How to find a common language with my husband. Find out how it happens and how to find a common language with my husband. Do not relax in relationships

In family life, not only feelings are important. Domestic difficulties are able to extinguish any passion, and the lack of mutual understanding sooner or later leads to divorce or painful coexistence. And no matter how strong the feelings, tied two people, with time, passion will fade, and interest will disappear, if you do not try to find a common language with my husband. And the chasses do it, you not only revive the past feelings, but will become even closer to each other.

We disassemble how to find a common language with my husband

In order to find a common language with any person, you need to understand it. After all, precisely because of the misunderstanding of the actions and the words of another problems arise. We treat people alive only with their own attitude towards the environment. It is very difficult for us to put yourself in place of another person and try to understand why he does so, and not otherwise. Not in vain they say that everyone is judged by others by following, trying on the surrounding their values \u200b\u200band views. It is not bad and not good, it is so easy easier and more convenient. But still it is best to learn to hear and feel another person. The time you spend on such changes in your character will pay off.

No matter how hard it is to change, for harmonious family relations you need to be more wise, patient and understanding, and your husband must appreciate it. And even if it seems that it is unfair, it is worth thinking that after all the woman is much easier to show flexibility and wisdom than trying to make a man adapt to her. Representatives of a strong sex for some reason deeply convinced that it somehow adversely affect their self-esteem and respect from others. Change similar look at things will not work, because this is the main rod of strong men. Therefore, the task of a woman to remember this, and under no circumstances to try to break her beloved. It is better to understand how the most correct to convey to it that you want, and not to expect it to do the way you think.

Men think completely different than the beautiful floor. You should not forget about it if you want to avoid big differences. They look different on things to the world around. They have a completely different valuable scale and attitude to events. Of what is happening, they do absolutely not the conclusions, as women think. Understanding this fact will not rush in assessing actions, thoughts and desires of your beloved husband.

In any way, the power of the floor does not accept restrictions. You can only achieve the desired if the man himself is deeply convinced that he needs it. And it doesn't matter at all, for himself or for his beloved woman, because when he understands that for the spouse, his act is of great importance, he will try to do this exactly, and not otherwise. Seeing his beloved joy in the eyes, a man as ever feels joy and pride for himself, such a strong and bold.

The same limitations that seem important to his wife, but for him are absolutely unacceptable, will become a serious stimulus for him and, even if he once refuses to meet with friends or view the match of the favorite sports team, the second time the chances of catching him in a bad mood will increase. Not worth and rejoice ahead of time if the spouse is too observed and fulfills all your requirements, refusing to their hobbies. Over time, the power of passion will decrease - this is an objective fact, and its place will come not mutual understanding and deep kinship souls, allowing you to live together a long and happy joint life, but a huge list of claims for the fact that before you forced him to abandon what he loves .

Above all the men, they value freedom, because of which they do not hurt themselves to bind themselves to marriage. Therefore, rashly use it feelings to adjust it. When a person is surrounded by fences, he turns into a ram, you hardly love him for the fact that he had been listened to you and did it as women. But, unfortunately, in family life, many women for their own peace are becoming representatives of the strong half of humanity in a weak one. And in the end, or they themselves are disappointed in such a man who is not able to do without them and take an important decision, or he, dropping the shackles, goes to the one that is ready to find a common language with him, not trying to break it.

About male friendship did not hear only the lazy. Unlike women, most men are friends for many years. Do not hinder them to communicate. The position of the spouse does not mean at all that a loved one should now abandon everything that is expensive. Of course, it should not harm the family, but that is why it is very important to find a common language with her husband. If his friends are good people, do not interfere with their meetings, and even on the contrary, invite home, or when the husband invites you with me, do not refuse, referring to urgent matters.

Understanding can be achieved only when people have a lot in common, there is something that unites them and brings joy.

