How to get rid of hair in intimate places forever at home. Pros and cons of epilator. Shaving an intimate zone with a razor

Smooth skin is a dream of any modern woman. Unwanted hairs on the body always deliver a lot of hassle. Razor, sugar, wax, epilator - primary tools in the struggle for beauty. However, laughing with bitter experience of endless epilation, women are in an eternal search for a magical way, which will help to eliminate excess vegetation on the body forever.

Today we are ready to help modern technologies that allow remove hair forever and without pain only for several sessions. Cosmetic salons offer laser hair removal services, electroepilation, photoepilation, quantum epilation, etc.

It is possible to remove the hair forever at home, using old folk remedies. We are not entirely safe to use, some of the herbs are poisonous and can leave burns on the skin, cause allergies. Didn't you frightened? Then experiment.

Folk remedies for hair removal forever

Iodine + nasharyar - Popular and effective means. Mix 35 g of alcohol, 5 g of ammonic alcohol, 1.5 g of iodine, 5 g of castor oil. The resulting solution lubricate the skin with unwanted hairs 2 times a day. After a couple of days, the hair falls on themselves forever.

Precautions: Before use, make sure that you do not have allergies to iodine, so as not to provoke the skin's swelling. The iodine also has the property to be absorbed through the skin, which can lead to an overaffect of the drug in the body. Excess daily iodine rate (iodiza) can lead to problems with thyroid gland.

Hydrogen peroxide get rid of unwanted hair. To discolor the hairs, make them thinner and weaker, use the Blondex.

You can prepare a discoloring mixture yourself. Mix a spoon of hydrogen peroxide (6%) with the same amount of shaving foam or liquid soap. Add 10 drops of ammonic alcohol to a mixture. Squeeze the boning hairs with a mixture and leave for 15 minutes. Rock warm water or chamomile decoction. Repeat the process once a week. Hair growth will slow down, they will become thin and invisible.

Ant oil It has a good effect in the fight against unwanted hairs. It penetrates the follicle of the hair, makes it weaker, as a result, growth slows down, the hair becomes weak, soft and lighter. With regular use, formic acid destroys the bulb, the hair falls forever. In addition, it is an excellent antiseptic after epilation, prevents rustling of hair into the skin. The oil is applied for 15 minutes to the skin, then washed off with warm water. To enhance the effect, ant oil is mixed in equal parts with lemon juice or turmeric.

Solution "Rivanol" This is a fairly safe means that do not cause burns on the skin. Try the next recipe: Lubricate the area of \u200b\u200bunwanted hair on the face with a solution of "Rivanola" (0.1%) for 5-7 days. Soon the hair will disappear.

Walnut Shell - One of the most popular and effective means to remove the hair forever. Here are some recipes based on the shell:

Take the green, unworthy walnut, cut into half and soda the juice problem. Repeat the procedure several times a day. Soon unnecessary hairs will fall out and no longer grow.

Grind the shell of a walnut, mix with water to the formation of a cashecture and rub the skin 3-4 times a day. Repeat the procedure until the complete disappearance of unnecessary hair.

A glass of young walnuts crowed, add a tablespoon of tar. The mixture is closed with a lid and put in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. Finished tincture rub into the skin daily, until the hair growth stops.

Cedar nuts frequently used in the fight against unnecessary hair. Exploding cedar shell in flour. Add some hot water and rub the mass into the problem areas of the skin for several days. Hair must disappear forever.

Such results can also be achieved if you make a concentrated decoction of husk from cedar nuts and regularly lubricate the skin.

Nepte seeds dwanomous devastively affect the hair onion. Oil from straw seeds with regular use removes hair on the body. Distribute 40 grams of seeds. Fill them 100 ml. vegetable oil. Mix in a dark place for 2 months. Ready to move and lubricate the skin where you need to remove the hairs.

Duman . Root and seeds of this plant poisonous. Be careful when preparing the following recipes. Before applying to the skin, check if you have allergies to this plant.

Option 1. Durana seeds chop in a coffee grinder. Fill them with a small amount of vodka (so that a thick mass is obtained) give it in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. Apply a mixture to places with high hairiness several times a day until the desired result is achieved.

Option 2. DURANA root (150 grams) lean in a liter of water to get a strong decoction. The resulting decoction lubricate places with extra hairs every day until you notice the effect. The tool is suitable for hair removal in the bikini area.

