The phenomenon of female attractiveness. Attractive voice and female smile. The girl who drinks more than you

Svetlana Rumyantseva

Inner world

The more serious a man is, the more he is attracted to a woman's personality traits. The first thing that representatives of the stronger sex pay attention to is femininity. This elusive trait has become less and less common among beautiful ladies. In the struggle for equality, in imitation of men, and she was replaced by proud independence.

Femininity is softness. Alluring weakness with a touch of defenselessness. She awakens strength in a man, his hidden essence.

Do not confuse femininity with, capriciousness, helplessness. When a man is not around, a real woman steadfastly withstands the tests of fate, endures difficulties and hardships. But next to a man, you can allow yourself to relax, open up, and allow a strong gentleman to solve some of the problems that are unbearable for women's shoulders.

When a representative of the stronger sex offers help, do not refuse, accept, thank, praise. This is what attractive women do. Forget about the constant: "I myself!" In life together, men value wise companions. How will your partner look in the eyes of others when his woman, relying on her own principles of independence, carries heavy bags from the store or a huge suitcase from the station, and he walks alongside? This is a blow to his pride.

Men are attracted by feminine charm - the general power of attraction and special magnetism. He appears in confident women who know their worth. Freed from complexes and prejudices, the fair sex goes to a new level of understanding of men.

What are the representatives of the stronger sex afraid of? Tears, hysterics, showdown. They are afraid of the mysterious female logic and offended silence. Startled from: "We'll talk in the evening." In order to attract and hook a male representative for a long time, it is necessary to eradicate female stereotyped habits, which have become the basis for tales, anecdotes and third-rate serials. Understanding is the main quality of an attractive woman, and the ability to hear and listen is an equally important addition to it.

April 29, 2014 10:07 am

Every time I watch a movie or TV show, I am shown an idea of ​​what the ideal woman is. That is, they are showing us all, of course, only recently I thought about it. And somehow it turns out that the ideal woman is some kind of man. And this is no longer even funny - at least for me, because often these heroines have features that are not inherent in women in real life. Often it is even the exact opposite of what attracts me. So here is a list of these so-called "attractive" women - as they appear thanks to pop culture. They are supposedly attractive, but if you meet such in reality - what would you say?

1. The girl who knows too much about sports

This type is often found on sitcoms. She sips light beer, wears a jersey with the logo of the team she is rooting for. She knows everything: who won which year, what the rules are and all that jazz. The logic is clear: guys love sports. Damn it, I love sports. Highly. So I have to like girls who love sports.

I don't know about you, but I don't like girls who know absolutely everything about sports. Why? For the same reason I don't like guys who know everything about sports. They are such know-it-alls who, it seems, are unable to talk about anything other than sports and take pride in their eerily developed sports horizons. This is already some kind of monomania, dude! I like to talk about sports, just a little. I can go to a basketball game - it's a thrill. But I can't talk about sports all the time! Well this is somehow strange.

2. A barmaid who likes to flirt

Such a cute flirting barmaid is also a common type in television series and cinema. Often there is such a plot: a group of friends comes to a bar, and there a beautiful barmaid is waiting for them, who looks at them like that, as if she can jump over the bar and burn with them with everyone.

Why should I want to date a girl who can act like this? Why on earth should it be attractive? How is a relationship with a girl like that possible?

3. Sassy barmaid

This is a very attractive girl behind the bar who makes fun of the dude when he orders drinks that she doesn't seem manly enough. Sure, I hate to be rude, but could you shut up and fetch my drink? I pay for him with money. And you know what? Yes, after a working day I like to skip a cocktail and relax. Of course, I'm sorry that my cocktail does not seem peasant enough for you, but this is absolutely not my problem anymore.

4. A friend who only talks to dudes

Do not consider me a conservative, I absolutely do not mind when a girl has her own friends. I absolutely do not mind when a girl can find language with my friends, this is very important in a relationship. But the very idea of ​​a girl who only hangs out with guys is kind of weird.

And I also don't like it when dudes say about their friends as a compliment that they are "like a dude, only one with whom you can sleep." Apparently, it is important for them that such a girl would do just that: she hung out with guys, drank beer, played video games, and you can also have sex with her! As anyone, but I am not on the way with such. I don't want to hang out with a girl who looks like a guy.

5. "Funny" girl

We're not talking about girls with a sense of humor, they are just fine. I'm talking about the type of sitcom girls that you can't really say anything serious about. Everything she says is all jokes. She's always just joking. Such eternal pranksters tire - both men and women. This type is promoted by pop culture, probably because guys hate serious talk. But, man, too good is not good either. I don’t want to date a girl from whom you don’t get serious words.

6. Sex buddy

In recent years, we have been convinced from TV screens that guys don't want to have a relationship - it's easy for them. And if anyone manages to find a girl who agrees to this, it is considered great luck.

I had such an experience, and therefore I can say: it's cool. The first week or two. Maybe a month. And then it all gets tiresome. Both feel morning disgust for themselves and for each other, you do not care about each other, and this turns into a problem. You do not trust me? Check it out. Call me in six weeks and tell me.

7. The girl who drinks more than you

We often see this in films: a girl shows her coolness by drinking more drinks than a guy.

Girls who can skip whiskey are sexy. And a friend who drinks six glasses without leaving the bar is already alcoholism. No thanks.

8. The girl who constantly wants sex

This is another type of girl that the guys on the film crew seem to like the guys. She most often appears in porn, but this type is also not uncommon in mainstream culture. These are ready to throw off their clothes as soon as you want - it doesn't matter where or when. Are you reading the morning paper? Babakh! Went to the bath? Babakh! In general, in any incomprehensible situation, they prefer to have sex.

I love sex. Why, I love sex. This is one of my favorite things to do. However, I also like reading, watching movies, listening to music. And if a woman wants sex 24 hours 7 days a week, it gets tired.

9. The girl who can beat me in arm wrestling

This is the type of strong woman. Of course, with her, in principle, everything is in order. It's just that in her company, I will feel insecure. Who's the guy here anyway?

What is this - female attractiveness? This is a woman's ability to please men. And since for men a woman is, first of all, a sexual object, it means that to be attractive is, first of all, to be desired, sexy. Sex appeal (translated from English. Sex-appeal - "sexual appeal") - this is all that attracts representatives of the opposite sex.

Female attractiveness is a complex concept that includes many components: not only appearance, but also attractive manners, posture, gait, gestures, postures, tone of voice, smell and sparkle in the eyes, state of mind. It is not enough just to have beautiful external data so that men, as they say, "fall in stacks". A woman with rather inexpressive natural data, but who knows how to emphasize them favorably, and most importantly, is internally attractive, charming and competently using body language and clothing, has more success with men than a sleek, written beauty, repulsing men with arrogance and inability to communicate on a subconscious level. Beauty and attractiveness are not the same thing.

On the preferences of men in women.

The basis of a woman's inner attractiveness is, first of all, confidence in her attractiveness and sexuality, a harmonious state of mind, as well as love for life, for people, and therefore love for men themselves. Most men like spontaneous, natural, with a twist, able to look after their appearance, flirtatious, confident in their attractiveness, unfettered, sexy, emotional, benevolent women.

