Daily planning prep group for week health. A plan for conducting health week activities in the preparatory group of a kindergarten with practical applications

Collective-thematic planning of educational activities in the preparatory group "Businka"

for 2015 - 2016 academic year

Topic: "Week of health (vacation)"

Purpose: To create conditions for the development of search and research, motor activity by means of training sports entertainment "Dexterous, strong, courageous".

Final event

Open health day. Sports festival "Mom, Dad, I am a sports family"

The main activities of children

Days of the week






Directly educational activities

OOD Cognitive development Speech development Topic: "Travel to the country of Health"

Target: Creation of a situational situation for the formation of preschoolers' ideas about some sense organs, about human health as one of the main values ​​of life, which must be constantly taken care of.

OOD Speech development.

Topic: "A healthy mind in a healthy body."

Purpose: to educate preschoolers to respect their health and the health of others.

OOD Cognitive development. FEMP

OOD Cognitive Development

Theme "Travel to the land of beautiful speech"

Purpose: Creation of a situational situation to identify the level of knowledge, abilities and skills of children in preparation for schooling.

Artistic and aesthetic development Artistic development Modeling "Sports holiday"

OOD Cognitive development. Perception of fine arts drawing "How we play in kindergarten"

OOD Cognitive development Where does health hide?

Purpose: Creation of a situational situation to identify the level of knowledge of children about a healthy lifestyle.

Artistic and aesthetic development Drawing Topic: "Favorite sport in our family"

Purpose: To promote the formation of children's ideas about the benefits of physical activity for the body.

Physical development

Physical culture (in the air No. 3))

Physical development

Physical education


Physical development

Physical education

Artistic and aesthetic development (O) music

Cognitive research


D / and "Where did the products come to our table?", "Harmful - useful", "Edible - inedible", "Gifts of nature."

"Me and my body"

To acquaint with the main organs of the human body (heart, stomach, lungs, liver).

Expand children's knowledge about the human body.

Form the concept that a healthy body needs physical education, conditioning, proper nutrition.

Arouse the desire to take care of your body, your health, take care of your health

Д / и "Useful products"

"Vitamins on the table" To educate children about the benefits of food.

To give children basic knowledge about the benefits of vitamins, their effect on the child's body.

Where does health hide?

Creation of a situational situation to identify the level of knowledge of children about a healthy lifestyle.

"Vitamins on the table"

To give children basic knowledge about the benefits of vitamins, their effect on the child's body.

Д / и "Vegetables and fruits", "Cook vegetable soup" (Nastya. A; Nastya. B, Denis. N, Sonya. A)

"Health Day" Tell about the sources of danger in apartments, in groups and on the street, explain the "no" rule. You cannot take matches, touch working electrical appliances, take cutting and prickly objects, medicines from the first-aid kit, or drink them.

D / and Vitamins are pills that grow on a branch. ”Expand children's knowledge of vitamins, consolidate knowledge about vegetables, fruits and berries. (Stella. V; Nastya. B; Denis .. N; Kirill. P)

Observing the evening weather - the ability to compare morning, afternoon and evening weather; develop observation, memory.



D / and “Continue the phrase”, “Who needs what?”, “Who will say more words about the ball (club, ski, bike, etc.)”. expand the active vocabulary of children; - to develop the mental qualities of a person - attention, thinking, memory; - to develop physical qualities - hand motor, movement coordination

Conversation - reasoning "I am an athlete."

Physiological experiments (to draw the attention of children to how the work of our body changes during outdoor games, physical activity (redness, sweating, heart palpitations), exercises in determining the pulse in different states (for 10 seconds);

"Fruits and Vegetables - Healthy Foods" Help children understand that health depends on proper nutrition. Food should not only be tasty, but also healthy.

Clarify children's knowledge about healthy foods, their importance for health and good mood.

( Nastya. A; Nastya. B, Denis. N, Sonya. A; Makarenko. C)

Did. game "You can not" is the ability to respond with full sentences.

Writing the story "How did I spend the weekend?", The ability to respond in full sentences

Children composing descriptive stories "My favorite sport"(Glory. G; Danil. Sh. Seryozha .. M;)

D / and "Continue the phrase", "Who needs what?"Develop memory, thinking, imagination, activate vocabulary.

Word game for all children "Name a sport" - fix the names of sports; to educate children to play sports. (Glory. G; Danil. Sh. Seryozha .. M; Nastya. B;)

Perception of fiction

Riddles and proverbs about sports.development of logical thinking.

Riddles about vegetables and fruits.

Reading fiction: K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit".

S. Mikhalkov "About a girl who ate poorly",

Quiz "Riddles and Answers".

Reading the play "On the benefits of vitamins."

Making riddles about body parts

A. Barto "Grimy Girl".To form a conscious attitude towards your health, an understanding of the importance of hygiene,

Reading fiction: K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr", "Doctor Aibolit". S. Mikhalkov

S. Mikhalkov “How Sasha Cured Herself”.

Constructive activity

(Danil. Sh; Slava. G. Beal .. J.)

Paper Designing "Bicycle" Develop constructive imagination and creativity, manifesting an individual design style. (Stella .. V; Begaeva. N; Vera.G; Varyaya .. K)

"Sports school building" To form in children generalized ideas about buildings.

"Sports school building".

Strengthen the ability to design buildings that meet certain requirements, independently select the required building material. To cultivate the ability to work in pairs, without interfering with each other.

Paper Designing "Bicycle" Develop constructive imagination and creativity, manifesting an individual design style.

Building a sports campus Develop constructive imagination and creativity, the manifestation of an individual design style.

Sports boat To consolidate the ability to design buildings that meet certain requirements, independently select the required building material.

"Sports school building".

Strengthen the ability to design buildings that meet certain requirements, independently select the required building material. To cultivate the ability to work together, without interfering with each other.

Game "Finish the construction". Invite the children to pair up. Each child collects a piece from the designer, then changes it with a partner and finishes its construction.

Play activity

С / r game "Shop" development of gaming activities;

distribute responsibilities among themselves, negotiate;

C / r game "Hospital".

to bring up friendly relations of children in the process of playing activities.

"Sports club" development of self-regulation of children; maintenance of role-based dialogue during the game. develop the ability to cooperate with each other: distribute responsibilities among themselves, negotiate;

to bring up friendly relations of children in the process of playing activities.

