How to find out who a person will marry. His stories about the past are very vague. Are there online services for applying

Life sometimes comes with surprises. That's how you wait, you wait for the prince on a white horse, and here he is - galloped. With a horse and a sword, gallant and generous, in general, the dream of all women. It seems that you are already making plans for him and then - oops! He is married! But there was not even a hint of it!

How do you know if a man is married if there were no obvious signs of his marital status? How does this manifest itself outwardly and what to pay attention to in his behavior?

The days when marriage was considered the final of a bachelor life have long since sunk into oblivion. Well, as in Pushkin's novel:

“You are free,” Dubrovsky continued, addressing the pale princess.
“No,” she answered. “It's too late - I'm married, I'm the wife of Prince Vereisky.

A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"

That is, there could be no talk of any personal life. In the modern world, a marriage certificate can be treated like a phony letter: the marriage is officially registered, but the newlyweds pampered and fled. And they forgot to divorce.

And vice versa: the bachelor forgot to marry the one with whom he has been living together for many years, and he has spawned children. It seems to be officially free, but in fact - in chains at the very "do not indulge".

Therefore, in vain some girls give up if a man honestly admitted to them that he is officially married, but does not live together. And also in vain some ladies "wag their tails" with joy that they have grabbed a free and single one for themselves. Everything is relative.

False stereotypes

There are several signs of a married man that any woman thinks she is an expert. But sometimes the eyes lie, and the signs do not always indicate a man's marital status.

Wedding ring mark

It is clear that if a man wears an engagement ring, then he is actually married and does not hide it. But sometimes it happens that there is no ring, but the trace remains - either white, after tanning the brush, or simply "bulging" pronounced on the skin.

Many women, having seen this trace, can say with precision: the man is married. And there is no ring, because:

    I took it off for the time of the girls' pick-up.

    He took it off and lost, so he doesn't wear it.

    I handed over to a pawnshop to boo at the "rent".

    He is embarrassed to wear, posing as a bachelor.

In short, there are a lot of ideas, but one will never come to mind:

Maybe the man was really married, but is now divorced.

To find out, you don't have to ask about this evidence right away. You can just ask about a man's personal life, without saying that you have noticed this trace.

An honest man can tell that - yes, he was married, I confess, but everything is already in the past, here - look, the "scar" from the ring has not yet healed.

A married person will begin to "drive" that he is free in life. And if after that you ask him a question about the trace from the ring, then perhaps this will introduce him into a stupor.

Perfectly dressed and clean-shaven

For some reason, a stereotype has developed that if a man looks like a brand, then his wife will definitely work on his appearance. And a bachelor should look like a wahlak - he is dressed boldly, and also the behavior is appropriate.

No, this is not how modern macho look now, especially if they are in the status of a bachelor. On the contrary, ladies' men and metrosexuals are dressed with special chic and gloss. The main thing is that, having met such a handsome man, not to confuse him with a guy of the wrong orientation.

Therefore, meeting by dress, there is no one hundred percent certainty that this neat is a married man. Rather, on the contrary, a married man, tortured by daily problems, may look a little more shabby than a bachelor.

Calls and conversations on the phone - this is what a married man can betray, who hides his marital status in front of you. Such a man would encrypt himself as if he were a CIA agent.

    He can easily either talk to someone about business in front of you, or leave the room at a certain call. Or it will drop calls altogether, and then turn off the phone altogether.

    The man himself will call you at a certain daytime, most likely these will be working days. But as soon as you call him in the evening, you will not recognize him: he either speaks in a whisper, then in some riddles, then does not answer at all.

    The same trick happens with SMS messages, the answer to them comes only during working hours. For any questions - why this is happening, there are a thousand excuses: tired, asleep, forgot, did not hear, there was no time, and so on.

    It will be difficult to tell from his phone book whether he is married or not. If he is married, then his wife will be recorded with a simple name from a dozen or hundreds of other subscribers and is not particularly indicated in any way.

