Gift ideas for primary school graduates. Goodbye elementary school! Choosing gifts for graduation What to give for graduation at 4

Graduation after grade 4 for every child is a serious event. Completed his first independent stage of training, during which for the first time he had to make some independent decisions, learn to communicate, observe adult discipline, and be responsible for grades. The first real exams were left behind, and there were many different school subjects ahead, which would be taught by so far unfamiliar teachers.

Both children and parents want the prom night to be bright and memorable. Of course, all children want to receive gifts, and the Active Mom is in a hurry to help parents in choosing a gift for the 4th grade graduation.

In addition to organizing the holiday itself with a feast, contests and scenes from school life, the question certainly arises - what to give the children such that later they would not roll around with useless ballast on the shelf. Another significant question is how much money to collect for the gift itself, because the cost of a table, gifts for teachers, an animator, memorable photos or albums, and so it pours into a considerable amount. In addition to the financial issue, parents are faced with the main problem - whether it is necessary to give something besides certificates and albums and whether the gift should be the same for all children.

What to give a child at the 4th grade graduation?

When choosing a gift for children, it is advisable to remember a few things:

  • we give different gifts to boys and girls;
  • the gift must be available for the budget of all parents (if you want to give something more, you can do it at home, give gifts from the family and say how proud you are of your daughter / son);
  • the gift should be of interest to the child himself, or at least be useful to him (the once popular globe often turned into a bulky unnecessary item that takes up a lot of space in the closet).

Even a mug or T-shirt can become an unusual gift if a child's portrait or a photo of the whole class is printed on it, accompanied by photos with funny inscriptions. And if you want to give a T-shirt that is 100% original, invite a specialist to a master class to help the children paint the T-shirts themselves. And don't think that it is very difficult. Every child will be happy to put handprints!

Fun 4th grade prom gift ideas

Velcro constructor

The details of such a constructor look like a burdock, "sculpting" figures from it is very fun, there are variants of constructors on sale for both boys and girls.

Wood and metal puzzles

There are also a great many of them, the prices of most are within 400 rubles, and mostly even less. Both children and adults are happy to collect such puzzles. They perfectly develop thinking and spatial imagination. You can even host a home contest to see who will complete the puzzle faster.

Anti-stress pillow

Again, there are many options, for almost any wallet. It's so nice to wrinkle it in your hands or put it under your head. You can take a pillow on a long trip. Finally, she just looks funny!

Glowing antistress toys

They are small (about 8 cm), of a wide variety of colors and shapes. Glows when tossed, like all children, without exception. They are quite inexpensive - a little more than 100 rubles, so they are available for any budget.

Pillow on the sofa in the shape of an iPhone, a cat or other cute animal

In addition to its direct purpose - to be a pillow, it will be a good decoration for a child's room.

Headphones for the phone in the form of minions, angry birds, hello kitty

Headphones for children are generally a "sore" topic, because they constantly break or get lost, so such a gift will definitely not be superfluous.

Clock coloring or coloring by numbers

This gift will be appropriate for both boys and girls, the themes of the drawings can be chosen appropriate. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, coloring will help to tear the child away from the computer at least for a while. If one of the parents wants to draw later with the child - great! This activity will help strengthen family relationships.

Running away or flying away alarm clock

The thing is not only useful, but also funny. To turn it off, you actually have to wake up yourself. With such a "helper" your child will definitely not oversleep to school.

Educational board games

They are more expensive than puzzles, but they can be played both together and together with friends. They will come in handy at children's parties, and on a trip to the country, and for family leisure. The combination of learning with play will help to develop not only logic, imagination, visual memory, but also the personality traits of the child.

3D puzzles

Perfectly develop imagination and perseverance. It is often boring for a fourth-grader to collect simple puzzles, then their volumetric model will come to the rescue.

Unusual stationery

For example, growing pencils or fruit-shaped pens. You can pair them with different notebooks where children like to write secrets. Organizers are another option for stationery. We are not talking about black office ones, but about various options for colored organizers of unusual shapes.

Calculator in the form of an iPad or iPhone

Such a gift can be a win-win option, as the child will need it anyway. In addition, it perfectly combines modernity and practicality. The price of such a calculator varies from 250 to 400 rubles.

Flash card

Also an actual gift for children. And since we are talking about a holiday gift, it is worth choosing a flash drive not only capacious enough, but also with an unusual design. For example, a USB flash drive bracelet or a USB flash drive toy. Finally, it can be a flash card with a string, with the name of your child, so that the owner does not lose it and confuse it with someone else's.

