Energy cleaning of man. How to Clean Negative Energy. Human energy recovery - effective methods

Energy cleaning of man.

Energy cleaning of man.

Today we will talk about how energy cleaning is important, and why you need to start abide by it.

What is cleaning?

Cleaning is cleaning the negative, the hindering life of a person.

How can he interfere and what is this negative?

First of all, we clean the inner clamps, blocks that prevent the flow of energy in the human body. Ideally clean people can be counted on the fingers, and this will probably be only saints that are constantly praying, and thereby cleans their energy, support their soul and body clean. All other people are cleaning the body periodically for the prevention of various diseases, including colds.

Imagine that our body consists (on the energy plan) from a variety of different energy channels. The fattest energy channel is in our spine. It takes place the main stream of energy, directed, both from us to space and from the space, to us. If this main channel is scored, then serious diseases appear in humans. Most often, the disease occurs precisely from the presence of negative, various blocks. Blocks appear from stress, fears, snags, spanking, in general, the bad thing that humanity managed to invent thousands of years. To remove it all, energy purges are carried out, various cleaning rites. There are a lot of them, including those who use Christian Egragor, and Scandinavian, that is, runes, energies of elements, etc.

If a person decisive to do magic, in particular Estrosensoric, or the development of energy management skills, energy blocks are not removed, then it can have an unpleasant sensation, called spiritual development diseases. That is, this is a feeling of pressure in the head, whiskeys, various parts of the body, some incomprehensible spontaneous pain.

What does this happen? A person tries to develop the ability to pass through itself a large amount of energy, but it has a block and energy on one of the channels, which moves through the channel, cannot penetrate it through it. She (energy) begins to accumulate in this place and the body located next to this place becomes inconvenient and he begins to hurt.

Human energy cleaning techniques.

What are simple cleaning techniques that can be used for themselves in everyday life. The simplest is the express cleaning, tearing various bindings. This is a breathing practice that is carried out as follows. As soon as you felt some kind of dismissed, do the following: completely exhale air from the light air, hold your breath to the maximum. That is, the indicator that you are less clean, is that you were able to delay your breath in full exhale to seventeen, twenty seconds and more. If you were able to delay your breath less than twelve seconds, it means that something already have on you and with this breath you are some bindings with ourselves, take off, make yourself a state of express by the method.

Cleaning must be done constantly, as any visit to the large clusters of people, gives a raid, a certain amount of negative on biofield. Next that you can do not even get out of the place if, let's say, somewhere at work, you felt bad after communication with some bad person, or in the crowd on the street, or in transport, it is to memorize any simple Christian Prayer. For example, "Our Father". Read this prayer at least mentally and desirable at the same time also to baptize himself. There are still short prayers for cleansing - this is the "Virgin Mary of Virgo.", "Life-giving Christ."

Cleaning scheme with candle.

Next, the scheme of cleansing itself with a candle. This scheme is called "Spiral". A pretty simple cleaning scheme that you can perform in the evening, if you feel bad. The scheme shows that the candle is held first over the body of a person spirally from the head to the legs, then rises vertically, then drops down and again the spiral rises up. At the same time, you need to read prayer. When you read the prayer three times and spend all the cleaning candle cleansing, put it to get it. This cleaning removes weak household unchalves that occurred from a quarrel, stress or from their own negative emotions.

Rules for preserving the purity of its energy.

Compliance with the purity of yourself and your home. After you come from somewhere, for example, from the store, a long journey, or simply went out the garbage to endure, you must come and wash your hands. The ablution of hands is washing away not only the microbes, but also the negative energy that hands could be quenched from everywhere. And also it would be nice to wash your face. No wonder in Russia, there was a custom when, after the journey, a person, a merchant, always came to the bath and first turned from the track, and then he was already engaged in his business.

The second rule of energy hygiene is to try not to bind emotionally to the situation. That is, if you felt that there is a tense situation, which may reflect then by the presence of negative in your biofield, then try to dismay. That is, you are here, and the situation is somewhere there and she does not concern you. You seemed to be on TV. Even if this situation concerns you directly and allow you to stand the heads and you scold for something, you simply imagine that look at all of this from the side. You will be very easier for you. You will be able to control your words, your emotions, reacting correctly, calm down.

If you can avoid negative problems, situations, then take advantage of this opportunity. Try to keep silent better than saying a bad word, because the word said already has the power and will affect you if the person you offended will hide the malice.

If you are going to visit the place where there are a lot of people, try to protect yourself, starting yourself any protective amulet, or using mental defense. For example, moving among people, imagine that you are constantly under the waterfall. A large stream of water pours on you, incessantly laughing and cleaning your body. This will help to develop your visualization, the strength of thought, and also be able to protect yourself. The more often you will visualize it, the better this defense will work. You can also imagine that you are in the mirror sphere, which is mirrored outside you. And everyone who looks at you sees not you, but only yourself. And all that they think of you badly, they will, respectively, will think about themselves. The whole negative directed to you will return to them.

There are still protective words that would be good to know and speak at the moment when you wish something bad in the face. For example, there are such simple phrases that are easy to remember: "Your speeches to you in the shoulders", "around me there is a circle, I'm not the hell, and my Virgin", "I have twelve forces, you have five." These protective phrases are very well helped in the sharp points of the disputes and quarrels.

These elementary energy cleaning, rules and methods of protection must know all people to maintain themselves constantly in good shape, maintain their lives in a positive, good events and be just happy.

Word-of-chags about which you need to know ..

Walled words, Agma (Slavic mantras), fast words, whisper - so called brief, capacious words or phrases, pronounced in critical situations. And despite the fact that most often they are completely deprived of meaning (at least for a modern person), they actually work, eliminating us from various misfortunes and troubles, and sometimes even from terrible death.

Remove Bera!

