The ideal shape of the eyebrows with a pencil and shadows: how to draw beautifully. Coloring eyebrows with a pencil How to learn to draw the shape of eyebrows

In makeup, special attention is paid to the eyebrows, because they create a woman's look, make it mysterious.

How to draw eyebrows, depends on the wishes and preferences of the woman. Some get used to pencils, others prefer shadows or henna.

The answer is unequivocally that it cannot be better. Each of the methods with the correct application technique looks natural.

If a woman is new to the world of makeup, then she should start learning with a pencil. Thanks to the texture of the pencil, drawing the most beautiful and identical eyebrows at home is not difficult.

Any girl can draw beautiful eyebrows if desired. The main condition is to choose the right shape, color and texture of the pencil.

note! Initially, to create an ideal image, the shape is selected based on the oval of the face.

There are such forms of eyebrows:

  1. Arcuate.
  2. Curved.
  3. With a break.
  4. Horizontal.
  5. Rising.

Table: correspondence of forms with an oval face

Smooth ones are suitable for all types of faces, except for square ones.

After the shape of the eyebrows is selected in accordance with the type of face, we determine the length. We pay special attention to the choice of a pencil. The main selection criteria: durability, quality, hardness.

To make the lines clearer, there is one secret. It is worth putting a well-sharpened pencil for 5 minutes in the freezer. It will harden and will not break when applied.

When choosing a shade, focus on the natural color of the hair. The pencil is selected a few tones darker.

Pencil drawing step by step for beginners:

  1. We comb the eyebrows with a special brush.
  2. The skin is moisturized with a face cream. If necessary, apply the base for make-up (foundation, powder).
  3. With weak movements of the hand, lines are drawn along the edge.
  4. Then draw the bottom line. We start from the point of growth to the temples.
  5. Then the top line is drawn parallel to the bottom.
  6. The space is smoothly sketched with light movements.
  7. Draw the tip with a pencil one tone lighter. This helps to make the brow more expressive.
  8. If you get a transition, blend it with a brush.

If you can’t draw symmetrically, then it’s better to use stencils. They are sold in cosmetic stores.

If it is not possible to purchase these funds, draw the desired shape yourself on paper, fold in half and carefully cut with nail scissors.

It is easy to use a stencil, but it is worth remembering that it is better not to abuse it, but gradually learn to draw a shape through trial and error.

How to draw even eyebrows with shadows beautifully?

If a woman has thick natural eyebrows, then it is better to use shadows. They organically lay down, give "thickness" and expressiveness.

The peak of this season is wide fashionable eyebrows.. They are created in all beauty salons using microblading, henna biotattoo or permanent makeup.

But not everyone has access to such expensive procedures, and drawing with shadows helps to achieve the same effect, only for a short time.

The main advantages of using shadows:

  1. Sustainability.
  2. Large palette of shades.
  3. Ability to mix multiple colors.
  4. Ease of use.
  5. They look natural.

Shadow drawing instructions:

  1. Initially, the hairs are combed against growth to expose the skin.
  2. A small amount of shadows is applied to the brush and the skin and hairs are stained with soaking movements.
  3. Then the hairs are combed in the opposite direction.
  4. Then we also draw a brow from the nose to the temples. The ends become a little paler.
  5. Then we dip the brush into the fixing wax and comb the hairs again.
  6. We remove excess strokes with a cotton swab.

Important! For drawing, use matte shadows. Makeup with glitter looks ridiculous on this part of the face.

How to draw perfect eyebrows with a fork?

Today, the method of drawing eyebrows with a fork has gained incredible popularity. It's practical and convenient.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We take a fork and measure three points with it, making a shape.
  2. Then the fork is applied parallel to the cheekbones but slightly at an angle. Borders are drawn with a pencil in the openings of the fork.
  3. After creating the bottom and top borders the skin is sketched with a pencil or shaded with shadows.

How beautiful to make the shape of the eyebrows?