    If you have an affair with a married man, and you do not know whether he has a spouse or not, ask him to write down your name in a very affectionate way. If he writes it down, then the next day your name on the phone will again "sound" dry and formal. So he is married.

A married man will never invite you to his home or even tell you the exact address. He will allegedly have a permanent renovation of the apartment, and his mother-Cerberus will sit in the corridor. On any attempts to find out his address, he will laugh it off.

But to understand that he is married, but hides it from you, you can still on some unpleasant little things.

    Holidays will be torture for you. Since he supposedly celebrates them only with his mother and his relatives, where the path is closed for his girlfriend.

    He will not introduce you to relatives or friends, he will not take you as a girl to a corporate or friendly party. You will always be in the shadows.

    You can know his two or three true friends, no more. But they will not give you all the information about him either.

    Even in the cabin of his car, one can feel the "family spirit". Plush toys, ladies' "tricks" in the form of lipstick or hairpins.

    He does not like to be photographed, explaining that he is not photogenic. He is hiding behind in the photo, like Ostap Bender with a chessboard.

    He may be generous, but he is careful not to give "generic" gifts such as cinema or theater tickets. In general, he tries not to appear together in public.

    He allocated time for you. You meet only when he wants (and in fact - when he can). For other times, he is a "busy person."

    He doesn't stay overnight. And if he stays for the whole weekend, he turns off the phone. Like, there is nothing to interfere with us. Looks like he's on a business trip for his wife.

    He refuses gifts. He doesn’t like them and all that. And in general, there is no need to spend money on him, he himself is quite wealthy. In fact, how will he explain these gifts to his wife?

It is by these little things that you can understand what this man is hiding one thing - his marital status. And he's not a CIA agent.

Female intuition

No piece of evidence will tell you the true position of a man's status, like good old female intuition. It cannot be seen and heard, this heart prompts.

If in doubt, then try to initially conduct your own independent investigation, so as not to suffer later, finding yourself in fools. And not to destroy the fate of another unfortunate and innocent woman.

It's one thing when a man does not hide his family relationship with another woman, but it turned out that way - he fell in love with you. You can read about this in the article.

It's another matter if a man plays on the feelings of several women and at the same time lies and dodges.

But even if he skillfully hides evidence, then you can always find out everything along the chain: meeting place - friends - work - relatives and so on. At the same time, it is impossible to close your eyes to everything - if you fall in love seriously, then the denouement can be many times more painful.

Finally - an unusual technique

Let's do a thought experiment.

Imagine that you have the super ability to "read" men. Like Sherlock Holmes: she looked at a man - and immediately you know everything about him and understand what is on his mind. You would hardly be reading this article right now in search of a solution to your problem - you would not have any relationship problems at all.

And who said that this is impossible? Of course, you will not read other people's thoughts, but otherwise there is no magic here - only psychology.

We advise you to pay attention to the master class from Nadezhda Mayer. She is a candidate of psychological sciences, and her method helped many girls feel loved and receive gifts, attention and care.

If you're interested, you can sign up for a free webinar. We asked Nadezhda to reserve 100 places specifically for visitors to our site.

More often than not, people are interested in whether a person is divorced or not. The divorce procedure is pretty clearly regulated by family law. The voluntary and judicial procedure for divorce has been determined. The moment of dissolution of the marriage relationship is the entry by the civil registry office of the corresponding record. And often people who are officially divorced themselves get lost: the documents are properly drawn up or not. And if they are going to remarry, then it is simply necessary to know such information, because on the territory of Russia monogamy is provided, not polygamy (and it will not work to remarry if you are already married). How do you know if a person is divorced or not?

Missing document

Most citizens, leaving the walls of the court or the registry office, say: "I'm divorced!" However, they do not receive a certificate of termination of family relations. Consequently, there is no document confirming the break of the previous relationship. Often there are such cases when a citizen who was declared missing has appeared, of course he may not be aware of his marital status, whether it has changed or not. He, of course, has a question: "Am I still married or have I already been divorced?"