Sports club "development of self-regulation of children; maintenance of role dialogue during the game. develop the ability to cooperate with each other: distribute responsibilities among themselves, negotiate;

to bring up friendly relations of children in the process of playing activities.

develop a cognitive interest in sports and physical education;

C / r game "Hospital"development of gaming activities; distribute responsibilities among themselves, negotiate;

to bring up friendly relations of children in the process of playing activities.

Hospital "," In the pharmacy ".

Continue to familiarize children with the activities of a doctor, consolidate the name of medical instruments and medicines. Teaching children to implement a game plan.

Game situation "How to protect yourself from germs?"preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health

Competition game “I folded my clothes better and neatly than everyone else” to consolidate the ability to quickly, neatly undress, lay out clothes in certain places;

C / r game "Hospital". development of gaming activities;

Visual activity

Drawing "We are strong friends with sports!" develop collective creativity. To foster the desire to act in concert, to agree on who will do what part of the work, how individual images will be combined into a big picture.

Fix the stages of drawing by reading the diagrams.

Nastya. B .; Sasha. Zhenya.P; Vera.G;)

Modeling "Sports holiday" To develop the creativity of children; to develop the ability of children to freely convey the proportions of objects, their ratio in size, expressiveness of poses, movements, details. (Denis .. N. Kirill. P. Slava .. G.)

develop fine motor skills;

to form in children the desire to bring the work started to the end.

Drawing "sports games" Continue to teach children to place images on the sheet in accordance with their real position (closer or further from the drawer; closer to the bottom edge of the sheet - the foreground or further from it - the background); convey differences in the size of the objects depicted (

Application according to the concept "Sports equipment" Develop the ability to make inventory from geometric elements on sheets of paper of various shapes;

(Stella .. V; Begaeva. N; Vera.G; Varyaya .. K)

Modeling "Sports holiday" To develop the creativity of children; to develop the ability of children to freely convey the proportions of objects, their ratio in size, expressiveness of poses, movements, details.

Drawing "Sportsmen" To improve the ability to draw a person in motion, using the technique of "match man".

Exercise in laying out various poses of a person from matches, outlining the contour, in the image of clothes.

Fix the stages of drawing by reading the diagrams. (Slava.G; Bael.J; Dasha.G; Nastya. A)

"Athletes" exercise children in sculpting a human figure in motion in a constructive way.

to consolidate the methods of performing the human figure, conveying the proportions;

develop fine motor skills;

to form in children the desire to bring the work started to the end. (Nastya. B .; Sasha. Zhenya.P; Vera.G; Kirill. .NS. Glory .. D)

Perception of works of fine art


Chatting and looking at pictures about sports.

Examination of the paintings "Sports and People" - prod. teach to draw the simplest conclusions, inferences.

Examination of the illustrations "Human Body", "Human Organs".

Musical activity

to acquaint with the Olympic anthem S. Samaras and the songs of the Olympics - 80;

The song "Olympic Hopes" muses. M. Protasova, lyrics O. Lukashenko to develop a sense of rhythm, attention, ear for music, memory;

continue "Meet the March" develop the ability to determine the character of music and convey it through the movements of your body;

Song: "Fizkult - hurray!" (words by Z. Petrova, music by Y. Chichkov) to teach to define the character of music and convey it through the movements of your body

The Olympic anthem of S. Samaras and the songs of the Olympics - 80; develop a sense of rhythm, attention, ear for music, memory;

Acquaintance with the march "to develop the ability to define the character of music and convey it through the movements of your body;

Song: "Fizkult - hurray!" (words by Z. Petrova, music by Y. Chichkov) to teach how to define the character of music and convey it through the movements of your body;

The song "Olympic Hopes" muses. M. Protasova, lyrics O. Lukashenko to develop a sense of rhythm, attention, ear for music, memory

"Music. Sport. Olympics ”to establish the relationship between sports and music;

Continue to acquaint with the Olympic anthem S. Samaras and the songs of the Olympics - 80;

Self-service and elements of labor

Work in the sports corner: viewing the album "Kinds of Sports".

. On duty to offer to prepare and distribute material for modeling - to develop labor skills.

Offer to water indoor flowers - to foster a desire to care for indoor plants.

"I am learning to protect my life and health." to teach children to comply with the daily regimen, to help the child realize that morning exercises, games and physical exercises cause a good mood, and with the help of sleep they restore strength.

To clean the path of snow together with the children - to foster a desire to help adults.

"Cleanliness Day"Consolidation of practical and theoretical knowledge about cultural and hygienic skills.

Offer to put things in order in the book corner - to cultivate a respect for books.

Self service

to consolidate the ability to quickly dress and undress on their own, put shoes in the closet;

Together with the children, prepare material for a drawing lesson - develop self-service skills.

Game - competition "The best canteen attendant"

Develop the desire of children on their own, without reminding an adult to fulfill the duties of a duty officer; plan your activities in pairs.

Working with parents

Parents' survey "Growing healthy"

Manufacturing of non-traditional sports equipment (with the involvement of parents).

Consultation: "What situations can be hazardous to health."

Selection of information on the topic for the parent corner:

"Attention! On your marks!"

"On skis"

"We play snowballs"

Putintseva Natalya Aleksandrovna, teacher of MBDOU No. 3 "Ladushki", Kolomna, Moscow region

Health is a precious, and, moreover, the only one, for the sake of which it is worth not only not to spare time, effort, labor and all kinds of benefits, but also to sacrifice for it a particle of life itself.

M. Montaigne


In the modern world, the problem of children's health is acute. It is necessary to set a goal for teachers and parents to preserve and strengthen, as well as protect, the health of the child, increase his mental and physical performance. Only a healthy child is capable of harmonious improvement and development. The organization of the "health week" contributes to the formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle, the acquisition of experience in the motor, self-regulatory, purposeful sphere.

Various physical education activities contribute to the formation of agility, endurance, courage and other qualities of a strong personality in children. Conversations, games on the topic help to form the preconditions for a healthy lifestyle. Productive activities help children reflect their experiences.


Formation in children of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle. Preservation, promotion and protection of health. Independence, creativity and initiative in physical activity, interest in sports.


Working with parents



Conversation: "A healthy mind in a healthy body"

Consideration of illustrations, visual material, encyclopedias and magazines "Health", "Healthy lifestyle", "Healthy" from the cycle "My health" N. V. Mishina 2012.

Reading the poem by E. Odintsova "Health is value and wealth ..."

Riddles about health

Role-playing game: "Clinic"

Productive activity: drawing "I want to be healthy"

Exercises for the formation of correct posture: "Bridges"

Consultation for parents: "Healthy child"

Production of posters "We are for a healthy lifestyle"



Honey. employee

Conversation: "The human body."

