Effective ways to clean coats of different materials. How to clean a coat at home without washing - wet and dry rules

Despite the immense popularity of outerwear made from Bologna and other waterproof fabrics, classic coats do not lose their relevance. A variety of colors and styles allows you to "fit" this wardrobe item into almost any look. One of its drawbacks is the difficulty in leaving. Careless self-washing can lead to deformation of the product, and dry cleaning requires money. Let's take a look at how to clean your coat at home without washing to freshen up its look, and how to wash it properly.

The coat should be looked after every day before or after putting it on. It is enough to brush over the fabric with a dry brush to remove dust and small debris. It makes sense to carry out "general" cleaning of the coat at the end of the season or when significant contamination (stains, glossy areas) and an unpleasant odor appear.

The main ways to clean your coat at home are:

  1. Dry. It involves processing the product with a soft bristle brush and the use of various agents in the form of powders or aerosols, the purpose of which is to absorb contaminants without using water.
  2. Wet. Includes the use of water and cleaning agents in selected areas, as well as wiping the entire product with a damp sponge or brush. In addition, this type of cleaning can be attributed to the treatment of a coat with steam using an iron or steam generator.
  3. Washing. Can be carried out manually or in a washing machine using powder or gel products. Only suitable for certain types of fabric.

The choice of cleaning method depends on the degree of soiling and the type of material. It is very important to examine the product label. It indicates the composition of the fabric and the rules for caring for it: the possibility of washing, water temperature, ironing mode, and so on.


Before you clean your coat, you need to properly prepare it:

  1. Check the pockets, pull everything out of them. Shake out the thing.
  2. In a well-lit place, hang the coat on a hanger or lay it out on a horizontal surface. Examine it carefully to see the dirtiest areas. The collar, sleeves and pockets get dirty the most. In addition, you should look for any stains on the lining and topsheet.
  3. Pre-dry clean with a brush to remove most of the dirt and dust.
  4. After studying the label, decide on the processing method. Check the effect of the selected drug on an inconspicuous area of ​​tissue.

Let's figure out how you can dry and wet clean coats made from the most popular materials - cashmere, drape and wool.

Cashmere coat

When figuring out how to clean a cashmere coat at home, you should know that the genuine material is made exclusively from Kashmiri goat hair. This soft and warm fabric is very expensive. In mass production, cashmere substitutes are most often used, which are created from wool, lavsan, cotton, viscose, polyester, and so on. Therefore, the composition of different "cashmere" products may differ significantly.

In many cases, a cashmere coat can be washed by hand or on a delicate cycle in a machine using liquid detergents at a temperature not exceeding 30 °. Do not wrinkle or wring out the product. It is necessary to hang it over the bathtub so that the main part of the water is glass, and then lay it horizontally on a terry towel.

If there is no information on the manufacturer's label that permits washing, or the item is not very dirty, it is better to wet clean individual areas. Let's figure out how you can clean your coat yourself at home without washing if it is made of cashmere. To remove stains, you can use one of the recipes:

  1. Sweat marks. Combine vinegar (ammonia) with glycerin in equal parts. Apply on dirt for 20 minutes.
  2. Grease stains. If you have a question how to clean a light coat, then it is best to notice talcum powder - sprinkle it on the trail and leave it for 2-3 hours, then remove it with a brush. You can use refined gasoline on colored fabrics. You should moisten a cotton pad in it and rub the stain until it comes off.
  3. Fresh traces of food and drinks (coffee, tea, wine). Sprinkle fine salt over the stain. As soon as it absorbs the dirt, shake it off.

After using one of the described products, the residual trail is removed with a soft sponge and a solution of laundry soap. At the end, the area should be treated with clean water and blotted with a terry cloth. To freshen up the entire coat, you should first walk on it with a dry brush, and then slightly damp and let it dry in the fresh air in the shade or on the balcony.

