If a pregnant woman has colitis in the lower abdomen. Premature placental abruption. Diseases of the urinary system

Why does abdominal colitis occur during pregnancy? This question is asked by women in a position that are at different periods.

Stitching pains in a small period of pregnancy

Stitching pains are most common in the first trimester of pregnancy. The muscles in the abdomen, the ligaments that support the uterus, are stretched. Various hormonal changes occur.

If a woman has always had painful periods, then during pregnancy she will feel some discomfort associated with carrying a child.

If a pregnant woman is very worried about such pain, it is better to play it safe by unscheduled visiting her gynecologist. After diagnosis, it can be concluded whether such pain is physiological or is a violation of the course of pregnancy.

Hypertonicity of the uterus

The diagnosis faced by most pregnant women. Hypertonicity of the uterus causes stitching, pulling pains. The abdomen is tense. It is imperative to tell your doctor about such sensations! To reduce the tone, the gynecologist will prescribe the necessary medications, and can give a referral to the hospital.

No need to be afraid of the tone of the uterus! The main thing for a pregnant woman is to get more rest, not to worry, to take vitamins.

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency

A dangerous condition, which is characterized precisely by stitching pains in the lower abdomen, perineum. They occur when the cervix is ​​damaged, unable to hold the fertilized egg. Miscarriage may occur!

The intensity of pain

Stabbing in the stomach can be used for various diseases, pathologies. The pain can be different - perhaps it occurs spontaneously, quickly passes. But it can also be chronic, constant. If she does not let go for a minute, even if the woman lies down to rest, this is a reason to be wary: such a symptom suggests that there is a threat of termination of pregnancy.

If the reason is not obstetric

If the discomfort is in the upper abdomen, then such a stabbing pain is characteristic of diseases of such internal organs:

  1. Biliary system.
  2. Organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Pancreas.
  4. Heart disease.
  5. Lung disease.
  6. Foodborne infections.

Necessary treatment

Medical treatment is selected by a doctor. Usually, they prescribe the use of antispasmodics, sedatives. A pregnant woman should not self-medicate!

To prevent stabbing pains, a pregnant woman needs to follow a diet, do not overload her body with loads, and get enough sleep. If a woman feels that any changes have occurred in the body, it is imperative to inform her gynecologist about them. Perhaps this is a signal from the body about the threat of termination of pregnancy.


Immediately, we note that there is hardly at least one woman who has already given birth who can easily say for sure that literally for all 9 months of her pregnancy, she simply never had anything and anywhere hurt, or at least simply did not cause discomfort. And this is not at all surprising: after all, with the appearance of a small, so-called, paunchy, the female body undergoes quite significant changes (muscle fibers stretch somewhat, as well as various ligaments swell and stretch, the pelvic organs are slightly "diverging", etc.).

And it is precisely this that, in most cases, can explain the pulling or even somewhere in the lower abdomen, often experienced by the woman herself precisely in. In addition, it was noticed that such minor pains more often bother those women who had too painful menstruation before pregnancy.

But sometimes it also happens that the expectant mother is really scared by sharp stabbing pains that appear literally here and there. However, this condition most of all simply causes violent panic, if these sudden pains seem to be localized in the lower abdomen.

However, a pregnant woman herself should clearly know that it is during the period of carrying a baby that she should pay special attention not so much to the nature and course of such pain, but to its intensity. And, nevertheless, if nevertheless some sensations really bother you, it would be better to consult your doctor. But here are some of the phenomena and their real reasons, we can even describe right now.

So, for example, stitching (but still, more often - pulling) pains may well occur with the so-called and well-known to many. If such pains are minor, then it will be enough just to lie down, rest and calm down a little. If they are intense, and even possibly accompanied by some kind of discharge, urgently seek qualified medical care!

