Life stories are tragic. Touching stories. Tragic love stories with a tragic ending. The guy committed suicide because of the girl

Hey! I'll tell you my story. It is quite possible that it will not seem tragic to anyone. But that's how I see her.

I was fourteen years old. I went to camp (with my best friend). It was very interesting to see how and what is there. I’m so curious that it’s scary to say!

In general, we arrived. On the first day I really liked one guy. He rode on a skateboard then. Such a blonde with blue - blue eyes ... .. I never thought that I love blondes so much! It turned out that I love. But not blondes, but one - the only one whom I first saw. We made friends with Serezha, but he did not give me more than friendship. The second guy (from our own corps) really liked my friend Kristinka. She said that he would definitely be her boyfriend. And no one was against it - it was not! But this brunette (the second guy that my friend liked) ruined everything pretty much. How? One day he came into my room and asked: "Nastya, you love blue-eyed blondes, right?" The question surprised me very much, but I answered honestly. It couldn't be more honest! Then the brunette said that he would dye his hair blonde and buy blue lenses. For me! For me to be with him. All this was accidentally heard by my girlfriend. She ran away somewhere in tears. I didn't immediately run to look for or stop her, because I was in some strange shock. Then I listened to music and thought about everything. The girlfriend later found herself. I came to ask what I decided there. Naturally, I gave up on it all! I'm not a traitor! Thanks to this, my friend started dating Edik (that brunette). I also saw my blonde Kolya every day, but further our relationship did not progress somehow. One of my friends told me that this is happening because he has not yet matured to feelings of "high", that he needs to wait .... But I didn't want to wait! Somehow I was impatient to start everything…. Then I got sick. And they transferred me to another corps. How sweet it was…. Kolya accompanied me. We held on to the handle. Romance! He promised that he would come and visit me every day. I believed it. But he didn’t come. Never came again! I looked for it everywhere when I recovered, but I could not find it anywhere. I suffered and cried. I didn't even want to leave. But a friend persuaded to leave. She said that we will definitely find him. I believed her too. Burnt. Because everything worked out with her boyfriend and she didn't have time for me (as well as for my problems) at all. She only fed me "breakfasts". What could I? I didn’t know the last name, phone number, or the address of this guy….

I hoped he was looking for me. I dreamed that he would find me. I told my mother about my love. She supported me. She told me not to despair. Yes, I didn’t despair! I waited and believed. This is how I lived. Years passed ... .. Year, second, third .... My hope faded away gradually. Mom continued to support me, although she did not comfort me anymore.

I had a dream…. It’s like I’m going down on an escalator, and it goes up (going in the opposite direction). I saw his face only for a few short seconds, because I focused and focused all my attention on the wedding ring, which glittered cruelly on his finger…. Since I knew the place that I dreamed well, I went there as soon as I left my dream. I called a taxi and was in that hypermarket in fifteen minutes. My heart was pounding so hard and anxiously that it was ready to fly out of my chest! Only his body prevented him from doing this.

I ran into the doors of the hypermarket, automatically ran to the escalator. She did not climb it. It was not necessary to do this. Why? Because five steps away from me I saw Kolya! He led the baby by the hand (boy). And next to him was a spectacular woman. Wife…. Tragic impressions ... I read in his eyes that he was very happy, and therefore did not impose himself. He did not recognize me…. Thanks to the dream, which was able to put everything in its place!

The second story from the life of Love (from Pershina Sashka):

What happened, I will never forgive myself…. There is indeed a tragedy in my story. And she will remain forever in my heart.

I was only fifteen then. The guy I fell in love with is eighteen. And he also loved me very much. We met for a long time, but secretly, because my parents were very strict about all this (relationships, romance, and so on). But everything "floated out". My parents found out about everything. We would have told ourselves, honestly! We were going to…. I was punished. There was a serious scandal at home. Dad said that I would not go out for a month, that the phone took me away. And he, like my mother, did not want to hear anything about my love. Persuasion? Useless!

