How to find love. Sincere, mutual and real. Self-realization and creative development blog

“Give people your love! What can you lose besides your loneliness? ", - the words of John Kehoe from the book "The subconscious mind can do everything!".

How often one has to meet with unrequited love. Tears, disappointment, heartache and worst of all - disbelief.

Disbelief in life and in other men.

How to become loved, how to become the desired and only woman? How to fall in love with a man?

Most importantly, you need to understand that everything in life is given to us either for happiness or for a valuable experience!

And this very experience is simply necessary for us, because without it we will not be able to attract what we want into our life or we will not be able to keep it. Therefore, you must first of all understand that if one relationship did not work out or ended in unrequited love, then this means that you have received a very valuable experience that will help you attract your true love into your life !!!

Plus, this experience of unrequited love makes yours even richer and more beautiful! Therefore, mentally thank the man, thanks to whom you are now one step closer to your true love.

And now about the most important thing - what is unconditional love.

In our life there is an indisputable law of the Universe - the LAW OF GIVING. One of the most significant. It says that

"It is necessary to UNCONDITIONALLY give what you strive for."

Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin, and a medal cannot exist without one side. And the law of life is such that first you need to give, and then it is only possible to receive something in return.

And whether you get something in return or not depends on how much you gave selflessly.

How can this law be applied to men to become loved and desired?

Men very subtly feel women who, on a subconscious level, have it written on their foreheads "I want to get married." Men read this in the first few seconds, and since men are often afraid to marry, they immediately avoid such women.

After all, a man is a conqueror, a hunter, he needs a riot of feelings and emotions, he has a natural need to "hunt" for a woman and conquer her, it is important for him to feel his own taste of winning a victory. And then - bam, and she just wants to get married ...

Where are the feelings, where are the emotions? Where is the desire to conquer this particular woman?

Therefore, it is important to radiate goodness and love from oneself into this world. Unconditionally give love to people. Be open and radiant. There are even special ones in order to learn how to get real pleasure from life and begin to radiate magical inner light. Let go of yourself and reboot your senses!

There are very cool sayings,

which accurately express the essence of unconditional love. Which show what needs to be done to attract love and please a man.

"Who takes - fills the palms, who gives - fills the heart ...", - Lao Tzu

« You cannot stay in the shadows - if you yourself are emitting light“, - I don’t know whose beautiful words these are :)

« Unconditional love - love without pretensions - is the only chance to evoke a reciprocal feeling. Give up the desire to receive and appropriate something, love just like that, not counting on anything, and then, perhaps, a miracle will happen - they will love you.<…>The stronger the desire for possession, that is, reciprocal love, the stronger the action of the balancing forces that will do everything "out of spite". Love without conditions, without the right to possess, does not create dependency relationships and generates creative, positive energy. Only unconditional love can work a miracle - reciprocal love ", - Vadim Zeland, Reality Transurfing.

One of the main goals in the life of every person is love, mutual, beautiful and long-lasting love. But not everyone manages to find her so easily and simply; it happens that one person in a relationship loves, and the other endures. You can find your mutual love, you just have to wait a little and not rush at the first comer who speaks to you the cherished and so desired words.

Where to look for love

It's not worth looking for love, this feeling comes only when you don't expect it. It is difficult to look for your soul mate in every person you meet, you will only put yourself in a stupid position.

Take a look around, maybe among your friends and acquaintances with whom you have long been accustomed to communicate, there is the very person whom you love just like that, and do not even know about his feelings for you.

You should believe that your love exists, it lives somewhere not far from you, and you should only meet. Do not sit at the window at home, do not look for her in your thoughts. Connect with people, meet people and live a full and varied life.

You should not prepare for a new relationship in a special way, always remain yourself. Always listen to your heart, not your stomach rumbling from hunger. Respond with politeness to rudeness, smile to insults, maybe it is at this moment that he is looking at you, and you should show yourself from your best side.

As for your appearance, while walking around the shops in a wedding dress, you will hardly meet your fiancé. They will look at you like an idiot. Regular clothes, clean and ironed, a little jewelry and natural make-up are the key to your success, he will definitely pay attention to you.