And, nevertheless, it is during pregnancy that acute "stabbing" pains may well occur somewhere in other organs. So, for example, the motility of the gastrointestinal tract itself decreases sharply for a certain period of pregnancy. This often leads to stagnation of certain feces, and as a result to flatulence, and even constipation and further, as a result, to really stabbing pains already in the intestines.

Sometimes the same sharp stabbing pain can indicate acute appendicitis. If stitching and cramping pains, first of all, are felt in the right hypochondrium, then it is quite possible that this is cholecystitis (or inflammation of the gallbladder). And, of course, the pancreas itself may well “suffer” during pregnancy. So pancreatitis, or inflammation of this organ, often manifests itself precisely in the upper abdomen with acute pains. Often, during pregnancy, many women also complain of acute "pulling" pains, which, by the way, as the bladder gradually fills, become more intense and even become stabbing. But especially severe pain can be - at the time of urination. And then it is most likely - cystitis - or inflammation of the bladder. Quite often, "colic" can be a consequence of the presence of certain infectious diseases, simply sexually transmitted diseases.

It is noticed that some women during the period of bearing a future baby also complain of sharp stabbing pains in the tailbone. But in addition to stitching, such pains can be dull, they can also be localized, and they may well give somewhere, say, to the perineum, or the lower abdomen, sometimes to the buttocks and even to the thigh. There are really a lot of reasons for such an unpleasant phenomenon, and starting from hormonal changes and severe psycho-emotional stress and ending with the real threat of premature or spontaneous abortion.

It is also necessary to highlight separately such a pathological condition as isthmic-cervical insufficiency itself. It is she who develops as a result of some injuries of the isthmus and even the cervix. The cause of trauma can often be previous abortions, childbirth (if there was a large child), as well as the use of special obstetric forceps. And as a result, the cervix of the uterus opens and then cannot hold itself, but the ovum in the future simply goes down and presses, creating pain. In this case, of course, a woman feels stabbing pains in the vagina. This is dangerous, first of all, because it can easily cause spontaneous and early termination of pregnancy. And most often it can happen on.

during pregnancy - a very common complaint. Each person during his life, certain unpleasant sensations in the abdomen are disturbed repeatedly. But during pregnancy when the stomach is the object of close attention and constant care, any trouble in this area is perceived with particular concern.

Stitching pain in the lower abdomen can be a symptom of a wide variety of diseases, and for a correct diagnosis it is necessary to clarify its characteristics. The pain can be acute, sudden onset, or persistent, chronic. Distinguish between cramping pain, when the attacks of pain increase, then decrease, and constant. Pain in nature is stabbing, cutting, aching, pressing, etc. Localization (location) of abdominal pain is very important. Pain in the upper abdomen is typical for diseases of the biliary system, stomach, duodenum, pancreas, and may be associated with heart or lung disease.

Pain in the navel most often indicates a disease of the small intestine.

: pregnancy is at risk!

In some cases sharp abdominal pain is a symptom of serious illnesses that require seeking qualified medical attention. Often, pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy is a symptom of threatened abortion. At the initial stage, preceding the miscarriage, pregnant woman may be disturbed by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which in nature resemble painful sensations during menstruation. Usually, these pains are localized in the center, just above the bosom, often accompanied by pain in the sacrum, mucous discharge from the genital tract, and frequent urination. Often, such manifestations are provoked by physical or emotional stress and can stop on their own at rest.

If the necessary measures were not taken at this stage, spontaneous abortion may develop. Wherein acute pain in the lower abdomen can change character and become cramping, repetitive at regular intervals. In the second half of pregnancy, pain is accompanied by tension in the uterus, the abdomen becomes hard, "turns to stone". In the future, the addition of spotting is possible. Such symptoms require immediate medical attention.

For diagnostics stitching pains in the lower abdomen ultrasound is used, during which it is possible to identify an increased tone of the uterus, detachment of the ovum, placenta, which confirms the diagnosis. In addition, during an ultrasound scan, it is possible to determine the conditions of the fetus, which is decisive for the choice, treatment tactics. In the later stages, CTG (cardiotocography) is used for diagnosis, which makes it possible to determine both the condition of the fetus and the presence of cramping contractions of the uterus.

