How to be the best lover for your husband. Let's get rid of stereotypes. Flawless looks and sex

The first rule of a good lover is: Forget everything that porn films teach. No, porn itself is even useful if it is a joint warm-up with a partner before the main game. It's just that porn teaches the wrong things. The way it happens in porn videos does not happen in life. An analogy can be drawn to movies about sports: you wouldn't learn karate from Bruce Lee's films, would you?

Porn films are about working for the camera, not striving to please a partner, not making love.

Take the Back Forward Rider pose. This is ideal for the operator: the process is at a glance, there is no need to perform miracles of acrobatics to capture a spicy look. In reality, not the best choice. First, the penis does not reach the sensitive areas of the vagina. Secondly, it is inconvenient and even dangerous: there is a high risk of damaging the penis if you move too sharply.

A good foreplay will help. Attempts to “catch the radio” by twisting the unfortunate nipples of a partner, or to eat her ear are not a prelude. A sensitive man knows that a woman has other erogenous zones besides breasts.

A gentle kiss on the junction of the neck and shoulder can drive a woman crazy. Touching the inner thighs with your fingertips will make you tremble with passion. Take your time to get down to the main course, be patient and take the time to study your partner's body. The result in the form of fireworks of orgasms is worth it.

3. Stop thinking with your penis.

Start thinking with your hands and also with your tongue. The biggest mistake men make is to believe that quality sex requires only the right equipment, preferably bigger and thicker. This is enough to make the woman moan with pleasure, and her friends are jealous. This is what porn teaches.

In reality, a woman sadly studies the ceiling and hopes that you still decide to pay attention to her desires before you turn to the wall and fall asleep.

It is men who need a penis to orgasm. For women, things can be different. According to some reports, less than 35% of women experience purely vaginal orgasms. For the majority of women (almost 80%), orgasm depends on oral and manual stimulation of the genitals. They do not care about the size and thickness of the penis, the speed and strength of the frictions.

There are no general recipes. One likes to caress with the tongue, the other likes to touch the fingers, the third likes to be touched with the whole palm. Study the woman and, for heaven's sake, cut and clean your nails.

4. Strive for diversity

Sex kills monotony and monotony. Remember the first months of life together - sex blew the roof. And not because you mastered the postures from the one hundred and fifth page of the Kama Sutra. It's all about novelty. The human brain needs fresh impressions, new experiences and stimuli. The honeymoon is the time when the brain filled the body with dopamine. Unfortunately, the brain quickly gets used to everything new.

Boredom sets in too quickly, and what you both were thrilled about yesterday is yawning today.

Good sex needs variety. New, affection, techniques, toys and gadgets - study the topography of your own bodies and stimulate the brain with new experiences.

5. Talk to your partner

Quality sex does not depend on the penis, but on the man's brain. A good lover knows that sex is about more than connecting bodies. These are flirting, compliments, teasing touches and - most importantly - words. Chat, discuss wants and needs, ask questions to find out what you like and what annoys you. After all, women love to talk, especially about themselves.

Every girl wants to know the secret - how to become a good lover for her man. If she knows this secret, she will be able to conquer any beloved man and get almost everything she wants from him. So how to become the best lover?

1. A good lover should know and understand what her man wants. After making love, you can talk, support each other, or just fool around a little more in bed.

2. Don't be complex! There is no ideal body or character. You don't have to give up sex only if you are unhappy with something. Any man in love wants to see you all and it doesn't matter to him that you have a little extra pounds or folds on your stomach.

3. Do not think, but give your man what he wants. Do his whims, caress, be loved and attentive to him.

4. If you are confident in your chosen one, then you need to give everything to him at the beginning of the relationship, and then get it triple for it. Do not be afraid to spoil the man, do not think about yourself, think about the future.

5. Be the first to take the initiative. Do not think that a man should do everything himself and first. It is not right. Think, maybe your loved one is tired enough today and can't even move. Therefore, try to make pleasant surprises for him.