I knew that I would see my beloved, that he would come up with something. He came up with! He kidnapped me (I live on the third floor) and took me to the roof of the house. He said (more serious than ever) that we urgently need to talk. This is what his conversation consisted of: “Honey, we are trapped! Understand…. Parents are against our love. This means that we will not receive blessings. And I am against it! In short, we have no future…. No, do you understand? And parents will not come to their senses. Mine are also not happy. I spoke to them. And I can't live without you. And I will not! Better to die now than live without you! I will jump from this roof now so that the torment will end all. Are you with me? It will be better for us there. " I replied that it was with him. We joined hands, went to the edge of the roof…. But only he jumped from it, because I just got cold feet! I let go (pulled out) my hand at the very last moment. It was so scary…. I saw him lying on the asphalt, but I did not jump after him! I didn't jump because something stopped me…. Then I realized that it was “something” - a baby from him who lived inside me. A boy was born, and I named him after my daddy. Our parents reproached themselves for a long time for their behavior, but this did not make me feel better. I didn't want to live, but I lived for the sake of my son. And I sincerely thanked God for not letting me make this fatal leap…. But only God knows how bad I feel without a loved one….

At school I was constantly offended, laughed at, even humiliated, but I did not know how to fight back. I had my only friend, we spent a lot of time with her, but as it turned out later, she talked to me more because I helped her do her homework. The most offensive thing was that one day I found out that all the secrets that I told her about, she then gave out to her friends. After that, I became even more isolated. My parents did not see any problems in my life, because they were busy with themselves. And dad, as it turned out later, also had a mistress. My parents did not allow me to paint, they said it was too early, to grow up, you are still a child.

When I was little, my father often returned home from work in a degree. I remembered well my very first September. My grandmother took me to the ruler. Mom also wanted to go, but she couldn't. The father also did not appear.

There is a saying "with a sweetheart and heaven in a hut." No, I do not deny that money is important, it should be, but you cannot put it at the forefront of relationships. I had a man, we lived with him for 8 years. I loved him, tried to provide maximum comfort, pay attention to him. But all our life together he reproached me with low earnings. This despite the fact that he himself earned little. There was enough for life, but they weren’t particularly flamboyant. He didn’t strive to earn a lot, I didn’t succeed.

My husband and I lived for 11 years, gave birth to two children, a boy and a girl. And everything seemed to be wonderful with us - an apartment, a car. My husband loves me and children too. If you need help around the house, I'm always ready to take a walk with the children - please, he gave me gifts. It would seem that the woman is not enough? .. But I never really loved him. No, there was love at first, the first child was long-awaited, the second accidental, but still beloved. I respect my husband for doing so much for the family. But I lacked real emotions for him.

This was the question my mother asked me when I was forced to go to work after the birth of my child. I sent the child to kindergarten when he was 2 years old. Now my husband and I take turns taking unpaid leave or sick leave at work, because the child began to get sick often.

This one was told to me by my great-grandmother. She was a witness of those events, although, of course, people speculated a lot and the local residents have already logically compared.

Before my great-grandfather got married and took her to the city, my great-grandmother lived in a village, eighty kilometers from our Chelyabinsk. Everything happened there. They had one guy - Oleg, prominent, tall, handsome. And the bride was a match for him - Nina, ruddy, cheerful. Everyone looked at them, envied them with white envy, set them up as an example for everyone.

Or almost everything. Oleg had a second cousin, Irina. Also, not to say that she was a little bitch, the guys ran after her, but almost everyone in the village knew that she was in love with her brother without memory. He, of course, took it calmly - they could not have anything, they still had relatives, and he didn’t look for his soul in Nina, he didn’t even look at others.

And all the young people went to the wedding, until one day Oleg got sick. No matter how they looked at him, what they did not give - the guy only got worse. It melts before our eyes, bruises under the eyes, powerful hands have become like matches, can not eat anything, only drinks. Nina is sitting next to him, her parents have already followed the witch doctors - the doctors are not helping. And they can't do anything. They say they have not encountered such, like damage, only stronger - no one can remove it in any way.

About two months after the onset of the illness, the guy passed away. Great-grandmother says that almost the whole village came to bury. Only later did someone notice that Irina, the second cousin of the deceased, was not visible. They noticed, but did not pay much attention, although, it is strange, of course.

