshya does not touch such a person, but, on the contrary, helps. But hypertrophy, excessive development in one direction, or, on the other hand, degeneration - Vakshya very much touches, removes mercilessly, rakes with the same brush. Vakshya hates duality, rupture, extremes - therefore Vakshya for us is the principle of restoring harmony. Even not so much harmony as the golden mean, primary statics.
In any horoscope there are special points - these are the MIDDLE POINTS. There are midpoints between any two planets, it doesn't matter if these planets are in aspect or not. All midpoints through which statics and balance are restored, which prevent extremes, are associated with Vaksya. Basically, the middle point is primary, but Vakshya is the Mirror Virgo - therefore the point symmetrical to it also works, but weaker. By the way, the corridor of mirrors is also associated with Vaksya.
And the points of the golden section, that is, dynamic harmony, they are already associated with Shatavaesh. They make it possible to develop on the basis of a harmonious foundation.
We will have other points, the so-called. mirror points - ANTISES. These symmetrical mirror points are associated with Tishtar: they make it possible to model the future. Either-or, symmetry, either in one direction, or in the other, but from some kind of rod. AND CONTRANTS are associated with Tishtar - with the problems of choice. There are points that are associated with eternity and with the present.
The rest of the fingers are the 12 signs of the zodiac. 12 mysteries of fate in 4 elements. They are the 4 Guardians of the Sky. The core, middle, supporting Heaven, Shatavaesh is the middle finger, it represents the element of the Earth. Tishtar is the direction to the future, the element of Fire is the index finger. Hauranga - the present, adjoins the past - this is the ring finger, it is also associated with the Sun and the element of Air. We practically cannot trace the real one - try to put one ring finger aside so as not to bend the others. Rarely does anyone succeed. The present moment is constantly eluding us. An elusive moment that we cannot track, to which we are not adequate, which is constantly changing. Vanand - eternity - this is the little finger, that which was not, which is not in us, and which we cannot see. Release of Water. It seems to be a little smaller than the other fingers, but it is the key, final finger, not like the others.
Different types of finger baptism are associated with different times. Two-fingered - past and future - index and middle fingers. A pinch - three-fingered, with a thumb - is a mirror, incomprehensible, that unites all times, unpredictable, unknown, erasing, supervising the law and changing the law. Vaksya is associated with changing the law. All comets are directly related to her, to the Mirror Virgo. They are considered feathers from her wings. Vaksya is the Winged Maiden. Glitter falls off from it, a feather that appears in our world like a comet.
3. The last level - through the planets, houses, and so on - that we went through until recently - this will be the lower layer, the lower level, purely everyday, not particularly pretending to anything. Moreover, we will divide this level into three parts of the interpretation:
a) with the help of the seven planets septener, plus the Lunar Nodes and Black from the White Moon.
b) with the addition of higher planets, which very often supplant the normal image of the horoscope, they force a person to live with those rhythms that make him a complete idiot, leaving him an eternally infantile creature in relation to these rhythms. What's the point if a person has a strong Uranus. From the very beginning, by the conditions of his birth, he will be placed in such spheres in which he does not understand anything. He will receive freedom, but what is the use? It's the same as letting a three-year-old child play with the "Grad" or "Bird cherry" setting ... So people with higher planets do not understand them, because in order to understand, you have to live through their cycles: Uranus has 84 years of age. ... What can a person with a strong Neptune in a horoscope understand in Divine love? In order to understand, he needs to live at least 165 years, and then already say that heavenly love is better than earthly love. Yes, whoever lives 165 years, for that, heavenly love will be higher. If the higher planets in the horoscope are strongly expressed, this puts a person in the conditions of a prodigy, which he can perceive. Such a person needs special conditions for development, otherwise Neptune will replace higher love, higher harmonious beginning, higher consciousness, supersensibility for illusions, even if they are not formalized in the form of drug addiction, even if this person does not drink (there are non-drinking Neptunians) - then Neptune passes to another sphere - the sphere of ideas. Illusions can be very different - very subtle: for example, carnal love is bad, religious fanaticism, intolerance. There can be visions, contacts going through a thin channel. Like the Neptunian Korovyak: "Here it came to me through a thin channel" - today through a thin channel, tomorrow through a thick one ... Strongly expressed Uranus - all the eccentricities, tricks - from immaturity. Such a person up to 84 years old is a kid in short pants. We can take all his works quite lightly. Any Neptunian under 165 is the same. So the Plutonian has no right to treat us on TV, to give instructions for good (Kashpirovsky has an ascending Pluto on ASC within two degrees). Proserpinian - let him live 666 years ... Chiron - up to 50 years (most people live up to this age), and only the Chironian is an average person - the golden mean: up to 50 years old - teaching, and the second half (if he lives up to 100) - Job. The two cycles of Chiron represent an age.
c) the horoscope includes all the interfering, interfering forces that interfere - these are asteroids.
In addition, knowing the laws of our split world, humiliated, broken by Satan, which is undergoing the last years of the Age of Confusion, we must, using our system, determine all the principles of evil, all the villainous confusion, all the contradiction that Angromania introduced into our world. Of course, the triune evil, which in our system (the system of our Universe), must also be taken into account, recorded, recorded and brought into a single system, as hindrances, as obstacles, as tricks of evil.
Evil is triune - three-faced evil. If you read The Teachings of the Magicians, then all three faces of evil are mentioned on the very last page of this book. It says that after all the spirits, demons, black forces are destroyed, when even Akiman, Nanhatya, Tarvi are defeated, only Angromanu himself will remain, Druj (lie) is a virus, and Az (Aza). This trinity of evil is a manifestation of a contradiction or an attempt to destroy our triune world, which in its development manifests itself as:
- GOOD THOUGHT, at the level of thought.