Photo: How to find a common language with my husband

Top 7 How to find a common language with your beloved

  • Try to understand what is important for your husband in your relationship. What he likes, and what not. What actions give pleasure, and from what he is clearly not delighted. If you have been treated with relationships, such an analysis will be able to help return the world to the family. But if everything is very launched, you will have to gain patience to convince your husband that you have changed and are ready to reckon with what he wants to get from a woman who once called his wife.
  • For strong sex representatives, it is very important when they are listening and feeling. There is nothing more pleasant than an attentive listener, especially after a hard working day. And if this listener becomes a beloved woman, which is still necessary for complete happiness.
  • Offended by him with words or actions, do not silent, tell me about it straight. Men do not know how to read thoughts and hardly at all wishes will be able to understand what they had to be offended. The unhappy expression on the face and the oppressive silence they will notice immediately, but will not find out his cause, and immediately think that they did not manage to make a loved one. And their attempts to apologize or to bring out their guilt it is not clear for that, hardly like you.
  • Do not make resentment for months, and immediately explain what he did wrong. Only without tears and screams, representatives of the strong half of humanity are horror, as they do not like when the voice increases or arrange hysteries. Take care and his health. Try to discuss the accumulated questions at least 2 times a week.
  • All the questions that have arisen are discussed in the good location of the Spirit. Do not ask, do not ask, but ask, offer and let's make a man to make a decision and take responsibility for the decision. Do not intercept the initiative, do not adhere to your fragile shoulders all the duties around the house, especially if you also work, like a spouse. Distributing duties not in an ultimative form, but asking her husband about help. A loving man will never refuse his chosen.
  • Take your beloved as it is. Do not seek flaws in it, do not criticize and do not try to humiliate, make something to do. Comparison with other men, skeptical attitude to its capabilities to make money and ensure the family will not cause any positive changes, but only work out in it gradually the desire to escape from you as far as possible. Few who will like to be next to a person who hurts, not trying to support and help. In the end, you loved him for what he is, and continue to love, rejoicing his advantages, gently and unnoticed, helping to get rid of obvious deficiencies and problems.
  • Learn to talk. Do not closure to yourself, do not expect that the husband himself guesses about your desires. Speak about what we would like to buy or get as a gift, but evaluate its capabilities. Not always from a man depends on the presence of big income, not everyone can be oligarchs, and not in money happiness. You can live without fur coats, and without a yacht, and without a million in a bank account, you can not live only without your favorite people near, those who understand with a half-clow and will always support that it does not happen.

Without mutual understanding, it is impossible to exist anywhere else, nor in the team, nor in society, nor the more in the family. If loving people cannot find a common tongue with each other, the relationship will disappear from the relationship, and understanding, and care, and tenderness, and, in the end, love. They will become someone else's people. Therefore, when a woman does not want to lose his beloved, she, first of all, you need to find a common language with my husband, and then everything will be done by itself.

There are no cases when relations become fresh, because peaceful unity disappears between the spouses. Hence the quarrels and all kinds of misunderstandings, problems in intimate life, increasing displeasure to each other. After a certain period, the husband and his wife talk in different languages \u200b\u200band do not have the opportunity to reach each other. If you encountered a man's indifference, it's time to change the situation. We have collected an effective collection of psychological techniques.

