How to meet a guy with friends. How to get to know a company of girls Openly express antipathy to a guy's friends, sit with a displeased look or defiantly leave

Before you start, close your eyes and remember how many pretty girls you see every day on your way to work or school. And how many of them are among colleagues, at the university, at a party or just on a social network. Now imagine that you are familiar with each of you, you are friends, and you can translate this friendship into something more. Just don't sigh sadly, all this is possible. So let's figure out how to meet a girl.

In previous articles, we learned, and if you are well prepared, then you will definitely be successful. And now you are ready to work in the field It remains only to learn how to do it easily and naturally. Fortunately for us and you, getting to know girls is very simple, and this skill can be developed either by regularly repeating attempts, or you need to follow some simple instructions, and already upgrade them depending on the situation.

First you need to understand where you want to meet a girl. After all, there can be many places: work, study, nightclub, cafe, party in a large company, street, internet... Depending on this, your scripts (action script) for dating a girl change.

You may ask - why do I need such scripts? Everything is very simple, because dating always has two main obstacles, this is fear and not understanding what needs to be said, where to start a conversation. And if you already have the right words in your head that are relevant for the situation in which you met a girl, then you will not have to think frantically, but what to say ... the answers are already prepared. And the fear will also go away, because what has been said will not entail any unpleasant consequences - the girl will not send you (although anything can happen, of course: p), she will not disgrace in front of everyone, and will not even consider a psycho / maniac (emphasize the necessary). So let's get down to business ...

at work / school

The first and very common option is that the girl works or studies with you. You see her every day, but you have no idea what her name is, and she does not even know about your existence. How to be in this situation? To begin with, exhale, because you already have a trump card - since you are colleagues or classmates, it is easy to find a topic for the first conversation. For example, contact on some work question:

“Hi, are you from the sales department? Can you tell me how clients react to our new project? By the way, my name is (your name), and you? Very nice. So you say everyone is delighted? It’s nice to hear that I’ll go on to work, so it’s not in vain. Have a good day"

through friends

on the party

But if you come to a nightclub and decide to meet a girl, you will have to try a little. Just do not be alarmed at once, not everything is so difficult. After all, many girls go to nightclubs or cafes not only to dance, and they also do not mind meeting an interesting young man (they will have to become interesting and what to do). The main thing here is to observe and show a little courage. What exactly to observe? Well, at least understand if the girl came with her boyfriend, otherwise, instead of meeting her, you will get to know him. And who needs it?

The second thing to notice is her friends. Usually you will have to look from afar, but even so, you can determine how adequate or still bitchy they are. The last factor can get in the way, because some girls like to interrupt conversations at the wrong time. Therefore, if everything is fine, feel free to approach their table. It might look like this :

"Hello girls, I can sit down with you for a minute, get to know you, and at the same time I will treat you to a cocktail, my name is (your name)."

If you were not sent, then memorize the names, otherwise many on the nerves can forget not only the girl's friends, but also the lady of the heart herself, and then an embarrassment will turn out. And then ask them if they often come here, tell us about yourself, where you work, study, ask them the same thing ... and then a conversation ensued. But don't stay too long if you are not invited to stay. In general, act as appropriate. In our version, you return to your table and after a while (the party continues) try to meet your sweetheart again on the dance floor (learn to dance, you must ...), near the bar, or again at the table when the ladies are a little drunk. And there you will already find out all the contacts, in fact, this is the main purpose of the evening (and not what you thought, males).

If the girlfriends of the young lady are not very good, then go straight to the acquaintance on the dance floor, in the bar or in the queue for the toilet, on the street in the smoking room, anywhere, just not at the table. Any innocent phrase will help you:

“You’re dancing well, by the way I am (your name), but what’s your name?”

Or for example:

"Nice place, just noisy, do you often come here?"

Well, further down the text. The main thing is to carefully monitor the girl's reaction. Don't be upset if she doesn't support the conversation. This happens even with real ladies' men. But they are still with the girls, you know why? Then they try again and again. There are many girls in the club, and you will not be here for the last time.


Well, here we come to our Everest. On the street you will have to show all your charm (if you don't have it, draw, and what remains?). The difference from all previous methods is that on the street it is quite difficult to speak with a normal reason, when the girl herself does not mind. After all, a lady can rush somewhere, to work, for example, to her boyfriend (generally fun). Or she simply does not like to meet on the street, whether you are even Tom Cruise, she is purple. But what to do if the girl is beautiful, sweet-looking and now she passes by and you will never see her again ... it's better to take a chance than to regret it later. What do you have to lose? The beauty of such an acquaintance is that this is not a club or a cafe, where all the attention of others will be directed to you. On the street, no one cares, people fly by, not noticing anything around. Including your attempts, so be brave.