In itself, the word "charm" is that it is intended to protect, and on one of the versions it happened from the word "be" - the so-called our ancestors of the Slavs uncontrollable, the rusty spontaneous spirit, as well as the Bear Shatun, who had left his Berloga (Bera's House) and because it was very dangerous. So the chaff is protection against Bera, he parses him and brings people to people, harmony and beauty.
Coastal word

At the heart of any faith lies the word (remember: "In the beginning there was a word ..."), and therefore they spoken, in other words, were processed by a special word. And depending on what exactly what emotions and which intention was invested in it, this force became destructive or creative.
The so-called fast words, as a rule, have undergoing strength (blessing) strength, because "soon" - that is, it is quickly - it is necessary to say that particular words. At the same time, most of them are well known to everyone, and we are quite often using them. One of the most common among them is the word that each of us pronounces sometimes not once a day. This is the word "thank you." Saying him, we bless it (we believe, we ask for him to defend him, bless him) some person. From the same series, such words - toasts, glorifying God, as "thank God", "with God" ("Stay with God"), "Hello", "be healthy" and others. These words became traditional, and we forgot about the fact that they are overall words.

Who is chur?

Although there are also forgotten, but very effective words-overlap. Some of them are known. Such, for example, as the word "Chur". Few know what it is for the word and from where it came to us, but the expressions of the type "Chur me", "Chur My", "do not be quiet" is still alive. We use them rarely, but in vain.
Slavs had such God - Chur, guardian of the generic focus and the boundaries of land possessions. On whisk for him (and for himself, determining the interval) put special lamps with signs of characters depicted on them, which began to call chocks (and in what only now this word turned?). The locality, where the Chur ruled, thus received a kind of sanctification, and he strictly followed that no evil spirit overwhelmed her borders. As a resident of passage-passers-by roads, Chur had power over hell. Therefore, at the danger, still advised to remember this Slavic God and greet, saying: "Chur me!" And even the mysters of human thoughts he guarded. If someone tells something unpleasant, it is worth noting him: "Chur to your tongue!" - And the evil wish will not come true. Well, if you find something valuable, and you will not want to share with anyone, you need to say: "Chur my!" - And the good ancient God splashes the find only for you.
Another word-charm, which is better never to use, but it is desirable to know, it sounds like this: "Abara." No better than this word if you threaten danger. It is like invisible weapons against real, quite visible and experienced weapons. When you attack you, you need to quickly pronounce this word, and weapons will lose its strength, and the energy of aggression will go on the one who radiates.

In any case, it is good because it sounds shortly (time for meditation and reading conspiracy during a truly dangerous situation is simply not), it is easy to remember and - the main thing - really helps!

In addition, it should be remembered that any evil, directed against you, can be stopped by the name of God. If you are threatened with danger, then you need to quickly ask for help of Jesus: "Jesus, come and help me, and not my enemies!"
If the danger is possible - you feel it, but the person does not take anything yet, they mentally order him: "Do not touch!", "Everyone take yourself!", And the danger of you will pass.

Fire candles carries the radiance of the Universal Divine Sveta...

People who heal their soul and their energy spaces from pain, hatred, fears with the help of prayers, meditations and ceremonies with candles are aware of how dangerous to leave the negative in their energy. It is better to clean up in a timely manner with the help of a candle fire - after all, in a flame candles, the divine radiance of the universal power of life.

And it is very correct that they do not want to live in an old, carrying the low plans in their energy in their energy. Through this negative, the essence of higher hierarchies can be penetrated through energy holes in the biofield - and then wait for trouble ... | This is a very powerful self-cleaning practice. The most powerful in yoga.

Yes, it is not so easy as, for example, energy gymnastics. But at the same time, this exercise is very powerful - I tell you on your own experience.
According to independent energy purification, you are unlikely to find something more efficient.

Yes, it requires 11 minutes a day and some effort. But she can give you incomparably with your costs. In any case, to do it or not - to solve you, because it is your life. Features and tools are provided to you.

After the first 2 minutes, your body will begin to heal itself. All cells will interact in this process. Your body will begin to heal, and in every muscle you will begin to experience pain.

Negative energy devastantly affects our biofield, which leads to personal problems, diseases and turns life into a series of failures. Three effective ways to get out of this state.

To date, a huge amount of information is reigning around us, most of which, unfortunately, is negative. A person like a sponge absorbs all the energy waves with which interacts during the day. It is necessary to deal with negative energy impacts. This will help you positive thinking and three effective ways to purify the biofield.

Filtering information

Each person creates a world around himself: our thoughts, words, actions and desires determine further fate. The key to personal happiness and prosperity is a strong and healthy energy. If it is positive, only positive events surround you. But if the biopol is clogged by the negative, then a person is pursued by misfortunes, suffering and danger.

In this world, everything is interconnected and nothing happens just like that. Some people overtake karma, others achieve everything personally. But we are all the rulers of our own life, and, as in any responsible case, in the design of their destinies it is necessary to follow the order and certain rules.

This attracts like that. All information obtained is distributed in each cell of the body. In other words, any energy affects our DNA by modifying it at the physical level. Hence the disease that arise as if from nowhere, and a series of failures, and an unhappy life. Did you know that the faded swearing acts on our body like radioactive radiation? Mat launches the program to self-destruct, even if we just hear it.

The whole negative, obtained and seen by you, sooner or later affects goodness and physical condition. Therefore, it is so important to filter information, get rid of communication with bad people, to get as much positive emotions as possible. But in addition to the negative impact, which you can draw from the world yourself, a person is susceptible to the bad effect on the part. The smoothness, damage and other magical actions are aimed at the destruction of your life with energy. Get rid of energy mud to help you with three efficient and proven methods.

1 Method: Elimination of energy holes in biofield

Put your hands with the back of the palm opposite each other. Imagine that there is a thicketer of negative energy between your palms. Make a deep breath and feel how Divine Energy fills you. With exhalation, clean energy should go through hands and positively charge the entire negative. You must repeat the exercise several times.

This technique should be used every morning. With it, you will not only be cleaned of negative, but also strengthen the biofield. The formed positive energy will help you to remove barriers and layering of negative impact. If you expect quick results, then at the beginning of your course should be made as possible and make such an exercise several times a day.

2 way: get rid of alien energy

If you feel discomfort in the body, you are pursued by obsessive thoughts and failures, as well as a tangible negative impact, this method will help you.

Imagine a river full of fire, and you visually put yourself on it. You should mentally throw yourself in fiery water. Thus, all your fears and negative energy will burn in the flame, and your phantom, like Phoenix, will rise from the ashes. Imagine that you have been reborn and everything around shines with white light. This is clean energy.

Now in real time you need to feel like white energy spreads through your body, starting with the legs. At the end, she should like a cocoon of omitting you, creating a shield from someone else's impact and seals.