Multimedia presentation: "My body"

Didactic games: "What is good and what is bad?"

Experimental Activity: "Air"

Getting to know self-massage

Excursion to the nurse's office.

Exercises for the formation of the musculoskeletal system: "Rostochek"

Enrichment and replenishment of the developing subject-spatial environment. Making corrective tracks.

Questionnaire:"Healthy lifestyle"

Joint charging "Together with Zdorovyachkom"

Educators, Parents

Physical education instructor

Honey. employee

Conversation: "All about vitamins", "Ways to protect against disease"

Didactic games: "Benefit and harm"

Productive Activity: Unconventional Drawing "Harmful Microbes"

Tabletop games: "Vitamin Lotto"

Cooking vegetable and fruit salad "Vitaminka"

Enrichment and replenishment of the developing subject-spatial environment

Memo:"Healthy - food"

Manufacturing of non-traditional sports equipment

Educators, Parents

Physical education instructor

Honey. employee

Conversation: "Sport and Life"

Productive activity: Construction of the "Sports Palace"

Sports and recreation event "Health Day"

Physical education instructor consultation

Visual gymnastics

Watching the TV show "My Health"

Enrichment and replenishment of the developing subject-spatial environment

Memo:"Be healthy"

Campaign - campaigning outside the territory of the kindergarten "We are for a healthy lifestyle"

Educators, Parents

Physical education instructor

Honey. employee

Conversation: "If you want to be healthy, temper yourself"

Consultation of a physician - therapist: "Kind Doctor Aibolit"


Sports festival "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family"

Enrichment and replenishment of the developing subject-spatial environment

Memo:"Hardening children"

Educators, parents

Physical education instructor

Honey. employee

Daily: Articulation, finger, breathing exercises, exercise in the fresh air, wake-up minutes, walking on corrective paths, physical minutes and dynamic pauses during productive and continuous educational activities, rinsing the mouth after eating, outdoor games and games of low mobility.

Health Week is a wonderful tradition of preschool and secondary educational institutions. Children are often told about the importance of a correct lifestyle and sports, good habits are constantly promoted. But most of all, the unusual form of activities motivates kids to move in the direction of healthy lifestyle. During the Health Week, play and educational activities are held, various types of children's activities are combined - everything that children like.

What is Health Week

Preserving and strengthening the health of pupils is one of the main goals of the pedagogical process at preschool educational institutions. Environmental problems, information overload, stressful situations - these and many other unfavorable factors of modern life affect the physical and mental state of children. Kindergarten workers (educators, nurse, physical education instructor, music director, teachers of creative circles and sports sections in the kindergarten) are constantly promoting an active and healthy lifestyle.

The Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) sets out to create an educational environment in kindergarten that:

  • guarantees the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children;
  • ensures the emotional well-being of children<…>

Federal State Educational Standard of 17.10.2013

Kindergarten activities are aimed at strengthening the physical and emotional health of children

Health week in kindergarten is a set of interesting activities for every day of the week, the purpose of which is to maintain positive motivation for healthy lifestyle among preschoolers and their parents. Thematic lessons are perceived by children as a bright event in the life of a kindergarten. The guys see that all groups take part in the preparation and conduct of the Health Week, the team becomes united by a common goal - to grow healthy and enjoy every day.

Holding the Health Week implements the tasks for all age groups:

  • building health, increasing the endurance of the child's body,
  • development of motor skills,
  • activation of cognitive interests,
  • development of volitional qualities: perseverance, desire to win, ability to lose,
  • fostering empathy: the ability to empathize with comrades, the desire to help.

During the Week of Health, "Merry Starts" are held for several groups

Table: Health Week activities

Focus of activities Examples of
Cognitive cycle
  • Conversations: conducted by an educator on the structure of the body and taking care of it, as well as by a nurse or pediatrician, a visiting athlete, an educational psychologist;
  • cognitive research classes,
  • watching cartoons, videos, presentations on a healthy lifestyle;
  • quizzes, intellectual quests;
  • excursions: to the catering unit (how the right food is prepared), to the medical unit (how to treat, vaccinate, examine), to the museum.
Physical Education
  • Competitions, "Happy starts",
  • sports holiday,
  • carrying out a general charge for the whole garden,
  • demonstration performances, open lessons in sports sections of the preschool educational institution.
Artistic and aesthetic cycle
  • Doing crafts on the topic of healthy lifestyles: individual, collective, together with parents,
  • learning songs and poems about health and sports,
  • reading and discussing fiction about health,
  • creation of wall newspapers and posters.
Interaction with parents
  • Consultations for parents from a nurse, physical education leader, psychologist, instructors of sports sections,
  • familiarization of parents with updated information on the work of the first-aid post and catering unit in the preschool educational institution,
  • family workshops and sports tournaments.

Each lesson or event is organized by the teacher in accordance with the principle of age adequacy. This means that the topic, methods of its disclosure, tasks are selected taking into account the abilities of a particular group of children. The examples of activities given in the table can be carried out both in the younger and in the older group. These are general forms that the teacher is filled with content that corresponds to the age and individual characteristics of the wards. For example, children 2–3 years old have a conversation “What is a handkerchief for?”, And children 6–7 years old - “Viruses and microbes”.

Video: lesson "My doll Dasha" as part of the Health Week (nursery group)

https://youtube.com/watch?v=IPPnPSJW62o Video can’t be loaded: Health Week. Nursery Group (https://youtube.com/watch?v=IPPnPSJW62o)

The shown fragments of the lesson in the nursery (first junior) group show a way of teaching kids cultural and hygienic skills in a playful way. The teacher creates a real situation (Dasha got dirty) and a problem (how Dasha can clean herself). A methodologically literate moment - the teacher demonstrates experience in the classroom with the kids (checks how to clean the doll) and, having found a practical solution to the problem, gives the children the opportunity to participate.

Video: cooking vegetable salad (final event at Health Week)

Cooking salad can be attributed to a useful leisure: the guys train in the skill of using a knife, consolidate the knowledge about the benefits of vegetables. And, of course, they try the prepared dish - this is a special feeling, an assessment of their activities. Alternatively, older preschoolers can prepare a salad (vegetable or fruit) for leisure activities with their parents.

Video: physical education lesson "Gymnastics for a bear" in the second junior group

The photographs and videos in this post show a great example of how to conduct physical activity in an unusual way. The instructor prepared musical accompaniment, new attributes for outdoor games (including homemade ones), invited some of the preschool educational institutions to take part in the role of a bear - all this arouses genuine interest among the children. They respond to ideas to help the bear wake up from sleep properly and want to tell him about a healthy lifestyle (what they themselves learned during the Health Week). Note: the author of the video posted a short plan of the Health Week in their kindergarten in the video description.