- A GOOD WORD, at the level of the word.
Those. - the world of Menog, the world of Getig and the world of Ritag - the physical world, the world of the soul, the soul and the world of the spirit. Spirit, soul and body. There is a contradiction at each of the three levels. The manifestation of Angronanyu in its pure form in each of us can manifest itself as a spiritual choice towards evil. Angromania manifests itself in the world as a desecration of the spirit, that is, the choice of evil, spiritual evil. Recognition of evil as dominant, as a generative principle, lack of conscience, as the principle that prevents evil, the removal of this principle, concept. The conscience of a Zoroastrian is a Good Thought or Vohu Man, or Daena is faith. Removal of Daena. That is why Daena appears after death for all shameless people in the form of an ugly old woman. This is "A Tale of Lost Time". Time immediately collapses and from normal people they immediately turn into ugly freaks. And those who have completely lost their conscience, Daena does not come to them or comes in the form of a figure that has no face. Right before she dies, she comes in the form of a hooded, faceless man. If, dying or in a dream, people see a person without a face, this means that they have made a choice towards evil, they are already lost to this world, they have already fallen into the hands of the demon. Only demons don't show their faces. When you see someone without a face, it means that conscience is removed, faith is removed, Daena is removed. By the way, this may be the only way to give you a signal, to reach out to you through sleep, so that you pay attention. Alfred Bester has a novel "A Man Without a Face," a Freudian novel, but it has an interesting thought about this man without a face, that impersonality is the removal of Fravahar. This means that you have budded from your Fravahar (from the original spiritual tree). You are thrown out - a person outside Idam, made a choice towards evil. It is no longer possible to save such a person - only such a person can save himself, like Baron Munchausen, lifting himself by the hair. A very good book - there are many interesting phrases that you can use.
"The Tale of Lost Time" by Evgeny Schwartz is a very scary tale when boys turned into old men. Time has run out. Why? Because they did not understand that they were being stolen from them. They did not stand guard, they removed the vara. When Vara is removed from us, we become such old people. That is why Daena comes to us in the form of an ugly old woman on the Chinvat Bridge. This means that Vara has been removed from us, and time has run out for us. And those to whom she comes in the form of a young maiden live normally. Vara - protection, fence. In Lithuanian, the word "vara" means a fence for livestock. In Zoroastrian it is spiritual protection, the protection of the Higher Powers, for which no one, no evil is allowed to penetrate. Vara is placed, in particular, in the form of a magic square.
WE will analyze this triune evil. All three faces of evil in our world are also purely physically. In our solar system, they appear, plus many accompanying small indicators. For example, we have the coordinates of the manifestations of Angromanu himself, the very brown dwarf, whose Spirit made a choice in the direction of evil, consuming the harmful satellite of our Sun, Hvarshat or Mithra. It has a very slow cycle. In another way, for some reason they began to call him Nemesis, at times he approaches us, and then world catastrophes occur every few million years. The last time a dinosaur died was this. He is also called Lucifer - the thief of light. And in our system it is called "Ahriman's nest", "Angroman's nest", like a hornet's nest. Its cycle is several tens of thousands of years. Its cycle almost coincides with the precession of about 25-30 thousand years. The cycle of this dwarf coincides with the global catastrophes of the Earth - i.e. spiritual choice of the Earth. Astronomers believe that it moves 1 degree in 60-62 years. Now he is in Scorpio, in the same place where the comet was (at 4-5 degrees of Scorpio), where Vakshya was, i.e. Vakshya had to erase it for us. The comet this summer also meant the erasure of the system of evil. And Proserpine is there, and the union of Proserpine with Lucifer is still going on and will go on. All genetic research, test-tube babies, new diseases, mutations - all from there. Any planet that falls into the orbit of this Lucifer, as well as a person with a strong this planet, can make the wrong choice. The system of evil works at the level of the Spirit, at the level of spiritual choice - and a person loses his face, and the Upper World is closed for him forever. This is the primary evil, but this evil (Devil) does not manifest itself either on the physical level or on the soul level. It does not manifest itself in any form. This is the level of choice, only choice, only metaphysical evil.
But there are two other faces of evil, which are quite concrete and can manifest themselves quite visibly for us. Primary evil manifests itself at the level of choice. Very often, the Devil manifests itself as a snake biting its tail, devouring its creations. Some Satanists say that evil is truly metaphysical action. Real Satanists will never kill, engage in horrors and abominations. This is service to the metaphysical evil - Satan, as a substitute for the Lord God. Those. if you consider yourself to be God, you will be like Satan - you will serve Satan faithfully if you consider that the whole world revolves around you and you are the center of the universe, i.e. man-god. A man-god who forgives all sins, or believes that there is no God, and even if he exists, then he must be destroyed, i.e. to etch out everything Divine in oneself and, first of all, conscience (like God's judgment in us) - this is the exercise of a spiritual choice towards evil. This is the manifestation of Lucifer, the thief of light. Throughout our generation, and even the 19th century, Lucifer has been projected onto Scorpio. And here on Earth many social explosions and suffering began. Lucifer rotates clockwise. The orbis in conjunction is half of the standard orbis for all planets. Throughout the age of Pisces, Lucifer was in Libra. See how the choice hesitated, how people were divided into friends and foes. Scales for Pisces is a sign of death. And what, indeed, I had to make a choice: our own - strangers, a break, condemnation of their spiritual opponents, whoever is not with me is against me! Devilish distortion of all laws.
