Epic offensive phrases. A selection of "Hisoid insults

The article will teach you to respond to the resentment not rudeness, but by cultural words and phrases without mats.

How beautiful to humiliate a man, a guy smart words without a mat: phrases, expressions

There is a lot of life situations when a person can offend, substitute, humiliate and "put on laughter." Do not be silent and take similar tricks as something familiar. If you do not explain to your abuser how wrong is he, he will be able to spoil the mood to others and enjoy their good.

In order not to let the fists and at the same time show yourself from the good side, so to speak, "kill the word." The formation is far from everyone, because to get it, the strength and time are needed. The article gives you advice, helping to learn to respond to inspiring phrases delicate, but hard words, giving understanding that you are above any rudeness and obscene break.

What can be said to a man and what is important to remember:

The worst thing that a man can make is to humiliate and raise his hand on a woman and therefore it should be hit "in a sick place", cautious in weakness, but not physical. For example, the word "impotent" is capable of affecting anyone. Try to beat it with other "paints":

  • "You are moral impotent!"
  • "Only impotent is capable of offend a woman!"
  • "You are not in the pants impotent, but in the shower! (Maybe there and there!) "

One more thing is able to affect any man - its status and consistency. Special forces are gaining glory, told by a man with a lowest failure or lack of work. Imprinting ages It was believed that a man is a minider and therefore the inability to have prospect is humiliation for a modern man.

IMPORTANT: To humiliate a man with such phrases, it is necessary if it really is at least the smallest thing is bothering the issue of family wealth. If it is on purpose for a long time on the content of parents or his wife and it does not bother him - you can hardly "hook" it.

  • "You are a shame of parents and their ruin!"
  • "You are not able to independently provide yourself with even toilet paper!"
  • "For your audacity you hide your own inconsistency!"

If you want to specify a man on his stupidity and recklessness, even if he has higher education and manners, but he regularly makes stupid deeds, you should use such phrases:

  • "You did not take place as a person or a man!"
  • "Unlike my, your dignity fell to the bottom!"
  • "You are an immoral, weak and wretched personality!"
  • "All your words are helpless attempts to prove something!"
  • "I feel sorry for you to watch!"
  • "Do not humiliate and do not try to say something smart!"
  • "I would offend you, but nature has already done for me!"

How best to humiliate a woman, girl, mistress husband smart words without Mata?

In some life situations, women themselves are "suggesting" to insults and humiliation. In order not to switch the feature permitted by the cultural society and not show yourself as an uncompatible person, it is important to know a number of phrases that can "put in place" any uncompatible maiden.

What to do an emphasis:

The first thing that is capable of hooking a woman is criticism towards her appearance. It is important to choose words that will not shout directly "you are urodin!", And just delicately hinted about it. Your words should make a woman think and make it look at yourself on the other hand.

  • "When God created women, he decided to save on you!"
  • "I would offended you, but just advise to see in the mirror!"
  • "Your words - helpless Lai dirty mongrels!"
  • Surprisingly, the mind is not rich and the face did not come out! "
  • "In such a face and spinning sorry!"

Another aspect of female dignity is their popularity in men. It is important to make emphasis on the problem itself (either men are very little, as the lady does not attract them, or too much and she compare the woman "easy behavior").

  • "Yes, there is no place for you to put!"
  • "All your dignity you have already given some strangers!"
  • "You are a shame of the father and the tears of the mother!"
  • "You are a high-quality men's litter!"
  • "Your whole life is hearing the owner's sugar!"
  • "No normal peasant will not even look at your side!"
  • "All your attractiveness ended 10 more men back!"
  • "To communicate with you - to shape yourself!"

If you want to hurt a woman like a person, you should point out the shortcomings of her mind, showing evil in their eyes and in the eyes of others:

  • "If you were smart, then you would have a decent man!"
  • "From smart women, men do not leave!"
  • "Here you look at you and at first sight it seems that you are a fool! And you look later and for sure - the fool is fool! "

How to insult a woman with words without a mat?

How to offend, offend a man, a guy without Mata smart words?

Some phrases that do not contain mat and rudeness should not be very long. The fact is that a person who is offended by obscenely, hardly able to understand competent and cultural words, as well as their meaning and the delicacy with which you say them. Answer short, but the maximum perishable phrases. Pronounce your speech confidently, firmly and be sure to look into the eyes so that the said was necessarily heard.

Important: In your power to insult a man or a guy for the disadvantaged by the phrase, transmitting all your pain and power. Do not react to any cry and skip through yourself everything is said in your honor, because your word will be the last and decisive.