Of course, a man really appreciates a woman's appearance, this is important for him. But polls of men on the topic of the ideal life partner show that the beauty of a man is rarely put in first place, but above all they value tenderness, caring, affection and the ability to be a good mother. A man appreciates when a woman admires him, when he knows how to evoke in him a feeling of his masculinity and a desire to protect and protect with his feminine fragility. Of course, there are also individual preferences, which, of course, play an extremely important role in choosing a partner. Men really like women who love sex, who know how to be skillful lovers, and are liberal in bed. According to men, attractive, sexy women have sex more often, think and talk more about it. It has been noticed that sexy women are more likely to read romantic literature and experience romantic fantasies. A man adores a woman who is capable of taking the initiative in sex and shares his love for spontaneous sex. A sexy, attractive woman knows how to enjoy sex and is not ashamed of it, she is not afraid to show what she wants - both by her appearance and behavior, but subtly, unobtrusively, often at a subconscious level. When a man sees that a woman wants him, it has an exciting effect on him. Adds sex appeal a sense of humor and the ability to have fun and enjoy the beautiful sides of life. Strengthens the desirability of a woman by her selectivity in choosing a man. Most of all, most men like it when a woman easily approaches him, but is not available to other men. If it is difficult for everyone, without exception, it is alarming.

Men do not like women who do not like sex (or pretend to be), speak negatively about sex, behave enslaved when talking about it, show their unwillingness to have sex, and condemn a man's sexuality. Men do not like women who are indifferent to them (a negative attitude is better than indifferent ignorance). Sex appeal is harmed by excessive seriousness, inability to enjoy life, uncomfortable state, bad mood, gloom, prevailing negative emotions, criticality, desire to control everyone and everything, enslavement, severity, emotional deafness, and exaltation of their high intelligence above the intelligence of a man (men love smart women, but not those that seem smarter to them).

It is important not to be too inaccessible to all male representatives, or too accessible, very critical and fastidious, or just admire and look at the man as if he were the light in the window, anticipating all his desires. There should be a golden mean in everything. Carrot and stick tactics can be very effective. Studies have shown that men named the most attractive woman who, in the video they were shown during the study, behaved rather coldly at first, and then softened.

Certain conditions can contribute to an increase in sexuality or attractiveness. For example, strong emotions experienced together caused by a risky situation. The effect of novelty also excites sexuality - a woman new to a man is very attractive.

The so-called "halo effect" in psychology can also work, for example, in a situation when a woman is in the company of very pretty girlfriends, she herself is perceived by men as prettier (only if the difference between her appearance and the appearance of her friends is not too great, otherwise there will be another feeling - contrast) If a woman looks and behaves so perfectly that it seems that she is just an ideal, it can be frightening. One study showed video footage of various people. There were both attractive in appearance and behavior, and repulsive, but most of all I liked the man who was pleasant in all respects, but as if accidentally knocked over a glass of water. That is, an attractive woman must have weaknesses too.

To be successful with the opposite sex, it is very important to appear approachable in body language. It is believed that a man plays an active role in choosing the object of sympathy. But, as a rule, a man chooses a partner among those women who themselves paid attention to him and do not hide it, demonstrating their interest with the help of a subtle and delicate body language: sexual gestures, postures, looks, a smile. A man usually likes those women who positively perceive his views, postures, gestures, words and other micro-signals. If a woman, even without realizing it herself, does not respond to microsignals with a positive reaction, then the man does not like her either.

Sexual attractiveness is greatly influenced by the intonation of the voice. Well, the smell in this case can have a phenomenal effect.

Most of all, visual images act on a man in a woman's perception. Therefore, a woman's appearance is very important among the components of sex appeal. Strengthens sex appeal the ability to advantageously, tastefully, present your appearance: choose clothes, makeup, hairstyle, accessories that go specifically to this woman, the ability to wear all this beautifully.

Of course, it is important to subtly feel and use the language of clothing in relationships with the opposite sex, this is especially important at the first meeting. There are certain clothes, makeup, hairstyles, etc., which are usually perceived by most men as extremely enhancing the sex appeal, the attractiveness of a woman in their eyes. Oddly enough, but very often the opinions on this matter differ from men and women. For example, many female representatives believe that the most attractive woman is a woman who is expensively and elegantly dressed, very well-groomed - with a chic, carefully styled hairstyle and bright makeup a la "fresh from the beauty salon". Most women are critical of their appearance and hide their imperfections under long or hooded clothes, believing that this way they will look much more beautiful. But will they be perceived as sexy and attractive by men? Men like well-groomed women, but too well-groomed, carefully combed, etc. may seem inaccessible. Sexy, according to men, the design of a woman's appearance is close to her natural appearance. As one familiar saying says: "No clothes make a woman more beautiful than her absence" :). This means that the more clothes, hairstyle and makeup emphasize the lines of the female body and the naturalness of hair and face, as nature created them, the more sexy it will be perceived. For example, clothes that fit the body, revealing feminine forms, hairstyle from loose, slightly tousled (natural) hair, natural makeup. Most men are not at all as critical of women's appearance as women themselves. A woman, for example, believes that her legs are not very beautiful and hides them under a long skirt or trousers. A man will like this woman much more if, instead of hiding her legs, she puts on a mini-skirt. Because in fact, her legs seem attractive to a man only for the reason that they are female. Of course, there are exceptions, but they are too rare. Usually, natural data are quite proportional, you just need to keep them in shape, take care of yourself.

Now let's talk about the components of female attractiveness in more detail.


The main rule here is to emphasize the female figure as much as possible. This is done with the help of tight-fitting styles, as well as those that open the body:


  • + Body tightness is important in clothing. The silhouette is as close as possible, let's say also semi-fitted.
  • - Clothes that distract attention from the contours of the female body are categorically rejected: loose, voluminous, shapeless, too loose silhouettes, behind which the figure is not visible. I do not like clothes that distort the lines of the female body - styles with overhead huge shoulders, too puffy sleeves, with a belt not at the waist, a lot of distracting details: folds, ruffles (especially on attractive parts of the body), patch pockets, pretentious, complex elements of clothing. Clothes that are too tight, which seem to be out of size (a woman may think that in this way she will hide extra pounds), squeezing, squeezing the body - a corset, too tight a belt, too tight clothes - looks ugly and repulses.
  • + Clothing length - mini, and also slightly above the knees .; the length just below the knees is much smaller, the length to the middle of the calf is acceptable for older men (50 years and more).
  • - Maxi length is rejected by almost all men.


  • + All men like a dress, as well as a skirt with a blouse (top, blouse, thin tight-fitting jumper, etc.), less - a skirt with a jacket.
  • - I do not like trousers and shorts (although tight styles, especially tight-fitting short shorts, some people like tight jeans, are some exceptions), a trouser suit is especially rejected. Also unattractive are youthful baggy trousers, wide shapeless styles, strict unsuitable business suits. Overly revealing clothes (too short a mini, a transparent blouse, a very deep neckline, etc.) is shocking, so few like it. Extravagant, too unusual, pretentious clothing models are not sexy. We see that a bodycon dress is the most advantageous option. And also very effective mini-skirts complete with tight-fitting "top". You can also look sexy in a business suit (but not a trouser one), if it emphasizes the figure.


  • + Clothes that open the body as much as possible are suitable: neckline in front, back, transparent inserts and details of clothing, mini length, long cuts, open shoulders, back. Most of all I like the neckline on the chest, the styles with bare shoulders, chest and back are also very cute, then there is a neckline only on the back. Well, the model with bare shoulders closes the list. Models with transparent inserts, or with tempting small cutouts of a simple form can be interesting. For example, I witnessed the stunning effect produced on a group of men by a girl dressed in tight jeans, on which a row of small "holes" was cut from both sides on the sides almost from the waist to the bottom of the trousers :) (apparently, the men were intrigued the question - are there panties under the jeans?). Although this option was considered sexy by them, it was also shocking - too frank and unusual, according to the men themselves.
  • - Closed clothing is not attractive: a closed collar, styles that cover the legs, and all attractive parts of the body (shoulders, neckline). Closed clothing is a subconscious signal of bondage - "Don't come near me."