Tip: When removing stains, move from borders to the center. It is better to rip up the lining. A light cotton towel should be placed under the area to be treated so that the dirt does not "get imprinted" on other layers.

Woolen coat

When solving the problem of how to clean a drape coat at home without washing, it is important to take into account that this fabric consists of two layers of woolen threads and is very thick. It is not recommended to wash it yourself. Cleaning should be dry or damp.

Processing algorithm for light contamination:

  1. Hang the coat on a hanger.
  2. Brush along the entire length with a dry brush in the direction of the pile.
  3. Wet the brush and process the product again.
  4. Leave to dry in a ventilated room.

If a wardrobe item or its individual elements need serious cleaning, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. Dissolve carpet cleaner in water. Lather it and apply to the fabric, but so that it does not get wet. After the foam dries, remove it with a brush.
  2. On a black coat laid out on the table, crumble rye crumb. Roll the crumbs over the fabric with your hands. Remove with a brush the formed bread balls that have absorbed the dirt.
  3. Dissolve some fabric softener in warm water. Soak a sponge or microfiber cloth in liquid and wipe the coat in the direction of the nap. Wash the sponge / napkin in clean water and process the product again.

When solving the problem of how to clean a white coat, it's best to use Vanish Carpet Powder:

  1. Spread the product on the table.
  2. Pour the product on it.
  3. Rub it into the fibers with your hands (gloves).
  4. After an hour, remove the powder with a dry brush and walk over the fabric with a damp sponge.

A safe alternative to Vanish is baking soda. It applies in a similar way.

To clean stains and heavily soiled areas, you must:

  1. Combine washing gel, powder or shavings of laundry soap with water in a ratio of 1: 4. Mix.
  2. Moisten a sponge in the solution and treat the problem area. The fibers should be damp.
  3. After 20-30 minutes, rub the cloth with a sponge or brush soaked in clean water.
  4. Remove residual moisture with a napkin.

Note: If after cleaning it becomes necessary to iron the coat, set the temperature on the iron to no higher than 200 ° and put a cotton towel on top of the product. Alternatively, you can use a steamer.

Wool coat

When thinking about how to clean a wool coat at home, you need to remember that this fabric requires careful handling. Cleaning steps:

How to clean a woolen coat at home if it is significantly dirty? You can use warm water in which a special agent for woolen clothes is dissolved. It is required to moisten a brush or sponge in the liquid and process the product. If the manufacturer does not prohibit, then the coat can be washed in the same way as cashmere.

For owners of such a coat, you should get a special roller with a sticky surface so that you can easily collect hair, small debris, or possibly pet hair without any problems.

Sticky roller for cleaning clothes

You can also use a solution of warm water and a special agent for wool, you can add a few drops of ammonia. Use a cotton swab dipped in this solution to wipe dirty areas.

Attention! Remember that before using any drug, try it on an inconspicuous area of ​​fabric, so as not to suddenly damage something.

You can clean your woolen coat with soapy water:

  • take any hair shampoo or detergent;
  • add water and shake until foam appears;
  • apply a thin layer of foam on the surface of the coat and wait 30 minutes;
  • then remove all moisture from the coat, first with a damp and then dry cloth;
  • then dry the coat at room temperature.

Before you start cleaning your woolen coat, you need to. If it is indicated that you can use "Dry Clean", then calmly get to work.

To dry clean your wool coat yourself:

  • spread the item on a horizontal surface;
  • scatter washing powder over the surface and leave for 30 minutes;
  • then brush off the powder with a soft long-bristled brush;
  • then iron it on a hanger or a mannequin with an iron and a steamer and dry it.

That's it, the dry cleaning of the woolen coat is over.

Have you decided to wash, but are afraid to harm? What to do? And there is nothing wrong with that. It is enough to remember that when washing woolen items, you need a lot of water, and it should be no more than 35 degrees. Also remember, you cannot use any chlorine products. You just get rid of the woolen item right away.