Hisoid, but "cultural" insults for a man:

  • "With such as you cares only the wretched sranche!"
  • "You will never succeed, because there is little power and male start!"
  • "You are not able to satisfy a woman neither morally or in bed!"
  • "You are a shame of anyone, even the most fallen woman!"
  • "You are not a man, but a trinket of temporary use!"
  • "Even the most stupid woman in the world can not be happy!"
  • "You did not take place in the womb of the mother!"
  • "In your 40 years, you are not given a peasant!"
  • "You are so weak and you are such a loser that listening to your words I don't even disappoint!"

Hurt phrases without mat for a man

How can you insult, offend a woman, a girl smart words without a mat?

To try not to insult a woman with obscene words and still able to convey to it important information will help smart phrases without Mata. Try to keep in ourselves all your emotions and is uniting in every word not only your anger, but also confidence that you are stronger and truth on your side.

What phrases to say a woman or a girl:

  • "Instead of barking like a courtyard, it is better to go over your words and that nonsense with which you say them!"
  • "Give your mind and see this idiocy!"
  • "I used to believed that you were smart, and now I see that you were always a fool!"
  • "In the queue for the mind you, apparently, was the last!"
  • "Every time you open the mouth from there to fly out another portion of peeling!"
  • "You behave as if it grew up in a public house!"
  • "Yes, you have a brain, but the mind is not a gram!"

How to humiliate and answer offended by man words without Mata?

How to settle, put a man, a guy subordinate to the place by smart words?

Very often, people at work completely absent professional ethics and the subordinate can "afford to yourself" during a conversation with the authorities. The administration, in turn, are highly educated people and brought up, which allowed them to take such a chin.

A person with her own title should be able to "verbly punish" his subordinate to the misconduct and make him respect him only with cultural words. To speak, they need confidently and strictly, avoiding emotional gestures and explosive phrases.

What can act accents in a conversation with subordinates:

  • On low-formation
  • Ask to show a document about higher or vocational education.
  • Through the loss of the workplace due to incompetence
  • To say that a person risks losing respect in the eyes of the bosses and colleagues.
  • Treat a finer or deprivation of award

How to "put in place" subordinate:

  • "You make me regret that one day I decided to take you to work."
  • "In my eyes you instantly lost the qualifications!"
  • "I believe that our company overpays to you, because your education is not worthy of such wages."
  • "It seems to me that you have just spent your award!"
  • "I will not allow you to flourish ignorance in my conscientious team!"
  • "You are a shame of our company!"
  • "With your achievements, our company will never achieve success!"
  • "You pull our team and our company down!"

How to "put in place" subordinate words without Mata?

How to close your mouth man smart words?

IMPORTANT: the concept of "close by smart words" suggests that you will find phrases that will be able to form a person after resentment and warning him from a new mistake. "Smart words" - words, devoid of mat and rudeness, but impregnated with a reasonable meaning. They pushing a person to findings and stronger than any obscene word leave the mark in the shower.

Phrases in order to "close the mouth" man:

  • "Since you opened your mouth, he never ceases to go stench, as from the messenger pit!"
  • "Better wouldn't open your mouth, because all your words just showed how low you!"
  • "You opened your mouth and immediately realized that in front of me a stupid man!"
  • "Your words did not show you from the best side!"
  • "Since you opened your mouth, I changed the opinion of you for the worse!"
  • "Your words lowered you in my eyes below Nowhere!"
  • "You are incredibly stupidly think that everything that you say is a smart speech!"

How to do and what to say to man so that he can silence: phrases without mat

How to sew, send a boyfriend, man smart words?

There are such situations when a woman should be reversed to a man so that he no longer praises and have no species on her. A weak and stupid woman will swear obscene abruptly, while smart will allow you to put in a person in a word with a word and look. The power of a woman in her behavior and words.

What to say a man:

  • "You are not worthy of even my gaze!"
  • "I will not suffer such humiliation to give you my attention!"
  • "You are so low that I didn't even notice you first!"
  • "In my eyes you are nothing!"
  • "You're not even a man for me!"
  • "I do not want to deal with such a low essence, like you!"
  • "Looking at you, I feel only pity!"
  • "I can't stand Cham, they are my competitors!"
  • "Let me send intellectually?"
  • "Do you think I really can spend time with you? Well, probably, think is not about you! "

Smart words for goodbye guy who betrayed

Very often, men behave in good faith and betray women in love with women. In those situations where women think about it, many decide to part. To give a man to understand how low it is low and wrong, you should choose worthy and loyal words, which will simultaneously serve humiliation and farewell.