Now let's get to the point.

Whenever possible, try to choose a place for acquaintance with fewer people. Then you will not be so worried about “everyone is watching”. And if such a place is not foreseen - the beauty just passed you by, and there is practically no time for reflection, then take a deep breath and go ahead. Don't motivate yourself in any way, don't think about anything at all, just do it. In this case, you will not even have time to get scared.

On the street, as in all previous examples, it is important to have several prepared phrases to start a conversation. Know how to develop a conversation if the girl keeps the conversation going. And the most important thing is to take her contacts. This could be a phone number or First Name Last Name to find her on social media.

As for the first point, scripts can be either universal or specially selected for a place or situation. For example, in a store, you can do this:

"Girl, I choose sweets for my mom for her birthday, but I don't understand them, can you recommend something? ... Thank you, by the way, I am (your name)."

On the street, you can always ask how to get to some place ... the girl will answer you (choose the main place that she probably should know), smile at her, say a compliment:

I think you understand the general principle - first you need a short introduction so that the girl starts communicating with you, and then tell me your name. Try not to strain too much at this moment and look charming or something ... smile (just not like a maniac).

Then you will already feel whether the girl is ready to chat with you for at least a minute or not. If he is trying to get away from you as quickly as possible, then forget, it happens on the street, do not take it personally. The main thing is that you came up and were not scared, you got a new experience, next time you will definitely be lucky. And if the girl smiles or at least answers politely, then continue the conversation:

“You probably live here somewhere? And I studied not far from here. Where did you study? "

The point is to get the girl talking. Find out something about it, offer to conduct it and ask further. If you can start a pleasant, friendly conversation, that's very good. Just do not delay if you see that the girl needs about her business:

“Okay, so I've already taken a lot of your time, maybe we'll meet again, I'll buy you coffee? Will you tell me your number? "

You are very polite and unobtrusive, in this situation you definitely have a chance. After all, these are guys getting to know girls, not girls with guys ... got it? They choose among those who fit ... and how many daredevils have the courage to meet on the street? Exactly…

You can not ask for a number and not invite for coffee if you see that it is too early and the girl most likely will not agree. Then your task is to find out her name, where she studied and something related to age - it may be the age itself, although not all girls like such questions ... perhaps ask:

"What year did you graduate from school (university)?"

"What is your zodiac sign?"

Congratulations, now you know about the month of her birth (if she honestly answered the question). Why is this necessary, you ask? The answer is - for searching on social networks. Especially in contact, where young girls are most often registered. Choose your name, gender, city, place of study, month of birth or year ... and voila. Get some pages and one of them is your sweetheart. Further communication can be continued online, gain confidence and eventually invite you on a date.

in contact with

Well, since we are talking about social networks, and the 21st century is in the yard, then you need to use new opportunities. Now every second, not counting every first, is on social networks, and dating sites are a thing of the past. Therefore, if you intend to meet a girl, open VKontakte, Facebook, classmates and go for it.

You need to start with a search. If you are a student, then you already know how to use the system, if you are older and feel a little awe of the "miracle of technology", then I will give some advice. Most of the Russian-speaking audience is in contact. Your best bet is to search (this is important) in the same place. Therefore, create a page on this social network, fill it with the necessary information about you, upload beautiful photos, if there are none, do (ask your friends to take a photo of you or order a photo session).

This is very important, because in the social. networks are greeted by an avatar. Going further - there should be live activity on your page. This means more than 100 friends (add to everyone in a row if necessary), a lot of music and videos, more than 20 posts on the wall. Why do you need this? And because when you want to add a beautiful girl as a friend, she will look at you and your page, and if she does not see everything that we have just discussed, she may think that the page is not real, and was created for winding up friends, advertising, etc. ...

Once you figured out the preparation, go to the search. In the filter, select your city, gender, age and scroll down. The girls at the top of the list shouldn't interest you, they are usually stars who don't communicate with anyone at all. As soon as you find a beautiful nymph, feel free to add to her as a friend, and be sure to write something, for example:

"Hello, let's get acquainted, I am (your name)."

You don't even need to look for reasons here. Just do not think that you will be answered right away. It is good if one of ten answers and adds to friends. But the trick is that in half an hour you can write to two dozen girls. Feel what unplowed field has opened up for you?)