During pregnancy preconditions are created for the development of diseases of the abdominal organs, which are also manifested by pain in the abdomen. First, hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman cause a decrease in peristalsis (motor activity) of the intestines, gallbladder, bile ducts and pancreatic ducts, and stagnation of the contents of these organs, in turn, promotes the growth of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, during pregnancy, there is a decrease in immune defense and a change in blood circulation in the small vessels of the internal organs. All this contributes to the development of the inflammatory process in the organs of the digestive tract.

Pregnant women also have some characteristic features. Due to the growth of the uterus and relaxation of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, the internal organs are displaced, therefore, the localization of pain may change in comparison with the typical manifestations of this disease.

Secondly, due to the displacement of the internal organs, the greater omentum, designed to delimit the inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity, is pushed back by the uterus and has poor contact with the internal organs. Due to this, the resulting inflammatory process can quickly spread to nearby organs and the peritoneum with the development of peritonitis - inflammation of the peritoneum (a thin film covering all organs and walls of the abdominal cavity), which is especially significant in the third trimester. Therefore, during pregnancy, it becomes especially important to timely seek medical help.

Acute appendicitis. The most common pathology requiring urgent surgery during pregnancy is acute appendicitis. Most often, this disease is noted in the second trimester.

The disease begins suddenly severe abdominal pain, which acquires a constant aching character and then moves to where the appendix (appendix) is currently located. Outside of pregnancy, it is located in the lower right third of the abdomen, but with an increase in the period it shifts higher. The pain may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In some cases, the body temperature may rise. Characterized by increased pain when lying on the right side, due to the pressure of the pregnant uterus on the inflamed focus. With a significant deterioration in general condition, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, an increase in body temperature, bloating, it is possible to assume the development of peritonitis.

Cholecystitis. In second place among surgical pathology during pregnancy there is cholecystitis - an inflammation of the gallbladder. Cholecystitis is usually manifested by pain and a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium. Pain can be dull, aching (with chronic cholecystitis) or sharp, cramping (with acute). Pain may be accompanied by a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, belching, heartburn, and bloating. The onset of an attack is usually provoked by errors in the diet - eating fatty, fried foods - or, especially in the presence of stones in the gallbladder, shaking while driving. During pregnancy the appearance or intensification of pain during fetal movement is possible.

Pancreatitis This disease is an inflammation of the pancreas. Its development is favored by a violation of the outflow of bile, non-compliance with the diet, in particular, abundant meat and fatty foods, alcohol consumption, hereditary predisposition, stress. Acute pancreatitis manifests itself severe abdominal pain in particular, acute pain in the upper abdomen (epigastric region, right or left hypochondrium), often of a shingles nature. Vomiting, stool disturbance, and a decrease in blood pressure are often noted.

To clarify the diagnosis, a medical examination, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, blood and urine tests are performed. If necessary, additional examinations may be carried out depending on the symptoms of the disease. With acute appendicitis and cholecystitis, in the vast majority of cases, surgical treatment is performed. The operation can be performed at any stage of pregnancy. It is possible to use a gentle laparoscopic operation technique, when instruments are inserted through small punctures into the abdominal cavity and the necessary manipulations are performed.

In the presence of stones in the gallbladder and a chronic inflammatory process, treatment is carried out in it aimed at preventing exacerbations of the process, and the operation is performed after delivery. Treatment of chronic inflammation of the abdominal organs during pregnancy is usually carried out conservatively, preferably in a stationary setting. In addition to treatment, it is imperative to adhere to a diet, which is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the disease.

