How to depict caring for the family on the coat of arms. Family coats of arms and their meaning. Family symbols and meanings

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The focus of this lesson is on drawing the coat of arms of the Russian Federation - the double-headed eagle. And also you will find in the article detailed recommendations on how to create the coat of arms of a family or school.

Drawing the coat of arms of Russia is quite difficult, as it has a large number of details. However, the task is simplified by the fact that it is almost symmetrical. In order to draw the coat of arms of the Russian Federation correctly, you should use a ruler and draw a sheet in advance. Focusing on the construction lines, drawing will become much easier. This is a very detailed step by step tutorial and has enough patience. You will need an HB pencil and a softer pencil (eg 2B or 4B). Also prepare an eraser and a ruler. I recommend drawing on thick, specially designed paper.

Draw a square and divide it into 4 equal parts. Use . Do not put pressure on the paper, as in the future we will erase all construction lines.

Now draw diagonal lines as shown in the picture. Note that the lines do not come out of the corners of the square.

We begin to draw the wings and paws of the eagle, focusing on the construction lines. Try to draw the right and left wings the same size. The same goes for paws.

In the center of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation there is a shield depicting George the Victorious slaying a dragon with a spear. Mark the borders of the shield as a rectangle. Note that there is only a third of the shield at the top of the drawing. And two thirds of it are located below the line dividing our coat of arms horizontally. We begin to draw the neck of the eagle, outline the tail. The green lines show the height of the eagle's heads (the heads are located below the tips of the wings) and the place where the bird's knees are. We will draw them in the next step.

The lower part of the paws appears in the bird. Instead of claws squeezing the scepter and orb while drawing circles. The eagle's knees are approximately at the same level as the shield's borders. With rounded lines we draw the necks, smoothly turning into the heads.

Now the eagle has a beautiful curve of wings, predatory beaks and 3 crowns. Small crowns are located on the heads of the bird, a large crown hung between them. The eagle has a big fluffy tail. We mark its outlines in the form of a fan. Do not forget to observe the symmetry of the picture.

Let's start drawing the details, due to which the coat of arms looks more beautiful. We decorate the crowns with ribbons, in the right paw of the eagle we depict a scepter (a long stick with a double-headed eagle at the end), in the left - a power (ball). We draw the eyes of the bird, and also refine the shape of the shield - round the lower corners, draw a pointed "pimp".

It's time to draw the paws, or rather the claws of the armorial bird. We also finish the ribbons on the crowns, we begin to draw feathers. Don't forget to draw a curved tongue in the beak of each head.

And now we are detailing the entire body of the eagle, drawing beautiful even feathers. We decorate the power with stripes and circles.

Erase extra construction lines. It remains for us to draw a rider with a spear in the center of the coat of arms. Most likely, the image of St. George on a horse will turn out to be quite small in your drawing, so it can be drawn very schematically. If you are drawing a coat of arms of a large size, then you can look at the lessons on how and. So it will be easier for you to understand the structure of the animal. Under the horse's hooves lies a defeated dragon.

If you want to draw a coat of arms depicted on rubles, you can also use this scheme. However, note that these coats of arms are not identical. On banknotes and coins, the wings of an eagle are lowered, and the mythical bird is also devoid of various paraphernalia - crowns, ribbons, a scepter and an orb. Let's just say that this is a simplified version of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. More precisely, this is the coat of arms of the Provisional Government, adopted in 1917.

How to draw a family coat of arms with a pencil?

Do you need to draw the coat of arms of the family? I can give you some advice. Think about what common ground you can unite members of your family? You can draw the coat of arms of the family, starting from the type of activity. Perhaps it is customary in your family to study as doctors, teachers, tailors, artists or physicists? Many grandparents are proud when their grandchildren follow in their footsteps. There are objects and phenomena that symbolize a certain profession. Use them when creating a family coat of arms.

How to draw a family coat of arms in kindergarten?

Each person is an individual with their own desires and talents. Therefore, children do not always choose the profession of parents. How to proceed in this case? You can choose a plant, flower, animal or bird that is famous in mythology. It is not at all necessary that it be a tiger, a lion, a bear or a horse. These animals are very often found on coat of arms. Sometimes, even small, inconspicuous animals symbolize something good and bright. For example, a hummingbird - the smallest bird in the world - is a symbol of energy, strength, and the ability to perform the most difficult tasks. Salamander carries such meanings as wisdom, calmness, renewal. The fox symbolizes wit, prosperity, abundance and longevity.

