How to wash the nails of the sharp shape. Care after a fitting. Tips on the processing of free edge and improving the appearance of nails

From this article you will learn:

  • How to choose a nail feed shape
  • How to choose a manicure file
  • How to cut nails on hands
  • How to give nails the desired form
  • How to handle nails on the legs
  • What errors need to be avoided, pushing nails

Beautiful neat nails - an integral part of the image of a modern girl. So that the manicure caused only admiration, it should be high quality. That is why, in addition to the color scheme, the type of coating and other nuances, it is important to choose the right form of nail plates. To form a nail under the type of fingers, you can advantageously emphasize the beauty of your hands, add them grace and grace. Inappropriate manicure, on the contrary, hobs natural advantages and focuses on the disadvantages. In the article we will tell you how to choose and form an individual form of the plate, how to properly cut your nails.

Selection of individual form

To choose the right nail shape, consider the following:

    natural view of hands;

    the length of the fingers;

    individual features of hands, fingers and nails;

    the color of the future coating.

Knowing how to cut the nails correctly, you can achieve any form.

We highlight their main types:

    Round form will suit the owners of wide, massive hands with large fingers. Also rounding the nail plate is an excellent option for a manicure on short nails (the length of the free edge is 2-3 mm).

    Square form correctly do on long thin fingers. However, you should not leave a very large length of the free edge, as it visually narrows the brush hand.

    Square with rounded edges (semi-s). The basis of this form is a square. His ends curls that they allow to avoid scratches and hooks. The semi-gun form looks good on the wide nail plates.

    Oval. The shape of nails in the form of oval is considered universal. She repeats the outline of the lunula and therefore looks great on any handles. When answering the question of how to properly saw oval nails, professionals are primarily advised not to leave a very large length of the free edge. It can distort the manicure.

    Oval form of plates is convenient because it does not need to be adjusted often. You can make a non-standard manicure, issuing nails in the form of almonds. In this case, the oval must be made more subtle, tapering to the center.

    The triangular shape visually lengthens the fingers. This variant of the manicure is suitable for lovers of large rings, which visually shorten the length of their fingers.

Professionals often combine several forms at once (square-oval), it turns out a very beautiful manicure. However, the classic design of nail plates still occupies a leading position.

In addition to the question of how to properly cut your nails and legs, it is important to know which pylon to choose for this purpose. Often girls buy manicure devices based on design preferences. More important criteria are the material of the working surface and abrasiveness.

How to choose a pail

Types of nail files by material

Modern technologies allow you to use a variety of materials for the manufacture of pylons. In addition to metal tools, there are popular windows from glass, crystal, porcelain. List their main advantages and disadvantages:

Types of abrasive nail files

The main parameter for selecting a suitable nail file is the rigidity of its working surface (abrasion). It is measured in glitters. The number of grit points to the amount of small grainy particles per unit surface of the product.

The large value of abrasiveness means that the sawmaker is fine-grained, its surface is softer. Such tools are processed carefully, delicately. Small abrasiveness corresponds to tough feet.

    60-80 Grit. - Low values \u200b\u200bof abrasiveness mean that the hard tool. Such a filling is correctly sawing extensive nails. Experts do not recommend using a device for treating natural plates: it can lead to their bundle and thinning.

    100-150 Grit. - The tool is suitable for lying and forming extensive nails. Abrasiveness indicators through a dash (100/150) indicate the rigidity of each of the two sides of the sawmill.

    150-240 Grit. - Average hardness indicators. The saws are softer than the above-listed analogues, but they are still not recommended to use to work with natural nails. Tools with such abrasiveness are convenient to make the final strokes in the design of the grooved plates.

    240 grit. To the question of how tooling natural nails, specialists recommend that this option is recommended.

    240-400 Grit. - Soft surface of the sawmill. Perfectly grinds and adjusts natural and artificial coatings.

    400-900 Grit. - The pink with this rigidity is preparing a nail to the final manicure stage (polishing). Can be used on natural and artificial plates.

    900-1200 Grit. - Pilking polishers (microabrasives, bafts). These tools give nails a mirror glitter.

Proper nail feed

    Before starting to cut your nails with a properly selected tool, you need to prepare hands. To do this, thoroughly wash them with soap and dry.

    Prepare a sawmill for forming plates. The tools with abrasiveness of 240-400 grit are suitable.