6. Express your emotions in words. Talk to your man about how good and pleasant you are. It is very important for a loved one to hear such words, so you only increase his passion and love.

7. Don't put too hard a choice in front of a man. They do not like this and can commit rash acts. Do not test your feelings for strength, find strength in yourself and strengthen them yourself.

8. Experiment with your appearance:

  • Buy beautiful lingerie and great accessories.
  • Meet your man in erotic lingerie that he cannot resist.
  • Choose a perfume with an exciting scent that will make a man go crazy, take you in his arms and show you how much he loves you.

9. Keep your house clean at all times. A man likes to come to a house where everything is in its place and smells good.

10. Don't teach your man how to live! They don't like it and are very angry.

11. Learn to forgive! Don't remind him of past mistakes. Forget about everything that happened before, live and enjoy life.

How to become the perfect lover - video

A woman is a combination of a riot of elements. From the calm and peaceful element of the air, to the searing touch of a hot flame. A woman is a vessel of passion, contradictions and desires. Desirable is the woman who is for a man one of the incarnations of the most outspoken fantasies and dreams.

Have you often noticed that representatives of the opposite sex do not always pay attention to beauties? And some frankly not attractive women have dizzying success with men.

It is impossible to be born into the world as an ideal lover, but almost every woman is quite capable of becoming her. Even in those ancient times, covered with the gloom of history, men adored women who know how to win over, create an entourage of sensuality and mystery, to realize all kinds of fantasies and ideas in sexual relations. Just remember the geisha. A professional mistress had to satisfy a man in all plans. Physically and spiritually. The girls passed the strictest selection to become a skilled priestess, to have not only a beautiful appearance, but also an excellent education, the ability to conduct a dialogue and even play traditional musical instruments.

At different stages of human development, there were women who, with their splendor, overshadowed the mind and heart. Just remember the courtesans, the brightest of them is Diane de Poitiers, who lived in the fifteenth century. With her intelligence, tenacious sexuality and charisma, this lady was able to keep the King of France, Henry II, on a short leash, until his death, the king was fascinated by this woman. Have you already understood for yourself that you want to succeed in the art of seduction? Then you have to follow certain rules.

Competent presentation of yourself, the key to a third of success. A woman is not a means of satisfying a man's needs. This is, first of all, a psychologically and physically formed personality, with a certain psychotype and model of behavior in society. Men love women who know their worth. Do not think that by playing at the weak link in your tandem with a man, you will be desired by him. You have to adjust to your partner's mood. But don't bend. Maneuver in difficult situations. Tell your man more often how extraordinary, strong, brave he is.

Your appearance is your trump card

No matter how much you would like to put on a soft, cozy robe and build a direct bun on your head, you should not do this in the presence of a man. After all, he "loves" with his eyes, and you have to keep yourself in shape, beautiful lingerie, good makeup, slim figure. You should smell of perfume that excites him, you should look not just neat, but stunning. Not only in male society, but in general in life. Then you will be successful.

A man will not like a radical appearance in the form of piercings or a large number of tattoos on his body. Remember Marilyn Monroe? This is a good role model for you. Modest but flashy sexuality. Follow the latest fashion trends and get inspiration from them. First of all, you must have well-groomed hair, skin and nails, you must carefully monitor general and intimate hygiene, if possible, visit beauty salons.

Learn and know.

Beauty alone is not enough to delight. Of course, in the initial phase of the relationship, you will keep the man with the help of sex and your attractive appearance. But then he will get fed up and he will want new sensations. Men don't like pacifiers. You must be able to competently build your thoughts, express your opinion, have the knowledge to maintain a high-quality conversation.

You can be interested in the latest trends in business, read something about hunting or fishing, maybe your lover is interested in astronomy, and you could discuss one of the works of Stephen Hawking. Even if you are not particularly interested, you still need to understand what hobbies and preferences your man has. Then it will be easier for you to strengthen your bond. A person, feeling that you are interested in the same thing and he will be imbued with you.

