How does thrush affect the process of conceiving a child? Is it possible to get pregnant if you have thrush Conception during thrush consequences

Thrush at least once in a lifetime overtakes half of women of reproductive age, returning during menopause. The disease brings discomfort and requires treatment as soon as possible. Consider whether it is possible to get pregnant with thrush and whether thrush affects the conception of a child.

Candidiasis can appear suddenly, sometimes it is quite difficult to find a factor provoking the disease. Thrush is a fungal colony of the Candida family that affects the mucous membranes of the vagina. The impetus for this, first of all, is a change in the microflora of the vagina.

Main risk factors:

  • Unprotected sexual contact with a carrier of the fungus;
  • Irrational or prolonged use of antibiotics;
  • Diseases of the reproductive organs, accompanied by a change in the microflora;
  • Prolonged wearing of synthetic tight underwear;
  • hypothermia;
  • Neglect of personal hygiene rules.

Often the cause of thrush becomes a partner who is a carrier of the fungus. In men, the course of thrush is almost asymptomatic, since the structure of their genital organs is unfavorable for the reproduction of the fungus.

If the carrier of the fungus is a man, the thrush will return after each course of treatment in a woman, therefore both partners are subject to examination.


Symptoms of the disease in women are manifested quite clearly and consist in:

  • Itching and burning in the vaginal area;
  • Abundant white discharge of a curdled consistency;
  • Pain when urinating;
  • Swelling and irritation of the vaginal walls.

If the infection enters the ureters, there may be bloody impurities in the urine and sharp pain when emptying the bladder. Such symptoms indicate the development of a complication - cystitis.

Effect on conception

Faced with a disease, a woman thinks about whether the thrush prevents her from getting pregnant. To answer this question, you need to study the etiology of the disease.

In the vagina of a woman in a normal state, more than half of the microorganisms are represented by lactic acid bacteria. Their work is aimed at protecting the reproductive organs from infection, as well as improving the transport of spermatozoa to the egg.

The microflora is regulated by the immune system. If it is weakened, the qualitative composition of the vaginal microflora changes and thrush develops. Fungal bacteria create an acidic environment in the vagina.

An acidic environment is unfavorable for the passage of spermatozoa. In addition, thrush and conception are incompatible for many women because they refuse to have sexual intercourse during the illness. It is possible to get pregnant with thrush, but treatment before conception is more effective and safer.

Since the answer to the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant during candidiasis is in the affirmative, patients think that nothing threatens gestation and childbirth. In fact, the Candida fungus can spread to the internal organs and easily cross the placental barrier, causing during pregnancy in the fetus:

  • Deviations in development;
  • Lesions of the emerging skin;
  • Damage to internal organs;
  • Infection of amniotic fluid.

The pregnant body gives all its strength to protect the fetus, because pregnancy during thrush can be complicated for the mother:

  • Leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • An increase in temperature;
  • bleeding;
  • miscarriage.

We are talking about neglected cases when the treatment of the disease was not carried out either before or after conception.

Treatment before conception

It is also possible to treat thrush during pregnancy, but the complexity of treatment increases, and the effectiveness decreases, since not all drugs are approved for use by pregnant women.

For treatment, local remedies are used - ointments and suppositories, as well as systemic therapy in tablets. Among suppositories and tablets, preparations based on imidazole, fluconazole, povidone are considered the best. Among them:

Some of them cause side effects in the form of burning, pain, others do not show side effects. It is impossible to prescribe suppositories and tablets on your own, since the strength of the drugs is different and should be determined by the doctor depending on the severity of the thrush.

Vitamins and immunomodulators are prescribed to maintain immunity. If necessary, the simultaneous use of local agents and taking tablets is prescribed. Such a decision can be made with chronic thrush, and the drugs should be selected exclusively by a gynecologist.

Treatment during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the treatment of thrush is complicated by the fact that the drugs are based on strong antiseptic and antimycotic substances that are able to overcome the placental barrier and affect the development of the child, or be absorbed into the blood and carried with the blood to the fetus.

For this reason, the drug is selected exceptionally soft and not absorbed into the blood, and the intake is strictly regulated and adjusted, if necessary, by the gynecologist observing the pregnancy.

Drugs that treat candidiasis during pregnancy include:

  • Pimafucin - suppositories, ointments or creams;
  • Nystatin is an analogue of Pimafucin;
  • Betadine - suppositories without side effects, but are prohibited for patients with thyrotoxicosis.

