How to offer a guy meeting so that he agreed. Let's send an email. How to openly say about your intentions

Serious relationship between a man and a woman is sometimes unpredictable. For example, today, a girl with a guy goes to another date, and tomorrow the guy may have any problems at home, at work or where.

And so one day does not ring, the second, and the girl is waiting. But is it not better to take the initiative? How to offer a man to meet?

Pull yourself together

You talk about make emboss to take the first step and call your favorite guy? Yes, of course, the guys call the first, but it is rather a stereotype than the norm of behavior. I never know what happened there call yourself And invite a person to the meeting. Or here is not a silent, but women's pride? Yes, you were knighted the other day, but this is not a reason to wait until the man suggests to meet himself - this will not benefit relationships.

So tell me

If you miss And you want to offer a guy to meet, call and right and tell me: "Hi, I missed, let's meet". The guy will certainly be pleased that you miss him and do not hide it, and he will agree. Although, of course, he can refuse, but you are in despair do not fall, thinking that you need to do so that you can meet. He just can be some kind of grief. Then it is worth schitrit.

Invite it under some pretext

Schwit a little, Write the guy SMS, asking him to come to, for example, repair your computer, bring you a movie disk Or something else to do. The main thing is that he agreed, and what to do when your beloved will come, you yourself know. You can already hint the guy, smoothly turn the conversation bed in the one way, in which you need.


Everything is clear here - you need something guy intrigue. For example, call him and tell me "Hi, I have a surprise for you - come." Yes, it is trite, but can work. You can, of course, come up with a variant if this one does not suit you, only be sure to prepare some surprise, even if you are small, otherwise you may be tight offended. So the guy even it won't guess that the surprise was only a pretext In order to appoint a meeting and clarify some things in your serious relationship.

Remember that men like it when a woman manifests the initiative, and therefore you have a lot of chances for a positive answer. The main thing is to offer, and the meeting will certainly take place. If competently build a proposal, even your former guy will honor you your visit. Well, if you are currently visiting, he will not think about the refusal when you decide to offer to meet.

Girls from the very old age want a romantic relationship with guys. They dream of kisses, about long walks and hugs of your beloved person. Also becomes noticeable and the fact that the guys are a little shy and shy. Then the thoughts appear to make the very first step.

First you need to go through a few simple and effective steps towards victory:

  • Clean that your sympathy is mutual. After all, in the opposite case, the guy will give a failure. Try him to smile, speak. If he communicates with pleasure, trying to give signs of attention (opens the door in front of you, skips forward), then you can be calm.
  • Let me understand that you are free. It is best to say about it straight, for guys are hard to understand hint.
  • Invite him somewhere. You can just walk or sit in a cafe. According to the behavior, it will be immediately visible whether he wants to be with you. If you see it clearly, but you just understand that he is slightly shy, then act.

Three simple steps are passed, you realize that you are interested in it, you are fine with each other approach, now it's time to offer to meet.

In this case, there are some successful and win-win options:

  1. This can be done at the end of the walk. Perfectly coming up the evening when it is already a little and calmly. Such a situation will help you relax in front of an important event. Gather with thoughts, take a deep and slow breath and say: "I like you for a long time. Let's meet".
  2. Ask you to help a young man. Aid options from his side: bring heavy bags, to establish a computer, pull it out. You can come up with something your own. When he finishes help you, pick up and ask: "Are we already found?"
  3. If you have any offenders, then you ask the young man to stand up. Tell me that you are scared. From your helplessness and cute bitch, he will not be able to resist. The guy will definitely want to seem bold and strong in front of you. As a result, when you thank him, Kiss him in a cheek. At this time the most appropriate moment will come to offer to meet.

In a sense, your friends can serve as "tools". Find out if anyone familiar with this young man from your environment. Girlfriend communicates with him personally? Wonderful! Try to gently hint through the girlfriend that you want to meet with him. If it does everything right, then this guy will take further steps. Common friends, through which you can be in his campaign can also help. You will begin to communicate more and the opportunity to tell about your feelings.

On the Internet tools more. You can send him a song in which you go about love.

Only in the status of any records that can read all people, specifically the guy's name should not be.

Recognition is better to leave in personal correspondence.

Suggest him to meet the correspondence in contact

It is much easier to talk about your feelings, when you do not see a live person, you do not see his eyes. Therefore, to propose to meet in VC very easy.