Causes of disagreements between spouses

  1. Most people are peculiar to obsession, especially for women. It is important to understand that the spouse is a person with his desires and life values \u200b\u200bto whom a personal space is necessary. The main problem of obsessive relationship is considered to be the fact that the girl invades the life of a man, with every day losing his own personality. The lady is so immersed in the world of her husband, which forgets about his own hobbies and becomes boring.
  2. The following fundamental reason is a pessimistic attitude to life. This aspect is important, it is worth paying attention to it. A negative configured woman suppresses a man, drives it into the angle. The satellite disappears the desire to return home from work, he slowly falls into depression. Hence the motivation to do something for family and wife in particular.
  3. Not many know, but perfectionism destroys families. People with such a worldview have a special vision of the ideal, which is often erroneous. If you feel about this category, then you probably try to redo the spouse "for yourself", stop. Perhaps he does not consider you perfection and does not want to change, have respect, take someone else's opinion.
  4. Girls love to build benships from themselves. Men, on the contrary, do not tolerate such a young lady. If you have several coronal phrases in arsenal ("I spoke", "you see", "well, of course", etc.), exclude them. The partner has already taken place as a person, the data of morals will not turn out.
  5. Dispelness often leads spouses to disagreements. The people there are a saying, which fully reflects the feminine entity: "He herself came up - herself was offended." As a rule, men do not understand women's zakydons and hints, they need to say everything straight.
  6. Unwillingness to compromise contributes to the breakdown of marriage. When people live side skulls, they need to listen to each other. Otherwise, disagreements accumulate, contributing to the conclusion of anger and resentment. Stubbornness will not affect the relationship and communication favorable.
  7. The next point in the list is distrust. Such behavior is considered to be the king of quarrels and major conflicts. Difference can manifest itself both from the side of men and women, but for the most part it is not justified. The girl wants to attract attention in this way, and the man does not understand and removes it.
  8. Family conflicts often occur due to elementary ungratefulness. One of the spouses is laid out on complete, waiting for reciprocity. The second takes and does not give anything in return. Over time, helpful behavior is perceived as proper, provoking all sorts of claims. Learn to say "Thank you!", The language from this will not free.
  9. Family life is inexorably covered by the routine, you can not get anywhere. The lack of novelty absorbs even the most cheerful people. Problems at work are not allowed to fall asleep at night, and the lack of emotions and impressions contributes to the accumulation of malice. The husband and his wife quarrels on trifles, wanting to throw out everything that has accumulated.
  10. Perhaps the main reason for disagreements is considered to be lack of money. This is especially true of married couples who have a loan or, worse, mortgage for 25 years. The lack of funds of anyone will move into depression, the spouses lose force and motivation, tearing anger to each other.

  1. Positive emotions. It is important to learn how to perceive the trouble with humor, and not to focus on the problem. Durable? Arrange a romantic dinner, ask for forgiveness, if possible, translate what happened in the joke and forget. The difficulties are much easier to be perceived, if you solve them on a positive wave, not drowning at the same time in the negative.
  2. Good words. Do not skimp on the words of praise, any man will be pleased to hear them from his wife. Athell and washed the dishes? Do not be lazy to say about it. Provided to enhance in the service? Express how much you are proud of them. Express sincere as much as possible, the partner must feel necessary. Pay attention to minor things that seemed to be quite intelligible yesterday.
  3. "Not!" offended. If the husband was offended by a lacaround, go to another room and move away. Do not try to hurt him backstage, have wisdom to understand and forgive. Perhaps the spouse forgot about the birthday of the birth or not bought milk, it is not a reason to be offended. Learn to appreciate what you have, farewell, do not swear on trifles.
  4. Self-sacrifice. In marriage, people are obliged to adapt, otherwise relationships are doomed to failure. Do not behave selfishly, learn to sacrifice your own well-being in the name of your husband and family as a whole. Refuse dear clothes, if not enough funds. Go for a compromise, even if your husband is wrong.
  5. Feeling gratitude. Stop to perceive the signs of courtship, care and surprises, as proper. Of course, the male prerogative is to satisfy a woman in everything, but do not bend a stick. Learn to say "Thank you, love!", Stimulate the partner to make everything possible for you. In turn, answer the reciprocity, turn out inside out, showing unlimited love.
  6. Personal space. Try not to break the territory of your husband, give him a little freedom. Find distraction, do not "stick up". Offer the satellite to meet with friends for a mug of beer and watch football, let it go fishing or hunting. Let a man breathe, enjoy life, and not dirty in family life.
  7. New impressions. As mentioned earlier, the routine absorbs even the most cheerful people, do not allow it. Make a highlight to an intimate life, take beautiful underwear, seduce the partner. Go to the cinema, bowling, water park. Take general friends or relatives, try to disperse in every way.
  8. Joint hobby. To get close to you will help a joint hobby, which needs to devote free time. It can be seeded with paired dances, gym, rock climbing courses, quad bikes, karts or horses. Watch the financial capabilities, pull your husband, do not let him constantly sit at home for the TV.
  9. Confidence. Women's jealousy is a terrible thing, she spoils the ratios. Do not like the young people who "saw" the husbands around the husbands, trust him. Do not call every half an hour, learning where and with whom it is. Do not scare on loving phrases "You are the best husband in the world!", "Except you no longer needed." Create comfort home, satisfy the partner in bed so that he does not have the desire to look left.
  10. Mutual assistance. Learn to listen and hear a man. Regularly sit down together dining or dinner, interest in business. Help find a solution to a particular situation, do not learn to live it. Carefully direct, and then exhibit everything as if the husband himself solved possible difficulties. Do not talk round day only about yourself, you are a family, team, do not be egoist.
  11. Intimate proximity. In most cases, spouses have problems in sex, which they cannot talk about. If the husband does not satisfy you, find the courage to say about it. Look for a variety, show the initiative, see erotic films, buy suits in a sex shop, experiment with pose. Share fantasies, try to realize them in reality. It is important to understand that sex is the basis of a strong marriage and good mood.
  12. Financial question. Women believe that only their concerns difficulties with finance, but this error is extremely mistaken. Due to the lack of money, men feel untenable, weak. Your task is to inspire a partner to new accomplishments, but not to put pressure on it. Perhaps he will rise through the career stairs or will find more paid work. At the same time, do not forget to also look for additional ways to make money.
  13. Negotiation table. If the situation is so complicated that you do not communicate with each other, organize the negotiating table. Cook delicious dishes, buy a bottle of good wine, call her husband to make a company. Get a simple conversation, do not throw accusations, do not reproach. Try to smooth the misunderstandings, talk about the funny events of living together, remind my husband how much you love it.
  14. Individuality. If the main misconception of a man "she is not going anywhere", then women think otherwise: "He will change!" Do not attempt to change the character of a man, initially in such a person you fell in love. Or appreciate what you have, or release, the other is not given. Let him be yourself, and not think about every conversation, as if to put it on, so that the wife does not "wash the brains."

