Ecological play time with parents in the middle group of kindergarten on the topic: Winter. Summary of environmental entertainment in the middle group “Travel to the winter taiga”

Nadezhda Kirichenko
Summary of environmental entertainment in the middle group “Travel to the winter taiga”

Summary of environmental entertainment in the middle group “Travel to the winter taiga”

Prepared by: teacher Kirichenko N.K.

Target: Introducing children to the nature of their native land, forming the prerequisites for elementary ecological consciousness, through playing out a game situation - a trip to the forest.


Expand children's understanding of winter, taiga, animals of Siberia, and form basic environmental awareness.

Develop children's speech.

Develop dexterity and coordination of movements.

Develop skills for safe behavior in the forest.

Activities: gaming, cognitive-research, motor.

Previous work: conversations with children, reading fiction, learning poems about forest inhabitants, asking riddles, looking at the magazine “Sibiryachok”, didactic games “Who is whose”, “Confusion”, etc.

Equipment: the hall is decorated in the form of a winter forest, a house for a Siberian, toys - little animals, a sign prohibiting leaving garbage in the forest, garbage, a recording of the sounds of a winter forest, treats for children, a presentation “Animals of the Taiga”.



In the land of miracles - the Siberian land -

Quite a wonder for the guests.

And we happened to be born here,

Siberia is a rich land! Forest is the wealth of Siberia! Who knows what the Siberian forest is called? Taiga, that's right. Guys, we received a letter from an old man - Siberian. He invites us on a journey to the Siberian forest - to the taiga. In the letter, Sibiryachok wrote rules of conduct in the forest:

If you went for a walk in the forest

breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play

Just don’t forget,

That you can't make noise in the forest,

Even sing very loudly.

The little animals will be scared

They will run away from the forest edge.

So, are you guys ready to go on a trip? How should we prepare for a winter trip?

Invite the children to choose from the things lying on the table necessary for the hike. Put everything in your backpack.

All that remains is to dress warmly!

Dynamic pause (imitation) children get dressed.

In winter I'll put on a hat,

In winter I'll wear a fur coat,

And the scarf is warm too

I won't forget in winter.

And I’ll put on mittens,

and warm pants

And Siberian frosts,

Then I'm not afraid.

They rose, they fell,

We found ourselves in the winter taiga.

The music “Sounds of the Winter Forest” plays. On the multimedia screen are landscapes of a winter forest.

How beautiful it is here! Taiga all around. Mighty pines and spruces. Everything is covered with white snow! Poets write poems about this beauty.

Children read poems.

"Winter forest, you are fast asleep"

On the prickly paws of spruce trees

Tired snowstorms sleep.

The forest was covered with a blanket


Snow - a shaft

On the bushes and on the hills,

On green pines and fir trees.

And a huge anthill

He hid in the snow - an entertainer!

There is snow everywhere and silence everywhere...

Winter forest, are you sleeping soundly? (Olga Strizhova)

Educator: - Guys. Can you hear who is sighing? Yes, this is the owner of the forest himself, an old Siberian man.

He lives in a remote hut,

Knows every edge

Every hill and hole,

After all, he works in the forest.

Educator: - Hello, grandfather! (knocks on the door) We came to visit you, take a walk in the taiga, breathe fresh air, look at the animals. Something is not coming out Siberian?

Siberian: - I can’t go out, the door doesn’t open!

Educator: And the door is littered with garbage! What to do?(garbage is scattered - plastic bottles, bags, pieces of paper, cans).

The children's answers are listened to.

Of course, there is a lot of garbage here. What to do with him?

Children offer to collect garbage in plastic bags and then take it with them. The Siberian comes out.

Siberian: Thank you, you freed me from garbage captivity. Hello good people!

Educator: - Guys, what do you think, is it possible to throw and leave garbage in the forest? Why? Where should you throw garbage? (children's answers are listened to).

We will put up a special prohibition sign. He warns that trash should not be left in the forest. (Children put up a sign).