    Now you need to determine which form of nails you want. We advise you to navigate the type of your natural plates. Fashion trends of this season - oval, semi-rough and almond-shaped.

    For convenience in creating a form, first cut the free edge and side parts of the nail with nail bearings. The tool must be well sharpened.

    How to cut nails? The main rule is to move the tool in one direction, from the edge to the center of the plate. The sawnur must be properly kept parallel to the processed part of the nail.

    The tip of the nail plate should be filled with the movement "on itself". During processing, the tool must be tightly pressed to the nail. Also ensure that the surface of the sawmother is always perpendicular to the plate. Otherwise, you can damage the keratin layers of the nail.

    The other side of the nail is written on the same principle: in one direction and "on yourself". Round the edge of the plate by changing the angle of inclination of the tool.

    To get rid of the irregularities at the edges of the nail and remove small jar on the end, use a pink-bug with a fine-grained surface. Make neat movement up and down, turning finger.

    Many concerns the question of how to proper nails to have a glossy shine. For this purpose, the polishing side of the pink-bafe is used. Polishing allows you to achieve a beautiful manicure and without the use of varnish.

    At the end of the process, apply moisturizing oil on your nails and cuticle.

How to cut your nails to give them the right form

How to maintain nails on the hands of oval shape

Each girl is familiar with nail feeding procedure. But to achieve a neat and spectacular manicure, you need to know how to properly cut your nails and which file it is better to do. It is also useful to follow the rules and techniques for processing plates.

Making a manicure, girls seek to achieve any of the standard forms of nail plates: square, oval or almond-shaped. Both natural and artificial nails need timely leaving.

The shape of the plate in the form of an oval is considered to be a classic. Such a manicure will look very feminine and elegant. Oval marks visually lengthen the fingers.

How to properly cut the oval nail shape:

    Prepare your marigolds: Remove the previous coating, clean the surface, remove the cuticle and burrs.

    Smooth movements of the sawmill squeeze the nail plate from the ends to the central part.

    Observe the rule: stop the movement of the sawmill in two millimeters to the center of the nail.

    If the center of the edge of the nail plate did not acquire a beautiful oval, rounded it with horizontal instrument movements.

    To prevent the appearance of microcracks and soften the edges of the nail, use the polisher.

How to cut the nails of the almond-shaped

Almond-shaped marigolds make handles more feminine and graceful, significantly extend their fingers. Almond nail plates are a real trend of this season. They look like feline claws. This adds a lady of playfulness and charm. Now in fashion, the combination of almond-shaped form with the French manicure. Also relevant "cat" marigolds in red or black color.

The almond shape of the nails belong to the classics. Indeed, this version of the manicure appeared quite a long time and during its existence did not lose popularity. The form of the plate should not have acute ends. The edge of the nail is smooth, but quite narrow.

If the question is concerned about how to properly saw the almond-shaped nail shape, we want to warn you: this process requires the accuracy and experience of a professional. It is very difficult to independently make all the nail plates are the same. Therefore, it is better to contact the master.

To get a beautiful almond shape, your nails must be long enough. On short plates, such a manicure will not be done. The optimal length of them should be approximately equal to the length of the lodge itself.

Now consider how to properly saw the almond shape of the nails:

    Prepare fingers to manicure: Remove old varnish, pollution, cuticle and burrs.

    The creation of almond-shaped shape begins with the formation of a square. So, cut the edges of the plates on a flat horizontal line.

    Put the sharp edges. There should be a trapezoid form.

    Combine sharp corners with a soft sawmill. Gradually will be "to identify" the right almond-shaped form.

How to fix the nails of the square

The classic variants of the manicure includes the design of the nail in the form of a square. The advantage of this configuration is that it will suit any types of fingers and hands. On square marigolds, any color gamut and drawing look great. Put the natural nail plates in the form of a square rather complicated. It is much easier to give the perfect form of artificial nails.

How to properly cut the nails of the square shape:

    First prepare nail plates: remove the previous coating, clean your nails from pollution, remove the cuticle and burrs.

    Squeam the edge of the nail to the length you need. It is necessary to make a line as smooth, horizontal.

    It is necessary to start the opil on line parallel to the finger. The side edge should turn out to be smooth.

    The same repeat on the opposite edge of the nail.