Starting with the guy to which you feed sympathy, conversation. But do not write such messages to which you do not need to answer.

You need to do your offer if you see that the guy does not hold any offense on you, that he did not spoil the mood during the day. This will help the boy to take the right decision. For in a bad mood, he can give a negative response to the sorry, which will be regretting for a long time.

Ask, if he has a girl. You won't destroy someone's relationship. When you fully make sure that all the conditions are observed and the fact that the very moment is writing about their sympathy. Write immediately: "Let's meet". Do it quickly, so as not to start involuntarily to discourage.

The most suitable moment is the night or evening.

Just be sure to make sure that the young man is not yet sleeping. In the opposite case, he will only get angry with you. If you are afraid of you or worry, then make your offer quick and without unnecessary words. Do not divorce the conversation for a whole hour, otherwise you can forget what it is necessary. Immediately write to him what you want to meet. This is the most effective way. Some weather will come. And you see how it was easy.

Here you have to gain courage. First you can just chat about how the day passed, ask questions. A casual conversation is a great option. Then slowly go to the topic of relationships.

And even more appreciate the praise to their address. Tell your young man that anyone will envy his sports training.

After all the laudatory speeches, the time of frankness will come. Ask: "Do you like me?". Talk a little about your mutual sympathy, about how I would like to build a relationship with such a person. And then suggest him to meet. The shy guy will be indescribable to such a turn.

For this you should have one hundred percent confidence that he also wants it. Otherwise nothing will come. Ask, lonely guy. If recently broke up with a girl, it may be difficult for him to build a new relationship. After all, the guys at a young age are very wounded and illegible in girls. Then support him with warm words. The guy must make sure that the relationship with you will not be a mistake, as with the previous girl.

If you have already fully decided that it is ready to offer a guy to meet, then choose the moment when you both are more seriously configured. No need to do this if the conversations are too comic. It is better to choose the time when there is no one near anyone. You can gently whisper on the ear to him his offer. Taking into account all this, and he will definitely agree.

The most suitable phrases that will help you make your offer relevant and correct will be the following:

  • "I like me for a long time. I wanna be with you"
  • "You are so sporty. Let's meet, we can go to the gym together "
  • "You have such strong hands. I want only these hands to hug me. We shall be together?"
  • "I'm so tired of loneliness. I miss male care. Let's become a pair "
  • "I'm going crazy from your eyes. I want to look in them forever. Let's meet"

Say such words at the right moment and the guy will become yours.

This is a very memorable way that talks about the rich inner world. Such a proposal will appreciate any romantic. Suggest meeting in verses can be on the Internet, and live. Want to surprise your chosen one? Then focus on the conceived, find a comfortable place and time to write poems. Located with the convenience, the rhymes themselves will come to your mind. Everything is written on paper or into a computer. Then you need to reread everything and edit. Consider the correctness of grammar and punctuation. It is necessary to compose your recognition so that it turned out romantic and harmoniously.

The guy will be happy and shocked in a good sense from the proposal in the poetic form. Make him a pleasant surprise with my recognition. He will be simply obliged to agree. Your truths will cause admiration and respect.

To begin with, think whether you are ready for a relationship. After all, youth is given for entertainment. In relationships you need to observe loyalty and honesty. But if you realized that you experience strong feelings, then you need to do something. Tell the guy right what you want and what you dream about. He must immediately understand what should take a serious decision. Offer to meet a young man not in comic shape, but a good thing about everything.

Assume with your girlfriends, whether that guy is your time and strength. Suddenly someone had already communicated to you. Or ask the Council at Mom, if you have a trust relationship. The native person will always help the delivered advice.

In this case, the main thing is unobtrusive. Give the guy time to think about everything. After all, this decision is not allowed. It is not worth named every hour and ask what he thought up. If there is no Westa from the guy for a long time, then only in this case you should ask. Although, when the guy immediately gives the answer, then all the torment and questions about his favor disappear, because everything immediately becomes in its place.

Be with a guy polite and cute. Boys do not likegroys. Tell him minor, but pleasant compliments. Young people love flattery. More often smile and try to control your emotions. Do not be offended by trifles. If all this is foreseen, then the guy will see your ideal in you.

Common errors are the following:

  • Improper formulation His proposal to meet. The guy may misunderstand. Take advantage of those phrases that were presented above.
  • Haste. Do not stand on the third day to dating a guy. Wait a little, find out each other better.
  • Communication with other guys. It is impossible to walk with other boys, if already offered to meet someone. After all, if he sees it, it will think that it will always be that it is fraught with refusal.