Siberian: While I couldn’t leave my house, trouble happened in the taiga. There was a strong snowstorm, the animals lost their babies and I had to go in search.

Educator: Guys, can we help the Siberian? How?

Children's answers: Call the animals, go in search.

Educator: That's right, let's go look!

(Children around the hall are looking for soft toys of a wolf, hare, bear, fox).

Siberian: Thanks, guys! The animals are very happy and want to play an animal warm-up exercise with you.

One - squat, two - jump.

This is a rabbit exercise.

How do fox cubs wake up? (Rub your eyes with your fists)

They like to stretch for a long time (stretch)

Be sure to yawn (yawn while covering your mouth with your palm)

Well, wag your tail

(movement of hips to the sides)

And the wolf cubs arch their back (bend their back forward)

And jump lightly (light jump up)

Well, the bear is clubfooted (arms are bent at the elbows, palms are connected below the waist)

Paws spread wide (feet shoulder width apart)

First one, then both together (stepping from foot to foot)

Marks time for a long time (body sways to the sides)

And for those who don’t have enough exercise, they start all over again.

Siberian: - Well, are you warmed up? Then sit down on the stumps and logs, the animals have prepared tasks for you.

Interactive game “Wild Animals of Siberia”.

Educator: Well done, you completed the task! And now a fun round dance!

Dance to the music “Snowflakes are spinning and flying”

At the end, Siberian treats the children with honey in a birch jar and pine nuts.

Educator: - Thank you, grandfather, for everything, but it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten. We will take the garbage with us and throw it in special containers. Guys, let's say the magic words:

"Look around and turn around

Find yourself in kindergarten!”

Tea party with honey and nuts (Cookies).

Leisure time for environmental education

"Journey into the Forest"

Goal: increasing the level of environmental culture of children of the 2nd junior group

Objectives: continue to teach children to interact with nature, expand knowledge about the forest and its inhabitants, develop cognitive interest, and cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Preliminary work:

1. examination of visual teaching aids depicting the forest at different times of the year, illustrations of wild animals and trees;

2. reading poems and riddles about the forest and its inhabitants.

3. didactic games “Wild Animals”, “Animal World”, “Collect mushrooms in a basket”, “Whose baby is this”, “Which animal is hiding behind a stump”, etc.; outdoor games “Owl”, “By the Bear in the Forest”

4. acquaintance with the basic rules of behavior in the forest.

Material: adult bunny costume; painted tracks - bird, wolf, elk, earthworm; audio recording of birds - woodpecker, cuckoo, owl; owl mask

Leisure activities are spent during the summer during a day walk. Venue: an area depicting a forest area (a place where fir trees, birches, maples, rowan grow)


Educator: - today I want to invite you on a journey through the forest. Do you want to come with me?

What do you think we might see there? (children's assumptions). Let's get a look.

The teacher reads a poem, the children follow the teacher in pairs

“Walk!” - beckoned

Forest path.

And so we walked

We're on the way!...

After all, in the summer in the forest

Interesting, like in a fairy tale:

Bushes and trees

Flowers and frogs,

And the grass is green

Softer than a pillow!..

(B. Zakhoder)

Educator: - So you and I found ourselves in the forest, there are a lot of trees, birds, various wild animals, and in order not to get lost, follow me and watch carefully, what I do, so do you.

Children follow the teacher between the trees and repeat all the movements.

Educator: - Guys, be careful, the tree has fallen, you need to step over it, raise your leg higher.

Oh, look, there are holes all around here, in order to go further you need to jump over.

Look how big the branch is on the way, you have to bend down to pass..

Oh, there are so many trees around, how many of you know what they are called... show me where the birch is? Where is the Christmas tree? Where is the maple? Where is the rowan? After each display, he asks by what signs the child recognized the tree.

Look who's jumping?

(adult in a bunny costume)

Hare: Hello kids, do you recognize me, who am I? (answer) Exactly! Do you know where I live? (children's assumptions) where do you live? I know everything about the forest, and you? And do you know my friends? Who else lives in the forest? (Answers)

Educator: - Guys, what other little inhabitants of the forest do you know? Tell the bunny (answers).