Besides Lucifer, there is a second manifestation of evil at the level of the soul. This is Druj, by whose name we know the Black Moon, which, in particular, is projected into our system as a 9-year cycle. It coincides with the apogee of the lunar orbit. Satan (Lucifer) and could break into our system using the Moon's removal point. This is specifically stated in "Zervan-namaga": "He waited until the Moon receded, and through the point of its highest remoteness broke through the earthly varu." If this is so, then it is quite specifically said here that the point of greatest distance is where the weakening of the vara is. And it was through her that he penetrated, penetrated the Earth. And if so, the apogee of the lunar orbit became the focus point of evil, an opportunity to break through this varia, to penetrate through it. And, therefore, for us the apogee of the lunar orbit has become an indicator of the penetration of evil into any system. How does evil get into any system? By deception. A purely Physical model of such a universal deceiver (at the level of physical matter) is a virus.
The virus is a universal deceiver, mutating, adapting, living at someone else's expense. But the virus is only the second form of evil. Evil manifests itself as a virus. But the primary evil, Angromanu, manifests itself not at the level of the virus, but at the level of the primary spiritual choice.
We know this second form of manifestation of evil as the Black Moon, as Druj. So Druj is a virus and through it the whole manifestation of a viral system that deceives, deceives, i.e. it is a seducer, a demon-tempter, a magnet of evil, what pulls, how we pay off evil, karmic retribution for evil. The entire viral system manifests itself in 4 different forms - they can be compared with 4 forms of time, like the Guardians of the Sky, but apart from Vakshya, which erases any virus.
4 forms of viruses, 4 hypostases of Druj, opposing 4 Guardians of the Sky:
1. The crudest virus - breaks through the membrane of the cell, steals part of its protoplasm and leaves. Those. manifests itself as a burglar and racketeer. This is a primitive form of evil. If they do not succumb to deception, it means that they take it by seizure - a virus-invader. The element is fire.
2. Vampire virus - sticks to the shell and slowly feeds on the cell, and then leaves. Also a primitive virus. The element is earth.
3. Dangerous form - a virus that enters the cell nucleus and forces the cell to rapidly divide, i.e. directly affects the time, the time cycle, the cell begins to rapidly divide, swell. Cell overgrowth is a cancer virus. The process of intensive growth with a modification of the structure of the cellular tissue itself. The element is air.
4. Even worse - a slow virus, is embedded in the DNA of the cell, sits there for the time being, it is not visible even in an electron microscope. As long as the cell is strong - it does not protrude, but as soon as the cell begins to weaken - it leaves the DNA and forces the cell to reproduce viruses, not cells. The cell begins to work for the reproduction (reduplication) of viruses. This is a form of evil that is not discernible at all. The element is water.
Fire and earth are obvious elements, primitive evil. And 3 and 4 are subtle evil, the elements are unstable, changeable.
There is no fifth form of viruses. Therefore, only Vaksya works against viruses. therefore, in addition to the 4 Guardians, we also have Vaksya, which is not known at all for viruses, because she is not from this world. In our Universe there is an element of absolute unpredictability, absolute neglect, something completely different.
So was the 4-face Hecate among the ancient Greeks. One of the names of the Black Moon is Hecate.
Since the apogee of the lunar orbit is the point of greatest vulnerability and penetration of viruses, the perigee (opposite point, but not the White Moon) of the lunar orbit is like a mirror, like a mirror shield. In this way, we can see, discern and expose the provoking environment. These are not Black and White Moons - otherwise one could say that good and evil are interconnected. Perigee - the opposite point of the Black Moon - the point of the least distance. It is an indicator, a developer of evil, making evil visible.
The third face of evil, which will also remain until the last times, is Az. "And when Hormazd seizes the Spirit of Destruction, Vohuman will seize Akiman, Asha Vakhisht - Andra, and so on, and then only Druj, Ahriman and Az will remain of the material world), and Hormazd himself will descend to Earth, as a priest of Dashtar with the blessed Sraosh, and in his hand he will hold a sacred belt.This gatic rite Ahriman and Az, smashed to smithereens by their own weapons (i.e., smashed to smithereens by Druj - she herself Druj - the lies that they turned against others, they will be devoured by them) will be thrown into weakness. like balloons). So the serpent Azhdahak will be burned in molten metal, and molten metal will flow to hell ... "This is how the Apocalypse is described in Bundahishn.
Now we must talk about Aza. We learned about it quite recently. For completeness of information, this demoness must be taken into account in the horoscope, even if you do not take into account any Guardians of the Sky. There are her tables from 1885 to 2000, however, only after her entry into each sign of the zodiac.
Her cycle is 69 days. The symbol is a circle with a black circle inside - a round mouth. True, Lucifer himself was encrypted in the same way. Az, which was once our Moon, has another designation - this is an eye without a lower eyelid - an absorber of matter. Rotates clockwise. A devouring hellish abyss is connected with Aza. Where is Aza with some famous people? True, it is not known where she was at the most terrible destroyer of the Earth - Lenin. And Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin is in Scorpio in the 12th house, near ASC. His personality was fueled by all these bloody meat grinders, by the senseless destruction of people and all living things in general. Apparently, real necrophilia - love for destruction, for death - comes from this Aza. Such people with whom it is strong will truly love death, although they themselves do not want to die. They will hate everything that is connected with life, with growth, development, with the affirmation of the principle opposite to death. Those. these are true, true necrophilia. They have a pronounced and strong Az in the horoscope. Hitler has Az in Gemini in conjunction with the Black Moon, Pluto and Neptune. Gurdjieff has 23-24 degrees of Gemini. Zhirinovsky - Az in Aquarius, in conjunction with the Moon, Mercury in conjunction with Vakshya, and, in addition, he was born on the 23rd lunar day. Az at 12 degrees of Aquarius. Destruction, annihilation, abyss, Charybdis - God forbid Zhirinovsky come to power in Russia! Beria, who loved life "in all its manifestations" very much, had Az in Aquarius. Pol Pot - committed genocide of his people - Az in Cancer in opposition to the Sun. He destroyed his country at the root, destroyed all roots, traditions, destroyed all the clergy. Khasbulatov - 7-8 Capricorn. Dudaev has it in Libra. Dr. Mengele was born on March 13, 1915, a sadistic doctor - Az in Pisces in conjunction with the Sun. Kaganovich, destroying Moscow with pleasure, had Az in Scorpio in Ophiuchus, next to the Sun, he, like an abyss, carried so many mysteries ... F.E.Dzerzhinsky - in Aquarius, like Yezhov, Yagoda - senseless destruction of people ... Yeltsin has Az in Aries, next to Uranus and the Ascending Node, on the MC. Gorbachev is in Ophiuchus in the last degrees of Scorpio. Trotsky is in Taurus in opposition to the Sun.