Psychologists advise to make such a proposal in the evening when he has already been dark. It does not matter where and how it happens: near the house or by phone. In the evening or night, it's much easier to gather my thoughts, weigh everything and take the right decision. Evening time - the most suitable moment for revelations. But in no case cannot make such proposals under the influence of alcohol intoxication. The guy may have a false understanding of you. Offer to meet with clear thoughts.

Believe me, you don't need such a guy. You will spend a lot of strength so that he threw his girlfriend. And in the end, over time, such a guy will be able to do in relation to you. And it is always nice when the young man himself will try to conquer you, and not the opposite. But if you already solved firmly, then show your guy your advantages so that he himself wanted to throw his passion. Offer to meet so that then the same girl did not become your enemy. Do everything neat so that it does not gues about anything.

In this situation, you need to be pretty careful and neat, so as not to spoil the relationship with the two guys. If you are offended by a friend and start meeting with another boy, then it can end badly.

Therefore, in the current situation, it is necessary to try to explain to a friend that you have already chose a guy, and with him you can continue to communicate in a friendly. The main thing here is not to spoil your relationship with both guys and keep their friendship.

You only need to interest a young man. Be sure to find common topics and interests. If he goes to swim, then you go. If goes to the gym or else somewhere, then you are trying to attend these places if possible. Total interests are very close. Do not forget about the appearance. You should always look having rested and fresh. When you see that you are interested in, start flirting and flirting.

Also through acquaintances, you can try to hint that he liked you. If you are still going to wait for the first step on his side, then nothing else should be done. The main thing is to show that you are also not indifferent to this guy. He must clearly understand this fact. Only in this case the guy will suggest to meet the first.

About poems you already know. But what to do, if with a fantasy and eloquence of problems?

Another way is suitable during the winter when it fell snow. You can pull out on the snow under the windows of the guy your offer. Then write it to an SMS of about such text: "Looking out the window." It is very romantic and beautiful. This can be done on the asphalt. But in this case, it is necessary to get paints. Yes, in case of failure, it will be better if no traces remain. But it's hard to resist such.

It does not matter. It is usually accepted that guys must say such words. But now no one will not surprise that the girl herself makes the first steps. If you do not want to miss the guy, then better act first. And then suddenly there is another girl who will turn out to be more bold. It is better to offer the first and get an answer, whatever it is. But you immediately recognize whether it is worth waiting for his favor and some actions related to the proposal to meet.

This may be several reasons:

  1. He is too shy. In this case, you just need to wait. If you see the sign of attention from the guy and we have safely accept them, then soon he dares and the offer will come.
  2. Thinks that you already have a boyfriend. Perhaps he saw you and with other boys. These can be friends, and brothers, and classmates. Sea options, but the guy could come up with something more. Let me understand that you are free.
  3. It seems to him that you do not fit to each other. This is an already more serious reason. If the guy decided so, it will be difficult to convince it. But it's worth trying. Prove the boy that you are a good girl.

That's all. At first it may seem to be offered to meet not so hard, and scary, but in fact it is necessary to try to get consent. Take the courage, focus and take the first step. TOOLS TO THE BEST. After all, the subconsciousness also brings fruit if you pre-program yourself for a favorable outcome. Do not give up and remember: if one guy refuses, then there will be other whole millions in the world, which you like to like.

A tradition was formed, according to which the role of the initiator of relations falls on the guy. It is men usually offering girls to meet. However, more and more often it is a well-established rule gives a failure. Sometimes the guy does not decide to take the first step or simply does not notice the girl who exists an increased interest to him. And what to do in this case? Wait, accept or, perhaps, pay attention to someone else? Why not take the initiative in your hands and does not offer the guy to meet?

Make it so that he himself guessed

This is, of course, the longest, but also the most preferred version of the development of events. If the guy categorically does not want to notice you or just does not recognize your feelings for him, it is desirable to start to open his eyes to him. The situation in which the guy utters the phrase: "Let's meet," is still more comfortable for both, so you should not lose hope that she will sound all the same.