  • + That in itself follows from the previous point, attracts clothes, intriguing imagination, exciting fantasy. For example, a long closure on a dress, a skirt with a front closure, 1-2 open top buttons of a blouse. If the garment contains elements that make it easy and quick to remove, it is always attractive to men. Men are fascinated by the lack of a bra under their clothes. In general, sexy clothes, which involve quick and easy removal. I also really like the slits on the skirt, dress. The most preferred incision is 1 from the back, followed by an incision from the side.
  • - Repulsive: many fasteners and clothes. Complex styles that can get confused.
  • + Attractive fabrics with soft, pleasant to the touch, feminine texture that you want to touch: silk, satin, velvet, fur. And also fabrics that intrigue the imagination: transparent, translucent. The fabric should be thin, permeable to body heat, advantageously fitting the female form. Natural fabrics are much more attractive than synthetic ones, apparently because of the pleasant sensations when touched. They also like cotton, and after it wool, albeit by a large margin from the previous ones (men under 40 do not often mark these fabrics as attractive).
  • - Rough, thick, hard fabrics are denied.


  • + The most sexy colors: cherry, black, white, blue, followed by red (red is a little less pleasant, apparently due to the fact that some men seem too aggressive and bright, annoying, especially men over 50). It is also considered attractive, but less, it is especially attractive to men over 50 (men of this age group usually prefer calm blue to red). Green and lilac do not stand out, but they rather like them than they like them.

That is, women look sexy in clothes of open, noble, saturated colors of red-blue and black-and-white colors. Among the pastels, only blue stands out. Among the dark ones - cherry, black, behind them - blue.

  • - I do not like dark, muted, complex, mixed, earthy, undersaturated colors. Men are also not very fond of pastel colors (the exception is blue, and sometimes lilac). The bright ones are also rejected: yellow and orange. Most unattractive colors: mustard, protective (rejected by almost all men). Gray is also not sexy. The same applies to the warm orange-peach range. Pink and light green colors are slightly less unattractive.

Conclusion: men are indifferent or negative to yellow, orange, beige and brown, gray, as well as turquoise and purple colors.

  • + The coloring of clothes should not distract attention from the contours of the figure. This means that the simpler and more inexpressive the pattern, the better. All men like plain fabrics the most. Then there are fabrics with patterns, with rounded lines and floral motifs perceived as more attractive than geometric patterns with straight lines or pointed shapes.
  • - Patterns that distract attention from the figure reduce sex appeal: very expressive, bright, with a contrasting, catchy combination of colors, complex, too large, fabrics with inscriptions. The sharp contours of the drawings are rather repulsive, perceived as harsh and aggressive, rather than feminine and sexy. Straight lines of the drawing are strict, limiting, "putting in certain frames".


  • + Of greatest interest are feminine hairstyles, long (semi-long) hair. A slight carelessness in the hairstyle is always intriguing - the hair is slightly disheveled. For example, loose hair, slightly tangled, or carelessly pulled up with loose strands that stand out from the general mass, with curls at the temple, slightly opening the neck. In addition, the more natural the hair is styled, the younger the woman looks. Hair colors are natural. It is known that men prefer blondes, perhaps because of associations with something light, soft, gentle, somewhere defenseless and fragile. Or maybe simply because light hair color more often emphasizes facial features, makes the face visually, more youthful. By the way, in a group of several women, the blonde is the first to catch the eye, for some reason. Perhaps it's just that this hair color is just a brighter accent that draws attention to its owner. An absolute record holder in terms of eroticism - long loose, flying, slightly disheveled, slightly wavy, soft, shiny (which means healthy) hair. Especially if the hair is also light. By the way, blondes with a cold, noble, ashy shade are more popular than blondes with warm, golden, yellowish hair.
  • - I do not like unfeminine short haircuts, extravagant unnatural hair colors, pretentious styling, as well as overly neat, all too "correct" hairstyles. Carefully styled, pulled back, especially carefully "slicked" hair hint at severity, restrictions, prohibitions, including sexual ones, in general, there is no time for erotic associations. Excessive groomedness and correct hairstyle can repel men also due to the seeming inaccessibility of their owners. In addition, young girls usually do not wear well-groomed hairstyles yet, so such hairstyles can make women visually older. Also, loose hair that is too smooth and neatly combed loses to hair with a sign of slight negligence, freedom of movement. Dull, unkempt, rough, damaged hair is unattractive, as well as sticky and hard from the abundance of hairspray.
  • + A face with makeup is much more attractive than without it. While many men say they like women without makeup at all, in fact, they often refer to a face as “no makeup” as a face with skillfully made, natural makeup, with a “made up like no makeup” effect. In the most sexy makeup, there are two rules: 1) with makeup it is better than without it, because, as you know, with its help, attractive facial features can be made even more beautiful, and flaws, on the contrary, can be smoothed out, besides, a woman with makeup is subconsciously perceived more well-groomed, brighter, more attracting attention; 2) Makeup should be natural, and the more natural the better. That is, the facial features are emphasized and made more expressive, while the cosmetics are practically invisible. Men like a light blush on their cheeks, expressiveness, shine of eyes, sexy a little redder than a natural lip color (because a woman's face looks like this in moments of arousal and sexual intimacy). Many men like wet lip gloss (due to well-defined associations, it is clear which part of the female body is in an excited state). Some men like bright red lipstick, but most agree that the softer and more natural the shade of red is, the better. Some men don't like lipstick at all. I like expressive, long and thick eyelashes, which enlarge and make more expressive the eyes, which are emphasized with the help of mascara.
  • - Excessive, too bright makeup is unattractive, when the paint is especially visible on the face, unnatural tones of cosmetics (for example, purple lipstick), an abundance of foundation. Eyes outlined in black pencil look vulgar and tasteless (often women try to enlarge them in this way, although they achieve the opposite effect). Too bright contrasting makeup is unattractive (but it is worth noting that the makeup "pale face with red lipstick, as well as with thin black arrows drawn with a pencil on the upper eyelid" makes the faces of the so-called "winter" color type of women very beautiful (dark hair, saturated color eyes, contrast of the iris and the white of the eye), as it emphasizes their natural bright color and looks attractive on them).
  • + I like well-groomed hands, natural colors of nail polish, neat manicure (while the nails may not be long).
  • - Repels overly long nails and unnatural, extravagant (black, purple, green, etc.) and aggressive colors of nail polish, as well as overly long nails.
  • + Attractive open, feminine, graceful models - shoes and sandals. Women's legs look extremely sexy in shoes with high (or medium) thin heels. A high, graceful heel emphasizes the shape and beauty of the legs, lengthens them, makes the foot visually smaller, and also makes the gait sexier. Moreover, men consider stiletto heels to be the most attractive, while many fashionable heels, which women like, do not bring pleasure to men. Open shoes are preferable to closed ones. For example, shoes with an open heel, a deep cut and decorative thin buckles on the ankle. Sandals consisting of delicate details and buckles look especially erotic. Light (white, pastel) sandals with graceful moderate decorations also look erotic, with a slight shimmer.
  • - Rejected: lack of a heel, or a low heel, rough massive models, a massive platform, sports shoes, unattractive boots, shoes with a high, not a deep cut. Excessively extravagant models are rejected.