Video: art exhibition "Winter Fun" for the Week of Health and Sports

https://youtube.com/watch?v=XHXKM8E2Y00 Video can’t be loaded: Health and Sports Week. Exhibition "Winter Fun" .mp4 (https://youtube.com/watch?v=XHXKM8E2Y00)

Presentation of drawings for the Winter Health and Sports Week. Note to teachers: the works created jointly by children and parents were signed by the organizers of the exhibition as “Art Studio of the Family<…>", - sounds original.

Video: a holiday for children and parents at Health Week in the middle group

Schedule and timeline of events

Traditionally, Health Week is held in kindergarten several times a year: in autumn and in the middle of winter, in autumn and spring. In the second half of the school year, recreational activities and classes on healthy lifestyles are timed to coincide with World Health Day (April 7). Some preschool educational institutions plan Health Weeks in accordance with the time of school holidays. Thus, continuity in preschool and primary school education is carried out: the tradition is not interrupted, sports events are held on a common site (preschoolers are invited to the school stadium, kindergarten pupils and school students come to the park for the "Merry Starts", etc.).

For the Day of Health, the children’s pupils drew a poster about the correct lifestyle

Guidelines for planning your Health Week:

  1. The list of events is discussed and approved by the team and medical staff at pedagogical meetings.
  2. The activity plan combines a variety of activities. It is recommended to conduct classes in the morning that involve increased physical and / or emotional activity, and after a quiet hour - calm activities. For example, in the morning the children got acquainted with non-traditional exercises on step platforms, then they participated in a sports quest on the street. Then, in the afternoon, the teacher repeats with them poems about the rules of hygiene ("Fedorino grief", "The grimy girl", "Moidodyr") and offers to stage these stories in the theatrical corner.
  3. During the Health Week, traditional classes are removed (except for music and physical education - they are held in a non-classical form, using unusual materials and equipment).
  4. With satisfactory climatic and weather conditions, the time spent by children on the street increases, the plan includes outdoor activities: exercise, walking, outdoor games, competitions.
  5. The presence in the plan of events for parents.

Pupils of the preparatory group play on the kindergarten site

The daily routine remains unchanged during the Health Week: morning exercises, a walk, music and physical education, meals and a quiet hour come on schedule. Traditional activities are being replaced by recreational activities or a valeological theme. Therefore, the timing of the activities in the group corresponds to the timing of regular activities.

For example. The lesson on the outside world in the second junior group is replaced by the conversation "Why do you need to move a lot?" The duration of the GCD class for children 3-4 years old is 15 minutes. Accordingly, this time is allocated for conducting a conversation with an additional viewing of a cartoon about sports:

  • conversation - 7-8 minutes,
  • cartoon watching and discussion - 7 minutes.

In the older group, a conversation is conducted with the study of visual material (layouts, posters) about the structure of the human body and the functions of various organs

Table: how to draw up an action plan for the Health Week, indicating the timing (using one day as an example)

Regime interval List of events and their duration
Younger groups Middle group Senior group Preparatory group
  • Didactic game "My doll" - 7 minutes.
  • Conversation "Cleanliness and Health" - 7-9 minutes.
  • Conversation "Where do vitamins live?" - 8-9 minutes.
  • Didactic game "What is useful and what is harmful?" - 10-11 minutes.
  • Watching a video about proper nutrition - 10 minutes.
  • Didactic game "What would happen if ..." - 12 minutes.
  • Viewing the presentation "Winter sports" - 10 minutes.
  • Conversation "Sport and Us" - 15 minutes.
Musical lesson "Music of health" (ways of relaxation) - 15 minutes. "Music of health" (integrated, children draw to music - 20 minutes. "In the rhythm of the heart" (with elements of choreography and breathing exercises) - 25 minutes. "In the rhythm of the heart" (with elements of rhythm and choreography) - 30 minutes.
Walk Outdoor folk games - 10-15 minutes. Independent physical activity (with balls, ribbons, rackets) - 15 minutes. Outdoor games with running, jumping, climbing - 20 minutes. Competition game between preparatory groups (ball hockey) - 25 minutes.
  • Theatrical performance "Doctor Aibolit" - 15 minutes.
  • Application "Jar with vitamins" - 10 minutes.
  • Learning the poem "Sports family" - 10 minutes (hereinafter individually).
  • Consultation for parents about the meaning and methods of hardening - 30 minutes.
  • Viewing and discussing the cartoon "Snow Trails" - 12-15 minutes.
  • Creation of a collective composition from plasticine "Hockey Players" - 25 minutes.
  • Parents' questionnaire "Sport in your family" - 5-10 minutes.
  • An evening of board games (Finger Football, Sports Lotto) - 30 minutes.
  • Master class for parents "Paired gymnastics (mom / dad + child") - 30 minutes.

Physical education and master classes for parents are mandatory events at Health Week

