How to enroll your child in kindergarten: step-by-step instructions and life hacks from an experienced mother. Law on short-term stay groups Requirements of preschool institutions

The city authorities have advanced further than anyone else in automating the provision of public services. Thus, registration for kindergarten in Moscow is carried out by district information support services. In 2020, the data immediately goes into the electronic list, so the priority is the same for each preschool institution (preschool institution).

In addition, an official representative of a minor can register a queue for a kindergarten in Moscow via the Internet. To do this, you need to register on one of three portals.

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Preschool requirements

Children up to the age of seven are accepted into kindergartens in the capital. There is only one criterion - the presence of a vacancy in the institution. An official representative with permanent or temporary registration in Moscow can apply for registration:

  • parent;
  • adoptive parent;
  • guardian (trustee);
  • adoptive parent.
Hint: the applicant must have documents on hand to confirm the connection with the child and the preferential category (if any).

Rules for forming a queue in preschool education in Moscow

The city authorities have identified certain categories of parents whose children are provided with preschool education without taking into account the general waiting list. The list for vacant positions is formed according to a three-stage system. This means that beneficiaries make up the first and second lines, and everyone else gets the opportunity to take a place when everyone else is hired.

Preferences are provided in 2020 according to the following rules:

  • Children of parents are the first to be enrolled in kindergartens:
    • or having official employment;
    • students and pupils;
    • judges;
    • orphans;
Hint: the first group also includes adopted and foster children.
  • The second children to get places are:
  • children:
    • prosecutors;
    • brought up in and;
    • whose parents:
      • recognized as disabled (one or both);
      • died during the fighting.
Hint: a preference is taken into account only if the applicant can document it.

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

Documents required for registration

The authorities are trying to reduce the list of papers to a minimum. And yet you will have to collect confirmation of your offspring’s right to receive preschool education services. The main package includes the following:

  1. certificate of registration of the newborn by the civil registry office (they will not be placed in a queue until it is received);
  2. applicant's passport with registration;
  3. certificate of temporary or permanent registration of the child in the capital;
  4. preferential certificate (if any);
  5. medical documents:
    • card;
    • list of vaccinations done;
    • insurance.
Hint: information from the listed papers must be entered into the application. You should carefully rewrite all information. The error leads to refusal to register for a place in the capital’s kindergarten.

Where to go to get in line

The development of modern technologies allows parents to choose a convenient way to register in the queue for their children to receive preschool education services.

In 2020, you can choose one of the following:

Hint: applications go into one database. The order does not depend on the method of address. Taken into account:

  • date of registration of the application;
  • availability of the right to preference.

Algorithm for submitting an application via the Internet

Many parents in the country have already appreciated the convenience of contacting government agencies via the Internet. To get a queue at the capital preschool education center, you should perform the following steps:

  1. Get an account on one of the above portals.
  2. Collect and place documents nearby (listed above).
  3. Log in to your personal account and select the service you are interested in.
  4. Carefully fill out the application form regarding the provision of personal data (parent and minor).
  5. Choose a suitable kindergarten using the following services:
    • an interactive map that allows you to select a child care facility based on your residential address;
    • a guide that tells you:
      • characteristics of the kindergarten;
      • the number of applicants for places in it is no more than three.
  6. Submit the form for review.
  7. Wait for response:
    • if errors are made in the application, it will be returned for revision;
    • if everything is correct, they will register and send the assigned number (you should write it down).
Hint: Form processing takes no more than ten days. If you haven’t received a response, you need to double-check the contact details on the website.

How to check the movement of the queue

You can see how many unsatisfied applicants there are in front of an applicant at any time on the portal To do this, you need to log into your personal account:

  1. Enter the application accounting data in the line that appears.
  2. Information about the queue number will appear on the screen.
Hint: electronic accounting eliminates the interference of civil servants in the progress of waiting lists. When merging DDUs, the number in the queue may roll back. This is a normal phenomenon for the capital.

How to make changes to the information provided in the form

If your personal data changes, you will have to go to OSIP. It is not yet possible to amend the form via the Internet. You should have supporting documents with you.

Hint: when moving from one district of the capital to another, the place in the queue does not change (it is taken into account by the date of application). Receiving a preferential category by the applicant will help in promotion.

When can you take your child to kindergarten?

