Photo of a figure without a face. No face: a girl with huge growths on her face is happy with her life. Khadija's condition worsened dramatically, and she developed additional skin on her face, which continued to grow uncontrollably

On avu, photos without a face are very popular. The page contains photos without a face, both for girls and for guys in different poses and angles.

On the avu photo without a face for girls. The girl turned her head away and her hair hid her face.

On the avu photo without a face for guys. One crooked smile!

A guy without a face smokes a cigarette. Pictures on ava without a face look mysterious.

The girl with the smartphone turned away and her face was not visible at all.

Only lips on the face.

From the back is the girl in the photo.

Pictures on the back from the back and without a face are in demand.

The hand on the face of the girl. The face is not visible.

The girl's face is covered with both hands. Sad picture on avu.

Similar to the previous photo on ava without a face for a guy.

I don’t want to see the world and even if the world does not see me?

Such sad pictures on avu.

The girl turned sideways and hid her face.

In the photo, the hands are in the lock, but the guy's face is not visible.

Solid photo! Solid pictures on avu without a face in honor!

The finger is pressed to the lips, and the face cannot be discerned.

In the photo, the girl sits with her back to us and dreamily looks at the ships in the bay. Romantic photo.

Romantic pictures on avu are popular!

The girl looks at the sky and her face is not visible. A romantic photo without a face.

About half of humanity will instinctively imagine the most beautiful face ever seen at the words "wonderful girl". Sadly, the correctness of facial features plays a very important, not to say a decisive role in the fate of a woman in the "male" world. A photo project by a Japanese artist became an artistic protest against this state of affairs. Mitsuko Nagone: photos of girls ... without a face.

This project is called " I am more than my face"(" I am more than my face "). Its author, a young artist Mitsuko Nagone, currently lives in Tokyo as a professional photographer. One of the main problems of Mitsuko Nagone's creativity is the search for a true person and his true "I"... These searches are still ongoing (and may never end), but the photographer is sure of one thing: a person's personality is not his face.

And with what ingenuity the heroines of Mitsuko Nagone's photo hide their faces! Contemptuously turning away to the wall, timidly hiding behind a desk, hiding his head in a paper bag (as befits a true anonymous author), covering his face with long hair (as if in the cult Japanese film "The Ring"). Photo of girls without a face amaze with paradox and courage; perhaps this is some kind of new Japanese view of the world. One way or another, the problem of finding a person has been solved throughout the last century by Japanese literature, from Akutagawa to Kenzaburo Oe and Kobo Abe.

However, isn't this what artists of all genres, times and peoples are doing? And the work of Mitsuko Nagone is also directly related to the topic and human rights: her photo of girls without a face- an appeal to treat people (especially women) not as they look; to meet and see off according to the mind, and not according to the clothes. Mitsuko Nagone herself, being a famous photographer and participant in numerous exhibitions in different parts of the world, also does not photograph her face. Do you share this idea (for example, by taking a photo

In life, girls do not look at all the same as on Instagram and Facebook. In reality, they have more characteristics than you can see in the photo: acne, double chins, fat asses, skinny asses, short necks, narrow foreheads, wide ankles, short fingers or small eyes, bad hair and, of course, all types of unsuccessful breasts. ... We've put together an illustrated guide to the typical cheating methods used by girls of all ages. Now, looking at a photograph of another languid fate, our readers will be able to understand what kind of defect it is hiding. Be warned: women are not who they seem!

Face: I'm so cosmic! (5 to 35)

1. Girls who open their mouths in surprise or languidly open their mouths. They seduce them and hint unambiguously. And of course, they hide the fact that they have round cheeks and a strawberry face.

2. Girls smoke or hold a cigarette in their hand. By this they tell you that they are vicious, detached and spit on your pathetic opinion. In addition, the cigarette serves as the basis for making a duckface and not being branded as mentally retarded. The face, shot through the cigarette smoke, gives the girl the coveted witch's mystery.

3. Pictures taken while eating or drinking through a tube they legitimize the same duckface and retracted cheeks and denote the missing cheekbones. Although the faces still look like chicken priests, only with tubes stuck in them.