The absence of this document may well complicate some situations, for example:

  • it will be impossible to conclude a new marriage;
  • it will not be possible for a woman to change her surname (from the surname of her ex-spouse to another surname);
  • it will not be possible to adopt a child or take him under guardianship (guardianship);
  • it will be difficult to apply to the court with the requirements for the division of property, for the collection of maintenance payments;
  • other cases.

It is also possible that a new lover asks to confirm the fact of the termination of the marriage. After all, many argue: "I am divorced," but in fact it turns out that the spouses are just going to get divorced or there is no thought of ending the marriage relationship.

How can you check the fact of a divorce so as not to face problem situations? First, you need to figure out how the couple decided to divorce.

Divorce through the registry office

The issuance of a document can occur both initially (after the divorce, the citizen did not receive the document), and again (usually, in case of loss, damage to official paper).

When the termination of family relations was carried out by mutual consent of the husband and wife through the registry office, then you should contact the state agency (where the divorce was filed) with a corresponding statement. You will need to attach documents to the application:

  • identity document;
  • a document confirming the conclusion of a marriage relationship.

Employees of the registry office within the specified time will issue a document on the termination of family relations.

Termination through the courts

The termination of family relations by contacting the judicial authorities most often occurs when it is impossible to file a divorce through the registry office.

Initially, it is necessary to apply with the documents to the judicial authorities with a request to issue a judgment on divorce. The appeal is sent to the address of the judicial authority that made the relevant decision. After a court-certified decision is received, the citizen should contact the employees of the state agency to register the divorce.

But what if the citizen does not know the court that made the decision? How can you find out the required court? In such circumstances, you can try to find out the necessary information by phone or from the staff of the office of the nearby courts.

Also, a citizen will be able to analyze the information available on the websites of courts, where there is a database of court decisions. Having found the decision, the necessary data on the whereabouts of the court can also be obtained on the website. After that, you can visit the relevant judicial authority and receive a judgment.

Information about strangers

“I want to know if my beloved was married (or if my girlfriend was married). Divorced, but maybe not. " Often there are such citizens who want to find out information about their soul mates. But is it possible to obtain such information absolutely on a stranger? And how to find out a person's marital status via the Internet?

The registry office will not give out this information to outside citizens, since such information is confidential and is not subject to disclosure.

Similar information cannot be found on the Internet either, since there are no unified databases containing the specified information in the public domain.

Therefore, all the information you are interested in will be able to find out only from your soul mate.

And it also happens that you may like a person whose marital status is not known. How can one tell if he is bound by the knot of a barrack or not?

Here then, perhaps, only observation, attentiveness will help. You should especially pay attention to the following signs:

Summing up, it is definitely not possible to obtain official information in a legal way. Therefore, use other methods and techniques, but they do not always suit absolutely all people. So, the easiest way is to talk and try to get the information of interest.

He never speaks on the phone in your presence

But at the same time he answers the calls, and every time with the same phrase: "I cannot speak, I will call back later." This does not mean that he does not want to be distracted from the conversation with you. This means that his wife is calling him.

Something happens to him all the time.

He gets chickenpox, his grandmother breaks his thigh, his friend punches all four wheels on an empty track, his cat brings kittens for the fifth time in a year. And all this happens on weekends and holidays, as ordered. Do you dare?

He writes and calls you at the same time

At the same time, he never calls in the morning and does not pick up the phone at night. Why did it happen?

He does not have an account on any social network

Because it’s fun for the kids, in his opinion. In fact, even your grandmother stopped thinking this way, but a young modern man for some reason shies away from Facebook like the devil from incense. Why did it happen? Well, actually, from the fact that it would be strange not to befriend your wife. And there is no account - "no wife", everything is simple. On the other hand, this point can be safely criticized: well, you never know, maybe he is paranoid.


And no joint selfies!

Yes, you are forbidden to upload your joint photos to the network, even under lock and key. Not because he's James Bond, but because his wife has an account. And you and her may well have a couple of common friends.