    Correct the horizontal section of the nail plate to get a smooth square.

There are several varieties of "square" manicure: with a sharp, soft and round square. Skip from the sharp to a smooth square, you can, twisting the sharp edge of the nail.

Below is a video about how to proper nails:

How to maintain extensive nails and can it be done

Today, many are much increasing the nails from the masters. But artificial coverage is not a guarantee that cracks cannot form on the nails, that they will not break, hacking for any subject.

Maintain the original type of artificial nail plates, knowing how to properly cut the extensive nails. However, this process requires accuracy and attention, since the natural layer can be opened and injured it. It is also important to use only high-quality manicure tools.

For the processing of artificial nails properly use special sawmills of the abrasive sample. They can be found in the Department of Neil Art and Manicure. Such tools often have several working surfaces with different rigidity.

How to cut nails with a coating gel lacquer or shellac?

For this purpose, you should use a pylon with a soft abrasive surface. Hard, rough devices are not recommended to be applied, as they can disrupt varnish and cause a bundle of a natural nail.

If there are cracks and fuses in the coating, it is necessary to cut the nail very slowly and neatly. Excessive inuction can only harm.

How to cut the nails on the legs

Many girls wonder how to cut and handle the nails on the legs. This procedure is not so complicated, and it can be done, being at home. Any pedicure includes the removal of the skinned layer of the skin, cutting the legs with cream and the formation of plates. To enhance your nails, you will need manicure scissors, tweezers or nippers.

For high-quality pedicure, you should purchase:

    supplements for the bath;

    nippers, scissors or tongs;

  • baf-polisher.

    Before starting to cut the nails, select the right devices. Nail plates on the legs are conveniently handled with straws with straight cut. The tool must be made of high quality steel. Plus the use of this device is that the nail is cut into one movement, without bundle plate. For a children's pedicure, it is better to use scissors, and uneven nails treat with sharp tweeters. Always pay attention to the quality of the tool - bad can damage the skin.

    Cut your nails on the legs at least twice a month. Before processing, it is worth softening the nail plates. To do this, you can make a warm bath. As additives use gels for shower and essential oils. The latter have a softening and deodorizing effect. For a better effect in water, you can add special emulsions for maceration. These funds are sold in specialized stores. Useful components for the bath: Sea salt, herbal extracts, algae. Keep your feet in water 5-7 minutes.

    Wipe your skin with a towel. Now you can start handling nails. Locks should be held parallel to the cuticle. Crop the plate in a straight line, not spinning the edges. Thanks to this, the nails will not grow into the skin.

    To nail it in the skin, it is enough to leave the free edge in half a millionth. It is not recommended to cut the nail plates for the root. Also unsafe to leave a very big edge, as it can break.

    Align the edges of the nail plate. Next you need to write the nails with the correct tool. What file to choose? Specialists advise glass or ceramic devices. To get a smooth horizontal line, hold the pink straight. We do not recommend using metal products: they injure the nail.

    Sometimes girls face a situation when the nail eats into the skin. To get rid of the problem slightly supervise the nail in the middle. The nail plate will fire and tighten into the center. Leather free. Do not try to penetrate the nail - it can cause inflammation. Grinding your nails on your feet with a special bar.

Than to write nails if there is no file

Surely you at least once got into the situation when it was broken by nail, and there were no files near. If you do not have time to purchase a new tool, you can use the apparatus.

Let's look at what subjects to cut a broken nail to cut:

    an ordinary coin (its ribbed surface).

    brick from the wall of the building. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the nail is painted in red color.

    you can lose your nail on asphalt. Its surface is tougher than brick. It will quickly remove the sharp end.

To avoid misunderstandings, it is worth a timely plates and keep track of their condition all the time. It is also important to follow the recommendations on how to cut and form nails. Careful care will extend the beauty of your marigolds.

10 errors when using a saw

Error number 1. Put nails with poor-quality and unsuitable manicure saws.

Statistics such that every second unfamiliar girl with recommendations on how to properly saw and form nails. This leads to damage to the nail plates. Without achieving the desired result, we think it is better to trust a professional. In fact, if you do not allow major mistakes, an independent manicure can get very high quality and neat.

A manicure supply with a rigid abrasive surface is an "enemy" of our nails. After its use at the end of the plate, microcracks appear, which over time increase in size (from water, pressing and light shocks).