Aza manifests itself where there is a senseless destruction of something, crushing, dislike for life, love for destruction, it is not known why. Where we see senseless manias of annihilation and destruction, absorption, where there is annihilation of matter, where a person hates the real world and all its joys with fierce hatred, Aza manifests itself there.
How does Aza manifest in different signs, in different guises? These are different forms of annihilation, total destruction, complete absence of movement (heat death). The contact of the particles of our world and the anti-world is annihilation. At the same time, photons are released, matter is destroyed, and the Spirit is liberated, but this Spirit becomes restless, defective, it is carried to no one knows where. Absolute cold, where there is no movement, -273 degrees. These are all different incarnations of Aza. Everything that absorbs light, heat, destroys the form - it is associated with the demon Aza. It is no coincidence that Aza instills primitive, primary horror in our souls. Fear of death, but of that death that destroys all forms. Through Azu, evil appears before us in its most repulsive form. Evil is already removing all masks, even the many-faced Druj does not like Azu very much, for Aza's face is the most disgusting.
If you imagine Angromania, you get the image of the Serpent Gorynych with three heads. Central without a face, there is a cloud of darkness, there is nothing. The choice towards evil depersonalizes you completely, makes you a slave, you cease to exist as a free Spirit. The second head has a very beautiful and seductive face, but this is a mask. This "face" is constantly changing, adapting, making it the way you need it. This is Druge's face. The third head with the most nightmarish face, which embodies all the horror of what you are afraid of in the subconscious. The most terrible thing that can be embodied is the horror of the destruction of the form, the horror of self-destruction, therefore it manifests the most primitive, not called, terrible fear, where the Spirit becomes completely separate from both the Soul and the body. This is the release of photons that have no rest mass.
Only in front of Vakshya does this Az collapse. Only Vakshya can completely erase it. And when Az multiplies, she is sometimes depicted in the form of an open gigantic mouth, in the form of a Leviathan, in the form of a multi-headed, thousand-armed monster with suckers. Az is a terrible horror, but the people who fell into her orbit, who act at the same time with her, are called by us real notorious villains. This is a blatant frank evil, absolutely not shy about anything, evil at the level of physics, at the level of matter. But Az cannot invade the spiritual sphere! It can only free particles of light from matter. On this, Mani built his heresy. He called for the fact that all matter is rubbish, dirt and matter must be destroyed by all available means, which means that everything that you contribute to the destruction of the material world will be credited to you for merit, for the good, because the Spirit will sooner be freed. And the Spirit must be liberated. It is necessary to destroy the connection between spirit and matter, and the sooner the better. And everything that on Earth from matter must be crushed, trampled, destroyed. Here is the real anti-system - the Manichean heresy. All anti-systems, which are tuned to annihilation, to self-destruction, to collapse in society, are all connected with this demoness Az. Mani believed that in two ways it is possible to destroy matter - the first way is asceticism, suicide, self-destruction, and the other way is more complicated - the foundations and foundations of the world must be shaken so that chaos, chaos, and disgrace will reign in the world. Then it will be easier for the Spirit to free itself and leave the mortal abode of matter. Like heat death.
There are different aspects of Az. But wherever development stops, where everything turns into primitive chaos, but this is not the chaos in which there is a creative principle preceding development, but what the Greeks called the word "Erebus" - darkness, hopeless darkness - is the manifestation of Az. Everything in the world is connected with chaos, chaos, horror, debauchery, with wild, senseless, unjustified destruction, with epidemics of suicide - everything is connected with Az.
How does Az act in life, in transit, in progressions, in manifestations? The house of the horoscope in which it is located, especially if it is in a strong tie with the planets, acts as an annihilating system. Those. affairs related to this house (this also applies to the connection of Aza with the almuten of the house) will fall into a bottomless barrel. This will also be a POINT OF FEAR - you will be afraid of something all the time. Through the affairs of this house, all kinds of chernukha will pester you, and in a frank form.
I'm in the second house - racketeering, robbery. You save up money, and they are brazenly taken away from you, and even with a fight, with destruction, with senseless robbery. All your property falls into a bottomless barrel.
I am in the fourth house - the point of fear comes from my own home. Horror in the house. Come home, and they begin to destroy you, gnaw, hinder you, interfere. Any planet, falling into the orbit of Aza's actions, becomes threatening. On this planet you experience fear and horror, through this planet true evil can come to you without any masks, or you yourself become a source of evil. I am with Mercury - a person experiences an irresistible desire to intimidate others, threaten them, tell nightmares, bring confusion and frustration to the brain.
The connection with Aza fits within the standard aspect, but it is better at first to take half of the aspect, because it is an invisible, hidden planet, i.e. for connection - within 3 degrees, opposition - 2 degrees.