He doesn't need your gifts

In any case, their fate is unknown to you. If you give him clothes, he never wears them, accessories also disappear somewhere, and he left a funny cup at your place. The only gift he will be delighted with is whiskey. Strong and tasty, but absolutely faceless gift.

He is very mysterious

Another sign of a married man: he manages to create a fog in the most seemingly simple and understandable everyday situation. He does not directly answer basic questions. He disappears without explanation, suddenly appears as if from nowhere, and you never know what to expect from him. He's not really mysterious, he's just married.

You have no idea where or who he works

Oh, this is a terrible secret! He, of course, does not tell you directly that he is a secret agent, but he hints that not everything is so simple. His mysterious "guidance" can interrupt your date at any time. “This is how it should be, dear,” he smiles softly and disappears. Mimic sketch "The Motherland Calls!" Not quite a homeland and not quite a mother, but, in general, almost.

He chooses strange dating places.

Your sweetheart never invites you to the most fashionable restaurant, doesn’t invite you to walk along the quiet streets of the city center and doesn’t buy tickets for the long-awaited movie premiere? He does the right thing, in general: after all, everyone will go there, including his acquaintances. Or mother-in-law, for example. That will be a laugh.

His stories about the past are very vague.

He, of course, had serious affairs, and he loves some young ladies, and maybe even married, but all this was a very, very long time ago. He is 35, and stories about the past break off with "right after graduation"? Well, that's right: he got married right after college, what can you tell us about?

He calls you cat

Or a bunny, sunshine and darling. But never Ira, Lena, Olenka or whatever your name is. Because he knows for sure: sooner or later, not your name will come off the tongue, but the name of your wife.

"Love is evil - you will fall in love and ... married." What phrases do not come to mind, but not a single woman is immune from the situation of falling in love with a married man. What to do if "love comes unwittingly"? How do you know if a man is married? There are a lot of questions, as always, and even more answers. Let's take everything apart.

"Figaro is here, Figaro is there ...": typical behavior

Even if you are not married now, but have met a married man, you are unlikely to agree to share him with anyone. At least few would agree to this. Unfaithful husbands often hide their marital status, hiding behind heightened romance, flowers and sweets. However, there are a number of features of typical behavior, by which you will immediately understand how to find out if a man is married or not.

So, from the first days of acquaintance, all married men have almost the same behavior:

If the man still invited you to his home, then carefully examine the apartment. How can you find out if a man is married by his "nest"? It's all in the details: photographs, women's clothes in the bedroom and bathroom. And… attention: perfect order at home! As practice shows, this is the merit of his legal wife, and not his personal.

Signs of "married"

How do you know if a man is married by his appearance? The most striking indirect sign is a perfectly ironed suit and shirt.

This feature does not apply to everyone, of course, since there are men who are able to take perfect care of themselves. However, in most cases, only the wife thoroughly irones the arrows and collars on the shirts.

How do you know if a man is officially married? Around the ring. The absence of a ring is not a guarantee of freedom. Many representatives of the stronger sex wear the ring only for the holidays or do not wear it at all. However, if you look closely at the ring finger of a married man, you can see the mark from the ring: the skin will be lighter.

One of the most common signs of a married man is heightened employment. He will be in a hurry all the time, and your meetings will be spontaneous and short-lived.

If you are already in a close relationship, then he will not regularly spend the night with you. Often he will go outside to breathe or smoke in order to call his wife and come up with a new "excuse" for his absence.

It's important to pay attention to conversation topics when dating. Often, a married man will ask more about you and shy away from the details of his biography. This is the first sign to doubt his freedom. An independent free man will put himself in the best light in front of a lady in every way, trying to tell as much as possible about his achievements.

A married person will never use your gifts: a purse, a tie ... Otherwise, he may provoke unnecessary questions from his wife.

You can not wait for valuable gifts and joint trips abroad. Many men will not invest in a mistress, preferring to finance their spouse and children.

Concerning the holidays. He will not be there for you these days. The man will celebrate them with his family.