Foodborne toxicoinfections. Often sharp abdominal pain are caused by foodborne illness, commonly referred to as "poisoning." The cause of this disease is microorganisms that enter the gastrointestinal tract with water, food, or through dirty hands. The manifestations of the disease are quite typical. There are pains in the abdomen, mainly in the navel, pulling or cramping, often accompanied by frequent loose stools, nausea, sometimes vomiting, possibly an increase in body temperature.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out on the basis of a doctor's examination, ultrasound data, in some cases, a study of feces, vomit may be required to clarify the cause of the disease. If the general condition is not significantly affected, there are no signs of dehydration - such as severe weakness, pallor, cold sweats, decreased blood pressure and increased heart rate - treatment can be carried out without hospitalization in a hospital.

The main therapeutic measures are diet, replenishment of the normal volume of fluid and elimination of toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. At home, it is recommended to drink plenty of water: ordinary drinking water, mineral water at room temperature without gas, strong tea, in some cases, a doctor may prescribe medicinal teas with an astringent effect.

In the acute period of the disease, with sharp pains in the abdomen a sparing diet is recommended: boiled, mashed food that does not irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, fatty, fried, smoked, salty foods rich in fiber are excluded (vegetables and fruits in any form, after the symptoms disappear, boiled and baked fruits and vegetables are allowed), black bread , bran. Boiled cereals and slimy soups made from rice, oatmeal, millet, well-boiled pasta, dried white bread, dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese), boiled low-fat minced meat and fish are recommended. As the condition improves, the diet becomes less strict.

Cystitis. Another reason acute pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, there may be cystitis - inflammation of the bladder. Cystitis, especially chronic cystitis, is characterized by a pulling pain and a feeling of heaviness over the bosom, which intensifies when the bladder is full and reaches its greatest intensity at the end of urination. Acute cutting pain is combined with frequent urination, urine output in small portions, and blood may appear at the end of urination. Diagnosis of the disease is carried out on the basis of complaints, data from a doctor's examination and analyzes.

So the reason severe abdominal pain there can be a wide variety of diseases, therefore, if such symptoms occur, you should consult your doctor. Only a doctor can correctly assess all your symptoms. In case of pain that you have never experienced before, it is better to call an ambulance. To establish a final diagnosis, additional tests and specialist advice may be required.

: treatment during pregnancy

When there is severe abdominal pain before consulting a doctor, it is allowed to use antispasmodics - drugs that relax the smooth muscles of internal organs. It is possible to use NO-SHPA in tablets or CANDLES WITH PAPAVERIN. At the same time, it is recommended to relax, rest. If the pain has not stopped within an hour, you can repeat the drug intake. But if the pain increases or is not relieved for a long time by taking antispasmodics, other symptoms join it, an urgent need to consult a doctor. It is not recommended to self-medicate, use pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs; these drugs change the clinical manifestations of the disease, mask it, creating the appearance of improvement. In addition, when visiting a doctor, some of the characteristic symptoms of the disease may be absent due to the use of pain medications. And even more so, you cannot take antibacterial drugs on your own: many of them can harm your baby, and in addition, they will change the manifestations of the disease and distort the picture of laboratory tests.

Pregnancy: abdominal pain

The most common cause of pulling lower abdominal pain v I trimester of pregnancy are the physiological changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman. Under the influence of pregnancy hormones, the tissues that form the supporting apparatus of the uterus soften, as well as their stretching and displacement due to the growth of the uterus. Some women do not notice this, in others, all these processes make themselves felt with minor pulling pains in the lower abdomen, tingling, which are usually localized on both sides of the midline. These pains are never cramping and do not recur at regular intervals. They are usually not related to physical exertion or stress. It is noticed that often similar stomach ache worried about women who had painful menstruation before pregnancy.