Az with the Moon acts on the sphere of the subconscious, susceptibility, fear, panic. I am with the Sun - something terrible will come from a person, oppressing others. Such a person acts on others like an annihilator that consumes life. Az with Mars - Terminator.
I am strong in corner houses, in aspects and conjunction with key planets. It is not strong in itself, but through the planets and strong points of the horoscope, it gains strength. Az is in conjunction with strong and good planets - all the strength and kindness of these planets is barely enough to restrain Az's blackness. But at least they can at least restrict Az to certain limits.
The only one who is able to completely destroy the action of Az is Vaksya. Aza in red aspects - it will be worse for others. There will be nothing for you - it destroys not you, but others. Often, without even touching the stars, however, Az is an excellent guide to the most sinister stars. For example, such as Algol. And it prevents the highest stars from manifesting, in conjunction with the kindest stars it is a block for them. In every home, this is wasted effort, chaos, mess, collapse. I am in the 10th house - a person builds his own goal, but every step he encounters with such blackness! They put them in prison, shoot them for nothing ... What to do? Not living in this house is not making a career. Az is a point of horror, but any horror attracts like a rabbit goes into the jaws of a boa constrictor! You can't look into the open mouth of Aza! Nietzsche: "If you look into the abyss for a long time, then the abyss begins to look into you!" This is the worst thing when you start to be interested in Aza, you try to find out what is there ... - the "dangerous quagmire" immediately sucks in.
"I was sucked in by a dangerous quagmire, conductor, press the brakes ..." - this is an appeal to Vakshya. "... my life is an eternal game ..." - because it loses its meaning.
Aza acts as the destruction of all plans, a person's life becomes meaningless, a person lives for one day, he cannot build himself a single plan even for tomorrow, because everything collapses.
I am in conjunction with the Guardians of Heaven - you have to watch who wins, there will obviously be a struggle. Only in conjunction with Vakshya can one say unambiguously that Vakshya will defeat Azu, she completely does not allow Az to manifest. Vaksya is considered to be permanently stronger than Aza and any aspects between them are clearly unfavorable for this demon. In the transit aspects of Vakshya and Aza, the latter is temporarily blocked and loses its strength, however, this may negatively affect a person, but at least the "dangerous quagmire" will not tighten.
Az, like Druj, has 3 levels of manifestation (by crosses):
1. Involvement in evil, and then a person serves evil, a virus, deceives himself, he confuses the criteria of Good and evil. This is at the Black Moon. And U Aza's 1st level is the most primitive, it acts on the subconscious level: a person wants to destroy, destroy, loves death ... Kills senselessly and does it with the greatest pleasure. Why kill all the cockroaches? And he wants to destroy all cockroaches, all mice, all cats, like Sharikov. Sparrows were killed so senselessly in China. Mao Tse-Tung, who gave these stupid orders, has Az in Aquarius. A person of the 1st level Az is not just a sadist, but he sincerely loves the most disgusting. These are people with curtailed consciousness. Attractive destruction, senseless destruction. They themselves entered the abyss, with Nevzorov, who constantly revolves around death and loves it very much - Az is in Aquarius. At Chikotilo - in Aquarius. For some reason, the most nightmares with Az in Aquarius. Gaidar has Gemini. I (P.P. Globa) - in Taurus, in the 6th house.
People with the 1st level of Az are villains in essence, but they do not consider themselves as such. Any killer with a Black Moon in Aries will think that he is doing a holy duty, but he will never love this. This is all based on deception and self-deception. This is Druj, the consciousness-changing virus. But whoever has Aza in Aries, even people with a Black Moon in Aries will turn their backs on him. It will be too much for them - they can't be so frank! People with the Black Moon in Aries are also murderers in essence - but in order to kill a person, they need an inner justification, they need to make a deal with a conscience that they have no longer had (pseudo-conscience). Sometimes their conscience torments them, they can indulge in nostalgia, rip guitar strings, cry - sentimental sadists. These are the people of Druj. Aza's people will not suffer, they are already soulless monsters, black scum rising from the very bottom, for which reason and consciousness does not exist, but only a blind desire to kill, destroy, distort, devilishly destroy. They love it, if they love anything at all. These are, in fact, demons in human form.
2. The hypostasis of Aza - fear and horror, fear, paralysis of the will, when you, under the influence of this horror, do what you are ordered to do. A clinging, paralyzing and destroying fear. Under fear, a person becomes a stranger, he can be forced to destroy, he can be broken. The embodiment of our nightmares that distort us and force us to do in ways we do not belong. In this case, Aza acts not from within, but from the outside.