The formation of groups is carried out by OSIP workers. The rules of their activity are as follows:

  1. duration - from May 1st to June 1st;
  2. Places are provided in the order formed:
    • by application registration dates;
    • taking into account preferential categories;
  3. applicants are informed of allocated places using the contact details provided.
Hint: after receiving the information, you need to go to OSIP with all original documents. The specialist will issue a ticket to the kindergarten.

With a referral, you need to visit the clinic and get a certificate for the baby. With a complete package of papers, you should go to an appointment with the head of the kindergarten. Thirty days are allotted for this. Otherwise, the ticket will be expired, and another applicant will take the place.

For information: all services for registering minors in the queue for kindergarten are provided free of charge. Demanding money for registration on behalf of the Moscow authorities is a violation of current legislation.

The realities of today's preschool education are such that you are unlikely to enroll your child in a regular city kindergarten until he is 3 years old. This innovation is only a few years old, but it has already managed to cause additional problems for parents and raise many questions.

For example, why is the benefit paid for only a year and a half, despite the fact that a child cannot be enrolled in kindergarten until the age of three? That is, from one and a half to one year, the mother does not have the opportunity to go to work, since she is forced to be at home with the child, who is not yet accepted into kindergarten, but at the same time, she needs to live on something. Or, for example, a child is already mentally and physically ready for kindergarten - he goes to the potty, eats by himself, communicates calmly with other children and already knows how to remain without his mother. But he is forced to “sit” at home, since he is not yet three years old and cannot be placed in kindergarten.

For such and other cases, short-stay groups, or SCGs, were created at kindergartens. So, let's figure out what GKP is and what its benefits are for children.

Short-stay group - how to get there

    • Children from 2 years old are accepted into such groups. To register for the GKP, you need to get on the waiting list in advance, just like in a regular kindergarten. Groups are declared to consist of approximately 20 people, but in fact a maximum of 10 go to kindergarten.
    • Before visiting, you must collect a complete medical record in a standard form for an “adult” kindergarten. You need to undergo a medical examination, fill out a questionnaire, answer questions about allergic reactions, get one if you haven’t already, and provide a vaccination card.
    • Perhaps, before the start of classes, parents will be invited to a meeting at which they will announce what needs to be brought for classes, what clothes to collect, and how to mentally prepare the child. Read about how to help your child start attending full-day kindergarten.
    • The GKP works, as a rule, in the first half of the day, that is, before lunch and quiet time. Groups have several operating hours, for example, from 7.30 to 11.30, or from 12.00 to 15.00, it depends on the specific kindergarten. A prerequisite is that the duration of stay in such a group is no longer than four hours. By the way, not all gardens have GKP.
    • Children in such groups are not fed, and they do not have quiet time. Of course, if a child asks for a drink, no one will refuse him, or a compassionate teacher can feed the children bagels, dry cookies or apples. But parents should know that no one is obliged to feed the child in the GKP.
    • Staying in such a group costs several times less than a full-fledged kindergarten, about 5-10 times (depending on the region). So, for example, in Moscow, the cost of one month of visiting the public utility in 2015 was just under 400 rubles.

What are the benefits of staying in a hospital for a child?

In general, after attending a short-term group under the age of 3, that is, before moving to the “adult” group, the child becomes more adapted to “real” kindergarten life. Especially if he remains in the same kindergarten. If there is an opportunity to place your child in the GKP, be sure to do it!

Happy kindergarten to your little one!

Facing the bureaucratic machine frightens many young parents. Our author, an experienced fighter and mother of two sons, wrote for us detailed instructions on how to enroll your child in kindergarten, despite all the difficulties. The devil is not as scary as he is painted - tested for yourself!

Our columnist: Anna Zharova is a layout designer, mother of two sons aged 3 and 12 years and one pug, loves to create and perform with her “gang”, cross-stitch, write beautiful code, learn new trends in IT, has a weakness for gadgets.

As soon as my second child was born, I, remembering my experience with my first son, immediately enrolled him in kindergarten. Because the principle works here: “Whoever gets up first gets the slippers.”

The first information about how this is now done was received where it usually is - on the playground. After that, I went online, found a website for electronic registration in kindergarten, registered and - voila! - we got in line. I'll tell you in detail what to do.

Algorithm of actions

In connection with the reform of the educational system, you can enroll:

1. Through the public services portal:

2. By contacting the MFC in your area

First option.