Children's wrist watch with calculator

They will make your son or daughter feel more mature and will definitely cheer you up. For girls and boys, you can choose watches of different colors and designs.

Sports equipment for outdoor games

Ahead is the summer, perhaps, there will be a trip to a children's camp or to a summer cottage. A soccer or volleyball, badminton rackets, scuba diving mask - all this can be in great demand for more than one year.

Gift card to "Detsky Mir"

Oh, what a feeling when you are eleven years old, you go to the store (even with your parents) and choose your own gift!

A trip with the whole class to the water park

These are emotions, and recovery, and stress relief after the school year. If all parents financially “pull” such a gift, then believe me, the children will definitely like it and will be remembered for a very long time.

Tour to a toy factory or a chocolate factory

As a rule, the organizers of such excursions offer mini master classes that children really like. Indeed, where else can you feel like a real pastry chef, or make a memorable souvenir under the guidance of experienced mentors in half an hour? Unfortunately, not every city has such an opportunity.

Yes, it is not so easy to find a good memorable and inexpensive gift for your child at the 4th grade graduation. Therefore, it is better to discuss all possible gift options at a parent meeting, taking into account the capabilities of the parent's wallet, as well as the hobbies of the children themselves.

When kids enter primary school, they just learn to communicate with other children and receive their first knowledge, which is necessary in later life. This happy period will last only 4 years, and after it ends, the life of boys and girls will change dramatically, because education at school, starting from grade 5, has a completely different character and requires much greater responsibility from the children.

From elementary school is a kind of "bridge" on the way from child to adolescent. All parents want this day to become a happy event in the life of their offspring and remain in their memory for a long time. That is why moms and dads usually organize a big party on the occasion of graduating from elementary school and give their children gifts.

Meanwhile, the question of what to give grade 4 students for graduation often causes serious difficulties. This is not surprising, because at this age it is quite difficult for the guys to please, since each of them already has his own developed tastes and preferences.

In this article, we bring to your attention ideas for gifts for children at the 4th grade graduation, which the children will definitely like and will remember for a long time and at the same time will not punch a hole in the parents' budget.

What can you give children for graduation in grade 4?

When choosing gifts for children, it should be borne in mind that they must necessarily differ in gender. At the same time, gifts for boys and girls should not differ too much in value, so that none of the students would be offended.

Among what can be presented to a graduate of grade 4 at graduation, the following options are most popular with parents:

... Rida Khasanova

Completing primary school is an important stage in the life of a student and his parents. By this time, the child has formed his views, interests and preferences.

For such an event, parents must choose the right present, however, it is very difficult to do this on the occasion of graduating from elementary school.

How to find the right present?

At the time of choosing a gift for a child for graduating from elementary school, parents make several mistakes, as a result of which the present may not work. To avoid this, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Grade 4 Graduation Gift should not be personal. Children constantly compare the gifts of their parents, determining which one is the best. A graduate may look at the gifts of his classmates and become upset. Therefore, the surprise must completely match the event and not stand out from others.
  2. Gift should be interesting... Often, due to a limited budget, parents try to find useful gifts, forgetting about uniqueness and creativity. For example: office supplies, a set of notebooks, textbooks, etc. In any case, parents will have to purchase the necessary accessories; it is not recommended to present them as a gift.
  3. A surprise to a fourth grader from parents should be durable... Various sweets are not included in this category. For such a case, it is not recommended to make presentations with your own hands.
  4. The gift must match the interests of the graduate... For example, a young football player can be presented with a soccer ball, and a future artist can be given a set of art materials.
  5. The presentation should not go beyond family budget... Children rarely think about how much their gifts are worth. However, over time, the graduate will begin to feel uncomfortable if his parents gave him an expensive gift. The situation is aggravated if there is more than one child in the family.
  6. If you want to give personal gift, then it is best to present it at home. For example, a young lady can be presented with a chain with a pendant, and an exciting board game for a boy.

Art kit for creativity

Gifts from parents for graduation

The transition to high school guarantees the student a lot of new discoveries, knowledge and impressions. Therefore, parents should show their child their love and care with their present.