Table: Index of topics for the Week of Health

Theme Tasks and short list of activities
"Azbuka sporta"
  • Promotion of an active lifestyle, involvement in sports, the development of a spirit of healthy competition, striving for victories and results.
  • Sports activities:
    • classes with a guest athlete or an instructor from a sports center,
    • attending classes in children's sections,
    • studying / repeating summer and winter sports,
    • conversations about sports life in the country / region / region,
    • drawing up photo collages and wall newspapers about sports in kindergarten and children attending circles and sections,
    • decoration of a stand with awards and diplomas of children and parents in the field of sports,
    • holding a sports event at the preschool educational institution.
"We want to be healthy", "I am growing healthy"
  • Informing children and parents about ways to maintain and promote health.
  • Cognitive and physical activities (restorative):
    • morning exercises common for the preschool educational institution,
    • conversations about the benefits of gymnastics, walking, jogging,
    • questioning parents about the state of health of children, preventive measures,
    • viewing educational cartoons and presentations.
"Doctors are our helpers", "And do not be afraid of doctors!"
  • Familiarization of children with the profession - a doctor, with the importance of medicine in human life.
  • Activities of cognitive and creative blocks:
    • conversations with a nurse, a visiting doctor,
    • excursion to the first-aid post, clinic or medical center (in agreement with the administration of the preschool educational institution, parents and the management of the medical institution),
    • excursion to the pharmacy,
    • role-playing games "Clinic", "Hospital", "Pharmacy kiosk",
    • listening and discussing fiction ("Aybolit", "Tamara and I walk in pairs", "The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase (excerpts)"),
    • dramatization games on a medical theme.
"Friends of Children - Vitamins"
  • Promotion of proper nutrition.
  • Classes and activities of cognitive and labor orientation:
    • experimental and experimental activity "Vegetable garden on the windowsill" (growing greenery),
    • labor activity on the site in the spring-summer period (if there is a greenhouse or beds),
    • excursion to the agricultural farm,
    • preparation of vitamin salad (from vegetables or fruits), lemonade,
    • productive creativity: drawings, plasticine crafts and applications on the topic of healthy eating.
"Travel to the country of Health"
  • Promotion of a healthy lifestyle and sports through playful, interactive, creative activities.
  • Conducting classes in an unusual way or using unusual materials:
    • morning gymnastics with a fairy-tale character or with an interactive board (broadcast exercise with cartoon heroes),
    • GCD lessons in a playful way: "Clinical examination", "Journey to the Tooth Fairy", "Next station - Health",
    • viewing representations about sports and health,
    • art therapy: drawing with sand, finger paints, music,
    • relaxation workshops: breathing exercises, acupuncture.
"Water and health"
  • Acquaintance of children with the properties of water, its importance in human life.
  • Combination of theoretical and practical lessons:
    • experimental and experimental activity "Why can't you drink water from a puddle?" (for younger preschoolers), "Water purification methods" (for older groups),
    • a conversation about the importance of adhering to a drinking regime,
    • watching videos about the importance of water for the human body,
    • labor activity (washing toys and dishes, wet cleaning in a group room, general cleaning in a preschool educational institution),
    • attending a lesson in the pool (with certificates),
    • if the kindergarten is equipped with a swimming pool, a Water Festival is held.
"Dad, mom, I am a sports family", "I am friends with sports both at home and in the garden!"
  • Cultivating a healthy habit of playing sports together.
  • Activities for children and parents:
    • consultations for parents about health-preserving technologies (hardening, morning exercises, regular sports, herbal medicine),
    • consultation for parents from a nurse / pediatrician on ways to strengthen the immune system, vitamin complexes, vaccinations,
    • master classes for parents from a physical education instructor (no children, parents do exercises),
    • a sports festival for children and parents,
    • watching an informative presentation together with children, talking,
    • creative workshops: making a sensory track or pouch, a massager from waste material.
"Cleanliness is the guarantee of health", "Cleanliness"
  • Instilling and strengthening cultural and hygienic skills.
  • Experimental studies and creative activities:
    • conversations on the topic of personal hygiene,
    • games-experiences about methods of cleaning leather, clothes, toys, food, water,
    • indoor cleaning (sweeping, dusting, washing floors, knocking out mattresses / pillows / blankets),
    • drawing posters and wall newspapers,
    • listening to a poem or watching the fairy tale "Moidodyr",
    • productive creativity: "Mododyr" craft (according to the level of ability - modeling, drawing, coloring).
"Winter fun"
  • Involvement of children and parents in winter sports, promotion of an active lifestyle always - in any climate and weather conditions.
  • Outdoor games training in winter, educational activities in the respective sports:
    • walking,
    • outdoor charging,
    • labor activity: clearing the site from snow, filling the skating rink and ice slide,
    • physical education in the park: skiing, gymnastics,
    • outdoor games: hockey, ice skating, sledging and skiing, taking a snow fortress, playing snowballs (competitions in accuracy, flight range),
    • winter sports quiz (for pupils of senior and preparatory groups),
    • conversations with parents about sports in the winter,
    • consultation of parents about hardening (it is advisable to hold a pediatrician or teacher according to the instructions signed by the doctor).

Video: Health Week "We want to be healthy" in the middle group

https://youtube.com/watch?v=3b8r68P-D7o Video can’t be loaded: Health week at the Tsalak kindergarten Teremok (https://youtube.com/watch?v=3b8r68P-D7o)

Video: themed week "I grow healthy"

https://youtube.com/watch?v=czXyWqMQxus Video can’t be loaded: Violet Cow Kindergarten HEALTH WEEK (https://youtube.com/watch?v=czXyWqMQxus)

Video: Health Week "Winter Fun"

https://youtube.com/watch?v=dP1DBz1tAfM Video can’t be loaded: HEALTH WEEK HELD IN KINDERGARTEN # 30 (https://youtube.com/watch?v=dP1DBz1tAfM)

Table: an example of an action plan for the Health Week in the middle group (fragments)

Day of week Theme Work with children Working with parents
Monday "Where Health Hides"
  1. Morning exercises "Let's say health - yes!".
  2. Conversation "What is health, how to maintain and increase it."
  3. Role-playing game "Healthy food store".
  4. Didactic game "What is useful and what is harmful to health", Lotto "Clothes by the seasons".
  5. Outdoor games "Colored birds", "Sun and rain", "Carousel".
  6. Reading poems.
  7. Multicollage.
  • Transport folder “We take care of our health. We observe the regime of the day. "
  • Consultation "Drinking water and child's health".
Tuesday “Healthy food. Vitamins "
  1. Morning exercises.
  2. Finger game "Orange", "We chop the cabbage."
  3. Meeting with "Vitaminich from our garden at the window", which talks about the importance of nutrition in human life ", conversation" Where to find vitamins "," Healthy food ".
  4. Didactic game "Harmful - useful", "Edible - inedible", loto "Arrange in baskets", "Cook soup and compote".
  5. Reading E. Uspensky "Children who eat badly in kindergarten."
  6. Staging of the tale "The Turnip".
  7. An outdoor game - relay race "Vitamin family".
  • Screen "How to teach a child to eat vegetables and fruits."
  • Consultation “Funny vegetables. Or about what to do with the child at home. "
Wednesday "Cleanliness Day" <…>
Thursday "I am friends with sports both at home and in the garden!" <…>
Friday "Doctors are our assistants"
  1. Morning exercises.
  2. Conversation on hardening "The sun, air and water are our best friends", conversation on the pictures "If the baby is hurt."
  3. Reading thin Literature: S. Mikhalkov "About mimosa", V. Lebedev - Kumach "Get hardened! ", Reading of K. Chukovsky's fairy tale" Doctor Aibolit ", Reading of S. Mikhalkov's poem" Vaccination "
  4. "What are we made of?" The teacher's story with an examination of the poster "Internal organs".
  5. Game_class "Wonderful doctor".
  6. Role-playing game "Clinic". Offer children the plot "Vaccination Day" for playing around, encourage children to use speech more actively during the game.
  7. Multicollage watching cartoons "Doctor Aibolit", presentations on the topic "Health".
  • Consultation "Posture of your child".
  • Folder-movable "Education of the correct posture in a child."
  • Memo "Gymnastics in violation of posture."
Cit. by: https://garmonova-berezka4.edumsko.ru/folders/post/nedelya_zdorov_ya_v_srednej_gruppe_6_teremok_skazhem_zdorov_yu_-_da

At the Week of Health, children are invited to play the stories "Clinical examination", "Trauma center", "Hospital", etc.