Hare: Well done... do you want to be my friends? Then let's all play together. Go out into the clearing (flat place). I will name the animal, and you will show it:

bear, fox, hedgehog, butterfly (imitation of movements)

and now all the boys are jumping like bunnies.

Now all the girls are jumping like squirrels. You're doing great!

And who else is hiding from us in the wilderness? The game “Whose traces?” will help you find out.

Avian. if children find it difficult to guess a riddle: the spider dreams of a miracle-yudo on a branch at night: a long beak and 2 wings, it will fly - things are bad! Who is the spider afraid of? Did you guess it? This…

Wolf. Mystery:He makes friends only with the fox, this animal is angry, angry. His teeth click and click... very scary gray...

Moose. Riddle: his horns are heavy in weight, he walks importantly through the forest. He is the host, not the guest, the handsome man frowns...

From an earthworm. Whose, such a strange trail is this, can anyone guess?

Coils like a snake

Lives underground

There's a good bite on him

The catch increases

(If you spit three times).

Loves warm rains

Everyone knows this:

this is... (earthworm).

Draw the earthworm track yourself (with crayons on the asphalt or with a stick on the ground)

Children complete the task.

Fine. Now listen!

1. (cuckoo): who can guess what kind of sound this is? Listen again:

2. (woodpecker). Did you guess it?

3. (owl). Sleeps during the day, flies at night. It hoots and scares people. Eyes glow in the dark, it’s a threat to all mice!

Do you want to play owl and little birds?

Outdoor game "Owl"

It’s dark in the forest, everyone has been sleeping for a long time. (Children stand in a semicircle, depicting sleeping birds)

All the birds are sleeping, only the owl is awake,


Big head, sitting on a branch (the teacher depicts an owl in accordance with the text)

He turns his head, looks all around,

Yes, suddenly it will fly!

Repeat 2 times.

Educator: Bunny, we really enjoyed our time in your forest, but it’s time to go back. Guys, tell the bunny goodbye... (they say goodbye) Line up in pairs.

Our feet walk along a smooth path

over hummocks, over hummocks, over grass and leaves:

Follow-up conversation:

Guys, where were we today? (In the woods)

Who did we meet in the forest? (bunny) what were we talking about?

What trees did you see? (Christmas tree, birch, maple)

What birds did you hear? (woodpecker, cuckoo, owl)

What did you like most?

Round dance “Have fun, kids!” sl. M. Kartushina, Estonian folk melody

    Have fun, kids!

The game begins!

Have fun, kids!

The game begins!

Red fox

Walking on the grass

And a fluffy tail

It sweeps behind itself.

    Have fun, kids!

The game continues!

Have fun, kids!

The game continues!

Prickly hedgehogs

They clap their hands,

Enjoy the sun:

It's such a good day!

    Have fun, kids!

Game over!

Have fun, kids!

Game over!

Mishenka is a trampler

Dancing and singing

Spinning and stomping

Roars joyfully.

Ved.: Well, bunny, are you warm?

Bunny: Yes, I'm warmed up. I thank you all and give you carrots!

He gives the presenter a large carrot, and in it there is a gift for the children.

Goal: Continue to introduce the life of the inhabitants of the winter forest; distinguish between a fairy forest and a real one. Repeat familiar riddles. Develop the ability to support an imaginary game situation; accompany singing with playful movements.

Children stand in a circle and dance in a circle, performing movements as they dance.

We will now go to the right - 1,2,3

And then let's go left - 1,2,3

We will clap our hands loudly - 1,2,3

And we’ll stamp our feet together - 1,2,3

And now we will turn around - 1,2,3

And let’s smile at each other – 1,2,3

We’ll never get bored – 1,2,3

Let's start the round dance again - 1,2,3

Little Red Riding Hood comes to the group. (Girl from the older group).