Then ask innocent questions, where does she study, what is her hobby, what kind of movie she loves. Tell about yourself too. I am sure that over time you will have an initial script for the conversation, which will already flow into ordinary friendly communication. And when you become friends, you can safely invite to meet, go to the movies or drink coffee.

The main thing here is not to get upset if you are refused. Believe me, in a minute you will find another girl, no less beautiful, but more pleasant in conversation. And with experience, the excitement will completely go away, and your list of female contacts will become indecently large.

Well, that's all. It seems like nothing complicated, the main thing is to gather the courage and do it. Don't try to reinvent the wheel and read about mega-cool pickup techniques and then show off in front of a girl. This will only push her away. Your courage to come up already plays a big role. Be sincere, smile, show respect and show your upbringing. Good luck!

In one of the past articles, we discussed the importance of taking approaches and communicating with girls alone, without relying on the assistance of a friend or partner. If you often get to know each other, then you probably already understood how important independence and the ability to meet alone are. But how do you get to know each other in the company of girls?

Today I will continue this topic and cover some of the questions that one way or another arise for guys who want to get acquainted on their own, without a partner, and also want to be able to effectively communicate with a stranger one-on-one. Many guys who are quite courageous and effective in their approaches to the issue of starting communication have significant shortcomings associated with the fact that many girls are always in the company of friends. We will talk about this today.

Why is it important to be able to meet with girls?

Man is by nature a collective, social being, and women especially. You can be very successful in dating one-on-one, but invariably on your life path you will come across girls who almost never go alone. Look at the benches in the evening park. How often do you see the fair sex sitting alone? That's right, extremely rare.

As a rule, girls prefer to relax and walk together, three together, or even in a noisy company of friends. And there is an unpleasant moment here. The criticality of the perception of a man suitable for the purpose of acquaintance is greatly increased if a woman is surrounded by girlfriends.

There are several reasons for this:

#1 You must, as in a regular acquaintance, correspond to certain primary requests of a woman. But when approaching a couple or three girls, be ready to win the sympathy of all the interlocutors, and not just the one that you liked initially. For this, it is important to know what to talk about with the girl and her friends.

If one of them does not like you very much, she may begin to ignore you or make fun of you, trying to get rid of or make you look like a fool. In such a situation, her friends, who may have liked you, and who in another situation would have responded positively to you, at this moment will not want to show others that their needs for a man are lower than those of others. In other words, a lady who sympathizes with you hesitates to give a phone to a guy who was clearly neglected by the other girls, so as not to lower her own level in front of them.

#2 If one of the girls clearly likes you, the rest will often start pushing you out of jealousy of a friend or out of resentment that you did not recognize them as the best. This happens especially often when there are two girls, and by choosing only one of them as the object of your attention, you clearly make it clear to the second that she is worse.

#3 Sometimes groups of girls really don't feel like getting to know each other. They go out to have fun, chat, and when you find yourself surrounded by a cheerful girlish company, you may be perceived not as a gentleman, but as a successfully turned up object of ridicule. One will play a joke, others will pick up and now laughter sounds around you, and all your attempts to make a favorable impression only cause new bursts of laughter.

#4 When communicating with you one-on-one, a woman thinks most of the time about how she herself looks, how and what she says. She is embarrassed, she has less time to look closely at you and look for flaws and reasons for her female refusal. When she is in the company of her friends, i.e. on his territory, he feels comfortable, and you are already perceived as needy, as a guest who can be left for the amusement of the public, or you can delete with a couple of unfriendly phrases.

#5 The overwhelming majority of guys, being in a group of unfamiliar women, lose a significant part of their confidence, charm and charm, speak inappropriately and, indeed, as if they themselves are asking to be laughed at. This is, and few can boast of a rock-solid self-confidence and calmness in the face of strangers, even a group of women.

As you can see, to a group of women is much more difficult than communicating with one particular interlocutor. Unpleasant moments depend on both external (mood and the number of "victims") and internal (a decrease in the feeling of confidence when you are in a group of unfamiliar and sometimes not entirely friendly people) factors.

Dating technique

If your fervor has not completely disappeared, we continue. Anyway, you decided to meet a group of girls. The most important thing I advise you to stock up on is self-confidence and a delusional generator. In most cases, you will have to go through a double or triple check, answer tricky questions. As soon as you hesitate, hesitate, shut up - you will quickly be sent home or ridiculed.