Nina, a miserable bride, after that closed herself off, spends all the evenings at home, just sits by the window. No matter how hard they tried to pull it out, somehow dispel it - not in any of it. As if life was over. And three weeks after the funeral, Irina came to her parents, and said, they say, she killed Oleg.

Everyone is in shock - how and what? She told me. I could not look at someone else's happiness. Such anger was born in my heart that I went to a local witch, or a fortune-teller, a former midwife. She said, love is strong, only such death will stop. Well, Irina ... in general, she took upon herself the sin, the old woman told her, go, I will do everything. After Oleg got sick, she ran to pray to turn everything back, but the grandmother cut off: “Now, nothing can be done. Death has no turning back. You have to live with it now. "

Oleg's father then drove his second cousin's niece from the yard, did not touch, spat, they say, in the face only. And the witch was killed that night - beaten to death. The police, of course, took the body, they said that they would start a case, but rather for the sake of order, they themselves knew everything. But Ira ... no one touched her with a finger. So the father of the deceased ordered that she live with all this. As it turned out, for her, life in the midst of universal contempt turned out to be a heavy burden - in less than a year, she hanged herself.

What happened to Nina, the great-grandmother does not know. At that time, my great-grandfather went to see her. He was a city man, he came to the village for the summer, but he fell in love. A month approached, and then came to my parents' house. So he took his bride to his native Chelyabinsk, and a year later my grandfather was born. But that's another story, and not scary at all ...

Incredible facts

The life of celebrities seems to us the ultimate dream, and their love stories are an incredibly beautiful fairy tale.

However, even with the beautiful and famous, not everything is so smooth and cloudless.

Sometimes even the most beautiful love stories, suddenly breaking off, take on a tragic ending.

Here are 10 celebrity love stories with unexpectedly sad ends:

The most tragic love stories

1. Simon Utley and Petra Nemkova

In a split second, a dream vacation turned into a nightmare for 25-year-old model Petra Nemkova and her 33-year-old lover, photographer Simon Utley.

At the end of 2004, the lovers went to one of the popular resorts in Thailand. The vacation promised to be fabulous.

When a deadly tsunami hit the island, thousands of human destinies were broken in an instant.

Petra was saved from certain death by clinging to the branches of a palm tree. The model stayed in the tree for eight agonizing hours until she was finally rescued by rescuers.

The girl received a fracture of the pelvis and many other injuries, but she survived, and her lover died ...

Simon's body was found 6 months later not far from the place where the loving couple spent their vacation.

In memory of her deceased fiancé, Petra founded a foundation called The Happy Hearts Fund. This organization was committed to helping victims of disasters in Haiti and the Philippines to cope with the tragedies that befell them.

Michael Todd is perhaps famous for the fact that he was the only husband of Elizabeth Taylor, with whom she did not divorce. And it really was a feat.

After all, all 7 marriages of the famous actress ended in divorce. The marriage to Michael was the third for the star Cleopatra (she was married a total of eight times) and the third for Todd, the famous Hollywood producer.

Taylor was two years younger than Todd's son by his first marriage. However, the 23-year age difference did not stop the lovers. The relationship between Elizabeth and Michael was in the spotlight all the time and was surrounded by a lot of gossip and gossip.

6 months after the wedding, a daughter, Lisa, was born in the family.

Despite the negative attention from the tabloids, the couple seemed truly in love and sincere.

Many people said that Elizabeth was never happier than being paired with Todd.

Their tale was cut short when, less than a year after their wedding in 1958, Todd's "Lucky Liz" private jet crashed. The plane had an engine failure, it exploded on impact with the ground.

At the end of her life, Elizabeth called Michael "the love of her life" along with her 5th (and 6th) husband, Richard Burton, and, of course, jewelry.

Celebrity Tragedies

3. Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love

Yes, their relationship was tumultuous, yes, the couple were notorious for both using illegal drugs.

In April 1994, the whole world was shocked by the news of the death of Kurt Cobain. The famous musician was found dead in his home. He died of a gunshot wound to the head. The police confirmed the fact of suicide.

Kurt and Courtney met at a nightclub in 1990. They secretly married on a beach in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1992.