Pregnant women are also prescribed vitamins and immunostimulating drugs, and the effectiveness of therapy is monitored every three to five days.


Thrush does not greatly affect conception, but can harm the fetus, especially in the first trimester. During pregnancy, it is much more difficult to deal with thrush, therefore it is better to plan a pregnancy in advance and treat candidiasis before conception occurs.

It is rare that a woman does not face such a disease as vaginal candidiasis, better known as thrush. The disease is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the form of itching, burning, abundant curdled discharge with an unpleasant sour smell.

When planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to examine both partners, as well as undergo a course of treatment if diseases are detected, among which thrush is often found. Its presence can, although not always, prevent successful conception, as well as cause serious harm to the baby.

Causes of thrush

Thrush or candidiasis is an infectious fungal disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida which are opportunistic pathogens. This means that Candida fungi are found in the bodies of healthy people in small quantities, without causing disease. Thrush begins when, under the influence of certain factors, they begin to multiply intensively.

Vaginal candidiasis causes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina, as a result of which a white coating forms on them. A woman is concerned about itching and burning in the vagina, which become stronger during intimacy or after critical days. In addition, white, abundant discharge appears, similar to a curdled mass and having a sour smell.

Candida fungi begin to multiply uncontrollably when:

1. Immune protection decreases. There can be many reasons for this. Improper nutrition, lack of sleep, stress lead to the fact that a woman becomes more susceptible to colds, which weaken her immunity. The presence of bad habits, such as smoking, alcohol or drug addiction, also adversely affect the body's ability to resist infections. Chronic diseases, injuries, surgeries affect the state of the immune system.

2. The hormonal background changes. Hormones are able to influence the state of the female genital organs, their mucous membranes, the general sensitivity of the body to infectious diseases. An exacerbation of the disease is typical for periods of hormonal imbalance in the body, which occurs during pregnancy, menopause, and also before critical days. In addition, the causes of vaginal candidiasis are the use of hormonal drugs or contraceptives, thyroid disorders, diabetes and obesity.

3. The composition of the vaginal microflora is disturbed as a result of:

  1. Taking antibiotics, which can not only destroy pathological microorganisms, but also beneficial bacteria that inhibit the growth of fungi. In addition, the balance of microorganisms in the intestines is disturbed, from where candida is easily transferred to the vagina.
  2. Douching or using alkaline intimate hygiene soap, which kills the microflora, dries the mucous membranes, breaks the acidity.
  3. The use of probiotics for the treatment of gardnerellosis. Their use is possible to eliminate bacterial vaginosis, provided there are no fungi.
  4. The use of a large number of sweet and bakery products. They create a favorable environment for the reproduction of fungi, and also increase blood sugar.
  5. Change of sexual partner. In a man, the disease may have a latent form. During intercourse without a condom, it can pass to a woman.

4. Hygiene rules are not observed. Poor care of the genitals, especially during critical days, as well as the infrequent change of pads and underwear contribute to the development of candidiasis. In addition, fungi can multiply if tight synthetic underwear or thongs are used. Polyps, genital herpes can also lead to thrush.

Does thrush affect conception?

Often, vaginal candidiasis can be complicated by concomitant diseases, then each case is considered individually. If a woman has no other health problems, then it is possible to get pregnant. Thrush manifests itself in the vagina and on the external genitalia, without affecting the reproductive system.

However, a fungal infection can affect the occurrence of pregnancy for the following reasons:

  1. Often, thrush has pronounced symptoms. With the discomfort accompanying the disease, the woman herself does not want intimacy, which leads to painful sensations. If there is a course of treatment, then the doctor strongly recommends not to live sexually for this period, and also to be treated for both partners.
  2. The fertilization process itself may not take place, since for this the spermatozoa must pass through the vagina into the uterus and fallopian tubes. However, during candidiasis, an acidic ph environment is formed in the vagina, which is deadly for male germ cells. As a result, spermatozoa die before they reach their goal. Nevertheless, the menstrual and ovulatory processes themselves do not suffer from the disease. Therefore, the degree of damage by candidiasis of the body, as well as its immune status, become important.

In the event that these reasons have not become an obstacle and conception has occurred, a woman needs to seek help from a specialist as soon as possible to receive treatment that is safe for the child.