3 Method: Energy Cleaning at the Cellular Level

Close your eyes and imagine that you are currently at sea, relax on the shore, you can't care anything, you are happy and calm. You feel like waves caress your feet. Look at yourself from the side. You must see dirty stains in those places that cause physical or emotional pain. Inhale full breasts and feel how cool marine water has discarded you. On the exhalation, feel how water retreats back, washed off part of the spots. Continue as long as the dirt does not completely come down from your body. Typically, cleansing occurs after ten times.

These are just some practices for cleansing the negative energy. Their impact flows on the mental level, which helps to be positive energy, release the negative and strengthen the biopol. We wish you success, happiness, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

Humanity has long been known that there is not only the world of the material components of which can be touched and see, but also another, the energy level of the life of all living beings. The flows permeate our whole being and the world as a whole, the exchange of energies between people, animals, cosmos and earth continues every second. If you do not learn how to manage these processes, there is a chance that you will lose more energy than purchasing. About, I already wrote. Today I want to talk about cleansing and delivering from her.

Interacting with other people, experiencing anger, offense, sadness, irritation, we fill yourself with negative energy, which is poorly reflected in all components of life. Surely you noticed that communication with different people and visiting different seats gives the opposite effect - in some cases you experience a tide, peace, joy. In others, talking to someone, you can feel fatigue, anger, and other negative. "Take a tag" negative can be used, so it is so important to protect yourself from an unwanted impact and to get rid of negative energy in time.

We will move from simple to complex. The most elementary method of purification from negative energy is water treatments. As you know, it is able to absorb energy and perfectly clears from the negative in the day (or night). Take a shower twice a day, after sleep, it is also important to be cleaned, because it is unknown where your subconsciousness has been in a dream and what could have gained. Remember that the most negative energy accumulates on the palms, feet and hair. If there is no possibility to take a shower (rinse the negative is best under running water, and not lying in the bath), be sure to wash the palms and feet.

It is also an affordable and strong tool for cleansing from negative. You can read prayers for cleansing. Well, and, of course, helps to get rid of the negative, I told about it not so long ago.

Cleansing from negativity yourself

Now we go to more complex and deeper methods to get rid of negative energy.

1. Similarly, the green plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, any part of wildlife able to absorb negative energy And transform it to a positive. At this knowledge is based the following method of cleaning: pull both hands and dig fingers as widely as possible. Direct your hands on any nature object - water (natural reservoir, bath or sink, filled with water, etc.), plant (tree, flower in a pot, bush), fire or land. Eyes can keep open or close, most importantly, imagine how negative energy leaves your body through your fingers and dissolves in a natural object.

To enhance the effect of purification, I advise you to pronounce one of the phrases aloud: "Lord, enter my heart and deleted all negative," "I give all the negative land (water, fire), which is positive, leave yourself." You can perform such cleaning as often as you want. It takes 10-15 minutes, but if you want to continue longer - continue.

2. When the negative energy accumulates in the body, it causes, and illness. For whatever accumulation stage you are, it helps to get rid of the negative need. Sit in Turkish or in a half-lotus position, put on the hips of the palms up; Perform. Close your eyes and imagine yourself inside the tetrahedron, inspect it from all sides, making sure that it is volumetric. Now imagine that the top of the figure opens and the cleaning energy begins to flow into the resulting hole (I specifically I do not specify the color of this flow, because it can be any). Watch how gradually the entire tetrahedron is filled with new energy, your body is filled with this energy, and black, negative energy goes into the "drain" hole at the bottom of the tetrahedron. The process of cleansing may take a lot of time, so do not hurry and, before you finish meditation, make sure that everything inside the figure is cleared - and the space and you yourself.

3. Sometimes the most elementary actions helps to get rid of negative energy. Stand in the middle of the room and perform the "fallen" movements of one three times, and then the second foot, presenting how all the sewage leave your body. Then lift both hands above your head and with the wild scream "Throw" them down as cracked. Repeat three times or more (if I want).

After you have cleared of negative energy, unless it was not in water, it is necessary to clean the space. Light a candle and put it there, where "reset" the negative, let it pogrit 10-30 minutes. It is also recommended to open the windows or windows and to ventilate the room.

The surrounding world is the energy from which the universe consists. Energy streams differ in frequency of vibrations, density and distribution speed. Energy is present in an immense space and in the smallest atomic particle. It manifests itself through light, sound, warmth and nuclear explosion. This is the force due to which there is everything. Metaphysics believe that God is energy. And maybe they are right.

In this article

What is human energy

A person is a whole energy system consisting of 7 centers - chakras. Each energy center forms its plan with characteristics inherent in it.

Energy centers of man

At the same time, all bodies are interrelated: a failure in one leads to the violation of the system as a whole.

  1. The energy of the physical body supports the work of the human body and regulates physiological processes. Violations in this area cause health problems.
  2. Chakras are responsible for an emotional state - allow us to rejoice, sad, experience delight and other feelings.
  3. The energy of the mental body maintains the activity of the brain and affects the nature of thinking.
  4. There are also higher plans where energy plays the role of a binder between the person and the universe, connects the individual consciousness with the Divine Benefit.

In this video in detail about the energy structure of man:

What does the amount of energy affect

Any activity is a vital force. Even when you take food, lie motionlessly or sleep, processes requiring "fuels" are in the body.

With a lack of energy, the human body works with interruptions, diseases are tied and developing. Blood circulation, metabolism, is dulling sensitivity. There is an emotion on the emotional plan. The world sees a man dimly, and life is bladder. The performance has sharply, both physical and mental. Thoughts become mandated, man is thinking with difficulty.

Apathy and indifference to life is growing on this background. The circle of interest is narrowed: sleep, TV, alcoholic dope. A person loses faith in herself and his own capabilities. In addition, he becomes subject to dark thoughts and feelings, driving himself in a dead end.

