Interesting congratulations to a woman. Original, beautiful and cheerful congratulations to a woman with an anniversary greetings happy birthday new interesting

Does everyone else's birthday, starting from the age of 5, do you remember? I remembered everything special, even if you did not notice it loud? Probably not. I would like!

Well, there is a way out: Try to remember every day of your relatives and loved ones, and then there will definitely have people who will do the same for you.

So, in order to come up with interesting congratulations on your birthday, you just need to analyze what loves and what a birthday family like.

If it is a book, you can give him an interesting book, on each, or on each fifth, etc. I wrote a wish page, or a winged expression.

If these are movies, make a video collage from photos and performances of your common acquaintances. Let these acquaintances tell the pleasant words of congratulations on the video, and remember the accepted joint stories. Treat video with inserts in the style of your favorite birthday genre - militant, comedy, etc.

An interesting birthday congratulation will be, for example, a cartoon on the favorite song of the celebration, or a poster with his photos and desires that should be realized.

Decorate the road at which the birthday girl will go to work in the morning, color inscriptions with congratulations, or balloons, or rose petals ...

The main thing when choosing an interesting congratulation happy birthday is the choice of interesting exactly for the birthday room, and not for everyone else or you. Remember about tastes, not beyond your tastes with the best. Also remember the atmosphere in which you are going to give your congratulations - it should be at least a bit festive and solemn. Be smiling and sincere, then your congratulations to remember the birthday name for life!

Let a series of happy years
Will be a bright day bouquet!
Let happiness, like a moth,
From the flower flies on the flower!

Let each flash flash
Light sun bright glare
And each running hour
Let it be a holiday for you!

Happy Birthday Congratulations
We wish all sorts of benefits
Be loved and love
And until hundreds of years live.

Don't lose
Be all the time
Charming and normal
Be fun, mischievous.

You have a birthday today -
The brightest day
So at the same time congratulations
From the most expensive people!

We are ready to give you this day.
Tenderness of roses in the morning, light, warm, kindness
Many gentle words and earthly love.
All that is the best on earth and in fate
We wish you from the pure heart!

We congratulate on the day of birth!
We wish all my heart good,
And let it always remain open
Towards your heart and soul.

Let the day comes and leaves
And he will live in vain,
When and in joy and in grief
Your friends go to you!

We wish good health,
Live hundred years - do not be sad!
We wish all sorts of wells in the world
And the life is complete, through the edge!

One per year - Birth - Day
Whether you are in flight, on the fly:
Forget the whole life of the rubble,
Money mining bustle!

Stop. Look you up
Around - fine, as in a dream ...
Winter and fly smile
Skid autumn, spring!

Yes, pull out, relax you,
Drive broom from home sadness ...
On the day, this all your dreams
In reality, let us turn into a reality !!

And in this best hour in life,
In you lovers, don't forget us !!!

Let me congratulate on the birthday of birth
And longevity wish
Let the alarm of the wave go away
So that grief never know!

Going and come birthdays,
And life is not stopped,
Without giving us anyway to the iota
In the tweet of falls, takeoffs and worries.

But let you smile more often
Happy and joyful days
And people are only kind found
And the main lights will not go out!

Suffering a lot of wounds
Experienced a lot of troubles
Happy Birthday, Veteran
Nice Military Wins!

Nowadays you - conscience, honor
And spring grass growth.
It's good that there are in the world
Our liberator is!

And live a whole century
Yes, then not a year,
The best person
Without disease and adversity!

Always and sad and nice
His birthday to celebrate:
Years left irretrievably,
They only have time to count.

But the time as if flow
Nothing in the power to hold.
To you today on the birthday
We want to wish happiness,

Good luck, joy, success,
Healthy to be, trouble do not know
Obrarates in life and interference
Easy and quickly eliminate

More laughter, less sad -
And never lose heart.

Long years and good health
Youth, strength, beauty!
Let always be - not only on the birthday of Birth -
The cherished dreams are performed.

On this day, happy
On Birthday -
I will come true with the desire! And year
New will be a year of enjoying

There will be less grief and adversity.
Let luck be friends for a long time with the case,
And so that the soul rested with the body,
You are in all ringing and white

Summer visit the island.
Let love settle under the roof
And light your whole relatives.
Will sound on the note of the highest

Anthem birthday day.
Let him be born in the afternoon
And you kind, beautiful in it !!!