To do this, you need to give to understand the young man that you really like it. This is useful in any case, even if it turns out to be so modest that it will not be able to offer you a relationship. Phrases that will be appropriate in each case, entirely depend on the situation. As an example, such options can be given:

  • "You can take a little next, see what you are doing, I feel so calm me that I don't want to leave." Perfectly suitable for situations when the guy is busy. If he does not ask to leave and do not interfere with him, the conversation can continue.
  • In response to any small request to answer in style: "Of course, you know that I can not refuse you in anything" or "for you - everything you want."
  • It is advisable to demonstratively allocate it from among other guys. To do this, it is possible to use periodically wording like: "I am indifferent to the opinion of other people in this matter if I ask someone, then only you" or "Most of all I like in men dignity, good upbringing and honesty; It is a pity that not everyone like you. "

At the same time, do not forget to be always cute and friendly with this young man. It will be useful to demonstrate a couple of times as if your mood is changed when it appears. For loyalty, you can give to understand your shared acquaintances that you are not indifferent to it. Almost probably at least one of them, but will report this to your chosen one.

Try to be as often as possible in the reaches of the young man. How accidentally, turn out to be "at hand" at the right moment so that he can pronounce a cherished phrase or at least her insecure analogs like: "Can I spend you?", "What are you doing tonight?" Or "Have you lunch? Maybe fight together? "

If, despite all your efforts, the young man did not have attention to you, it means that he is either not interested in you and is silent in principle, or still not confident in himself and shy. And in that and in another case, ask yourself a question: "Do I really need this guy?" And if so, then go to more decisive actions.

Invitation to action

Many are confused to utter the phrase "let's meet" in literally. But this is optional. There are many wording that will serve as an excellent alternative; In addition, it will be allowed to simulate a convenient situation that has to continue. Such phrases can be called an invitation to action. Here are just a few examples:

  • "I haven't selected anywhere for so long ago, I really want to go to the movies, but there is no appropriate company. Maybe we go together? "
  • "So you just want to take a walk in the evening city! Make a company, please - I can not wander alone. "
  • "Do you already have plans for the weekend? Can I break them a little? I want to get terribly out of town, but I will not go without you. "
  • "Next week I'm going to choose myself a puppy. This is a very responsible choice, I'm afraid to make a mistake. I need advice and support of a smart person. You will not refuse me? "

All this is necessary to speak with irony, as if joking, gently, but insist on your request. For example, if the guy says that he does not understand anything in dogs, you can convinced you to answer: "Believe it, it is completely unimportant, the main thing here is. I need you to give advice, hanging on my intuition. "

This is just the principle for which an invitation to action is built, in fact the phrase can be any. The character of the guy should also be taken into account, and the list of its possible hobbies, and the features of the situation. For example, if the guy is inactive, spends more time for calm occupations, perhaps is afraid of height, it is better not to offer him a joint jump with a parachute. No need to put it in an uncomfortable position. The easier and more compelling for it will be the proposal, the easier it will take it.

But after you find yourself, finally, together (in the cinema or walk), you can continue your soft offensive. After all, the ultimate goal of all this event is personal relationships with a young man. Therefore, it is necessary to give him to understand that this meeting is not the only one, but the first in the middle of many others who are waiting for you ahead. In other words, this walk can be considered the beginning of relations, unless, of course, it will not be categorically against. This can help such phrases like:

  • "I really liked this evening, thank you. But he is not the last, right? We still go together somewhere? "
  • "In fact, I have long wanted to stay with you alone, I did not know what reason to come up with. Promise that I no longer have to break my head so long. "
  • "Be my will, I would not let you go for a minute. How would it be nice if I spent all your free time with you! "
  • "How to get at home, call, so that I do not worry about you. Till tomorrow".

Then follows a couple of days to observe changes in the guy. To speed up this process, your behavior also needs to change a bit. At the next meeting, you can afford a calmer and confident attitude, you can even show a small degree of care. If the guy and then remains strangers and deserted, then you really got a "strong nut" or a "heavy case" - you can see. And ask yourself again: "Do I need such a guy?" If the answer is still "yes", proceed to decisive offensive.

Direct formulations

This is an extreme measure, but if all the previous ones have not led to success, you will have to resort to it. Of course, there is a risk of obtaining refusal and everything that is connected with this, but, in any case, the clarity will come. Next, you can set the following tasks, for example, forget this guy, find another or still achieve this. In addition, decisive offensive has other advantages.