But the high level of energy provides:

  1. Great health and well-being. The body under the energy spent has a strong immunity, therefore it has good protection against diseases, stress and overload. The mechanism of self-healing is triggered, and the person is rapidly returning to normal.
  2. Excellent mood, high performance, positive worldview, easy attitude to life difficulties. Usually socially active people are called energetic, which indicates their strong energy. It does not matter in which area they act: production, politics, art or sport. A person confidently goes to his goal and, as a rule, achieves success.
  3. The high level of personal power makes a person attractive in the eyes of others, causes sympathy and trust. In relations with the opposite sex, it is more successful. If we are talking about the artist or public figure, then the powerful potential is called charisma.
  4. Obviously, talented scientists or inventors have a high level of energy. That is why their brain solves complex tasks and perform ingenious discoveries. Creative and energy potential are interrelated. The stronger the energy of the personality, the higher the likelihood of creative insights and manifestation of supernormalities: clairvoyance, telepathy, absolute memory and others.
  5. Reality management. With a very high energy procession, a person goes to the level of the Creator. He gets the ability to create the desired event option. People far from esoteric will call it luck. In fact, it is only a consequence of the high energy of the personality and the ability to manage their intentions.

High energy gives a feeling of completeness of life

How to restore power

First eliminate leaks. The situation can be compared with a bucket that has a bottom-hole. How much flooded water, it will inevitably turn out to be empty.

The human power system is not hermetic. It is constantly exchanged by energy flows with the outside world: with other people, animals, trees, natural objects, as well as with egregor. We give something and we get something in return. Balance is important, then the power system is fully functional.

Leaks arise when the balance shifts towards losses, and the energy is not replenished. This occurs when the organism is slapped, with the dominance of negative emotions, in stressful situations, when interacting with energy vampires.

Possible energy leaks should be eliminated or minimized them. In parallel, use the source of additional feed: for example, a special gymnastics.

Restoration of energy balance on the physical plan

  1. Take care of your body's health. This item involves cure from diseases, refusal of bad habits, healthy nutrition, regular physical exertion, full sleep, measuring day, hardening.
  2. Spend the body cleaning from slags. Take advantage of specially selected herbal fees, cleaner diets, health fasting.
  3. Learn to relax. Excessive muscle and mental stress causes energy loss. Relaxation stops these leaks. A good relaxing effect gives a Russian bath. She also contributes to the withdrawal of slags.
  4. Lighten the energy gymnastics. Hatha-yoga, Tai Chi, Oco Revival and other oriental practices are suitable. All of them harmonize the energy not only on the physical plane, but also on thinner levels.

On the etheric level

A little higher it was said that the eastern practices for raising the energy are effective at different levels. They are fully applicable to the ethereal body.

  1. Pranaya breathing technique. Indian yoga believed that when inhaling Prana fills the body. Proper breathing, thus harmonizes the body's energy.
  2. Alternatively, pay attention to the rails or Dair.
  3. A good help to restore the energy level is meditative practices.
  4. Communication with nature also positively affects the condition of the essential body. The river takes the negative energy, and the forest fills fresh forces.
  5. A great role is played by the ability to remove from the surrounding fuss and not to be involved in destructive processes and situations.
  6. Twist television programs and fully eliminate transmissions with a negative atmosphere.

At astral level

The astral plan is associated with our emotions. Positive feelings attract energy, and negative take it. Therefore, it is extremely important:

  • keep a good mood regardless of the circumstances;
  • not to give negative emotions to penetrate the psyche;
  • with the help of special practices to work out emotional injuries of the past;
  • exclude from their circle of evil, envious people experiencing eternal discontent;
  • show friendliness and openness to others;
  • cultivate high love for peace, land, universe.

Positive emotions fill us with energy

Energy cleaning

In ancient traditions there were rituals of cleaning through the elements. Used the power of fire, earth or water. The echoes of these techniques are preserved in modern culture. For example, on the day of Ivan Kupala, people massively enter the river or jump through the fire.

Consider 6 energy cleaning methods.

Water cleaning

Perhaps the most obvious way to throw off negative energy. The shower, swimming in the river and even a simple stay near the reservoir removes the layers of energy mud.

Water perfectly helps restore balance

Take the shower not only before bedtime, but in the morning, because at night our subconscious comes a trip to different worlds where the energy of dubious quality can gain energy. Well, in the afternoon, we also collect a lot of negativity, especially in places of massacre of people - in public transport, in supermarkets, at work.

Pay attention to the palms and feet - in them a negative charge accumulates first.

By the way, the cold shower is more effective. People's healers believe that the cold discreposes the dark essences of the fine plan.

Cleansing salt

Represents the element of the Earth. The method is very simple and affordable, which does not require special conditions. Take any ceramic dishes, preferably from clay, and fill it with salt. Put near the place where you sleep. Right under the bed or next to bed.

Normal salt will free from negative

During the night, salt will pull out a significant part of energy information slags from the body. In addition, sleep will be calmer and deep. To this way, you can resort every night. The only condition is from time to time to change the salt, especially if it will darken.
Used salt rinse with water or jump.

Cleaning with a candle

Fire is a powerful element destroying negative energy and disconnecting dark entities. With the help of wax candle, clean the apartment from negative clusters.

Candles cleanse space and aura

To do this, consistently go around all the rooms, as well as the kitchen, toilet and a bathroom with a burning candle in your hand. Candle keep as close as possible to the wall, bypassing each room around the perimeter and especially carefully examining the angles. Movement Start from the threshold and move clockwise, as a result, the closure circuit of the space.

In those places where there is a negative energy-informational clock, the candle will begin to smoke and crack. Here to delay to completely eliminate the problem.

Similarly, you can clean the aura of a person. Just sit at the burning candle and watch the flame. Wait until she is doing to the end. At the same time, crash is possible, the selection of soot. These are materialized your negative emotions, resentment, irritation.

To remove information dirt from another person, stand up behind him and keep the candle near his body. Move from the tailbone, gradually climbing the spine and at the same time drawing circles counterclockwise in the air. If the candle detects an energy defect, it will start smoking or cracking. In this case, continue the rotation of the candle in this zone until the flame becomes clean. So get to the top. In the finals, draw circles with a candle above your head. We repeat the procedure three times from the very beginning.

Running out egg

This method is used by folk healers to eliminate the evil eye and damage.

For the cleaning procedure, you will need a fresh chicken egg

Ideally, the procedure requires fresh rustic egg. It is extremely desirable that it does not attend the refrigerator, as it falls its effectiveness. Wash this egg is also impossible.