3. The case when a person closes the doors of the abyss. But in order for us to be able to defeat Aza, we need to have a mirror, we need to be able not to look into her eyes. The third level is attainable only with a strong Vakshya. Az, paralyzing people - the same Medusa Gorgon. You can only defeat her through the mirror. Perseus chopped off the Gorgon's head in this way. Only through a mirror shield, when you do not identify with this world, when you rise above it. Perseus Hermes gave winged sandals so that he did not touch the Earth. How can Az serve? In good hands, she can become a mirror against herself. With its help, any other representatives of evil can look at themselves, at their true essence, as Perseus showed the head of the Gorgon Medusa to a dragon who wanted to devour Andromeda, and he turned into a rock. And the dragon is another hypostasis of Aza. Evil can be destroyed and defeated only by knowing what it is, when you overcome fear in yourself and do not look it directly in the eyes, i.e. you will not stoop to him. You don't need this - you have an inner mirror into which you can look, but you do not identify yourself and do not look into the abyss. This is a very high spiritual protection; Vaksya is needed here. And Vakshya manifests itself only in those people whose consciousness is not closed on itself, in people with an erased "ego", in those who adhere to the golden mean, the center where there is no blowing. What can save us from Aza and on whom does it not work? Who has a strong Vaishya? The average person. No bells and whistles, no turning. The so-called tradesman. He will cling to his normal life, and he does not need all these horrors. The average person, in fact, the less Aza acts on him, because he is identified with matter, with the real world. Such a person has an internal blockage, an absolutely stable consciousness. This does not mean that you need to be stupid, this is also an extreme, because a person is given the opportunity for spiritual development and, most importantly, that at the same time he remains a normal person. In all his main approaches to our world, one must live a normal earthly reality. You see, there is a devil with horns - spit right in his face. Such a person has no fear, no terror. Moreover, this is not the level of ignorance (I do not know what evil is), but the level of internal blocking (you have nothing to hook on - you are the same as everyone else). We must not accept evil from within. This is Vara, sewn up. They live in a Vakshya capsule. They don't dream, horror films don't work. They don't believe in anything, they don't need it, don't bother them. They live normally, in a stream. The Zoroastrians respected such people. I have (P.P. Globa) Vakshya in Pisces in the 4th house of the horoscope, but I am not a Vakshya person - they harass me in the house.
Level 3 is a victory over death, over annihilation, it is overcoming fear, horror and collapse. Every 69 days, Aza unites with Vaksya, and this union pledges the victory of common sense over horror. The connections were on February 1, 1994 (Yeltsin's solarium), April 12, August 27, November 4, 1994. In 1995 - January 12, immediately after the eclipse, March 22, May 30, August 7, October 15, December 23. In 1993 - November 25, September 17 (4 days waited, as Az left Scorpio, and issued the "Presidential Decree". And it was this time that was the last for finding common sense. Of course, someone is leading our government. On May 10, 1994, when Yeltsin repented, during a solar eclipse, his speech was interrupted by a picture of the full moon).
The combination of Aza with Vaksya makes it possible to chop off the head of Medusa Gorgon. For all people, these connections are also points of choice. In them you need to pray, practice different forms of influence to get rid of fears, precisely on these days. In 1995, Navruz coincides with such a combination. The point of choice for Russia, the victory of egregor over chaos. The Year of the Polar Bear, the year of the Aryan egregor - this should be the first year of victory over chaos.
Revolution of 1917 - Az in Cancer, and Vakshya is also in Cancer, the formation of the USSR - December 30, 1922 - Az in Leo, the war on June 22, 1941 - Aza passed from Taurus to Gemini. December 8, 1994 - in Cancer, in the same place where it was on November 8, 1917. June 12, 1991 - entered Libra. August 19, 1991 - in Libra - clearly 68 days after June 12. October 3, 1993 - in Aquarius.
Aza acts differently in aspects. In conjunction - it acts as a solvent, absorber of any planet. The planet, having got into its orbit, becomes aza-like and loses a lot of its strength in order to block this Azu. In other aspects, Aza brings confusion or recharge on some kind of crap, moreover, frank. In the red and green aspects, it is the recharge of your chernukha. Green aspects on Azu act as a source, provocation of chaos, chaos, confusion, disintegration and decomposition of the system, permissiveness, moreover, outright blackened permissiveness. This is not self-deception, this is not Druj. In the red aspects, Aza's action is like the action of a spider pulling its victims, or an abyss that lures and sucks in. "Dangerous bog", quicksand, swallowing the victim.
The karmic aspects block Aza very much, although they also give your inevitability and passivity in front of any evil. Aza becomes hopeless, a person does not understand how to deal with it, becomes passive, helpless, does not know how to resist it. And it becomes terribly destructive in the black aspects, but, on the other hand, it provides an opportunity for struggle and dynamics. Although it will be a collision with senseless destruction, with a waking nightmare. Only the septile aspects create the effect of a mirror or the ability to develop protection against the invasion of the demon Az.
The same is the form of her action according to the signs of the zodiac. In resonances, this is the point of your fear, which you transmit to another person by resonance. Aza's resonance in relation to another horoscope is your evil, to which the other reacts. But it is very good if your Aza lies on his Vakshya and vice versa. In such a couple, the inner ability to jointly resist evil is triggered. The effect of destroying the Gorgon Medusa is triggered. This is the story of Perseus freeing Andromeda when he showed the dragon the head of the Gorgon Medusa. True, one must approach Aza with great caution.
Az in any contact with Neptune or the Moon gives nightmares, burial alive (Gogol), senseless torture, terrible nightmares that the human consciousness is not normally capable of perceiving.
Hitchcock - August 13, 1899 - Az in Capricorn, Charles Manson (ritual murders of women) - November 12, 1940, Satanist - Az in Aries. Apparently, a real killer who kills himself should have Az in Aries. Salvador Dali - 1904 May 11 (or March 11) - on March 11 - Aries, on May 11 - in Aquarius (which is more similar). Khrushchev - April 15, 1894 - in Scorpio. Brezhnev is in Scorpio. In Russia, the chain Az appears in Scorpio (as the 10th sign for Russia) and in Aquarius. Roger Zelazny (May 13, 1937) - "The Court of Chaos", Az in Libra. In Libra, Az is often with writers who proclaimed lawlessness above the law. Old Man Makhno (October 29, 1888) - Sun at 6 Scorpio, Az in Scorpio. Kotovsky and Chapaev also have Scorpio.