  • + Decorations emphasize, accentuate femininity and sexuality. A thin graceful wrist chain or a pendant that mysteriously shines and attracts attention to the neckline, earrings with pendants, necklaces, thin rings look sexy. Almost all men agree that jewelry adds attractiveness to a woman. As for jewelry, not all men like it.
  • - Large earrings, massive jewelry are annoying. Most men have a negative attitude towards piercings.
  • + Very sexy, of course, stockings, both with a belt and without, and tights, body color, as well as black. Well, as you know, men are delighted with sexy, exquisite lace transparent and translucent underwear!
  • - Clothing styles with a belt look less sexy than those that emphasize the waist only by hugging it (for example, a tight-fitting dress made of thin soft, flowing fabric, without a belt). The belt can subconsciously indicate any restrictions, frames that do not contribute to eroticism. Although if the belt is feminine, thin, graceful, beautiful, then it, additionally accentuating the area of ​​the woman's waist, is positively perceived by men. - A woman with glasses is perceived to be businesslike, too smart and educated, which can alert many men - "What if she is smarter than me?" Glasses reduce sex appeal anyway. The exception is sometimes sunglasses, making the face mysterious, but without glasses it is still best.

Smell is incredibly potent in sexual preference.

  • + The most sexy, of course, is the natural smell of a healthy body, since quite certain parts of the body, namely: the skin of the breasts, genitals and areas nearby, the skin of the armpits, arms, feet and face, emit sexually exciting odors - pheromones ( attractants). It is so inherent in nature, it is stupid not to use it. Representatives of the opposite sex strongly react to natural body odor, so it would be a mistake to try to completely get rid of it with the help of very thorough frequent washing, as well as strongly "interrupt" it with perfume smells. You can successfully attract the attention of representatives of the opposite sex with the help of your own attractants. A good mood, a healthy lifestyle, and exercise contribute to an increase in the amount of attractants in the body. In autumn they are produced more, in spring - least of all. In the female body, attracting substances are released in maximum quantities in the middle of the monthly cycle. You can also increase the amount of pheromones through the use of herbs, infusions. For example, tenacious bedstraw, angelica, lovage, agaric, yarrow can be used as ordinary infusions, or baths, or just place a bunch of grass somewhere in the room. They have a positive effect on the production of attractants and odors that contribute to a harmonious state, relieve depression. Sexually repulsive to the smell of a sick body. Thorough hygiene and a slight scent of perfume will help here. If a person is in a bad mood, depressed, or under stress, his body produces in excess substances opposite to attractants - the so-called repellents that repel. From all of the above, it follows that the most attractive is the natural smell of a healthy body.

Perfumes can also be quite attractive if tastefully selected and applied in small quantities. The more natural the body odor, the better. Men like feminine, subtle, light scents as opposed to heavy, spicy and harsh ones. They are very fond of nice-smelling women. The smell of perfume and eau de toilette and thorough frequent washing "drowns out" the smell of attractants. But this, of course, does not mean that you do not need to wash at all. It's just that everything is fine in moderation. The main rule for body scent: the weaker and thinner the natural body odor and the smell of perfumes, the stronger its effect on others.

Rejected: too strong smell of perfume, pungent smell of sweat.

  • + The voice can be very attractive. Especially if it sounds free, relaxed, calm and benevolent. A sexy voice has soft intonations, warmth, lightness, can carry a smile. Many men like a muffled voice, with a slight breath, or with an enchanting hoarseness. An example of a sexy voice is often the voice of TV presenter Tina Kandelaki.
  • POSTURE. Good posture is a must for attractiveness, as improper body posture can ruin a lot. In order for the posture to be beautiful, the head must be kept straight, slightly raised, not pushing the chin forward, the shoulders must be pulled back (to find the correct position for the shoulders, it is enough to raise them as high as possible, take them back, and then lower them), tighten the stomach, raise the chest ( stand up straight, inhale deeply (draw in the stomach), exhale and relax the body), do not push the chest forward, and do not push the shoulder blades and buttocks strongly back. You can check the correct posture as follows: stand straight at a distance of 10 cm from the wall, lean your head, shoulders and buttocks against the wall and check if your whole back is touching the wall. If all - the posture is correct, if the distance from the waist to the wall exceeds 5 cm - you should work on the posture.
  • GAIT. The gait can be very attractive or repulsive. Attractive, sexy gait - smooth, light, relaxed, confident, natural. To make the step smooth and light, the foot is placed on the ground gradually - first with the heel, then smoothly move to the middle part, and then to the forefoot. The toes of the feet are straight. If, when walking, the feet are placed at a distance of 7-14 cm from each other, this is normal. But by putting them closer to each other (at a distance of 5 cm), you can enhance your own sexuality. You need to walk "from the hip": when taking a step, bring the hip forward, not just the knee. You should not specifically wiggle the hips, this will already look vulgar. The effect of a feminine, light swaying of the hips is achieved by the fact that the step is taken from the hip and the feet are placed at a close distance from each other. The back while walking is straight, the head is raised, the shoulders are straightened. It is important not to swing your arms to the sides; for this, the elbow is brought back a little during the movement of the arm. Non-sexual gait: Wide, or shallow steps, with the feet spaced apart to make walking safer.


When a woman is interested in a man, she can imagine the continuation of their relationship. At the same time, her body often gives out what is on her mind. Success in sexual relationships often depends on the ability to send and recognize signals sent from others. After all, a person trusts subconscious signals more than words. Women who emanate many suggestive bodily signals are much more likely to be attracted to men. You can use all of these gestures consciously as well, which will greatly enhance sex appeal. And in any case, do not restrain such subconscious movements in the presence of a man who likes it. And vice versa, watch your movements so as not to inadvertently attract a man, whom it is undesirable to attract to yourself for one reason or another.


  • Prepping: touching the hair; straightening clothes; shaking hair - movement of the head, throwing hair from the face or from the shoulders to the back.
  • Sexual Sitting Style: A sexy woman sits relaxed, free, relaxed, and at the same time full of self-esteem. Very sexy positions:
  • the interlacing of the legs, in which they seem to line up in one line, aimed at the woman's object of interest, is the most attractive female manner of sitting.
  • slowly throwing one leg over the other in front of the eyes and returning them to the opposite position;
  • sit spontaneously on the ankle of one leg with the other knee pointing in the direction of the cute one.
  • Playing with objects:
  • playing with a shoe on your toes speaks of a free, relaxed posture, and phallic diving of a foot into and out of a shoe is very sexy.
  • playing with jewelry, a lock of hair.
  • Stroking objects or areas of the body:
  • gentle stroking of the thighs with your hand.
  • stroking a cylindrical object - the legs of a glass (or thoughtfully running your finger along the edge of the glass), cigarettes, pens, fingers and other long objects).
  • Demonstration of open delicate skin: the wrists - by turning them towards the man, the front of the neck - by tilting the head back slightly.
  • Swaying the hips.
  • A slightly open mouth, moist lips are a symbolic image of female genital organs in an excited state. Slowly running the tip of your tongue over your upper lip is also very erotic.
  • Gesture with thumbs in the belt, or its subtle modification.
  • Rotation of the lower body towards the person of interest. The toe of the foot, turned towards the man, even if the woman is enthusiastically talking with someone else, unambiguously indicates who her interest is actually directed at.
  • Entering a man's personal space (very close to him), either coming very close, or leaning close, or now and then invading this area with his hand, or with the toe of a shoe during a conversation. Well, touch is the "top" of the invasion of personal space and is a very powerful signal. For example, you can touch a man's hand during a conversation, touch him while exchanging objects, or touch his body as if by accident. These gestures betray the desires of its owner very clearly and strongly.
  • Bold postures (for example, bending over a table, kneeling on a chair) evoke corresponding associations.
  • Other body movements are also effective - shrugging, tilting or shaking the head, flashing a ring on a finger, etc.
  • -Some body signals can alert, create a powerful barrier to intimacy, therefore, not only significantly reduce attractiveness, but also cause a loss of interest in a woman. These are signs of closeness, tension: arms crossed on the chest, crossed legs, clasped fingers, clasped lips, lip biting, a suspicious glance from under the brows, restlessly running eyes, fingers constantly fiddling with objects, etc.; lack of interest: turning the body (especially its lower part) away from the man, avoiding looking in his direction, or a short cold look; etc.