  1. The main thing: during the session, the egg should not lose contact with the body!
  2. Sent people on a chair and drive the egg clockwise around the head. After 2-3 circles, go to the spine and make 3-4 spiral passage up and down.
  3. The next stage, roll out your arms and legs. Procedure Repeat three times from the very beginning.
  4. Then sweep the egg into a glass glass filled with water. It is recommended to take a faceted glass, since its structure forms an informational grid.
  5. The shell sharply crush and throw on the cooked paper to wrap it later and bury into the ground.
  6. Having considered the contents of a glass, you will be extremely surprised by the metamorphosis that occurred with a fresh egg. Muddy clots, threads can form, the ball of yolk will turn into something shapeless.
  7. Very neatly drain the water in the toilet and smash.
  8. Glass thoroughly and do not use for drink, and leave for the next session.
  9. Hands on elbow wash with cold water.

This cleansing repeat as many days while at the end of the session the egg will be common in appearance, without any deformations.

Help trees

Still in the old days it was known that some species of trees can take negative energy in humans. These include Aspen, Spruce, Willow, Poplar, Rowan. Being in nature, you can approach or even lean against the trunk of such a tree.

Russian baths are often covered with aspen boards, due to the ability to pull out energy. It is only necessary to remember that these trees are not in vain to vampires. Obtaining the negative, they will continue to take energy, but already positive. So know the measure and do not get drunk.

Trees can also feed your power system. Donors include all fruit breeds. But the most powerful feeding can be obtained from pine, birch, cedar, oak. Leave back to the trunk, so that the head, the spine, the tailbone and heels were pressed against the tree, while the palms should lie on the crust.

Out of the bustle and entering the relaxation state, imagine that the tree transmits your body of silver-white color to your body. You yourself will feel that the body is saturated with a light substance. After 3 minutes, go away from the tree and thank for your help.

The exercise can be performed and standing face to the tree, clinging to it with breasts.

Trees - Excellent Energy Harmonization Assistants

Cleaning chakra

Imagine an infinite flat space, the center of which is Sakhasrara. Mentally draw the dial. Directly opposite you are located digit 12, and behind - 6. The figure 3 is to the right of you, and 9 - on the left.

From somewhere out of infinity through the figure 1 in the center of the chakra, the laser beam is directed. Passing through, he abruptly opens the Sakhasrara chakra and aims on the space. Then the same ray goes through the figure 2, the chakra and further to infinity. Consistently pass the dial clockwise. We repeat the procedure by using the figure 3, 4 and then in a circle. As a result, the upper chakra will be clean.

It remains only to go through the rest of six chakram. Healer Yury Andreev recommends this exercise in motion, believing that the effect in this case increases.

Effective Methods of Energy Set

Remember the sense of measure, since in an unprepared person, the bust can cause an increase in temperature, blood pressure, insomnia and other unpleasant side effects.

From the natural object

To perform the practice, choose any position - lying, sitting or standing.

Imagine the energy funnel installed in the top of your head. Then focus on the natural object, which will serve as a source of energy. Tree or forest area, hill, river or lake, heavenly blue, shining sun - all that emits positive vibrations.

Inhaling, we present how a luminous transparent cloud (color choose to your taste) rushes from the elected object to you (color) and seeps into your painshush. During the breath, this cloud reaches the solar plexus area.

When you exhale, visualize how this substance is twisted into the energy ball clockwise. At the next breath, the ball receives a new portion of energy and becomes more and denser. After 10 minutes stop.

Sunny set

The sun is the main energy supplier for the planet Earth and its inhabitants, so you can use its strength. On a clear day, select a lit place on the street. Sit, the brushes lower on his knees, sending the palm towards the sun. Relax, you can close your eyes. Turn on the imagination and imagine that each finger is connected to the luminous thin ray of golden energy.

Sun - the most powerful source of energy

Take a breath and feel the rays penetrate your hands, shoulders and through the chest in the solar plexus. On the exhalation, tighten the energy into the ball clockwise.

Sunny breathing

Inhale the energy of the Sun to the side of the body to which the sunlight falls. When inhaling, we absorb the rays of the sun and send them to the region of the heart, and there they mentally dissolve. After 3-5 minutes, change the position of the body, putting the other side of the other.

Full breath yoga

Practice can be performed while walking, lying, sitting or standing.

In prolonged to the account 8. At the same time, the air first fills the lower part of the lungs, stretching the stomach, then the middle, expanding the chest, and in the end - the upper, straightening the clavicle.

The stomach at the last stage is automatically tightened to the spine, and you start slowly exhale in the same order: belly, chest and shoulders. Breathing has a wave character, very soft and smooth. Avoid excessive voltage and sharp movements.

Do not forget to imagine that during the inhalation in the body, energy comes and is copied in the field of solar plexus. And on exhalation, the accumulated energy spreads throughout the body, saturates organs and cells.

Rhythmic breath

Allows you to achieve harmony with the rhythm of the Universe and connect to its energy streams.

Methodology Rules:

  1. Inhale and exhale have the same duration (6-16 pulse blows).
  2. Between the breath and exhalation you need to withstand a pause, which is two times less than the main phases of breathing (that is, 3-8 pulse shots).

Exercise is running sitting on a chair. Head, neck and back are built into the straight line. Find the pulse on the wrist of the left hand and breathe smoothly deeply, counting 6 pulse blows. Then, on 3 strikes, delay the breath and at the expense of 6 calmly slowly exhale and take a pause to 3 shock again. The cycle is repeated several times, the main thing is to avoid fatigue.

Another day you can increase the duration of the pause of up to 4 pulse blows and inhalation-exhalation up to 8 shots. With practice, you can bring the number of shocks to 8/16, respectively.


Practice pumped up the body with vital power. When performing the exercise, we observe four conditions:

  1. Belsh the bottom of the abdomen. When inhaling - forward, when exhaling - back.
  2. Concentrate a look at one point.
  3. Between the breath and exhale, we make a short pause, for 1-2 sec casting breathing.
  4. Although the gaze is fixed in the distance, attention should be concentrated at the bottom of the abdomen, especially in the phase of the exhalation.

Your task is to clearly represent how the energy portion comes with each breath into the body and accumulates there, as in a powerful battery.

In this video, respiratory practice in the Qigong system:

Suggage due to the energy of space

Lie on the back, place your palms on the solar plexus and concentrate on the breath. Tune in to ensure that your body absorb more energy from the surrounding space with each breath. Allow this energy to penetrate the nervous system and concentrate in the solar plexus area.