It is easy to establish a relationship with the spouse, if you have patience and wisdom. Learn to listen to the partner, become a friend, do not reproach. Try not to be offended by trifles, more often talk about your love, do not scatter empty accusations, trust.

Video: How to find a common language with my husband

Your family relationships were smashed?

Find out how it happens and how to find a common language with my husband

Be chic and beautiful! Your appearance should drive your spouse crazy. Then he agrees to anything and will not arrange unnecessary disputes. Kisses and intimate relationships are great help to find mutual understanding.

Psychologists recommend being luxurious not only when you leave home! Learn for sure how much your favorite will come back from work. Curly, put on beautiful underwear, make a hairstyle. Let him fall in love with you and even stronger! If you do that, then your adorable spouse will remain with you forever, and will not think about the "institution" of mistresses.

Do not "dissolve" in your spouse!

Remember that you have our own habits, your life, your understanding of the situation .... Thus, you will be interested in your husband, and it will easily have a conversation with you. He will not be afraid to touch the topics that were once "taboo" (forbidden) in your family.

Do not find out which of you the head of the family (more). In this matter you will never reverse each other. And attempts to argue will lead to terrible scandals.

Speak your husband about what you need what you want, what you want, what you want. Men can not tolerate secrets.

Do not "saw" husband for each

Do not require it to make female work if he has no desire. Not all men agree to wash the dirty dishes or wipe the floors. The same goes and throwing garbage. By the way, if a man wants to endure the garbage (independently, voluntarily, without reminders), then he will make it quickly and "sticks out" a tie when it comes from the apartment.

Do not raise your voice on your beloved husband. Men despise such a "game" with voices. Learn to talk with a calm tone. Sometimes it will not be easy to do, but the desire to preserve the marriage can create wonders. You can keep yourself in your hands during voice "disruptions."

Stop being perfection!

Perfectionism is an incomplete desire to be perfect in everything and demand the same from all others. Do not forget that there are no ideal people on our planet. People need (and have) to love exactly what they are.