There is no modesty in sex.

Sex is not just a missionary position a couple of times a week. If you want to keep a man, you must learn new techniques and sex positions. If he asks you to try anal sex, you shouldn't deny him right away. Perhaps you will discover new facets of pleasure. Try role-playing games, or change the environment. Even if you don't get multiple orgasms, don't show it to your man.

The first rule of strong attachment is to keep falling in love. Each of your sexual contacts should be bright and intense. Show how much you enjoy foreplay, make it clear that you are passionate about sex with this person. Change sex positions, create an environment with dim lights and scented candles, have different sets of erotic lingerie, use devices or sex toys if your partner likes to experiment in bed.

Say no to bad mood.

Do not demand leaving the family. Even if you feel bad and your soul is scratched by cats, you cannot show this man. Your problems remain solely yours. He can listen to complaints constantly and at home from his wife. You are a kind of outlet for him from sometimes difficult and burdened family relationships. Be kind to him, gentle, say affectionate words. Do not pull information out of him if he is in a depressed mood. Do not demand to leave your wife every day.

You must become for him the ideal of femininity and beauty. The man himself, unobtrusively pushed by you, must come to the realization that he wants to leave his wife. There must be a riddle in you, do not reveal yourself completely to the man. Men are hunters by nature. Who likes prey that crawls into its paws? Try to surprise your beloved, make small surprises, gifts. A man should see you as a holiday. A fountain of energy, cheerfulness, not despondency or tears.

Don't show financial interest.

This is one of the main rules. Let the man give you gifts, flowers, jewelry, but clearly realize that you should not beg for anything yourself. Especially at the initial stage of the development of relations. Make it clear to the chosen one that you do not need money, and you yourself can afford to buy something. But do not refuse gifts, over time, when affection for each other becomes stronger, you can get what you want with hints.

Don't complain about your financial problems, don't cry in front of a man. And if you were provided, for example, with financial assistance, you should not get carried away and ask again and again for money. The man will find you overly materialistic and will be afraid of the relationship. Know that everything given to you by your partner is not your property, but his will.

Try to give something back as well. It is wrong if you are presented with gold jewelry, and you in return are cheap deodorant.

Not tricky rules, are they? But they are the ones that will lead you to success, and you can become the perfect lover for your man. You will be admired, you will be desired, the partner will feel a strong attachment not only on the sexual level, but also on the psychological level. The relationship will grow stronger. And what is important, you can feel yourself on a completely different level, relaxed, sexy and majestic. It is not so difficult for a man to become the only one, and it is quite within the power of every woman.

In the modern world, men believe that a woman should try to be an ideal mother, be sure to be able to cook deliciously, as well as surprise and agree to all experiments in the bedroom. But practice shows that wives, especially after the birth of children, mostly fulfill only the first two points and do not strive to be ideal in bed. But do not forget that sex for men plays a huge role in relationships. Every girl is able to become a good lover, for this you just need to study some practical recommendations, including from famous psychologists.

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Men who are tied by the knot or are in search, in bed want to disconnect from the daily hustle and bustle, free from thoughts of work and just relax. They want to see a beautiful, well-groomed and passionate girl next to them. Psychologists agree that in order to become an ideal lover and delight your husband or boyfriend, you should follow a few simple recommendations that will help you achieve the desired result:

  • A good lover should always remain incompletely unraveled for a partner, create memorable conditions of stay.
  • Over time, any woman manages to more and more understand and feel her companion, learn about his desires and strive to satisfy them. She should feel where the right places are for kisses, touches, not forget to say pleasant words.
  • Men love bold and sensual women. They need to be seduced, completely made to understand that only he is the main and best lover here.
  • In the bedroom, you should forget about your complexes and shyness. Any man will be happy to appreciate new erotic lingerie or even an unexpected striptease.
  • A special atmosphere should be present in the bedroom, this is important. To help - scented candles, oils, beautiful linens, darkened lighting and adult films on TV.
  • The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. These are not just words, psychologists assure that at least sometimes, but it is necessary to surprise your husband with an unusual dinner. His mood will rise, and his love and desire to thank him will only increase.
  • A true lover should try to make the pleasure last. This will help erotic massage and role-playing games.