How to draw a family coat of arms with your own hands?

There are quite a few mythological creatures that are not devoid of nobility. For example, a unicorn, a griffin, a centaur, a sphinx, a gamayun. You can choose one of these animals (semi-human animals) for your coat of arms.

It must be said that in different countries the same animal can be associated with a variety of phenomena, things that are not always kind and positive. But it's not your job to please everyone. By the way, this is not possible at all. Take for example a snail. In Christianity, it symbolizes laziness and sin. But in ancient Egypt and Babylon, this mollusk was a symbol of fertility, eternity. According to Feng Shui, the snail symbolizes peace and tranquility. Just choose the value that seems closest to you. Another example: in our country, the thistle is considered a weed, nothing more, but in Scotland this plant has been one of the main state symbols for the past 500 years. The Scots associate thistle with retribution. Why? . In short, everything in this world is relative.

How to draw a family coat of arms?

It is customary to use a minimum of symbols in the coat of arms. You should not try to cram all the interests of the family into this image. Of course, you can divide the drawing space into 4-5 parts, but it's not a fact that this will make your coat of arms more attractive. There is a great danger of overloading the image too much. Although, there are quite harmonious coats of arms from several parts. For example, the coat of arms of the notorious Hogwarts school. The four parts of the emblem symbolize the four faculties - Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin.

What else can you start from to come up with a family coat of arms? Think about whether you have family traditions? Maybe every summer you all go to rest together in a certain place? It can also become your symbol. Do you know the meaning and history of your last name? Often, a surname can serve as the basis for a coat of arms due to its symbolism.

Do you have family legends? Perhaps there were prominent personalities among your ancestors? What were they famous for? Or did someone in your family have an unusual experience? Was this case so interesting that it has been passed down by word of mouth for generations? This event can also be made the basis of the coat of arms.

Try to create a fairly concise, but at the same time not boring image. If your drawing looks boring, add more details. Decor elements such as ribbons, geometric or floral ornaments will decorate the family coat of arms. Look at the coats of arms of the ancient families of the Russian Empire or other states to understand which composition you like best. Each region in our country has its own heraldry. Read the description of the regional coats of arms, this will also serve as a guide.

Many schools bear the name of the founder, honorary teacher or director who worked in the institution for a very long time. The symbol of the school coat of arms can be the image of such a person in profile or full face. Some educational institutions have an emphasis on a particular subject or several subjects. Take advantage of symbolic items from these areas of science. Education is also symbolized by books, scrolls of paper, a globe, growing twigs of a plant (students), an owl (wisdom).

Now about the color scheme. As a rule, 2-3 primary colors are used in the coat of arms and there are small inclusions of other colors to draw details.

Each color also carries a specific meaning. For example, yellow (gold) symbolizes nobility, wealth; silver (white) - nobility, purity, innocence; red - courage, blood shed in battle; blue - generosity, fidelity, sky; green - hope, freedom, joy, green meadows; purple - piety, generosity; black - wisdom, caution, sadness.

How to draw the coat of arms of the school with a pencil?

Some coats of arms do not use images of birds and animals. Instead, there are ornaments, some objects. Often we can see a family motto on the coat of arms - a short phrase that matters to your family members. The motto may be at the school. You can also write the name of the school or family name on the coat of arms if you are drawing a family coat of arms.

In some cases, the emblem does not symbolize anything, does not contain subtext, but simply serves as a distinctive sign of the family (owner). And even the motto depicted on the coat of arms can be so mysterious that only the owner knows its true meaning. This is also possible.

So, what distinguishes the coat of arms from the usual drawing?

- a clear geometric shape at the base (rectangle, circle, oval, triangle)

- symmetry (even if the coat of arms is not completely symmetrical, its sides must be balanced with each other);

- Minimum colors - 2-3 primary colors + 1-2 colors for drawing details;

- a generalized image of a symbol (often animals, plants and other symbols are depicted in outline, without drawing details);

Many artists specialize in creating coats of arms. Such creators are called so - heraldic artists. At present, in Russia, many creative people draw coats of arms. In our country there is a Guild of Heraldic Artists. Look at the works created by the masters:

Have you read the text? Have you looked at the pictures? Now remember that the rules are made to be broken and draw the coat of arms the way you want it to be. Good luck!