Praise your beloved increasingly and more often! He also loves the words of praise (like you). Do not pick up the phrases you want to address your spouse. The heart will tell you that you should hear your dream man from you.

Remember that there are pleasant words ("good morning!", "Pleasant appetite", "good night!", "Sweet dreams", "I love you very much", "I waited for your return"). After you say something like your adorable person, he will learn better to treat you (what is currently referred to).

Give her husband!

Try to make concessions and then when your spouse is frankly wrong in some question. "Concessions" concerned other areas of activity.

Nobody has canceled delicious food! Frequently indulge your man wonderful and unusual dishes. Prepare them even when you managed to quarrel (squandal).

Avoid any rhetorical issues. Men are able to answer only specific questions. "Blur" and uncertainty present in matters will put a man in an awkward position.

Faster Take a Share Vacation! You need to relax, get closer, to be alone. "Scroll" by a ticket, to a vacation a success and remember, as the very first kiss.

Understand, finally, that men have a completely different psychology (absolutely not like that of all women). And the psychology of women is unrealistic to "remake" on the female way (no matter how you tried).

All the problems that have fallen at work at work, leave in the workplace and do not carry home. And you risk come home and unfairly "breaking" on the road.

Make my husband awesome surprises

He will be very happy that you pay him like this attention. Be prepared for the fact that he will not remain in debt! You can free one room (for gifts and surprises). She is very useful for you!

Make an unexpected permutation of furniture in your apartment. Arrange everything is comfortable and tasteful. Do not touch and do not shift his personal things! Men annoyed when they do not find any kind of thing.

Speak with your husband the phrases that he often says or likes to listen. Try to emphasize his rightness (it does not matter that it is not entirely right or not at all).

Approve and encourage every action of the spouse, constantly emphasizing all his skills and dignity. Male "takes off" from happiness! Dettle home duties. This will significantly reduce the number of reasons, "seashed" for unnecessary disagreements.

Forget about the phrase "I want so." Put your interests and desires to the background. Do not forget that you are now together. Replace the pronoun "I" by the pronoun "we". You will do it! In general, everything will turn out from those who wish something very passionately! You can fly into space (if you want to want a lot)! The most important thing is your actions. Only thanks to him everything around can move and change.

Update the traditions of your family

Make bright changes to it. You need holidays. Begin to celebrate the anniversary, the day of your first meeting, the birthday of the first kiss .... Each "invented" holiday is spent differently. See how many updates appeared in your life together? Do not stop on it! Do so that every year was "with a highlight" for you.

It is extremely easy to find a common language with a spouse if you know what he lives and breathes. Try to understand his hobbies, hobbies, preferences. Love what your dear man loves.

A man loves sports .... Buy him beer and go for the weekend to my friend! Let him arrange a sports party with his friends. In such a behavior, you show your "athlete" that you are not suspected of anything and what trust him completely. Go with him to a football game, if he asks you about it. Your husband will be so joyful as you never seen it!

Have you already understood how to find a common language with your husband?

"Then talk to him in the same language ..."

Switch. . .

Or answers here ...

Question to a psychologist:

Hello. I am married with my husband for 3 years and we have a two-year-old son. Before marriage, I had a lot of fans and all the relationship that I had always burst out. And it seemed to me, I finally found the person who I would feel like a stone wall, able to make serious decisions and be responsible for them. Since my husband serves on the Northern Fleet, I had to leave the big city in a small closed garrison, leaving work, friends, relatives. Upon arrival we painted, and the celebration was transferred for the summer. Problems began with a wedding. My husband is my Armenian. The wedding was celebrated in Armenia, as he had all the relatives there, and they were gained 100 people, and on my part there are only 5 people, naturally girlfriends could fly for various reasons, and my native brothers, too, for weighty reasons could not fly at the time to another country. At the wedding my husband had fun with his relatives, not noticing me, there was no kisses at the wedding, there were no hugs, when preparing for the wedding, no one took into account, the whole wedding took place in Armenian, my relatives did not understand a word, everyone decided for I am up to makeup, dresses and manicure. The husband all the time was angry with me, that I do something wrong with his relatives. At the time of the wedding I had a pregnancy for 3 weeks, I tried not to be nervous and not to show my discontent. I expressed my desires, but he did not want to spend extra money on my desires. In my head, it does not fit in any way, as you can spend a bunch of money on relatives, whom he did not see in his eyes, and not to add 4 thousand on the dress she wants. And so far, when it comes to any wedding, it starts to pour everything in me, I hate it day and all pre-wedding training. I always tell him about it, hoping that he will hear me what he replies that I am ungrateful. And after the wedding, the resentment and discontent began to be accumulated as a snowball. To buy some thing - it is always necessary to shill, we don't go anywhere on vacation, since we save money, we are going with friends, we rarely walk with me and the child he goes to half a year with a scandal, in the house he Neither does anything, all my desires he considers full in half, and he does not want to solve the problems. I tried many times to bring it to the conversation, in response always received rudeness or "conversation is over." I want to leave this city, and he declares me direct text that he is not going to listen to this and we will still live here 16 exactly until he finalize the north retirement and we will not buy our accommodation. I understand that so gray and all my life will pass that I will get out of this darkness only when I will be 43 years old! It's terrible, but I don't want to throw a husband, not because I love him insanely, but because I love my son. I want him to grow in a full-fledged family, I want to somehow fix my life, but I do not know what to do. If I'm offended by him, he does not pay attention to it, everything suits him. Husband almost every day says that he loves me. Perhaps and loves, but does not respect, and my heart breaks away from pain and misunderstanding.

The question is answered by the psychologist Ladatko Marina Georgievna.

Good day, Violetta.

It so happened that you chose exactly the man, for whom you will be behind the stone wall "from the VSH and everything, and to some extent, perhaps from the world. No matter how it was, but it was you who chose it, it was him that he was entrusted with his fate. What is left now to do? Trust completely.

I want to warn you right away: the husband does not change. He will not cease to save money and will not stop riding a visit to relatives to Armenia. He will not change his opinion on the need to meet with friends more often, etc. His picture of the world is such as you discovered it for yourself after the wedding. I can assume that you are simply not interested in all these, it would seem trifles, before, before the wedding. But this is his worldview, his position in the life you need to accept and begin to respect. And he, like a real man, respects his world. If this world has no place for violence, bad habits and humiliation, then this is a worthy world.

To tell your discontent and indignation is an empty waste of your strength. Plus, this is not understanding and negative feelings for you from him, because he appreciates and respects his world and the foundations in it.

What remains you? You have a choice: 1) Complete, learn to live in such conditions that your husband will ask you, take his world as its own (and he, believe me, can be deep enough and filled, even without all that you want), or 2) Run from these relationships.

The first choice would be reasonable and wise. After all, you yourself attracted this person. You do not know him, you did not know him. And now your task is to learn to understand your husband, take his world and unobtrusively, gently, with love to introduce him to the world. To do this, you need to take responsibility for the relationship with yourself.

The second option does not require special efforts: you just throw everything and run ... That's just running you will not be from my husband, but from ourselves. From their failure, disappointments and complexes (because it is so important in what dress you are, when there is a loved one? After all, if you have a family, then friends are no longer so close and the need often disappears with them.

Whatever choice you do, Violetta, he will be yours. And he will be right for you. Regarding the child: Yes, the boy is better to grow in a full family, where there is respect for parents to each other. The family in which the resentment and hatred is pregnant is not the best place for any child. This will affect his health.

Violetta, your annoyance is clear: your expectations (and this representation of how dreamed) was not justified. You have inquiries in life (the best life, more attention, the best holiday), which come against the understanding of your husband. And here arises confold on conflict. To establish the situation and to make a family life really happy, just release all these requests from ourselves. Relax and trust a man. Learn to find joy in what is. Does your husband love you? And this is already beautiful! Is he about you to take care of you? (as can, but cares) and it is also wonderful. You can - life will work out. No, nothing will happen.