As soon as the process is completed, and both will receive the highest pleasure, you need to tenderly tell your partner that it was wonderful. So imperceptibly, you can increase manhood and self-confidence in your beloved man.

It should be remembered that the representatives of the stronger sex are attracted by looseness in bed, but in moderation. A girl who is too accessible in everything will make you think. Gradually, you can experiment, try new poses and games. With the help of this, a man will experience something new every time and it will be possible to avoid monotony.

A girl should try to be perfect not only in the bedroom. Self-interest needs support and beyond:

  • Maintain a well-groomed appearance, feminine manners, attitude towards others, beautiful speech.
  • You should share the interests of your partner, learn about his life and affairs.
  • To develop in several directions to be able to maintain any dialogue.

Features of the zodiac signs

Astrologers agree that each of the men needs a different woman. The table shows the signs of the zodiac of the male representatives and the type of girls suitable for them.

Men zodiac sign

What kind of women does he like?

Aries prefer eccentric women. It is their reflection that sympathizes with them, that is, temperamental and hot ones. They will be able to drive Aries crazy and give him maximum pleasure.

A girl who is pretty, well-groomed and with a pleasant light character is more suitable for Taurus. She should be able to find an approach to such a man, be interested in his life and support in everything


Gemini likes funny girls with a good sense of humor. Such a zodiac sign does not allow girls who are obsessed with careers and self-development. The main qualities that a lady should have are wit and developed intelligence.

Cancer is most often romantic to the core. The ideal woman for him is the one who is able to share all the joys and sorrows, sincerely thank for the care given to them, she should be able to listen and express her personal opinion

Lions, on the other hand, pay attention to girls who are narcissistic, capricious and very arrogant. It's not easy to get along in a relationship. But Leo is able to make compromises and always tries to find a solution to any problem.

The Virgo man prefers women with perfect order, not only in the house, but also in the head. The representative of this sign is very picky about the choice of his companion and does not accept violation of the principles and foundations of his family.

The atmosphere in the house is very important for Libra. They like it when everything is in a state of peace, harmony and balance. Such a man likes women with inner peace. Libra often uses the energy of his companion, she must be able to give it away


A complex and sensual woman is ideal for Scorpio. As for eternal love, then here they are completely fickle. If a girl copes with the temperament of Scorpio, can combine intelligence, beauty, wisdom and weakness in herself, then she will surely win his heart

For Sagittarius, trust in relationships plays a huge role in life. The ideal couple for him will be a calm, thinking and modest girl who has no secrets of her own.

Capricorn will be crazy about a punchy and self-confident woman. She should create comfort in the house, bring up the desired children, develop and be in some way a fatal business woman

Aquarius is held in high esteem by a girl with an unpredictable character. The intellectual abilities of the chosen one of such a man must be at a high level in order to correspond to him.

Pisces men are often lonely for a long time, as they have very high demands. A lady must be beautiful, smart, kind, affectionate, patient and economical. Agree with a partner, make concessions, endure reproaches and imperfections of a complex nature - all these traits should be present in the ideal woman for Pisces

Expectations from a relationship with a mistress

Quite often, family relationships come to a standstill, and men by their nature are looking for young and beautiful mistresses in order to escape from everyday problems. Long-term living of the same type with the spouse and children without any changes leaves its mark on the psychological state of the man.

