How to use shea butter for facial wrinkles: tips, tricks, recipes. Application in cosmetology. Use of the product in its purest form

The fruit extract represents a non-standard chemical set: 75% filled with triglycerides; fat - about 17%; proteins, caristerols, carbohydrates and various acids - from 1 to 5%.

Contains a lot of fatty acids

  • oleic - 40-55%;
  • stearic - 35-45%;
  • palmitic - 3–8%;
  • linoleic - 3-8%;
  • linolenic - 1%.

Vitamins - A, E, D and F are responsible for nutrition, protection and regeneration at the cellular level. Eliminate the consequences of the harmful effects of the environment.

Of the trace elements in significant quantities - iron, zinc and calcium. In combination with vitamins, it is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for the face.

  • Damaged areas are restored.
  • Nutrition is obtained at the intracellular level.
  • External and internal protection.
  • Acne is receding.

Terpene alcohols - in a small amount.

A unique combination of ingredients in one product.

To replenish the body's resources, it must be consumed daily. Its influence cannot be overestimated - it is multifaceted.

The effect of shea butter on the skin

The main action is mitigation and nutrition. Rough skin due to trace elements with vitamins acquires natural softness. Due to beneficial acids, dryness of the face will acquire a well-groomed softened appearance. A stressful day greatly affects the appearance of the face. To replenish the expended strength, apply the desired mask or cream. The color will be restored, the morning freshness and tone will return.

At a more mature age, women are most susceptible to edema and the former elasticity is lost. Daily use of creams with oil inclusion will restore turgor and youth. After a short period of time, a noble haze will appear.

Are there any contraindications?

Oil extraction for its medical indicators and composition is recommended to everyone. There is only one limitation - individual intolerance. It is recommended to use it even for newborn children with inflammatory processes in problem areas of the body.

But not all of its properties have been fully studied and proven. People with sensitive skin may have an allergic reaction. Therefore, before the first use, it is necessary to conduct a trial simple test to identify such a limitation. If during the test, allergic symptoms were not detected (such as itching, hives and redness), you can and should use cosmetics.

It is important to observe storage measures and deadlines. Improper storage of cosmetics can cause irreparable harm to your body. An expired product will have the same effect.


Pure oil extraction is stored for 2 years. And no more than 90 days as part of any solution.

How to choose a quality product?

  1. Buy only in specialized stores. Such stores value their business reputation. And never sell a defective product.
  2. This product has a slight nutty smell. Any other inclusions in the fragrance already imply falsification.
  3. At room temperature it has a creamy consistency. On the hands and face immediately melts.

Once all these simple rules have been confirmed, you can safely purchase the desired type of product and use it for its intended purpose.

Facial application according to skin type

This substance, unique in its composition, must be used according to the prescription according to its type. Misuse will do more harm than good. Before application, the skin is thoroughly cleansed. Ointment is always prepared individually. Ingredients are selected depending on the external and internal features.

Recipe for persons with high sensitivity:

  • grate lemon zest;
  • add one yolk to the zest;
  • pour in shea butter with walnut extract;
  • grind to a homogeneous consistency;
  • apply to clean skin;
  • keep 20 min.;

As a result: the former tone returns, softens and nourishes.

For normal:

  • Grind banana pulp to a gruel, add a teaspoon of shea, jojoba and honey.

Already after the first procedure, softness will return, significant nutrients will be replenished.


  • combine tea tree pomace with water (2 tbsp);
  • add white clay (powder) and a spoonful of shea;
  • mix everything.

Works as an antiseptic and can be used instead of peeling without irritating the face.

Mimic wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and dryness are removed with the help of essential almonds and shea. Take 1 tsp. each, mix thoroughly. Can be applied with a cotton swab or fingers. You can make baths from disks.

Shea (shea) due to its dense texture is often used as a cream. Apply it in the evening. Do not use immediately before bed. It is better to do this until 2 - 3 hours before bedtime. If the cream was put a little more, then the excess must be removed with a paper towel or napkin.

The cream is easy to prepare at home. Ingredients are selected according to internal needs.

Trouble-free skin also needs nourishment and additional hydration. Cream recipe: drop in 1 tsp. shea any essential extract. To choose from: verbena has a rejuvenating effect, clove - tones, almond - whitens, jasmine - moisturizes, and rosewood - has soothing properties.

Problematic skin is difficult to work with. Here it is better to prepare an oil solution from oils - jojoba, olives, shea butter, lemon and mint. The first three - 2 dessert spoons. The last two just drip.

Use warm. The cream soothes the skin, removes shine and gives whiteness, reducing redness, inflammation.

Proper application in its purest form

The resulting shea butter collection is added to many creams. Experts recommend using it without other components. The options for this use are endless:

  • moisturizing lip cream in winter;
  • lubricate knees, elbows and heels every day;
  • after swimming in the pool or swimming in the sea, it is recommended to apply on the body;
  • after sunburn is used to protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • dry and damaged hair becomes strong and healthy after applying the conditioner with 1 tsp. shea butter;
  • in winter, it is desirable to moisten dry areas of the face;
  • to preserve makeup for the whole day, apply a small amount on the cheekbones and in the corners of the eyelids;
  • to protect the legs, lubricate the feet;
  • before dyeing hair, grease around - the paint will not be absorbed;
  • suitable for men as an aftershave gel;
  • relieves irritation in children and prevents diaper rash;
  • during pregnancy protects against stretching;
  • as anti-burn and wound healing;
  • for the prevention of nails from brittleness and lamination;
  • care for eyelashes and eyebrows;
  • prolongs the durability of perfumes;
  • protects the insect bite site from itching and redness;
  • baths with this collection make the dermis soft and velvety.

Application of shea butter for the eye area

The region of the eyelids often suffers from the vagaries of nature. Decorative cosmetics also affect the external condition of the eyes. Eyelids require more careful and careful care. Shea can be smeared alone or together with other products. With regular use, the skin in the eye area will retain a fresh look, and mimic wrinkles will disappear.

Warm up a small amount. Put on the pads of your fingers and gently apply to the eye area (with light pressing movements). Pay the most attention to the area of ​​mimic wrinkles.

Shea butter for lips

Lips require proper attention and care. Especially in winter time. To avoid cracking and dryness, always use moisturizing balms. Shea with daily use protects the lips from changes in external temperatures. Proper application of shea butter returns the original beauty, shine and color to the lips, retains moisture and nourishes the skin of the lips.

Cream at home: melt the wax in a water bath, add shea butter, mint and chamomile, a little honey. Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to the lips. Recommended daily during the unfavorable season.

To maintain youthful lips:

  • 18 gr. starch and 5 - 7 gr. mix the extract to a viscous consistency;
  • dill oil solution;
  • if required, a few drops of water (distilled).
  • before use, the pores need to be steamed well;
  • apply along massage lines;
  • gently drive into open pores;
  • keep on lips for 20 minutes;
  • Wash off with chamomile lotion.

Shea butter for acne

Due to its chemical composition, this product is recommended for people with facial rashes in the form of acne and blackheads. With proper and regular use, the face is completely cleansed and acquires a slightly matte shade.

Here it is best used in combination with other products. To prepare the ointment you will need:

  1. 5 gr. shea and 7 gr. mix honey thoroughly and heat in a water bath.
  2. In the finished mixture, add 12 drops of cashew oil extract, salicylate - 5 drops.
  3. Mix everything.
  4. The procedure is carried out in the evening - two hours before bedtime. We clean the face (with micellar water, lotion, any suitable remedy).
  5. Apply the prepared mask to cleansed skin.
  6. Leave for 30 minutes.
  7. Wash off with calendula lotion.

Using Shea Butter for Peeling

The skin flakes off mostly in the winter. At home, you can prepare a light and healthy composition that will nourish and moisturize your face.

Would need:

  1. 1 tbsp any essential extract (olive, corn, grape or almond) mixed with shea (2 tsp)
  2. Drip chamomile oil - three drops (can be replaced with lemon balm or rosewood).
  3. Mash half a banana until smooth.
  4. Mix banana with oil mixture.
  5. Spread a pre-cleansed face with a prepared mask.
  6. Keep 30 minutes.
  7. This procedure should be carried out no more than twice a week.

Application for sensitive skin care

More often used in this situation, shea butter in its pure form. It is quite difficult for people with sensitive skin to choose cosmetics. Oil collection does not cause irritation.

You can make a mask at home. This will require:

  • 1 tbsp this remedy and 2 tbsp. essential almond. Mix;
  • drip lavender or chamomile, which is at home. Enough 2 - 3 drops;
  • mix everything;
  • lubricate morning and evening daily.

The mask will increase the tone and protect against the effects of temperature extremes.