Family test: first steps

How do you know if a man is married? In the age of increased information and publicity on the Internet, it is very easy to do this. Put on the FSB mask and go into battle! The most common ways to check, or how to make inquiries:

  • Call your mobile phone and see what name you have entered into the contact book.
  • Present a shirt, wallet, etc., and then check if it will be worn.
  • Look online for help. Social media is the enemy of married people.
  • Ask for a visit and explore the situation in the apartment.

Usually, by the very first signs, everything becomes clear. Of course, a decent girl will not scan messages in the personal phone of a gentleman, but what to do if necessary? Rest assured, however, that your personal doubts are the first sign of anything. And without trust, no relationship will last long.

Virtual "married": how to define?

How to find out if a man is married if he is a virtual gentleman? The first signs are obvious:

  • he will never give you his phone number, Skype nickname, etc .;
  • he will not want you to call him;
  • photos on social networks where he is alone, or even a snapshot of a famous person;
  • instead of your name - a pseudonym or nickname;
  • when communicating on Skype, it can abruptly leave the network, the reason is clear - the unexpected appearance of the wife;
  • when asked about marital status, he will always laugh it off or change the topic.

However, even an experienced adult woman can be deceived and not understand that she is communicating with a married man.

What can we say about young girls who literally plunge into romance? However, sooner or later, all the secret becomes clear.

And if a married man falls in love?

Sometimes a chance meeting with a married man is really not accidental at all. New feelings give birth to true love. However, there are only two scenarios according to which the relationship will develop:

  1. Change, fear and new responsibilities frighten a man and leave him in marriage. A double play is inevitable. The man is unhappy in marriage, but continues to live with her. The mistress, on the other hand, will hear promises of an imminent divorce every day, excuses and cover-ups in the form of children, loans, and a difficult financial situation. Such a romance will lead to nowhere. As a result, the man will remain in the family.
  2. Decisive and more honest men leave their family and confess everything to their spouse. He promises to support the children financially and participate in their upbringing. However, your participation here is no less important: support the man morally and do not be jealous of his past, try to make friends with his children.

You cannot order your heart ... How to determine by the right signs: whether he loves you or not?

With all your heart, you feel that the man is crazy about you. Special glances, kisses, frequent SMS and calls ... What if this is just a cover to use you? According to statistics, 87% of men return to their families. However, still married?

Tenderness, romance, sincerity are the main signs of real falling in love with you.

Relationships are work, you need to be able to build them. However, it is difficult to start building new relationships with a married man, much less to maintain them. For many of the stronger sex, sexual intercourse with you is much more important than you.

However, it should be remembered that a married man does not owe you anything. He can easily come and go. And on the way to have a couple of the same novels.

Ending a relationship with a married person is the best ending. Emotions and feelings will soon fade away, and new fans are just around the corner.

Staying with a married man, you risk spending not only your best years on tears and eternal expectations, but also your feminine energy. Being in the second role is low for a self-respecting woman.

How to part with a married person?

Such a step requires willpower and great courage. Think about your life and the future. Reframe and reflect on your relationship with a married man. Does this novel have a future? It is doomed to fail in most cases.

You have to accept that a married man is just using you as a thing. His wife is in constant deception. If a man is lying to her, then soon he may lie to you. Do the same as you are doing now with your wife. You, too, can be in the place of his wife. According to psychologists, this is most often the case. This argument is simple enough, but powerful. Run away from such a relationship, do not complicate your life yourself.

How to get over a breakup?

After you have conducted entire investigative operations on the question of how to find out if a man is married, get ready for the fact that the breakup will be quite painful. You cannot order the heart, and if you connect the brain to it, everything falls into place.

Get rid of any little things that remind you of your beau. Find a new activity, go in for sports, arrange an unplanned trip for yourself, get a car license, if not, go dancing! There are many options, you just need to want to throw the "unfree" out of your head once and for all.

Look around! Did the light come together like a wedge on him alone? If a man acts so humiliating towards you, determining your place second, is he really worthy of you? Finally, respect yourself, value yourself, your beloved.

And soon there will be a free man who will surely surround you with love and affection and create a full-fledged happy family with you.