  1. It is necessary to wash without soaking, but the powder must be well dissolved in water before starting the wash. You can take liquid or the simplest shampoo instead of regular powder.
  2. Remember, the main thing is that woolen items need to be rinsed very well.
  3. Do not rush to wring it out. Leave it for an hour in the bathroom or basin to glass. You can also wrap it in a towel and press firmly to drain the water quickly.
  4. You also need to dry it, having previously expanded it so that each detail is in its place.

How to iron a wool coat

How to iron a wool coat?

It happens that a woolen coat needs to be ironed, but you don't know how? Remember, this must be done while wet, set the iron to mode 2 for wool and iron through a clean cloth.

How to remove stains from your coat

Sometimes it happens that a stain may appear on your favorite coat: a drink has been spilled, someone accidentally touched it, etc. In this case, there is no need to completely wash the thing, but you just need to get rid of this stain. Let's take a look at how you can clean stains from a wool coat.

  1. To remove greasy stains from a wool coat, you need to use starch or talcum powder. Sprinkle them on a cloth and let sit for a couple of hours. Clean the rest of the product with a soft brush.
  2. A solution of ammonia and glycerin is used to remove stubborn stains. Mix these products in a 1: 1 ratio. Treat the desired area of ​​the coat with the prepared mixture. Then rinse with clean water or wipe with a damp cloth.
  3. To remove sweat stains from wool coats, first wash them with soapy water and then apply ammonia to the stains to remove the unpleasant odor. Then the coat must be rinsed with clean water and hung up to dry.


If you understand that you cannot cope with the pollution yourself, take your coat to the dry-cleaner, there they will remove any stain in a short time and without harm to the fabric.

Woolen coat is a stylish and elegant outerwear that reliably protects from wind and cold. Like any material, wool gets dirty over time. In addition, it becomes covered with pellets and may lose its presentability.

To preserve the appearance of the garment, it is recommended to clean the wool coat completely once or twice a year. In addition, with regular wear, you need to remove hair, dust, pellets that accumulate on the surface of the material once every one to two weeks. It is recommended to remove stains from wool as soon as you have noticed.

Features of cleaning a woolen coat

He will tell you how to properly care for a woolen coat, whether this material can be washed and dried. If the garment cannot be washed, use dry methods to remove dirt and stains, or have the garment dry cleaned.

For regular cleaning and maintenance of outerwear, use a special soft wool brush and a sticky roller or roller. Hang the coat on a hanger before cleaning and use a roller roller to sweep over the surface. It will rid the material of spools, clean it of dust, hair, hairs and threads.

Examine the coat for stains and dirt, and don't forget the lining! Pay special attention to problem areas such as collars, pockets, cuffs and sleeve edges. Such areas are polluted and salted more than others. Light dirt can be removed with a soft bristle brush. Brush in the direction of the pile.

If necessary, the brush can be slightly moistened with clean water or soapy water. But don't get the coat too wet! Wipe dirt on the material with a soft sponge, napkin, cloth or cotton pad. Never use hard sponges and brushes!

First, it is imperative to clean with a brush and a roller, and only then they start to remove difficult stains. The spots are cleaned from the edges to the center, then there will be no streaks on the product. Stubborn dirt can be held under a jet of steam before cleaning.

After dry brushing, leave the wool coat to dry on a hanger in an upright position in the open air or in a well-ventilated area. You need to store the product in a special case for clothes in a closet with doors.

Then the clothes will last a long time, retain their shape, color and presentable appearance. Now let's take a closer look at how to clean a woolen coat at home.