Step by step instructions for creating a form:

  1. We take a pencil, apply to the outside of the nostrils of the spout vertically.

    The pencil is set so that it passes vertically through the part of the forehead on the inside of the eye. We mark the beginning of the eyebrow with a dot.

  2. Then the pencil is applied parallel to the cheekbone passing through the outer edge of the eye. This is the second point.
  3. The process ends with the selection of the top point. To do this, the pencil is placed so that it passes through the pupil of the eye. We mark with a dot.

note! An incorrectly chosen shade of pencil or shadows will spoil the image of a girl, turn her face into a mask. The tone is natural.

Table: choosing a tone based on hair color

Every girl can learn how to draw perfect and natural eyebrows correctly. The main thing is to initially allocate time for shape correction.

Makeup is applied along the lines, and not in random order to maintain symmetry and neatness of the look.

Useful video

The perception of the face largely depends on the shape and color of the eyebrows - they help to highlight its advantages and hide the flaws. However, there are situations when one woman is not satisfied with the shape of the eyebrows, the other is not satisfied with their color. So you have to tint too light eyebrows, bleach too dark and change the shape of the eyebrows in search of perfection. In addition, fashion is constantly changing and always want to follow her trends. Over the past few years, fashionistas have gravitated towards naturalness, which is expressed in the wide shape of the eyebrows and the color close to natural.

It is necessary to make considerable efforts to draw eyebrows-threads or eyebrows-houses, but it is much more difficult to achieve exactly naturalness. In fact, there are many ways to do this, but each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's learn together how to draw beautiful, even and symmetrical eyebrows at home, and decide how best to draw them.

Salon procedures

  1. Eyebrow lamination: gives a unique shine and lacking density by applying a nourishing composition to them.
  2. Eyebrow microblading: using a micro-thin needle, a coloring pigment is injected, the result is much more elegant, and the color is more natural than after the tattoo procedure.

  3. : a special technique of shading the pigment on the top layer of the skin, which gives the eyebrows a natural and soft shade.

  4. : the ability to stand out from the crowd by decorating the eyebrow with a trinket. This procedure is suitable for courageous women who want to create a memorable image.

  5. Eyebrow tattoo: a way to forget about daily makeup and constant touch-up. The coloring pigment is injected into the skin under the eyebrows.

  6. Eyebrow trading: Exclusively in-salon treatment with eyebrow thread.

How to draw eyebrows at home

How to draw the same eyebrows


  1. Using tweezers and nail scissors, give the desired shape our eyebrows. I advise fans of ideal forms.
  2. We cover the eyebrow area with a thin layer of moisturizer.
  3. thin dotted lines outline the area to be painted and draw the desired contour of the eyebrow.
  4. Thoroughly combing eyebrows in the direction of their growth.
  5. Now let's move on to shading the eyebrows.: first we apply short pencil strokes to the upper part, then to the lower, and we do all this in the direction of hair growth.
  6. We do shading with a cotton swab: from the bridge of the nose to the "tail" of the eyebrow.
  7. To fix the result, you can use wax stick or gel.



Before diving into the process of creating the perfect brow arch, it is important to match it to the shape of your face in order to increase or decrease the size of the eyes as needed and to make the look more expressive. Professional stylists say that it is the right shape of the eyebrows that makes the face perfect.

Also, do not forget that increased density can ruin even the most beautiful face - makeup artists advise sticking to the golden mean. The reverse situation arises when solving the problem with sparse and thin eyebrows - how to draw eyebrows if there are almost none? First you need to find out in detail about, or, also purchase. I know from my own experience that folk remedies, for example, are perfect for accelerating growth.

I offer you photo of the correct form eyebrows:

Eyebrow color is also the main component of the ideal result. To get the most natural shade, choose a color one or two shades darker than your hair.