- Hello guys! I was going to visit my grandmother, I heard your cheerful song and decided to go in and see who was singing so cheerfully.

-Where does your grandmother live?

— She lives in a house on the edge of the village, behind the forest. Do you know what a forest is? (Answers).

Voss: Correct. There are no houses in the forest, but there are different trees and a lot of bushes. The forest is very large, you can walk through it for a long time, and you can get lost in it. You can only go with adults. People go to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries, admire its beauty, breathe clean air - this is very good for health.

Winter is a real magician. She dresses the forest in beautiful outfits.

Kr. Cap: Have you walked through the winter forest? Would you like me to show you a fabulous winter forest? You will see what happens there in winter. Only now it is very cold in the forest.

Voss: We'll dress warmer. What warm, winter clothes will we wear? (Together with the children we imitate how we put on imaginary woolen ones: socks, gaiters, sweater; warm coat, hat).

We help each other tie a scarf. What should we put on our feet?

Shall we guess the riddle?

Two sisters, 2 braids

Made from fine sheep yarn

How to walk, how to wear,

So that 5 and 5 do not freeze

Yes, these are mittens.

Kr. Cap: I see that you have dressed warmly, and we can go to visit grandma through the winter, fairy-tale forest (The song “It’s fun to walk together” sounds, verse 1, the children enter the hall, where there are snow-covered trees against the wall, stumps on the floor - white covering. A white hare is galloping towards him (Child from the older group).

Kr. Cap: Hello, Shustrik.

This is my familiar hare. He lives in a hole under a tree stump. Don't be afraid, Shustrik, guys. We are going to visit grandma. I want to show the guys the forest and who lives in it in winter.

Hare: Look how thick, white, winter wool I have. The fox won't find me in such a warm fur coat. I hide under a Christmas tree in the snow - you can’t even see me.

Voss: Guys, why can’t the fox find the hare?

Children: The snow is white and the hare is white.

Hare: We are hungry - there is no grass, we have to gnaw branches from bushes and bark from trees. It's not very tasty, but what can you do. We sleep in the snow under a bush - it’s scary, we listen all the time, our ears are turned in different directions. Hungry wolves are prowling the forest (Kr. Riding Hood takes a carrot from the basket and treats it to the hare).

Vos: In the summer, wolves walk alone, but in the winter they gather in packs. They have nothing to eat, so they attack everyone they meet in the forest. Be careful, Shustrik, and don’t fall into the clutches of the fox and the wolf. Goodbye, we'll move on.

Hare: To prevent your feet from falling into the snowdrifts, I will give you skis.

Voss: Thank you, Shustrik,

I know what children love

Skis, sleds and skates

And, of course, everything in the world

They love to play in the snow.

(Children sing the song “Snowballs” and imitate the game).

Vos: Now let’s put on “skis” (Made from plastic bottles), pick up ski poles (Imaginary) and let’s go admire that green beauty (While the children are walking, Vos says):

“In winter, the forest is bewitched by the enchantress.”

"Bewitched by the invisible

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep

Like a white scarf

The pine tree is tied up.”

Look at the birds sitting on the branches.

Children: Bullfinches, tits, magpie, crow (Little Cap takes out a treat for the birds from the basket)

Voss: We made a feeder

We opened a canteen

Sparrow, bullfinch - neighbor

There will be lunch for you in winter.

Reb: You can always find her in the forest

Let's go for a walk and meet

Stands prickly like a hedgehog

In winter in a summer dress.

Voss: Who knows the riddles about the Christmas tree?

1st child: Who is this girl?

Neither a seamstress nor a craftswoman,

She doesn’t sew anything herself,

And in needles all year round.

2nd child: Both in the heat and in the cold,

In a green fur coat.

3rd child: In winter and summer - one color.

4th child: Who gets dressed up once a year?

A squirrel (an older girl) appears to the music. He talks about his winter coat, shows the “pantry” with supplies, a hollow tree, and mushrooms on a tree. He leads a round dance with the guys around the Christmas tree.