Application for tanning

For an even tan, many girls use various cosmetics. The product in its pure form distributes ultraviolet evenly and moisturizes. Applied to the body before tanning, it protects against aggressive UV rays. With prolonged tanning, it prevents sunburn and redness. The skin retains moisture, acquiring a beautiful and even tan.

Before applying, the body must be cleaned. After the peeling procedure, apply shea butter in an even thin layer. Take a shower after sunbathing. Treat again with the solution.

Shea butter for wrinkles

With age, elasticity decreases. The face is covered with wrinkles - small and deep. To maintain elasticity and firmness, shea butter should be used daily after 30 years. The formed wrinkles will be smoothed out.

To prevent loss of facial skin tone, a mask is used:

  • cottage cheese (20 gr.) mixed with 2 quail eggs;
  • add 3 gr. shea;
  • the face needs to be steamed until the pores open;
  • apply the mixture in an even layer;
  • remove after 20 minutes.

Wound healing ointment for chapped lips

Lip skin needs daily care. You need to take care of your lips all the time. Prepare the mixture and keep it close to you at all times. When the slightest wound appears on the lips, immediately need to be lubricated.

For cooking you need:

  • 15 gr. heat the shea in a water bath;
  • add to it a collection of jojoba (1: 1);
  • mix until smooth;
  • rearrange on the table;
  • drip 2 times oily lemon and add rose water (5 gr.);
  • mix thoroughly and put in a prepared dish;
  • Apply to lips if cracked.

Shea butter for oily skin

Oil without impurities and mixed in cosmetic products is allowed to be used by almost everyone. But people with oily skin should remember:

  1. forbidden to use daily;
  2. use only in combination with other cosmetic products.

Mask preparation:

  • mix white clay (1 spoon) with shea;
  • pour in chilled distilled water (2 tablespoons);
  • drip an ethereal substance (in this case, it is better to take a tea tree);
  • stir, apply with a brush;
  • wait about 15 - 20 minutes;
  • remove completely.

Shea butter for skin hydration

The areas of heels and elbows are mainly softened with this remedy without additives. Cosmetologists recommend using ointment.


  • heat in a water bath 50 gr. shea;
  • gradually pour in lemon ester, ylang-ylang, geranium and tamanu (3 drops are enough);
  • cool the finished mixture;
  • pour into a glass jar;
  • lubricate coarsened areas after waking up, and you also need to do this in the evening.

The prepared cream will correct all the shortcomings, if used correctly and in a timely manner.

Shea butter storage

Be sure to keep the oil in a cool place. The refrigerator is the best for this. Low temperature allows you to save a quality product. The properties of the extract will remain unchanged for a long time and are useful in use. Direct sunlight and high temperatures destroy the useful structure of matter.

An open product can be used for 3 months from the date of opening.

The face always requires increased attention. Especially after thirty. Age changes are inevitable. But when there is an ointment or cream with its extract in the cosmetic bag, the freshness and health of the dermis can be extended until old age. Everyone who uses shi confirms this. And this is visible to the naked eye:

  • The face is moisturized and well-groomed.
  • A skin of pleasant opaque color without gloss.
  • No peeling.
  • Makeup lasts all day long.
  • The working week does not leave any traces on the face.
  • No mimic wrinkles.
  • The perfume scent lasts 24 hours.

There are no difficulties in application. The main thing here is regularity. In addition to creams and masks, you can also use shea butter soap in everyday life. After washing, the skin will receive the necessary vitamins and minerals.

The name Shi bears a sprawling Karite tree of the sapote family, which grows in Sudan, Senegal, Mali, and New Guinea. A long-lived tree with leathery leaves begins to bloom with fragrant brown flowers at the age of 20 years. The first fruits appear at the age of 50 years. The following age of Shi annually bears fruit with round fruits no more than 4 cm in diameter. The fruits of the same name are green in unripe form, then they become densely brown in color. It is under a thin layer of nutritious pulp that a large seed rich in fat is located. Shea butter is extracted from it - a source of valuable elements. The oil is used for food and cosmetics.

Shea butter properties

Africans consider shea butter to be a high-quality product that is not inferior in nutritional and taste qualities to the best butter made from cow's milk. Solid texture, pleasant nutty smell, creamy color - this is shea butter. Properties and applications are determined by the texture of the product, the high content of valuable chemical compounds.

Shea butter even at high room temperature retains its original structure, remains similar to ghee. This ability is widely used in the preparation of ointments and creams. The content of unsaponifiable substances (more than 17%) allows the oil to be stored without special conditions, preservatives and salt for more than a year, without changing its quality characteristics.

Most of all in shea butter fatty acids. The oleic content reaches 55%. Also present are triglycerides, phenols, tocopherols, triterpenes, steroids.

Shea butter is obtained manually and mechanically, frying the fruits, grinding them to a paste, boiling it in water for many hours. The resulting light foamy layer on the surface is the final product.

Application area

In places of growth, shea butter is consumed as food, replacing animal and vegetable fats more familiar to Europeans. In the rest of the world, shea butter is actively used by cosmetics manufacturers, considering it a full-fledged replacement for cocoa butter. A large percentage of triglycerides (the source of cell energy) suggests the great benefits of shea butter for the body. The pleasant aroma of the product and a good combination with any other base oils and extracts make the ingredient popular with cosmetologists.

Thanks to steroids and tocopherols, shea butter has a high biological activity.

Steroid compounds promote healing of skin cracks and wounds, soothe inflammation. Tocopherols increase the bioactivity of other useful components, inhibit oxidative processes, and stimulate the regenerative ability of cells. Therefore, shea butter is widely used in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals.

Shea butter for body

The product has the following effect on the dermis:

  • Softens hardened areas;
  • Protects from UV rays;
  • Smoothes fine wrinkles;
  • Promotes the healing of minor injuries;
  • Evens out skin tone;
  • Eliminates mild inflammation.

If the skin has peeling, roughness, rough areas, shea butter eliminates these imperfections, softens and improves elasticity, improves skin color. Thinned skin, covered with stretch marks, with the help of products based on shea butter, partially restores elasticity, stretch marks brighten, painful sensations disappear when touched.

If you start restorative procedures immediately after the appearance of stretch marks, stretch marks, and other skin defects, you can completely restore skin health and restore its original appearance.

body recipe

Add an equal amount to the melted shea butter (2 tablespoons each). This is the base of the cream. Drop a few drops of lavender and chamomile extracts, a spoon. Stir until smooth and cool, acquiring a comfortable consistency for application to the skin. Keep refrigerated. Apply as a regular cream on a daily basis for dry, thin skin to restore.

Shea butter for face

African women apply shea butter to their face instead of a cream. European cosmetologists use the ingredient as a base for making masks and balms. The protective properties and regenerating ability of the components make it possible to apply formulations to the entire area of ​​the face, lips, and neck area. Use them for different purposes:

  • nutrition;
  • Moisturizing;
  • Protection of sensitive areas from the effects of cold;
  • UV protection;
  • Healing cracks;
  • Restoration of blood microcirculation in the tissues of the dermis.

Focusing on the result that we want, other active components are added to the base. Home remedy lovers give excellent reviews of shea butter for the face against wrinkles, provided that it is used regularly at night. Even applying shea butter in its pure form fully nourishes and helps restore cellular metabolism. Without additives, those who are allergic to essential oils use the oil. You can get rid of traces of fatigue after a hard day with a rejuvenating mask.

Shea butter mixes easily with other ingredients when warm. It heats up quickly and hardens just as quickly without changing its properties. Any other base oils can be added to shea butter:, from and. For masks, more “heavy” components are added: pureed fruits, honey, eggs.

Any product based on shea butter will turn out to be oily, greasy to the touch. But the absorbency of the components is excellent. Shine on the skin does not remain within a few minutes after application.

Nourishing Balm

Designed to protect lips in the cold season. Prevents chapping, cracking, herpes rashes. Take 15 g of shea butter, 10 g, 2 drops of lemon oil. Melt the mixture in a water bath, stirring with a wooden stick without stopping. As a container for the finished balm, take the empty jar of cosmetics. Pour the balm, let it harden in the refrigerator.

For the eye area

Apply plain melted shea butter to the eye area. With light movements of the fingertips, “drive” the product into the area of ​​mimic wrinkles. With regular use, swelling is eliminated, skin tone improves.

For aging skin

Take in equal proportions shea butter,. Add a couple of drops, 2 capsules of vitamin E. Dilute in a water bath, achieve uniformity. Use anti-aging cream at night. Store no more than 2 weeks.

Anti-acne mask

You can get rid of skin inflammation with shea butter and honey. Mix the ingredients in a tablespoon, add a few drops, a salicylic acid tablet.

The composition is applied to the problem area for 20 minutes. Wipes off with a clean dry cloth. Other means should not be used after the procedure. Refrain from washing. Use the mask at night.