During the exhalation, energy spreads through the body, saturating all organs, muscle tissue, blood and other vessels, all body cells. In this case, the body feels strength and vigor. You can see energy in the form of fluid, gas or plasma. Color Choose a comfortable for your perception: white, azure, green, golden.

After waiting when the body is filled with this substance with excess, change the picture. Imagine that Energomass goes beyond the body, envelops it from all sides, forming a cocoon. Thus, you are surrounded by a closed protective field capable of protecting from harmful vibrations from the outside.

"Eye of rebirth"

In 1939, the English author Peter Calder published the book "Oko Renaissance", in which he told the story of his friend - a colonel who served in colonial India. This officer received secret knowledge from Tibetan monks about how to regain his health and youth.

The system consisting of five exercises has pretty quickly gained popularity in England, and then in other countries.

One of the exercises of the Renaissance complex

The exercises themselves are simple, but effective. With regular execution, they increase the energy potential of the body, eliminate diseases and even rejuvenate the body, which happened to the colonel from the story of Calder.

The effectiveness of "OK Renaissance" is explained by the fact that they are not just physical gymnastics, but directly affect the human energy flows, strengthening them.

In this video, a full range of exercises "Renaissance":

Working with the main energy flow

All life on a person is affected by the main energy stream, which passes through his spine. In fact, it includes two powerful streams. Universal (heavenly) stream permeates the body from top to bottom. The earth's stream is directed from the depths of the earth. These streams are the basis of the human power system. More minor channels come from them - meridians.

The universal flow passes almost along the spine, and the earth's stream is located a little ahead of the spinal column. In men, it is located a little closer (the distance of 2 fingers from the spine) than in women (4 fingers).

The flow of terrestrial energy allows a person to perform actions in the material world. The energy of the space is associated with human consciousness and connects it with the Creator Consciousness. Through the space channel, people are connected to the universe information field.

Energy flows of space and land are constantly affected by the person

To feel how terrestrial and heavenly flows are moving, select a calm secluded place. You can sit or stand. It is important to relax, disconnect from extraneous thoughts and tune in to your own sensations.

At inhale, imagine how the energy of the earth goes near the spine up. Similarly, on exhalation, concentrate on the cosmos energy, which is directed down. With each workout sensation will be intensified.


This technique also implies work with two external, powerful energy sources that constantly affect humans. We are talking about the Cosmos Channel and the Earth Channel.

Realizing both of these channels, you will significantly strengthen their impact on your body. Stand straight, smoothly holding your back. The feet can be kept together or slightly arrange.

Make a deep breath and calm exhale, imagine that from the depths of the cosmos there is a light stream of pure energy and goes into the head of the head, through the spine and then to the ground. Quietly observe how this flow goes to the center of our planet.

The next stage, imagine how the response powerful stream is rising from the depths of the earth. Let it go up the spine, through the top and rises a little above the head. It is like a fountain jet, which reach a certain height, unfold and fall down, wash your body. Imaginary water jets form the energy dome surrounding you. Raise your arms to the sides to feel the palms of powerful stream.

Again, imagine the heavenly stream, which passes through your body and just below the earth turns out, forming a second fountain, drowning up. Both of these fountains meet, and you find yourself in a closed space like a cocoon.

Visualize the most clearly as possible. Mentally manage fountains, reducing and increasing the pressure. Wait for 5-10 minutes. Then let the celestial flow to go vertically down, and the earth is vertically up, returning them to the original course. Hands can be omitted. Before leaving the exercise place, be sure to make 3-5 deep breaths and exhale.


The technique is built by the type of priest rituals, and the correct movements of the hands play an important role.

  1. Stand straight and smoothly hold your back. Raise hands, slightly bent in the elbows, and spread the shoulders on the width. Turn the palm upwards as if they hold over her head. In the palms you feel the stream of energy of the cosmos. Imagine that it fills this ball.
  2. Slowly lower your hands forward, holding the imaginary ball, which decreases in size and compacted while the arms go down. Somewhere at the level of the neck, the hands converge closer and form a bucket. The distance between them is 5-8 centimeters.
  3. At the solar plexus level, the distance is reduced to 2-4 centimeters. The ball is small and very, very dense. Slowly move below - to the navel.
  4. At this level, pour the contents of the bucket to Earth. Turning the palm to the ground, spread their arms to the sides. Palm is now looking down.
  5. At this point, call and feel like the earth absorbs the energy you presented to her. Suddenly, you will feel that the planet responded to the gift and radiates a response stream, which is included in the palm.
  6. Form the ball with earthly energy to convey its space. Make the same movements that at the beginning of the exercise, only in reverse order, drawing the outline of the hourglass.

Repeat this ritual 5 times. At first, the feelings will be inexpressive. This indicates the stabbing of your power system. With practice, the channels are cleaned, and the sensations will become more intense.

"Fire Breathing"

The technique does not take much time, although it gives a charge of the body for a whole day.

  1. Stand straight and keep your back smoothly. Concentrate on the surrounding space, imagining that it fills it with clean energy emitting light. She is everywhere in a huge amount. Try to feel it with each skin cell.
  2. Now go to rhythmic deep breathing. Breathing should be complete, as deep as possible. You can breathe both the stomach and the diaphragm.
  3. When inhaling, pull the energy from the surrounding space to all the body. When you exhale all the body, pushing it out of myself. We start with a slow pace, and then accelerate the rhythm. It is necessary to breathe a nose. Your body should resemble a fur that blacksmiths blow fire.

After 5-10 minutes, finish the exercise.

Charging chakra

Imagine two points in space, remote from each other with an infinite distance. Then visualize two beam of energy, fixed to Sakhasrara Chakra. The rays lightningly fly through the universe and face the center of the chakra, highlighting powerful energy. Repeat the procedure 12 times at a uniform gap.

After that, go to one chakro below and charge it in the same way. Consistently dropping, charge the other energy centers.


Methods There is a huge number, but the essence of them comes down to two principles:

  1. Stop working mind.
  2. Stay in the state "here and now."

Council. Thoughts of an ordinary person are chaotic character. They continuously load the brain, pulling away the vitality. Try for a few seconds to stop this endless stream, and you will understand that it is almost impossible.

Yoga offer asans for meditation. With a fixed body position to stop the internal dialogue easier, although permanent practice and strong will are needed to achieve the goal.