The effect of thrush on the fetus

You can not only get pregnant during thrush, but it can appear almost immediately after conception. This happens for the following reasons:

  • the hormonal background changes;
  • reduced immune defense;
  • changes in the microflora of the vagina.

Often faced with thrush, women consider it, though unpleasant, but a fairly safe disease. However, its effect on the fetus can be very strong. If vaginal candidiasis is not treated, then the fungi can penetrate the child's body, causing damage to his organs, developmental pathologies, up to death.

The most dangerous time is the 1st trimester of pregnancy, when thrush can provoke a spontaneous miscarriage. In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, thanks to the protection in the form of a placenta, the baby is more protected. Nevertheless, the infection can spread and affect the membranes, the fetus itself, and cause various complications.

If candidiasis is not treated, then the baby can become infected when it passes through the birth canal. Fungi can get on the mucous membranes of his mouth, which will negatively affect the entire immune system of the baby. His body will be weakened and prone to various diseases.

Such negative consequences occur infrequently, however, they are possible if a woman does not seek qualified medical help, does not take medications prescribed by a doctor, or self-medicates. In addition, during pregnancy it is not recommended to treat thrush with the help of folk remedies.

How to cure a fungus?

For the treatment of thrush, you must consult your doctor. Only a gynecologist, based on tests, can choose the right therapy. With self-administration of drugs, vaginal candidiasis can become chronic, become more resistant to drugs, as a result of which it will become much more difficult to cure.

As a rule, the doctor prescribes a complex treatment, which includes drugs to reduce fungi to a normal level, restore damaged mucous membranes, as well as normalize the microflora and strengthen the immune system.

Treatment is carried out with the help of the following medicines:

  1. antifungal, which fight candida by destroying their mycelium. They can be both in the form of suppositories and creams for topical use, and in the form of tablets for internal use. For example, preparations based on Fluconazole, Clotrimazole, Isoconazole, Ketoconazole.
  2. antibiotics, which allow you to suppress not only fungi, but also other bacteria that appear during thrush. These are Pimafucin, Flucostat, Nystatin, etc. Combined agents containing several antibiotics are also used, as well as prednisolone, which provides rapid elimination of itching and pain. These include Terzhinan, Neo-Penotran, Polygynax.
  3. probiotics, allowing to restore the normal state of the vaginal microflora and the level of ph. Among them are Gynoflor, Vaginorm-S, Vagilak.
  4. Immunomodulators, helping to strengthen general immunity, as well as to prevent the re-proliferation of candida after a course of treatment. These are Likopid, Viferon, Methyluracil.

It is important to note that both sexual partners should undergo treatment in order to prevent further exacerbation of thrush.

If a woman finds out about vaginal candidiasis while already pregnant, then the doctor prescribes drugs that are less toxic, which are absorbed into the blood in small quantities and do not have a harmful effect on the fetus. Most often, Pimafucin is prescribed, since it can be used throughout the entire period of pregnancy. It destroys the cell walls of the fungus, thereby causing its death.

As a rule, Pimafucin, Kandinorm, Zalain, Betadine are prescribed in the 1st trimester. In the 2nd trimester, the doctor may prescribe Polygynax, Terzhinan, Clotrimazole, Livarol, Econazole. In the 3rd trimester, it is allowed to use all of the above, except for Betadine, since it contains iodine.

In addition to the main medicine, the gynecologist prescribes:

  • multivitamins;
  • probiotics;
  • bifidobacteria.

Tablets that ensure the death of fungi throughout the body, as a rule, are not used during pregnancy. Douching is also not prescribed, since under the pressure of the liquid the infection can penetrate into the uterine cavity.


Thrush does not affect reproductive processes, but can reduce the likelihood of pregnancy. Thus, a woman is capable of conceiving a baby in the presence of a fungal infection of the vagina. However, this is undesirable, since the effect on the fetus with thrush is extremely negative. If the disease arose after the onset of pregnancy, then you need to consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment, in the future it may be necessary to repeat it before childbirth in order to prevent infection of the baby when it passes through the birth canal.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Candidiasis is a fairly common fungal disease that most often affects women. Since in most cases it affects the vagina, many are interested in the question of whether it can affect the process of conception. After reading the article, you will get an idea of ​​what kind of disease it is, what are the reasons for its appearance, how it affects intimacy and conception, and whether it is possible to avoid its development.

What is this disease

Vaginal candidiasis or is caused by yeast-like fungi, usually Candida albicans, which begin to massively develop on the mucosa, leading to its inflammation.