Shea butter for hair: home use

A natural remedy can revitalize the hair structure, restore the health of the scalp. Using shea butter products regularly, you make strands obedient, smooth, shiny.

Other effects from the use of oil:

  • Natural SPF protects hair from the sun;
  • Soothes the scalp;
  • Eliminates dryness, dandruff;
  • Nourishes the hair follicle;
  • Promotes better growth.

Shea butter masks are applied to the head for a long period of time: preferably at night. To protect your underwear and clothes from greasy stains, wrap your head with a towel, after putting on a disposable cap for cosmetic procedures.

Shea butter improves not only the structure of the hair. It has a beneficial effect on skin cells in various diseases. The active components of the product bring the same benefit to the hair follicle, shaft and split ends. The healing effect of the strands is obtained along the entire length. In reviews of the effect of shea butter on hair, they especially note the benefits of those strands whose structure is disturbed by the constant thermal effect of household appliances for creating hairstyles: hair dryers, curling irons, irons.

For optimal effect of the oil on the hair, it is required to achieve the consistency of an emulsion. Solid butter is heated in a sufficient amount in a water bath or in a microwave. Then other ingredients are added and mixed. While the texture is smooth, the product is liquid - quickly applied to the hair. It is not recommended to use a mask with a lack of free time. The minimum exposure time is 30 minutes. Revitalizing and healing masks are used at least 2 times a week. The oil is perfectly washed off with regular shampoo.

Firming mask

Mix shea butter with an equal amount (2 tablespoons each). Pour in a spoonful of cedar oil. Apply the mixture to dry hair, leave to act for 40 minutes.

For strength and beauty of hair

Another strengthening mask that gives hair shine and shine. Mix 50 g of shea butter with a few drops of sandalwood and milk thistle oils, capsules (2 each) of vitamins A and E. Sandal can be replaced. Apply warm. Can be left overnight.

For hair growth

Used only on the roots of the hair. Regular application required. Course reception - at least 10-12 procedures. Mix 30 g of shea butter with the same amount, add a couple of drops of rosemary extract and the same amount of thyme oil. The same composition can improve the condition of the eyebrows. Use an old mascara brush to apply.

It is from such nondescript nuts that shea butter is obtained.

Shea butter: contraindications

There are no direct contraindications to the use of oil. But the fatty composition can clog pores with frequent use. Therefore, with care, use shea butter products for people with oily skin.

In search of an effective anti-aging agent, many turn to exotic products, one of which is African shea butter (karite). It is very popular in its homeland and is used by local women to solve a variety of skin problems. Shea butter has a huge range of healing properties in the fight against wrinkles. There are many recipes with its addition: choose the most suitable one for you, taking into account the characteristics of the skin of the face and following the recommendations and reviews.

Causes of wrinkles

The process of wrinkling is largely associated with the loss of facial skin moisture and a reduction in the production of collagen fibers in the dermis. The framework of tissues supported by these fibers gradually begins to weaken, and parts of the face, especially in its lower part, sag. This is due to the impact of various destructive environmental factors (unbalanced diet, stress, unhealthy lifestyle, etc.), as well as the irreversible aging processes of the body as a whole.

Due to excessive dryness of the skin, superficial wrinkles appear faster. The situation is exacerbated by the intensive use of facial expressions in everyday life. Already at a young age, girls can notice slight wrinkles around the eyes, on the forehead and next to the mouth, which do not disappear even with a neutral facial expression. Due to age factors and individual indicators of tissue elasticity, they gradually turn into deeper ones.

In the sagging of the lower parts of the face, an important role is played by ptosis, which is formed under the influence of an elementary gravitational force. As a result, nasolabial folds become especially noticeable.

The main part of wrinkles appears in the forehead, corners of the eyes and in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle

Cosmetics to get rid of the problem: general characteristics

In youth, metabolic processes in tissues proceed quickly. They significantly slow down with age: the rate of cell renewal and their enrichment with useful microelements decreases. It is possible to activate the nutrition of tissues and accelerate the changes taking place in them, as well as to stop the aging process of the skin with the help of additional means. Cosmetic oils do an excellent job with this task.

Almost all products of this type contain a huge amount of valuable substances: vitamins, phospholipids, minerals, various acids and other components. They quickly penetrate the skin and have an intense effect on all processes taking place in the cells. Each remedy has its own set of substances and unique beneficial properties, but almost all oils have the following general effects:

  • moisturizes the tissues of the face;
  • make up for the lack of healing substances in the cells;
  • accelerate metabolic functions;
  • put in order the production of sebum glands;
  • activate the production of collagen;
  • improve the elasticity of the skin.

An important advantage of these is the absolute naturalness of their composition. The skin receives only natural substances without harmful impurities (with the right choice of product). Of course, the anti-aging effect does not appear instantly: it is important to tune in to the long-term and regular use of healing oils, as well as familiarize yourself with possible contraindications.

Cosmetic oils contain a huge amount of components useful for facial skin.

Shea butter to fight wrinkles

Shea butter is a product made in distant Africa. The plant from which it is obtained is called vitellaria amazing, or shea. For the manufacture of the product, the fruits of this tree (nuts), which have a high concentration of useful components, are used.

The finished product has a high density and belongs to base oils. In stores, you can see it in jars: when using the product, take it with a spoon or just with your hands. Under the influence of even a small temperature, the oil quickly begins to melt.

When choosing a product, give preference to unrefined: it undergoes the least purification and retains the healing properties of the original raw materials to the maximum. This oil has a pronounced peanut aroma and a yellowish tint.

Unrefined shea butter has a yellowish tint, while refined shea butter is white.

Proper use of this product for facial skin leads to the following results:

  • tissue regeneration is enhanced (due to the improvement of metabolic processes at the cellular level);
  • the characteristics of skin hydration are increased due to the presence of hyaluronic and palmitic acids in the oil;
  • epidermal cells receive more vitamins and nutrients (the product has a high content of vitamins A, PP, E, F, and also contains calcium, iron and many other trace elements);
  • minor injuries heal and small inflammatory formations like pimples, redness disappear (this effect is achieved to a greater extent due to lauric and arachidic acids);
  • slow down the aging process of the skin (due to the antioxidant effect of the oil);
  • provides protection from sunburn and other negative environmental effects (due to linolenic acid in the composition of the product);
  • age spots disappear and the number of freckles is reduced.

The properties of African oil listed above make it an effective remedy for facial rejuvenation. With regular course use of the product, skin elasticity increases, small wrinkles are smoothed out. In addition, the process of deepening pronounced folds is suspended. Of course, it is impossible to completely get rid of wrinkles (especially strong ones) with the help of one oil, but it is quite possible to make the skin of the face radiant, younger and healthier.

Shea butter is an excellent base for a variety of masks: it has the ability to penetrate deep into the skin layers, thus acting as a conductor for the nutritional components of additional products.

Shea butter is convenient to take both with your hands and with a spoon: initially it has a very thick consistency

Table: advantages and disadvantages of the product

Remember that after opening the product can be stored for no more than six months. In a sealed package, the product does not lose its healing properties for about a year and a half.

Video: the benefits of facial products

How to use shea butter for wrinkles

With any method of using the oil (in pure or mixed form), it is necessary to slightly warm the product. To do this, you can use one of the following methods:

  • take the required amount of the product in the palm of your hand and rub it;
  • lower the bowl of oil into another container of water in order to heat the composition in a water bath.

To melt the product, it is better to place it in a glass container: when the oil components come into contact with a metal product, an oxidation reaction may occur.

The procedure will be more effective if you prepare the skin of the face before applying a clean product or mask. To do this, follow these steps in sequence:

  1. Remove makeup from all areas of the face with a cotton pad and any makeup remover.
  2. Steam your skin by visiting the sauna or using the steam bath. You can also put a soft towel soaked in hot water on your face.
  3. Do a light scrub. This will facilitate the flow of active components of the oil into the skin.

When it's time to remove the product from your face, use a cotton pad soaked in warm milk or warm water. Next, wash your face (preferably with cool water) and dry the skin by blotting it with a soft towel without using rubbing movements.

Be sure to cleanse your face of makeup and impurities before applying shea butter or a mask with it: this will allow the components of the product to penetrate deeper into the skin

Use of the product in its purest form

The easiest way to use shea butter is by simply applying it to your skin. At the same time, you can treat them with any parts of the face, including the area near the eyes and corners of the lips. The tool is ideal for dry skin prone to dryness, especially characteristic of these areas. Also, in its pure form, it can be used for normal skin types.