How to clean a wool coat without washing

  • Go over the fabric with a sticky roller or garment roller to collect threads and hairs. Then take a soft-bristled brush and brush your coat according to the lint pattern. If necessary, the brush can be slightly moistened in running water;
  • Use a soapy solution to remove dirt and small stains from your coat. To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of liquid soap in a liter of clean water. Instead of liquid soap, you can rub regular solid soap on a coarse grater. Stir until foamy. Soak a soft cloth in the solution and blot the dirt, do not rub the material! If it's a stubborn stain, let the soapy water sit for 5-10 minutes. Then rinse the area with a sponge soaked in clean water and blot with a dry cloth or napkin;
  • Oil and grease stains are removed with refined gasoline. To do this, peel off the load and cover the soiled area with a paper towel. Dip a cotton pad or swab in gasoline and wipe the stain from the wrong side from the edge to the center;
  • Oily stains are also eliminated by talcum powder or potato starch. Sprinkle the powder over the soiled area and cover with a white cloth or paper towel. Place the load on top and leave for 6-10 hours. Then remove the remaining talcum or starch with a brush;
  • Drink and food stains and fresh stains will be removed with a mixture of alcohol and vinegar. Take the ingredients in equal parts and mix. Dip a cotton ball or swab in the resulting composition and saturate the stain. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with a sponge dipped in clean water. Also, a mixture of ammonia and vinegar will help eliminate greasy areas;
  • Salted areas are also treated with a mixture of ammonia and salt. To do this, take alcohol and salt, mix in a ratio of 1 to 4. Rub the problem areas with the composition. You can leave it on for a few minutes and then brush off the rest of the product with a brush;

  • The black woolen coat is wiped with a cotton pad dipped in a fresh and slightly warm infusion of black tea. This procedure will update the material and color of the product;
  • A white or light woolen coat will save a solution of ammonia and salt. Mix a teaspoon of salt and four teaspoons of rubbing alcohol. Wipe the contaminated areas with the compound, then clean with a damp sponge and wipe with a dry soft cloth;
  • For white and light-colored items, also use the Vanish carpet cleaner. Sprinkle powder over the dirt and rub gently into the fabric. Remove the remnants of the product with a brush;
  • For the care of natural wool, a glycerin solution is used. Mix two parts glycerin and one part water or ammonia. Then wipe the problem areas with the composition with a cotton pad or sponge. After that, clean the product with a damp sponge or a soft cloth soaked in running clean water. By the way, the glycerin solution effectively removes coffee and tea stains;
  • If you are afraid of ruining the material, use special products for wool and delicate fabrics. These are mild shampoos and various liquid products. They are used not only for washing, but also for regular cleaning. Rub the stain with the compound and then rinse with a sponge dipped in clean water;
  • For stubborn and indelible stains, you can use a wool stain remover. Choose oxygenated products without alkali and chlorine!

Can the woolen coat be washed

Can't wash 100% virgin wool coats. The rest of the products can be washed if the tag permits it. More information on the meanings on the label of clothes and things can be found. However, the coat should be washed very carefully and only on a delicate cycle using special detergents for wool.

For washing, choose a special shampoo, conditioner or liquid detergent for woollens. When rinsing, use fabric softeners to soften water and material.

In a washing machine, coats are washed at a delicate mode with a temperature of up to 30 degrees without spinning! The product must be placed in a bag or a garment cover, or washed, wrapped in a duvet cover or pillowcase.

You can also wash your woolen coat by hand. To do this, use a large volume of cold water and detergents for woolen clothes. After washing, rinse the garment thoroughly at least two to three times to avoid soap marks and streaks. Wringing out the coat is not recommended.

The woolen coat must not be twisted or rubbed strongly, dried vertically, dried in dryers and a washing machine, with a hair dryer or heating appliances, in direct sunlight! Do not wash the garment too often, otherwise it will stretch and lose its shape. Do not wash your woolen coat if the tag prohibits it.

It is important to properly dry the product so that it does not stretch or lose its shape. To do this, after washing, wrap the coat in a large terry towel or a light-colored terry sheet and leave it on until the fabric has absorbed excess moisture.