For processing natural plates, choose glass or ceramic products. You can purchase analogue cheaper - a plastic baselet.

Turning the nail processing process will help the polisher's saw.

Error number 2. Contact made of nails.

If you cut the nails with a lacquer coating, you can trigger the bundle of the natural nail plate. But we can easily get into an unforeseen situation when the nail broke or a crack was formed. In this case, you can smooth the sharp edge of the pair of movements of the saw. It does not harm the plate.

Error number 3. Contact nails from boredom.

Do not write nail plates more than once a week. This is enough for the nails please you with accuracy and beauty.

Error number 4. Engage in unauthorized affairs, squeezing nails.

In the recommendations on how to properly cut the nails, one of the main points is your attentiveness and accuracy. Opening a look from the fingers, it is possible to accidentally injure the nail or skin. At the end of the procedure it is worth viewing every marigold. You could skip small cracks or bundle.

Error number 5. Saw nails in different directions.

You should cut your nails in one direction - from the edge to the edge. If you do not work in this way to make a beautiful oval, you can move first from one edge to the center of the plate, then from the other to the center.

Error number 6. Reduce nail with a manicure filling.

With recommendations on how to cut the nails, specialists often talk about the rule of ten movements: to not injure the plate, you need to make no more than 10 movements with a sawn. If you need to shorten the nail, take advantage of manicure scissors or bookser. The latter can be applied if the width of its blades is not less than the cut part.

Error number 7. Processing wet plates.

Saw wet nails are not very correct, whatever soft is your saw. If you make a bath before manicure, you need to give a nail plate time to dry - more microcracks formed on wet.

Error number 8. Deep to pin the edge of the nail.

Attempts to deeply pin the edge of the plate are usually turned into cuts and inflammations.

Error number 9. Incorrect keep the saw in your hand.

For high-quality manicure, it is important to know how to properly use the tool when processing nails. The thumb should be on the bottom of the device, the remaining four - upstairs.

Error number 10. Use a manicure pylon for other purposes.

Many girls clean the dirt from under the nails with the tip of the saws. It is unsafe, since gentle skin under the plate can inflame. Also these actions you violate the right natural outline of "smiles".

Where to buy high-quality and professional nail files

Among the huge number of online stores offering manicure accessories, we invite you to our "Peel World"! You must choose our service, as:

  • "Peel World" - own production of lumps.
  • "Peel World" - the main supplier!
  • The showroom of the company "World Pelleet" is located in Moscow.
  • Delivery throughout our immense homeland!

Why is it for you "Peel World" - the best option to purchase a product?

  • Our store is built on our own production of pylbles. Thanks to this, you get: minimized cost of service, proven and confirmed product quality, rapid production, attractive conditions for distributers.
  • Our nail file is made only from materials that have repeatedly confirmed their quality (South Korea).
  • A wide variety of product. So, a manicure master with any level of professionalism will be able to satisfy its interests.
  • You can think of themselves, what kind of fender is suitable for you. We carry out individual orders.
  • Another advantage is to apply your brand logo on the working plane of the pylon.

Knowing how to properly cut your nails, you can prevent the deformation of the plate, as well as the appearance of burrs. To do this, you need to prepare everything you need and follow the recommendations.

Basic rates of drinking

You need to drink with a special tool. That everything turned out beautiful, it is recommended to use only glass fixtures with spraying. Processing of natural plates is always carried out using a soft coating. Large-macked fills may harm that it will provoke later deformation.

What rules should follow:

  1. During the procedure, it is not to put pressure on the tool, otherwise you can cut an excess and damage the plate.
  2. Never start the procedure if the fingers are wet. Otherwise, after the procedure, they will be cling.
  3. The surface of the plates can not polish too much, especially if varnish is planned. Otherwise, he will not last long. It is necessary to write only the free edge.
  4. The cuticle and burrs should be defined in the process, otherwise the manicure will look careless.
  5. Do not use iron saws that can contribute to strong damage to the plate.

We should not forget about the daily care of marigolds using special oils and creams. If the plates are fragile and lay, it is recommended to purchase therapeutic varnish and use it regularly. It is important to eliminate the presence of a fungal infection, as evidenced by the change in density and color.

Fragile plates can not be polished intensively even the finestly abrasive surface. You can provoke even greater thinning. To prevent rallying, you can not click on the tool and slide at the free edge too fast.