What can be said to a man:

  • "Go back under that skirt, from which you just got out!"
  • "I don't want to share a bed with you anymore, nor life, nor even the air on the same planet!"
  • "I disgust even just listen to your justification! Such a man just not worthy of me! "
  • "You have become so low that I started looking for happiness from a foreign woman between the legs!"
  • "I was so stupid that I believed in your sincerity and now I feel sick of all the years together!"
  • "I hope that you will be happy and that someone else can give you at least some of the care that I blindly gave you!"
  • "You will regret in the time that you offended me, but then I will even forget your name."
  • "How low you fell and the funny thing you don't see it, and everyone else has already noticed!"

How can I call a person smart words?

Choose more loyal curses to offend your offender, without using obscene brand. It will show you only with the best side, as a reasonable and educated person, not spoiled and knowing dignity.

What words can you choose:

  • Bauble -an unnecessary thing, empty and soulless, not destination, on which time spend time, something crazy and mind.
  • Cheap utensils -someone with low dignity, someone who is not needed and does not have greater value in the world.
  • Soulless manman deprived of any values \u200b\u200band inner world.
  • Shame (shame) -man deprived of dignity, a man who brings shame and problems to close people.
  • Shameless -man, deprived of respect and understanding of the surrounding people, a man without spiritual values.
  • Padal -a man fallen in the eyes of others, a person who is comfortable to exist in the mud of words, actions and betrayal.
  • Cattle -a person who does not behave intelligently, a person who is compared with the animal.
  • Stupid creature -a person who does not know how to make smart actions.
  • Animal -a person who does not know how to flow well and devoid of his being.
  • Insect -personality devoid of human being
  • Osranion -man deprived of nobility and education

How to call a person without using the mat?

How to say smart words that a man is stupid?

Use such phrases:

  • "You have a mind like a cat with a drink!"
  • "Brain is no more than the chicken!"
  • "The head is big, and there is no brain!"
  • "You have a brain without crying!"
  • "You have only one shock and that even!"
  • "You understand me? Although yes, where are you? "
  • "Have you been born so stupid or became?"
  • "In the queue for the brains you were the last"
  • "Nature is not awarded to you"

How to say smart words that a man is a fool?

Use these words:

  • Fool
  • Loft
  • Polone
  • Scanty mind
  • Dressed
  • Myself on my mind
  • Autist
  • Clown

How to replace mats to smart words?

In order not to look silly and overly emotional man, try to develop in yourself the ability to replace the obscene words by cultural analogues. It is not at all difficult if you practice in advance. Try to realize all the meaning and the meaning of your matte acquaintances and then in your understanding you can replace them with more "cultural" words.

Important: Smart words said "strongly" and can surely be more painful and meaning of any mats, which already exist constantly in the speech of a modern person.

How can I answer a person to insult, hurt, rudeness by smart words?


  • Try to restrain your emotions
  • Answer not during the sport or monologue of the offender, but only when he will end with words.
  • Speak calmly, but confidently
  • Your voice should not be quiet and too loud
  • Look in the face and do not let the will with the hands (both in terms of manual design and extra gestures).
  • Proudly go after what has been said

Video: "Gentelmen insults"

From this useful article you will learn about how to humiliate humatic words, not launching in the course of the fists.
Sin offend a good person, remember this.
For any humiliation of innocent, you will have to pay a punishment over.
But there are often cases when you smear on the wall, pronouncing the phrases of indecent content.
Of course, you can answer the offender in the same way or induce the teeth from all over the scope.
But this is not a completely delicate method, my friends.

It is much more difficult to humiliate a person without putting it on the blade, but picking up such phrases so that they destroy it in morally.
That's what we will do.

Phrases degrading person for insulting dignity

If your dignity questioned, no matter who you are a man or a woman, try to answer these phraseologists:

one). Insult a woman can only moral impotent or a creature, lowered by life.
2). You are now challenging insults because stubbornly hide your own inconsistency.
3). My dignity is not at the height, but it is not at the bottom. And you give in yourself a weak and morally wretched personality.
four). Your insults sound like a helpless attempt to prove your superiority.

With these phrases you humiliate a person carefully and delicately. Intelligently dropping it, you yourself do not like to evil offender.

Phrases, morally killing a person for humiliation

Immediately I want to warn you that use them with deep caution. The thing is that you are endowed with the ability to program a person for negative consequences. His fee for the insanity caused to you will be an unfavorable event, which will occur in close connection with the verbal "prophecy".
Not quite clear?
Now you will understand everything.

Examples of phrases, morally killing and fatally programming offenders on "eternal memory":

five). I will not answer you anything. But then you will understand that all the misfortunes you have gone from this day.
6). The queue to the oncologist is very long, and you will stand at the end. (Exit these words only in case of cruel humiliation).
7). For everything in this life will have to pay. Do not forget this day, so as not to think for that God punished you.
eight). From that moment on, misfortune will begin in your life. I do not scare, but I know about it.