Then lay the garment on a horizontal surface, carefully flatten the material, remove folds and unevenness. Dry the woolen coat in the fresh air without direct exposure to sunlight or in a cool room with good air circulation away from the battery.

I like to wear a coat at any time of the year. Convenient and beautiful. But how to clean it or wash it at home if the coat is dirty? I decided to get into the question of cleaning as soon as possible. Winter is leaving, soon it is warm, it is necessary to shake up the wardrobe and prepare old things for use.

Cleaning your coat at home - where to start?

Proper and good grooming can increase the lifespan of your coat. Of course, you can use dry cleaning services, but not everyone can find the time for this. The coat can be easily cleaned at home without any special skills.

Cleaning and maintenance always begins with an inspection.

  1. We hang the coat on a hanger and examine it carefully in good lighting.
  2. We start with problem areas - the inner side of the lining, collar and pockets for stains.
  3. At the same time, we determine from what material or fabric your coat is sewn. Every material, be it drape, cashmere or wool, requires a certain amount of care. More on this below.

Cleaning the coat depending on the material

Woolen coat

Drap has long established itself as an excellent and easy-care material for sewing coats. To clean the drape, you can use the products you use for cleaning, such as carpets. You need to follow the instructions, that is, apply foam to the stain, let it dry. After that, the dirty dried spot must be cleaned off with a brush with natural bristles.

If the coat is light in color , You can apply the popular Vanish cleaner by spreading the coat on a flat surface, sprinkle the powder on the dirty spots, then gently brush off the cleaner with a soft clothes brush.

Pay attention to the label on the inside, it may very well be that the coat is washable.

If washing is not suitable for the product , then you can do with simple dry cleaning or treat small dirt with a solution of soap.

Liquid solution with water , also applicable to woolen products, fits in a wide bowl. After wetting a clean cloth in the solution, we wipe the dirty place with it. The coat material in this place should be thoroughly wet. It is not recommended to rub in the soap solution strongly. The remedy should work within half an hour. Then, wetting the material with water, remove the soapy water with a dry cloth. Dry the product on a hanger.

Wool coat

The woolen coat is cleaned with a brush ... Salted and salted areas can be treated with a sponge soaked in a solution of vinegar and alcohol one to one.

Dark coat clean well with a cloth soaked in strong tea leaves or apply steam.

Fresh grease stains are removed with talcum or starch , not sparing this product, you need to sprinkle the stain and wait a few hours. Then the material is cleared of powder.

Cashmere coat

The cashmere product can be simply machine washed at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees on a delicate mode, as well as a polyester coat. Remove stains with baby powder or talcum powder. Sprinkle the contaminated area, leave for 12-15 hours, then clean it with a brush.

Light-colored coat

To clean a product made of light-colored material , you need to try twice. It is impossible to selectively clean the stains on the coat, stains from the detergent and drips will remain. Therefore, after cleaning the stains, it is better to rinse the thing thoroughly in cool water. After the water is drained, wrap the product in a towel, let the remaining moisture absorb. Then dry the coat on a coat hanger.

Useful video on how to clean a coat at home

In case of more serious pollution, in order to avoid damage to a good and expensive thing, you will have to turn to specialists - professionals will do this work much better.

An automatic washing machine can handle any laundry, including outerwear. But some types of fabrics are highly undesirable to wash in automatic machines. And it is easier to remove small specks in other ways than to wash entire clothes. In this review, we'll take a look at how to clean your coat at home without washing it and what you need to do. And in order to make the review as complete as possible, we will touch on the topic of cleaning coats made from a wide variety of fabrics.

Removing dust

If the coat has hung on the hanger for a long time and there is no need to clean it of dirt, then it just needs to be cleaned of dust - it could have accumulated during the period while the clothes were hanging in the closet or on a hook in the hallway, waiting for the next season. And here we can easily do without any kind of washing, using a regular clothes brush:

  • We hang the coat in a ventilated place (in our own yard, on the balcony);
  • Let it air a little to remove odors;
  • We arm ourselves with a clothes brush and carefully remove all the dust.