Congratulations from Soul
Take and inspire!
Let your life shine
You swim in the rays.

I wish to be wise
And richer every year.
All satisfied, fun,
Nevieving the weather!

Birthday in the morning
Gives happiness two buckets,
Pleasure three bags
The main thing is not to drink Lishka!

To remember the holiday that
What comes once a year.
Congratulations, be healthy,
Despite all the enemies.

I wish you a birthday
The best of good for you!
Let it be in the house style, repair,
And in the bag - a fashionable phone.

Lost and arranged life,
The head of the generous is not angry ...
Clever to say goodbye and forgive
And words on the air do not throw!

In such a unique day
I want you to wish
To in his joyful fate
Bad people do not meet.

Wearing a smile on face
How fashionable dress is always.
And the moment of birth is holy honorable
Meeting generously all years!

I carry me a positive,
So that everyone lies up a moment!
Let it bother and sings
Soul, which is very waiting for a miracle.

They promise a lot of life,
But only live is not hurry.
Everything is gradually embodied
And do not lick nuhh!

I want you to give
His simple congratulations.
So that could live with confidence,
Do not show impatience ...

Appreciated loved ones and friends
Relatives perceived as it should.
And remembered that in the fate of your
Always I will be somewhere near!

In your holiday, only once a year,
You are waiting for you solid!
And I want to say with a soul
What the roads are your denechka.

You are a unique person
And our long-time friendship.
Let it be so always
Live in the world like a star!

Let a funny birthday
Many happiness will bring
And in a good mood
You will spend this year!

Let good luck and luck
Everyone gives a turn
Let a fun birthday
Much joy carries!

I wish happiness bright
And in all - a big victory,
Joy let it prevail
In every day and every business!

Let love shiny in the eyes
Awakens in the heart of feeling
Everybody fulfills dreams,
And fate luck will let!

Let louder music playing
Let the bird choir do not fail,
In Tact Waltz Butterflies flute
In honor of your birthday!

Let hope hope
Dreams Let your come true
Let everyone work successful ...
Health, happiness and love!

I wish you a big luck, like the sea,
In the way, all the vertices can easily conquer,
So that failures and grief passed by
And so that every day was joyful to live!

Love let him sneak
And in the heart will melt the accumulated ice,
And let the Evil Eye and the Most High Safes
You always take careless!

Good luck, care and good meetings
Let the weekdays fill your as soon as
Revenues flow as if a ringing river,
And in life will not be closed doors!

In your birthday I sincerely wish
Love huge, happiness, long years,
Health strong, wealth, positive,
So that hundreds of years live without trouble.

Accomplishments and weighty achievements
Careers, only devotees,
Tears of happiness so that they, staining,
VMIG turned into joy of stream.

Let the house be a complete bowl,
Everybody fulfills dreams,
Will be the life of light and more
Will world and prosperity!

Friendship, joy, inspiration
In any case, let them support
To happiness and luck
Only in smiles of loved ones!

Let the life path loop
And only to successes leads
Love and luck big
You certainly find!

And let everyone be replete,
And the angel from the trouble saves,
And wild happiness waves
You are covered with your head!

And let the ship with sails,
Fly your days serenely
Wisdom will be added over the years,
And the joy will come inevitably!

I wish the vast happiness,
From life - only good surprises,
To live inspired and passionately,
Furious, uncompromising!

Let's not subsight luck,
Good luck is noise only louder,
Fun flourished in the soul,
And let the joy be perpetual!

I wish you crazy success
Successful cases and creative gusts,
To meet every day a playful laugh
And to live sore, long and happily!

Let the cloud smile in the moment turn away,
Warm the heart with light the warmest
Sparkling, bright, trembling, cheerful,
And in pure happiness with his head will drown!

I wish the sun, light and peace,
I wish wisdom and equilibrium,
Life be wisely arranged,
Let anything infuriates you!

Let it be night and will be a day
Let be joy, there will be sadness,
There will be no longguing and laziness,
Desperate will not let!

This is an opportunity to show a person how he is expensive, that he deserves only the most sincere and kind words. We offer a selection of statements that will help beautifully and originally express our wishes to the birthday name.