A little smoking, you can pretty supplemented the proposed list.
Just do not overtake the stick and do not program a good person at thin fatalism.
It is possible that you humiliated enough of you enough and a weak person, which will begin to fade after everything uttered.

Does there be insults for the guy? Naturally! And today we will be elegantly and beautiful insult guys. But, immediately notice, for this you have to be a girlfriend bold and decisive. And even better - big and strong. Learn and practice art insult beautiful You can . And you can not practic, and immediately start reading insults. Enjoy your pastime and good memory!

Sometimes it seems to me that awl in the ass - this is your inner rod.

In present guy Curvions should be gyms, not a hand ...

Be kind, decoken the world with your absence.

You are so cool about the service in the army tell! Did you randomly served in a fun shelf?

Yes, you just poured Pushkin! So I want to shoot you ...

Oh, what are you already leaving?! And without you so fun ...

You are so intelligent guyEven a hat on the head!

Yes, you already grab the graveyard!

Do not rush to hell ... Without you there will definitely not start.

You know, there are failures in the engine. This is fixable. There are malfunctions in the work of the processor. It is tolerant. And, personally, you will fail in DNA. And this is already forever ... Nothing I am on the background of you so smart?

Do you have all the body such a hairy or only nostrils?

And you - unique guy! After all, not everyone is given to develop his inability, but you clearly succeed!

You are so brought up that you do not only ride the girls.

Mozart at your age has been dead.

So it's on a dating site girls began to write, looking at your photo, "I'm sorry, but we are not so alone" ...

What a meeting! And I thought you were died ... our common acquaintance, this morning he spent so much in the morning ...

I look, you brake and love without a car.

Your hands are, of course, corrupt. But the brains are smooth.

You are a real nugget! I would even say self-skid ...

Here, just need to strain your head now. If you have a good idea for you, then just to sleep well.

Everyone speaks about you "School felt", and indeed, immediately in the eye rushes, that you did not reach the institute.

This article contains expressions, quotes and phrases for an answer to insults, without mat, funny and in rhyme !!! The above quotes will answer the question - how to humiliate a person without a mat, smart words and at the same time make it beautiful. Terms of application: These phrases are used only for self-defense purposes! : \u003d) Not for humiliation, so to speak - culturally and politely send a person ... So the first in the list of phrase: I do not scare you, I'm not a mirror. (Briefly and clear), So, will continue ...