If necessary, you can let the clothes hang in the air for several hours. If a breeze is blowing outside, then this is very good - it will ventilate the coat, cope with unpleasant odors and remove dust. But remember that it is highly discouraged to expose clothes to direct sunlight - to the greatest extent this applies to coats made of expensive and delicate fabrics.

Place a piece of cloth underneath before cleaning your coat. She will be able to absorb excess moisture and will not stain everything around.

There is another way to clean the coat from dust at home without washing - for this you need to arm yourself with a sponge dipped in soapy water (it is advisable to use specialized products sold in hardware stores). Gently run a sponge over the fabric, applying foam, then rinse it off with water and leave the clothes to dry. To avoid damage to the coat, this procedure should be carried out in a ventilated place, but not in the sun.

Another not the most obvious way to clean a coat of dust without washing is to walk on it with the most ordinary vacuum cleaner.

Steam removal of dust and light dirt

The most ordinary steamer will help to clean the coat without washing - it removes dust, freshens any kind of clothes after a long stay in the closet. The steamers are sold in hardware stores and run on clean water. The steam generated by them straightens the fibers of the fabric, eliminates foreign odors, and effectively removes dust pollution.

The steamers are suitable for all types of fabrics, including delicate ones. But it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the label on your coat before use.


Removing the smell of sweat from a coat without washing is as easy as shelling pears - the simplest airing will help. To do this, the outerwear must be hung on a hanger on the balcony or on the loggia, making sure that no direct sunlight falls on it. Some people advise taking advantage of the frosty winter air by hanging the item for several days in a bitter frost - this will help get rid of the smell of sweat.

If your coat starts to smell like sweat, use special conditioners for outerwear - they will help clean the coat without washing. Apply your chosen product to problem areas of the lining and wait a couple of hours. After the conditioner dries, you can use the item. You will find more detailed instructions on the use of a particular product on its label.

To help clean your coat from persistent sweat odor:

  • Apple vinegar;
  • Dry citric acid;
  • Potato starch;
  • A weak solution of ordinary vinegar;
  • Ammonia.

Apply your chosen product to the lining and leave it on overnight. The odors should completely disappear overnight.

If you are sweating too much and causing your outerwear to suffer, try a better antiperspirant deodorant or see your doctor - sometimes persistent sweating is a symptom of certain conditions.

We go to dry cleaning

The easiest way to clean your coat without washing is to have it dry cleaned. Firstly, dry cleaning specialists are better versed in how to remove contamination from certain materials. And secondly, chemical cleaning is as careful as possible for all types of fabrics. Its undoubted advantage will be the ability to quickly deal with the most stubborn dirt. The downside is the high cost of services and the possible lack of a good dry cleaning service nearby.

Some stains, such as heavy fuel oil or engine oil, are extremely difficult to remove. In some cases, even a high-quality dry cleaning may not cope with such a problem.

If you are going to clean your coat without washing, use the following tools, products and devices:

  • The machine for removing pills - it will return the outer clothing to its normal appearance and effectively remove surface dirt;
  • Manual razor - gently shave your coat with it to help remove dust, pellets and small specks;
  • The adhesive tape roller is an ingenious tool for removing dust and surface contamination. At the same time, the tape will rid the clothes of small hairs;
  • Dry carpet cleaner is ideal for cleaning your coat without washing. Use it according to the instructions;
  • Special garment brushes - suitable for suede and wool coats;
  • Dry stain removers - will help to cope with stubborn stains, including stubborn ones.

Experiment on an invisible area before brushing the entire coat to avoid ruining the item.

Cleaning products

If your coat has any stains, we recommend that you clean it without washing, using special stain removers. They are sold in supermarkets and household chemicals stores. Some people manage to clean their coats with car interior cleaners - a great and inexpensive solution.