Kr. Riding Hood: Squirrel, do you know where Toptygin and the prickly hedgehog are? Is it possible that you can’t see their traces in the forest?

Belka: I know, Toptygin built himself a den under a fallen tree in a thicket. And he lay down in it for the whole winter. He sleeps and doesn't eat anything. I asked him to wake him up when spring comes. The hedgehog will also sleep all winter in its hole. He insulated it with grass and leaves. He's warm under the snow.

Voss: Thank you, Squirrel, for the story (Squirrel picks cones from the tree).

Voss: Katya, she’ll tell us a riddle.

He slept in a fur coat all winter,

Sucked a brown paw

And when he woke up, he began to thin out

This animal is a forest animal...

Children say - bear.

Squirrel: Kr. Cap, please give me a gift from me (puts pine cones in the basket).

Kr. Cap: Thank you, dear Squirrel (wind melody sounds).

Vos: A cold wind blew. You need to pull your hat over your ears and turn up your collars. Both in the real forest and in your fairy forest, Kr. Hat, it's very cold in winter. Everything: trees, bushes, ground - is covered with snow. There is a lot of it, it is difficult to walk through the snowy forest - your feet fall into deep snow. There are no leaves on the trees; they are all covered with snow. In winter the days are short, you have to hurry, otherwise it will get dark.

Kr. Riding Hood: Yes, my grandmother’s house is already visible.

She sits by the window

And he looks at the street

And it's winter outside

All the roads were covered.

(The children return to the group. Their grandmother meets them and treats them to tea with jam from berries that she collected in the forest in the summer).

Vos.: MBDOU d/c No. 9

Popova Olga Petrovna.

Tasks. Create a joyful mood, develop a desire to participate in joint events. Expand children’s ideas about the forest and its inhabitants, form elements of environmental consciousness; develop cognitive activity, enrich children’s vocabulary; cultivate a careful and caring attitude towards nature.

Equipment: red and green circles according to the number of children; games: “Good-Bad”, “Whose House”; phonogram “Sounds of the forest”; pictures: sun, clouds, flowers, birds, voluminous Christmas trees, trees for decorating the hall; “Friends of the Forest” medals based on the number of children; basket with cookies in the shape of mushrooms.

Integration of educational areas: social and communicative development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, physical development.

Preliminary work: conversation about the forest, about wild animals; viewing the album “Rules of Conduct in Nature”, the poster “Who Needs Trees in the Forest”; learning logorhythmics “We are walking along a forest road.”

Characters: presenter, old man - Lesovik (adults).

Progress of entertainment.

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a circle, they are met by the presenter.

Presenter. I'll look at your faces, who should I make friends with here? Who are you? Addresses children.

Children. I am Nikita, I am Katya...

Presenter. Hello dear children, you are the most beautiful in the world! I invite you to a forest walk. Guys, the forest is a home for plants, birds, and animals.

He who respects the forest does not harm plants,

He helps the animals; he is a welcome guest in the forest.

That true friend of the forest. Today we will find out whether you are real friends of the forest or not. But before we go into the forest, let's remember the rules of conduct in the forest.

Game "Ecological traffic light". The teacher names the actions, the children answer: “you can”, “you can’t” and raise a green or red circle.

Break branches; leave behind garbage; destroy nests and anthills; tumble in the grass; picking berries; destroy poisonous mushrooms; light fires; rest on a stump.

Presenter. Now you can go for a walk in the forest.

Logorhythmics “We are walking along a forest road”The phonogram “Sounds of the Forest” plays, children walk in a circle, say words and perform movements:

We are walking along a forest road, ( normal walking) There are a lot of interesting things here

Let's go along the path into the forest,

Miracles in the forest all around: ( place your palms on your cheeks and shake your head)

Here is a mushroom growing under the tree, ( fold your hands over your head like a hat)

The mountain ash is burning with flame, ( "flashlights" for four counts)

The squirrel jumps, hops, hops, ( jumping)

And the nuts click and click . (claps hands)

Quiet, quiet, don't make noise, ( put your finger to your lips)

Follow the path into the forest; ( walking on toes)

We are all friends of the forest, you can’t offend your friends!