Interesting congratulations on your birthday man

  • "With a wonderful day! Happy afternoon! Let only joy will be in it. At work is waiting for increasing, and only lucky luck in life."
  • "We wish you the success of the huge, happiness of the personal and wealth of immodest. So that in the house there was always beer with shrimps, and we sent our photos from the Armenia."
  • "They say that the man is painted actions. So, be so irresistible, so that even your actions were shocked."
  • "Favorite, know that you're never scared with you. You are the most mature and direct person at the same time. You are the one with whom you want to share one chair in a movie, one bed at home and one, common, life. Be as happy as I am with you!"

Men, of course, are less sentimental and are not so touching to all kinds of holidays than women. But good words about their personal day cause no less positive emotions. Interesting happy birthday to a man will help express their admiration for this man and decorate his holiday.

Congratulations for women

Women, as they say, love ears. For them, sometimes, it is more important to hear about feelings than to understand this with the help of gifts. Let the interesting birthday greeting become an integral part of the holiday of every cute lady.

  • "Dear, you are crazy with its irresistible, warming the warmth and charge with love. That is, always stay yourself!"
  • "Days - productive, nights - no less active. In love - with a head, and happiness - with interest."
  • "Let your troubles in life be reduced only to buying tights. All difficult elections - what to wear today. All people - who loves you anymore."
  • "We can throw away your passport so that they do not embarrass the year. After all, I'm with you, dear friend, even on the edge of light, at least where."
  • "You deserve all the most ambitious: love, like the ocean, attention, like the Queen, and happiness, as the most kind of man in the world. Let everything be it all!"

Original congratulations to friends

Friends are the people with whom we can talk about any topics, over whom it is possible to tear down, and mean it will only be spiritual intimacy. That is why it is so important to choose suitable words on a holiday. Let an interesting congratulation on his birthday to a friend only strengthen the connection with him and will be an excess reason to remind him of its importance for others.

  • "Buddy, I wish to cry, but only from happiness, freeze - in the ski resort, to peel only from a sad film and give up, but only in captivity of love."
  • "On this day I want to wish myself ... to envy you! Your happiness, success and well-being."
  • "If I were Carlson, I surely brought you eight pies and one candle. Because you are worthy of more!"
  • "Friend, I wish you mostly all the successes, wallet and a latitude of smiles. And not debts, stomach and obligations."
  • "Money is nothing. Therefore, I wish you to head the mountain of anything. And I take me to the deputy."
  • "I wish you such success when you decide when to wake up, not alarm clock. When a personal driver is lucky to work, and not the driver of the minibus. And we organize a fun evening."

Congratulations to parents for the birthday

Parent holidays are always touching. After all, children want to express their feelings of love and gratitude to their closest people on this day. Let the presented interesting congratulations on his birthday in prose help it make the most successful.

  • "My native man! I thought for a very long time, what would you give to express my infinite gratitude to you for everything that I have. But this is impossible - no gift in the world will pay for me that you gave me, - life" .
  • "Dear mom! You are the sun for me. You're a whole world. You are me. Thank you for the fate that you can congratulate you today. Be happy, the most beautiful woman in the world."
  • "Father! No professor in the world can teach what I recognized from you. No one shows so much wisdom when I'm wrong." No one owes everything like you. Let me ask you for another one: Be happy! Nobody This does not deserve such as you.
  • "A sign that you are the best parents in the world, that's what even our children hurry to congratulate you! Keep the bar, dear, we are already on the way."

Interesting congratulations: Scene "Birthday"

Opportunities to surprise a person are almost endless. If you just send an SMS or call - not your method, you can arrange interesting congratulations on the birthday birthday, i.e. directly with his participation. One of these methods can be a scene, which is easily prepared in advance with loved ones.


In the room enters disguise with chicken rim one of the guests: "I walked here for a long time for this reason - the celebration of our beloved ... (name). I have a secret prediction for him - in these fragile testicles(takes out 2 chocolate eggs with surprises from pockets) his fate is stored. Choose, rather one of them. What will happen in it will happen to you this year. The other will be waiting for you in the following. "

The birthday girl gives one of the eggs. It is worth choosing in advance with a specific object, for example, a toy machine, animal, a house, etc.