First, the guy will not be able to see more and imitate misunderstanding, he will have, anyway, answer the question. Secondly, in the case of a positive response, you will get what they achieved. Your relationship will begin right from this minute. What phrase to prefer as a suggestion to meet, each girl solves herself, like the tone in which she will be uttered. It is desirable that he relate to your image. Among possible options:

  • cute, soft;
  • timid, shy;
  • fun
  • straightforward;
  • causing, rough;
  • calm, reasonable, etc.

It is necessary to take into account the character of the guy. If it is too closed and shy, it is better to avoid superfluous pressure, and even more so rudeness. The phrases can also choose the simplest, for example:

  • "I wanted to ask for a long time, do you have a girlfriend? Maybe I'm going? "
  • "I must confess you, I like you. How do you look at going to start meeting? "
  • "Of all the guys familiar to me, you most approach me in nature. I would like us to start to meet. What do you say?"
  • "Such an interesting guy and suddenly one - disorder! Maybe I will become your girlfriend, until someone out of ahead of me? "
  • "Listen, today is your day! I am sure you will evaluate your luck. I want to offer you to meet! "
  • "I finally tired to make you hint. Say straight, do you agree with me to meet or for some reason it is impossible? "
  • "Listen, well, we are adults, I can save my time and nerves, I will ask right - will you meet me?"

If he replies "Yes, then everything is fine, you can congratulate. However, try not to remind the guy that and the point that he owes you to the fact of your relationship. It is better to smooth out this moment and try to forget, because it will not bring joy to the young man, even if he does not show the mind.

In the event that the guy responds with refusal, do not let him understand that it hurt you very much. It is better to respond by the phrase spoken by the most ordinary tone, for example: "It's a pity, of course, but no, so there is no" or "Well, good luck to you, you change my mind - let me know", etc. Do not need to turn into enemies or intentionally Then this young man. It is desirable to behave anything that did not happen, just to deprive his signs of attention, nice words and gentle glances. Communicate with him, as with a good acquaintance, but no more. Perhaps he will soon appreciate your suspended, adult position and will revise his attitude towards you.

However, the external calm sometimes gives it difficult. The girl will definitely be difficult to survive the refusal of a person who likes her very much. But to hide your true feelings need not to demonstrate the new "weak place" surrounding the new "weak place", where it is so convenient to beat with each suitable case. In addition, it will greatly facilitate your further maneuvering wherever you go.

If you start a relationship with another guy shortly after the refusal of this, no one will reproach you in the fact that you are "just trying to forget your unrequited love, but just use a new guy." Even if someone comes to mind such a thought, you can always answer with surprise: "Forget? Who? Of that young man? Yes, I forgot about him at the same second, is it not visible? "

Even attempts to win a guy who may refused you so boldly, will be more successful if you take them from the position of a girl calm, exhausted and confident. Nothing does not pushes men as an obsessive, all the time is new, a woman loved on their ears.

How to offer a guy meeting

Like guy? And you have already lost hope that he will make the first step and will offer to meet? Then you need to act. Scary? Shy? Uncomfortable? But if you do not decide whether you can miss your happiness. By the way, recently the guys increasingly declare that they would like girls more often initiative. Therefore, do not be afraid to offer a guy to meet the first, most likely, in his eyes you will look like a bold and strong spirit.

You just imagine that he can experience the same feelings for you and even be afraid to come. It seems to you that in your eyes clearly read "I like you!" And "Let's meet!", From the side you can quite seem arrogant and impregnable. In any case, we don't confirm in your feelings and you will not offer to meet, and remain in the ignorance, and a unambiguous answer, positive it or negative, is always better than uncertainty.

A girl to take the first step is always difficult. This is normal. But in order to feel confident, not to be lost in the most responsible moment, it is necessary to prepare. Think over and where it is best to approach the guy with a conversation, what words to say. Take advantage of proven advice and reliable ways to offer a guy to meet, which have already successfully used hundreds of girls.

Before grabbing his shy chosen proposal to meet, spent a small investigation, because it is desirable to tie relations with mutual sympathy. Of course, there are cases when feelings arise already in the process, but so you have much less chance to meet his consent. Ask your friends - how do they think, do you like him? Looking at myself to how he communicates with you, what he says, as you look at you, perhaps you will see the sympathy. Ensure that the guy knows that you are free and open for a relationship. And after that, invite him somewhere to go with you: in the movies, cafe, at the concert. His agreement to meet will already be an advance of your relationship, and on a date, picking up a good moment, you can suggest to make such meetings regular.