Manufacturers offer four basic colors:

  • light brown (beige) shade- a great option for blondes and fair-haired fashionistas;
  • brown shade- it is used by owners of dark hair and brown-haired women;
  • black tint- it will look great on exceptionally bright and burning brunettes;
  • graphite shade- it is chosen by golden-haired beauties, as well as redheads and owners of milk chocolate-colored hair.

Do not be upset because of the small selection of colors - creative women can get a unique color by mixing these shades. In addition, to create the perfect shape and, as well as for durable fixation and beautiful styling, color is very popular, which has a more extensive color palette.

Reviews on how to draw eyebrows

Live broadcasts of online conferences on the Internet are not new today. After reviewing many of them and asking various questions to the invited guests, I made a selection the most useful and interesting comments of experts which I would like to bring to your attention. All questions, of course, relate to our topic today. Perhaps someone will find the answer to his problems.

Maria, 66 years old

To my great regret, my eyebrows turned a little gray and stopped growing. Advise a suitable way to solve these problems "in one fell swoop."

Expert answer: A magnificent natural result is obtained when painting eyebrows with henna. This method is perfect if you need to mask gray eyebrows a little - this will help give them brightness and a rich natural color. In addition, the use of henna will be a salvation for those who have begun to lose their hair, or whose eyebrows have stopped growing altogether. It contains only natural ingredients. Henna also has a large selection of colors, and with the addition of natural dyes, you can get an absolutely amazing shade.

Anastasia, 21 years old

I want to consult with you about a pencil, give me some tips on choosing a color shade for blondes.

Expert answer: Light colors look great with colorless eyebrows, owners of ashy or gray hair should better look at any shades of gray, ladies with wheat curls should choose a beige pastel shade, but golden-haired beauties can use any shade of warm color. However, blondes should not use dark-colored pencils, because the eyebrows can end up looking vulgar and tasteless.

Ekaterina, 28 years old

Please tell me what additional cosmetics can be used to care for the eyebrows and apply beautiful makeup?

Video tutorials for beginners

Video Lesson #1: Eyebrows with a pencil

Video lesson number 2: Eyebrow shadows

Video lesson number 3: Eyebrow paint

Video lesson number 4: Eyebrow thread

Video lesson number 5: How to draw eyebrows with a fork

Video master class for beginners

Master class number 1: Eyebrow shaping by makeup artist

Master class number 2: Eyebrow microblading

Master class number 3: Eyebrow lamination

Master class number 4: Eyebrow spraying

Master class number 5: How to draw eyebrows if there is no shape

Our conversation has come to an end. I hope that now you know how to draw eyebrows beautifully and start experimenting today. If you disagree with my statements or if you have additional questions, please contact me and I will definitely talk to you. In addition, if you have your own ways of drawing beautiful curves - share them with me, and I, in turn, will inform our readers about them, referring to your experience.

To look well-groomed and beautiful, you need to follow every element of makeup. Whether you're going to a party or a day out in the park, facial features need to be corrected with make-up. One of the main elements that needs special expression are eyebrows: the easiest way to give them shape and color is to make them up. We will tell you how to paint eyebrows with a pencil step by step.

Choosing the Right Pencil

We do not say that every girl should definitely paint her eyebrows. On the contrary, if nature has rewarded you great eyebrows, then show off their natural beauty as often as possible. For girls who are unlucky with this important element of the image, we will tell how to color eyebrows with a pencil.

Pencil- one of the affordable ways to give the eyebrows a beautiful shape. Every girl can master the use of a pencil in make-up. To make the makeup flawless, approach the choice of tool responsibly. Learn the basic recommendations on the selection of a pencil, so as not to be mistaken in the choice of numerous options on the store shelf:

  • The best option for coloring eyebrows, a classic pencil is considered, the lead of which is sharpened in a wooden case. Pencils in a plastic case are inconvenient to use due to slipping of the fingers on the plastic.
  • Choose a pencil with hard lead if you plan to paint over the skin and with a soft touch for touching up the hairs. A soft pencil is fraught with a few unpleasant surprises. One of them is the sticking of a crumbled stylus in the hairs.
  • Do not rush to overpay for pencils with sharpener cap. As practice shows, it is better to buy a sharpener separately. It will last much longer, and the quality of the cut of the pencil wood is higher than that of the cap that comes with the kit.
  • Pay attention to the color: if you are not a bright red-haired beauty, get pencils no reddish tint. Otherwise, the eyebrows will look vulgar.
  • Try to choose ashy colors of the stylus: they suit any type of appearance. Pencil tone eyelashes and hair set - the pencil should be a tone lighter than the eyelashes and 2-3 tones darker than the true color of the hair. If you are a brunette, shape your eyebrows with a color that is not much lighter than your hair.

If you are buying a pencil for the first time, check with the shop assistant for brand and quality. Remember: the most expensive is not always the best.

How to color eyebrows

Let's move on to the main idea of ​​the article and consider, how to paint eyebrows pencil step by step. Follow the simple instructions and after a few workouts you will learn how to apply the necessary strokes on the superciliary arches on your own, without reminders. Go:

  1. Decide on a form. Decide if you need an adjustment or if you just want to emphasize existing lines. If the choice fell on the first option, use eyebrow stencils. They can be purchased at any cosmetics store at a price of 30 rubles per stencil.
  2. Comb your hair with a brush. As a brush, you can use a mascara brush, a soft toothbrush, or a specialized eyebrow tool.
  3. Prepare two pencils: dark and light (beige or skin tone). Why you need a light color scheme, you will understand in the process.
  4. Stepping sideways from the beginning of the brow, begin to apply strokes with a dark pencil along the bottom border. Shade the upper border with a parallel line.
  5. shade the space between the drawn lines. Strokes should be short and clear.
  6. Finish the Tip: it should tend to the middle border of the auricle. Try to keep the tips of both eyebrows symmetrical.
  7. Fix the bugs in the initial drawing: shade the voids, draw the borders. Your task is to make the eyebrow lines look soft.
  8. The turn of a light pencil has come: with soft strokes, limit the areas of the dark contour. This will make the eyebrow clear and the transition natural. If shadows were used instead of a pencil, blend them. So the makeup will look neat.
  9. Powder the resulting result or lightly grease with talcum powder.

Do I need to paint my eyebrows with a pencil if they are thick

Owners of beautiful, pronounced eyebrows should not pass by. No matter how beautiful the eyebrows are on your face, an extra underline will not hurt them. That's why put aside the doubts arm yourself with a pencil and follow a small instruction created especially for you:

  1. Comb your eyebrows. First comb them up, then change the movement of the brush and run it along the contour of the natural hair growth.
  2. draw two parallel lines along the upper and lower border of the edge.
  3. Blend the space between them with black-gray shadows. You can tint the hairs with a soft pencil, barely touching the skin.
  4. Emphasize eyebrows: to do this, apply white or beige shadows under their lower border.

Your charming eyebrows are ready!

What else can be done

If you tinted your eyebrows with shadows, then during the day you can’t avoid them. shedding. If you do not want to see black dots under your eyes and constantly worry about possible ruined makeup, use the usual eyeshadow to fix the shadows. hair gel. It will not only fix the makeup of the eyebrows, but also give them shine and brightness. According to tradition, eyebrows lubricated with gel can be powdered with talcum powder.

Make up eyebrows- half the battle when creating a beautiful and high-quality makeup. To shine in all its glory, you need to think interesting eye makeup. You can read about how to apply shadows correctly in the article, which is located. In it you will find many ideas for unusual makeup.

So, after all the instructions have been read, it's time to start putting them into practice. Purchase high-quality eyebrow cosmetics to always be sure that your makeup lasts. Applying cosmetics is now not difficult, because the article on how to paint eyebrows with a pencil (step by step) highlighted the complete list of steps to create a cool make-up.

Beautiful eyebrows of the correct form allow you to make the image complete and expressive. But not all women are lucky to have perfect arcs, a pencil or shadow will help to cope with the problem at home - it is enough to draw the hairs in the right places, strictly follow all the steps of the procedure.