In the Middle Ages, family coats of arms were one of the main symbols of an ancient and rich family. They decorated shields, flags and palaces of famous people. To date, the fashion for this attribute is back. Each family should have its own symbol to represent its history.

Family coat of arms

The family coat of arms, together with the pedigree and family tree, is an integral part of the concept of "pedigree". If your last name is not very common and ends in -sky, -vich, -tsky, then there is a high probability that your ancestors had such a symbol.

In countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Moldova and Belarus, data on several thousand coats of arms have been preserved. But if you can’t find your own, you can create it from scratch, because this will add prestige to your family. There are also personal coats of arms. They describe one specific person. The family coat of arms, through artistic means, reflects the basis of the family, its beliefs, views on life and the world. Looking at it, you can better understand your ancestors and determine your place among them. If a person decides to come up with a coat of arms, then he must understand that this is a very difficult task. Heraldry is the study of such symbols.

To create a real family coat of arms, you need to involve the whole family. Brainstorming is the best way to do this. That is, having gathered together, relatives discuss and offer their ideas for this symbol and choose the best option. To do this, you need to remember the history of the family, the places that are most associated with it, the values ​​\u200b\u200btransmitted from generation to generation, and the hobby that most of those present support. All this can be put into a list of words that are most suitable for your family. For example, it can be strictness, hospitality, activity and fun. Each of these concepts is able to show family coats of arms. But remember that this is not just a symbol, but the face of the whole family. Therefore, every detail should be considered.

Beginning of work

Starting this creative process, you need to know the components that make up this symbol. This is a shield, a name and a motto, but in addition to the main parts, a helmet and a crest are often added. The base of the whole drawing will be the shield. Family coats of arms use it as an image of protection from enemies. When creating them, they take the form of real shields and turn them into a schematic image, the basis of all further drawing. Therefore, first you need to choose how it will look. There are such forms of shields:

1. National:

Old French (the top looks like a square, the bottom is a rounded rhombus);

New French (inverted rectangle with curly brace instead of bottom line);

Spanish (top - square, bottom - circle);

English (similar to New French, but the top line extends beyond the figure and connects with it with arcs);





2. Geometric:





After reviewing each of them, the family will choose one thing or come up with something of their own, not like the others.

Color design

Family coats of arms have a variety of colors. Each of the selected shades carries some hidden meaning. Heraldry distinguishes three main categories that reveal the meaning of a particular color. The first is natural phenomena, the second is the qualities that characterize the soul and character of a person, the third is philosophical concepts. Each color has certain characteristics:

  1. Gold symbolizes the sun, generosity and generosity, justice.
  2. Silver is a type of water, moon and snow. It is characterized by innocence and purity.
  3. Red is fire, love, courage, bravery and courage.
  4. Azure reminds of the sky, faith, truthfulness and justice.
  5. Green is associated with plants, hope, joy and youth.
  6. Black speaks of closeness to the earth, humility, modesty and education.
  7. Purple combines nobility, wisdom and a sense of dignity.

The combination of these colors can be varied. It happens when one color prevails, but most often several of them are harmoniously intertwined. It is important to understand that excessive sloppiness can only spoil everything. It is better to divide the coat of arms into several zones, for example, horizontally or diagonally, and give the chosen shades their place. It is very difficult to create a family coat of arms with your own hands, but if you follow simple rules, then everything will work out.

Heraldic figures

All figures that can be placed on the shield are traditionally divided into non-heraldic and heraldic. Each of them can be primary or secondary. Speaking about how to create a family coat of arms, it is important to consider what these figures are like. The heraldic ones are:

  • head (located at the top of the shield);
  • extremity (occupies the bottom of the shield);
  • pillar (located right in the middle of the shield in a vertical position);
  • belt (also in the middle, but already horizontally);
  • bandage (this is a diagonal wide strip that can run either from right to left or from left to right);
  • rafter;
  • border;
  • cross.

These are the main figures of heraldry, the secondary ones are the square, oval, rhombus, etc. All other figures are non-heraldic.