If you are registered on the portal, then simply log into your personal account and into the “Education, Study” section. Next, find the “Kindergartens” section and select enrollment in a kindergarten.

You can search for the educational institution you need in advance here:

As you begin filling out the form, have the following information handy:

Series and number of the child’s birth certificate;
The child’s registration address at the place of residence or stay in the city of Moscow;
Information about benefits (if any);
Applicant's passport details.

Second option.

You go to the MFC with the same set of documents, but you will also need the child’s SNILS. You submit the same application and wait for a response from the educational institution.

Before enrolling in the kindergarten, you must obtain a medical card and bring it to the kindergarten along with documents confirming the benefit (if any).

Short stay group

After registering in the electronic queue, I received a notification by email and the address of the MFC, where I need to submit copies of documents within 30 days. I brought it in, received a piece of paper with a registration number and went to the very end of the line.

Then the fun begins. One day I was walking with my child on the playground, and a mother I knew came up. Word for word, and she says to me: “We go to the State Police Committee!” When I asked what kind of unprecedented beast this was, it turned out: the GKP is a short-term group in kindergarten. Children are enrolled in it after one and a half years. Stay time – 3.0-3.5 hours, without food.

There is also the so-called CIPR (Child Play Support Center). Stay time – 1 hour. A baby between the ages of one and a half goes there with his mother. In our educational complex, such a group was canceled due to unprofitability.

My husband and I decided that the child would go to the GKP after the new year - in mid-January the baby turned one and a half years old. The registration process has begun.

To submit an application, I had to go to OSIP (closed in December 2015), after which they sent me an SMS, an email, and even called me asking me to come to the educational complex in the Department of Preschool Education for further paperwork.

Since 2016, the application is submitted either through the government services portal or directly to the MFC in your area, then you will be invited to the educational complex to which the kindergarten is attached.

When I showed up, I wrote a statement, they took scans of my documents and told me to wait. Luckily for me, at that moment the main teacher of the kindergarten where I wanted to send the child came, I talked to her, we discussed all the details, and right on the spot she asked me for copies of all the documents, saying that after the registration of the medical card she was waiting for us.

In the kindergarten itself they will give you an agreement, which will indicate the amount of payment for the month, approximately 800-850 rubles. If you are one of the beneficiaries, then pay nothing.

We go to the group for 3.5 hours every day. We are there for three days in the morning, and for two days in the evening. This is done so that the child gradually gets used to the kindergarten regime and the teachers.

Registration of a medical card

This is a special, incomparable pleasure. It begins with an appointment with the local police officer, who will tell you what exactly, from whom you should find out and to whom you should show the child.

Important! If your child has undergone medical examination, it is valid for a year. Unfortunately, I only found out about this after I filed a complaint with the health department.

So, to get a medical card you need:

go through all the main doctors (ENT, surgeon, neurologist, ophthalmologist, dentist and pediatrician, also known as the local doctor);

take blood, urine and stool tests (enterobiasis, worm eggs);

additional studies (if the child has chronic diseases or other health problems);

vaccinations. There is no need to be afraid - they will take you to the kindergarten, even if you do not have all the required vaccinations, but if there are children in the group who have been vaccinated with live polio vaccine, you will be “kicked out” from the group for 60 days;

certificate of contact with infection, which must be taken the day before going to the garden.

Result: all the processing took me 1 week (for some it took up to 1 month), but this was in a good situation. I ruined my nerves a lot. I had to write a bunch of complaints about the entire system. But on Monday they started processing the medical card, and on Friday I already handed in the medical card to kindergarten.

I like the GKP because the child manages to get over many “sicknesses” before he gets to a permanent place in the garden. This is important for those parents who work. While you are still on maternity leave, you don’t need to ask for time off, and you don’t need to take sick leave either.

My child entered kindergarten at one year and seven months. I will answer any questions you may have immediately.

The child was wearing diapers, but you can bring him without them. They will sit you on the potty and clap your hands together when everything works out. If you miss, they will change your pants.

Be sure to provide a bottle of water in the garden; no one except your baby will drink from it. We also gave us cookies and a chopped apple. After being in kindergarten, a child is completely exhausted. We usually fell asleep on the way home.

A short-stay group is an excellent solution for those who did not get a ticket to a regular kindergarten group, and for those who want to accustom their child to the group gradually, little by little. But mothers will always find a reason to worry!

