How to choose a new hair color. How to pick up the hair color? Six simple but effective advice

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The skin and hair of a person painted with the same substance - the pigment of melanin. Therefore, the skin tone and natural hair color are combined naturally: as a rule, the blondes are light skin, at a bright - with a honey tide, brunette - with olive. In order not to break this natural equilibrium, the perfect hair paint should be the same color that natural strands, but 1-2 tons are darker or lighter. However, often the desire to change your appearance and try something new forces us to dream about the color of the chapels, which is exactly the opposite of the natural one.

Of course, we can only change the "suit", often it is only for the use of the image and allows you to discover new parties. But, before applying the dye on the hair, it is necessary to approach his choice with all attention. The wrong color of the hair can be, emphasized the flaws of the skin, turn a pleasant face into a nondescript, too simple or sullen. Get acquainted with these hair color recommendations - they will help to avoid the most common mistakes.

Council First. The main rule that needs to be followed by picking up the color of the hair - compliance with the principle of the combatibility of the skin and hair according to the scheme "Warm skin ignition - a warm shade of hair" or "Cold skin shade is a cold hair shade". With a cold skin tinge combined shades of type ash blonde, Scandinavian light blonde, ice chestnut, eggplant and iscin-black. With warm - colors with copper, honey or reddish. At the same time, almost all shades of redhead are very tracked and frozen women.

Tip Second. Do not forget that the owners of copper or olive skin and initially chestnut lame do not fit very light hair - they look unnaturally, however, color using different shades with a run in 3-4 tones will look very impressive. With light transparent eyes, the dark hair color, creating a contrast, is preferable to light. Combining hair and eyes, you should also follow the rule "warm to warm, cold to cold" - Karim, nutty, green eyes are suitable for gold and honey-chestnut shades, blue and gray - ash-brown, platinum blond.

Council Third. If you want to wear very dark or very bright hair, pay high attention to the condition of your skin.. The radical color of the hair will emphasize all that, perhaps you would like to hide - imperfections, pedestal,. Of course, the hunt is captive, and the fact that far from the ideal can always be masked with cosmetics, but think well, do you need such a dependence on a tonal cream, a consilerter and powder, especially in summer?

Fourth Council. If possible, striving for darker or brighter hair, do not proceed at one point - It is not only harmful to the chapels (and mental health of loved ones), but also will create solved problems in case of failure. Change the hair color gradually, 1-2 tones at a time.

Council Fifth. Choosing a new hair color, consider non-smiling models on paint packaging, and palables with strands-samples or titles name. Many manufacturers indicate a warm shade or cold has paint. If you want to paint the abundant gray, it is better to bow to a lighter solution: the dark looks less natural, especially when the roots grow. Light ash or wheat hue gently replace gray hair color. Do not forget that in gray hair paint achieves maximum efficiency, so it is better to refuse red and red tones if, of course, you do not seek to photographically similarities with Vivien Westwood.

Council Six. Hair dyes with varying degrees of resistance open different capabilities - depending on the degree of mixture, it is possible with various consequences and prospects to "try on" a new tone.

Temporary dye, the tinting agent will not change the appearance totally, but will make it possible to make hair color to deeper or give the blonded hair to an interesting shade. The unstopiness, which is its advantage, can become a minus - such products are washed off under the rain, bread linens and towels are pack.

Semipermanent) dyes They affect the surface of the hair, not penetrating into its structure. Shrinking for hair and scalp, but do not always bring the expected result. But it was washed off about six weeks.

Means "tone-in-tone" - Transitional link between semi-resistant and resistant paints. Their formula with low ammonia content or without it without it does not clarify the hair, but makes the natural color richer and brighter. Choosing between two shades of the dye "tone-in-tone", take the stronger - usually the result of using non-ammmonic paints is somewhat darker than the expected.

Resistant (Permanent) Dyes , As part of which contains ammonia, lifting the hair cuticle in order for the pigment to penetrate the scales. Provide a long result, but negatively affect the structure of the hair. The use of resistant dyes must be combined with leather and leather head treatments.


Useful tips, sorry, I did not know them 10 years ago :) was blonde, red, brunette ... did everything not very competently and the hair was quite a lot. Now, in 29 years old, it was firmly decided to never paint on healthy hair to make a snapping bio twist, for the second year I hold down :))

Thanks for very useful tips. Last year I am just looking for something new, but all my experiments do not like me somehow. My natural color is brunette, I have seen for a long time and I really liked, but I spoiled my hair with a melting. : (Now I want to choose some gentle paint of a light shade or with a redhead.