In verses and in prose: short congratulations for SMS

  • "Fortresses of the spirit, fortress in the body, joy in the heart, like bitterness in pepper."
  • "Inspirations, like Da Vinci. Courage, like D" Artanyan. Love, as in fairy tales. "
  • "If the trouble is pleasant. If nights are starry. If love is mutual. If happiness is something endless."
  • "Good, light, better. The most colorful and prosperous. The warmest, the very fresh. The most joyful and serene."

Choose interesting congratulations on your birthday is quite difficult. After all, it should be perfectly approaching the perpetrator of the celebration, express exactly what I would like to tell him. Therefore, it is so important to relate to this process not formally, but with the soul and desire to please.

Birthday is the most long-awaited and cheerful holiday in the year! Birthdays and guests are waiting for him with a special look. Fun, good company, delicious food - it seems there is everything you need for a good celebration. But it is not so. Interesting happy birthday congratulation will complement a festive evening. Boring, brightened toasts have long been tired. Put on the holiday of relatives and close highlights!

Create a mood

In order for guests to catch a wave of positive already at the entrance to the room, do not forget to take care of his decor. Balls, stretch marks, garlands perfectly and create a special atmosphere in the room or hall. It is not necessary to spend huge money and order designers. You can independently inflate many balls, cut garlands from bright paper. Interesting can be written on stretch marks and arrange them above the table. The number of years live is better not to mention in these slogans. Especially if the conviction is a girl. Cool inscriptions will post all of those present:

Fashionable photoset

A small but pleasant surprise must be prepared in advance. The room in which the celebration will be held, can be decorated with flowers. No need to empty your wallet and flower shop. Enough to make a place for a photo. Build a carcass from a thick wire in the form of an arch and decorate it with artificial or alive flowers. Especially good, this arch will look like Nature. And if the event passes in winter, it will turn out even better. You can drag the beautiful cloth with a rectangular piece of the wall, decorate with flowers, bows, pearl threads. Against the background of this beauty, take a photo with all guests, relatives, make the birthday girl feel like a model. Get a lot of impressions and many pictures for a family archive or social networks. Such interesting congratulations on his birthday girlfriend have not yet done no one.

Music has tied us

Without music and dancing, no holiday is required. If the culprit of the celebration is Mom, grandmother, aunt, girlfriend, present her a beautiful song as a gift. This will definitely not leave indifferent even the most avid critic. You can arrange a small costume scene. Surely you know the beloved artist named. Ask someone from the guests to declare that the famous singer wants to personally congratulate the "newborn". If there is an opportunity and ability - to remove the song so that the name of the birthday girl and the words designed to her sound in it! Be sure to pick a suitable suit. It turns out funny if the performer and the congratulator of the different floor. Interesting happy birthday to a woman can present a guest, disguised in a foreign artist. Here you will need a translator. The singer will carry the drabaring, and the translator will convey the warmth at the end to hand the gift and a bouquet of flowers!

Poems and Prose

Sometimes it is difficult to express your thoughts and feelings with words. But if it concerns the words pronounced on the holiday, you need to prepare in advance. Buy a beautiful big greeting card and write down all your wishes in it. Handing a gift, say these words, looking into the eyes of the birthday. After all, such moments are remembered for life. Interesting is better to learn by heart. But not everyone has a phenomenal memory. Therefore, you can make a wallpaper or collage and read your wishes:

Happy Birthday! You are wonderful

On this day, as always,

Stay like that

On a very long year!

Let there be a world of your feet,

Keeps you everywhere God.

Purchay in life does not rush

You're just a bright soul!

I wish you happiness, long years,

So that never knew trouble.

Interesting happy birthday greetings can be organized by courier. It turns out an unusual surprise if the pizza supplier or sushi will hand over the birthday box from which she will give up for a long time and say that nothing ordered. In this box, instead of food will expect her congratulations!

Men's interests

Congratulate a man is not so easy. Too sentimental congratulations are not suitable here. You need to come up with something funny and unusual, but without lyrical deviations. Almost all men are fond of fishing. Give your birthday as pleasure in his holiday. In the store of children's toys, buy a set of fisherman (fishing rod and fishes on magnets). It is inexpensive, and the congratulations will get cool. On small leaves, write all the qualities that the perpetrator of the celebration possesses, twist them into the tube and secure the clip. Place these tubes in a pelvis or a large dish and invite a friend to celebrate the birthday of fishing. The birthday officer rolls the sheet and reads the quality: the smartest, beautiful, charming and attractive, best family man. When he catchs all the "fish", say speech: "These are all your best sides that we see over the years. I want to wish you so that the next year such sheets was added, but in no case did not disappear anyone! " Such interesting congratulations on your birthday men will love. This will benefit guests and will demonstrate your creativity.