How does the GKP differ from a regular kindergarten group?

GKP is an alternative to nurseries. Usually it recruits children aged from one and a half to three years. True, in some regions of the country, where there is a particularly acute shortage of kindergartens, such groups enroll children from three years old. The group size is from 17 people. She works from three to four hours a day, usually from 9 am to 12-1 pm. However, meals are not provided for students.

Is it intended only for beneficiaries?

Anyone can join the GKP. Only for this you need to declare your desire and stand in line. Usually for short-term groups there is a separate queue and age limit for which a child can get there. You can find out about the conditions of your city in the administrative department for preschool education. In the queue for the GKP, the same rules apply as in the regular queue for kindergarten, that is, those outside the queue and other beneficiaries get places first, then the rest of those who wish to do so.

Is a medical card required for GKP?

Yes, the short-stay group requires the same medical examinations that I require for the regular group. Tests are also required: urine, blood, test for worm eggs and enterobiasis.

How to distribute the daily routine and nutrition of a child when visiting a public hospital?

Usually, before 9 am, the child should already be in the group, and therefore before this time he must be woken up, fed and dressed. Accordingly, when visiting the GKP, the daily routine must correspond to the usual gardening regimen: early rise and early bedtime (at 9-9.30 pm), and the child must also have a mandatory daytime nap. As for nutrition, the baby should be fed at home - in the morning until 9 o'clock, and then, after visiting the garden, with lunch.

Is it possible to give my child food with him?

It all depends on the rules of the kindergarten and the teacher. Usually, the GKP provides the opportunity to drink, but if there is no cooler, it is worth agreeing to give the baby a bottle of water with you. Teachers often allow children to take a light snack into the group, such as cookies or an apple.

What developmental activities are provided in the GKP?

Classes in the short-term group are the same as in the regular group. As a rule, this involves modeling, drawing, design, appliqué, and musical games. Group students can have from one to two classes per day. And, of course, a walk.

What is the parental fee?

Since meals are not provided in the GKP, the parental fee is small. Usually from 1500 to 2000 rubles per month (up to 100 rubles per day). Agree, hiring an hourly nanny is much more expensive. In addition, beneficiaries (large families, orphans, disabled people, etc.) can submit documents for compensation of part of the payment.

Are there extortions in the State Communist Party?

The GKP is the same group, only with a shorter day, and therefore a parent committee is also formed there, and certain relationships are formed with teachers. And if parents want to congratulate teachers on holidays, give gifts, improve conditions in the group, they may need an N amount. But everything is discussed in advance at the parent meeting, and you can always speak out against it.

Can they not let me into the Civil Police Department?

If you have taken turns in the short-stay group and provided a medical card, then there can be no reason for refusal. The only thing is that visiting a child may be temporarily limited (for up to a month and a half) if he does not have a vaccination against polyemelitis, and the group is undergoing mass vaccination against this disease.

What types of groups are there in kindergartens?

In this article we will describe in detail the division into groups in public kindergartens. At what age is admission to kindergarten and what group can your child join? Features and differences between them.

* (Private kindergartens also adhere to a similar classification)

● Kindergarten groups.

The distribution of children into groups in state kindergartens is carried out according to age.

There are five main kindergarten groups. Let us introduce you to them in more detail:


Kindergarten groups are divided into:

  • Short-stay group (age from 1 to 3 years)

Short stay group (STG)

The Short-Term Stay Group (STG) accepts children aged 1 to 3 years.

This is a government service and is provided to everyone who has submitted the necessary documents and joined the queue. The GKP works 3 times a week for 3 hours.

Classes are held from 8.30 to 11.30 or from 16.00 to 19.00 depending on the schedule.

  • * Information for parents:

The most common question, especially among parents with their first child: At what age and is it necessary to take a child to kindergarten at the age of 1-3 years?

Being in kindergarten is the first test of personal qualities in a child’s life. Getting to know the outside world and children like himself.

The opinions of experts, despite the difference in details, agree on one thing: from a psychological point of view, introducing a child to other children in a playful and relaxed way helps to enter the general society in which he will live and the sooner the child begins to adapt to it, the better.

It is worth noting that young parents should also be prepared for such a step and approach it responsibly and thoughtfully.