Good article, informative! I always envied girls with blue eyes, they can choose almost any color of the hair. And I have burning brown, so the lighter of the redhead is not suitable. True, I chose a dark chestnut at the age of 17, which looks like black, and now I even paint black. And I don't even want to change anything. Very pleased, it's mine!

Good article! Thank you! I learned a lot of new things. Although now I go with my natural, not painted. And before it was always painted in dark tones and in adolescence (oh horror!) In the black, which does not go at all! So like a color type I am summer!

Yes, the article is excellent, it costs many to read who wants to paint their hair, but does not know which color. And then, in us, many will turn first, and then they understand that this color does not go at all, and do not know what to do, so to leave or repain in another.

Not once asked a question, women were interested. Made a conclusion. It all depends on the arrangement of personal life. If not, no one wants the lungs, the rapid ties then the white color of the majority of me from the respondents. Dark tones - married, well-brought up, not feeling joy from white.

I liked the article. I knew all this, published in Cosmo, but nevertheless, thanks to the author, for many it is informative !!! I adore my hair, I dream to grow, but it does not work in any way, maybe there is a selection - how to grow your hair?! I will be very grateful!

Not every girl knows how to pick up the hair color, suitable to her skin color, eye, etc. Very often we are hardly focused on choosing hair paint. In addition, often women drastically change their image, repainting from the dark into bright and vice versa. Most often, this leads to the fact that the ladies have to apply makeup in a new way to balance the color of the hair with a tone.

Professionals advice: how to choose the perfect hair color

Beautiful hair color will decorate a woman even without makeup. The main thing is to competently pick up the outfit and accessories that will complement your image. The haircut must fit the type of face and combine with your color, to competently allocate advantages and reject the color of the eyes or lips.

To begin with, consider your face without makeup, with natural light and in front of a large mirror.

Decide the brightness of the color, given the important factors at the same time:

1. Do not believe our eyes

The dark background makes bright items more, although, in fact, the black square of the same size as white.

When choosing hair paint, it is advisable to take into account the effect of optical illusion. You already know that the dark background makes items more. Therefore, the black and round girls should not be painted in dark shades, so as not to lose face. They are more suitable bright or light tones.

Everyone knows that black color is slightly. But this rule works only with clothing, and not with the color of the hair. Therefore, choose dark shades if you want to hide thin face.

If your skin is dark, too light shade of hair will make the face flat, and brown or darker hair will look much more attractive. This rule is applicable for a thin, elongated face.

2. What is your face - round or pointed?

Dark hair make the corners even clearer, while light shades soften the pointed edges. If you need to visually adjust a long nose, give preference to light shades that make the features of the face soft and smooth.

3. What type do you feel: soft or contrast?

Consider, whether your lips, eyes, hair and skin are combined in the color scheme, or they contrast greatly. In the latter case, you can experience any hair shades to achieve even brighter effect. This technique is used by many stars, such as Katy Perry and Megan Fox.

But if the soft gamma dominates in your appearance, refuse contrasting colors so that you do not have to balance the new hairstyle too active makeup. Light skin tone looks pretty unnatural with very dark hair.

4. Do not forget to follow the rule: the hair color should differ slightly from the skin and eyes

The hairstyle must contrast a little with a tone of the skin to emphasize the advantages of your appearance. If the color of the eyes, the tone of the face and hair will be merged, it will look at least boring and monotonously. Pay attention to the changes in the images Jennifer Aniston and Jennifer Lopez: At the very beginning of your career, they looked pretty boring, but the light transfiguration added their appearance to the necessary brightness.

What color shade is suitable for you?

If you already know what type you belong to, you can safely begin the choice of suitable hair color. So, warm or cold tones?

These tips will help you decide on the choice of the desired shade:

Cold Type:

- pure eye protein, pupil usually much darker

- The skin on the face is highlighted with a cold tone, while it looks healthy

- Silver decorations look better on cold-type girls

- Vienna give blue or blue

- Snow-white teeth (if you do not abuse coffee, wine or cigarettes).

Warm type:

- Eye proteins with yellowish subtock, can be small spots on pupils

- Not excluded freckles

- The complexion is improving and looks fresh when applied cream tone

- Golden decorations look better on warm-old girls

- greenish veins

- Teeth have a light cream shade.