The fungus is constantly present on the human body - on the skin, in the vagina, in the intestines, in the mouth, however, under the influence of certain factors, its number begins to increase, which leads to disturbances in the microflora of the vagina and a significant reduction in lactic acid bacteria in it.

Typical symptoms of thrush are:
  • redness of the vaginal mucosa;
  • puffiness;
  • copious white curdled discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • burning;
  • dryness;
  • pain, discomfort during sex;
  • pain when urinating.

According to statistics, the percentage of women who have had candidiasis at least once is very high and reaches 80%. Therefore, it is very important to have complete information about this disease.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of a gynecological examination and the results of a vaginal smear.

Did you know? The Candida fungus lives not only on the human body, it is also present in the body of animals, plants, soil, water, food. Spores of the fungus survive even in very extreme conditions in any latitude, but they are especially fond of tropical and subtropical countries.

Causes of appearance in women

Causes of candidiasis can be:

  • taking antibiotics;
  • disorders in the immune system;
  • infection through hygiene items or from a partner;
  • poor nutrition and, as a result, insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals;
  • the presence of certain diseases - diabetes, problems with the intestines and thyroid gland;
  • inflammatory process in the vagina.

Quite often, thrush develops in pregnant women due to a sharp decrease in immunity and hormonal changes. In addition, during this period there are changes in the microflora of the vagina.

Does thrush prevent pregnancy

Neither the disease nor the consequences to which it leads affect. A woman infected with this disease has a real chance of becoming pregnant. However, carrying a baby will not be easy.

Intimacy with thrush

Usually, when the level of Candida fungi goes off scale in a woman's vagina, she experiences discomfort during sex. Dryness due to insufficient release of natural lubrication, irritation of the mucous membrane leads to the appearance of pain, burning.

When taking a smear from the vagina, the analysis shows that the acid-base balance is significantly disturbed in it.

There are no contraindications to intimacy in case of illness. If a woman does not experience discomfort and has not yet begun treatment, then it is possible not to abstain from sex.

Short-term abstinence will be necessary if the doctor prescribes vaginal suppositories or douches for treatment.

Important! Since the Candida fungus settles on the genitals of both partners, it is important that they are treated at the same time. If the partner, who is usually asymptomatic, is not cured, it is possible that the partner will be re-infected after some time.

What is dangerous and how it affects the fetus

Candidiasis in pregnant women must be treated. Unfortunately, this is not so dangerous and usually well treatable disease at the usual time during pregnancy can lead to a threat or to infection of the baby.

In 30% of cases, miscarriages occur and which are probably provoked precisely by the disease. The inflammatory process, which begins in the vagina, gradually spreads inward, reaching the walls of the amniotic sac and thinning it.

As a result, premature rupture of amniotic fluid may occur.

As for the effect on the fetus, in 50% the baby is born with symptoms of thrush of the tongue and eyes. After delivery, both the baby and the mother receive treatment. If the child is not treated, then this is fraught with the development of serious complications with vision.

If you do not treat the mother, then further aggravation of her condition and the occurrence of candidiasis of the nipples are possible.

In this case, problems will arise with breastfeeding.

Therefore, it is very important to prevent the development of thrush and start treatment on time if it still overtakes. Today, there are several drugs for topical candidiasis that are approved for use in pregnant women.

However, you should know that they, like other drugs, are undesirable to use in the first trimester, since this is a very important period during which all the main organs and systems of the baby are formed.

Taking drugs at this time can provoke their incorrect development or the appearance of anomalies.

Among the remedies that are most often prescribed for thrush during pregnancy are the following:
  • (candles);
  • "Betadine" (candles);
  • "Gino-Pevaril" (candles);
  • "Ginofort" (applicator);
  • "Clotrimazole" (ointment);
  • "Miconazole" (ointment).

Important! If the characteristic symptoms of thrush appear in a pregnant woman, it is urgent to contact a gynecologist or talk about them during a routine examination. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate or be treated with folk methods.

Before childbirth, it will be necessary to pass from the vagina to exclude thrush. If necessary, re-treat.

Note that thrush is quickly and successfully treated if it is treated in a complex way - with local and systemic drugs. Since the latter are prohibited during pregnancy, local treatment is not always effective, it is fraught with relapses, so you need to be prepared that the disease will have to be treated in each trimester.