Grease stains are very easy to remove with potato starch - you can find them at any grocery store. Apply it on the stain and leave it on for a few hours, then remove it with a brush or sponge. The most common table salt will help to remove stains from wine, but this should be done immediately, and not after a few days. A mixture of denatured alcohol, soapy water and soda will help to remove old stains of wine and fruit (20 g of soda and 15 ml of alcohol should be diluted in 500 g of water).

A soapy water solution is ideal for cleaning a drape coat without washing. To do this, you can use not only soap, but also a liquid product that replaces ordinary powder. Just dilute it in water and brush it onto the surface of your garment. After half an hour, remove the remaining solution with the same brush dipped in clean water - this will refresh the surface of the fabric and remove light dirt.

How to clean a coat of different fabrics

We have already talked about general recommendations for cleaning outerwear and found out how to dry wash coats at home. Let's now make recommendations for different fabrics - they need to be cleaned differently for optimal results.

A regular brush or roller with a Velcro pad will help to clean a woolen coat without washing at home from surface dirt. If you don't have one or the other, use sticky tape - a great tool to get rid of dust, gray deposits and small hairs. You can also treat outerwear with soapy water or a special cleaner, working with it according to the instructions.

A simple mixture of ammonia and table salt will help to clean a coat of wool - from these components it is necessary to prepare a gruel and apply it to the fabric. After 20-30 minutes, the gruel is removed, the surface of the clothes is brushed. If all else fails, use a damp wash in the washing machine on the Wool program (available in many automatic machines).

Talc will help to clean the cashmere coat of greasy stains - sprinkle it with dirt and leave it for several hours. After that, we process this place with a brush, but as carefully as possible, since the cashmere fabric is very delicate. And if you manage to spill wine or tea on cashmere, treat the fresh stains with the most common salt. For stubborn stains, they should be dry cleaned.

If your coat is made of dark cashmere, you can try cleaning it with a cotton pad soaked in gasoline to remove grease stains effectively. It is recommended to use gasoline for refueling lighters, as it has a very mild odor and evaporates quickly.

It is very easy to clean a drape coat without washing - for this we need any washing powder. Fill the stain with a small amount of powder, with three damp sponges. After a while, we repeat the rubbing with a sponge and remove the remnants of the product with a brush. After that, we hang the clothes in a ventilated place and wait for the wet spot to dry completely. If the dirt persists, carry out the procedure again.

The easiest way to clean a tweed coat without washing is. For this we don't even need any auxiliary means. The thing is that this fabric is immune to dirt. And even if they did appear (for example, after walking on muddy streets after rain), they can be easily removed with a regular brush. Stubborn dirt can be easily removed with soapy water (or a solution of gel detergent for washing).

If there are no problems with tweed, then it is more difficult to clean a suede coat - it all depends on the nature of the pollution. Ordinary potato starch works best with greasy stains - sprinkle it over the greasy stain, wait 2-3 hours, and then remove with a brush. Since suede is soft leather, nothing bad will happen from this treatment. Milk with soda (two teaspoons per glass), cotton pads with gasoline and table salt also help from greasy dirt.

Glossy areas of a suede coat can be cleaned with bread crumb - crumb the fresh bread onto a cloth, then rub it over. Bread crumb effectively removes many impurities. Steaming removes scuffs best of all - hold the desired spot over the spout of the kettle or treat the coat with a steamer.

If all else fails, you will have to use the wash. But remember that washing should be carried out in water with a temperature not higher than +30 degrees. Also, the suede cannot be twisted. Drying after washing is carried out in a horizontal position. Faux suede cannot be washed - take it to a dry cleaner.

There will be no particular difficulties in this matter. The skin is easily rubbed off from various impurities, including plain soapy water. For more serious stains, add a spoonful of ammonia to a glass of soapy water - this mixture effectively removes many stains. If the stains are salty (often appear after rains or water ingress from the roads), then the most common vinegar will help to cope with them.