Presenter. Guys, here we are in the autumn forest. I see everyone is in a wonderful mood.

An old forester appears.

Presenter. Who are you grandfather?

Lesovik. It’s me, an old man in the forest, called Lesovik.

I guard this forest, I keep order here.

Presenter. Hello, Lesovik!

Lesovik. Hello children! Why did you come?

Presenter. The guys and I came to the forest for a walk.

Lesovik. I know how you walk. You trample flowers, you offend insects, you scare animals. I won't let you into the forest!

Presenter. Forester, our children love the forest and know the rules of behavior in the forest.

Lesovik. Well, if so, welcome to the forest. And I have prepared various tasks for you, now we will find out what you know about animals and plants.

1. Task “Say it in one word”

Wolf, fox, bear, hare - these are...animals.

Birch, pine, oak, rowan are...trees.

Sparrow, tit, woodpecker, crow are...birds.

Strawberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries are... berries.

A butterfly, a mosquito, a dragonfly, a fly – these are...insects.

Chamomile, rose, tulip, poppy are... flowers.

2. Task “Riddles about animals”

1. I wear a fluffy fur coat and live in a dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak tree I gnaw nuts. (Squirrel.)

2. Don’t meet me when I’m hungry,

I’ll click my teeth and eat it casually. (Wolf.)

3. In the summer he walks through the forest,

In winter it rests in a den. (Bear.)

4. There was a pillow with needles lying between the trees

She lay quietly, then suddenly ran away. (Hedgehog.)

5. Red-haired cheat, cunning and dexterous,

I got into the barn and counted the chickens. (Fox.)

6. The long-eared coward climbed into the garden,

I saw a carrot, quickly grabbed it and put it in my mouth. ( Hare.)

Lesovik. Well done guys, you completed these tasks. Now help the animals and birds find their home.

3. Task “Whose house” Children come to the table and make pairs “Animal (insect, bird) - its home.” For each child, three pairs of cards.

Musical pause. Song-game “On the forest lawn”.

Presenter. Guys, there are many different birds in the forest. What benefits do birds bring to the forest?

Lesovik. Do you guys know the birds living in our forests? Let's check it now.

4. Task “What kind of bird”

1. Who on the tree keeps count on the branch: peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo? ( Cuckoo.)

2. Vereschunya, white-sided, and her name is... magpie.

3. Guess this bird is jumping along the path,

As if he’s not afraid of cats, he’s collecting crumbs,

And then he jumps onto a branch and chirps: Chik-chirp! ( Sparrow.)

4. Flies all night and catches mice.

And when it becomes light, he flies into the hollow to sleep. (Owl.)

5. I’m knocking on wood, I want to get a worm,

Even though he disappeared under the bark, he will still be mine! ( Woodpecker.)

5. Task “Good - Bad”Lesovik invites children to look at the pictures and divide them into two parts. To help children, two cards are offered: the sun for good deeds, and the cloud for bad deeds. If possible, the child explains his choice.

Presenter. Guys, our walk is ending. I think you will now become real friends of the forest, you will take care of it and love it. The teacher presents “Friends of the Forest” medals. It's time to go back to kindergarten. Let's thank Lesovik for an interesting walk.

Lesovik. And I also prepared gifts for you. The forest man gives the children a basket of mushroom-shaped cookies. The children leave to the music.


1. Gorkova, L.G. Scenarios for classes on environmental education [Text]: Secondary, senior, preparatory groups / author. comp. Kochergina, A.V., Obukhova, L.A. – M.: VAKO, 2011. - 240 p. – (Preschoolers: we teach, develop, educate). – 5000 copies. ISBN: 978-5-408-00341-9.

2. Molodova, L.P. Playful environmental activities with children [Text]: Educational method. manual for kindergarten teachers and teachers. – Mn.: “Asar” - 1996. – 128 p.: ill. ISBN 985-6070-13-9.