In the second half of pregnancy, pulling lower abdominal pain caused by stretching of the abdominal muscles, displacement of internal organs, especially the intestines, caused by a significant increase in the size of the uterus. In addition, the peristalsis of the intestines under the influence of pregnancy hormones is reduced, and the movement of food through the intestines is slower. In this regard, overstretching of certain sections of the intestine is possible, which can also manifest itself as pulling or stabbing pain in the lower abdomen on the left... The above phenomena do not require emergency medical intervention. With the help of simple measures, it is possible to reduce these unpleasant manifestations to a minimum.

It is recommended to eat properly during pregnancy. Since the intestine works more slowly under the influence of hormones, it should not be overloaded. You need to eat 4-5 times a day in small portions. Do not allow long breaks between meals, as well as overeating. Compression of the intestine by an enlarged uterus further complicates the advancement of food masses, and stretching of the intestine will inevitably lead to the appearance stomach pain... In addition, with prolonged presence of food in the intestines, fermentation processes intensify and flatulence may develop, which increases discomfort in the abdomen.

To improve peristalsis, you must daily include foods containing fiber in your diet, primarily raw fruits and vegetables, you can use cooked fruits and vegetables. If any foods cause you to gas up (most often these include legumes, cabbage, onions, garlic, radishes, radishes, as well as apple and grape juices), you should refrain from using them. We also recommend prunes and dried apricots, which contain a large amount of organic acids and thereby facilitate intestinal motility.

It is advisable to limit the use of refined foods, fatty and sugary foods, fast food: these foods can negatively affect the work of the intestines.

You must drink enough fluids as its deficiency leads to dysfunction of the digestive tract and urinary system.

Along with the use of a diet, physical activity is very important: swimming, therapeutic exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the abdomen, back, hips and buttocks. Such exercises have a beneficial effect not only on the work of the intestines, but also on the state of the whole organism.

Tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy can indicate both pathological disorders and a normal state during this period. The woman's body changes at the physiological level: the uterus grows, the fetus feels heaviness, the hormonal background changes. The most important thing is to correctly identify the cause of the tingling sensation.

Possible causes of tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman is especially sensitive to any manifestations of discomfort in the body. Therefore, even a slight tingling sensation in the lower abdomen causes anxiety.

The causes of these symptoms have 2 main forms:

  1. Physiological cause does not pose any threat. It is associated with the restructuring of the body, usually manifests itself at night and in the evening and can occur at any stage of pregnancy.
  2. Pathological causes are dangerous, since they suggest the development of a particular violation. This could be:
  • neurogenicity of the bladder, which occurs due to changes in hormonal levels and does not have a particular risk;
  • the development of cystitis - an inflammatory process in which tingling is acute;
  • inflammation of the appendix is ​​a direct threat to the life of the fetus and the mother (more about appendicitis during pregnancy -).

These are common reasons why the lower abdomen can tingle during pregnancy. But a lot depends on the timing, since in each trimester various physiological and pathological tingling sensations can form.

First trimester

Tingling in the lower abdomen often occurs after conception. Usually during this period, a woman does not pay special attention to this, while she feels a little weakness and drowsiness. She can be nauseous, annoying everything around.

After 3-4 weeks, the shape of the uterus changes - it increases and rounds out, because blood circulation in the circulatory system of the organ accelerates. In this case, tingling sensations are noted on both sides of the abdomen.

Tingling sensations in the early stages of pregnancy cause discomfort, sometimes accompanied by minor painful sensations of a pulling and aching nature. Therefore, a woman tries to find the most comfortable body position in order to get rid of this. Quite often, tingling is not felt in a calm state, but with sudden movements, sometimes it is enough just to sneeze or cough up, and this symptom immediately arises.

Each organism is individual, so one woman needs to take a comfortable position, while the other, on the contrary, needs to take a walk. Both options are considered the norm. Medicine recommends to carry out exercises on the ball to relieve discomfort, but at the same time heavy loads must be excluded.