The main ideas of presentations that can be presented to a child at graduation from parents:

  1. Collection of encyclopedias... Most children love to make new discoveries and learn about the world around them. With the help of encyclopedias, the graduate will be able to study several areas of life. This will make the child a versatile and interesting personality.
  2. 3 Dpuzzles... This is an unconventional version of the puzzle. With their help, volumetric layouts are created, for example, famous landmarks. It is not recommended to buy a gift with a lot of details, as the puzzle is quite difficult.
  3. Various sets... For example, for scrapbooking, decoupage, embroidery, beading, etc. These sets develop fine motor skills and handicraft skills.
  4. Memorable souvenirs... They can be themed or reminiscent of school.
  5. Sports goods... They are perfect for active children who do not like to sit still. When choosing a present, you can ask in advance what exactly the graduate would like to receive so that the gift becomes desirable.

Collection of encyclopedias

3D puzzle as a gift

Gift ideas from the parent committee for the whole class

Often, before graduation, parents get together and decide on the issue of presentations. Everyone starts to pick up different ideas that are collectively considered.

Can be presented to children for the 4th grade graduation from their parents:

  1. Primary School Graduation Medals- a creative and pleasant souvenir, which is a pleasure to receive as a gift. Such a present is inexpensive and is sold in every postcard store. The medal will make every child feel like a small champion who was able to master the primary school curriculum and go to high school. The main thing is that the presentations should be the same, do not single out one person.
  2. Graduation poster... To do this, parents must collect all joint photographs of children for the entire primary school. They can be arranged on a Whatman paper in chronological order and decorated with beautiful paper and decorations. It can be safely presented to graduates of the 4th grade.
  3. Joint trip... Traveling with classmates is always fun and exciting, especially at the end of the year. To do this, parents need to find a good travel agency, select a city and additional activities. Such a trip will remain in the memory of children for a long time and will give them a lot of impressions. It can be safely presented to the class at the graduation from elementary school.

Primary School Graduate Medal

After graduation, parents can take the kids to a cafe to continue the celebration. To do this, they reserve seats in advance, choose a universal menu and decorate the hall. Don't tell the graduates about this, give them a real surprise.

Graduation of 4th grade is a significant event. For every child, this is a start for new discoveries and achievements. For 4 years, the graduate mastered the primary school program, received a lot of knowledge and began to form his views on life.

For parents, this is also an important holiday that shows the degree of maturity of the child. When choosing a gift, they should be guided by the basic rules and interests of the graduate. Otherwise, the present will not bring vivid impressions and delight the child.

November 11, 2018 8:32 pm

This situation is familiar to many parents, or rather, to all moms and dads. The closer the warm days, summer holidays and, of course, graduation for children, the more thoughts rush through the minds of adults. The main ones are how to organize a holiday and what to present to diligent students who are moving to a new step in life - high school. It's not a secret for anyone that it is already very difficult to surprise modern guys. After all, they seem to have everything: smartphones, tablets and other gadgets. However, recently, gifts and surprises in the style of hand made are more appreciated - handmade, original sweets and other useful gifts. Let's think together how to please such adult boys and girls.

Discussions about gifts have been, are and will always be. This is especially true of graduates in educational institutions. Many mothers and fathers are anxiously awaiting the moment when this issue will be raised at the parent meeting. In fact, if you clearly structure the information, you can find a lot of useful, original, and most importantly, interesting surprises that children will like. First of all, adults must decide on a few points, and only then proceed with the choice:

  • whether to give mementos: most parents are in favor of albums or photo books, and rightly so. Many people pay attention that electronic media does not replace printed photos. But a class is a small family, a collective in which a child has to live and study for more than one year;
  • determine the amount that moms and dads are willing to spend: do not forget that these are surprises for the whole class, and not a holiday for one. Not all parents have the financial ability to give their child a tablet for graduation. The optimal price for which you can buy a present should be considered by the whole team so that not a single kid is left without a gift;
  • decide what the surprise should be: many adults want to buy useful things, others insist that children should like gifts. This issue also needs to be addressed together.

Children grow and change every year, so it is always pleasant and valuable to receive gifts for memory. Despite the great development of technology, original souvenirs are popular and will be appropriate for a children's party:

  • photo albums or photo books of the class: if earlier they were just portrait photos of children, today professional photographers can print a real masterpiece. Recently, filming of a whole day in the life of children has become popular. The specialist shoots a real story, which is then told in photographs on the pages of the album;
  • cups with photos of children: personal, personalized, bright mug will arouse the child's interest. You can also add a wish from the first teacher, who was with the class for four whole years;
  • notebooks, notepads, sketchbooks or diaries with a photo of the class: school life is full of bright moments and great achievements. Children will be pleased to look at funny games, footage from various holidays on the covers of workbooks and other educational supplies;
  • T-shirts, caps or sweatshirts with the class logo, motto: school is a big part of a child's life. Children go hiking, competitions and other activities. Team spirit is great, but the visual is also very important. Therefore, items of clothing with distinctive signs will be very appropriate as a gift to graduates.