The look can be very exciting and intriguing. This can show your interest both in response to a man's interest and as an unobtrusive first step. Eye contact is a very powerful tool in the interaction of the sexes. Therefore, it is important to be able to use it correctly. Often a woman who is interested in a man, without wanting to, can push him away only by not responding to his gaze, she will hide her eyes. She may do this simply out of excessive shyness, or restraint, while a man may interpret her behavior as evidence of her lack of interest in him.

A woman who knows how to freely and openly look into the eyes of a man is much more attractive than one who stubbornly does not look at a man, which is perceived as aloofness, coldness, secrecy, lack of interest. Sexy, when there is an appeal in the look, but not too frank. The look seems to say: "I am interested in you, I like you." More often than not, this entails reciprocal sympathy. A warm, smiling gaze is very attractive.

  • The sparkle of the eyes, the "fire" in the eyes, has a stimulating effect.
  • Dilated pupils indicate interest.
  • A very seductive look is "far-down-at-a-man," then averted eyes, and again "far-down-at a man," and so on.
  • No less intriguing is the sidelong glance from under the half-closed eyelids, and when a man notices this, as if embarrassed, quickly avert his eyes to the side (this creates the feeling that the man is being spied on with interest), which is very enticing.
  • The long gaze into the eyes is also mesmerizing, he is many-speaking. Then the eyes are taken to the side. It is also not worth looking into the eyes steadily, it already looks threatening, embarrassing, moreover, it acts overexcited.
  • The gaze of a sexually interested person goes down from the line of the interlocutor's eyes to the chest level and above, which is subconsciously perceived by another person that they are interested in.
  • A sidelong glance from behind a raised shoulder (the rounded raised shoulder is an imitation of your own chest).
  • + A smile is a magnet! She can attract men to her owner even more than a very beautiful, but not smiling face. A woman's smile for a man is a powerful sign that she likes him. A soft, benevolent, sweet, natural, sincere smile of a relaxed face is what you need! A slightly shy, mysterious smile is also attractive, as well as a little mischievous. A smiling woman is perceived as open, unrestrained, benevolent, positive-minded, happy, loving life, and all this cannot but attract. Without a smile, coquetry, which is so attractive, simply cannot be. Facial expression often matters more than the features themselves.
  • - And vice versa, an unsmiling, gloomy, with tightened muscles, a enslaved face acts very repulsive, even if much else in a woman looks attractive. The tense state of a person makes a smile fake, tortured, and completely unattractive ("I don't like you, I have no time for you").

Using all these recommendations in practice, you can easily see how much they are effective and able to increase the success of a woman with the opposite sex, and the ability to be happy in her personal life. The image of a super-sexy woman can be clearly seen on the screen, remembering, however, that one of the properties of the image of "stars" is an exaggeration of qualities, which is not worth doing in life, this will already be overkill. One of the striking examples of female attractiveness is the group with the eloquent name "Via Gra" :). It is obvious that good competent professionals work with these girls. There are many erotic moments, and extremely sexually acting on men sexual movements, and a sexy "inviting, inviting" style of appearance. Girls are as close as possible to the look that a woman usually has during sexual intercourse with a man - they are half-naked, or in figure-flattering clothes, with expressive facial features, skillfully emphasized with the help of almost natural makeup, their long hair is either loose and slightly tangled, or casually pulled back, with loose curls, their looks and postures are eloquent, their voice is erotic, they are soft and feminine. Humor also plays an important role in their images.

Of course, their image is exaggerated, as befits in show business, and therefore very visual.

Finally, I will give another example of the image of an attractive woman. This time an example is not from show business, where everything is presented in a somewhat enhanced form, but from life. One of my friends, a photographer working in a marriage agency, before photographing girls who wanted to find a husband over the Internet, set them an indispensable condition: to be photographed in tight, open clothes, always in a mini-skirt that reveals legs (tight-fitting short shorts were also allowed), in tight-fitting tops with a neckline, or blouses that accentuate the breasts, in open elegant shoes or sandals with heels (barefoot was also allowed, which also looks erotic), with loose hair, or hair hastily pinned back, obligatory makeup in a natural style, made professional makeup artist. I advised all girls not to cut their hair - the longer the better. During the shooting, he relaxed the girls with the help of jokes so that they would hold naturally, and asked them to smile, remembering something pleasant, as well as to make the softest possible expression on their faces. He said that experience shows that men react much less to photographs of women in long skirts or trousers, as well as to a frown, even without a shadow of a smile, facial expression. How did the girls react to these "prerequisites"? Most of them were perplexed. Some said that they did not want to look "like prostitutes", while others assured the photographer that in a different style of clothing they look much better, that it suits them better, others refused these conditions, explaining that they had something " ugly legs ", then" unburned back "and" I don't like my chest ", etc. But the photographer was adamant. For he knew what he was doing (after all, he was commercially interested in girls getting as many reviews from men as possible). If you only knew how many letters these girls received from potential suitors! True, there was one more condition - the agency worked only with girls who did not have serious imbalances.

A satisfied woman is the main tool for motivating a man to achieve. How to become a satisfied woman?

You have to love your life. Or arrange it in such a way as to enjoy it. Love your work in order to be fulfilled from it, that is, satisfied. Delegate, optimize, change - whatever, but you should be happy with your work!

Fall in love with your appearance or do something with it to fall in love with it - become beside yourself. Love your environment or change it. A contented woman enjoys everything from the color of the walls in her entrance to her food while on vacation.

Exercise "Success Diary"

You take a notebook and during the day you note the moments that you have succeeded and brought pleasure. For example:

10.45 - managed to catch a minibus,
11.30 - met the boss in the corridor - greeted first,
12.20 - your favorite coffee was brought to the cafe,
15.50 - completed a weekly project.

Grateful woman

An equally important component of an attractive state is gratitude... Simple, right?

Successful men are those men who have a surplus of resources. Anyone! Financial, temporary, material, communication. A successful man earns much more than he spends. He has an apartment, a car, time, money, connections, etc.

And a successful man is constantly confronted with beggars. At work, he is begged for positions, salary increases, new projects, assistance and attention. In the environment, they ask him for advice, money, contacts. In his personal life, myopic girls beg from him for simple material resources - a restaurant, an iPhone, a dress, a beach. Everyone around is asking for something, and some even demanding.

And, as you might guess, this man has developed immunity to such people. He learned to resist beggars, keeping them at a distance - this is necessary so as not to waste his own resources by distributing them to all those who ask.

And all successful men divide people intuitively. on asking and grateful... This is especially true for women. And if at the beginning of communication you find yourself in a group of those who ask, then be prepared that you are with this man temporarily. Do you know why?

"Listen, now you are reading this book, yes, here you are, the one that is flying in these letters right now, absorbing line by line, I am now addressing you! Well, write a review, how do you like this book, well, what do you feel sorry for, whether?"

And one more option:

“I want to say thank you.” Just thank you for taking the time to read my book among your busy schedule. you will have the opportunity to write a small review, I will be incredibly grateful and grateful to you! But even if it doesn’t work out, thank you very much anyway! ”

Do you feel the difference? That's the same!

Start giving a man well-deserved gratitude for every deed he has done, and he will feel that responsibility does not smell like reproaches, but has a higher, unique, victorious taste!