The healing product is applied in the following way:

  1. Grab a small amount of product with your fingertips. For one time, about 1-2 ml is suitable.
  2. Wait for the butter to melt under the heat of your hands and become liquid.
  3. Distribute it over the previously cleansed area of ​​the face, following the massage lines. Perform movements without excessive pressure, very smoothly.
  4. Leave the oil on your face for 20 minutes so that its components can better penetrate deep into the skin.
  5. Blot the rest of the composition with a dry paper-based cloth.

Shea butter is suitable for use in place of your regular cream, but you should not apply it daily: it is enough to do it at intervals of one day.

When applying oil or mixtures based on it, follow the directions of the massage lines

Video: how to apply cosmetics along facial massage lines

Recipes for anti-wrinkle shea butter masks

With the help of additional ingredients, you can enhance the effect of shea butter on wrinkles to make them less noticeable faster. However, it should be remembered that various ingredients that you have not previously tried to apply to the face area may be allergens for you. Before using the mask, be sure to check the composition for individual tolerance.

When choosing one or another cosmetic recipe, be guided by your skin type.

For dry and sensitive skin

For skin prone to dryness, you can choose the largest number of recipes with shea butter, since it intensively nourishes the epidermis, penetrating deep into the tissues and eliminating fine wrinkles (even near the eyes). Additional ingredients of such formulations enhance the moisturizing and regenerating effect of the main component.

For example, you can make a mask with the addition of beeswax, which promotes intensive regeneration of aging skin, and also provides protection from destructive external factors. For this:

  1. Combine 3 teaspoons of shea butter and 5 tablespoons of avocado oil, slightly warming the composition.
  2. Squeeze 2 teaspoons of beeswax, 1 teaspoon of lecithin and 1 vitamin E capsule into the mixture.
  3. Mix the mass until smooth and apply on the surface of the face, being careful not to affect the area near the eyes.
  4. After 30–40 minutes, remove the remnants of the composition with a napkin (in this case, it is not necessary to additionally rinse the mixture with water).

Do not store the prepared product in the refrigerator for more than 5 days.

Use the mask with the addition of beeswax with an interval of 1 day. After 2 months of use, you should take a break for four weeks, and then return to the sessions.

Beeswax in the mask with shea butter allows not only to smooth fine wrinkles, but also to protect the skin from the harmful effects of environmental factors.

Video: properties of beeswax and shea butter

Another composition suitable for sensitive skin includes almond oil. It is often used for anti-aging care, as it contains a significant amount of nutrients. The mask is prepared and used as follows:

  1. Mix together 1 tablespoon each of shea butter and almond butter.
  2. Warm up the composition using a water bath.
  3. Pour in 2-3 drops of chamomile and lavender esters.
  4. Treat the entire face with the resulting composition.

Rinse is not required. If excess mass remains on the skin, simply pat it lightly with a tissue.

The oil mixture can be used instead of a regular cream, applying it in the morning and evening for 2 months. Between courses it is enough to take a break of 1 week.

Almond oil is an excellent anti-aging facial treatment that complements the anti-aging effects of shea butter.

In the summer, you can prepare a rejuvenating mask with ripe apricots, which is perfect for delicate and dry skin. To achieve the effect, it is enough to apply it 1 time in 4 days for 2 months, taking a break for 2 weeks after that. The components for such a mask are as follows:

  • 2 apricots (preferably ripe)
  • 1 teaspoon shea butter;
  • 3 drops of oregano ether.

The processes for preparing and applying the mixture include the following steps:

  1. Remove the stones from the apricots, without peeling the fruit, and grind the pulp with a blender. You can also use a fork to turn fruit into pulp.
  2. Add melted shea butter and pour in oregano ether, mix the mass.
  3. Take a spatula or brush and apply the composition evenly on the face.
  4. Lie down or just rest for 30 minutes.
  5. Remove the remaining composition using a cotton pad dipped in warm water.

To prepare the mask, take ripe apricots: they have more useful elements

Well suited for dry skin prone to the formation of superficial wrinkles, a mask with the addition of lemon peel. To prepare and use a one-time composition, follow the instructions:

  1. Grind the lemon peel using a grater (you only need 1 teaspoon).
  2. Mix it with oatmeal and melted shea butter (1 teaspoon each).
  3. Add the egg yolk to the mixture, after whisking it.
  4. Mix the composition until a homogeneous consistency.
  5. Cover the container with the prepared mixture with a lid or cling film and wait 30 minutes.
  6. Spread the mass over the skin of the face, for convenience, using a brush or sponge.
  7. Leave the mask to soak in for 25-30 minutes.
  8. Remove the remaining composition with a napkin and wash your face.

Use a grater to grate the lemon peel.

For oily and combination epidermis

Oily or combination skin needs to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. Clogged pores and pimples indicate excessive sebum production. These skin types are less likely to develop early wrinkles than dry skin, but proper care is also needed, especially in the sensitive area around the eyes.

A mask made on the basis of egg white has a high efficiency. It can be applied once every 4-5 days for 2 months. At the end of one course, take a break for 2 weeks, then start using the mixture again if necessary.

How to prepare and use the mask:

  1. Take a teaspoon of warmed shea butter and liquid honey, mix them.
  2. Supplement the mass with protein separated from one egg.
  3. Pour 1 teaspoon of aloe juice into the composition (for this you can take a leaf of a home plant or buy a ready-made liquid at a pharmacy).
  4. Stir the mixture so that the ingredients are evenly distributed.
  5. Using a sponge or a brush, apply the mass on the face.
  6. After 30 minutes, wipe the skin with a damp cloth to remove the composition.

A mask using egg white not only has a rejuvenating effect, but also allows you to cope with minor inflammation, acne and enlarged pores.

To reduce the appearance of wrinkles on oily skin, add shea protein to butter

To normalize the condition of problematic and oily skin, as well as to smooth out small wrinkles on the surface of the face, a composition with brewer's yeast will help. The most popular recipe for its preparation and use is the following:

  1. Brew black tea (50 ml is enough) and dissolve 15 g of brewer's yeast in it.
  2. Pour a teaspoon of shea butter into the resulting mass.
  3. After mixing the composition, treat it all over the face (do this with your fingertips or sponge).
  4. Hold the mixture for about 20 minutes and wash your face.

It is advisable to use a mask with shea butter and brewer's yeast no more than 1 time per week. After 15 procedures, take a break for 10 days.

Brewer's yeast in combination with black tea and shea butter will help normalize the production of sebum and reduce the severity of wrinkles.

For normal skin

For normal skin types, shea butter should be mixed with ingredients such as potatoes, starch, or soft cheese. The latter are especially often used to care for the age-related epidermis, on which wrinkles have already appeared. The preparation of such masks will slow down the process of skin aging and deepening of wrinkles on the face.

For the potato mixture, prepare the following ingredients:

  • shea butter (1 tablespoon);
  • oven-baked potato with skin;
  • olive oil (1 tablespoon).
  1. Mash the baked potato until mashed with a fork.
  2. Pour the heated base oils into the resulting mass and mix until smooth.
  3. Apply the composition evenly over the entire face with a spatula.
  4. After 30 minutes, wipe the treated surface with a damp cloth.

Potato for making a mask can be baked with the peel

The mask, which has starch in its composition, has a pronounced anti-aging effect: it helps to improve the firmness and elasticity of the skin. It is not recommended to use it daily: once every 5 days is enough. The course is 1.5 months with a further repetition after 3 weeks. The mixture can be easily prepared and used following the instructions below:

  1. Combine 20 g starch with 10 g solid shea butter. The latter does not need to be specially heated: it will melt in the process of mixing with the powder. You should get a mass of viscous and thick consistency.
  2. Add some water (preferably distilled) and 2 drops of dill ether.
  3. Apply the mixture on the face with your fingertips (you can not use a spatula or brush).
  4. After spreading the composition on the skin, wait 20 minutes and remove excess with a tissue.

The starch in the mask helps to increase the elasticity of the skin of the face.

A mask using soft cheese will provide uniform hydration and enhanced nutrition of all skin areas. It can also be applied to the area around the eyes. Any soft cheese (mascarpone, ricotta, etc.) is suitable for this purpose. The composition is prepared and applied according to the following scheme:

  1. Melt 1 teaspoon solid shea butter.
  2. Take a chicken egg and grind it with 20 grams of soft cheese.
  3. Pour in the prepared oil.
  4. Spread the mass over the entire face with a dense sponge or brush.
  5. Wait 20 minutes and remove the composition with a damp cloth.

Perform the procedure regularly (once a week). After 2 months, rest your skin for 2 weeks, then start using the mask again.

To prepare a mask for normal skin, you can take soft mascarpone cheese.

Shea Butter Masks for Other Facial Problems

Shea butter allows you to not only successfully fight wrinkles. It is also suitable for removing minor inflammatory manifestations, softening the skin and getting rid of age spots. The best way to solve these problems is to use a mixture of oil and additional ingredients to enhance the effect. In some cases, the addition of various components to the product is simply necessary (for example, for the treatment of small acne on the epidermis prone to oiliness).