Since Aza is an annihilator of matter, and the most material sign is Taurus, therefore, Az should most manifest itself in the opposite of Taurus Scorpio and in Capricorn, opposite of Cancer. And Aquarius, as a quadrature sign for Taurus, nevertheless, manifests itself mainly for Russia. Cancer is the roots, the base, the genus, everything that gives birth. Perhaps Aquarius is the opposition to Leo (the house of children, also gives birth). Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius. Name me all the countries where destruction, senseless nightmares, sacrifice, destruction of their own people manifested themselves in the most disgusting form. Russia (Aquarius), Kampuchea (Capricorn), East - pyramids from torn out eyes, blood feud, the Caucasus, Chechnya (Scorpio), Chile (Capricorn), Yugoslavia (Aquarius). Consequently, in the regions of Aquarius, Capricorn and Scorpio on Earth, the most terrible, senseless destruction of the Earth occurs, the destruction of human fruits, of what has been done. The battle for the harvest, the battle with the internal and external enemy ... We were not lucky to be born in the country in which Aza reigns supreme, but it is thanks to this that we have a second plus - after all, there is also Vakshya in Aquarius. The Mystery of Aquarius is very complex, therefore, it is in Aquarius that the very last, highest hypostasis of Az can manifest itself - the destruction of evil, a mirror. Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius - these are the three hypostases of Az. The first, the most primitive, destructive hypostasis is Capricorn (the earth sign is the destruction of the earthly world), the second, like an abyss, is an attraction, an attempt to draw a person into this horror - Scorpio. And the last hypostasis is a mirror, cutting off the head of Medusa Gorgon - Aquarius. Simple, senseless destruction of matter was in China and Kampuchea, where heads were easily chopped off. In Kampuchea, more than 3 million people were poisoned with the help of a primitive iron stick in 2.5 years. In the last October putsch in Moscow, even the Az regions were lost: Barrikadnaya - Scorpio, Ostankino - Aquarius.
People who have three strongly expressed signs - Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius - must know the mystery of Perseus, otherwise they will be subject to terrible nightmares or become the embodiment of earthly hell. Therefore, in the age of Aquarius, evil will be without masks. Aquarius is considered the beginning of victory over evil, because Az and Vaksya are manifested there. It is in the era of Aquarius that it will be possible to chop off the head of evil or make it at least more noticeable. Evil will become bright, obvious, disgusting monsters will appear. The signs of the fall of Aza, where it is limited - Taurus, Cancer, Leo. These are the three signs where this planet is limited.

AZ BY ZODIAC SIGNS (and similarly by horoscope houses)

Az in Aries is either a racketeer, a criminal, a murderer, an outright lust for blood, or a victim, the attraction of murderers, racketeers, robbers. Pointless fights, joining them, bloodshed, disasters.
Az in Taurus - gives birth to senseless misers - neither to myself, nor to people - the syndrome of the Covetous Knight or Plyushkin, in whom everything rots, decomposes around. Or the desire to destroy matter is also a kind of greed, in which everything collapses as if into an abyss. Destruction of food, the desire to poison others. Desecration of the earth, supernatural gluttony, the desire to swallow everything, it can even be cannibalism. In another sense, a person becomes a victim. Everything that he accumulates falls under the tail of the dog. Destruction of the material world. Put in rotten food and things of second freshness. Everything that is bought immediately deteriorates.
Az in Gemini - squandering, squandering. Senseless and malicious prodigality, slander, sowing chaos between people, kleptomania, senseless theft. Slander is Druj, and in this case - the desire to build dirty tricks through the word, verbally defame a person, throw mud at him. Foul language, swearing, rudeness - is rude and happy. In another case, a person is constantly faced with rudeness, with foul language, with disrespect for himself, with slander, with pouring slops on him. Pointless thefts from him. He is constantly frightened with words, fear through words, threats, a collector of black information.
Az in Cancer is vampirism, karmic horror coming from ancestors. Claustrophobia is a fear of enclosed spaces, an eerie horror under the roof of your house. Man is a source of terror for his kind. Defiler of the clan. At the second level, there is a poltergeist, in the house there is chaos, chaos, disorder, the closest people, family - the source of a nightmare for a person.
Az in Leo - vandalism, senseless destruction of works of art, values, Herostratus syndrome. Leo is creativity. Maniacs pouring acid on pictures. They torture children pointlessly. At the second level, love and children are a source of fear for a person. A game that consumes all life (roulette, cards).
Az in Virgo - fear of the hospital, animals. An animal tormentor, a tendency to vivisection - the destruction of animals under the guise of scientific experiments. Doctor killer. A surgeon who enjoys cutting. For example, during the war there were surgeons who did amputations that were not needed at all. Love to showcase severed heads, other parts of the body. Love of dismemberment. Masochism. In psychiatry, a case is known when a woman made herself a lot of unnecessary surgeries because of the love of cutting her body. On the second level, it is a victim of operations, a victim of pets.
Az in Libra - introducing chaos and chaos into the laws, lawlessness, chaos in the relationship of partners. Violation of harmony in nature, does not tolerate harmony. Pointless marriage, horror, hell. Also in contact with the law, authorities, police, code. Condemnation for nothing, just like that - they took and imprisoned them - they didn't like your face (for carrying empty bottles across Red Square), deprivation of rights. Or the person himself is the embodiment of the law, the unconcealed arbitrariness, the chaos of legislation.
I'm in Scorpio - delirium and chaos, an orgy of horror, monsters, nightmares, violence, senseless sadism, bloodthirsty and merciless. All sorts of perversions with special cynicism and exceptional audacity. At the second level - the attraction of maniacs, sadists, senseless torture, mockery.