In order to become a lover, you need to be able to distract a man from everyday problems, to make an incredibly pleasant romantic event out of each new meeting. Men are in a state of constant search for new emotions. Months, years spent in marriage, can cause a lack of new feelings and put pressure on the psyche of the stronger sex. In this case, the lover of a married man is a kind of zest in his life, adds mystery and new sensations.

As a rule, girls are looking for wealthy rich men who can fulfill all their whims and desires. And in order to keep such a person close to you and use his material advantages for your own purposes, you should under no circumstances show your interest in his money. A girl should always remain natural and relaxed, give a man affection, care and love. If her man really likes her, he will not spare money for luxurious surprises.

In order for a relationship with a married lover to develop rapidly and give both only pleasure, it is desirable for a girl to have an idea of ​​the reasons why men are interested in relationships outside of marriage.


  • Monotony of relationships. Quite often, a middle-aged man wants to feel young again. To this end, he starts an affair with a sweet girl who will be able to bring new colors to his gray life.
  • Fatigue. Men tend to get tired, including from permanent relationships, they lack fresh emotions. One and the same fully studied woman for many years can stop arousing desire, and then you want something new.
  • Problems in intimate life. Often, intimate relationships in the family stop developing and become boring. Therefore, a man seeks to get pleasant sensations on the side.
  • Revenge. If the husband has suspicions about cheating on his wife, he feels insecure. To improve self-esteem, the husband has a mistress. Most often, not even making sure that the wife really was cheating.

A girl who wants to be an ideal lover must bring into the life of her chosen one what he does not receive in his family. It should be remembered that after betrayal, a man rarely divorces his wife completely. One of the main rules of behavior for a young mistress is not to wait or demand the continuation of the relationship; often the meeting can be only for one night without any consequences. A girl should not have hopes that a man will only be with her.

Mistakes girls make

Psychologists have figured out how to behave with a lover so that a man is happy, does not feel discomfort and gets only pleasure from the relationship. It is difficult to avoid mistakes at all, but in order for the couple to have harmony and mutual understanding, some things need to be considered:

Error Description
GuiltA girl should not in any way point out her partner's shortcomings, show dissatisfaction with his family, remind her of her and conduct conversations on such topics. A man will be in eternal tension and conflicts will soon begin, which will lead to a complete break in communication.
ChildYou should not control a man with the help of children, this method will not work. He will undoubtedly choose love over manipulation. Consequently, the girl will remain with the child and without the man. Since in such cases, the child will see the father separately from the mother, without the dad's desire to have any contact relationship with her.
ControlMen don't like being controlled at all. That is why they often leave their wife, who has always tried to decide everything herself. A lover should be light and unobtrusive. Give a man the right to decide everything himself and not meddle in his affairs
TantrumsComing to a girl, a lover wants to take a break from everyday life, to be in peace and harmony, and not to deal with a showdown, scandals and quarrels, which he already has enough at home. Good sex, peace of mind, mental balance - and this relationship will be very long-lasting.
SexParadoxically, sex is not the main thing in a relationship with a married person. Of course, he plays a big role, but the man wants to be listened to, given advice, or just be quiet together. He wants to complain about his wife or talk about failures at work, since no one hears him in his own house.
PresentThey should not be begged or hinted at in any way. Do not make you constantly confess your love and tell something personal.

In any case, no matter how correct and thought out all the actions, it is possible that the companion will return to his family. He can also simply break off the relationship in order to get new unforgettable emotions again. You should not be serious about relationships with married men, they are windy and fickle. You do not need to unquestioningly trust their every word, they can be just a way to control a girl in love.

In psychology, it is often believed that men tend to cheat and cheat. Their feelings will be real with only one lady, who will be able to conquer the heart and soul once and for all without a trace.



We all learned a little, something and somehow. At school or university, we had to independently comprehend the basics of sex. Nobody taught us sex, which has affected the fact that now there are many logs in bed on the female side and bad lovers on the male side. How to become the best lover and the best lover?