Green grapes can save you from unnecessary hair. Squeeze juice from wild immature grapes and lubricate the skin in problem places. Repeat the procedure every day. The tool is suitable for hair removal on sensitive skin areas, even on the face.

Lemon . Lemon acid aggressively acts on the hair lows, thinning her hair and gradually destroys. If after epilation lubricate the skin with lemon juice, the hair growth will slow down, the hairs will become thinner. However, pure lemon juice is very aggressively affecting the skin, it is desirable to mix it in equal proportions with honey. The honey-lemon mask should be kept on the skin of 15 minutes and wash off with warm water. The procedure is carried out 2 times a week.

Vinegar . With the help of apple or wine vinegar, you can significantly slow down the growth of unwanted hair. It is recommended to use after epilation as wound-heating, antibacterial agent. Vinegar prevents rustling of hairs in the skin after epilation. How to use: a tablespoon of the yabli vinegar mixed with grape seed oil (oil can be replaced by honey, slightly diluted with it with water) and applied to the skin for 15 minutes 1-2 times a week.

Soda Many helps to slow down hair growth, and with long use to get rid of them forever. Dissolve a teaspoon of soda in a glass of hot water, cool. Water with a gauze napkin and attach to a problem place for 10 hours, consolidating the compress using a patch or bandage. Repeat the procedure for 3-5 days. The hair will weaken and start falling down. However, remember that the soda dries the skin and unpleasant sensations may appear.

Quicklime he will stop the growth of unwanted hair on the body. Mix 10 g of negated lime with a pharmacy preparation of calcium sulfite. Must get a thick Cashier. Lubricate your skin with unnecessary hairs, after half an hour, rinse with warm water.

Manganese . Prepare a sturdy solution and treat the skin. Repeat the procedure daily until your hair falls ourselves. Be careful, you can get a burn. It is not recommended to use manganese in the summer season, since the tool stains the skin and it is difficult to wash it away.

Poppy - Folk remedy for hair removal. The people have noticed that Mac-Moskoshka helps in the fight against unnecessary hairiness. Burn all the plant completely and the resulting ash roll out the problem areas of the skin.

How to get rid of hair on face

Get rid of hair on the face is much more complicated than on the body. This is a particularly sensitive zone, where ordinary hair removal tools can cause resistant stains, burns and scars. Most often, the following are the following procedures: "Rivangol", hydrogen peroxide, vinegar solution or lemon juice, soda, formic oil in masks.

All methods for eliminating hair on the body can be divided into two groups. The first is depilation when not all hair is removed, and its part appears on the surface of the skin, and the second is removal, i.e. Full hair removal with root.

You can fight with unwanted vegetation in several different methods. This or that type of hair removal is not suitable for every woman, because the skin in the intimate zone can be quite sensitive.

The most common way to remove hair is a razor depilation. The method is valued due to its cheapness, availability and speed. But frequent shave causes irritation, so this procedure cannot be done every day. In addition, no one is immune from the cuts, and the growing hair becomes like a rigid and barbed bristle, which appears the day after the shave.

Depilation cream is an affordable and comfortable method, but it is only suitable for those who have no allergies to the chemical composition of the means. New hairs start growing over the next week after the procedure.

Epilation with wax can be made both independently and in the cosmetic salon. The next removal of unwanted vegetation after such treatment can be forgotten for a period of up to three weeks. Plus this method also is that ingrown hairs and skin irritation - the phenomena is very rare. The only drawback of the method is its soreness. But with regular use of wax epilation, pains are dulled. Redness on the skin after the procedure pass throughout the day.

You can use wax strips on a nonwoven based, which are heated before use. The wax is removed by a sharp movement, and after the procedure you need to use the soothing cream for sensitive skin.

The epilator pulls the hairs with the root and ensures their next appearance in about 2-3 weeks. In addition, the device can be equipped with additional nozzles and functions intended for massage and cooling the skin being treated, which reduces pain to a minimum. The main thing is to break the body well before the procedure and use the epilator towards the growth of hair growth. Nevertheless, for the tender intimate zone, this method can be very painful.