Non-heraldic figures

Family coats of arms certainly consist of images of people, plants, animals, various objects and natural phenomena significant for the clan. They also have their own classification. They are divided into mythical (unicorn, dragon, griffin) and natural (sun, stars, animals, plants, etc.). Each image symbolizes something, as well as color. The most common are:

  • eagle - power, strength and independence;
  • dog - devotion and fidelity;
  • dove - purity and peace;
  • bee - great endurance and love of work;
  • dragon - strength and courage;
  • palm branch or laurel - victory, leadership and freedom;
  • books or a torch - a symbol of knowledge and wisdom;
  • lion - royalty, generosity, courage and strength;
  • bear - strength and wisdom;
  • snake - caution, foresight and a sharp mind;
  • falcon - freedom, mind, beauty and courage;
  • cock - militant mood;
  • oak - endurance, stamina and strength;
  • the olive branch is a well-known symbol of peace.

If you skillfully combine some of these images, colors and shapes, you will get a very high quality family coat of arms. Photo examples are presented in the article. They distinguish clans and families from others.

Correct phrase

In addition to all of the above, there is still a small, but very important condition for a good coat of arms. This is the motto. Most often it is written on a ribbon under the shield. If the shield is in the form of a circle, then this saying will most likely be written along its borders. In the time of the knights, the motto was the battle cry. Now, this role is best suited for a small phrase or sentence that expresses important events for the family. In addition, the text itself can be encrypted, which will add more mystery. The motto is the hallmark of the family, like the surname, because it conveys the main rule or creed of the whole family. Ideas for creating this saying can be gleaned from proverbs, sayings or quotes from great people.

Creation of the coat of arms

Very often at school a child is given the task of drawing a family coat of arms. Therefore, you need to think through all the details of this symbol together with your child. But do not try to do everything yourself, give the initiative to the young creator. Such joint work will be useful for each of the parties: the adult will more seriously analyze the history and values ​​of the family, and the child will understand the importance of such concepts as family and ancestors. Thus, by joint efforts you will create a wonderful family emblem, the photo of which will not be ashamed to show to friends.

Another great reason to create this symbol is the combination of two hearts. It will be a wonderful decoration of the banquet hall, and in the future it will perfectly fit into the interior of your home. You can make a family coat of arms for a wedding with your own hands or simply order it.

Thus, one of the most important symbols of the genus is the coat of arms. If it did not come to you from your ancestors, you can create it yourself. This is a labor intensive process. All the above tips will tell you how to draw a family coat of arms so that it displays all sides of the clan.

The family coat of arms is the emblem of the family, inherited. Often, children first encounter this concept when they are given the task of drawing a family coat of arms for school. We admit honestly that few families in our time have their own coat of arms, yet historically this is more typical for noble or ancient noble families.

However, any family has the right to make their coat of arms. Of course, it will not perform the initial function of identification (it hardly makes sense to put the image of your family coat of arms on clothes or a car), but it will help unite family members, emphasize the continuity of generations of the family. In addition, in the preschool and school curriculum there are lessons and activities devoted to the study of the family tree and the family coat of arms, and if you do not already have a family emblem, then you will have to invent and draw up your family coat of arms with your child.

Do-it-yourself family coat of arms for kindergarten

If you just need craftwork or a drawing of a family crest for kindergarten or elementary school, then you can draw:

  • Hobby or hobby of each family member
  • Photo or drawing of relatives
  • As animals, you can depict animal symbols of the years according to the eastern calendar in which your family members were born.

AT this case it is difficult to talk about the “family coat of arms”, rather we help the child draw a business card than the emblem of the family.

You can use the application, for kids it will be easier than drawing and coloring the family emblem with your own hands.

How to compose and make a family coat of arms for a student

For older children, it is possible to create a family coat of arms according to all the rules of heraldry.

So, the family coat of arms is a composition of symbols that indicate the origin of the clan, the merits of the ancestors and the current position of its members. It should reflect the values ​​that your family considers to be the most important.

A simple coat of arms has the following mandatory parts:

  1. shield (usually traditional and less commonly free-form)
  2. crest
  3. motto

Coat of arms form

The main forms of the shield are shown in the figure below. The most popular form is the French shield: along with elegant lines, it provides the maximum area for filling with symbols.