Nail roofing tools

Subscription at home should be carried out only by professional tools. The abrasive surface must correspond to the plate thickness. If you choose too coarse side face, instead of easy correction you can produce cut.

An ideal file is a glass tool with a soft surface. Spraying on it is small, so it is not able to damage the plate and lead to its deformation and resolveing. When choosing a tool, it is important to pay attention to what it is intended for. The label indicates: for natural or artificial nails should be applied.

To polish the surface, a soft sawmill will be required. It should have a minimum of 3-4 nozzles, which differ in the number of abrasive particles. The coarsest thing is designed to remove the upper layer. The second (softer) is used to eliminate dust. The last 2 surfaces are intended for polishing and giving shine.

It is best to acquire the pink of popular brands, because They comply with all parameters. Cheap tools can harm the plate. Automatic devices for washed better not to use at home, because Without the appropriate experience, you can damage your nails.

How to cut nails

Knowing how to cut your nails on the hands and legs smoothly, you can avoid a number of errors and troubles. First of all, you need to make sure that the hands are dry and there is no cream. If necessary, nails should be shortened. If such a task is not worth it, you can go to the procedure.

Side sides are maintained carefully, so as not to damage soft fabrics. After several light movements, you need to fix the result by conducting a tool across the treated area. This will help get rid of burr and irregularities.

To give a nail oval almond-shaped form, movements need to be carried out smooth. Corners of the plate should be rounded.

Use on natural nails to give shape large-brosal peelings can not. Even if you want to remove the length of several millimeters. Crocheted only with scissors.

It is necessary to cut the nail with fungus. In this case, the abrasive surface with frequent spraying will have to work a little longer. Before the procedure of the nails you need to shorten as much as possible. Then it is important to remove the top layer, but the main thing is not to overdo it.

When saving, it is important to take into account the structure of the plate. On the side of the nail, an excessive force can provoke an infection and other problems.

How to give the right form

Many women are interested in how to cut the nails of the square shape. In order for manicure to look neat, it is important to first remove burrs and cuticle. We process your nails on the legs and give the desired form:

  1. First you need to cut the free edge of the nail. You can do it with scissors or bodies.
  2. Put the plate shape of the square using the movement of the peel strictly vertically and horizontally. You should not leave too sharp edges, otherwise the plate will be closed or cling to everything. To give the almond shape of the nail of the movement at the free edge of more smooth. It is important to remember that the carriage should not walk on the parties. Movements are carried out only in one direction and in no way.
  3. Then lower the legs in the pelvis with warm water and soap. It is necessary for softening organized skin. After that, take manicure tools to remove the cuticle. But before that, she needs to be slightly pushed away with an orange stick. At this stage, cuticle is neatly cut and all skinny particles of the skin.
  4. Give your feet dry. Then polish the surface with several nozzles. Apply a caring cream. The desired form is ready.

Saw square nails in your hands you need the same as on your feet. The movement of the tool is carried out on the right left. Natural nail plates need to be written only slightly. You should not remove too much length. If necessary, it is recommended to use scissors. Implement the procedure neatly with bright lighting. Recommended in accordance with the desired form. The length of the free edge should not be less than 2-3 mm. Otherwise, you can provoke inflammation.

Nails require regular attention. They need to cut and soak, feed with creams and paint lacquer. If necessary, to treat. And, it turns out, there are people who do not know how to properly chop nails. But this process consists of several stages.

Beginning - in choosing a sawn

Do not purchase metallic. They scratch your nails, why the latter are resolve.

The best option will be the one that has a diamond or sapphire coating. Such a file will not harm the nail plate.

To the question of her form: more often acquired rectangular. However, in order to round the nails or cut their corners, the sawo is useful, in shape resembling a banana. Only with its help will be able to achieve the necessary woman shape of the nails, to write them, without harming them.

If only the woman must have a abrasive layer consisting of very small grains. Those that are larger, are intended only for scorched. The rigidity is always indicated on the pail itself. The greater the number, the softer it affects the nail plate. Weak nails will require those that have values \u200b\u200bof 3 or 4 hundred. And they are fed to the saw with the value of stiffness less than one hundred.

Subscription process

In order to understand how to write and at the same time save them healthy, you need to remember the correct priority of actions.