4. The defocus turns the girl into an ephemeral inaccessible creature. An obscure, blurry appearance, a phantom girl.

5. An elongated neck and a thrown back head testify to a quivering nature, a double chin, Venus rings and an unsuccessful face oval.

6. Sacred overexposure, one of the main rescues of pimples, easily turns any collective farmer into a radiant goddess.

7. Hair covering the upper part of the face, hand, covering the bottom, flirtatious facepalm or the visor of the cap pulled down shows that this deceitful negligence has been carefully verified. Perhaps the girl has a narrow forehead, a sloping chin, or an oversized nose.

8. Half of the face in the picture means the inescapable longing for the lack of facial symmetry. Be sure - you were shown the better half, the one with more eyes, a higher eyebrow, and a less protruding ear.

9. Taking a profile photo with a raised chin and raised eyebrows, the girl hopes for the comment "Nefertiti!" God forbid someone to photograph her with her head down and showing the world a second, or even a third chin - you will be burned in hell.

10. Photo without makeup in contrasting morning light revives corpses. At the same time, the girls try to make the facial expression dreamy and childish. People should know how defenseless you are. Sometimes. Alone with myself and the camera.

11. Squint and three-quarter turn corrects bulging eyes and unsatisfactory thick nose. If, at the same time, the supposedly absent-minded gaze is still directed into the distance, the success of the photo is guaranteed.

12. Sullen glance makes any dangerous thing, removes a low forehead, a square face and a heavy chin and gives the eyes the desired expressiveness.

13. Selfie taken on an outstretched arm from above will sharpen the features and dramatically outline the oval of the face. A selfie from below with hair in the lens will create the effect of a cute delicate creature and compensate for the lack of hair.

Body: Butt Bending Guitar

1. Even the young have ugly breasts. Sometimes the boobs are not just dull but also vary in size. Ways to fix this: show a piece of the chest in the neckline of the sleeve of the dress, where it is guaranteed to look elastic and perky, or press on the chest, which will make it seem round.

2. The collarbone is the dream of all modern girls. They create the line of the neck and flawlessly distract from the lack of chest. You can lean forward with your shoulder (or both) or lift one shoulder, combining this gesture with a look from under the brows.

3. Danger: fat arm. A thick hand, like a nightmare, pursues any girl - everyone, even the thinnest, has it. It appears if the shoulder is adjacent to the body. Therefore, it is better to throw your hand behind your head or take it back.

4. Chiffon rags and translucent draperies will hide the figure of any novice druid with rudiments of cellulite or short legs.

5. Thick ankles make it difficult to create a full-fledged sexy dramatic bow. The unfortunate owners remove them from the frame in any possible way: they hide them under the maxi, crop the frame, put on high boots, pull their legs under them.

6. Girls know that magic arch creates an illusion the waist that did not appear, makes the sad chest cheerful, and the flat butt bulging.

7. Taking off my own legs the girls either lift them higher, or manage to unfold the body so that the most advantageous view of the thigh gets into the frame. As a result, instead of carrots from the photo, a young gymnast is looking at you.

Face: your eyelids ask for a scalpel (for older girls)

1. Wrap a towel around the head, creating the effect of a circular lift. The overhanging nasolabial folds disappear, the cut of the eyes lengthens, the eyebrows arrogantly crawl upward, lifting the drooping upper eyelids. And of course, half-face saving glasses, if the day is not at all set and the eyes have lost their shine.

2. Put on a mask over your eyes(best of all lace) to give yourself a special mystery, so necessary when you already have something to hide. In addition, the mask will hide all skin imperfections, wrinkles and a face simply tired of life. The heavily exploited image of the femme fatale is out of fashion, so they rarely do it: rather, in order to put a photo on a userpic.

4. They hide part of the face behind the person with whom they are photographed, imitating some shyness and playfulness. It is difficult to judge from one eye and half of the nose how much the face has changed over the past couple of years, despite the annual detox, beauticians and spiritual practices.