The shield field can be divided into parts:

If you choose a field divided into two parts, then you can dedicate one part to the paternal branch of the family relative to the child, and the second to the mother.

Above the shield is a helmet and crest. A gold-colored helmet speaks of the noble origin of the family, and representatives of any families can choose a silver color.

For the crest are used: hats, horns, feathers, wings, flags, or even a monogram with the image of the first letter of the surname. Helmet and crest must be kept in the same color scheme.

On the sides of the shield there can be figures of shield holders. More often these are animals, branches of plants, sometimes figures of people. Shield holders can be decorated with ribbons.

Color Meaning

The color of the coat of arms has its own meaning (see table)


Natural phenomenon

Qualities of character, human soul

Philosophical concepts

Nobility, generosity, independence


Moon, water, snow

Purity, truthfulness


Courage, Courage, Courage

fidelity, truthfulness


Youth, joy, freedom, abundance

education, modesty



nobility, dignity

Wisdom (prudence)


The shield field inside is filled with symbols that are most important to you. And you need to choose what your family is proud of, what they consider their achievements, what they strive for. Choose those aspects that are inherent not to one person, but to several relatives.
If some features are inherent in your family members, but you do not consider it necessary to emphasize them, then you should not display them on the coat of arms either. Or you can highlight positive traits, for example, instead of greed - thrift, instead of aggression - strength, etc.

So, for example, you can place on a coat of arms:

  • Symbols of a profession that several family members have (for example, grandmother and mother are teachers, or grandfather and grandson are military).
  • Favorite pastimes or hobbies that family members are proud of: fishing, solving puzzles, traveling, reading, sports.
  • Moral qualities that are inherent in your family members (care - in the form of protective palms, kindness - the heart).

Heraldic symbols and their meaning


  • Leo - strength and courage, generosity
  • Bear - wisdom and strength
  • Dog - devotion
  • Snake - wisdom and precaution
  • Unicorn - invincible
  • Boar - fearlessness
  • dragon - power
  • Crane - vigilance
  • Horse - courage and speed
  • Vulture - fearlessness
  • Cat - independence
  • Wolf - anger


  • Rooster - militancy, readiness for battle
  • Dove - purity and peace
  • Falcon - courage, mind beauty
  • Eagle - strength and power
  • Peacock - narcissism and boasting


  • Oak - strength and durability
  • Lilies - the flowering of the family, success
  • Roses - holiness and spiritual purity
  • Olive branches - peace
  • Laurel and palm branches - victory, glory

Other symbols

  • The sun - wisdom and warmth, but also readiness for war
  • Heart is passion
  • Star - nobility
  • Crown - power
  • Bees - tireless diligence
  • Ax - consciousness
  • Hands - sincerity and justice


Under the armorial shield there is a ribbon with a motto or some kind of base: a stone or marble pedestal, a hill.
You can choose a proverb, catchphrase or saying that characterizes your family.

Variants of mottos for the family coat of arms

  • The case of the master is afraid
  • Where there is honor, there is truth
  • Skill and work will grind everything
  • Consent in the family - prosperity in the house
  • Good brotherhood is better than wealth
  • A friendly family knows no sorrow
  • To each his own honor and dear
  • Valor and Strength
  • life in good
  • Hurry up for a good deed
  • Hold on to the good and stay away from the bad
  • What kind of labors and fruits
  • Each one is great in his own way.
  • The road to happiness lies through work. There are no other paths to happiness.

Examples of family coat of arms templates

In drawing up the family coat of arms, ready-made templates of coats of arms with a given form and years for the motto will help you, which you only need to color and fill in with symbols.

The coat of arms of the family is an image that is a symbol and at the same time an expression of views, shows the attitude of relatives to life. Often children at school are given the task of drawing such a drawing, as it develops logical thinking, creativity and artistic skills.

There is a special science that studies coats of arms - heraldry. Drawings of the coat of arms can also be used to decorate the house, for example, hang at the entrance to the apartment. The joint development of the concept of such an emblem is an exciting activity that will allow parents and children to spend time together and profitably.