Az in Sagittarius - destruction of temples, religion. Chaos, chaos in matters of faith. The true Herostratus syndrome is the destruction of the temple. Destruction of fire. Annihilation of matter associated with religion. "The fire that destroys the temple." This is the 8th sign for Taurus. Pointless wanderings abroad, homelessness. This is the 6th sign for the Motherland - a bum without a dollar in his pocket. Pointless emigration, refugee. Mockery of cults, destruction of priests. Whoever has Az in Ophiuchus - it is easiest for them to become real Satanists and servants of Satanic cults.
Az in Capricorn is a very strong standing. Failure into the abyss, complete loneliness, existential hopelessness. Dead spirit. At the everyday level - genocide, the practice of scorched earth, complete extermination. Everyone who is not with me is against me and must be destroyed. Conscientious, categorical and purposeful service to evil. Such a person is an absolute egocentric. A cold destroyer, but not passionate like in Aries, but a machine built to destroy. The second level is existentialism - "a lonely person on a lonely earth" - complete hopelessness, fear and horror of being.
Az in Aquarius - chaos and chaos associated with time, the reversal of all plans, complete anarchy. Sowing senseless disorder, rude and mocking cynicism. Complete licentiousness and permissiveness, when a person urinates in the presence of others, when all attitudes are crumpled, and there is no restraining principle. Delirium, absurdity, which are elevated to a cult, absurd nonsense, which is imposed on others. At the second level, a person is a victim of the same absurdity. A complete change of plans, the destruction of everything that is conceived. Falling into a distorted world is complete insanity in which a person lives. Or he imposes the same insanity on others.
Az in Pisces - the destruction of the subconscious, driving others to suicide, to mental illness, secret mental bullying, psychotropic war, zombie. On another level - hallucinations in reality, fear and horror that absorbs a person from the outside, the embodiment of his delirium, nightmarish bad dreams.
The second level of Az is a payback for looking into the abyss. And now the funnel starts to spin you.
Druj will never call herself evil, only Az does not hide behind and in this respect she is more frank. But Az also has more strength, gained by Druj. The gigantic force of the anti-world, stolen by Druj, goes to Az and in Az it accumulates. The power stolen from the people involved in the orbit of evil. At this level, Az arises. After all, Az cannot arise while there will be Druja. Druj steals matter, involves people, and against this background Aza arises, which from the stolen matter gains strength for herself, as a result of which she annihilates all the brightest.


(According to the calculations of A. Timashev, St. Petersburg)

Coordinates of Aza. Entering Signs (1995)

date hour date hour date hour date hour date hour date hour
Aries 02.01 18 12.03 18 20.05 19 28.07 19 05.10 20 13.12 20
Taurus 08 01 12 18.03 12 28.05 13 03.06 13 11.10 14 19 12 14
Twins 14 01 06 24.03 06 01.06 07 09.08 07 17.10 08 25.12 08
Cancer 20.01 00 30.03 00 07.06 01 15.08 01 23.10 02 31.12 02
a lion 25.01 18 04.04 18 12.06 19 20.08 19 28.10 20
De wah 31 01 12 10.04 12 18 06 13 26 08 13 03.11 14
scales 06.02 06 16 04 06 24.06 07 01.09 07 09.11 08
Scorpion 12.02 00 22.04 00 30.06 01 07.09 01 15.11 02
Sagittarius 17.02 18 27.04 19 05.07 19 12.09 19 20.11 20
Capricorn 23.02 12 03.05 12 11.07 13 18.09 14 26.11 14
Aquarius 01.03 06 09.05 07 17.07 07 24.09 08 02.12 08
Fishes 07.03 00 15.05 01 23.07 01 30.09 02 08.12 02

Average speed 69.2 days. - Z60 gr.
5 days 18 hours 24 minutes - 30 gr.
3 days 20 hours 15 minutes - 20 gr.
1 day 22 hours 08 minutes - 10 gr.
23 hours 04 minutes - 5 gr.
4 hours 37 minutes - 1 gr.
1 day - 5 g. 12 min.
2 days - 10 gr. 24 minutes
3 days - 15 gr. 36 minutes
4 days - 20 gr. 48 minutes
5 days - 26 gr. 01 minutes
1 h - 0 g 13 min
2 hours - 0 gr. 26 minutes
3 hours - 0 gr. 39 minutes
6 hours - 1 g. 18 minutes
12 hours - 2 gr. 36 minutes


Pisces 18.02 20 (date hour) 12.04 00 03.06 04 25.07 09 15.09 13
Aquarius 02.01 00 23.02 04 16.04 08 07.06 13 29.07 17 19.09 22
Capricorn 06.01 08 27.02 12 20.04 17 11.06 21 03.08 01 24.09 06
Sagittarius 10.01 17 03.03 21 25.04 01 16.06 05 07.08 10 28.09 14
Scorpio 15.01 01 08.03 05 29.04 10 20.06 14 11.08 18
Balance 19 01 09 12.03 14 03.05 18 24 06 22 16.08 02
Virgo 24.01 18 16.03 22 08.05 02 29.06 07 20.08 11
Leo 28.01 02 21.03 05 12 05 11 03.07 15 24.08 19
Cancer 01.02 10 25.03 15 16.05 19 07.07 23 29.08 04
Gemini 05.02 19 29.03 23 21.05 03 12.07 08 02.09 12
Taurus 10.02 03 03.04 07 25.05 12 16.07 16 06.09 20
Aries 14.02 11 07.04 16 29.05 20 21.07 00 11.09 05

Average speed:
52 days. 4 hours 17 minutes - 360 gr.
4 days 8 hours 22 minutes - 30 gr.
2 days 21 hours 34 minutes - 20 gr.
1 day 10 hours 47 minutes - 10 g
17 hours 24 minutes - 5 gr.
3 hours 29 minutes - 1 gr.