6 months after the wedding, a daughter, Francis Bian, was born.

There are many versions regarding the death of Kurt. Some argue that it was a murder. Others are convinced that Cobain committed suicide. But for what exact reason, no one knows.

At the time of his death, Kurt was only 27 years old. He was in his prime and at the zenith of his fame ...

4. Carol Lombard and Clark Gable

Hollywood "Golden Girl" Carol Lombard met her destiny on the set of the 1932 film Difficult Man. Her role partner was the famous Clark Gable.

But only in 1939, seven long years after they met, the couple reunited. Clark and Carol's life seemed like a dreamlike idyll.

They were madly in love, constantly surprising each other with unusual actions.

For example, after one of their quarrels, Lombard sent her husband a couple of pigeons as a sign of reconciliation.

Unfortunately, just two years after their wedding, Carol died in a plane crash. She flew to the shooting of an anti-fascist film. Her plane crashed, crashing into a mountain while climbing.

She was only 33 years old. Although Gable later married, those who knew him closely argued that the actor never recovered from the death of his wife. Carol was undeniably the greatest love of his life.

To forget, Clark Gable went to the front as a simple private, despite the fact that relatives and friends were against it.

At Clark's request, after his death, he was buried near Lombard in 1961.

5. Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski

On the surface, it seems like Hollywood couldn't have written a better script: in 1964, a rising actress (Tate) meets a promising young director (Polanski).

And although the two did not immediately hit it off, Polanski tries it out in his film (Fearless Vampire Slayers).

They fell in love during their stay in Italy, and upon returning to London, she moved into the director's house.

Four years later, Sharon and Roman were married and were expecting a baby.

Their love story could be called a fairy tale with a happy ending ... However, a fateful coincidence interrupted this wonderful fairy tale.

Just two weeks before giving birth, Tate was brutally murdered by a criminal group known as the "Charles Manson family." After being tied up at gunpoint, she was stabbed 16 times.

Sharon was only 26 years old ...

6. Princess Diana and Dodi Al Fayed

Only one short month lasted a whirlwind romance between Diana Spencer and her boyfriend, the son of the Egyptian billionaire Dodi Fayed.

In August 1997, the world shuddered at the news that everyone's beloved princess and her new lover were killed in a car accident while on vacation in Paris.

The lovers got into a terrible car accident. Dodi died instantly, while Diana was taken to the hospital with many injuries, where she died a few hours later.

Some sources report that the princess was pregnant at the time of her death, but this fact has not been officially confirmed.

Their fleeting romance has remained a beautiful, but unfinished story of great love.

7. John and Jacqueline Kennedy

It was love at first sight. John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Bouvier met at a mutual friend's party.

A year later, in 1953, the couple got married. And eight years later, Kennedy became President of the United States of America, and Jackie became the third young First Lady in history. She was only 31 years old.

The tragedy happened 2 years after Kennedy was elected head of state. During a trip to Texas, he was killed in an open convertible with multiple shots to the head and neck.

And although Jackie remarried a few years after the tragic death of her first husband, she could not forget him until her death.

Nobody could compare with him.

She admitted this in one of her interviews, being already an elderly woman. She called her years in the White House the best of her life.

Tragedies of famous people

8. Pierce Brosnan and Cassandra Harris

When James Bond falls in love with someone, he gets married and wants to live with this girl all his life.

In 1980, Pierce Brosnan met Cassandra Harris. They had a common child (Cassandra had two children from her first marriage).

After several years of cloudless happiness, the woman was diagnosed with oncology. Brosnan remained with his wife to the last, supporting her in everything.

He went through all the circles of hell with his beloved: several operations, an extensive course of chemotherapy. The treatment turned out to be powerless. The disease won, and in 1991, at the age of 43, Cassandra died.

Brosnan shared that he continued to talk with his beloved even after her death. But the tragedies associated with illness did not end there.

A few years later, Cassandra's daughter from her first marriage, Charlotte, developed an identical disease.

Pierce Brosnan to the last was next to his stepdaughter, holding her hand.

My friend Rita works as a teacher in an orphanage in one of the cities of the Trans-Baikal Territory. Further, the story will go on her behalf.