The coat of arms of the family is not just a beautiful drawing. First of all, this is an image of everything that close people strive for, by what rules and principles they live, what they value in life. A coat of arms made according to all the rules of heraldry is a set of special symbols that reveals the essence of a group of people, in this case a family.

He is able to unite people, distinguish them from the rest. Many, after a successful attempt to draw such an emblem, begin to better understand their family and their place in the lives of loved ones.

It is desirable that the family coat of arms for the school, like any other, be drawn up taking into account the rules of heraldry. There are special templates that help express information that symbolizes everything that is so important for loved ones. The basis of the drawing is always the so-called shield. It can have a different shape, for example, a circle, an oval, a rhombus, a rectangle, or a complex figure with several angles. As a rule, the left and right sides of the shield are symmetrical to each other. Initially, the shield on the emblem in appearance was very similar to a real knight's shield.

The second component of the family coat of arms is the motto. You can think of what words will reflect the worldview of the family, and then depict them on the emblem. Usually the motto is placed below the shield. A properly executed coat of arms should contain elements such as a crest and a helmet. Anything that demonstrates the strength and steadfastness of the spirit can be drawn on them. If the family has a priority in obtaining knowledge, you can draw a book or an owl peeking out from behind a shield. If the priority is sports, physical development, we advise you to draw medals, a barbell and other sports attributes. It should be noted that the use of these symbols is not a rule of heraldry.

Color scheme and symbolism

Regardless of what templates you will use for drawing, the choice of colors for the emblem will need to be done by yourself. White symbolizes purity and the desire for peace. Yellow is the color of the sun. It symbolizes wealth, generosity, generosity. Red denotes courage, self-esteem, courage. Green is the color of youth, which will show that the family is striving forward, that all its members are young at heart. Blue is a shade of high moral standards, honesty, decency.

Usually the shield is painted in one of the specified colors, but there are templates that allow you to apply several colors at once, if they are equally important to the family. For example, you can draw a wide stripe in the center and paint over it with a different color. You can divide the shield into 3 - 4 parts, each of which will be painted in a different color to symbolize different virtues.

You can draw animals on the coat of arms:

  • the bear will symbolize strength;
  • owl - wisdom;
  • dove - peace and purity;
  • lion - power and generosity;
  • dog - devotion;
  • dragon - power;
  • bee - love of work;
  • swan - love for family members.

Drawing tools

The choice of tools depends entirely on skill. Of course, the most beautiful images are obtained using paints. But parents do not always have artistic abilities to help their child make a quality drawing. You can use markers, which are much easier to work with.

Undoubtedly, the most beautiful drawings are obtained on whatman paper. They allow not only to draw a coat of arms, but also to fill the remaining space with other important elements, such as drawings of family members, a surname written in large calligraphic type, a family tree.

The family coat of arms is a symbol that denotes all the virtues that are of value to people. It distinguishes the family from others, allowing others to understand what values ​​are preached among loved ones. We recommend using templates, thanks to which you can easily and quickly make an image of such an emblem.

What is a family (family) coat of arms

The coat of arms, together with the rest of the components (family tree, pedigree) forms the modern concept of Genealogy and is a symbol of your family, and sometimes a symbol of just one person (then we are talking about a Personal Coat of Arms). The coat of arms of the family is a set of heraldic symbols that embody the main features of the family family. The family coat of arms used to be a privilege of the nobility, but now it is designed to highlight the family, unite all its members, and become a strong link for generations.

Family coat of arms (family coat of arms)- is compiled by the whole family and reflects the essence of the family life of the clan, its place in society and basic values.

Emblem Personal- Describes the personality of a particular person.

The coat of arms is a reflection in the artistic form of the basis of a person, his set of beliefs and views on the family, on the world, on life. Very often, the coat of arms is also drawn up in order to better understand your family and your place in it.

Coming up with a coat of arms is no easy task. There is a whole science - heraldry, which knows all the rules for compiling coats of arms. We will give only some rules for creating a coat of arms that will help you draw the coat of arms of your family.

Rules for creating a coat of arms

1. The form of the coat of arms

Any coat of arms or emblem, as a rule, is made up of certain parts.