Special Pose for Meditation - Asana

A softer version of meditation - monitoring your own thoughts that pop up on the screen of consciousness. It is important to see your thoughts from the side, without identifying yourself with them. Observing a thoughtful process, a person retains precious energy.

Being "here and now" is an extremely important principle that means awareness when performing any action. It doesn't matter what you are busy: go on the way, take food, dig a garden or sit at the river. Do everything is not in habit, not mechanically, but consciously.

For example, we wake up in the morning and go wash. At the same time, try to realize every movement: how to open your eyes, lower the feet on the floor, walk, open the crane, feel the water pressure and the smell of soap.

Yoga believe that staying "here and now", a person comes into contact with the Divine and receives direct access to the energy of the universe.

"Contour" or "Closed Ring"

This method was developed by the Japanese healer Katsudzo Niche. It will adjust the energy of energy according to your body and will strengthen its effect on important parts of the brain. The exercise is better to perform, lying in bed and touched by a blanket so that heat is not lost, because heat is also energy.

  1. Bend the legs in the knees and spread them to the sides.
  2. Soles Stop Commit.
  3. Palm places before breasts and also come.
  4. Thus, you closure the stream of energy into the contour and create circulation.
  5. In this position, you will remain 5-10 minutes, then slowly blur the ring.

The author of books on integrated self-treatment Yuri Andreev modified the method. He suggests the fingers of the hands and put the palms under the head. Palm play the role of a powerful vitality reflector that affects important areas of the brain and awakens their activity. Gradually palm pull up to the ears, blur fingers. This should take about 10 minutes.

"Cylinder with piston"

Imagine that you are a cylinder inside which the piston is moving. Movement begins bottom-up.

Slowly raising the piston, pull the power of the earth into your body. Watch how a dark chocolate mass is going on the transparent cylinder, and gradually the entire volume of the cylinder is filled.

Then visualize how the piston is lowered, and at the same time the energy emitting the bright white light is incorporated from the space into the cylinder. Gradually, the entire cylinder is filled with white shine.

At the final stage, we repeat the first stage of the exercise, filling the cylinder of the Earth's energy. At the same time, we do not reach the very top and stop the body to gain the power of the Earth, and white space energy remained on the scratch.

Emergency set

Sometimes you need to restore vitality in a short time. In this case, use the Emergency Set method. It is especially suitable for people whose work requires strong physical and mental tension.

  1. Visualize the earth and heavenly energy flow, mentally increase their intensity, while they must be uniform in power.
  2. Palm placing one over the other parallel to the stomach, right in the solar plexus area, left - near the navel. You must feel your biofield as a kind of elastic layer surrounding the body.
  3. By focusing on uniform respiration, imagine how energy becomes with each breath in your body. The essential body begins to instantly absorb this force.

Do not forget about the sense of measure. 10-15 minutes will be enough, the bust can lead to an increase in temperature and insomnia.

U-Sin Technology

Imagine two small fountain of energy driving out of the ground:

  1. Stand on these trickies soles and start walking or easy running on the spot. When the feet falls out, the imaginary energy from the jet should enter through the sole. Repeat this movement 30 times for each leg.
  2. The next step, rotate the right leg around the fountain clockwise, while imagine that you wind up the energy on the foot. Put 30 circles, then repeat this operation with your left foot.
  3. So, in your feet the charge has accumulated. Bending alternate heels back, try to touch the tailbone, mentally imaging that the energy stop passes up the spine. We repeat the exercise 30 times.
  4. Go to work with your hands. To do this, place the left palm forward. Imagine the energy beam coming out of the thumb with the right hand and wrap this thumb on her left hand. Do it 7 times clockwise.
  5. At the next stage, we use the index fingers of both hands, and we reach the little fingers. Then we repeat the entire procedure, but left hand protrudes as an active energy source.
  6. Now imagine that the invisible spring is located between the pads of your thumbs, which is stretched and compressed. Do compression and stretching 7 times, trying to feel this elasticity. Then repeat the exercise with other fingers.
  7. Imagine the same spirals. Each finger interacts with the center of the palm of the other hand.
  8. Both palms are included in the work. At the first stage, we wind up the energy emanating from the right palm of the left hand 7 times clockwise. Then change your hands.
  9. And finally, I imagine the spring between the diluted palms, stretching and squeezing the space between the palms of 7 times.


After reviewing the proposed techniques of recovery and set of energy, you could come into a lung confusion from the abundance of options. In fact, there is a small part of the available techniques.

We are all different, and therefore choose those practices that are suitable for you. The main thing is not to postpone the lessons on the distant, or rather, a non-existent future. Start work today, then there is a chance to change yourself and the world around.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The necessary words and your faith is the key to success in perfect ritual. I will provide information to you, but its implementation directly depends on you. But you should not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

If you are uncomfortable and anxious in your home, it's time to carry out energy cleaning. Try set up your inner vision and look at the walls of your housing. All the dark and negative, it is necessary to remove.
Where does Negative Energy be taken from? Quarrels, envious guests, just unfavorable people inflicted you in the house energy mud - she reproduces anxiety, hesitates confusion in the soul, interferes with sleeping calmly. Sleeping energy-information traces - this is the first source of negative information indoors.

2) targeted malicious impact on the house. This can be expressed in an outflow of energy from a person to the room (damage on the room) or in the outflow of energy from the room (energy breakdown).

3) It happens that information remains in a house or apartment from previous tenants (in the office - from previous owners). These traces are a kind of unconscious programs for new tenants, forcing them to copy the habits of the former. This information is dangerous in what is preserved by decades. There are "fatal" apartments, houses in which any misfortunes are constantly occurring.

4) the information that current tenants create independently. Any negative thinking form form a specific energy information field. This information can stay and grow in an apartment or go to the neighbors. It holds for a very long time. For example, 80% of divorces occur on sexual soil. The reason for this may be in human thinking processes, which affects the negative energy buildings in an apartment or house.

5) Information coming from neighbors.

6) information from a seriously ill person. Reduces immunity, contributes to cancerous diseases. Surrounding for a long time. It can affect a multi-storey house from one apartment for the entire entrance.