Reciprocity in relationships

Many people believe that mutual love does not exist. And reciprocity lies in the fact that you both passionately love each other and close your eyes to everything. This is not true.

Mutual love is only in those relationships where people respect each other and help, not only in everyday life and financially, but morally support their partner.

When people tend to spend a lot of time together. Do everything together, relax and go shopping, do the house cleaning and cook when they are silent and understand what one of you has to say.

You rush home after work, because your love is already waiting for you there. You gladly iron your socks, just because you love and this feeling is mutual.

Building relationships is much more difficult than building a house. It is worth considering the interests of your partner, listening carefully to everything that he says and what he is silent about. Tolerate what you don't like. Silence when you want to swear and insult a person. Instead of resentment and quarrels, hug and enjoy communication with each other. All this may not be so easy, but it is worth working hard so as not to lose a person.

One day, everyone asks the question "how to attract mutual love?" No one will give the answer to this question right away. Love is a feeling that arises, as a rule, unexpectedly, and what is most likely systematic - not always on time.

What is mutual love?

The kind of love that evokes positive emotions. You say "I am loved" when, deep down, you feel that someone cares about your well-being. This feeling of caring brings deep satisfaction to your soul. When you feel loved, there is a natural reaction of respect for the person who loves us.

It can be love at first sight, or, conversely, a long communication until the moment this feeling appears. Many have confused and continue to confuse attraction with love.

But the attraction of the opposite sexes is an absolutely natural thing that is inherent in all living species, and not only in humans. Relationships are not built on only attraction, because this craving once ends, which means that the main thing that kept people together disappears.

Sometimes mutual love is based on mutual interests - for many years people have been doing the same thing, and talking about it became the starting point for starting any relationship.

The main thing is that someday this hobby does not end, otherwise, again, that which connected people will disappear, which means that it is also difficult to call it true love.

There is a coincidence that makes people live together and the couple begins to take this life together for granted.

And, after a while, on the basis of this habit, something more appears that can be called love. Love based on the habit of living side by side.

But nevertheless, the most real mutual love can be safely called feelings based on first impressions, and not supported by any additional stimuli, that is, "love at first sight" when they love a person, no matter what happens in life, whatever there was no disagreement, this feeling does not go out.

And, only having felt this, a person can say with confidence that he has found mutual love. Sometimes it happens that, having found mutual love, we don’t see it, that is, we don’t appreciate those real feelings that are given to us from above, we cannot discern in a person who is next to one or the only one with whom we would like to share the rest of our life.

And this inattention ultimately makes you look around, in search of something better. And after a while this something appears, as it would seem that they were looking for, however, a person who engaged in such searches begins to understand that this is not what it was before, and there are no those feelings, there is no spark between him and him. new second half, and then he begins to understand what he really lost. And he wants to preserve mutual love with all his might.

We can find and lose anything, but we never would like to ask the question “how to find mutual love?” For the second time in our life.

Everyone dreams of having mutual feelings at least once in his life. But how to attract mutual love into your relationship? How to make you happy? Of course, do not forget that each person comes with love in a different way, but if you want to make the search for love take less time, then follow these rules and then everything will work out.

The first thing you need to do is look at yourself. After all, mutual love is a very difficult thing. It is not the main thing to love here, but one must also be loved. But you should have a good discussion about yourself. What qualities do you have? If you understand that you are not always able to contain your emotions, then it is better to change.

After all, a man is looking for in a girl not only the parameters of attractiveness, but also kindness and responsiveness. To attract mutual love, you need to make the man himself want to get to know you.

After all, the most important thing is that you understand and help mentally. The main thing is that you should not quarrel over various little things. This is a very bad quality and because of this, many couples disagree. So change and then you will have mutual love.

Do not sit at home under any circumstances. Not even at home, don't be alone. After all, if so, the search for love will take a very long time. Go to the noisiest companies, talk a lot and then you will have everything. Meet many people who can be more than just acquaintances to you. In noisy companies, you can find your future love.

How to attract mutual love? First of all, you need to have so many different interests so that you have a lot in common with people. Be interested in new products. Get carried away with anything, develop your horizons and then, you will succeed. Indeed, in the course of communication in some industry, you can understand that you have mutual sympathy for someone, and then it’s not far from the relationship.