This summer we held an action to collect things and books for children. Surprisingly, a lot was donated. When everything was brought, we went to sort things out. Among Everest trunks and boxes, my attention was immediately attracted by a huge box from under the TV, filled to the brim with toys.
What was not there! Having disassembled half, we decided to take a little rest, while we were drinking tea, children came flying in. Still would! So many things! Our kids are not spoiled with gifts. Everyone immediately wanted to take a toy for themselves. And fights, tears ... In general, they barely calmed down. We disassembled everything.

After some time, about a week, I went out on night watch. As usual, she put her children to bed, and she went to the kitchen. I come, and there Alyonka (one of my charges) is sitting and drinking tea. I told her: "Why aren't you sleeping? Come on, march to bed." And she says: "Rita Pavlovna, can I sit still? I don't want to sleep yet." Maybe in other orphanages they would have yelled at the child that he was violating the regime, they would have punished him, but I have never done this and am not going to do that. I sat down next to me and said, they say, come on, lay out what happened. And by the eyes I see that something has happened. Alyonka is silent. I say, "Tell me." I expected anything: bullying from other children, pregnancy and everything in the same spirit, unfortunately, this is not uncommon.

But Alena said this: "Rita Pavlovna, remember how they brought the toys to us? Well, everyone ran to look and I went. And there was a big box, I looked into it. There was a beautiful hare lying in it, so rag, soft, long ears Well, I took it. Slowly I took it to the room and hid it under the bed. I didn't want anything bad, I just thought, let me have my own toy. At night, everyone went to bed, and I pulled him out, hugged him, I feel so good it became, my mother remembered ... (The girl's parents tragically died six months ago in a car accident.) And suddenly I feel something solid in the toy. I felt it, and there was something. I got up quietly, left the room and into " the tunnel "went (the children call a tunnel a small corridor, apparently, it was mistakenly built, because it does not play any role, there we have a small light on so that it is not dark in the corridor). This hare has a lock on the back, I unbuttoned it, and there inside - a book with a key and a lock. Well, I opened it, and it says, ka By the way, the girl spent her holidays with her grandmother. I put the book back and went to bed. I fell asleep, and I had a dream: as if a girl was standing by my bed in jeans and a pink blouse, with red hair. She cries and says: "Just don't tell your mom! Just don't tell your mom!" And I woke up. And the girl dreams every time. And today I saw her in the yard. I feel so sorry for her! "

I was not just in a stupor, I was in shock! I asked Alyonka to show the toy. After putting the girl to bed, I took the hare and went to the kitchen. The toy is solid, beautiful. What Alyonka took for a book turned out to be a diary. These are sold in stationery stores: a bright cover, a miniature lock with a key. It is not good to read other people's records, but it was necessary to understand this story. With contempt for myself, I opened the diary and began to read. God! I worked in an orphanage for 15 years, I've seen a lot, but what I've read ...

"I want to go to my grandmother! I liked her so much, so good. I didn’t want to return home, although I understand that grandmother has her own life. But I’m afraid of Uncle Kolya! I’m afraid to stay with him. Yesterday he said that we would be together do math, I began to solve the problem, and he sat next to me, stroked my knees, ran his hand around my neck and asked if I like it? "
"Uncle Kolya kissed me. I'm so scared! He's so disgusting, he smells disgusting. I'm afraid that someone will find out, I'm so ashamed! I wanted to tell my mother, but she loves him so much! What if she won't believe me? he climbs up to me! I washed in the bathroom, and he began to knock and say to open it, I was so scared! And the medicine was in the room. He scolded me so much! "
"Today Uncle Kolya came into my room while my mother was on shift. He kissed me, touched me everywhere. I cried so much, and he said that if I tell anyone, he will kill me. It would be better if I died! "
“Now I’m sitting at school. Mom’s not at home, but I’m afraid to go there. I’d better sit here. As soon as the medicine is over, I’ll probably run, take it and go to spend the night with Liza ...”

Continuation of Rita's story.