7) information remaining from suicide, as well as information from the deceased human death. It acts negatively, remains long. No need to post photos of dead people in the apartment. It may affect the fact that selling real estate will be very difficult. Especially I want to allocate non-adhesive souls that are energy vampires. But such vampires may not only be. Essences associated with the dark world, abound. Such entities create a connection of your housing with a dark world that takes your vitality. The most "nutritious", for these strength, are your negative emotions, for this, the situation of nervousness is created in your home. Communication channels with a dark world, like a funnel, leaving their base in infinity, are perceived. They are also called the energy black hole. These black holes are created by entities, so just close, not driven the essence, such a funnel is impossible.

8) Information from the photographs of idols. If the idol tragically finished his life, then this information can lead to the fact that a person will unconsciously begin to repeat his life path.

9) Information from stolen and old things. They also accumulate negative information that remains for a long time. Therefore, old things should be time to periodically.

There are many methods, ways to clean the house from negative. But I think that everything is not in their quantity, but as execution. I think in my ways given to me each will find what he likes and forces.

To find out what energy in your apartment, make several different observations. For example, in the house with good energy slowly dries the spilled water, the flowers in vases are long not swept for a long time, metal items to the touch is cool, and the wooden is a bit warm.

In the "black" houses, the fallen coin does not ring, faster makes milk, quickly cool the hot food, the salt is instantly dissolved in the water, the oil melts in front of the eyes, the candle smokes, its light is torn and goes out.

Well check the energy seats in the apartment pendulum. Make it yourself from any weight: silver, copper or crystal. The main thing is that it is only yours.

Check the places asking: "Is this good place? Swing back-forward means "yes", from side to side - no. Gradually, remove from the dirty place and determine the boundaries of it.

Be sure to be released from unnecessary things, especially with poor energy remaining from deceased relatives associated with your failures. If you did not use the thing a year or more, you definitely do not need. Frequently from the junk accumulated over long years, disassemble the ruins and break up with the past. Before energy cleaning, it is desirable to make general cleaning.
Here I give proven multi-year practices cleaning methods. With all methods of cleaning, the windows must be open.

1) Prepare wax candles (the article which are needed by candles), psaltry or prayer to determine what you will read. Candles are needed by the number of rooms, for the bathroom too. You need to start from the entrance door, we go clockwise, we light the first candle, the candle in the right hand, the book in the left. A candle with a cross with a cross, standing to her face, and drive from top to bottom with spiral movements, we go through the corners. We read the psalter from the first psalm, or the prayer is autumn cross the wall. Turn around the clockwise to the next wall, read the next Psalm. And so the whole room, cross-psalm or prayer, cross turn. Go to the next room. The next candle is lit from the previous one, and that ships fingers. If somewhere the candle starts to go out, it means there is a lot of negative energy: it is necessary to stop and stand up with a candle a little more, especially intensely piss the flame to the flame and sprinkle with holy water. After the rooms kitchen, then an entrance hall, and a bathroom. Well process the bathroom. This is a place that absorbs a lot of negative information, especially the mirror in the bathroom. The last candle is made by the coat of the flame candles on the entrance door. The drawing of the cross is better to stick with scotch and not flush. All candles used to reserve into a flavor and climb under the doorway in the hallway. The apartment is cleared. If you remove the flames of candles, the protection will be broken.

2) Music has an excellent cleansing effect. With the help of a mantra or bell tongue, you can fill the room with positive energy. Bell ring has a large energy force. By the way, the bell ringing can be included at least once a week.

3) Christian way. Lay down the house incense, splashing the house with holy water, keep a wormwood over the entrance door.

4) Put the pan with salt on fire. If within 20 minutes the salt will sit in or take a brown tint, then there is no negative. If the salt suddenly sculpts, then the salt must be frying to a coal-like state. I want to be preferred that this way is dangerous if there is a damage to the house, voices can be heard, moans, and a frying pan can "explode" and damage the plate. This is due to the fact that the salt is saturated with large internal energy, and its crystals serve as antennas that take space energy. When the salt is destroyed (fry), its energy is released and begins to destroy the power of evil.

5) to lay the house with magic plants, whose smell does not bring aliens from the dark worlds.
Magic grass. We are talking about PEGANUM HARMALAE, known for different peoples, like the root, burial ground and Belobok. In Uzbekistan, this plant is called "Isirik" (Uzb.) Or "Tapping". The best name is often added "Hazzor" (thousand) to emphasize: "Hazor Wand out" - "medicine from thousands of diseases." And true is a plant, indeed, many times saved people from plague, viruses and other infectious diseases.
You can also wonder the house mooring, Version, Hyverobe. You can say such words: "Let everything be worse with this smoke: illness, witchcraft, misfortune, bad luck, curse!"

6) Virtual cleaning using mental magic is a slightly more rare method, as somewhat more difficult in its performance and requires certain abilities to concentration and visualization.
Ordinary mental images that are used in virtual cleaning (which is as effective as real), it is either a fiery wall "splashing" everything that it passes, or a clean and bright all-perplex white (less often - blue) light filling out all cleaned space. Some less often use "contracts" with essences inhabiting in the cleansing space, the meaning of which is in the request to move from this space to its home space, with the subsequent cleaning of the space with a fiery wall or all-peeing light and "sealing" of the purified space into a impermeable cocoon. After such sealing, the purified space is often filled with any comfortable feeling. I do not really advise when resolving relationships with various entities to show aggression or fear.
Cleansing the house is useful to perform at least once a year, even if you seem to be all right. If the cleaning passed well, then in purified space it becomes very comfortable: there is a freshness, as if crystal air purity, the emotional lift is felt; Purified items seem new ones, they are nice to take in hand, etc.

After cleaning the house, we clean personal energy
It is important to remember that after the purification ritual, the energy mud space in large quantities will fall on you (the hair and skin are especially sensitive in this plan). Therefore, it is necessary to carry out cleansing procedures for the physical body.
Very good, energy mud, wash off the jet of cold water. If this method of cold velves is not suitable for you, it can be replaced by the usual shower, but at the same time you mentally remove all the energy trash from your body. You can mentally say such words: "both with a goose water, and with me black."
Excellent effect give special baths, especially with sea salt. They possess not only cleansing ability, but also allow you to restore the energy potential.

So that in the house there is always cozy, clean, calmly and comfortable, learn how to be such, because all our words, anxiety, negative emotions are materialized on the walls, furniture, things, paintings, and even on colors.
From the quality of space in which we stay, the quality of our life depends.

Olga Belikova