Naturally beautiful eyebrows are a rarity, so they often have to be adjusted at home, taking into account the shape of the face. When drawing a contour with a pencil or shadows, one should not forget about fashion trends - thin threads are irrelevant, moderately wide, natural shape is in trend.

How to choose the right shape:

  • arches of a classical shape with a minimum kink are suitable for a round face - this will help to visually stretch the oval a little;
  • to correct a wide face, raise the eyebrows in the central part, make them triangular, arched ones do not fit such an oval;
  • lines of any configuration are suitable for an oval face, but if the oval is very elongated, then the hairs should be arched with a smooth bend;
  • a classic shape with a slight bend fits wide cheekbones and a narrow chin;
  • if the shape of the face is square, it is necessary to slightly lengthen the eyebrows, make a high bend.

To draw eyebrows correctly, determine 3 main positions, connect them, draw a contour with a pencil. The starting point should be on the segment that passes through the wing of the nose and the inner corner of the eye. To determine the location of the break, you need to draw a line through the outer part of the iris and the wing of the nose. The end should be located in the same plane as the beginning, protrude slightly beyond the outer corner of the eye. Drawing thick eyebrows, which are becoming more and more popular, is easier with a pencil. Shadows will give more expressiveness.

Step-by-step instruction

Before drawing arc lines with a pencil or shadows, you need to make a correction at home - pluck. To make the process less painful, you need to capture the hairs closer to the base, you can only remove them one at a time, and not in bunches, move along the course of growth. The skin is pre-steamed, and during the procedure, the dermis is wiped with a piece of ice.

It is necessary to pluck in parallel - remove the same amount on each of the arcs in order to avoid asymmetry. You should not get carried away with the process, the eyebrows grow slowly. After finishing, you can wipe the skin with chamomile or mint decoction to eliminate redness and irritation.

For makeup at home, you will need 2 well-sharpened pencils - one light shade to draw the contour, the second darker to paint over the hairs and visually eliminate the flaws.

How to draw eyebrows with a pencil in stages:

  • Comb with a thick brush, you need to move in the direction of growth.
  • Draw a nice top border line, do it with strokes, a solid outline will look unnatural.
  • Draw the top border, create the desired shape.
  • Strokes fill the space between the borders.
  • Draw a thin ponytail.
  • To make the eyebrows perfect, carry out the procedure in front of a large mirror with good lighting, this will help to see all the shortcomings.
  • At the last stage, paint over the area around the hairs with a light pencil or apply a little beige powder.

After completing all the steps, it is necessary to smooth it with a special gel, which will help maintain the desired shape during the day. Before going to bed, clean the arcs of makeup, apply a mask or treat with vegetable oil.

How to draw eyebrows with shadows?

Pencil coloring is not suitable for girls whose natural hairs grow thickly, in this case shadows will help beautifully. This method allows you to achieve the most natural version of the house, especially if you mix several shades of decorative cosmetics correctly.

To draw the perfect shape with shadows, you will need special tools - a hard brush for combing, a standard applicator, a flat brush, preferably with a beveled top.

Eye shadow guide:

  • Comb the hairs up so that you can clearly see the skin under them.
  • Pick up a small amount of shadows on the brush, apply them with very light strokes along the entire length of the arcs, as close as possible to the natural bend.
  • Brush again.
  • With dashed movements, make the eyebrows of the desired length and width. They move from the bridge of the nose to the outer corner of the eye.
  • The base should be painted over more intensively, and the tips should be painted in a light shade.
  • Fix the shape with wax or gel.
  • If the shadows have gone beyond the contour of the hairs, they are removed with a cotton swab. Makeup should always be within the boundaries of the natural contour.

To make the arcs as similar to natural as possible, you need to use only matte shadows. It is better to use products designed specifically for coloring eyebrows, but if you could not find suitable shades, you can do makeup with eye makeup, but usually such products are less resistant.