Commemorative and personalized gifts can be completely different. It all depends on the flight of the parents' imagination. Some classes order tracksuits of the same design with a magazine number and the child's name on the back. Or, alternatively, backpacks with a school or class logo. Much depends on the financial capabilities of adults and the cohesion of the team.

Today, almost every classroom has a plasma TV or laptop. Children and the teacher will be pleased to watch a small slideshow with their participation. You can mount it yourself, the programs can be easily found on the Internet, or ordered from professionals.

Undoubtedly, the child should like the present. Therefore, there may be two options:

  • give everyone the same things;
  • each parent buys something that his son or daughter will definitely appreciate.

Teachers, as a rule, do not immediately agree with the second option. This is understandable, because some moms and dads can buy very expensive things that will stand out against the background of other surprises. Nevertheless, there is a way out: children need to be introduced to sports - this is a guarantee of health and good spirits. Moreover, during the summer holidays, many children constantly spend time at the playgrounds.

Adults can buy such gifts based on the hobbies and preferences of children, but they will all be united by one theme:

  • soccer balls are more suitable for boys, but there are girls who are fond of this sport;
  • balls for playing basketball or volleyball;
  • tennis rocket;
  • videos, as an option, if all parents agree to buy this invention for their children;
  • skateboard is a kind of alternative to rollers. It's fun, exciting, and great for summer vacations;
  • the kite will also interest both boys and girls. Parents can choose the color according to the preferences of the child.

Various products that help develop logic, thinking, and imagination will also be useful. There are many options, so parents should carefully discuss all the nuances. You can share surprises for boys and girls, or give shared gifts. Today, in children's stores, you can find a lot of useful and interesting things:

  • board games: Monopoly, The Game of Life and other economic games will not only be of interest to children, but also help to improve the skills of counting and logical thinking;
  • paintings by numbers: most children love to paint, so this surprise will definitely catch their attention. You can choose for each kid exactly the image that he will definitely like: cartoon characters, animals or castles;
  • encyclopedia: a lot of information can be found on the Internet, but the child needs to read books;
  • kits for creativity: girls - soap making, scrapbooking or decoupage, boys - easy construction of robots or cars, wood burning.

Children love various little things that can be carried around or hung in a prominent place in the room. Something that they can be proud of and show their parents, friends and acquaintances. Therefore, among other presents, you can make small surprise gifts with your own hands. Do not forget that kids perceive information more visually, so you need to add bright colors and colors to the design.

No less original gift will be a dance performed by parents for pupils. Children are always interested in looking at adults who can also have fun. There are many videos on the Internet, you can take one of them as a basis. Or class activists can talk to the school's music directors and ask for help to stage the dance and show the original movements.

Of course, no holiday is complete without sweets for children. But just giving the guys a chocolate or a box of chocolates is boring and uninteresting. Today, many confectionery and private craftsmen can make any fantasies of parents and their children come true. To make the prom even brighter, you can diversify it with such sweet surprises:

  • a cake with the names of all the children in the class: you can choose any design. It can be just inscriptions on a white background, or add figures from your favorite cartoons there;
  • personalized cupcakes for each student: parents know the tastes of their child, so culinary masterpieces can be with different fillings;
  • a small cake for each child: at the graduation party, you can arrange small quests that will surely interest children, and as a gift for the victory, present to boys and girls mini-cakes made in a thematic style.
  • large bags with sweets: huge, ice cream-shaped cones filled with many sweets, gingerbread and other sweet surprises will be an excellent addition to the main gifts;
  • chocolate fountain: This is usually placed on a separate table where children can walk up and taste the melted chocolate.

Graduation is a holiday for children, so adults try to organize an event in such a way that the children are satisfied and have a lot of fun. And, of course, gifts and surprises are required for students. Boys and girls can be proud of themselves as they graduated from elementary school. Today, parents have a huge selection of various gifts, the main thing is to agree on all the ideas together and choose the best ones.