Cold girls should choose similar colors with shades of platinum, gray and purple.

Girls of a warm type must choose gold, copper and reddish shades.

If you have sensitive skin, the vessels and capillaries are visible, the reddish tones are better to avoid.

If your face is decorated with freckles, add a warm image with shades of gold, which will add the skin glow and help you look younger. Do not get carried away with dark cold tones that give the face of gray and fatigue. Inspire beautiful images of Lindsay Lohan, Lily Cole or Julianna Moore: These women boast of good hair color!

If you have thin hair from birth, devoid of volume, you should try popular 3D staining. This technique helps to visually add volume due to a complex combination of several colors.

This is a great option for ladies with gray - such painting to allow disguise unsightly gray hairs.

If you always dreamed of changing the hair color with dark onto bright, look for a good wizard, which is engaged in 3D staining. With such a technique, you do not have to regularly paint the renegal roots: strands will initially be brighter in the ends. Such a hairstyle looks very original, and careful for her is quite simple.

Before going to the store for paint or in a hairdresser, stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself. When you choose hair color, you need to consider the features of your appearance - skin shade, eye color, natural hair color. For example, warm colors make face more ruddy. Therefore, if you are already from the nature of the blush, choose cool brown, ash or sandy blond, cool champagne tones. If you are prone to allergies or often blush, you should not paint your hair into red shades (grenades, copper-red, red wood and others).

When choosing a hair color, remember and about the color of your eyes. If you have a warm hue of the skin and bright green or nuts, you will fit warm hair tones (reddish, golden or red shades). People with gray and blue eyes and light skin are better fit cold ash or light golden tones.

To pick up the hair color in the best way, try to understand how your appearance belongs to what color flavor. Try to determine who you are by natural skin tone, eye color and hair - winter, spring, summer or autumn?

In this question, it is difficult to understand quite difficult, especially if you consider that there are people with intermediate and non-contrast color. Many at the same time resort to the help of professionals. But it is necessary to determine your color. The fact is that for each color tree there is a spectrum of tones and hair colors suitable for it. It is very important to correctly determine not only the color of the hair that is suitable for you (such as a fifth degree), but also the tone that is suitable for you is cold or warm.

It unites people having a gentle face color, often a light beige tone. The skin is so bright that seems transparent. It in people of this type is very sensitive from nature. The blush has a color of ripe peach. Eyes can be blue, yellow-brown and green. Natural hair color - light golden, golden brown, golden ash.

light hair color. One should only avoid the color of the mahogany with a pinkish tint. An unhealthy blush will appear on your face with such a hair. With yellowish sound, you should not paint the hair in deep golden tones.

Most of all people of spring type are suitable warm light tones, close to natural: from a light shade of mature wheat to the dark color of buckwheat honey. Beautifully will be in this case and the clarified strands of all shades of gold, as the hair clarification is much more suitable for tender skin.

Dark tones will sharply contrast with a bright face, so they should be avoided. Bright shades of redhead, moving in red, because the entire charm of light-beige tone of the skin is lost.

Paint used for hair color should have a "warm" mark.

Now about the summer type. This is a non-contrast cold color. They have bright (blue or gray) eyes, natural hair color can be from light to whode, skin of a cool (bluish or pink) shade (Maria Sharapova). Such women are very easy to face light cool shades like ash and platinum blonde or ash blonde.

The summer (and spring too) are completely not suitable for dark tones. How to determine which shade is suitable for you? If you have dark hair, but quickly burn out in the sun or in childhood there were blonde hair, you can safely turn into a blonde. Nature has already defined, what hair color is suitable for you. You just need to choose the right shade correctly.

If you have green or blue eyes and pink leather, which is easy to get ruddy, you will fit perfectly

If you have beautiful brown eyes, be very careful with clarification. You can turn into a colorless creature with a difficult look.

In women of summer type, hair from nature very often have a completely unreasonable mouse color. It can be very easy to fix if we turn into a light bright brown. Such a color can give hair the depth and revitalize them, and, in addition, to refresh light skin somewhat. But a woman - the fly should be avoided very dark tones. A rich chestnut color will make you.