  • To shock me greatly, you will certainly have to say something very smart.
  • Do you know that people can be very offended by the words? Well, and I can and affairs ...
  • I would hurt you very much ... But Nature has already done everything for me for a long time !!!
  • Tell me please ... Do you really think that rights in this situation?
  • Are you in VK (VKontakte)? Not! In mzh.
  • Hear dude! Brightness gave!
  • Oh, and who are you? And I know - you nobody !!!
  • I explained to you correctly that I don't intend to have things with you!
  • Looking at you I begin to understand that nothing human God is alien.
  • You are simple as an angle of the house ...
  • Your stubborn mock poses question our further communication ...
  • Do you know how to affect a friend? Especially if he is the best your friend here: Start your conversation from words - here I recently came to me ...
  • This insult will be the last in your life ...
  • Just do not remove headphones from the ears. God forbid the brain from the inside.
  • Do not try to hurt me verbally - I am above your insults!
  • Did you decide to settle me? And preserved before that did not forget?
  • Why don't you do the salvation of nature? I have a familiar surgeon he can sterilize you.
  • Pity degrades man, because I will not regret you, well, you understood)))
  • Very smart do not insult - they act ...
  • You, like meme - from the beginning cool, and then be silent ...
  • For guys insult without a mat, it's like an insult, so try better, I'll wait!
  • Before the tears, it's a shame, but you are not the person with whom I will communicate!
  • I can shut up a person without insulting - culturally, just without noticing his hitting and forgetting about his existence!
  • If you do this again, then this time you remember for a long time ...
  • Yes, what are you like this (such) not smart (smart) ...
  • The mind is like a seashell, memory like goldfish.
  • Slophni, and then looked ...
  • To satellite a guy, I force him to jealous ... But the way you are not ...
  • With you, every time in an embrace with the toilet ...
  • You zin \u200b\u200bon rudeness rushing!)))
  • I bet, you conceived a dispute! (With humor!)
  • You remind me of the ocean ... I'm also sick of you.
  • You're like a suitcase without a handle ...
  • Yes, who marries her! Suicide is not in fashion.
  • You are coming meyk-up a la valuyev ...
  • I do not need smart words to humiliate, I'm above this, I remember this time and always!
  • What words are you trying to talk to me? Where did you take them? On the garbage?
  • The only thing about what you can have enough mind is to make ashes from the cigarette.
  • You can in the kunstkamera and in life!
  • If idiots were able to fly, then your whole family would have to live on the airfield.
  • So did you play Shrek in the movie?
  • If you have grown wings behind your back - do not karkay!
  • Apparently ... you dropped, stork on the road ... then you can add - and more than once, and not two!
  • I know how to answer rudeness worthily and beautiful, you need to say - "Sorry, I'm allergic to your nonsense," and then add "so ... and what did you stop?"
  • One more humpback word and you will move all our lives to jerk.
  • Correctly do what they giggle, do not laugh with your teeth!
  • That's where to take? You, as with another planet, where the main slogan is stupidity and still stupidity !!!
  • How funny ... ha ha, you are a real troll ... well done! And by the way, but you look like him)))
  • You can continue to talk to me offensive words, but know I love you anyway!
  • Do you think that if you say smart phrases with me, then you get smarter from this?
  • To humiliate a person morally, words - easy, but I am above it!
  • Teeth are not hair, fly out - you can't catch.
  • Here is a ham! Where are you bred?!
  • Do not know how to send a man beautifully? The answer is simple - suggest him to head the column of people who go together together ...
  • So I took and wanted to spoil my day? You can't get it !!!
  • A beautiful answer to the question - how to answer an insult - beautiful, phrases: on whose lips is crying stapler.
  • You have rudeness in the language and head, and where they were brought up?
  • Know that hidden ridicule is the top of cynicism ...
  • Apparently the presence of the brain is not an indicator of the problem ...
  • What do you think? And however ... think it is not about you ...
  • Well, did you hide the ax of your stupidity?
  • No manicure, nor conscience!
  • I do not like khamov, why do I need competitors?
  • Why do you need to swear with me, because it's bad sign!
  • How to send you? Intelligent or honest?
  • No, of course, thank you very much for the good advice, but you should not hear everyone.
  • Do not be afraid, I will not beat you. Nowadays, the time for the rough handling of animals can be obtained.
  • Do you know how dangerous man is dangerous? Not? I'll show you now!
  • How beautiful and easily was on the street until you appear)
  • Oh, what is it? Is it a joke? Clear, keep ...
  • Go Hedgehogs Pasi, Peacock Local.
  • Let's get under the hot hand - fly under the hot leg
  • You do not know - how to call a person to shut up? Now get - dried and turn herbarium! CHUROUND ONLY ONLY, AND NOT otherwise - respect each other, do not lose face!
  • Zaznaism does not elevate a person, but humiliates him in the eyes of others ...
  • Do you know how to pray for a person with the words? Just tell him the truth!
  • If you have grown wings behind your back - do not karkay!
  • You just think very bad about people if you think they are equal to you.
  • How can you cat, raised and hide ...
  • Cool you so mouth open))) aaaa, that's what you say so!))))
  • Yes ... Sarcasm is not about you ...

You were the most beautiful on your birthday!
- Thank you! I tried to!
- Specially selected guests?

It's time for you to find my prince ... And then with you some horses go.

And I watch you are funny such! Do you have the consequences of the cranial brain injury? Or bad heredity?

There are such girls to whom you want to approach, get to the shoulder and say: "What weight are you struggling, a brother?"

I look at you and understand you, I lie all the scientists ... not still dinosaurs extinct ...

I know why you are so angry and nervous. Your girl has a member more than yours.

Want to guess, under what sign did you born? Stopudovo, under the brick!

My girlfriend fell and broke his chin, but it is not scary, because she has the second.

See see. You are awesome! Only steel balls should be in the pants, and not in the head. Moreover, you constantly have one after another.

What are your beautiful, white teeth. Probably the grandmother in a pledge jaw took a rental?

Girl, and how much do you weigh? Well, tell me at least the first three numbers ...

And your girlfriend is beautiful. Remember when you went to the dog exhibition, all the judges awarded her first place. All could not be mistaken.

Would you like a little more plainly choosing the interlocutor by the mind. And now it would be nice to talk with a perished bucket.

Daaa ... Not all Chernobyl bypass bypassed.

You yourself hit the wall on the wall, or did your parents beat you and are you used to?

It seems that your parents were their brother and sister ...

You are stupid, like a bag with hammers.

Do you have such a big belly or did the airbag worked on it?

You are clearly a bear on the ear came ... and walked around the face ...

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