To attract mutual love to yourself, learn a lot, learn different languages, communicate on the Internet in social networks and not only with people of your country, but also from other countries. Do not forget that it is this kind of communication via the Internet that makes a person frank and cheerful.

Try to make sense of the new people around you. After all, this quality is very important, since it will come in handy throughout life. It is worth noting that your goals should be uniform, and if they are not, then it is very difficult to build a family life. After all, there is no most important thing, a common goal that can lead you all your life together.

Factors that influence the search for mutual love

It is not so easy to meet mutual love in life. Many people have been looking for it all their lives and cannot find it. But in most cases, many at least once in their lives met her and felt a feeling of love incredible in their emotions.

Experiencing the feeling of love gives a person the acquisition of mental maturity. It is because of this that a person can wait for many years, when true love will meet on his way, and he will feel such an unforgettable feeling.

You should not sit and wait with folded hands;

Take control and take action. The search will lead to the desired result;

But how to meet mutual love, based on the above factors?

From the very birth, a person feels it. Love for mother, father. After - to friends. When a person is already entering adolescence, he has a feeling of falling in love with the opposite sex. Therefore, a distinction between love and true love is necessary here;

Don't be suspicious. Treat everything easier. Of course, you will be pressured by the stereotypes that were brought up in the family. Step back from all of them. But don't overdo it. Do not immediately hang on the neck of the opposite reason, do not hesitate, but just let him know how you feel;

Drop illusions and perfect pictures. After all, life is a very complex process in which it is necessary to survive. Fantasies are out of place here. This is not a fabulous country where everything is perfect. You must clearly define your partner. Choose a person with whom you will have something to talk about. Appearance is not the main thing, but what a person feels and perceives. A prince on a white horse is all illusory;

If you want to be loved or loved - work on it yourself. And don't stop there;

Be self-critical of yourself. If something does not work out - perhaps the reason is in you;

It will not work out that having met mutual love, everything will be wonderful at once. As they say, it is necessary to fight for love;

True love is the soul itself. So it's worth working on your soul;

A truly loving person not only takes everything from this feeling, but also gives. So remember this axiom;

A strong-minded person will overcome all obstacles;

Always be ready for all difficulties and obstacles, and mutual love will be bestowed on you. The main thing is not to give up and always go forward towards the intended goal.

Where to look for mutual love?

The easiest way to make a new acquaintance is the Internet. But in reality, this is not the best move, since the Internet itself is an unreliable thing. If you want to establish some kind of relationship with a person, having met on the Internet, then you should meet him as soon as possible. Otherwise, he can just as quickly find you a virtual replacement.

You go to work every day. The next time you come, look around. Who knows, maybe the only one all this time is very close, and you simply simply do not notice him. Take a closer look at some colleagues, go to a cafe with one of them, do not refuse another corporate party. It is possible that you will find common interests and will no longer be just colleagues, your relationship will move to a new level.

Also, do not forget that mutual love can await us on a walk. You can make a new acquaintance just by walking around the square. Take your favorite dog with you and, while walking it, you have a great chance to meet the owner of the mastiff, who turns out to be a nice guy, and then everything is in your hands.

Clubs and restaurants are undeniably the most comfortable places to interact with someone in a more relaxed atmosphere. You can get close to a person in such a way as to understand whether you are suitable for each other or not.

We have considered just some of the ways to meet mutual love from the thousands of existing ones. And remember, your happiness is in your hands. It depends only on you whether the above rules will help you find mutual love.

Do you want love? Sincere, mutual and real? You make wishes, do meditations to attract love, try to constantly be in a state of love. But the man is not attracted? Or is it attracted, but not for long? For example, a relationship can last 3-5 months, and then disappointment and breakup occurs. And this can go on for quite a long time, sometimes for several years.

And you cannot understand the reason in any way. Understand what exactly you are missing, and why love does not come into your life or you are walking in a vicious circle.