As already mentioned, Health Week involves active interaction between the teacher, instructors and nursery staff of the kindergarten with parents. It should be borne in mind that not all parents will be able to attend the consultations in the evening. And if there are several such events, then the parenting staff will thin out from time to time. Therefore, it is logical to schedule one consultation per week in the evening, it is conducted by a physical education leader or nurse. In the first half of the day, parents are invited to open classes and morning exercises (presence is encouraged - the teacher prepares letters of gratitude and letters of gratitude in advance).

The educator places important informational topics on the stand or in another printed form in the reception area of ​​the group and encourages parents, grandmothers, nannies to study the text while the children change.

Forms of work with parents:

  • consultations,
  • questioning,
  • invitation to participate in classes, master classes,
  • making crafts, posters, wall newspapers on healthy lifestyles with children,
  • distribution of information sheets, brochures, memos.

The teachers in our kindergarten lead groups in instant messengers (usually, these are Whats'App conversations), where they publish important current information for parents. During Health Week, photos of brochures, video instructions on how to perform gymnastic exercises, and topics of crafts are thrown into chats. One of the educators records the advice from the nurse on video and sends it to the parents. This is convenient and evokes a positive response from parents: not everyone can attend a meeting or face-to-face consultation, and everyone can watch a ten-minute video.

Video: consultation for parents of the head of physical education

https://youtube.com/watch?v=mX3pRElffgk Video can’t be loaded: Physical Education Supervisor Parent Consultation (https://youtube.com/watch?v=mX3pRElffgk)

Video: Open Lesson on Health Saving

https://youtube.com/watch?v=CH0TrSY8mvs Video can’t be loaded: Health Week: Open Session “Learning to Breathe” (excerpt) (https://youtube.com/watch?v=CH0TrSY8mvs)

Health Week is not an emergency package of measures to improve the health of children. The teaching staff works every day to improve the physical and mental state of children, fosters in them the desire to live actively, eat right, and have a good rest. Health Week is a holiday of sports and a healthy lifestyle. A week-long holiday. It is necessary to prepare and organize this important week in such a way that the children absorb the maximum of useful information and are charged with a positive mood for a long time.

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Project "Week of Health in the Preparatory Group"

Objective of the project

Creation of favorable conditions for strengthening the harmonious physical development of the child. Formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Project objectives


1. Formation of a positive attitude towards physical education.

2. Formation of elementary knowledge in the field of hygiene, medicine, physical education.

3. To form in children the necessary motor skills and abilities that promote health.


1. Through exercise, promote courage, endurance, patience and self-confidence.

2. Create conditions for the manifestation of positive emotions.


1. To form and improve new motor skills and abilities.

Project type

Project participants

Educators, children and their parents

The intended result

1. Expanding children's knowledge about their health.

2. Desire to take care of your health and the health of others.

3. Acquaintance with the role of vitamins in human life.

4. Acquaintance with the causes of diseases.

5. Acquaintance with the works of art. literature on the topic.

6. Acquaintance with the structure of the human body.

Form of work of a teacher with children

1. Classes of the cognitive cycle: physical education, reading art. literature.

2. Classes of productive activity: drawing, application, modeling.

3. Wellness procedures: acupressure after sleep, finger gymnastics, breathing exercises, hardening procedures.

4. Game activity: mobile, didactic, plot, folk games.

Stage 1 - preparatory

Learning concepts related to the topic of the project;

Study of modern regulatory documents regulating health-preserving activities;

Development of a long-term plan.

Stage 2 - practical

Organization of purposeful educational and advisory activities with parents on the formation of healthy lifestyle habits in children, organization of active recreation in the family. / questionnaires, consultations, information stands /

Preparation of exhibitions of children's works, abstracts of classes and conversations, complexes of respiratory gymnastics for often ill children, card indexes of active and sedentary games.

Stage 3 - final

Holding a sports event "Traveling with Smeshariki for the Secret of Health"


To form in children elementary ideas about a healthy lifestyle;

Awareness by the child and parents of the need and importance of a healthy lifestyle, as well as "vision" and implementation of ways to improve the health of the child and family members (active recreation with children, visiting circles, health-improving sections).

Project activity product

2. Questionnaire for parents "Can your lifestyle be called healthy?"

3. Synopsis of the sports festival "Traveling with smeshariki for the secret of health"

4. Card index of active and sedentary games

5. Card file of sayings, proverbs, riddles about health, useful products, body parts

6. Exhibition of children's drawings

- “This is me, I am such, a special person”;

- "If you want to be healthy"

7. Information material for parents:

- "An active lifestyle is a guarantee of children's health";

- "Acupressure massage for colds";

- "Respiratory gymnastics against influenza";

- "Physiological effect of color";

- "Health Code";

- "Why does the child's eyesight deteriorate?"

8. Summaries of conversations and classes

9. Complexes of breathing exercises for frequently ill children

10. Consultation for parents "Hardening preschool children"

Methodological support of project activities

1. The program of education and training in kindergarten "From birth to school" edited by Veraksa M, "Mosaic - Synthesis" 2010

2. School of early development "How my body works" Shalaeva, AST, 2010.

3. Methodology of physical education of children, Glazyrina, "Vlados", M., 2001.

4. Encyclopedia, Chaika E.S.

5. Planning educational activities with preschoolers in the daily routine. Preparatory group for school. Korneicheva S, Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2010.


Health week holiday

1. Thematic plan "Week of health"

Day of the week Purpose of the event

Monday - "Me and my body"

1. To acquaint with the main organs of the human body (heart, stomach, lungs, liver).

2. To expand the knowledge of children about the human body.

3. To form the concept that a healthy body needs physical education, conditioning, proper nutrition.

4. Teach to love yourself and your body.

5. Arouse the desire to take care of your health, take care of your health.

Reading and viewing illustrations. Encyclopedia, Chaika E. S, s108-118. / "Man is a special creature", How does a person work, what kind of cells there are; what muscles are, "The brain is a control panel", "The heart is an energy pump";

Consideration of the model "Human body"; portraits of people of different appearance;

Drawing "This is me, I am such a special person"

Conversation "My body". Reading poems by S. Mikhalkov, V. Novichkov;

Lesson "Who am I?"