In addition to the use of medications, special attention to a woman "in position" should be given to strengthening immunity and improving the quality of nutrition. The diet must be filled with dairy products, fruits and vegetables.

It should not have a place for sweets, pickled and canned foods. In addition to adjusting the menu, a pregnant woman should review her wardrobe and exclude synthetic underwear from it.

How to plan a pregnancy with thrush

In the planning process, a woman needs to undergo a full gynecological examination and pass all the necessary tests. If candidiasis appeared at the stage, then as soon as possible you need to start its therapy.

The fact is that in the first months after conception it will not be possible to take effective oral medications, while local ones are sparing, weaker in terms of effectiveness.

After treatment, gynecologists recommend postponing the "work on conception" for a month, in order to achieve a lasting effect of therapy, restore immunity and vaginal microflora. However, thrush is not a contraindication to pregnancy.

Today, women with candidiasis are most often prescribed the following drugs:

  • vaginal tablets: "Neotrizol", "Polygynax", "Lomexin";
  • oral tablets: "Fluconalose".

Did you know? Candidiasis was first described as a childhood disease in the era of Hippocrates. He mentioned the disease in his Epidemic. As an infectious disease, candidiasis was described in 1839 by Dr. Bernhard von Langenbeck. A few years laterI.N. Bennett noted that the causes of the disease are depression and the deterioration of human nutritional functions.


To prevent the development of thrush, you must follow some simple rules:

  • observe the hygiene of the genitals;
  • refuse tight synthetic underwear or wear it not every day;
  • strengthen the immune system through a healthy lifestyle;
  • eat so that the body gets more vitamins and minerals - fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and less sugar and refined carbohydrates;
  • when treating with antibiotics, be sure to use drugs with probiotics in the composition;
  • timely treat diseases, inflammation of the pelvic organs and the gastrointestinal tract;
  • change pads every three hours, including daily ones;
  • regularly undergo preventive gynecological examinations;
  • Do not douche without doctor's advice.

Thus, thrush is a fairly common disease in women, the causes and consequences of which are well understood today. It is necessary to treat it at any period - both at the usual time, and at the planning stage of conception, and during pregnancy.

With the appearance of profuse whiteness, burning and itching in the vagina, you should be examined by a gynecologist so that he takes the necessary tests that can confirm the diagnosis and prescribes proper treatment.

Modern pharmacology has developed a number of drugs that allow you to get rid of the symptoms of thrush in two to three days. Since potent drugs are prohibited for pregnant women, their treatment process can take more than one month. Treatment in this case is done with local preparations.

Thrush is a disease caused by a fungus of the Candida type, which mainly affects the genitals of women. The fungus causes a violation of the microflora of the vagina, the level of lactic acid bacteria decreases, which causes dryness in the vagina and various inflammatory processes.

This disease affects women of all ages. And ladies in an interesting position are especially vulnerable to him. In this article, we will analyze in detail whether it is dangerous, and what to do for a woman who is faced with such a diagnosis.

The causes of thrush have long been known, but this does not affect the number of sick women. Here are the main ones:

  • Immunodeficiency. This is the most common cause, especially in pregnant women, whose immunity decreases in the first trimester.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals. In today's world with an active lifestyle, people often forget to fully and properly eat, women love to "sit" on diets, which leads to a lack of vitamins for the full and proper functioning of the body.
  • Change in the acidity of the vagina. This is usually associated with certain medications (such as antibiotics or hormones).
  • Various inflammations in the vagina. They greatly affect the microflora, which contributes to the development of the fungus.

Does thrush affect conception

When vaginal candidiasis occurs, women experience quite unpleasant sensations. He is called by the following symptoms of this disease:

  • "curdled" discharge with a specific unpleasant odor;
  • itching and burning in the vagina;
  • inflammation of the inner walls of the vagina;
  • puffiness;

That is why a woman may also feel discomfort during intercourse. It is not uncommon for many to refuse intimacy until a complete cure.

In connection with such abstinence, there is an opinion that thrush and conception are not compatible concepts, and some “experts” when asked whether it is possible to get pregnant with thrush, say an unequivocal “no”.

But after all, this infection does not cause any sensations in other women, and they live sexually as before, which means that conception with thrush may well occur. After all, thrush itself does not in any way affect either the menstrual cycle or the work of the reproductive organs.