Exercise "Grateful woman"

  1. Think about what you can be grateful to the people with whom you communicate (boss, girlfriend, boyfriend, son, salesman, waiter, neighbor).
  2. Start thanking the people around you, 10 people a day. Do it by looking into your eyes, smiling and explaining what you are grateful for.
  3. Fix the result with a request through gratitude.

The very structure of gratitude is not as important as the sincerity in the pronunciation. You can add a moment of need to your speech (this will enhance the effect), and also show that, for your part, you will always appreciate this act and will respond in kind, if necessary. For example:

"From the bottom of my heart I thank you, Alexey, for helping to draw up the documents for the project. I could not have done it without you! (Strengthening.) When I needed you so much, you appeared and saved me! (Strengthening.) Thank you." And know that if I can help you in the future, I will be glad to do it. "

You're not just trying to siphon a resource out of a man. No! This is stupid and shortsighted. You build a close friendly relationship with him, win him over, in order to use this contact at your own discretion in the future. This is how connections are made.

When he asks you for something, you will try to help to the best of your ability. And even if you fail, the man will still note that you tried, and did not merge. You will become friends.

After a couple of months of such communications, you will develop a whole group of people loyal to you in completely different areas, from a seller in a store to a deputy in the State Duma. And you will begin to turn into a real woman who does not work with her own hands, but through the management of connections and contacts. And just something - I started to thank others correctly!

And the final chord that forms the attractive state of a woman is playfulness! Or flirting, if you like.

At the age of 20, this is all right, but after 30 many women make one very gross mistake - they begin to communicate with men from the intellect. But you don't need to talk to a man like a person! You have to flirt with a man!

And what state does a woman lead a discussion or an intellectual conversation create? That's right: the feeling that we are colleagues or friends.

Flirt Everywhere Exercise

So start right now! We kill two birds with one stone: you get used to the desired state and receive bonuses for your work. What I mean? And that's what!

  • You're in a hardware store and you have to drag the carpet to your car. You turn on flirting, and a man drags the carpet. I repeat: even if you exchange phone numbers, it means absolutely nothing!
  • You're at the gym. Don't know how to do the exercise. You turn on flirting, and here the pumped up handsome man explains to you the bench press technique in detail.
  • You're in a traffic jam. A big Gelendvagen is pressing you on your right. You turn on the flirting - and now they let you pass first.
  • You are in a restaurant, hungry and already very late somewhere. You turn on the flirting, and the waiter brings you the dish first. Etc!

As a result, you are always in shape and ready to meet a charismatic person, and men do all the hard work for you.

Of course, the realities of your life do not allow you to implement everything in one fell swoop. Understand. Therefore, I suggest you train in a sly way.

  1. Start with an hour a day. It is very difficult to constantly control yourself, but you can hold out for an hour. Set aside this time after work, when, besides training, nothing distracts you. Set the timer and turn on the new yourself for exactly one hour. Feminine and playful.

This mode works well with the drive home or just an evening walk. The main thing is to hold out for an hour. After this time, you can return to your usual state, all the same, the inner work has already begun. During this hour, all the people around you should feel your incredible energy.

  1. Choose one workout chip for every day. For example, today you practice a gait, or a beautiful movement with your hand, or touching yourself, or a look, or something else - and all day you train it on everyone in a row. More than 20 repetitions per day. Congratulations, the new habit is almost in place!
  2. Find a girlfriend to watch you. Come up with a game. She watches you, and you follow her. For an hour, you are a lady. Who could not stand it, he treats him to dinner. Or something similar. It's much easier together.

Buy this book


Women clearly accepted this point of view with hostility. Women did not like this article, as it requires a woman to do something and oh god, the unthinkable - to thank the man.

01/12/2018 08:26:43, Old Man

Quote of the day: "You don't need to talk to a man like a man!"

lovely! thanks for the New Year's mood.
On the topic everything is turned upside down, IMHO. To make a woman happy, grateful and even more playful - you need to work very, very well and successfully. And not to her, but to the very man who wants to be around just like that.

Lev Vozhevatov with a grateful woman, Lyudmila Kuzovatova with Tide, I can't even imagine how I would have lived without their recommendations. :))

Comment on the article "Attractive woman: what is she like? A man's point of view"

I met my husband on a dating site, although at that moment I was in an active search and looked at all suitable men Look at other discussions: Getting to know a man: why is it not possible? The best site for dating and serious relationships ...


I met my husband on a dating site, although at that moment I was in an active search and looked at all suitable men everywhere, lived for two years, realized that we were suitable for each other, recently legalized relations. Acquaintance on sites has its own subtleties: 1) you need to clearly describe who you want to meet and shed all the slag on the move, (for example, some coolly threw slippers at me for what I clearly indicated, they say I meet only without children and without alimony, man now nervous, but I scored) but here, of course, and the most important thing is to clearly understand who you are looking for. 2) do not enter into long correspondence, in a day or two go to drink coffee, and see who it is in life. Fortunately, after 25, you already have the experience to immediately understand who is sitting in front of you in real life, but in correspondence it is more difficult to do this. In addition, there are a huge number of people who are looking for exactly virtual correspondence, and they are not interested in real life at all. Well, in general, I came across decent options in the gym (the main thing is a decent club), and in organizations where I was on business. It is very important for a woman to clearly imagine what kind of man she is looking for, take the paper directly and make a list for herself: I want such and such an appearance, such and such skills, such and such data, but such and such is impossible. When there is a clear outline of what you want, it is easier to search. And you look at the options, now it's much easier with men, and a self-sufficient girl has a huge choice in general.

I think this young lady is a princess. let it wait another 30 years, not critical.

08/22/2018 02:30:19, Romanov

Typically they were women / girls interested in men / boys who liked me. And I didn't necessarily like them. How to learn more about a person's character without being aware of him? Attractive woman: what is she like? Male point of view.


malice + realization = covarian

02.06.2018 09:16:31, &&&

A person who is more intelligent and / or cynical than I expect from him can become insidious. Those. creating in me a "insidious situation" cognitive dissonance)) towards his greater intelligence and cynicism)
While God had mercy. Although in general I am glad to be mistaken in a person in the direction of his greater mind)

How to meet a man for a serious relationship. Fortunately, modern glasses have become a fashion accessory - choosing the right frames can make a person with glasses even more attractive. How to meet a man for a serious relationship.


Happiness can only be found within oneself, it is not in the outer, and a man will only help for a while, then again there will be emptiness.

02/03/2018 13:16:08, peace of the world

Once upon a time (when it was relevant) I read the book How to Get Married. There, one of the key ways was dating sites. They only advised to go there with a cold head and a warm heart. You just need to be internally ready for the fact that you will have to shovel mountains, so to speak, people who are not suitable for anyone and not fall into despair from this. But persistence should pay off.

31.01.2018 16:58:17, Lenusik 128

An attractive man, what is he? In my old age, I wanted to study the theory of this. An attractive man in life together, what is he? Please, no more than three. Can a self-sufficient man be attractive from a woman's point of view?


1. Kind
2. Calm
3. Rich

For me, the attractiveness of a man is 1. Sex. He must be imaginative. I love when satisfaction is not only physical, but also moral. When they also satisfy my thirst for novelty, experimentation and excitement.
2. Balanced. I love when a man knows how to control himself. No panic or, on the contrary, excessive joy for any reason. Outwardly, always a cold and imperturbable man is attractive to me.
3. Self-sufficient. I love when a man can occupy himself. When seperate rest is not a disaster. And when he has friends, work, business. I do not like home slippers.
In short, I consider the attractive traits in a man to be those that she herself possesses. Something like this.