If the tingling sensation is mild and temporary, then there is no need to worry. But if they are noted constantly (for an hour or longer), then you need to immediately contact a gynecologist.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the stomach may tingle for completely different reasons. The main safe reason is that the enlarged uterus compresses the stomach and intestines to a large extent. This leads to disruption of the digestive process, which in turn leads to heartburn and constipation. Due to a violation of the functionality of the digestive tract, tingling occurs. It is not dangerous, but it does cause discomfort.

To get rid of such symptoms, you need to pay special attention to the diet in the second trimester:

  • it is undesirable to eat foods that cause increased gas formation - cabbage, beans, wheat bread;
  • eat more vegetables and fruits;
  • drink fortified homemade compotes and juices;
  • give up sweet pastries, but give preference to wholemeal bread;
  • consume a sufficient amount of fermented milk products daily.

Be sure to give your body some light physical activity. They will prevent stagnation in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Third trimester

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the fetus is considered fully formed, so the body begins to show preparatory measures, that is, to prepare for labor at any moment. These training contractions are manifested by a slight tingling sensation in the lower abdomen. They shouldn't last too long - just a few minutes. Otherwise, you need to call an ambulance.

Video about the causes of tingling in the lower abdomen

Here is what Pavel Andreevich Kuznetsov, associate professor of the department and head of the KDO Pavel Andreevich, thinks about the tingling pains in the abdomen during pregnancy - in this video you will learn about the causes of tingling in each trimester in more detail:

What to do if stomach tingles during pregnancy?

If the tingling sensation is very light and does not cause severe discomfort, then you should not worry, but you need to inform the doctor. If the nature of the tingling sensation is strange and sharp, call an ambulance immediately!

You can alleviate the condition in this way:

  • The tingling sensation usually starts when the muscles are overstretched, so exercises are needed to relax them. You need to get on all fours, taking the knee-elbow position. Keep your torso strictly parallel to the floor and ceiling. Bend your back down and tilt your head up. Now slowly and smoothly begin to rise from your elbows so that you rest your palms on the floor. Fix the position for 20-30 seconds. If the tingling sensation intensifies, you need to go to the clinic, as this is a bad sign. If you feel relief, then continue with the exercise.
  • Never take analgesics that are intended to relieve pain. Firstly, they dull sensations, and you will not be able to recognize the onset of labor, and secondly, they can harm the fetus. The only acceptable drugs are Drotaverin or No-shpa.
  • Be sure to do breathing exercises, which not only helps with tingling, but also relieves signs of toxicosis. You need to be in a sitting position with your back straight and your shoulders relaxed. Breathing should be fast and rhythmic. It perfectly relaxes the muscular system of the whole body.

When do you need medical attention?

There are times when urgent medical attention is required. It is necessary for such dangerous symptoms that appear along with tingling, even mild:

  • If you notice bloody or brownish vaginal discharge. This symptom signals a possible placental abruption and can manifest itself at any stage of pregnancy. If at the beginning, then a miscarriage is possible, at the end - spontaneous abortion.
  • When pressing on the uterine region, an increased hardness is felt. This only indicates a high level of uterine tone, which leads to premature termination of pregnancy.
  • Dysuric disorders, that is, pain during urination, heaviness in the lower abdomen. It is especially dangerous if a woman urinates too often, but in very small portions. This is evidence of cystitis and other infection of the genitourinary system.
  • With an intestinal infection, a woman feels not only a tingling sensation in the lower abdomen, but also other symptoms. Her nausea is accompanied by vomiting, stool (diarrhea) is disturbed, and her body temperature rises. You should not take medications on your own, as the treatment should take place under the supervision of a doctor. First of all, the infectious disease specialist will find out the etiology of the origin of the infection.
  • Tingling, accompanied by severe pain, is also dangerous.

Tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy is considered normal in any trimester. In this case, it is very important to monitor other symptoms that appear, because the most unpredictable complications are possible. If a woman registers at the clinic in a timely manner and regularly visits a gynecologist, then problems will not arise.