Another method of getting rid of hair, gaining popularity recently - shugaring. This procedure can be carried out in the home, but the real sugar paste is obtained from the first time. It is necessary to take 10 tablespoons of sugar, the juice of half of the lemon and a tablespoon of water. The mixture is heated on very slow heat with constant stirring. As a result, a homogeneous mass of golden or brown should be obtained. Pasta is boiling no more than ten minutes and cooled to a comfortable temperature. Its consistency should be viscous. The finished mixture is applied with a shovel or flat rod for hair growth and covered with cotton fabric, which should absorb pasta. With a sharp movement fabric is removed in the direction of hair growth. After the procedure, gentle skin must be lubricated with cream.

Undoubtedly, all women are beautiful, but time dictates their fashion trends in facial and body. Getting rid of excess hair, including in the field of bikini, occupies one of the greatest problems among representatives of the fine sex.

The complexity of the question is that it is necessary to regularly carry out the procedure, be very careful when removing hair at home due to tenderness of the skin in this zone, well, the intimate side of the process.

Thanks to the progress in the field of cosmetology, now every woman can choose for himself the best way to remove hair in a bikini zone, which can be divided into two categories:

  • depilation methods;
  • methods of epilation.

The first are the procedures in which the bulb of the hair remains in the pores of the skin and during the two or three days again the new hair begins to grow.

After high-quality epilation, the skin will remain smooth for a long time, but it is possible to get irritation

Epilation is the best way to remove hair in the bikini zone if you strive for the long-term effect. The hairs are removed completely, and the skin remains smooth from the week to month.

This is a way of depilation, which, alas, does not promise a long-term effect. In order for the skin to remain smooth, it is necessary to carry out a procedure every day or two.

So Frequent use of the razor can lead to skin irritation, which in this area is very sensitive.

Another disadvantage is the change in the structure of the hair, which become more rude and during the removal remains unattractive spiny "hemp". Smooth this effect can be used with cosmetic oils.

The advantage of hair removal in the bikini zone shave is budgetary. And this is the best way if you cannot afford significant material costs. Also, such depilation can be done at homethat will save from constraint and awkwardness.

The skin in the intimate zone is very sensitive and many women prefer painless safe procedures that will help get rid of unwanted hair.

In this case, the perfect choice is the use of special gels and creams for depilation. But they are important to apply correctly.

Advantages of the hair removal method by gel for hair removal:

  • low price funds;
  • the possibility of behavior of the procedure yourself at home;
  • lack of painful sensations;
  • with frequent use, hair is also soft and not stubble.

Important to remember! Any of these funds has a number of chemical properties that contribute to the emission of the hair. Therefore, you need to follow the instructions.

It is not desirable to use this method of depilation if you have individual intolerance to individual components or skin prone to allergic reactions.

There are three wax epilation methods using:

  1. cold wax;
  2. hot wax;
  3. special wax strips.

Interesting fact! Cleopatra used a thick gel that became the prototype of modern cosmetic wax.

If you prefer hair removal in the bikini zone using cosmetic wax, then explore all positive and negative aspects each methodologyto choose for yourself the best way.

- Shugaring

Shugaring is epilation using honey and sugar. It not only possesses a "sweet", tempting name, but also enviable luggage advantages.

The main advantages of Shugaring include:

  1. The possibility of independent holding at home.
  2. The probability of allergic reactions is equal to almost zero.
  3. Not significant pain.
  4. Lack of risk to get a burn or skin irritation.
  5. Long effect - at least 3 weeks.

The main disadvantages should include a long time of the procedure, as it is necessary to pass several times over the same skin sections several times, which causes painful sensations. Also, shugaring will be more efficient if the hairs have grown at least 3 mm.

After the procedure, the skin remains red, but after a day it passes.

Fashion on mechanical epilators in our country appeared in 2000. Then almost every fashionista had in its set this oversized object designed to get rid of unwanted hair.

Just use it - an incredible test. Considering that the principle of operation of the product is to break the hairs with a bulbThis is a very painful procedure. A, taking into account that in intimate areas of the body there is a lot of nerve endings, it is hardly the best way to remove hair in the bikini zone.

With prolonged use of the epilator, new hairs are becoming softerWith time, over time reduces pain, but it is noticeable only after 5-6 regular uses.

In addition, from the moment of its appearance, the epilators were continuously improved and now on the counters You can find products with additional painkillery effects, namely:

  • cooling;
  • possibility of use under water;
  • additional massage nozzles.