12/28/2017 11:19:46 PM, Natasha ___

Passionate woman. Serious question. About her, about the girl's. Discussion of questions about the life of a woman in the family, at work, relationships with a passionate woman. I have a close friend of 45 years old. Now she has been happily married for a long time, in her youth she was distinguished by the fact that often ...


a person has such a temperament. And in general, do not bother, almost everyone tries on the surrounding men like that. And with the continuation or not, this is everyone's personal business, that is, not your business. A free woman has the right to behave as she wants (was that before marriage?)

11/27/2017 2:38:41 PM, Intel

a beautiful woman, but from my point of view, there is not an ounce of manliness in her. So there are only a few men who are losing their heads. Again, the couple got married, he goes crazy with her, and besides, in fact, the advances themselves are distributed, the male fantasy begins to rage when you look at them ...


It seems to me that this is something at the level of hormones, the smell on which men are led
If about appearance, then Monica Bellucci, i.e. pronounced femininity, beautiful figure, sensuality. I also like Merlin, but these are rather external images and imposed standards, especially since I am a woman and a visual
I don't see anyone from the forum, but I didn't communicate live, but in a manner: those who write a lot, usually enough in a masculine manner.

Decoy from decoys - luring ducks or goose while hunting. Well, draw your own conclusions ...

They say that Natalya Kustinskaya in her youth was overwhelmed by manliness, attractiveness. So what? Didn't help to get by easily.

04.03.2016 10:02:51, Train Easy Breathing Better

The dating site for serious relationships eDarling conducted an unusual survey among 1,000 members on the topic of glasses and their attractiveness. where in Moscow you can meet if a woman is 43 years old. Dating men after 40 for a serious relationship.


I'll be trivial.
Decides by and large what a woman is. Not what she does.

It's always interesting, but a woman in this situation does not need sex at all?
1) you need to talk
2) depends on the temperament of a man and on female attractiveness and on plans for the future.
3) as soon as you really want
4) I generally live with my heart, not a plan, I don’t understand this

Well, as I understand it, women from this point of view are divided into "you can fuck", "no, won't get up" and single "I want her every minute." And how fucking a wife is related to her attractiveness. This is a common masturbation in a partner, men have all ugly and unattractive ...

How to meet a man and continue a relationship? Acquaintance with a man according to the recipe of Tiny Raccoon's mother. Discussion of questions about a woman's life in the family, at work, relationships with men. The secret of a successful acquaintance with a man: the most frequent female ...

Section: Dating (girls tell me serious dating sites for creating a family). Prompt a dating site with a decent contingent. How to meet a man? 5 ways to get sexier. Which woman will a man surely pay attention to?


Looking for a man 35-45 years old to create a family tired of loneliness I want to find a serious one who is ready to start a family

17.03.2019 13:49:11, $$$$

I'm looking for a man to create a family from 35-45 years old I'm tired of loneliness I want to find a serious one who is ready to start a family are there any serious men left in our time looking forward to their only answer where are you my beloved find me I am lonely I want to be happy. they are not interested. My Watsap 87778959790 waiting for you

17.03.2019 13:46:27, $$$$

Section: Wife and Husband (men about women after 40). Does a man need a woman, a wife if she? So the author and his friends do not need a woman (wife), but an attractive doll for sex with at first he does not express his point of view. but no friend. or provocative. to...


I read the article, I liked it.
I’ll say more, I think he’s right ... judging by the conference .. 100% right.

Well, I wrote an idiot, you never know on the Internet of idiots, if you react to everyone, you will go nuts
do your dad-mom or grandmother-grandfather live / have lived together for a long time and happily after 40?
Well, here you are, tune in to the same.

Where to meet a good man ?. These are cunning men. About her, about the girl's. Discussion of questions about the life of a woman in a family, on A girl slightly over 30 :) wants to get to know a man terribly for an easy relationship, but unfortunately, she does not have ...


Do you really think that just ask on the forum and they will immediately tell you how and what, and most importantly - where? And then you also need a promising one, that is, you don't need a drinker and without work? :)
Eh, girl, if everything was so easy ...

What are the relevant requirements? So that he also had two children?

Acquaintance for a serious relationship: which woman wins. Rules for dating a man, or Why a man should Because this man is a genius. He teaches how to meet a successful self-confident man and how to build a relationship with him.


I met a Serb on the Internet. We communicated via Skype, WhatsApp. He showed his possessions, introduced him to his daughter. They discussed my trip and my employment in Belgrade. The device of our life together. I started learning Serbian. Then communication was abruptly interrupted. He explained that he would not be able to come to me, I would not come to him soon either. He's not going to wait for me until retirement, although he really likes me and suits me. He needs to bring the mistress into the house in the near future. That's how it went. I still have an unpleasant aftertaste.

04/30/2018 21:19:45, vomiri

My name is Natalya, a citizen of the Russian Federation, my husband is a Serb. I have been living in Serbia for a year, I got married with a small child in my arms (then she was 11 months old, the Russian dad abandoned the child), a couple of weeks ago my second daughter, Sofia, was born. I want to say that personally my husband is far from lazy, I don’t let him relax, you won’t relax with children. It helps in everything, all financial obligations are also on it. Everything you need for life is there. He is certainly not a millionaire, we do not bathe in silks, but, thank God, we do not know the needs either. As a husband he is very good, and he loves children very much. I have an eldest daughter behind him like a tail, they have a very touching relationship with her dad. Therefore, I ask you not to generalize the Serbs! In addition, judging by his friends, who also have families and children, they are very good family men! This can rarely be said about Russian men.
I also want to say that my husband and I met through a marriage agency, communicated initially on Skype and phone for a month, then the future husband flew to me for a week in Krasnoyarsk, in January, in terrible frosts. And already in March I flew to him for 2 weeks and we signed at the registry office! And if we still continued to communicate on Skype or by phone, most likely the communication would have simply stopped, I personally do not like this empty and long chatter. To fly to each other is not a swoop! And long and expensive! And virtually, what will you talk about for years? How was your day and what is the weather outside? Nonsense! Personally, I would not last long, I need action. In addition, a person is immediately visible, either the soul lies with him or not. And everyday life is all in the process of living together only. And of course, there is no ideal relationship, somewhere you make concessions, somewhere he is.
Therefore, if you like a man and is ready for a serious relationship and take on obligations, go for it! Or wait for the weather from the sea, and if you listen to your parents, you will be left with a child in your arms.

That is, "there is no end to men" is used when a woman complains about something in her relationship with her husband (MCH) to her friends or in the same forum.

To say such a phrase to someone about myself is somehow not very good. In my understanding, this is when a woman has many male friends. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary to have super close relations with all of them. At the same time, they all value you as pleasant in communication, smart, businesslike, purposeful, open, etc.

And here is how, from your point of view, childbirth affects the appearance of a woman. According to the logic of things, a woman should look prettier after childbirth, she needs something next to her, the father of the children, the breadwinner.


My face has become younger, or rather, it is not younger, but somehow more beautiful. I do not know how to explain it. But this is noticed by everyone who saw me for a long time (at the institute). dad also says that I have become prettier, and dad is scrupulous in this regard, but I cannot return my prenatal figure, if I lose weight and the figure is tightened, then this is for a couple of months, and then excess fat appears on the hips and stomach and so all these years after childbirth. The chest did not deteriorate at all, it even became better and did not sag a gram, but maybe I just don't remember.

05/01/2007 02:16:30, Vika Sergienko

after the first childbirth (a year later), she gained weight, but her breasts were fine. after the second, there were no changes in the figure, but the chest was horror, sagging. but my face became better (from walks, probably), because of this, in clothes I look even younger. The husband swears that he loves in any way, that I am always a beauty to him.