It is not always appropriate to immediately invite a guy somewhere to go together. If you are not familiar well or communicate superficially, it is better to go on the other side. Ask for help guy. It can be anything, the main thing that he could do it.

Maybe he is well versed in computers: ask you to repair or upgrade your, install the program, clean from viruses. Or he is an athlete: contact the advice, which gym you go, what coach to choose. You can invite him to go with you, so that he personally proceeded and appreciated the situation. Which whose hobby ski or snowboard, asking for help in choosing an ammunition, has a passionate student - lent a book, a party in a party - look for a countercloth into a club or a concert ticket.

You can also contact a certain universal request, for example, help bring a heavy bag or hold home, because it is dark, and on the way there are evil homeless dogs and frightening asocial personals. Do not forget that your task is not to load a guy with work, make it refresh the technique, wearing gravity, fight with hooligans, and find points of contact and establish closer communication.

If you do not know what to talk about with a guy when meeting or on a date, prepare in advance. Read the thematic articles, ask the Council with friends, we show fantasy. Take a note that everything without exception is like when they are praised. Make a compliment guy, just not explicitly, so as not to confuse and do not oblige him immediately denote your attitude towards you.

I came on time - "Oh, you are such a punctual!", Put on new clothes - "Cool sweatshirt! "The phone rang -" Cool Ringtone! ". If communication has become active and interesting both, then you can repeat the compliment, but already in a more personal key. Mark his sense of humor, muscles, eye color, you can say that you are very easy with him and there is a feeling that you are familiar with the whole eternity. Naturally, track the response to your comments, but do not wait for the same in your address: first, it will make communication somewhat intense, and secondly, you are preparing, and the guy is no, do not judge him strictly.

Immediately decide for yourself, under what conditions you agree to meet a guy. Do you have to like him, or is it quite easy to sympathy? Many girls start an offer to meet the question "Do you like me?" Thereby putting the guy in an awkward position. After all, it may be that he just began to look closely to you or is still experiencing an only interest, sympathy, location, but at the same time it is ready to enter into relations. It is better to start recognition from words: "I like you."

Not every girl, even after reading articles and councils, will be permitted to personal recognition, in this case the almighty Internet comes to the rescue. Rarely, who of young people now has no account in one of the numerous social networks. I will find it, add to friends and start communication in the same way as it is written above. On the Internet you will be easier to show that you are alone, you will be able to interest it with a bright photo, a funny picture, an unusual status. You both will have the opportunity to learn more about each other at least the minimum of information that will undoubtedly help find a common language.

Prelude, that is, cute communication and chatter, many goes more or less normal, but as soon as it comes to immediately until the time you have to meet - here and the difficulties begin. You can rely on your fantasy, talking and resourcefulness, but it is better to inspire and remember several phrases. After all, in the nervous state, anyone can be confused and talk nonsense. You do not want to spoil everything?

What words to offer a guy to meet

  • I like me for a long time. Let's meet?
  • If I like me too, let's meet?
  • I have an idea! Let's meet?
  • I feel so good and interesting with you! Maybe we will meet?
  • You are attractive, I am damn attractive. Lets be together?
  • I would like to become your girlfriend.
  • You know, I had a dream yesterday that we meet. It was wonderful. Maybe you really try?
  • It seems to me that we would have been an excellent pair. What do you think?
  • Is this a date? And if this is a date, then, it means, we meet, I understand correctly?
  • I have a proposal for you, from which you can't refuse, I hope. Let's meet?
  • I just realized that I want to meet with you.
  • My girlfriends said that we would be a cool pair with you. I then told them that it was enough to invent and chat. And now I think they were right.
  • You're cool. Do you want to meet me?
  • You are the coolest guy from those I know. I wanna Be Your girlfriend.
  • Maybe we will repeat a date and start to meet?
  • I could not admit you for a long time, but I like you. And I want to meet with you.
  • What do you think, will we meet with you?
  • You know, I really like one guy, and I want to meet with him. And this guy is you.
  • It is very difficult to take the first step, but I venture. Let's meet? I like me for a long time.
  • I can not walk more about yes about. I'm just about you and think. Lets be together?
  • I want to suggest you to meet, how are you?

More information

Nowadays, few people are surprised if the initiator of the relationship is the girl. How to do it delicately and in general - is it worth offering a guy relationship?