Riddles, proverbs about body parts;

D / game "Mirror", "Composite image";

S / r game "Hospital";

Walking observation: "How are we different from the children of the younger group?"

Involving parents in replenishing the game in the "Hospital"

Tuesday - "Helpers to my health"

1. To form an understanding of the need for hardening the body.

2. To instill a love for morning exercises, physical and breathing exercises, acupressure.

3. To increase the literacy of parents in matters of education and health promotion of preschoolers.

Parents' questionnaire: “Can your lifestyle be called healthy?”;

Consultation for parents: "Hardening of preschool children"

Classes: "Man and his health", "What is hardening";

Conversation: "How can we help ourselves to be healthy"

Reading and viewing the encyclopedia Chaika E. S / "What are the senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch", "Hair and nails", "Sense of taste" /

D / game "What is superfluous", "Name it affectionately", "Who will say more words about me";

P / game "Change the subject", "Who is faster?"

Acupressure massage after sleep, walking barefoot;

Drawing "We are strong friends with sports!"

Replenishment of physical education equipment (with the involvement of parents).

Wednesday - “Healthy food. Vitamins "

1. Clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about the origin of food.

2. To educate children about the benefits of food.

3. To give children basic knowledge about the benefits of vitamins, their effect on the child's body.

4. Promote the creation of motivation in children to form a healthy lifestyle.

Conversation: “Why should a person have breakfast, lunch, dinner”;

Lesson: "Vitamins strengthen the body", "Healthy food";

Drawing: "If you want to be healthy";

Consideration and reading of the encyclopedia Chaika E. S, s120-123 / "If you want to be healthy", "Proper nutrition is a guarantee of health", "The digestive system";

Reading the play "On the benefits of vitamins" 4

Didactic game “Where did the products come to us on the table,“ Harmful-useful ”,“ Edible-inedible ”,“ Gifts of nature ”;

C / role-playing game "Shop";

Tasting the magic drink "Rosehip";

A selection of material "Vitamins are on our table" (joint activities of parents and children).

Thursday - “Moidodyr. Hygiene rules "

1. To form in children ideas about the rules of personal hygiene.

2. To educate children about infectious diseases and their pathogens (microbes and viruses).

3. Continue to advise parents on the topic "Personal hygiene"

Conversation "My friend - Moidodyr"

Classes "Personal hygiene", "Grandma's soap";

D / game "Personal hygiene items";

Games-raids "Collect the trash", "Wash the dishes";

Reading nursery rhymes, riddles;

P / game "Catch the tail".

Watching the cartoon "Moidodyr";

Reading the story "Fedorino grief";


Friday - "We are always friends with sports"

1. To form a stable habit to the regime of physical activity, interest and need for physical improvement on the example of the heroes of works of fiction, cartoons.

2. To foster a desire to achieve success in sports, various competitions.

3. Expand the functional capabilities of the body of children, enrich motor skills.

Reading fiction: K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr", "Doctor Aibolit"; S. Mikhalkov "About a girl who ate poorly", "How Sasha cured herself"; A. Barto "Grimy Girl";

D / game "Fairy tale - pointer";

Folk games "Golden Gate", "Gori, Gori is clear";

Quiz "Riddles and Answers";

Sports entertainment "Travel with Smeshariki for the secret of health";

Classes "Posture - a beautiful back", "Sport is health"

1. Clarify and expand knowledge about various sports;

2. Improve motor skills with the ball;

3. Develop coordination of movements, dexterity, quickness;

4. Continue to develop an emotionally positive attitude and interest in movement;

5. To cultivate collectivism, discipline, respect for each other.

The clowns Toffee and Filya run in

Clowns together: Hello guys!

Toffee: Oh - oh! How many of you are in the hall today!

Filya: What do you have? Holiday? I love the holidays!

Toffee: What's your holiday?

Presenter: We have a ball holiday! Our guys love to play with balls and now they will sing a song about it.

Children perform the song "Balls" sl. Z. Petrova muses. Y. Chichkova (magazine "Charging Begins").

Filya: Well done! What a good song you sang! Guys, Iriska and I know everything about balls, because we love to play sports. After all, we work in a circus. Really, Toffee?

Toffee: Yes! Filechka, let's tell the guys everything we know about balls. Want guys?

Presenter: Yes, of course. We are very interested.

Toffee: The first ball is the smallest. This ball is used to play ping-pong (or table tennis).

Filya: And in order to play ping-pong well, you need to learn how to hit the ball with a racket. I propose to play the game "Who will beat off the most."

(First, Filya and Iriska show the children how to hit the ball with a racket. Then the children compete in pairs).

Toffee: Here's another ball - it's bigger. This is also a tennis ball, but it is different from the first - it is covered with a fleecy cloth. Feel how soft it is. This ball is played with a large racket, hitting the ball on the floor.

Filya: The tournament is underway. The tournament is in full swing.

We play with Iriska in a pair.

We go out to the court together.

We hit the ball with rackets.

And between us there is a grid

We play tennis here.

See how Iriska and I play tennis.

(Clowns stand opposite each other and play tennis with big rackets).

Toffee: Guys, this ball, I think, is familiar to you. (Toffee shows a soccer ball). That's right - it's a soccer ball. Boys love to play football. Do you agree with me, Filya?

Filya: Of course, Toffee! After all, this is a game of real men, where strength, speed and dexterity are required. And I invite our boys to play football.

Game "Kick the ball into the goal."

(Filya stands at the goal, and the boys take turns to score the ball).

Toffee: And this is a basketball. Who knows how basketball is played? (Answers of children).

Filya: Right! Throw the ball into the ring. Like this. (Filya shows how to throw the ball into the ring).

Iriska: Now we will turn into young basketball players and play the game:


(Children are formed in two teams, at the signal they run, hitting the ball on the floor, reaching the end of the hall, throw the ball into a small hoop, which is held by the teacher).

Presenter: Filya and Iriska, you are very fond of sports. Do you know riddles about sports?

Filya: Of course we do. Listen and guess.

(Filya and Iriska take turns reading riddles to children)

1. In this sport, players

All are agile and tall.

They love to play ball

And throw it into the ring.

The ball hits the floor loudly

So this is (basketball)

2. We are physically active,

With him we will become fast, strong ...