It is important that all your answers are friendly and calm. When meeting a group of women, don't try to sound cool. In the company of girls, there will definitely be a splinter that will try to challenge your declared status and you will have to argue with a woman and prove something, which is extremely harmful at the time of meeting a group. Be calm, confident, cheerful.

As a rule, in the company you like one girl for whom you approached. The second most important detail of communication in a group of girls is not to ignore friends, not to give all your attention only to the chosen one. The rest may get bored and offer to go home, or they will start to take offense and put a spoke in your wheels. Therefore, remember as "Our Father" - since you came up in a pair (three, four), then communicate with everyone. Try to pay at least a little attention to everyone. That is why communications with four or more women are unpromising. It will be difficult for you to pay attention to everyone. It is precisely for companies of three or more people that partners are needed. And while you are alone, try to ensure that everyone present gets a little attention.

Do not try to confuse the names, remember them well. Do not clearly single out the one of the girls for whom you approached. May they all be interested in you and not disappointed.

If you brought communication to the proper level and managed to attract the attention and sympathy of your girlfriends, then your skill is at a very good level. The further scenario will depend on your intentions. You can offer them to go to a cafe, bowling alley, change the environment, or immediately move to a place for sex (FFM ... why not?).

The main thing is that they do not think that they have found a sponsor who is going to get them all drunk. Remember, you have not yet made a claim on any of them, which means that if you have not let the dust in your eyes, posing as a stylish pimp and Abramovich's son, they are unlikely to expect to push you forward. Everyone should understand that you are offering a joint vacation, not a vacation at your expense. Otherwise, a consumer may wake up in women and this will not lead you to anything good.

If you are not going to continue the evening together, then it's time to exchange contacts and reel. Take the phone not only for the one that interested you initially. If there are two or three, then write down the numbers of all. This will give them intrigue, and you will have the opportunity to work with each of them individually. When the job is done, say goodbye to everyone equally warmly and disappear.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to call or write to the favorite in the first place. Experience has shown that it is sometimes very useful to send a couple of messages to a friend to get started. And when she, as befits a woman, boasts of everything that you have already written to her, unexpectedly please her darling, and then take her out on an individual date as quickly as possible.

Try to avoid group meetings, during which you lose your freedom of action and can quickly find yourself in the category of friends.

Sometimes there may be a guy in the company of girls. Occasionally it is the boyfriend of one of them, but more often it is some colleague or classmate. Oddly enough, but in most cases it does not cause the slightest problem. The main thing is not to start to compare with him with pipis and communicate as friendly as possible. If you see that he considers one of the girls his - leave her to him, as if she does not exist for you. When you meet, shake his hand and communicate in a respectful and friendly manner. In short, keep the competition to a minimum and he won't have any questions.

As you can see, there is nothing supernatural. As in a single acquaintance, what is needed is self-confidence and resourcefulness. Only in acquaintance with the group they need a little more.


Finally, a little bonus related to your inner state. To minimize discomfort and stiffness when approaching a group of women, imagine that you have known these people for a long time and treat them well and that they are ALREADY your friends. Keep this feeling in your head, smile and communicate with the company of girls the way you in reality communicate with people dear and close to you. If you set yourself up correctly, it will help to avoid conflict, your new acquaintances will feel your participation and will quickly take you for their own. And their people allow a lot. What, in fact, we are with you and achieve.

"I decided that I still can't live with girls who like 'show-offs' ..."

"With the help of exercises I removed my" ponty ", because I decided that I still can't live with girls who like it: they do not see a man in me, and I see only stupidity in them ...

I met the current girl while playing the mafia. For 2.5 years we have been together and we are convinced that the main thing is "to agree on the most important things, and the rest is working moments" ...

Andrey, 23 years old, Nizhny Novgorod

"Shivering I was afraid to approach the girls ..."

“Before the project, I was not confident in myself and in my appearance, I had low self-esteem, I was constantly in contact ...

After getting to know the project, I met a wonderful girl, found what I loved, quit my office job and no longer sit in social media. networks ... We have been together for 8 months, together it is easy for us, I always try to make her happy, find only the best and tell her about it.

It's great when next to you a person who supports you, believes in you, you train together, help each other. Life becomes richer, more Life appears in it! "

Kesha, 24 years old, St. Petersburg

"... Only maniacs meet in the subway! .."

“Before the project, I could only meet a girl either through the Internet or after taking strong drinks. There were girls, but not for long.