What does "meet"

We are talking about romantic relationships. Couples can meet from school years, but it does not always mean that in their relationship there is an intimate poverty. Young people just spend time together: walk on walks, movies, theaters, rink, in amusement parks and other interesting places. Also, such relationships imply care about each other, signs of attention, support. At the same time, the company, a guy and girls, as a rule, is aware that they are a pair. The initiative of such relationships occurs from the young man or a man, but, of course, exceptions often happen.

Who should make an offer to meet a guy or a girl

There is no unambiguous answer. As already mentioned, this prerogative gets more often a guy. There are situations when you can start the relationship itself:
    You often spend time together, and the young man clearly gives you to understand that you are not indifferent to him. He invites you on dates, just trying to constantly maintain contact with you, showing his sympathy in every way. In this case, it may be that young man cannot decide to declare his desire to meet. Perhaps you demonstrate an insufficient interest, and it is afraid to be rejected. The young man has almost no free time - he is entirely immersed in study, work or some other sphere (sports, musical activity). He fears that he will not be able to pay enough attention to you, and you do not need such relations, where the partner often disappears somewhere. We are generally difficult to imagine that he is able to like someone, so he thinks little about relationships with the opposite sex. Another option is possible - his last novel was so painful that he blew his faith in himself, and now it is very difficult for him to open someone again. He was either a serious relationship, or they were a long time ago. He became familiar with loneliness, and on the part it seems that he is not at all worried about this. As a rule, such a guy has many friends, but he does not occur to consider them as potential companions of life.

How to offer a man

1. Suitable moment. When you offer a man a romantic meeting, make sure that you will not distract you from your conversation. This can be done via SMS or VC, or with a personal conversation. Let nobody interfere with you - a witness does not need such a conversation. Therefore, even if your offer sounds at work or study, you select a moment when you will be with your own person alone. 2. Do not be intrusive. Do not follow him with a closer look before you intend the moment when it is one. No need to all surround understand that you need something from this guy. Also, you do not need to first write to him in social networks: "Where are you? I need to urgently talk! ". When will be ready, just come to a man and offer something to discuss, going to the side of the team. In VK wait for you when he writes you on any neutral occasion or begin to communicate with a greeting, only then passing to the essence. 3. Plan a date. It will be stupid to invite a young man to meet, hoping that he himself subsequently thinks over all its details. Think what kind of date it would be interesting. Remember what he likes what he is interested. Perhaps he would be fascinated by a walk on bikes, cinema, concert or something like that. You can simply visit any cozy cafe serving delicious burgers or sushi (remember that for the guy you like preferably). 4. Be confident. If you know that today is the very day when you decide to call a guy on a date, it would be nice to pay special attention to your appearance to give yourself greater confidence. Emit calm and positive, do not show your excitement and even more so do not press the young man. Show him that you would be glad to meet him, but nothing terrible will happen if the meeting does not take place. The molder must at least assume a little, which causes you a sympathy, and it should not be extradited to surprise your offer about the meeting. So that it was, try to show the guy that he causes you interest. Best of all it will be possible to demonstrate with flirting. 5. How to bring to the proposal? So that it does not arise awkward situations, you must be sure that in the evening or day, when you intend to meet him, the young man will be free. The easiest way to know about it, asking him a direct question: "What are you planning to do in the evening?" If he is busy, it will surely ask how you asked this question. Surely, he guesses what you want to meet, and will offer an alternative. However, if the guy says that he has things, and on this conversation ends, then this is not a very good sign - while leave him alone and do not figure out his plans for the next days. 6. Group date. If you do not have the determination to offer the interlocutor to meet a tet-a-tet, then you can get out of the situation in another way. Tell me that you were going with a couple of friends to go to the movies or a concert and you have one extra ticket. In case of failure of a young man, you will not be so offensive, because it cannot be said that you have demonstrated a clear personal interest, as in the case of a proposal to meet "one on one".

How to offer to meet so that it is not scary

The girls do not always have the courage to declare their sympathy with a young man or to offer to begin romantic relationships at a personal meeting. Exit from this situation is one - write or call the chosen one.

Offer a guy to meet in contact

It is not necessary to directly offer relationships - you can hint the guy so that he himself suggests to meet if he writes, but it does not offer. Just start talking to personal topics. Ask, whether it is free, what girls do he like. On these issues, he will understand what is sympathetic to you. You can write what you wanted to visit some kind of place (cinema, exhibition, park). You can also write a companion that you would be interested to meet him, without making suggestions directly. However, if you understand that all your hints do not reach the goal, just ask the guy, whether he is ready to new relationships. With a positive response, ask if he can imagine you with him together. You can act more radically: "I like you. Let's meet!". This is a very bold step, but it can be much more effect from him than from walking "around and about."