Electricity is not the best way to remove hair in the field of bikini, especially if you have sensitive skin. The essence of the procedure is to exposure to each hair current. After damage to the bulb hair is pulling.

Hair removal using electroepilation.

A positive point is that this technique removes the hair forever, but to achieve the effect, a minimum of 6-time re-conducting procedure with an interval of 1-1.5 months is required.

There is a high probability of side effects, such as extensive burns in the field of exposure and changing skin pigmentation, which is not subject to recovery.

This is another way to remove hair in the bikini area, which is offered cosmetologists, arguing that this is one of the best and safest options.

The procedure is to exposure to the extensive area of \u200b\u200bthe skin by light pulseswhich damage the hair and make it fragile. For several sessions (4-8), cosmetologists completely destroy all hairs. The effect of smoothness of the skin is preserved about one season.

Most women who tried this method argue that the procedure is absolutely painless, but you can not forget about a number of possible side effects.

Hair removal using photoepilation.

To the most dangerous disadvantages of photoepilation should be attributed:

  • swelling and redness, which are saved for several days;
  • feeling of burning;
  • rash and itching;
  • burns and scars;
  • the manifestation of the opposite action, that is, after the procedure, the hair begins to grow even more actively, contrary to the expected result.

According to user reviews - this is one of the best ways to remove hair, including in the bikini area.

The technique consists in a directional effect on the hair without skin damage.

And, although for a complete effect there is several one-time procedure, after the end of the scheduled sessions, The need to visit the cosmetologist will be reduced to 1-2 times a year.. The abstract hair themselves will not be rude, but on the contrary they will resemble a gun.

The side effects procedure does not cause, but there are contraindications to use, namely for patients with oncological diseases, pregnant women and diabetes mellitus.

Enzymes are protein cells that are able to destroy the structure of the hair. In a complex with thermal exposure, it is the basis of enzyme epilation.

Chemical enzymes are applied to intimate areas, after which there are high temperatures on them for 30-40 minutes. Subsequently, a chemical reaction hair die away, and their further growth slows down.

This is one of the safest and painless options that will be suitable even to women with sensitive skin and low pain.

The process of hair removal using enzyme epilation is gradual, so you need to visit the beautician several times.

And it is impossible to conduct enzyme epilation at home, since it is necessary to choose the right preparation, temperature and duration of exposure. The only contraindication is the presence of chronic blood and skin diseases.

- Deleting hair ultrasound!

Ultrasonic hair removal is one of the newest hair removal methods, which guarantees a complete removal without subsequent growth.

Methods of three steps:

  1. Complete hair removal through wax epilation.
  2. Applying a special gel.
  3. Impact on the desired area of \u200b\u200bultrasound.

The result is noticeable after the first application, but considering that sound acts only on hair that are in a state of ripening, It is necessary to re-conduct the procedure.

Hair removal with ultrasound.

The number of regular visits (about once a month) depends on the individual characteristics of hair growth. As a rule, no more than 10.

Do not use the service for pregnant women. Another advantage of the methods is the possibility of its behavior independently at home.

When choosing a way to eliminate hair in intimate zones, not only prices and promised results should be guided.

Important to rememberthat every effect on the skin that entails the subsequent change in the microflora of the skin can have its negative consequences. Delive to them seriously, so as not to get damned skin and related disorders.

Look at this video and find out about Shugaring:

If you want to avoid problems when depilation of the bikini zone, look this video:

The question concerning the liquidation of hair in the intimate zone is relevant all year round, and not only throughout the summer. Resperating Ladies cannot afford such carelessness as vegetation on the legs and pubis. Do you always look like truly amazing? Dream to get rid of the hair in the bikini zone? In this case, you certainly need to proceed to the extermination of unnecessary vegetation on the body. Why get rid of hair in the bikini zone:

  • First, excessive hair cover in intimate places contributes to intensive reproduction of pathogens of microbes. And this is not hygienic and dangerous.
  • Secondly, the hair in the intimate zone does not like 90% of men. And shaved pubis or neat intimate haircuts, on the contrary, attract and sit. Remember, ladies, about it, when you go on a date. It is possible that your man may not enter 10% of those who are ready to put up with the hairs on the tender skin.
  • Thirdly, the girls themselves are uncomfortable when there is extra hair. Therefore, they are trying to get rid of the hair in the bikini zone. After all, everyone wants to be feminine and tender, like a flower. Does the barley can like himself?!
  • Fourth, it is ugly when they are visible from under the panties. Solve in this form to visit public saunas, pools, beaches - be prepared for what they will be met with ridicule and even condemnation.