Before bringing your child to a short-stay group, make sure that the place you choose is the one that is most suitable for the child.

Read the reviews, talk to mothers who already take or have taken their children here, talk about the conditions of stay with the teachers, look with your own eyes at the equipment, cleanliness and sanitary conditions in the premises.

  • What activities are offered to children in a short-stay group?

Classes are held once a week fiction, drawing, sculpting, design, held 2 times a week physical training And music lessons.

How to sign up for a short-stay group

There are short-term groups in almost every preschool institution. In order to be accepted into the State Committee for Residence, you must do the following:

  • Contact the head of the kindergarten with a request for admission to the GKP group. If there are places, they will take you.
  • If there are no places in this kindergarten, you need to contact the so-called. "Mini-OSIP" (district information support service).

As a rule, they are located in the same educational complexes. You apply there regarding enrollment in the GKP group.

from December 1, 2015, by decree of the Moscow Government, all district information support services ( OSIP) were liquidated. They were replaced by the “My Documents” service. Contact information about mini-OSIP You can find out about your complex by calling any department of this complex.

What documents must be collected to enroll a child in a short-term stay group? (for submission to mini-osip)

  • passport of the parent (legal representative);
  • child's birth certificate;
  • a document confirming the child’s registration in the city of Moscow;
  • document certifying the right to be included in a preferential category (if available)

Enrollment The GKP group is like going to a regular kindergarten. You are added to the queue and offered a place in the GKP as it becomes available.

Procedure for enrollment in the GKP (short-term stay group)

When considering the issue of enrollment in the GKP, children have priority for enrollment:

  • living in this area (with registration)
  • preferential categories of children.

After enrollment of children from the above categories, children are accepted:

  • with temporary registration
  • from other areas.
To notify parents about the child's enrollment in the kindergarten, a notification is sent by email or directly by phone call.

* An example of a written written response to a child’s enrollment in kindergarten.

When entering kindergarten, you must have a medical card, and by September 1, you must prepare a certificate:

  • about the child's contacts
  • Analysis of urine
  • general blood test
  • analysis for enterobiasis and helminth eggs.

Before accepting a child, a document is drawn up between the kindergarten and the child’s parents. service agreement, which will spell out all the rights and responsibilities of parents and kindergarten staff.

Such an agreement legally protects both parties from possible claims, so take the time to read it carefully.

Features of a child’s stay in the GKP:

Considering that the child is given for a short-term stay, meals are not provided in this group. Drinking regime only. Therefore, before bringing your child to this group, do not forget to feed him.

The adaptation process in the State Customs Committee group is very gentle. Parents can periodically enter the group and visit their child. This allows you to smoothly and without any special emotional experiences endure a short-term separation from your parents, keep your psyche intact and not cause negative associations for the child associated with his stay in kindergarten.

The first days of visiting the GKP last only half an hour.

Gradually, the stay time increases depending on the degree of adaptation of the child. Educators advise not to escalate the situation, not to overload children and to bring them for a short period of time. 30 minutes is more than enough for kids for the first days in the GKP.

The usual schedule in the GKP group:

Monday: 9.15-9.25 - Musical games. 10.10-10.20 - Didactic game.
Tuesday: 10.00 - 10.10 - Development of movements. 10.20 -10.30 - Artistic creativity (alternate modeling, drawing, appliqué).
Wednesday: 10.00 - 10.10 - Didactic game. 10.20 -10.30 - Speech development.
Thursday: 10.00 - 10.10 - Development of the movement. 10.20 - 10.30 - Games with building materials.
Friday: 10.10 - 10.20 - Educational games. 10.30 - 10.40 - Musical games.

The cost of a child’s stay in a state kindergarten in a short-stay group:

Monthly payments for stay – 1500 rubles. per month.

If you have benefits, you can apply for reimbursement of part of the payment. This application can be completed at the time of signing the agreement with the preschool educational institution.

Additional costs for staying in kindergarten

As for collecting additional funds, it all depends on the management of the kindergarten. The times when people gathered in large quantities and for everything are a thing of the past.

Of course, they can raise money for flowers and gifts for teachers on major holidays, but the amounts will most likely be small and at the discretion of the parents themselves.

Well, if you suddenly encounter outright extortion, do not forget about the anti-corruption hotline.

Read more about illegal extortions in schools and kindergartens you can read it.