In bed or out, new relationships or old ones, everyone can be a better lover. Your partner deserves it! Read this article for great tips and tricks to make your relationship more exciting and exciting.

1. Become the best

1.1 Intimacy should always be a priority. It's easy to get bogged down in a rut and feel like you just don't have time for intimacy, especially if you've been dating for a while. However, a relationship in which one or both partners are dissatisfied cannot last long. Take some time for sex so that your flame rekindles with renewed vigor.

If you have older children, tell them that you have had a tough day and are so tired that you are going to bed.

If you have younger children, put them to bed early.

Avoid making your intimate encounters a rare exception, for example, only on travel or on a date night or two a year. This is bad for a relationship.

1.2 Express your consent. Make sure everyone involved is happy and in full agreement before things get too far. This is important for both men and women. If your partner has drunk enough to see giant purple mole mice, you shouldn't have sex.

1.3 Overcome the cultural barrier. Don't expect the sex to be like porn or expect your partner to look like a supermodel. And especially don't expect you to look one way or the other. This will make you feel insecure and uncomfortable, reducing the pleasure of everyone involved.

1.4 Do your research. If you want to know what your partner likes, do your research. Read sentimental novels or read the advice column online for ideas on what your partner may or may not like.

1.5 Be attractive. This does not mean losing weight or getting bigger (increasing something for yourself): your partner is with you, because he already considers you sexy. When we talk about attractiveness, we mean good hygiene. Wear appropriate clothing. In this sense. Weight is a very subjective category, but few are attracted by the smell of weekly sweat.

1.6 Monitor your partner's reactions. Watch how your partner is reacting. If he reacts positively to your actions, keep doing it! If he is uncomfortable, stop! Look for subtle hints, such as if your partner places your hand on a specific spot. You can also try to mimic his movements, as more often than not this is a way of asking you for something specific.

1.7 Slow down. Take your time in everything that concerns your intimate life. Move slowly into intercourse, keeping in mind the delicate art of kissing and other forms of foreplay. You should also slow down the act itself! This prolongs and increases the pleasure for all participants.

1.8 Don't be selfish. Of course, you should also enjoy intimate relationships, but if you focus

1.9 Learn more about your partner. We all know a few basic places to touch on your partner, but don't forget to explore their entire body! People are sensitive in all places and everywhere in different ways. You can tell your partner is going crazy by kissing him under the knee! You can never know for sure!

1.10 Become a Kissing Master. Knowing how to kiss well is important, while bad kisses can kill your mood. Learn to kiss well before practicing other skills!

1.11 Change. Don't let your intimate relationship become a routine. Avoid the same positions or locations or the same times of day. If sex becomes a routine, there will be much less romance and pleasure. Break out of your daily routine and constantly change to keep the romance in your relationship.

1.12 Be open. Human sexuality, like everything related to humans, is extraordinarily complex. And since we are all different, the limits of what can be considered normal are indescribably wide. Never close your mind, because you may wonder how your partner likes something that you have never thought of before. Try new things, and if you like it, keep doing it!

2. Tips for guys

2.1 Do not treat anything like a button. Repetitive movements do not work in intimate situations. Her genitals are not a button in an elevator that you can press several times and hope for a result. The same can be said for the nipples. Perform circular motions and apply different pressure, and you will be fine.

2.2 Understand what women like. Men love penis stimulation, so you probably feel like a woman is best to stimulate her vagina, right? Unfortunately, it’s not that simple! Most women do not enjoy vaginal stimulation alone. Read about the clitoris on Wikipedia.

2.3 Be gentle, unless she insists otherwise. If you are dealing with delicate parts of the body, be gentle, unless she herself asks for another. Biting and pinching may appeal to some women, but not to all, and you don't want to get slapped.