What are the prospects for the relationship? Meeting a man: 5 secrets of a strong relationship. Alika Smekhova: "Where to meet a man"? Acquaintance for a serious relationship. Why don't men meet beautiful women?


Get to know each other well in the gym. The poor and the wretched do not go there - they have complexes. Accordingly, these are immediately eliminated. Remaining - normal wealthy men, not all married. The body is immediately visible (why be modest - a man's body is beautiful - a big plus). You can always exchange a couple of non-binding phrases. And to understand if he has a brain in addition to a body. This is how my friend found herself a husband. She was 35, looked 29, had a child. The husband is good, loves them, brings money, does not go to the gym anymore (she, accordingly, is not jealous). Seem happy

11/10/2005 14:42:17, OlgaVV

And here I was on the Internet and met my husband! On a dating site, "by ad" as they say. What's wrong with that? In my environment, there was also no worthy unmarried (!) Candidacy. How else to expand the circle of these same acquaintances? I highly recommend it! On the Internet, everyone will find what he needs: a serious relationship or a relationship for one evening (there are a LOT of such, it is not difficult to calculate them). I also knocked my friend out for this "adventure" (I also got married this way, they have been living for the third year already, everything is OK). So do not wait for the weather by the sea, go for it!

11/09/2005 01:25:03, natlik

Mother hen or femme fatale? I would like to raise this topic. I don’t know if she’s funny or sad, but .. Here I’m looking around at women ... Here they often talk about what is better, to make a career or to sit with children. Well, this is a rough topic I designate, but disputes are ongoing.


Timur will always be in search :)) One feels that the process fascinates him, perhaps more than the result. Yes, this is understandable, especially in the spring :))

03/26/2001 17:57:53, Yana

I think that the man who wrote such a treatise is himself infantile. What is he looking for? An abstract woman who doesn't smoke, loves sex, and doesn't age? hmm ... this person "cannot be less demanding" if only because he is too undemanding to himself.

03/26/2001 15:27:42, Lyalik

An attractive woman is considered to be the owner of ideal facial features and a slender figure. This misconception is refuted by many men who pay attention to completely opposite parameters. What influences the attractiveness of girls?

Regardless of the fact that all women are completely different (tall or short, curvy or boyish), men can like them.

Many factors make women attractive:

  • external data;
  • grooming;
  • the right clothes and shoes;
  • demeanor;
  • intelligence;
  • self confidence.

Let's consider the influence of these parameters in more detail.

Attractive external data

The first impression is made by the person's appearance. There are perfect appearances that attract attention. For example, a flawless oval face, large almond-shaped eyes, full lips and a long neck are considered the most attractive. If a woman's appearance does not correspond to the recognized canons of beauty, it must be remembered that all flaws must be corrected. The shape of the face can be changed by choosing the right hairstyle, it is quite easy to give the eyes and lips the desired shape and visually increase with the help of makeup. Facial features can be easily corrected with foundation, and the neck can be lengthened by choosing the right cut on the clothes.

The figure and its parameters that attract

At the first meeting, the figure is also evaluated. It is believed that men are attracted to women with a curvy chest shape, a slender waist and wide hips.

Given the various parameters of the figures, it is important to emphasize the merits by choosing the right clothes:

  1. Lush breasts can be obtained with the help of special underwear.
  2. Slim-fit skirts and dresses will highlight the narrow waist.
  3. To make the hips wider, clothes extended to the bottom or a pencil skirt will help.
  4. For slim and long legs, you should use heels.

The grooming and neatness of an attractive woman

Even a girl who is far from the canons of beauty can look attractive. There is a belief that there are no ugly women. Carefully caring for yourself, highlighting the positive aspects with the help of cosmetics and highlighting the beneficial features of the figure (performing sports exercises) - you will become interesting for men.

They do not like unkempt women, and overly flashy scare them. Therefore, when dyeing your hair, pay attention to natural shades, make-up is best done in pastel colors, and the manicure should be neat, of medium length and without acid colors. When deciding to attract the attention of the opposite sex with bright makeup or clothes, try not to cross the fine line of vulgarity.

Men prefer naturalness in women. An important parameter for grooming is a healthy smile and pleasant scent. Therefore, to maintain the beauty and health of your teeth, visit your dentist regularly. It is advisable to use perfume with a light and unobtrusive scent, avoiding pungent odors.

Fashionable shoes and clothes attract attention

A woman dressed beautifully and fashionably will be noticed by men. Don't chase all trends. Do not forget that beautiful is not what is fashionable, but fashionable is what is beautiful. If the chosen clothing doesn't suit you, then its price and mention in glamorous magazines will not matter. Therefore, when choosing fashionable things, make sure that they emphasize the dignity of your figure and match in color.

Choose not rough shoes, because the elegance of a woman's foot has been appreciated at all times. If men's shoes are in fashion, you should not wear them on thin girlish legs. The choice of accessories and jewelry is very important; they can be used to decorate a simple dress or emphasize the dignity of appearance.

Behavior: facial expressions, voice, gestures ...

Behavior often serves as a seductive factor for men. If you want to attract a guy, use special gestures, looks, postures and facial expressions (each girl has her own arsenal). Men react to a deep, chesty voice or laugh as it seems sexy and calm. A high and loud voice evokes associations with a hysterical person. In this case, try to speak and laugh more quietly.

Intelligence is able to attract and interest

There is a misconception that men love stupid girls. This is not so, they choose women with whom there are topics of conversation. Any man wants to have individuality next to him and be proud of his chosen one, which is why smart women are always popular. By trying to listen to his words and talk less about your business, you will become an indispensable interlocutor for him.

Why would a woman draw attention to herself?

Attention is an important part of a modern society. Thanks to the increased interest, a person feels his own importance, becomes more self-confident and more successful in life. Women are also no exception. Each of them tries to look their best and earn the approval of those around them.

Attention from men

In female representatives it is inherent in nature to attract the attention of men. This is required to create a family and increase your own self-esteem. Usually, some of them are surrounded by many fans, while others remain unnoticed. It seems to such girls that there is no chance of liking a man, but this is not so. There are many ways to be in the center of male attention. To attract the interest of others, highlight the positive aspects, hide flaws, be friendly, calm and smiling. Men do not let such women in.

Own ego and love of beauty

The interest of others is required by women for greater self-confidence. In such cases, you should show your intelligence and personality. Do not try to underestimate the mental abilities of others for the sake of your own ambition, this will achieve the absolutely opposite effect.

It is believed that beautiful people are more subject to interest from the outside than inconspicuous ones. Therefore, it is easy for ladies with rich natural qualities or who have achieved attractiveness through careful care to win attention from the opposite sex.

Parameters of female attractiveness through the eyes of a man

Attractiveness in the eyes of men is almost the same as in women.

The following parameters are important for them:

  1. Youth (18 - 25 years old). Communicating with the chosen one younger than himself, he also feels younger.
  2. Beautiful face. Perfect facial features have always been the canon of beauty and remain now.
  3. Ideal figure. Ideal parameters are not the main thing. A fit and well-groomed girl is of interest.
  4. Height. By standards, a girl is considered to be shorter than a man. There are exceptions when a guy is below the chosen one.
  5. Gait. A light gait, accompanied by a slight swaying of the hips, looks sexy, attracts the interest of men.

These external data make only the first impression. And in the future, when communicating with a woman, other factors, such as intelligence and individuality, influence.

Attractive woman through the eyes of some presidents

To become interesting for men, you should adhere to the above-mentioned tips, work on yourself, and then confidence, the most basic indicator of attractiveness, will appear. If a person likes himself, he will inspire sympathy for those around him.