How to choose the right eyebrow pencil for beautiful makeup?

To draw beautiful arcs for yourself, you need to choose a quality pencil; when buying, you should pay attention to the smell, composition and structure of the lead. The best cosmetics manufacturers are Pupa, Dior, Artdeco, Kiki, in their product line you can find products of various shades and degrees of stability.

In order to favorably emphasize the beauty of the brow arches, hide imperfections, and create the perfect image, it is necessary to select decorative cosmetics taking into account the tone of the hair and skin, the shade of the eyes, and the shape of the face. If in doubt, it is better to ask a consultant for advice, he will help you choose the right cosmetics.

How to choose a pencil based on the color of the strands:

  • For burning brunettes with dark skin, a rich black pencil is suitable, for fair-skinned women it is better to choose a dark graphite shade.
  • For brown-haired women, all tones from the gray and rich brown palette are suitable.
  • For red-haired people, a pencil made of terracotta, golden, chestnut scales is suitable.
  • A pencil for girls with light curls should be several shades darker than the main color of the strands. A muted brown gamma is suitable for green eyes. Darker tones are chosen for brown eyes.
  • All pale brown gamma suits women with light brown and gray hair.

To draw magnificent eyebrows with shadows, you should choose special sets in which there are 2-4 shades of one palette. This will help create a smooth transition and a natural look.

Clear and regular facial features, bright colors - all this helps to emphasize natural beauty, highlight certain advantages and negate flaws. Knowing how to paint eyebrows with paint, shadows or a pencil, you can easily become a few years younger and emphasize the expressiveness of your eyes.

How to paint with a pencil

Now girls pay a lot of attention to their eyebrows. Previously, the trend was to pluck them to thin threads, but now they should mainly be wide and thick. Not everyone was endowed by nature with such a beautiful and catchy facial feature, some girls have light or thin hairs that need to be shaded regularly. To do this, you can use paint, pencil, shadows, mascara and even lipstick. To understand the best way to paint eyebrows, you need to try all three options described in the article.

Previously, only a pencil was used to paint this part of the face, and all means of this type were used: contour for lips, for eyes, and others. Now there are already special pencils designed exclusively for eyebrows. Their differences lie in the color scheme and softness. They are much more convenient to use, because the strokes lie down softly and naturally.

Before you color your eyebrows, you need to choose the shade of the product. Brunettes and brown-haired women are more fortunate here than blondes and fair-haired, because in the case of an incorrectly chosen color, you can shade the paint a little and get the desired shade. But, if you have light eyebrows, then you need to remember some rules:

1. Ideally, the shade of the pencil should be a tone lighter than the hair (for dark girls) and darker for fair ones. As with eyeliner, choosing the wrong range can add a few years to yourself;

2. Naturally, only brown shades and those close to them will look natural (depending on the color type). Of course, tattooing is still fashionable now, but it rarely looks natural, and when the paint fades, it becomes a grayish tint, clearly indicating the artificiality of the eyebrows;

3. To paint your eyebrows beautifully with a pencil, you need to make several small strokes, and not one solid one on the hairline, and one thin (if necessary) on the skin.

In addition, you will first need to pluck out excess hairs or cut them. Otherwise, they will protrude beyond the painted outline and break the lines.

Instructions on how to paint eyebrows with a pencil:

1. Comb, pluck and trim your eyebrows;

2. After you need to choose a form, this is a very important part of the work. The bend of the house is considered universal, the main thing is not to make it too big. To do this, you need to take into account the size and shape of the eyes, their level on the face. The upper part of the house should fall on the third part of the century;

3. Now you need to make a couple of test strokes near the bend - this will help you choose the right intensity of pressure and check the correctness of the choice of shade. After light movements, color the eyebrows from the outer corner to the inner;

4. Make sure that the tail gradually becomes thinner - this looks the most natural;

5. If the eyebrows are not only light, but also thin, then the pencil will need to be applied to the skin. Areas are painted over only from above - if you make a line from below, then your eyes will drop and your eyes will become tired;

6. Then gently blend the strokes and, if necessary, trim them.

This is a very convenient way. They are the easiest to learn how to do makeup and it is the cheapest of all. In addition, you can color your eyebrows with a pencil every day without harming the hairs. Instead of a pencil, girls often use mascara. But this option is only suitable if you need to shade the dark hairs a little, but separately dyed hairs will be noticeable on light ones.