What should I do now?

1. Forgive her husband's wedding. This is a difficult job - let go of a deep offense. For you it was a great day. 1 day in life, which now does not want and remember. Reprove it once again mentally, finding at least something good (it is better to turn to a psychologist with this request). Otherwise, this day will be a burden that will spoil all the further life. All insults need to be released, otherwise health suffers from them, fate is swinging.

2. Cancel your husband and value them: Every day, find at least 1 of his plusik, for which you can praise. And praise. For men, it is pride, joy and stimulus bring you more money, pleasure, joy.

3. Love yourself. Whatever to the status, to the place where you live and what we carry. Fill themselves internally. Find yourself a hobby, give time to yourself, sign up for some courses that are interested in you and benefit your whole family.

What should I avoid?

1. accusations - anyone (it is impossible to blame others, you can not blame yourself). Take situations as it is like a lesson, but people, as a unique unknown world, causing surprise.

2. Audid (they dig in the form of diseases)

That's all that you can tell your question like this ... at a distance.

Wisdom to you, Violetta and happiness your family.

Your psychologist Ladatko Marina Georgievna.

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A man and a woman are very different. And sometimes this difference is not visible to the naked eye. And it seems that we are thinking equally. But it is not. Find a common language with a man is not easy, but the sideline.

To create happy harmonious relationships, everyone - both man, and a woman should be very good, almost professional psychologists to understand each other, and be able to talk in the same language.

And you know what second words Will help to fall in love with a man very fast?

To find out this - click on the button just below and see the video to the end.

The differences between a man and a woman is a scientific fact that needs to be carefully learned. At least in order to establish your personal life. So how to find a common language with a man? Why do we approach relationships with different views?

1. Different thinking, or why do we think in different ways?

To find a common language with a man, you need to know how he thinks. And here they will help medical knowledge) there is a very important difference that separates us - and this is the difference, the structure of our brain.

Like men and women have two brain hemispheres, but they work completely in different ways. One of the hemispheres is responsible for intelligence, mind, and the second - controls our emotions.

But any woman is a real unicum, compared with a man. After all, a woman is always able to have both brain hemispheres! Surprisingly, a fact: a woman and thinks, argues, and experiences emotions - at the same time. The impulses in the brain of women are so quickly moved between one and other hemispheres, and therefore none of the parts is never turned off.

And the men are not at all. The man works either one part of the brain or the other. A man either thinks or feels.

You can watch different men when they work this or that mechanism. It happens that on the face of a man it can be seen when it switches to the emotion mode, and when it begins to argue logically. Seeing these states, a wise woman can skillfully guide his man, and find a common language with him.

2. Difference in the approaches to purchases

A man can pay a lot more for the thing that he really needs. Such is the nature of a man. The woman is arranged differently: the woman most often will be ready to pay two or three times less for the thing that she is not needed at all.

Such an interesting paradox, but which also need to keep in mind to find a common language. According to most of the store discounts, sales, and so on - are designed for women, as they are very susceptible to such things, and are easily "underway" to discounts .

There is one more point: a man can easily engage in accumulation of funds, and can calmly contemplate some amount of money lying in the closet. But for a woman it will be a big stress) Most likely she will think about that it is very and very wrong, which is a pile of paper, and in the world there is a huge number of wonderful things (spirits, clothes, shoes and so on) that can Buy right now. Therefore, it is very desirable that a man does any accumulation, and fencing a woman from such stresses.

3. Woman worry about his future, until the moment he marries

Although in modern society it is fashionable to say that "the seal in the passport does not decide anything," and this is all "prejudices", for a woman it is very important to feel yourself in a certain status, the status of his wife.

This gives it inner soothing and emotional stability that affects very beneficial. Usually, when you communicate with married and unmarried girls, it is quickly "reading."

What is the difference between the girl married, from unmarried? The inner state of calm, peacekeeping. The unmarried is usually chasing somewhere, runs and hurries. It is customized instability and fear. Such is the nature of women, and it is important to know to find a common language with women.