3. Shorygina, T.A. What animals are in the forest?! Journey into the natural world and speech development. [Text]: a book for educators, tutors and parents. – M.: “Publishing house: Gnom i D”, 2002. – 96 p. ISBN: 5-296-00051-Х.


To consolidate knowledge about a careful and caring attitude towards nature.


  • Create a joyful mood in children, evoke emotional responsiveness, and promote the development of interest in musical activities.
  • Develop children's creative abilities.
  • To consolidate knowledge about the culture of behavior in nature.
  • Expand your understanding of the concept "Red Book"
  • To form the foundations of environmental literacy: children’s ideas that living nature needs help and protection.

Materials and equipment:

Pictures of flowers, riddles about animals, "Red Book" , situations or pictures about the rules of behavior in nature, cassettes with music.

Progress of entertainment:

(The song plays "How beautiful this world is" Tukhmanova)

Presenter: Hello Guys! Look how wonderful the weather is today. Do you know what time of year it is now? (children's answers)

Presenter: Do you know why summer is called red?

Yes, because in summer there is a lot of sun and also because it is a beautiful and rich time of year, there are so many colorful flowers in the meadows, so many mushrooms and berries in the forests, the sun wakes up very early in the summer, and with it all nature awakens.

Presenter: I invite you and me to go on an unusual journey through a fairytale forest, and we will find ourselves in a forest clearing.

(Music sounds "Sounds of the Forest" )


Hello summer! Hello summer!
The bright sun warmed everything
Let's run into the green forest
Let's lie down in the clearing

Hello wild berry!
Hello naughty squirrel
Summer has come to us again
This is very good

(Looking at the forest)

At any time of the year, always enter with a good heart, take care of everything that is in it.

Presenter: Guys, the forest is the home of many animals and birds, and in someone else’s house you need to behave decently. Do you know what not to do in the forest? (show pictures)

  1. don't leave fires,
  2. do not litter,
  3. do not break tree branches,
  4. don't destroy anthills,

Well done boys! I am sure that you are true friends of nature and you will not harm it.

Presenter: Eh, guys, look at the swan geese flying high in the sky, flapping their wings. Do you know such a game?

P/I "Swan geese"

Presenter: We played wonderfully, and you know that we need to take care of these rare birds. Rare endangered animals are also included in the Red Book.

Guys, why do you think the book is called "Red" ? (children's answers)

Presenter: "Red Book" - this is a danger signal. Rare and endangered animals are included in the Red Book.

(Consideration "Red Book" )

Presenter: Guys, do you like solving riddles?

(Solving riddles about animals)

Cunning cheat
red head,
The fluffy tail is beautiful!
And her name is... (fox)

Angry touchy-feely
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
There are a lot of needles
And not just one thread. (Hedgehog)

Move away from the den.
Get off your feet quickly
Otherwise I'll start crying.
I'm not a hedgehog, but... (Bear)

And I, guys, am gray in the summer.
But in winter, I am white as snow.
Everyone says I'm a coward.
And I'm just a little... (Bunny)

He looks like a shepherd:
Every tooth is a sharp knife!
He runs with his mouth bared,
Ready to attack a sheep. (Wolf)

Presenter: Let's go see what flowers grow in the flower beds?

(Looking at flowers)

Guys, I suggest you play a game with me?

DI "Guess the flower"

Presenter: Do you want our asphalt path to turn into a flower meadow? I suggest you draw with crayons the flowers that you saw in the forest, in the meadow, in the garden.

Drawing with chalk on asphalt

I invite you to come and admire the flowers in our meadow. What flowers did you draw? (children's answers)

(music sounds "Waltz of the Flowers" Tchaikovsky)


Nature has vibrant colors
And let her live without fear
Let the animals and birds live
Let no one be afraid of man

Let the parks and gardens be green
May you be happy from this beauty
There are a lot of us guys
Everywhere we live

We will plant trees and create gardens

We will protect nature, land, forests, fields and water.