The main part of the coat of arms is shield. The image of the shield is designed to protect a family or a person from enemies both in antiquity and in our time. The heraldic shield was originally no different from the real shield. In ancient times, in the Middle Ages, the forms of military shields simply amazed with their variety - round, oval, pointed at the bottom, rectangular, in the shape of a crescent, etc. A diamond-shaped shield usually indicated that a lady was the owner of such a coat of arms.
Whatman paper, cardboard from boxes, thick colored paper are suitable as a material for making a family coat of arms. With your child, choose the shape of the future coat of arms of the family, draw it on a piece of paper.

2. The color of the coat of arms

The coat of arms could be different in color, and each color had its own meaning. In heraldry, colors can reflect the phenomena of nature, the qualities of the human soul, the character of a person, and even complex philosophical concepts:


The name of the color adopted in heraldry

Natural phenomenon

Qualities of character, human soul

Philosophical concepts

generosity, generosity


Moon, water, snow



Bravery, courage, bravery

fidelity, truthfulness


youth, joy

education, modesty



nobility, dignity

Wisdom (prudence)

The shield can be painted in one color. If we want to use several colors, then the shield must be divided, for example, into two parts: vertically, horizontally, diagonally. Despite the apparent simplicity, the geometric divisions of the shield field form a variety of options. By following these division rules, it is possible to divide the shield into three, four or more parts.

3. Figures of the coat of arms

The figures that are placed on top of the field of the shield are traditionally divided into heraldic and non-heraldic.
In turn, heraldic figures can be major and minor.
Eight main heraldic figures- this is the head (occupies the upper part of the shield), extremity (located at the bottom of the shield), pillar (located vertically in the middle of the shield), belt (placed horizontally in the middle of the shield), baldric (located diagonally on the shield and has two options: from left to right and from right to left), rafter, cross and border.

Minor heraldic figures quite a lot - it's a square, rhombus, shield, etc.

Images of people, animals, plants, natural phenomena, objects play important role in the symbolism of coats of arms. They belong to non-heraldic figures, which are divided into natural (natural phenomena, heavenly bodies, plants, animals, humans), artificial (weapons, tools, household items) and mythical (dragons, unicorns, griffins).
Symbolism of the figures:
-lion - strength, courage, generosity;
-eagle - strength, power, independence;
-bear means wisdom and strength;
-dog - loyalty and devotion;
- snake - wisdom, caution;
- the dove symbolizes peace and purity;
-falcon - beauty, courage and intelligence;
-bee - industriousness;
-rooster - a symbol of battle;
-dragon - power;
- oak means strength and stamina;
-laurel and palm branches - glory, victory;
- olive branches - peace;
- a torch, an open book - symbolize knowledge
The combination of heraldic figures, symbolic images and their colors can serve as a permanent sign, a distinctive sign of a person, family, class, group or institution.

4. Motto of the coat of arms of the family

Motto- a short saying, usually written on a ribbon at the bottom of the shield. Sometimes the mottos are placed in the coat of arms without a ribbon, if the shield is round, the motto is usually written around the shield. Obviously, the basis for the motto could originally have been a knightly battle cry (such as "Crom boo", the motto of the Dukes of Fitzgerald, meaning "Crom (the old family castle) forever!", But the motto can be a short statement, reminiscent of some important historical event or expressing the creed of the owner of the coat of arms.The text of the motto can be encrypted and understandable only to the initiates.
Family motto, passed down from generation to generation, can guide a person's actions, model his behavior. The motto of the family is an analogue of the surname, a family business card. The verbal motto of the family briefly, in a few words, expresses the family credo, the life rules of the family.
Wonderful mottos for the family have already been invented, or rather, formulated in folk proverbs.
Family mottos:
"Where there is agreement, there is victory"
"Family is the foundation of happiness"
Where there is love and advice, there is no grief,
"A family is strong when there is only one roof over it",
"The family is in a heap, and the cloud is not terrible."
Mottos of Honor:
"The more difficult the task, the higher the honor",
"Where there is honor, there is truth."
Labor slogans:
"The work of the master is afraid,"
"Skill and work will grind everything."
"The road will be mastered by the walking one"
Friendship mottos:
"In a harmonious herd, the wolf is not terrible,"
"There is safety in numbers".
Mottos about the defense of the Motherland:
"If the people are united, they are invincible"
"Courage is the sister of victory."

Emblem of the family with their own hands. This is how children 5-7 years old came up with a family coat of arms.

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