Send a guy SMS recognition

First of all, write the guy that you like it, but you do not know how to voice it at a personal meeting. After that, let down to the fact that you would be happy to become his girlfriend. If this step seems to you too hasty, then you just invite a young man on a date.

Call and in conversation hint on a date

Talking on the phone can be more productive than SMS. Perhaps he will not see your message at once, and all this time you will worry about why he does not answer. Before you start a conversation with a guy, get rid of excitement, be calm and positive. Talk to neutral themes for a couple of minutes, then approach the essence. Find out the young man as he treats you. You can say that it is sympathetic to you, but you can not understand mutually or it. If the conversation comes to the fact that the guy has similar feelings to you, then you can offer: "Maybe we go to walk together?". In general, this can be called the beginning of relations.

Throw a note with an invitation to date

Are you afraid to immediately admit the guy, what do you like and besides, you are prone to adventures? Then it is quite possible to throw an anonymous note with a young man, which will contain an invitation to date. Write that you really like it, and you would like to know it closer. Assign the time and place of the meeting. Naturally, you must be convinced that the chosen one does not meet with another girl. Of course, such a note may be not anonymous.

Use Help Friends

Before you offer a guy to start a relationship, you can explore the situation with the help of common friends or acquaintances in which exactly sure. Let some of them carefully asks a young man as he belongs to you, explaining his interest suspicion that he is sympathetic to you. Even if you find out that feelings are not mutual, you will not feel embarrassed, because other people's suspicions do not have to coincide with reality.

How beautiful to offer a guy meeting

In verse. If you are surely convinced that your chosen one is a romantic nature, you can offer him a relationship, making a poem specifically for him. You can use the works of classics. At the end you can add that this verse contains all that you feel. Of course, it will be more appropriate to use this reception in the correspondence. At the concert. Go with a guy to the concert of the team, which he exactly likes. You two should have a great mood and a lot of positive emotions during such a joint pastime. After the concert or closer to its completion, tell you the young man that you were very fun together, and you want such meetings more often. At the end of the conversation directly offer him a relationship. In the cafe. Invite a young man in a cozy coffee shop or pub that he likes. Start a conversation with neutral positive topics, after which you ask his attitude to your person. I realized that I like the interlocutor, suggest him to meet. On the party. If you know that you have to see the guy you like in a club or friends, then prepare for this event in advance. You should look spectacular and confident. Invite a young man on the dance, during which and tell him about his desire to start a relationship. If the dances are not meant, then simply impede the moment when you stay alone or offer a guy to come out about the conversation. Romantic letter. Make a romantic letter in which you will tell your beloved person about your feelings for him. Describe what emotions do you have meeting with him, admit that you would like to have a relationship. The letter should, if possible, put in his pocket of his jacket or a cover with a laptop, but so that he immediately did not see it. You can also give an envelope at a personal meeting: apart after studying or work, accidentally met in the corridor, after the gatherings in one company and so on.

What to do if the guy does not want to meet

Do not tune yourself for such an outcome, but be ready for it. Negative guy's answer does not need to be taken with aggression, or even worse - to arrange drama from it.
    Take the answer with dignity. You can ask what the cause of such reluctance is. After listening to him, tell me that nothing terrible happened, thank it that I paid attention to you, and tell me that you will always be happy to see it or hear. When you don't have to demonstrate a hostility or again try to start a conversation on the topic of relationship. Watch out as if nothing happened, and communicate in the same vein as before. You may have decided that he is not aware of how much you come to each other, and you need to demonstrate it with any ways. This approach can cause irritation and dislike at the guy. If you do not want it to be avoided you, lead yourself neutrally. If after a conversation with a young man you had negative emotions, it's not a reason to complain about him to friends and a common acquaintance, considering themselves offended by the side. Understand what you could be in his place, and it is unknown, what a reaction would be to you. It is worth focusing all your attention specifically on this person. If you understand that the guy is not too strive to maintain contact, then do not behave like that in him the light of the wedge fell asleep. Around a lot of interesting young people who you can be pretty, and which can cause no less interest with you.