To lighten the skin and eliminate age spots, prepare and use the following mixture:

  1. Combine 1 tablespoon of shea butter with 3 tablespoons of flour (preferably rice flour).
  2. Supplement the mass with 2 tablespoons of green tea, always freshly brewed.
  3. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous thick consistency, gently mixing the composition.
  4. Apply the mask all over your face and wait about 20 minutes.
  5. Wipe the treated surface with a damp cloth to remove the product.

A green tea mask is not suitable for very sensitive skin. For all other types of epidermis, it can be used at intervals of 3-4 days for a month, then a week break is needed.

Green tea has a brightening effect on the skin

Effectively copes with acne and other small formations, a mixture that includes clay. With its help, you can quickly get rid of blackheads, blackheads, and also eliminate excess sebum. The composition includes the following ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon of clay powder of any color;
  • a small amount of warm water;
  • 1 tablespoon shea butter;
  • 3 drops of lemon ether.

Method of preparation and use:

  1. Mix clay powder with a little water to turn it into a smooth paste that resembles thick yogurt.
  2. Add the resulting mixture with melted shea butter and lemon ester.
  3. Apply the mass on the face and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Cleanse the skin using a cotton pad.

The clay mixture is applied at intervals of 2 days for 2 months. After enduring a three-week break, you can return to the sessions again (if necessary).

Clay for the preparation of the mask must be diluted with water to the consistency of thick yogurt

If you want to give your face extra softness, you can use a mask that combines shea butter with white bread. The mixture is used for any type of skin.

Method of preparation and use:

  1. Take white bread and separate a small crumb from it.
  2. Soak it in warm milk (not too hot), squeeze it out and mix it with 1 tablespoon of shea butter. Knead the composition with your hands to the state of gruel.
  3. Spread the resulting mass over the skin of the face and leave for half an hour.
  4. Remove the product with a cotton pad.

White bread, when mixed with shea butter, will help soften the skin of the face.

The effectiveness of the product and formulations based on it

As a rule, the first results with regular use of shea butter become noticeable after one course of procedures. The latter can be from 1 to 2 months (depending on the specific composition). If you choose a mask in accordance with your skin type, the effect will be noticeable after a few procedures. To smooth superficial wrinkles, it is necessary to carry out sessions for at least a month, adhering to the recommended frequency.

To achieve a stable result and reduce the severity of deep age-related defects, the use of masks or oils in its pure form must be resumed after a break. Monitor the condition of the skin: if you notice positive changes, then continue using the product for several courses. If there are no visible results, replace shea butter with another natural product, as it does not always give 100% results.

Since the tool is made in Africa, it is not cheap. For high-quality unrefined shea butter in a 500 ml container, you will have to pay at least 1000 rubles.

Real shea butter is made in Africa and can't be cheap

Contraindications to the use of the drug

The only contraindication that was identified during testing of African oil is individual intolerance. Since this product is exotic, before using it, you must definitely check if you are allergic to its components. 1 hour before using the product, apply a little oil warmed in your hands to the bend of the elbow. If red dots or other negative signs do not appear on the skin within the specified time, then you can start using shea butter.

In addition, the product is not used in case of unsatisfactory condition of the skin and mucous membranes, namely:

  • with serious dermatological diseases, especially in the advanced stage;
  • with pronounced inflammatory formations on the skin (abscesses, severe irritation);
  • in diseases of the mucous membranes of the eyes.

Since shea butter increases the activity of the sebaceous glands, it is not applied as a separate product to skin prone to excessive oiliness. In this case, the product is supplemented with the appropriate ingredients.

Possible side effects

With individual intolerance to the product or incorrect use, unpleasant consequences may occur in the form of:

  • small rash;
  • acne;
  • sensations of itching;
  • oily sheen on the skin.

These side effects can be avoided if you follow the rules for using shea butter and follow the following recommendations:

  • Refuse to use an exotic product after its expiration date. Do not spare the money spent and feel free to throw away the expired oil: the oxidized composition will not help your skin, but will only harm it.
  • Be sure to conduct a test that reveals individual intolerance to the composition. It must be done every time you purchase oil from another manufacturer.
  • For oily skin, mix the product with appropriate ingredients that reduce the pronounced moisturizing effect of the main component.
  • Do not forget to cleanse your face before applying shea butter or masks from it: remove any cosmetics, scrub and steam the skin.
  • Do not use the product continuously. The agent forms a kind of film on the surface of the face, the constant presence of which provokes the appearance of inflammatory phenomena. Do not exceed the maximum continuous topical use of shea butter, which is 2 months.

In order not to waste time preparing masks, many people decide to add the product to ready-made cosmetic products for the face. It is not recommended to do this, since commercial preparations often contain artificial components, the penetration of which into the skin is highly undesirable. In the case of enrichment of the compositions with shea butter, this situation is very likely. It has the peculiarity of transporting any substances into the deep skin layers.

Currently, more and more people prefer natural products to purchased cosmetics. The latter includes shea butter. However, it should be understood that even such a remedy is characterized by certain nuances of application, as well as contraindications. Therefore, before you start actively using the product, you need to familiarize yourself with its main features.

What is shea butter

Shea butter is a remedy from the fruits of the same tree. The latter is also called shea or amazing vitellaria. The plant can be found in West and Central Africa.

Shea butter is made from the fruit of the tree of the same name.

There are two main types of shea butter:

  • Unrefined. The product is subjected to minimal cleaning and retains all the useful properties of the feedstock. Unrefined oil has a strong pleasant peanut smell and a pronounced nutty taste. In liquid form, the product has a yellow tint, and in solid form it is cloudy white. It is this oil that is recommended for face care.
  • Refined. The feedstock in this case is subjected to high pressure and repeated cleaning, due to which the final product is almost transparent. Such oil is most often used in cooking, because when heated, it does not form trans fats that are dangerous for the human body. It is not recommended to use a refined product for face care, since there are practically no useful properties of the raw materials in it.

Interestingly, shea butter (both refined and unrefined) hardens at temperatures below 35°C.

This tool is basic, therefore, when caring for the face, it can be used both separately and as part of homemade cosmetic products:

  • masks;
  • massage mixtures;
  • creams;
  • scrubs.

Product history

Shea butter is native to the African continent. In the time of Cleopatra, the remedy was transported by camel caravans in large clay containers. The product has been used for house whitening, lamp lighting, and soap making. In addition, the tool was actively used to treat a number of diseases.

Shea butter was originally transported by camel caravans.

In Russia, shea butter has appeared quite recently. Due to its beneficial properties, the product began to be used to improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. In addition, the tool is often a component of desserts and other dishes. The oil is also used to improve the health of the body.

The chemical composition of the product

The main active ingredients in shea butter are:

  • Fatty acid:
    • Lauric. Accelerates wound healing, effectively fights scars.
    • Myristic. It helps to reveal the beneficial properties of other components that make up the oil.
    • Palmitic. Saturates skin cells with moisture, eliminates dryness.
    • Oleic. Helps to synthesize the energy necessary for the work of skin cells.
    • Arachinoic. Effectively fights accumulations of bacteria, which significantly worsen the condition of the microflora of the face surface.
    • Linolenic. Helps to strengthen the natural defenses of the dermis. In addition, the presence of linolenic acid in shea butter prevents the negative effects of wind and other external factors on the skin.
  • Antioxidants. Detect free radicals and prevent their activity.
  • Hyaluronic acid. Promotes deep hydration of skin cells.
  • Vitamins:
    • E. Rejuvenates cells and also helps tissues stay elastic longer.
    • F. Promotes the acceleration of tissue regeneration, due to which minor skin lesions (abrasions, wounds, etc.) heal quickly. In addition, vitamin F has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties.
    • K. Increases the duration of the period of normal functioning of skin cells.
    • A. Soothes irritated dermis.
    • RR. Effectively relieves swelling and fights acne.
  • Other components: calcium, iron, etc.

Video: production and use of shea butter

How to choose and store a product

When choosing shea butter, follow the algorithm described below:

  1. Come for the product in a regular store. When purchasing oil online, you lose the opportunity to evaluate its consistency, color and aroma. An alternative would be to use trusted sites.
  2. Examine the labels on the back of the bottle. You should find information about both the manufacturer and the exporter of the product.
  3. Look at the production date and shelf life of the oil. The latter must be specified for both sealed and opened media.
  4. Check the country of origin. Africa is the main supplier of shea butter.

When buying an unrefined product, use a few more additional tips:

Do not buy shea butter in bulk. The fact is that in this case the product most often turns out to be fake. Remember that the product is not manufactured on the territory of the Russian Federation, so the right decision would be to purchase it in a factory container.