The results of the exercises were not long in coming: I met my future wife in the Moscow metro ... at rush hour! Before the first date, my mother tried to dissuade her: don't go! only maniacs meet on the subway !! :)

Timur, I WOULD NOT HAVE ANYTHING without you! "

Kostya, 37 years old, Moscow

"Before the project, I had to trade for girls who didn't particularly like ..."

Before learning the "Secrets of Common Guy" exercises, you had to play James Bond - and it was difficult even to start a conversation.

After that, an inner core appeared and it became “comfortable with oneself” (communication with girls turned from discomfort to pleasure) ...

Found my "Quality Girl"! (I walked by the cafe, I saw cool girls sitting, one of them hooked her with her femininity. He separated her from her friends, walked along the arbat and hello back. After that he found out how her friends were flashing about me ...)

Andrey, 20 years old, Samara

"I was SURE that no girl would look at me! ..."

“I was afraid to take the first step, to prove myself, I was very afraid to openly declare my intentions.

Now I have become open in dating and communicating with girls, it is easy to establish contacts not only with girls, but also with people in general. I stopped worrying about the opinions of others.

My future girlfriend had a boyfriend but in the end it turned out that he had been harassing her for several years, and when I appeared, I became wildly jealous ... I did not meddle in their relationship, as Timur advised.

Ultimately she came to me and said that she didn't want to be with anyone but me ...

Anton S., 20 years old, Samara

"... Until the age of 27, I had no serious relationship with girls ..."

If by some miracle I found myself next to an attractive girl, I felt like an awkward bear and could not say anything to her at all.

I studied various pick-up artists and psychologists, but all their advice was extremely superficial "keep it simple, you fools!"

But after I got acquainted with the OP project, within half a year I met about 40 girls !! In October 2012, I met Ira, my current wife and my ideal girlfriend - on the street, returning from work in the evening ... "

Mikhail, 29 years old, Yekaterinburg

"Before getting to know this project, I was not afraid to talk to a girl, I could not ask passers-by how long it was without stuttering! ..."

"On the street, it always seemed to me that all the healthy guys want to fuck me ...

The project helps a lot in relations with the current girlfriend. Our acquaintance was trivial, at work. But the whole taste is in what kind of relationship is now. And now we are both watching your mailing list, we are both studying the Vedas, we are interested in the development of ourselves and each other. "

Roma L., 22 years old, Zaporozhye

"I was shy and did not understand how to behave with a girl, what to talk about? ..."

“In my last year I decided that it was time to do something. I gave up computer games that took a lot of time. I started looking for various books on psychology in relation to girls, looked through various trainings, until my friend suggested the site" Ordinary Guys "

Valery, 28 years old, Kramatorsk

Probably, a giant bank vault is less unapproachable than a girl who is surrounded by her girlfriends. At least that's how it seems to us. After all, you must agree that it is much easier to approach a girl sitting alone at the bar. It's another matter if they have a bachelorette party there: it will be much harder to attract her attention, because with him you will attract the attention of her friends. That will make her refusal even more painful. But you can't give in to fear. In the end, you can turn the obstacle to your advantage. And if you need to please all her friends for this, then act. Before that, read a few simple tips from us.

Assess the situation

No matter how confident you are, there are objective factors that must be taken into account if the girl is not alone. Assess her surroundings and the environment in general. Is this a convenient opportunity for acquaintance? Is their company having fun or maybe they have a funeral? Do they seem more focused on each other or, on the contrary, open to communication? Again, pay attention to the presence of guys in their group. Is one of them the boyfriend of the one you have your eye on? Some companies are really closed from outsiders, in which case your inaction will be perfectly justified.

Read the signs

If you find that there is no obvious reason not to approach, then your next step should be to flirt non-verbally with the girl. Look at her, smile. Her feedback should be a signal to you. It's good if she smiles back, shyly lowers her eyes, or straightens her hair. Her interested look, interrupted by whispering to her friends, can also be considered a good sign. When her body language says she's interested in you too, that's the right signal for the next step.

Communicate with the whole company

Your natural desire will be to immediately approach the object of your sympathy and talk to her. This is the first thing that comes to mind. But this approach may not be very accurate. If a girl is surrounded by a company, then you should approach the whole company, and not just her. If you focus on only her one, the rest of the group may adopt a defensive or even aggressive regime, and they will have a desire to oust the "invader" from their territory. On the other hand, if you win the sympathy of her entourage, you may gain allies. Finding a common language with her friends or girlfriends, you will feel more relaxed when communicating with her.