Of course, the probability of getting pregnant with thrush is somewhat lower than in the absence of this disease. This is due to the fact that with vaginal candidiasis, the microflora of the vagina changes, and it becomes more difficult for the spermatozoon to survive and fertilize the egg in an alkaline environment. But this in no way excludes the possibility of becoming pregnant.

Thrush does not affect either the menstrual cycle or the functioning of the reproductive organs, and therefore cannot prevent conception.

What is dangerous thrush

Although vaginal candidiasis is not a particularly terrible disease, it is quite capable of harming the female body without proper treatment. It all depends on how long a woman has had thrush, and at what stage she is now.

So why is thrush dangerous?

  • The disease can become chronic.
  • The work of the immune system is significantly reduced.
  • A progressive fungus can affect the urinary tract and kidneys.
  • A woman has various inflammatory processes in the genitals.
  • The appearance of erosion of the cervix.
  • Infertility (in severe neglected forms).

Therefore, as soon as you notice signs of thrush in yourself, you should immediately contact a gynecologist for timely and safe treatment.

If a woman has planned the birth of a child, then her body must be healthy - this is a prerequisite for successful conception and successful gestation. In chronic pathologies or recurrent diseases with conception, problems often arise. These include vaginal candidiasis, better known as thrush. Is it possible to get pregnant with thrush, is it dangerous for the fetus, and we propose to consider a lot of other questions below.

First of all, you need to understand what vaginal candidiasis is. Thrush is a fungal infection that occurs under the influence of fungal yeast-like pathogens. Similar fungi are present in many organic systems, but under the influence of certain conditions, they begin to multiply. A latent development of pathology is possible, but more often during thrush a woman experiences vivid pathological symptoms, so the disease can hardly go unnoticed.

The prevalence of pathology is quite high, at least once, but it occurred in the life of every patient. Many ladies for years can not cope with such an unpleasant disease. Using many therapeutic techniques on their own, they do not cure the disease, as a result, the body weakens and can no longer resist Candida fungi. Today, vaginal candidiasis is detected even in very young girls. The disease is becoming more and more common, becoming a real problem for modern women.

It is difficult to say unequivocally whether thrush prevents pregnancy, since the organisms are different, as are the clinical manifestations of the pathology. Therefore, the impact of pathology on conception can be different. The vaginal environment, or rather, its normal acidity, is of no small importance. Ideally, lactic acid bacterial components occupy about 90% of the entire vaginal environment. These organisms contribute to the uninterrupted production of substances necessary for protection against bacterial infections. When they are not enough, the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria is activated, an acid-base imbalance occurs, and vaginal candidiasis begins to develop. Many factors can provoke the development of thrush:

Even men can get thrush. But if the patient has a high resistance to the fungus, then he can act as a carrier and constantly infect his partner, unaware of his own pathology. Even through gynecological instruments, a woman can become infected with thrush if the instruments have not been processed and sterilized properly.

How do I know if I have thrush

A woman can suspect the development of thrush for various reasons, which usually have a fairly characteristic severity. The first manifestation of a candidal lesion of the vagina is a specific discharge that has a white color, a creamy-curdled consistency and an unpleasant sour smell. Such discharge is usually accompanied by vaginal burning and itching discomfort. The vaginal walls become irritated and inflamed, and the genitals swell and even swell.

Very often pregnant women experience similar symptoms. Such a tendency to vaginal candidiasis is due to the fact that the pregnant body is experiencing strong hormonal changes that affect the vaginal microflora, acidifying it. As a result, candida are activated, multiply and cause the development of thrush. It is somewhat more difficult to treat such candidiasis than in the absence of pregnancy, since the choice of drugs is not so extensive. But treatment is necessary, otherwise undesirable consequences for the fetus may occur.

Is it possible to conceive with candidiasis

Patients often ask gynecologists the question: is it possible to get pregnant with thrush. Doctors say that candidal fungi are not able to interfere with successful conception. But here there are several nuances. Many patients do not experience pathological discomfort due to the development of candidiasis, so they are unaware of fungal trouble and can easily become pregnant.

But if the clinical picture of thrush is pronounced, the discharge is plentiful, smells sour and causes unbearable itching, then in such a situation, few girls want intimacy, and therefore the question of pregnancy is no longer relevant. But theoretically, this is possible, although many sperm may not reach the uterus due to the abundant cheesy vaginal discharge that is typical for exacerbations of chronic candidiasis.