Shea butter is recommended to be kept in the refrigerator. It is advisable to leave the product in the factory bottle, without pouring it anywhere. But if you still decide to do otherwise, then make sure that the new bottle or other container is sealed. The fact is that the product quickly goes rancid when interacting with oxygen. An open remedy should be used for six months. Sealed shea butter may not lose its beneficial properties for up to a year and a half. The recommended storage temperature of the product is 15–18 ° C.

Shea butter should be stored in a container with a tight-fitting lid.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Shea butter rarely causes an allergic reaction and most often its use has a positive effect on skin health. However, there are the following contraindications to the use of this face care product:

  • Inflammation of the eyes, eyelids and mucous surfaces. These areas are extremely sensitive to any kind of external interference, especially in the presence of certain pathologies (diseases, injuries, etc.).
  • Individual intolerance to the product.
  • Oily skin. In this case, the agent is not used in its pure form.

It must be understood that thick oil accelerates hair growth and activates dormant follicles. In this regard, with extreme caution, the product should be used by women prone to the appearance of excess facial hair (for example, above the upper lip).

Side effects and precautions

Despite the presence of a large number of useful properties, shea butter can still provoke the occurrence of certain unpleasant consequences:

  • small rash;
  • feeling of itching;
  • black dots;
  • pimples;
  • excessive activity of the sebaceous glands (and the subsequent appearance of a greasy sheen on the skin).

To avoid side effects when using this face product, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Do not use the product on a permanent basis. An uninterrupted period of using shea butter for facial care should not last longer than 8 weeks. The constant presence of a film on the surface of the skin, which forms the agent, contributes to the violation of the natural environment of the dermis. In this regard, comedones and other unpleasant formations may appear.
  • Do an oil tolerance test. To do this, it is enough to lubricate the wrist or bend of the elbow with the product. After a day, the condition of the treated skin should be assessed. If there are no red spots or rashes on it, you can use the product. Otherwise, it is better to abandon this idea. It is also recommended to carry out the test when buying a product from another manufacturer and when using a new formulation based on the product.
  • Do not add shea butter to creams and other store-bought cosmetics. The fact is that the active substances from the preparations enriched with it penetrate deeper into the layers of the skin. Creams and other mass-produced products most often contain ingredients that negatively affect the health of the dermis. That is why you should not allow cosmetic products to penetrate too deeply.
  • If the skin is oily, then use shea butter only in various formulations. In recipes for the care of this type of epidermis, the following components must be present:
  • Do not use expired oil. The latter tends to oxidize and rancid. Such a product will not bring any benefit to your skin.
  • Apply the product to a cleansed and moistened face with plain water. Do not use shea butter if there are still traces of decorative cosmetics on the skin: shadows, powder, lipstick, etc.

    Before using shea butter, remove makeup in any convenient way (for example, using a cotton pad and micellar water)

Benefits of the product for the skin

When caring for the face, shea butter has such a complex effect as:

  • Contributes to the normalization of the sebaceous glands and the narrowing of pores. This will only be relevant when mixing the product with other ingredients, such as lemon juice or fermented milk products.
  • Accelerates the metabolism inside the cells of the dermis, due to which the skin color noticeably improves and its tone increases.
  • Promotes rapid regeneration. The product helps wounds and other skin lesions heal. This is due to the presence of fatty acids in the composition of the oil.
  • Forms a thin film on the surface of the skin. The latter not only protects the face from sunlight and other external influences, but also contributes to an even distribution of tan. In addition, the product prevents the formation of burns when exposed to ultraviolet radiation for a long time, which is very important for those who live in a warm climate.
  • Effectively slows down inflammatory processes.
  • Smoothes wrinkles. It should be understood that the oil cannot cope with noticeable cosmetic problems, but it is quite possible with small indentations.
  • Promotes rapid elimination of peeling. The latter cause significant discomfort to owners of dry skin, especially in the cold season.
  • Soothes irritated epidermis. Shea butter quickly and effectively relieves redness. This is only true if the latter are not caused by an allergic reaction.
  • Accelerates blood flow. Abundant saturation of cells with oil ensures their normal functioning.
  • It provokes an increase in the production of collagen and elastin (these substances are responsible for skin elasticity).
  • Promotes the removal of toxins from the tissues. The latter worsen the functioning of cells, accumulating in them.
  • Cleanses the surface of the skin from dead particles.
  • Eliminates bacteria on the surface of the dermis, due to which it is used to combat acne.
  • Intensively softens the skin.
  • Helps tighten sagging areas of the face with regular use.
  • Fights age spots.
  • Eliminates chapped lips.
  • Enhances hair growth.
  • Prevents the loss of eyelashes.

Application of shea butter for the face

Shea butter is used not only to improve the condition of the skin, but also to strengthen and grow eyebrows and eyelashes.

Remember that before mixing the product with other ingredients, it must be slightly melted. This can be done using a water bath. Alternative options would be:

  • lowering the container with the product into hot water;
  • rubbing the oil between the palms.

For skin

This tool is used for facial skin care using two main methods:

  • in its purest form;
  • as one of the components of homemade masks, scrubs, creams and massage mixtures.

In its purest form

Shea butter in its pure form can be used for dry and normal skin. To nourish and moisturize the epidermis, follow the proposed algorithm of actions:

You can use the product in its pure form on an ongoing basis. It is recommended to do this every other day. Oil can be used instead of cream.


Scrubs are cosmetic products aimed at cleansing the skin of accumulated impurities: dead cells, excess secretion of sebaceous glands, and so on. In addition, these products perfectly tone the dermis, prevent causeless and premature formation of wrinkles, and also smooth out an unpleasant relief on the surface of the face. Such compositions should be applied to the skin, do a light massage for 2-3 minutes, and then rinse with water. In this case, it is not necessary to avoid the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lips. Thanks to scrubbing, the latter will gain the desired softness. During the procedure, it is recommended to move from the bottom up (from the chin to the forehead) and from the center to the periphery (from the nose to the temples). Use this tool should be 1 time in 7 days on an ongoing basis. Breaks in the application of the product should be done only if the skin is damaged (scratches, wounds, etc.).

It is important to remember that when applying the scrub, the area around the eyes should be avoided.

Use one of the following anti-wrinkle recipes:

  • Scrub for dry and sensitive skin. Mix 1 tbsp. shea butter and 1 tbsp. bran (oat, wheat or almond). Leave the product on your face for a quarter of an hour. After the set time has elapsed, rinse thoroughly with water.

    Scrub bran can be purchased at a pharmacy or grocery supermarket

  • Scrub for all skin types. Grind oatmeal (1 tablespoon) in a coffee grinder (you can immediately buy ready-made flour). Peel 1 fresh banana, then puree the flesh with a blender or fork. Add other ingredients to the resulting slurry: 1 tbsp. shea butter, 2 drops each of ylang-ylang and lavender esters. Mix everything thoroughly.

    Banana scrub is one of the most gentle and nourishing

  • Scrub for normal skin. Shea butter (150 ml) slightly warm in a water bath and mix with ground coffee (100 g). The composition is effective, but rough, so it is not suitable for dry and redness-prone skin.

    Ground coffee roughly but effectively tones and cleanses the skin


Creams prepared with shea butter can be used for daily facial skin care. These types of home remedies should not be stored for longer than a week. In this case, the container with the product must be closed and placed in a refrigerator.

Remember to periodically take a break from using homemade creams. It is recommended to do this once every 2 months. The break should last at least a week.

Use one of the following recipes:

  • Cream for oily and combination skin. Beat in a blender the yolk of one egg, 1 tbsp. shea butter, 1 tsp vodka, 1-2 drops of grapefruit ether. If this is not possible, use an ordinary fork. The product eliminates the first wrinkles and saturates the cells with moisture. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for 48 hours, but it is better to prepare a new composition each time.

    Grapefruit ester in small amounts is beneficial for oily skin care

  • For the skin around the eyes. Combine 1 tsp. shea butter and flaxseed. Slightly heat the resulting mass in a water bath. The cream makes the delicate area around the eyes smoother and softer. In addition, the product helps to remove all sorts of redness. It can be stored in the refrigerator for 1 month.

    Flaxseed oil effectively nourishes the skin and saturates it with vitamins.

  • To even out the skin and improve its color. Warm up 2 tbsp. shea butter, add 2 drops each of lemon balm and lemon esters. With regular use, the composition whitens the face and eliminates age spots. It also prevents early skin aging, as it enhances the natural synthesis of collagen and elastin. The cream is stored in the refrigerator for three weeks.