Woman autumn
Next, let's talk about autumn. This is a contrast warm color. Eyes in such people can be light, and dark (black, dark brown, light brown, green, blue), hair from the slant to the Brunet. The skin color is brighter than in spring, the skin shade is yellowish or golden (Jessica Alba, Aniston, Jennifer, Holly take).

If compared with summer, autumn is more suitable saturated hair color. Very well fits black color, as well as brown, chocolate and warm brown tones. Beautifully looks at the hair of red-colored or dark blonde varied copper and golden shades. But it should not be blondes such women. The skin of them will be on the background of light hair too unnatural and dark. You can choose the color that is suitable for you, among the large number of brown shades. If you have brown or nut hair and dark eyes, you perfectly suit the chestnut color with chocolate, dark red or red tree colors. Such strands will give the hair natural look and will strengthen the color. Try not to use orange, copper and gold tones. These tones are too sunny for you, they are more suitable in spring.


It is characteristic of people with a dairy-white or olive face without a rump. Eyes can be gray-blue, light blue, gray-green and black and karium. The hair is very dark - from black and brown to Iscin-black.

The natural color of this type of hair is dark, so brown tones will make it more alive. Not particularly noticeable will be blue and purple shades that will give the face a more interesting look.

The warm tones of red color are not always suitable for winter type. Especially not recommended discolored strands that look unnatural on a dark background. Sedna in women of this type is dramatically stand out, so it should be painted using either complete staining of the hair, or highlighting, coloring, etc.

Properly selected color, length or form hairstyles can significantly affect the impression that a person produces on others. Therefore, it is important to find what is suitable for 100%. However, not all experiments with appearance are successful. Often, people go on fashion trends and do not take into account their individuality. The wrong choice can significantly spoil the whole image. For example, hairstyle will emphasize the shortcomings: add years or focus on what I would like to hide. It is always difficult to decide on the cardinal changes. Fear appears before the unknown. I want to see the result in advance, pick up the appropriate option, evaluate yourself from the side. With this task, programs will easily cope with the help of choosing hair color online. This can be done by photo completely free.

Top 7 Programs and Online Services

Conduct a test test, visualize your future image using special programs. They are installed as applications or work online.

Movavi photo editor

This is an alternative to Photoshop.Even newcomer will cope with the interface. The program is not limited to the selection of haircuts and styling. Here you can fully process a photo: edit background and colors, clean the unnecessary elements, eliminate the flaws on the skin.

Available options and multifunctionality lead Movavi Photo Editor to the first place of our rating.

3000 hairstyles

A program that firmly holds leadership as a selection of image for men, women and children. Benefits:

  • a wide range of;
  • easy service;
  • the ability to edit and add-on is a change in eyebrows, different types of makeup, accessories.

A person loads the photo, sets the desired parameters along the length and color of the hair, and then adjusts the strokes at its discretion. The final result can be saved.


The program appeared in Portugal. Her advantages are:

  • complexity - selection of hairstyles and makeup;
  • speed \u200b\u200b- the program "thinks" quickly, changes appear instantly.
  • unlimited number of hairstyles;
  • the lack of a paid mode, the program is completely free.

Disadvantage: Lack of Russian - interface in English.However, the options are indicated by the pictures, which allows you to visually find the desired parameter.

Hair Pro.

The program is also focused on the selection of hairstyles. One feature highlights it against the background of others - creating author's stacking. You yourself can feel like a stylist and embody the existing ideas. The program is equipped with the necessary tools and options. In addition, there are other advantages:

  • Hair Pro advises options, given the form of a person;
  • the ability to change the thickness and direction of hair growth;
  • two formats to save the result to choose from - PNG and JPG.

Failure: Free version is limited. You can use 56 attempts, after which it requires payment for further work with the service.

Salon Styler Pr.

The program for experts and professionals is in demand in beauty salons. Numerous reviews Recommend Salon Styler Pro as an assistant to solve the problem.

Benefits of the Program:

  • regular updating of the base;
  • the opportunity to consider itself from all sides (front, side, rear);
  • the presence of the auto-typing function - you can not spend strength, but simply watch the change of hairstyles in the photo with an interval of 3 seconds;
  • a wide range of accessories.

Here you can choose makeup, reduce weight and smooth wrinkles.Selected options are sent to the gallery.

Attention!The Russian-language version is limited. To enjoy all the features, you need to purchase a license.

Makeover from STYLECASTER.COM.