How to work shadows

Now many cosmetologists in their work use special shadows that are suitable for coloring various parts of the face. With shadows, you can paint your eyebrows on your own at home, even without experience or special skills. The advantage over the pencil technique is the ease of the method, the disadvantage is the high cost and rapid loss of shade.

1. As with a pencil, you will need to prepare the base: pluck and trim the eyebrows;

2. You need to take a brush and an eyebrow brush. The contour will be drawn with a brush, and the brush will be needed to apply shadows;

3. With a brush, you need to paint the lower line of eyebrow growth to the tail. Draw the tail especially carefully - one sharp movement, and it will bend;

4. After that, you need to lightly paint over the center of hair growth with shadows;

5. Repeat the same with the upper growth line;

6. Pay attention to the break. Depending on your face shape, you can make the line straight, round the corner or sharpen it;

7. If thick eyebrows are emphasized, then with a brush you need to paint over in the middle several times, if thin ones, then just evenly distribute the paint;

8. Blend the shadows with a brush and comb the hairs.

To make the makeup look professional, you need to apply a little corrector or foundation of a light shade under the bottom line - this will help emphasize the contrast. Learning how to make such a make-up is easiest with liquid shadows, but powder ones are also suitable. For naturalness, you can add a couple of strokes under the eyelashes on the upper eyelid.

A few secrets to make shadows last longer:

1. Before dyeing with powder dyes, the hairs must be treated with wax - it will become a reliable and durable base;

2. After application, blot the area with a paper towel - this will remove the top layer, which, when worn, will crumble under the eyes;

3. You can fix the result with a transparent gel. MaxFactor, Maybelline and Evelyn have good options.

How to paint with paint

The most natural photos are obtained if you paint your eyebrows with paint, basma or henna. This method is suitable if you need to tint light, red or gray eyebrows, as it will help give them a bright and rich color. The main advantage of this option is the duration - for at least two weeks you can forget about tinting the hairs.

How to color natural eyebrows with paint:

1. Before starting work, you need to anoint the skin around the eyebrows with a fat cream, petroleum jelly or lip balm - then the paint will not pass to the epidermis;

2. Special products are used for painting. Rocolor and Estel brands are very popular. In no case do not apply hair dye to your eyebrows - it can cause an allergic reaction. If you mix henna and basma, then the proportions for regular dyeing will come in handy, with their help you can get any color: red, brown, chocolate, black. It is better to choose the right shade right away, otherwise it will not be possible to repaint later (you will have to wait until washing);

3. When applying paint, the same technique is used as with shadows. First, a contour is drawn, after which it is filled with color. Work with a large mirror to look at the eyebrows and, if necessary, correct even small gaps;

4. Many girls are interested in whether it is possible to paint eyebrows during pregnancy. Experts do not recommend, because during this period there is a high probability of rejection of the chemical components of the paint. There may be a reaction: the face will turn red, swell or become covered with a rash. Therefore, it is better for pregnant women to either use a pencil and shadows, or work with henna;

5. The exposure time depends on the brand and color of the paint. Most often, the composition is washed off the hairs after half an hour. Don't be alarmed if the shade seems too dark - it will lighten up after a few washes.

The first staining is best done in the salon - so you can see the equipment and tools that professionals work with. On each eyebrow it is determined individually how often they need to be painted. It depends on the structure of the hair and its original color. Blondes need to repeat the procedure almost every two weeks, while brunettes need to shade once a month.