Strengthens our nature

Strengthens the muscles.

No candy, no cake needed

We only need one (sport)

3. We compete in skill,

We throw the ball, we jump deftly,

We tumble at the same time.

So go (relay races)

4. Teams chase the ball across the field,

The goalkeeper at the gate caught a dodger.

In no way does he give the ball a goal.

Boys are playing on the field ... (football)

5. Table tennis is great! - the game.

We have a table in the middle of the yard.

Both of us, me and my friend Vadim

We want to play by the rules.

But how to play without a grid?

We also need ... (rackets)

6. It happens to be basketball,

Volleyball and football.

They play with him in the yard,

It's interesting with him in the game.

Jumps, jumps, jumps, jumps!

Well, of course, this is ... (ball)

7. Loud music plays.

All movements are performed.

The movements are not easy

These are exercises.

Gymnastics to music

Heals us.

Gymnastics name

I want to ask you (aerobics)

Iriska: And I really like gymnastics. Especially when gymnasts are dancing with balls.

Presenter: Toffee! And our girls can dance with balls. Do you wanna take a look?

Toffee: Of course! We'll all be happy to see.

The girls of the preparatory group are dancing the Tuchka dance.

Iriska: Thank you girls, you showed us a very beautiful dance. And they danced like real gymnasts.

And now I will introduce you to my favorite ball. It is called fitball. It is the largest of all sports balls. You can have fun on it - just like that! (Toffee and Filya jump, sitting on the balls, roll on their stomachs, roll the balls to each other).

Filya: Guys, do you want to jump on the balls? I suggest you play the game:

Relay game "Jumpers"

(Children are divided into two teams, at the signal they ride a fitball, jump to the landmark and back, whoever gets there faster won).

Filya: Well done! We had fun playing. And now the competition "Who will name more". I must name the sports in which the ball is used.

(Children call ball sports.)

Filya: And now I suggest you to play my favorite game with balloons: "Hit your head". To do this, you need to remove your hands behind your back and beat off the balloon with your head, trying not to drop it. The one who will beat back the most, he won.

Several children are invited to play.

Presenter: Thank you, Filya and Iriska, for interesting games.

Iriska: And thank you, we really enjoyed playing with you. It was fun and interesting.

Filya: If you want to play more, call me and Iriska, we will come to you with pleasure.

Well, at the end we have prepared a surprise for you - sweet chupa-chups. They are as round as a ball.

Clowns treat children.

Iriska: And now it's time for us to go back to the circus. Until next time!

Presenter: Goodbye, Filya and Toffee!

The children and the presenter say goodbye to the clowns. They are going away.

Presenter: Guys, this is where our holiday ends. Many thanks to everyone!

Sports educational project

"We are a sports family: mom, dad, kindergarten and me"

Relevance of the project: the problem of deteriorating children's health is becoming increasingly important. Due to the modern lifestyle, many adults are inattentive to the physical health of their child; fathers are removed from participation in the upbringing of a healthy lifestyle; There are very few preschoolers who are actively involved in sports; when examined, preschoolers showed impaired coordination of movements, impaired posture, and flat feet. Only through the joint efforts of the family, kindergarten and social partners, which is the Samara Sports Lyceum, can a positive attitude towards physical education and sports be fostered.

Purpose: the formation of social and personal motivation of older preschool children to maintain and strengthen their health through strengthening family ties.

For pupils: to develop interest in physical education and sports, education of personal qualities (endurance, endurance, courage), to develop the desire to strengthen their health through various types of activity; to educate purposefulness, organization, initiative; promote the development of positive emotions; encourage motor creativity, learn to follow the example of older comrades.

For parents of pupils: to develop physical and creative abilities, help to get to know each other better, to find common interests.

For social partners: create conditions for joint events.

Project type: family-group, short-term, practice-oriented.

Expected results:

1. increasing the emotional, psychological and physical well-being of children and adults;

2. active participation of dads in sports events;

3. the presence of needs for a healthy lifestyle;

4. development of a culture of movements;

5. the personal interest of children in their sports growth;

Stages of work on the project:

Stage 1 - preparatory.

In a conversation with children about whether parents go in for sports, whether sports help in life, a dispute arose who is more resilient: a trained or untrained person, they decided to check in practice.

To pick up sports equipment together with the pupils.

Stage 2 - planning.

1) conversations with children about a healthy lifestyle, about the importance of physical education and sports in human life, physical education with elements of sports.

2) help from parents in the manufacture of emblems, the purchase of diplomas and medals.

3) collection of photographic materials on the topic: "The goal of physical culture is to be healthy and fit."

Stage 3 - project implementation.

1) Visual activity on the theme: "Outdoor games".

2) Conversation on the topic: "Countrymen-athletes." Bibliography. Free communication on the topic: "Why do we need physical education and sports."

3) Consultation for parents "The role of the family in the physical education of children."

4) Presentation of the electronic didactic game "Winter Sports", developed by the group educator O.B. Suraeva, further use in joint activities.

5) Listening to audio recordings of songs about sports (Internet resource: fizkult-ura.ru/taxonomy/term/53).

6) Excursion to the Samara Sports Lyceum in order to arouse children's interest in regular physical education and sports.

7) Creation of a mini-museum “Do you want to break the record? This is how sports will help you ”(medals, diplomas, badges, souvenirs of kindergarten graduates).

8) Conducting competitions between pupils indoors and outdoors.

9) Parents' meeting. Topic: "When we are one, we are invincible." Purpose: to involve parents in solving the problem of the physical development of children through joint activities.

10) Conducting sports entertainment "Travel to Sportlandia" by 9th grade students of the Samara Sports Lyceum.

11) Meeting of the parent club "Healthy baby". Exchange of experience in family education for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children. View family albums with photos of outdoor activities. Practical advice from invited guests, the physical education instructor and the head nurse of the kindergarten.

Stage 4 - the result.

Carrying out joint physical culture entertainment "Honest Duel" between pupils of the preparatory group for school and dads, dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Stage 5 - reflection.

Joint tea-drinking of pupils, educator and parents of pupils in a group, discussion of the results of physical culture entertainment "Honest Duel".

Stage 6 - design.

Organization of a day of health in the Country Park by the parent committee.

Project results:

All project participants received extensive experience in physical activity. A basic platform for social partners has been created. In the process of working on the project, children, parents and educators became closer to each other, and the knowledge and skills gained helped to arouse interest in physical education and form a desire for a healthy lifestyle.

Continue to actively promote cooperation with the sports lyceum.

Organize sports activities to improve physical health