"Thickets" near the germ lips and on the pubis are unwanted hair in the bikini zone with whom it is worth saying goodbye. Want to know how to get rid of the hair in the bikini zone? Very popular ways can be called epilation and depilation. Almost all procedures allowing to get rid of the hair in the bikini zone can be carried out in a comfortable home environment. Many girls cope with such a task on their own, and someone resorts to the help of specialists. It all depends on the method you choose.

It is clear that it can be dangerous with hot waxing, since there is a chance to get serious burns. Therefore, if it was firmly decided to get rid of bristles in the bikini zone using wax, contact a specialized salon. But go there in the hope that the bikini will be raped with the machine, it is hardly worth it. Each can easily do a similar procedure in the bathroom.

If you are interested in photoepilation, you will need help experts. This procedure allows you to make rid of the hair in the bikini area forever. There are light, warmth. But you should know that the presented procedure is comprehensive: you need to pass at least ten sessions to get the long-awaited result. Photoepilation is carried out strictly in the salons. It is considered painful. After it, it is forbidden to visit the solarium and take too hot baths. Compliance with these recommendations allows you to avoid burns on the skin.

How to get rid of bristles in a bikini zone with the help of folk remedies

Some girls are ready for everything, if only the struggle for the beauty of intimate places was successful. But not all representatives of the beautiful half know that it is possible to get rid of the hair in the bikini zone forever, using green walnuts. The secret of the procedure lies in unique juice, which is rich in the peel of nuts. Your task: take the peel of nuts and squeeze the juice, and then linked it in the hairproof. You need to know that the skin can become bronze-brown from this juice. Repeat the procedure should be done many times before getting the desired result.

In addition to juice, you can use and crushed shell of nuts, and kernel of nuts. It is enough to lie very finely, mix with a small amount of water and rub the resulting cleaner into the bikini zone. The experience of brave girls shows that three weeks of everyday rubbing enough if you want to get rid of the hair in the bikini zone for a long time.

Another folk agent is nettle. Its seeds are often used to depilation of hairs. Your task is to prepare a special oil, mixing 50 grams of carefully crawled nettle seeds and 100 grams of vegetable oil. This tool must come for two months in a darkened place. After the filping, it can be used for its intended purpose. A two-time application of miracle oil on the bikini zone is enough to notice the visible result in a week.

Grapes are used as another depilent means. Your task: take green unripe grapes and squeeze juice from them. This juice needs to lubricate problem areas every day. Many girls who tried his action on themselves say that the tool is really effective. It can be boldly to apply even the most sensitive places. With him, you will surely forget about unwanted hair in the bikini zone.

Practice shows that absolutely not necessarily every two or three days to shave bikini zones, more efficient methods can be used. Now you know how to get rid of the hair in the bikini zone. So use the same proven solutions.

Make makeup and remove excess vegetation. Daily care takes a lot of time and effort, but so you want to have perfect skin without hair! How to achieve this, especially in the bikini zone, because many are simply shyring to go with a similar problem in specialized salons. We devoted this problem to an article in which we will tell in detail how to get rid of hair in intimate places at home.

How to get rid of hair in an intimate zone: Features of procedures

To remove unwanted vegetation below the belt, it is important to understand that this is a special zone, easy to irritating and delivering uncomfortable sensations with incorrect care. What can you expect with incorrect hair removal in an intimate zone? Fast rustling of vegetation, its distribution beyond depilation, irritation of delicate skin and even rustling of hair.

Before getting rid of hair in intimate places and to avoid unpleasant consequences, we recommend to figure out the difference between depilation and epilation. Under depilation, only the outer part of the hair is paid, and its follicle remains not touching, so remote vegetation will grow pretty quickly. After the procedure, irritation is possible that quickly passes. For depilation use:

  • razor (machine);
  • depilatory;
  • wax strips;
  • lotion or depile cream;
  • other funds.

Depilation cream contains hydrogen sulfide, causing irritation, so use
its too often not recommended.
The most common salon depilation methods include Sugaring and Vaxing (hot, warm or cold wax). Before the procedure, those zones that are planned to expose depilation are disinfected and calmed, and after graduation, they give the skin to rise within an hour.