    Lemon ester slightly whitens the skin, so when preparing the cream, strictly follow the dosage

Video: making a whipped composition based on shea butter with your own hands

Massage mixtures

Shea butter is used as a base for facial massage blends. The procedure with the use of the product becomes more effective, because thanks to it the blood flow is accelerated, and the cells are additionally saturated with nutrients. Try using the following recipes for massage mixtures based on this product:

  • 1 tbsp shea butter, 2-3 drops of jasmine ester. The composition has an additional effect: softening the dermis.

    Jasmine ether gives the massage mixture a pleasant aroma and intensely softens the skin.

  • 1 tsp shea butter, 1 tsp macadamia oil, 1 drop each of ylang-ylang and lavender esters.

    Macadamia oil is not sold in every store, so it can be replaced with almond or cedar

  • 1 tbsp shea butter, 1 tsp natural liquid honey. The mixture is not recommended for girls suffering from facial hair. The fact is that honey helps to awaken dormant follicles.

    Natural honey effectively nourishes and softens the skin


One of the most effective ways to use shea butter for facial skin care are masks. They are recommended to be done several times a week on an ongoing basis. Once every two months, it should be interrupted for 10-14 days so that the skin rests from the active effects of the components. Before using the mask, be sure to wash with gel and scrub. It is also recommended to take a bath or go to the sauna to open the pores. After the procedure, wash off the composition with water, unless the prescription requires otherwise removing product residue from the face.

Before using shea butter masks, cleanse your face with a scrub

Try the following mask recipes:

  • Combine a few tablespoons of rice flour with 15 ml of warm shea butter. If it is not possible to purchase the first ingredient, grind the rice with a coffee grinder. Add enough freshly brewed green tea to the mixture so that the mass acquires a thick and pleasant texture. The mask works for a third of an hour. The composition makes the skin more velvety. In addition, it brightens the complexion and reduces the appearance of age spots with regular use. The mask is not suitable for sensitive skin.

    If it is not possible to purchase rice flour, buy and grind the product yourself using a coffee grinder

  • Melt shea butter (10 g) in a water bath with natural honey (10 g). Stir in a tablespoon of sour cream to the warm mass. The mask works for 25 minutes. The composition is suitable for dry and normal skin. The tool can not be used with increased facial hair growth.

    To prepare the mask, try to find natural homemade sour cream

  • Dilute a tablespoon of cosmetic clay powder of any color with water so that the resulting mass acquires the consistency of thick yogurt. Add 10 ml of liquid shea butter and a few drops of lemon ester to the composition. The mask works for 15 minutes. The product is suitable for oily and combination skin. It fights problems such as pigmentation, blackheads, acne and excess sebum.

    Clay of any color can be used to prepare the mask.

  • Soak a small crumb of white bread in warm milk. Then wring out and knead it. Pour 10 ml of warm shea butter into the pulp. The resulting composition is valid for thirty minutes. The tool has a softening and smoothing effect. The mask is suitable for all skin types.

    To prepare the mask, you should use white, not black bread.

  • Beat the yolk of one egg. Stir in 10 ml of shea butter. The mask works for 10 minutes. The tool not only smoothes the surface of the epidermis, but also evens out its color. The composition is suitable for dry, sensitive and normal skin.

    Raw egg yolk gives the mask a viscous texture and additionally nourishes the skin

  • Combine shea butter with liquid tocopherol. The recommended proportion is 5:1. The mask is valid for two hours. At the end of the set time, it is recommended to remove the remnants of the product with a paper towel, and not rinse with water. The composition should be used mainly for the area around the eyes, but it is also suitable for the care of all areas of the skin of the face.

    Vitamin E capsules usually have a red tint

  • Puree 1 apple in a blender or in any other way. Add a teaspoon of shea butter and a tablespoon of honey to the fruit pulp. The mask works for 15 minutes. The recipe is suitable for aging, dry and problem skin. It is also recommended to apply the composition on the lips and the area around them in order to achieve maximum softness of these areas.

    Puree from fresh apples fortifies the skin and fights rashes

  • Grind a few tablespoons of dry peas in a coffee grinder or in another convenient way. Pour the resulting flour with warm water (usually 15 ml is enough). After some time, the composition will swell. When this happens, you should mix a teaspoon of shea butter and a few tablespoons of olive oil into the gruel. The mask works for half an hour. The composition is recommended for the care of normal and dry skin. In addition, the mask helps to reduce the manifestation of rosacea.

    Olive oil intensively softens and nourishes the skin, thereby helping to fight wrinkles.

  • Whisk a few teaspoons of shea butter into the raw egg yolk. Add 10 g of yeast and a pinch of ground cardamom to the mass. End the session when the mask is completely dry. At the same time, you will feel that the skin is tightened. The composition is excellent for the epidermis, prone to acne and comedones.

    You can grind cardamom seeds for making a mask yourself

  • Cook 1/2 cup of oatmeal in the classic way without adding sugar, salt, milk or other ingredients. Combine porridge with 2 tsp. shea butter and 10 g of honey. The product should have the consistency of thick yogurt. The exposure time of the mask is a quarter of an hour. Rinse off the product with plenty of plain water. The composition intensively tones the skin and increases its elasticity.

    For the mask, you should cook oatmeal in the classic way.

  • Puree the peach in a blender or mash it with a fork. Add an egg yolk to the fruit pulp, and then 2 tsp. shea butter and 5 ml panthenol. Avoid the skin around the eyes while applying the product. The duration of the procedure is half an hour. It is recommended to wash off the composition with water with the addition of fresh ginger root. The mask prevents premature aging of the skin and makes existing wrinkles less noticeable.

    Peaches give the mask a pleasant texture and intensively soften the skin.

  • Chop the parsley sprig with a blender or knife. Mix greens with 5 drops of shea butter and 1 tsp. aloe juice. The exposure time of the mask is half an hour. Wash off the product with warm water. The composition helps to eliminate peeling, and also enhances blood microcirculation. The mask is suitable for normal to dry skin.

    To prepare the mask, you should use fresh, not dried parsley.

  • Mix 1 tsp. shea butter, 2-3 drops of mint ether, 15 g of crushed brewer's yeast, 1 tsp. water. The exposure time of the mask is a quarter of an hour. The product should be washed off with water and grapefruit juice (recommended ratio is 3:1). The mask soothes the irritated epidermis, quickly relieves various kinds of inflammation, and also makes the face softer and velvety. The product is ideal for oily skin.

    Brewer's yeast for making a mask can be purchased at grocery or specialty stores.

  • Mix 10 g of homemade cottage cheese and 10 ml of full fat milk in a blender. To the resulting mass, add 1 capsule of vitamin E and 10 ml of shea butter. The exposure time of the mask is half an hour. At the end of the procedure, rinse off with plain water, and then wipe your face with a damp cotton pad. The composition intensively softens and nourishes the epidermis, and also heals minor damage and eliminates peeling. The mask is ideal for the care of aging and dry skin.

    If you have dry skin, then use fatty cottage cheese to prepare the mask.

  • 1 tbsp dry nettle leaves pour a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. After that, strain the infusion and mix it with 12 g of rye flour. Add 10 ml of shea butter, 10 g of natural liquid honey, 2-3 drops of cinnamon ether to the resulting slurry. The mask is valid for a quarter of an hour. Rinse the product with warm water with the addition of 2-3 drops of grape seed oil. The composition intensively tones the skin, and also fights puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

    Rye flour for making a mask can be purchased at the grocery store.

  • Mix 10 ml of shea butter, 1 raw egg, 5 ml of glycerin (sold in a pharmacy), 10 g of grape seed powder (can be replaced with almond crumbs). Apply the composition to the skin. Massage your face a little and leave the mask to act for 15 minutes. After that, wipe the skin with a damp cotton swab. The composition accelerates the processes of cell regeneration and actively moisturizes the epidermis.

    Instead of grape seed powder, you can use almond crumbs to make a mask.

  • To a tablespoon of fat sour cream, add mashed cucumber (20 grams). Mix the resulting slurry with two teaspoons of warm shea butter. The mask is valid for a quarter of an hour. The composition refreshes and intensively tones the skin.

    Cucumber refreshes and moisturizes the skin

  • Grind fresh homemade cottage cheese of any fat content (20 g) with a teaspoon of warm shea butter. To the mass, stir in sour cream (10 g) and pre-whipped protein of one egg. The mask works for a third of an hour. The composition is used to intensively nourish and soften dry skin.

    Egg white can smooth fine wrinkles

  • Puree a handful of strawberries with a fork or blender. Combine berry gruel with raw yolk and 30 ml of warm shea butter. To make the mask thicker, add 10 grams of ordinary flour to it. The composition is valid for half an hour. The product is suitable for oily and combination skin.

    Strawberries tones the skin and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.

  • Combine 1 tbsp. warm shea butter, low-fat milk and oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder (you can immediately buy ready-made flour). The mask works for 10 minutes. Recommended for use on skin prone to redness.