5. Smiling wide unnaturally or they supposedly laugh cheerfully and carefreely, into their entire mouth cherished by an expensive dentist, convincing others that life is successful and will be successful.

6. Well the girl's main friends, two smoothly working ways to improve yourself: a friend is much older than you and a friend is much scarier than you.

Body: gravity, heartless you bitch

Chrissy was like this before that tragic night and she became like this afterwards.

Girl without a face

During a party with friends in March 1999, the girl was shot in the face, which blew off part of her skull where her eyes and nose were. The drunk guys dabbled with the stolen pistol, claiming it was not loaded. Chrissy tried to stop them and only remembers her last words: "Put the gun down before you kill someone." After that, a shot rang out, forever changing the life of a 16-year-old girl. The doctors did not make any predictions.

Chrissy spent two months in a deep coma and, waking up, regretted that she was still alive. In addition to the absence of eyes, nose and part of the skull, she experienced terrible pain from the fragments left in the brain that the doctors could not remove. Chrissy still uses pain relievers. But she has a meaning in life, and she is ready for anything to continue living and enjoy it.

At the school for the blind, where Chrissy was learning to read in Braille, she met a guy she fell in love with. A year ago, their son was born. The existence of the young mother was overshadowed by only one thing - she cannot show her face to her own little man, and the baby from birth, instead of mother's affectionate eyes, sees only a black bandage.

And just recently, doctors were able to help her by making a face mask made of realistic medical silicone. They restored the look of Chrissy's face from old photographs, painted it to match the color of human skin and even applied makeup. The prosthesis is attached to the bones of the skull using extra strong screws and magnets. To restore the desired parts of the skull, doctors used bone from the patient's leg and transplanted skin.

Despite the pain and horror that Chrissy went through after the injury, she says that if she had the opportunity to return to that tragic night and change what happened, she would not do it: “No, I have everything. I want. I would never want to lose it all! "

Nika Narubina Photo: press photo

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21-year-old Khadija Khatoon has lived with her parents all her life and never went to school. The fact is that Khadija suffers from a terrible genetic disease called neurofibromatosis. Because of this disease, huge growths have grown on the girl's face, completely covering her face, including her eyes and nose. Despite this, Khadija says that she is "glad to live such a life."

Khadija Khatun lives in India and has lived her entire adult life "without a face." Khadija doesn't even know if she has eyes or a nose, but instead of a mouth, she has a small incision on the left side of her face.

A 21-year-old girl is believed to have neurofibromatosis, the common name for a number of genetic conditions that cause swelling and growths that severely distort facial features

Her father, 60-year-old father Rashid Mulla, and 50-year-old mother Amina Bibi realized that something was wrong with the baby after she could not open her eyes for two months after giving birth because she was born with very heavy eyelids, which made her look slightly different than other children

"When she was two months old, I took her to the hospital, where she spent six months, but the doctors said that she would have to go through many more studies and tests, and after 18 months they said they could not do anything about it," said Rashid

Because the doctors said that they were not able to do anything, we never returned to them, "Amina said.

Khadija's condition worsened dramatically, and she developed additional skin on her face, which continued to grow uncontrollably

Despite her illness and all the hardships, Khadija says she is happy to live her life

"Such a path fell out to me and I accept it with reconciliation"

"I do my best. And if I can't do anything about it, then I just have to live with it."

"I don't have any friends, but I have my family. My family are my only friends, and I love them very much. My parents are my world. I never talk to strangers."

Khadija never went to school and learned everything she knows from her two brothers and three sisters who have already got married and left home.

Khadija says she doesn't want surgery to remove the growths because doctors said she might die

"When I leave for work, she sits in front of the house on a chair. If she wants to go for a walk, her mother takes her away. She loves to drink tea and play with other children," Rashid said.

Khadija needs money for repeated examinations to find out if there is any tumor on the girl's face, and if there is one, then she will need urgent surgery to remove it.

Khadija's family is poor and earning little money, so they are hoping for financial help from the government.

Also on the Internet, a company was created that collects funds for the treatment of Khadija, but it is difficult to call it successful, since at the moment, out of the £ 10,000 needed, only 3.4 thousand were raised.