Turn on your charm to the fullest

Be positive and friendly. When you get to know her environment, you need to create a relaxed atmosphere so that everyone feels comfortable. In this way, you will remove their natural hostility towards a stranger. Approach the situation with confidence and some creativity. Just don't overdo it. You don't need to juggle with bar glasses. At least the first minutes 5. Get their attention in a positive way. If you can make their pastime more interesting than it was before you, then your chances of success will increase significantly.

Weaken the defense

Each group has a conditional leader. Even if the participants themselves are not aware of this, there is still an unspoken opinion leader among them, to which everyone else involuntarily listens. And if the leader does not like you, then this person can ruin all your earlier efforts. Therefore, your task is not only to figure out which of them is running the show here, but also to convince her (or him) that you can be trusted.

The same applies to the situation when there are guys around the girl. They will most likely play knights and protect their girlfriend. Therefore, you must remain calm: be cool, but not aggressive. Convince them that she will be just as safe with you. Become the guy these guys would let go of their sister. If they like you and they see that their friend likes you too, then they will not only not interfere, but, possibly, will also act on your side.

Go away, but not alone

No matter how interesting you are with your new company, do not forget about the purpose of your introduction - the girl you initially liked. As you talk, gradually narrow your focus and start getting her attention. As soon as the opportunity arises, leave the group with her. If you have not “cajoled” the girl's entourage enough, then they can prevent you from depriving them of your girlfriend. But if they like you, then they will give a silent blessing, leaving you two alone. Now is the time for your full acquaintance. Use it and .

Presented below.

At first sight acquaintance with the company of women may seem like the height of skill that only macho can do.

In fact, everything is much simpler.

Meet a group of women, especially in the presence of your friend, is not much more difficult than with one woman.

I suggest two ways to meet a female company.

First option- make friends with the most annoying of them.

Second option more laborious - you need to make friends with almost all women from this company and get into their trust.

You are unlikely to be able to immediately meet a girl you like.

Most likely, the company will allow you to communicate with the woman who is offered to you, or with the one who has laid eyes on you.

The second way of acquaintance, if you practice and master it, will bring you much more pleasure, and, more importantly and effectively, the situation will be completely under your control.

You will awaken interest in yourself and guide the actions of the girl you have chosen, and in addition, you will gain many new friends in the process of communication.

How to make friends with an annoying girl

So, let's take a closer look at the first option for dating a girl in the company of her girlfriends.

This is the so-called "natural selection", which is gradually occurring among the members of the company.

This is the explanation of the phenomenon why, knowing the dynamics of relations among the participants in a women's company, it is so easy with women from its composition.

How to get into the credibility of the female team

The second way to meet women is more effective.

You will be required not only to establish good relationships with the entire female company, but also to be able to make friends with them, especially the "hindrance women."

For example, you see a group of women. Among them there is the only charming girl on whom you managed to lay your eyes.

Other members of the company (both women and men) are identified as an "obstacle", in other words, "an obstacle" in your path.

Usually men do the same thing - they ignore the circumstances surrounding their acquaintance, and try to starve out the object of their .

This is precisely the main drawback of their plan for seducing a woman.

This is where your partner comes on stage.

Its goal is simple and very significant - to speak teeth to her friends while you “melt away” for a couple somewhere in a quiet, inconspicuous corner.

This method is especially effective when you and your partner are meeting two women.

As soon as you achieve the benevolence of your passion, you persuade her to make the decision you need, it will be very logical to offer her to give the second couple the opportunity to be alone for a while.

You need to whisper your statement very quietly in her ear so that it sounds like you are making a dirty proposal.

The main thing is that her friend does not accidentally hear your words.

Your woman may wonder why you are suggesting that she leave them alone.

At this point, you need to push her a little to make a decision by saying something that slightly offends her self-esteem.

For example, “Can't you see? They want to be alone "or" Are you going to hold a candle? Everything is already very fast for "

Meanwhile, as soon as you leave them alone, then her friend will have nothing to do but think that the initiative to retire comes from the two of you, and now you indulge in pleasures.

And at the very last moment, before leaving with you, every self-respecting woman will stop and say: “Wait, I can't just leave my girlfriend. I need to tell her that I am leaving. "

This one phrase can unsettle anyone, but don't be fooled by it.

The most important thing is not to get confused and continue moving forward towards the intended goal.

For example, say in response: “Don't worry. They will find their own way. See how long they've been gone - they’re probably having a good time and don’t worry too much about you. ”

Then take her gently by the hand, lead her to the front door and grab the first taxi that comes along.