    Milk intensely softens and soothes the skin

Video: composition recipe for face, body and hair

For lip skin

Shea butter saturates the lips with vitamins and intensively softens them. In addition, this tool accelerates the healing process of microdamages. Also, the product protects the delicate area from the negative effects of the cold wind in winter. Try one of several lip liner recipes:

Interestingly, shea butter is used for lips and as an independent remedy. Just treat your skin with it several times a day (three drops will be enough). There are no restrictions on this method of using oil.

For eyelashes and eyebrows

Shea butter helps to increase the density of eyelashes and makes them more shiny. Try some of the following recipes:

As for the eyebrows, in this case it is recommended to use shea butter in its pure form. Lubricate the hairs with the product using the pads of your fingers to be able to massage the skin at the same time. Thanks to this, you will further accelerate blood circulation, which will increase the effectiveness of the procedure. For one session, 4-6 drops of oil are enough, depending on the density and size of the eyebrows. It is recommended to use the product every day for a month. After that, you need to rest for a few weeks, and then, if desired, repeat the course.

The Karite tree, from which the unique shea butter (shea butter) is made, grows in Africa, where it is rightfully called the tree of life and idolized. The population of Africa greatly appreciates this tree for its amazing properties, it gives people food, medicines, and money. However, the main wealth can be called special nuts, which are distinguished by an exquisite aroma, since it is from them that a very valuable oil used in cosmetology is extracted. Shea butter for facial skin is very useful, as it helps to cope with many problems of a cosmetic nature.

Features of shea butter (shea butter)

Shea butter refers to solid cosmetic oils. In appearance, it is very similar to ghee. Its color can be different and it is by this parameter that you can determine exactly how the product was produced. If the oil has a pure white or cream color, then it was obtained by industrial pressing. If the color of the product has a yellow tint or yellow with a gray tint, it means that it was obtained by manual processing.

Shea butter has a very pleasant rich nutty aroma, and almost 80% of its composition is triglycerides, which are neutral fats. They provide the skin cells with the energy they need.

If there is a lack of triglycerides in the human body, this negatively affects not only the condition of the skin, but also the health of the whole organism. This condition leads to many problems. As a rule, the skin with a lack of these fats becomes dry, dehydrated, and signs of aging appear faster on it. An important function of triglycerides is that they contribute to intensive skin hydration, as well as stimulate the active production of their own collagen fibers.

It contains shea butter and many fatty acids important for the skin, which increase the protective properties of the epidermis, help moisturize the skin, protecting it from drying out and dehydration.

Shea butter: properties for facial skin

It is in the presence of many unique and valuable components for the skin that the benefits of shea butter for the skin lie. It contains various types of fatty acids, including linoleic and oleic, as well as a large amount of essential vitamins.

Shea butter (shea butter) perfectly nourishes the skin, moisturizes it, giving it special strength. For tired skin, this remedy can be called a real salvation. Also shea butter:

  • Quickly eliminates skin peeling;
  • Smoothes wrinkles of various types, including mimic ones, rejuvenating the skin and smoothing its surface;
  • Helps to quickly restore the surface of the skin in case of damage, eliminating inflammation and accelerating regeneration processes;
  • Protects the epidermis from the harmful effects of sunlight and other adverse factors.

The oil also helps in the treatment of various skin diseases, even such serious ones as dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.

How to apply shea butter on face

As a rule, the amount of valuable substances in this type of oil, as well as the level of benefit it provides to the skin, directly depends on how well it is stored. Do not store shea butter at normal room temperature and leave it in sunny places. The best place to store the oil is the refrigerator, while the product should be placed in a clean jar with an airtight lid. It is best to choose a glass jar.

In order to maximize the benefits of using the oil, it is necessary to choose only a high-quality natural product that has undergone a minimum number of treatments. The oil must be unrefined.

For cosmetic purposes, shea butter can be used in its pure form, lubricating the skin with a piece of the product, which begins to melt on contact with warm skin. You can use the oil in liquid form by melting it in a water bath.

You can use shea butter in skin care for any type of epidermis, however, people who are prone to the frequent appearance of allergic rashes are advised to do this with caution. Since shea butter is made from shea nuts, allergy sufferers should be extremely careful when using it, because nuts are a very common and serious allergen. If after using the product a rash or other negative manifestations appear on the skin, the use of the oil should be stopped immediately.

There are some rules for using shea butter for oily skin, in particular:

  • If the skin is excessively oily, then shea butter is not recommended to be used on a regular basis. It can be used only occasionally and as part of various cosmetic preparations.
  • If you have oily skin, you should not use this type of oil in its pure form, as it has a very dense structure and can clog pores, worsening the condition of the skin.

Shea butter can be used not only for medicinal purposes, but also for preventive purposes, including it in a regular skin care program in order to prevent the appearance of signs of aging. Most often, cosmetologists recommend regularly using shea butter for women over 40 - 45 years old, since its use perfectly stimulates the production of collagen and elastin fibers, thereby tightening the skin and eliminating its sagging.

When caring for the skin of the face, cosmetologists recommend using shea butter to treat the delicate skin around the eyes. In this case, the product provides the tissues with the necessary hydration and nutrition, smoothing wrinkles and smoothing the skin, acting very gently. Oil is also used for skin care of the lips. On its basis, special lip balms are made, the use of which makes the skin especially tender and soft.

When mixed with other natural botanical products, shea butter makes an excellent sunscreen that can also be used on the face.

Shea butter is a very valuable product for the cosmetics industry. It is actively added to the composition of not only creams, but also hair care products. However, you can use the oil in normal home conditions, for example, as a night cream, applying it in the evening after cleansing procedures. For maximum effect, it is recommended to steam the skin over a decoction of chamomile or green tea infusion before applying the oil.

You can apply shea butter on the skin to protect it from sunlight and wind, lubricate the lips and skin around the eyes with it, as a base for applying makeup, providing the skin with additional protection. In addition, the oil can be used in home cosmetology and as a basis for the preparation of various skin care products with the addition of many natural ingredients.

Shea Butter: Facial Recipes

When preparing masks, shea butter requires a special cautious approach. It is very important to follow some rules. It is necessary to melt the butter only in a water bath, without using a microwave oven for this purpose and without placing a container with butter directly on the stove. It is also necessary to ensure that the temperature of the molten mass, as well as cosmetic mixtures, does not exceed 38 - 40 degrees, otherwise most of the valuable elements will be destroyed. Therefore, shea butter requires utmost attention and accuracy.

Deep moisturizing cream

To prepare this remedy, melt 30 grams of natural beeswax and 50 grams of shea butter in a water bath, mixing thoroughly. After that, 40 ml of cinnamon tincture, 10 ml of fresh orange juice, 10 ml of natural avocado oil and 4 drops of sandalwood essential oil must be added to the mass. Mix the cream well, transfer to a clean glass jar with a tight lid for further storage. You can use it every day.

Balm for lip skin care and healing of cracks

To prepare the product, melt 15 grams of shea butter in a water bath, while adding, stirring continuously, 10 grams of jojoba oil. After that, remove the container from the water bath and pour 3 drops of lemon ether and 7 ml of rose water into the mass. Mix the finished mass until it is completely cooled, after which it must be transferred to a glass container with a tight lid.

Mask for mature and very dry skin

To prepare the mask, you need to take the dried peel of one lemon, grind it in a coffee grinder. At the same time, you need to melt 15 grams of shea butter and beat the raw yolk of one chicken egg. Whipped yolk should be mixed with ground lemon peel, taking it in the amount of 15 grams, then add melted shea butter and at the end of kneading pour 7 drops of rosehip oil.

It is necessary to apply the mask on cleansed and steamed skin, leaving it for 25-30 minutes, after which it should be washed off with cool water.

Mask for normal skin, softening

The preparation of this tool requires only 3 components. The pulp of one small ripe banana must be mashed, add 15 grams of melted shea butter and 12 grams of natural liquid honey to it. The mask should be applied to the prepared face skin in a thick layer, leaving for 20 minutes, after which the remnants of the product must be removed with a napkin and the face rinsed with cool water.

Cream that protects the skin from the sun

To prepare the product, melt 45 grams of shea butter, add 90 ml of natural avocado oil to it, 25 grams of melted beeswax (can be melted with shea butter), then add 30 ml of zinc oxide and one capsule of vitamin E, purchased in pharmacy. After preparation, the cream must be transferred to a glass jar with a tight lid and stored in the refrigerator, applying to the skin as needed.

Shea butter can bring invaluable benefits to any type of skin, helping to get rid of many cosmetic problems, but there are also contraindications to its use. The fact is that the oil contains a certain amount of latex, so people with intolerance to this substance may experience an allergic reaction to shea butter. Also, people who are allergic to any kind of nuts should not use this oil.