2.4 Talk. You guys know how much you like these little moans. So you know she likes everything, don't you? But did you know that she also likes to hear these sounds (for the same reason)? Of course, you shouldn't grunt because it's a little weird, but say something like, "Oh, so good ..."

2.5 Turn up the heat. No, actually, turn up the heat. It is difficult for women to experience pleasure in the cold. Crawl under a cozy, warm blanket, or turn on the battery if you see she's having a hard time and you've already tried all of your tricks.

3. Tips for ladies

3.1 Don't hold him hostage. Do not use your intimate relationship as a weapon in fights and never promise sex and then refuse. It's cruel. It would be cruel if he did this to you, and it will be cruel if you do it to him. This does not work in your favor, as it will associate sex with negative emotions and frustration, which can harm your relationship in the future.

3.2 Keep moving. The guys' main complaint is that the woman behaves like a "dead fish". Move when you are having sex. Guys need to work, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be helping them. Let your arms and legs move, caress him when you are together, and sometimes take the initiative and control the situation. You will drive him crazy.

3.3 Be natural. Wash off your makeup and don't get carried away with hairspray. Guys are attracted to your softness, and they will turn on even more if they can run your hair through their fingers or kiss you on the cheek without fear of eating powder. Disgusting!

Increase your softness even further by shaving and moisturizing your skin.

3.4 Let him try out his fantasies. Guys watch porn. Almost all. And they think a lot about sex. It's just a fact of life. Since they do it, they have ideas, fantasies about what turns them on. If you want to make your boyfriend happy, let him try out his fantasies from time to time. Put on your school uniform. Play doctor. Talk to him about what he fantasizes about, and then bring it to life. He never knows what he will like the most.

Make sure you are comfortable with whatever fantasies he chooses to try. Everyone should be happy!

You may not judge him, but still refuse him. Everything should happen by mutual agreement.

3.5 Wake him up. If he wakes up next to your soft body and you start kissing him, he will be pleasantly surprised. You can do it on the weekend or be spontaneous and do it in the middle of the night (if you know he can sleep in the morning). He will love being spontaneous and breaking norms.

4. Away from bed

4.1 Focus on your partner. The person to whom you want to express your sympathy should be the only object of your attention. You will be a great lover if your partner feels like the only person on earth when he is with you. This is exactly the impression you aim to make when you start with focus.

4.2 Be optimistic. You should express positive emotions when you express your attitude, whether it is your attitude towards his personality, situation or position in the world in general. Be someone who can help you see everything in a positive way, especially when it comes to him.

4.3 Listen to him. Make sure you listen and see how the person responds to your attention at every step - the goal is to find the right pace at which your partner is able to hear, see, and fully feel your expressions of sympathy. It's all about him, not about your ability to perform and play - you need to understand this experience in order to improve it every time.

4.4 Show enthusiasm. You must express positive emotions with a passion that is passed on to your partner as well. Bring a wave of positive emotions into their lives that will help them enjoy themselves and the world around them, and then they will be with you forever.

4.5 Develop a sense of humor. Life is too complicated and full of difficulties. We often plunge into our problems and forget to see all those wonderful things that surround us. But your partner is next to you exactly for this: to remind us of the good things, make us laugh and help us find a place for humor in difficult situations. Be that person for your lover.

4.6 pay attention to the little things. If you really love a person and watch them closely enough, you will notice that they have certain habits and practices that you like. Most people only notice these things after many years of relationships, but if you start now, you will begin to feel more love for your partner and become closer to him or her.

4.7 Make compromises. You have to learn to make compromises. To be a lover is to share. This is true because love is all about sharing and growing. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.


If you really enjoy helping other people feel better, you can become the best lover in the world ... and others will love you back.

If you are not getting an answer, think about your intentions and how you communicate with others - are you in too much of a hurry, not trying, or are you taking things too simply?

If you become a master at keeping track of your feelings, you can apply your knowledge to others ... and vice versa: it's easy and fun.

First smile, then ask ...