Features of the service:

  • the ability to try the hairstyle of celebrities;
  • constant updating of the base;
  • wide range of options: Selection of hairstyles, makeup;
  • retouch photos.

Virtual Hairstyler from

Yeshe one similar service online selection of hairstyles.

How to use Programs

Here is the standard action scheme for the use of photo edits:

  1. Choose a good quality photo, where the features of the face are clearly visible.
  2. Load a photo to the editor.
  3. Some programs require the determination of the position of the points of the face: eye, nose, mouth.
  4. Select a haircut, select the desired angle and size.
  5. Edit photos using tools (retouching, accessories selection).
  6. Keep the result on the computer.

How to choose hair color

It is undesirable to carry out a house of home, especially if you want to change the image. Home painting will save the budget, but it is not known how paint will behave - it is very likely that the hair will be spoiled, and the color will be distant from the desired one.

When choosing one or another shade, consider the following nuances:

  • color must be harmonized with the appearance color.
  • disadvantages on the skin will hide complex staining;
  • staining is carried out after a haircut.

To maintain hair color, regular root tapping is required. If there are no strength and money on it, you should choose a tone approximate to natural.

The choice of hairstyles and colors is a serious solution. It is not always possible to find a professional professional and trust him. Programs are designed for those who doubt their choice. Remember that updates regularly appear with advanced options and a rich base of hairstyles.

Useful videos

How to change the hair color in the photo in Photoshop, a detailed video lesson.

Hairstyle to change easily!

How to choose hair color.

Many misses the fact that the hair color directly depends not only on style or personal preferences, but also from the color type. We suggest to consider how to properly pick up the hair color at home, taking into account the shade of eyes and skin.

Initially, it was so that all the girls were conditionally divided at the time of the year. Please note that mixing the types are possible, it is normal, such ladies are even easier, because they can use colors for painting at once from several options.

Spring appearance color

Girls with a bright skin type and eye, and hair belong to spring color. They are easiest to create lightweight and cute images. In most cases, the girls of this type of appearance are real blondes with golden curls or with a light touch of Rye. This, by the way, the most rare type of externality.

Chief Council In this embodiment: Do not overload your appearance with heavy and dark contrast. There should be simple and light makeup, light major clothing tones. With the biggest desire to radically change, it's still a black color will make the face with gray and uninteresting, and pergotrely white will look very unnaturally.

Another feature of these girls is that their hair, in any case, have separate spars that are somewhat lighter than the total mass of curls. If they are not too distinguished, then ask the hairdresser with the Council, as you can unobtrusively pay them. In addition, the coloring has now come into fashion, so you can safely use this trend.

Spring only warm colors go - This is a gold palette, soft reddish shades, sandy or light-blond. But there are exceptions, let's say, the most striking representative of this category is Merlin Monroe, and it has become known as natural blonde. So, if you are a happy owner of a very pale, even porcelain skin, you can safely paint in silver tones.

Photo - Spring color

Video: how to choose the right hair shade


Photo - Coloring Mixed Summer

Most representatives of the summer are complaining that they have a very ugly natural hair color, and try to fix this natural shortcoming in every way. For clarification: This appearance category determined by such peculiarities:

  • very cold skin tone, almost passion-white;
  • it happens a contrast summer and not contrasting, the first option is relatively dark hair and porcelain leather, the second is light skin and a light cold shade of strands (for example, Ksenia Sobchak);
  • the eyes are light, sometimes with curves of blue or greens.

Most often optimal option for hair coloring 2015 is ash color, it beautifully sees the skin and give the appearance of some mysteriousness. We categorically do not advise to operate with warm light paints (and this also applies to clothes), it will only aggravate the situation. Instead of a bright blonde, a completely uninteresting girl with a face merging with curls.

In the event that you decide rebate, you need to take into account features. This is one of the richest color in its shades. The best solution to the problem will be red-blue or even yellow-redhead, i.e. Bright and cold color at the same time. Often used Henna for staining.

Photo - Two Summer

Another feature of the girls-summer is that they are all born by real blondes, and when they grow up, the hair is insidiously changing to the darker. It can be easily fixed, painting in a very light color, but in no case with the shades of yellow. Also, the summer young lady with platinum curls also look even delightfully.

What to choose to face:

  • tone Mahagon, white paint;
  • very deep blonde, practically with the effect of seeds;
  • blue palette.