How to find love and be loved

But, you are most likely really missing one very important nuance: before you create a happy relationship with someone, you need to create such a relationship with yourself. That is, at first - mutual to itself. Until that happens, there will be no happy relationship either. Think about a relationship in which you were happy. How did they begin, how did they begin? I am more than sure that since that moment you were uplifted, in harmony with yourself, you loved yourself, and, through yourself, you fell in love with another person.

And then suddenly you started to have some kind of claims to yourself (that's exactly how - first to yourself, and not to your partner), maybe you began to compare yourself with some other women, maybe your appearance somehow changed, but all that anything can be. It's just that at some point your relationship with yourself somehow went wrong, and you lost confidence in yourself, and at the same time respect and love for yourself.

That is, from this we can conclude that your love for yourself in life is not unconditional and constant. And therefore, you cannot meet a person who would reflect this love to you. And vibrating at such a frequency of self-dislike, you cannot in any way attract a person who loves himself to you, since you simply cannot coincide with him.

How to find love. Fall in love with yourself

In the meantime, in terms of vibrations, you coincide with those people who also, to one degree or another, do not love themselves, and just as you seek compensation in them for your dissatisfaction with yourself, they are looking for such compensation in you.

You just cannot match up with someone who is not on your wavelength. And while you are in the process of clarification, in which each of your partners shows you that you do not love yourself. And if you take this as a clarification, as an experience, as a lesson, then you will become much closer to realizing your integrity. And then your next partner will also be more holistic.

But if every time you worry that this is again “the wrong person”, then you do not clarify anything for yourself. You are simply shifting the responsibility for your "difficult fate" onto someone again. And then all your subsequent relationships will be exactly the same. Because you have not completed the lesson, you have not understood, you have not realized, and therefore your vibrations have not changed, and you still do not like yourself in some way.

You can follow this path of clarification not only alone or with some short-term companions. It may well be that you are in a relationship with one person, but this relationship does not suit you, you do not feel happy in it. This means that you are both dissatisfied with yourself in something and are looking for some kind of compensation in each other, instead of finding it in yourself.

This relationship is called codependent. And only when understanding comes, and each of you begins to accept as an integral being, then you will cease to depend on each other and you will feel good, because integral beings are always good together.

Why do you think there are unhappy and happy couples? A happy couple are two whole individuals who, first of all, know how to build a happy relationship with themselves. And the unhappy couple are two codependent individuals who seek compensation in each other.

And even if you say now that this is not true and that you definitely love yourself, you still come across some "defective" men. And all this happens not because you are somehow dissatisfied with yourself, but because there are simply no good, normal, high-quality men. All I can hear around is that “the man is crushing now,” “there used to be normal men, but now they have become like women,” “everyone needs only one thing,” and so on.

Let me tell you one secret. If a woman or a man is convinced that all are "goats and fools", then this is a picture of his or her relationship with Himself. Therefore, I dare to assure you that good men exist, and in a fairly large number. And many men also want a family and happy relationships, and these are very positive men in every sense.

And you can see this for yourself. And for this you need to stop endlessly striving for some kind of ideality, and love yourself today and now. Strong, stable and unshakable.

And ... stop looking. And he will be found.

How to find love. Look inside yourself

You can go through as many trainings as you like, where they will tell you that having become a goddess, a beauty, a bitch, and so on, you will definitely get to know a wealthy beautiful man and marry him. Or you will find the love of your life and you will live happily until the end of your days. But this is not the case.

Because you can know a lot, study a lot of information, but at the same time be constantly dissatisfied with yourself in something, and this is what will play a major role. Not your knowledge and skills, but your vibration! If you are studying something on the topic of relationships, then first of all listen to yourself, and not to some uncles and aunts. They do not know better how you live, but you! Listen to yourself - whether this information responds to you or not. And do not force yourself to do what you do not want, do not force yourself. Walk your own path, with love and respect for yourself, first and foremost.

Often times, when you learn how to love and be loved, how to build relationships, and everything else, you are deceiving yourself. You take Yourself away from Yourself. Take only that information that responds to you, as they say, "falls on the soul." And stop raping your brain and your body with constant "how to find a man, how to create a relationship, how to build a relationship" and go into the process of creating a relationship with yourself. All the answers are within you. Your personal, individual answers.

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