The vaginal microflora changes so much that most sperm cannot survive to fertilize the female sex cell, and therefore there are difficulties with conception. But candidiasis has no effect on ovulatory or menstrual processes, that is, a woman’s fertility cannot be affected by thrush in any way. The probability of conception with thrush is determined by the degree of development of the pathological process and the immune status of the patient. If conception has happened, then it is necessary to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible to prescribe the necessary therapy that is safe for the child.

Thrush and pregnancy

Many patients believe that with candidiasis, reproductive abilities fade and fertilization is impossible, so they do not use contraception. But pregnancy with thrush is quite possible. If this happened, then mommy will have to strictly follow the instructions and recommendations of the obstetrician-gynecologist so as not to harm the little man growing inside. First you need to pass the necessary diagnostic tests, pass laboratory tests.

  1. The first study that is prescribed for pregnant women with suspected candidiasis is bacterioscopy. The procedure involves obtaining a swab from the vagina. Such an analysis helps to detect vaginal candidiasis even in the absence of obvious pathological signs.
  2. If the bacterioxopic diagnosis is not informative, bacteriological culture is carried out, which allows you to accurately identify the presence of the pathogen and its nature.
  3. The most accurate diagnostic method is the polymerase chain reaction, only with candidiasis it quite often gives a false positive result of the study. Therefore, it is practically not used in the diagnosis of thrush, and it is quite expensive.

After confirming the pathology, the doctor prescribes the necessary therapy, taking into account the patient's interesting position.

Is thrush dangerous for pregnant women

Having learned whether thrush affects conception, a woman needs to take all precautions to avoid such a combination as candidiasis and gestation. A seemingly harmless disease can harm the fetus. Having penetrated into a defenseless, only developing organism, it is able to affect intraorganic structures, cause developmental pathologies and fetal death. It is especially dangerous if the fetus becomes infected with fungal pathogens in the first trimester of gestation. In such a situation, spontaneous abortion, i.e. miscarriage, becomes a frequent outcome of pregnancy.

Even if the pregnancy continues, then the born baby, when born, will become infected from the mother with candidiasis, which in such children affects the vast mucous areas in the oral cavity. Pathology weakens the immune defense of the baby, he is constantly sick, the body is weak, often born prematurely. If the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant during candidiasis is still relevant for you, then think carefully about whether you want the child conceived with such a disease to be at risk of death throughout the entire gestation, or to be born sick or premature. Vaginal candidiasis with proper therapy is treated quickly and simply, so it is better to eliminate the pathology and get pregnant calmly.

How to treat thrush while pregnant

Most medications are contraindicated during gestation, therefore, pregnant women are strictly prohibited from self-administration of any medications and the use of home methods of anti-candidiasis therapy. All appointments must be made by a qualified professional. You can get pregnant with candidal lesions, but even if conception occurred in the absence of pathology, it often develops already in the process of gestation against the background of hormonal reforms in the pregnant body.

Is it possible for pregnant women to recover without consequences? For the treatment of candidiasis in mothers, only safe topical drugs or tablet medicines are used. Specific appointments are determined by the gestation period at which thrush was detected, although topical preparations are more often preferred.

  • In 1-3 months, ointments and creams, vaginal tablets and suppositories like Pimafucin or Natamycin are prescribed.
  • After the third month of gestation, suppositories containing Nystatin can be used.
  • In the final trimester, medications are prescribed such as Clotrimazole, Cyclopirox, Miconazole or Iconazole, etc.

Many successfully cope with candidal fungi through home and folk therapies. Usually they are based on the use of local remedies such as washing with a decoction of oak bark, saline solutions, etc. Sitz baths with calendula effectively destroy the fungus. But such methods cannot be taken as a basis; they can only be used in addition to professional treatment in order to alleviate symptoms and speed up recovery.

Prevention of candidiasis during gestation

How to understand whether candidiasis can occur in a particular patient, and how to prevent pathology? If a woman has already encountered thrush, then during pregnancy she is at risk of developing such a disease, so some preventive measures are required. Change your underwear more often, do not wear tight and synthetic panties, eat the right food, wash your face daily with baby soap and take vitamins.

Thrush itself is usually not able to prevent conception, but theoretically it can somewhat reduce the likelihood of its onset. Therefore, it is quite possible to become pregnant with candidiasis, but it is highly undesirable, since interruption or premature delivery, dangerous infection of the fetus, is possible against the background of a fungal infection. It is better to recover, and then calmly get pregnant.