Warm autumn

Photo - Colorota Autumn

On the right, the warmest bloom is autumn. This is generally accepted slavic appearance: Leather warm shades, soft brown hair and bright eyes (green, brown, light brown). Autumn ladies include redheads and browns.

The skin with freckles and a peach sweat will not be suitable for hair paints of screaming black, it will give her an unbeatted shade, a strange brown mob. A similar effect will be from white paint, it is too contrast with relatively dark skin.

Optimal option - All sorts of shades of brown: it is chocolate, and red and even burgundy. In addition, red curls look very nice on girls with freckles. A feature of the autumn is that it is either a blush that does not happen at all, or it is not expressive, so the Redsman will be able to compensate for such inexpressiveness of the lyrics. Even very sharp carrot orange will look appropriate.

Also look at warm light paints - it is a blonde, dark blonde and sandy. Now it is very fashionable to make armor, you can safely take note of this variant of the change of image.

Photo - Redhead

In order to shine the skin of the face, it is necessary to pick up the palette with a golden chip, it can be:

  • warm black;
  • all natural blonds;
  • redhead, burgundy;
  • chocolate or cappuccino.

Winter girls

Photo - Winter color

Woman with coloring winter to change appearance harder. The fact is that the whole charm is a sharp contrast between curls and a peer. In a fairy tale about Snow White, it is about winter beauties who have incredibly pale skin with almost a bluish tint and black hair, sometimes even with a natural blue tide.

Because of such a very spectacular combination, it is categorically not recommended to drastically change appearance. Just, whatever the tone is not chosen, it will not be bright enough and not so spectacular.

It is quite difficult to choose the right color for hair with bright brunettes of cold type. Avoid warm colors, they will make you a sharpening, without a raisin. If you want to experiment with you, then adhere to such advice:

  • try tonic with blue or even a la "eggplant" (very suitable for dark brown eyes);
  • can be experimenting with cold russes;
  • a white cold palette looks very beautiful.

Dark colors It is perfect for representatives of the floor, who are from nature grayish hair or with ash till. The dark face will only emphasize your image. Very good and will naturally look dark strands with karium and green eyes, which you can freely make bright daytime and. They visually increases volume.

It so happened that men, and society as a whole perceive women such as serious and business people, many believe that brunettes are the most romantic representatives of the beautiful sex.

Small warning: Over time, the hair is growing and the roots look untidy and cheap, so it takes from time to time to appear.

You want to be red Seducer. Not in vain it was said so, since it is the redheads that the beauties are considered the most passionate and fatal, and many of them are afraid.

Redhead is a unique color, as it fits all, especially to persons with an obvious blush. The disadvantage is that compared to others, he quickly fills and loses his saturation. Choosing a redhead, be prepared for difficulties. You will come across such a problem as the inability to get a new color: dark or light, as the redhead is hard to paint.

Photo - painted blonde

You want to be a carefree blonde. Etiddevushki always conquer men's hearts, and most of the representatives of the gentle gender want to paint in this hue.

If you decide to become a blonde, then take care of the tone of the skin, it should be bright, otherwise your hair will look unnatural. Unfortunately, it is not possible to achieve the perfect discoloration result - exactly the same color as on a box with paint.

Often curls can get a greenish tint or look checked. Blondes are more than others need additional care strands that are more overwhelmed. Council For you: Consult with a specialist, how paint will affect with light color on your hair, will she hurt you.

How to combine

If you need to choose a suitable tint of curls on the type on your own and free, then use this advice of professionals: bring to the face of a peach color and blue paper sheet. During the column, the appearance became interesting? So, repel from this palette, if on the contrary, circles have manifested under the eyes or stammers stamped - then this palette needs to be avoided. This test is done even in famous beauty salons.

Sometimes a special program is also used. It allows you to upload your photo and pictures with interest in curls. And then just pick up beautiful examples of haircuts and hair colors that you to face.

Photo - Selection of hair color

If you are still not sure about the selected staining, you can buy several overhead on the clips, and simply applied them to Caoufure, thereby appreciating, is a new color or not. The same accessories can be used and just every day to give appearance a little exotic and raisins.

There is no clear distribution, how to combine the hairstyle to the color. But as it were, it would be that Kare is for dark-haired (remember Leon Killer and Criminal Fiction), and long curls are prerogatives of blondes. Remember that it is important not only to pick up the hair color or haircut, but also a paint brand, for example, very good reviews about Garnier and Schwarzkopf.