Holiday of your beloved man

Birthday of the Beloved is a special date. It must be prepared thoroughly. If you plan to celebrate it together - this is the best solution. A piece of romance will not hurt anyone in this life. Leave the main gift for later. Print the most beautiful joint photo and write a recognition in love and congratulations on the reverse side. Gently put your message in a bottle, block it and wrap it with cellophane. In the bathroom, create a romantic setting: foam, rose petals, floating candles - all this will give a special atmosphere. Bottle with recognition Lower into the water. Invite your favorite in this paradise, let him catch his gift from the aromatic foam! Such touching and interesting congratulations on your birthday, a man will be remembered for a long time.

Fabulous Message

If the company at the holiday is not too active, it's time to stir up the public. It is necessary to prepare in advance. Use interactive fairy tales. Guests will plunge into the magic world with pleasure. Usually involved in such fairy tales from 2 to 10 people. The author reads a fairy tale, not ordinary, of course, but converted and funny. Each character must make the actions that the author says. Write the fairy tale you like to disk, prepare small attributes for each character. If there is no time to look for suitable accessories, just write the name of the character on paper and attach a pin to your clothing to each involved face. The birthday girl will be delighted with such actions, and the guests will settle and feel like real actors. These are interesting and not simple, but fabulous!

Friendly team

For your favorite colleague, you can arrange congratulations-surprise. Agree with employees in advance so that no one congratulates the birthday officer. Make the view that you have forgotten about this a momentous day. You can marinate the culprit of the celebration before lunch, otherwise it will be offended and lost if it is possible, pull it out for an hour out of the room and decorate the office, prepare small snacks and, of course, warm words. Get such a surprise dreams every person. Here is, for example, an interesting congratulation on the birth of a colleague:

Favorite colleague, happy birthday!

Take you congratulations

We want to wish the WHO good luck and enlargement into addition.

New creative ideas, everywhere open doors!

More happiness and smiles, so that there were no mistakes in life!

Colleague, happy birthday!

In all of you luck!

We wish thousands of awards, all raising wages.

Be always successful in business and in a healthy, strong body.

Let your salary grow, for us you are the best reward!

With you, we see often,

After all, we are colleagues - this is a fact

You are always the best,

The work is burning in your hands!

Such interesting congratulations on his birthday is also a newcomer, and an experienced worker. Do not forget to give a gift from your favorite team. After all, the words must be supported by the case.


In order to surprise and please close people, you need to attach a little fantasy and effort. After all, coming toasts and standard gifts have long been not in fashion. Stripping from hobbies, the birthday girl's activity come up with a small holiday scenario. Costumed scenes always pass with a bang. Especially if the birthday language does not have a concept that such interesting congratulations on his birthday are waiting for it. Give guests in wide long skirts, jams and pumped into the house for the chance of a celebration with a cheerful tabor. Congratulations in the form of the prediction of the old gypsy with a tube in the teeth will delight and surprise. Enter the image is completely simple, especially if only close people are in the company. Let the Gypsy predict everything that the person seems to be addressed by congratulations.

Full fly

With the girlfriend celebrating the birthday of the more fun. Nothing these family sites, go to the most fashionable nightclub of the city or a good cafe. Related furnishings, dancing, music - this is what you need for the perfect holiday! Interesting greetings happy birthday girlfriend can be presented right in the club. Order her favorite song and go to the dance floor. While you dance, the waiter will put your gift and flowers on the table! And when return, say good and sincere words about how much you are the road friendship:

Let your happiness be filled,

And the desire will be faster.

Merry, laughter,

You are beautiful and slight.

Stay so

You, girlfriend, forever.

I am very rushing

And without constraint I will say:

"I love you like sister,

We want - and the tram buy! "

Everyone loves to receive interesting congratulations in verses happy birthday. Try to fold several lines for a person close to you. After all, such words are more expensive than any gifts! They are sincere and kind. Not all poets, but if desired, a real masterpiece can get.

Be sure to give a holiday to your loved ones. Make it bright and memorable. Choose the most interesting congratulation on your birthday, which is suitable for your birthday!