There were many horrific recordings. I could not even imagine that this girl, whose name is Natasha and she is 12 years old, has gone through so much! This uncle Kolya ... if she could, would have strangled her with her own hands! How he mocked the girl. From the notes, I understood that the girl lives with her mother and stepfather, and her own father has gone somewhere. Thank God that Alena read only the first entry about the holidays! I sat with this diary all night. Thoughts were different. Does this girl come to Alena in a dream? But why? Is she dead? In general, I decided to find out who brought this box.

A week has gone in search. As a result, I found out that people live in our town. I decided to go to them under the pretext of giving thanks for the toys. Silly thought? Perhaps. A fairly young woman opened the door for me, introducing herself as Elena. She invited me into the room, I began to tell how the children liked the toys and in passing asked whose they were. Elena paused and said: "These are my daughters, Natasha. She died recently." I'm shocked! Elena continued her story: "Natasha had asthma. She studied a lot and recently began to stay late at school. So her inhaler ran out and a terrible attack came. She died at school. Everything happened so quickly until an ambulance was called. , Natasha has already passed away. And after the funeral, my husband offered to give her toys away, so that they would not remind us of our Natasha again. " Elena sobbed. I sat and thought: "Of course not to remind! Not to remind how the girl was afraid to go home and how they mocked her!" For a while we were silent, then the door creaked and Elena started: "Oh, Kolya is back! Excuse me, I need to feed my husband!" Nikolai entered the room - this is a young man, healthy, tall, blue-eyed. Looking at him, I would never have thought that he did such dirty tricks. I thanked the woman and left.

She sat on a bench in the yard and lit a cigarette. An old woman sat down with me. Word for word, we started talking. When she found out who I was visiting, she said: "I knew Natasha. She was a good girl. When Lena divorced her father, the girl was very worried. And then Lenka found this for herself. Such a disgusting thing! I remember they go out for a walk, and he’s Lena’s arm takes, Natasha strove to hug everything, turned into a daddy! And when Natasha was buried, I came to say goodbye and I heard Nikolai in Elena's room say: “Let's give Natasha's things, and we need to vacate the room, I’ll make an office here.” , even a toy that my grandmother wanted to put in the coffin, she gave it to Natasha. Fiends! And Lenka wants to please him in everything, just right, immediately rushes to his Kolya! " After hearing all this, you know, I felt so disgusted! And I decided, since I started this story, I had to finish it to the end.

I found out where Natasha was buried and on Saturday I took the toy and went to the cemetery. There the watchman told me where the grave was - an ordinary wooden cross, a photo of a red-haired girl, flowers were standing. At first I wanted to leave the toy on the grave, and then I thought that they would come to visit, they would see it again, but what if they read the diary? Of course, it was possible to give it to her mother, but it was not in vain that the girl said: “Just don’t tell your mother!”. So she didn't want to be found. Maybe it was impossible to do what I did, but I went back to the guard, asked for a shovel, dug a small hole near the grave and buried the toy there. I leveled everything, put the flowers I bought in advance. I sat down for a while and went home.

And the next day a miracle happened. It is a miracle, you cannot name it otherwise. Alyonka's relative came and decided to pick up the girl! It turns out that she did not know anything about the death of the girl's parents (the woman is the girl's aunt) and found out about it quite recently. In general, we all hurried up and took Alena away. Although you know, I talked to this woman, found out the conditions. She, it turns out, lives abroad and cannot have children. Alyonka remembers very little. Honestly, I was scared to give up the girl after all that I found out. But I think that if there is something mystical, then maybe Natasha thanked it so much? That they did not stir up the story of her life, so small, but so tragic. I don't know, but I want to say something else: about a month after the events happened, my daughter Tonya found out about pregnancy, so soon I will be a grandmother! And she could not get pregnant for three years! Maybe a coincidence? I was offered to move to another job, but I cannot yet. I don't want to leave the kids, maybe I can help someone else? "

Thank you for your patience in reading the story. Maybe it turned out to be too long and full of details, but I wanted the picture of events to unfold in front of you in full. Perhaps it is not so scary and creepy, but, in my opinion, ordinary life can be worse than any parallel world. I repeat once again: I cannot vouch for the veracity of the facts, I just wrote down a story that I liked.