And a man can start worrying about anything only after marriage, since it is imposed on it, quite a big responsibility, which he does not feel when "walking."

How to find the key to the heart of a man? Use second wordsthat will help you conquer it.

If you want to know what you need to say a man to charm it - click on the button just below and see the video to the end.

Before the marriage, a man is experiencing only emotions of freedom. He can do what he wants, go where wants, nothing holds him. But on the other hand, it makes no sense to all any particular. Wolly wind, which blows there, then here.

4. The man can be called successful when he earns so much that his wife is not able to spend it

A normal man is always a getter, and a man needs to be implemented in this status. And of course material protection and safety, this is a very important factor in the relationship between a man and a woman.

Of course the limits of female desires are most likely not, and they are limitless, but that man who at least cover most of them is successful :)

At the same time, often, situations arise in communication when a woman means desires that a man just physically cannot pull. Suppose it works as a janitor, and a woman suddenly wanted to buy a house in the center of Moscow, and now this week.

It is clear that the man is simply not capable of performing. But most often a woman, denoting such unreal desires, wants to check the man. See how he will behave.

For a woman, this check - loves or does not love?

And a man can lead himself in two ways: the first one, when a man tells the woman "Yes, what, a fool chtoli, it's impossible, you completely crawled." And it is obvious that this will lead only to one - the common language will not be able to find, and the woman will arrange a hysterical man.

Either a man can do more wisely: start showing my woman that he seeks to fulfill her desire, even if it is mad. Watch real estate catalogs, show her options, say, what he does to fulfill his desire. Most often, a woman seeing that the man tries, calms down, and after some time simply forget about his inadequate desires.

5. A man is very easy to reset, and a woman never forgets anything

To find a common language with a man, you need to understand - a man pretty quickly forgets some events, reset, and goes on. He does not experience emotions again and again, it is not sharpened for it. The psyche is arranged in this way.

But women do not forget anything. If you inflicted a woman offense, or caused pain or suffering, she will definitely remember this, and you will not fart anywhere.

And if the man also nominated decently, and then did not work his mistakes - you can be sure, there will be a woman in the world, which will constantly "wish you happiness."

Moreover, this negative female power engineer is very strong, and often the man after this is beginning to be worn out, everything in life is collapsed. And all because somewhere there is a "nuclear reactor", which is infinitely phonite in his direction.

6. Women think that a man will change in marriage, and men - that a woman will never change

Both are wrong - the man after marriage will not change greatly, and not turn into a fabulous prince, due to the fact that he has a stamp in his passport.

That is why for a woman is so important correctly and for a long time to choose your man, check it before the wedding, look at him, and evaluate what he does for her, as he behaves.

After all, after a man "set up" to marriage, then it is already possible to control it enough enough, and save excellent relationships.

But the man often lives in the illusion that a woman will always remain like that he takes her in his wife. Always retain your appearance, and time will not be powerful above it. That of course is also mistaken.

The woman will change, and change very much. And we are not only about appearance, but in general about the status of a woman. It is a changing form that will always change the space around itself, and herself also transforms indispensable.

7. The man is very important to be able to give way to their woman

It is impossible to win a dispute with a woman. It will always be the last word. And a wise man should understand this perfectly.

Everything that will be said during a dispute or quarrel is not possible to find a common language, everything that will be expressed by a man - all this will be just a new reason to continue the dispute. Therefore, a wise man tries to praise more, and take on all female emotions. And in general, the fact that a man is inferior to his woman is a sign of his strength, not weakness. Being disassembly in society with other wolves, and not with its weak and soft woman.


Woman to find a common language with a man, you need to understand it very well. To know his features, which he wants, how his brain works, in what cases you can influence it, and when it is better to let go of the reins - so that the man himself led and take responsibility.

This is a difficult task, but the wise woman is forces. And it is the ability to communicate and find a common language with a man, can lead to harmony in the family.

There are only a few secret wordsHaving heard that a man will begin to fall in love.

Open the secret that only the units of women know. Click on the button and see the video to the end.