With epilation, vegetation is pulling along with the root. To get rid of the hair in intimate places, it is better to visit the salon. The procedure is considered painful, so for beauty will have to suffer, but the hair will not grow very long. And if the same hair onion is subject to persistent removal after the rustling, then through the time hair will stop growing at all.

It is possible to influence unwanted vegetation with a chemical or physical method. If the bulb is purposefully destroyed, it leads to its radical removal. After a qualitatively executed series of depilation, the hair does not grow to 5-6 years.

The epilation procedure is carried out in the cabin the following methods: with a laser, photocells, electricity or enzymes. It has some contraindications in the form of skin diseases, mental and sharp vascular ailments, varicose and epilepsy.

How to get rid of hair in the intimate zone at home: practical advice

The most affordable and elementary method of hair removal in the bikini zone - running with the machine. Use only high-quality cassettes, minimally injured skin. Use gel for and after shaving. To avoid irritation, drop the hair along hair growth, and after the procedure, spread the bikini zone with baby soap, which soothes and protects the skin. Shave the hair is needed carefully to avoid cuts and wound. And note that after 2-3 days the processed section will cover the bristle.

If you are planning to get rid of hair in intimate places chemical method, I will pre-buy a special cream or an aerosol. The method is painless, cheap and affordable, but not enough effective in the presence of thick hair.

In order to remove your hair in a bikini zone with a home epilatorPeep the skin to prepare it to mechanically exposure. After breaking, the intimate zone is disinfected and degreased. Then you take the electroapilator and start removing your hair. It is recommended to do it against hair growth, pulling the skin to reduce pain. Modern models exclude this need, as equipped with special coolers that reduce pain. The disadvantages of the procedure at the high cost of the epilator, as necessary to spend a lot of time and in painful sensations.

To get rid of hair in an intimate location withwaxUse wax sold in banks or on special strips (more convenient way). So that the procedure passes as painlessly, prepare the wax, holding it over fire.

Next, in the direction of the growth of hair, apply wax and cut the ribbon sharply together with vegetation in the opposite direction. First you will not be able to remove literally all the hair that fell under wax, and besides, get ready to hurt. But gradually you will get used to sensations, and hair removal in small areas with the help of Vaxing will be in a habit.

Shugaring Always considered the salon method, but recently began to actively apply at home. Get rid of hair in an intimate place forever at home will not come out, but temporarily make the skin smooth and beautiful will help.

Homemade Shugaring

For the procedure, take the following ingredients:

  1. 1 tsp. Honey.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. water.
  3. 5 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  4. 1 tbsp. l. Lemon juice (in extreme cases, diluted citric acid).

Prepare a container in which you mix all the components and heat them on a small fire until complete dissolution. Watch the mixture to become light brown, caramel, do not keep it on fire for more than 10 minutes! Want to check the degree of readiness of the solution? Drip it on a saucer, but in no case do not shove your fingers in the mixture: it is fraught with a burn! After making the mass, pour it into the glass jar and cool. It should be started to shugaring only after the sugar mixture will cool!

Then take the pre-sliced \u200b\u200bfabric pieces, apply the mixture on them and press to the problem zone. Note that it is necessary to glue a sugar pull against hair growth, and to tear down the growth, which will help to avoid pain.

Folk Methods

If you are interested in how to get rid of hair in intimate places at home forever, then, most likely, without the help of salon experts can not do. At home, methods that have short-term effect are mainly available. However, you can apply the following folk ways:

Iodine solution

Take 5 gr. Castorca, 2 gr. Nasharya, 35 ml of pure alcohol and 1.5 gr. Pharmacy iodine. Mix all and let the mixture stand for 2 hours until it displays. If you apply the means twice a day, then after 2-3 weeks, the hair will noticeably thin and gradually disappear.


The nettle is a miraculous healing plant that is used for and to remove them. For the preparation of the tool, fresh spectacular seeds are needed, which are recommended to rub the hair of the body. The method is effective, but requires temporary costs. Therefore, if you want to get rid of hair in intimate places faster, use the following recipe: you need to mix 100 ml of vegetable oil from 40 gr. Pucked spectacular seeds. Well bloated mixture hide in a dark place for 2 weeks. It can then be used to 2 times a day, until unwanted vegetation in the bikini zone will disappear.