The first stage will be preparation. Hands need to be washed and sound well. Remove the old coating from the nails, clean the space under them. Then wait for the moment when the nails are solid again. Usually it takes only a few minutes.

The second stage is to cut the nails. Cropped edge should be with sharp corners. That is how it will be possible to perform the task of how to cut the nails and do not bundle them. If you do not leave them, then there will be nothing to delete in the next step.

The third stage is the feeding itself. For maximum convenience, experts recommend putting hands on a flat surface. So best will be able to cope with the process and understand how to properly focus your nails.

Then you need to take a file and grind the sharp edge. Large load should have to middle nail. On the sides they are much thinner. Therefore, the nails need only slightly touching. Professionals are not advised to perform signing more often once a week, so as not to weaken the nail plate.

The fourth stage will polish. It is worth noting that it replaces the coating of varnish. Therefore, if it is planned to use it, then this step is to skip.

Here you will need a special file that you need to spend horizontally on the surface of the nail. Movement repeat no more than three times. Then take the smooth side of the tool and process the nail it. Again, the number of touches should not exceed three.

To combine care with the recovery, in this action you can drop the essential oil for each nail and only then begin to polish.

The fifth stage lies in the nutrition of the nail and the skin around it. This step is important for those who are concerned about to preserve their beautiful and healthy appearance. Special cream that moisturizes and will give food, you need to launch in the area around the nails.

How to put lacquer?

So, to hide the possible disadvantages. Bugish nails require the lacquer to be without a pearl. Under it you need to apply the basis. And the varnish itself must be a rich shade.

If the nail plate is very wide, then dark color will help visually narrow it. It is profitable for light varnish, because he pulls them out visually.

In order not to attract attention to damaged nails, you need to take advantage of a colorless varnish, which also has a healing property.

What form to give nails?

With this point you need to decide even before correcting the nails. And it costs to carefully look at the brushes and objectively assess their advantages and disadvantages.

If they are long and elegant, then the choice is simple. The form may be any depending on the state of the nails and the desire of a woman. But for chubby handles it is better to choose oval or almond-shaped.

The main forms with their features are described in the table below. There are also recommendations for their use.

Nail shape Features When to use what effect can be achieved
oval Is basic, does not require frequent feedingUsed on short nails and gives the hands of the elegance
square Forms practically straight angles with side borders of the nailLong fingers shortening
square-oval (semi-alone) No longer an oval, but not yet squareIs the perfect solution for wide nails, gives the shade of aristocratism
round Has more curved edges than the oval formAlso relevant on short marigolds
almontaleoid Even more curved oval, requires very careful feedingAt the notch of drama
triangular No bends at allUsed those who are increasing nails

How to give the nails with a sawmill?

The main rule: move from the edge to the middle, and always only in this direction.

If there is a question about how to write the pylon will need to be kept right.

To create nails having a rounded look, it is desirable to use a tool that is slightly curved. At the same time moving the pail is needed on natural bending.

Triangular is obtained from completely even spill of the nail from each edge. This procedure makes them very fragile. Therefore, it is not recommended to use this form.

Nails will not break if you choose a square shape for them. She is the most reliable.

Even strong nails can suffer and start to get out of frequent signs. This procedure should not be made more often once a week.

Wet nails can lead to the layering. It is better to wait for them to dry, than to treat.

Pilochka is one of the most important tools for a beautiful manicure. With it, you not only give the nail plate a beautiful form, but also contribute to her health. If you do not correctly, your nails can get lazy, the nails will not be a good form, etc. How to properly chop your nails?

That nails remain, there are several not difficult rules for the care of them. In addition to the right technique, described, it is very important to have suitable and. Every woman must know:

  • You can write nails only dry;
  • With special attention, refer to the selection of the nail file. Pay attention to abrasiveness, quality materials and how comfortable it is in use.
  • The best nail file is glass. The use of iron leads to a painful and fragile nails even with a clear consequence by all the rules.
  • You always need to write nails in one direction. It is impossible to change the direction described, so that it would not be possible to settle the nail solutions.

Common forms

Oval and almonds

They look good on short nails. The difference between these forms is that the almond has an acute vertex, and the oval only smoothly rounded.
Oval is very close to the natural form of nail. Such feeding is incredibly simple, the form is quite corrected. Starting the movement from the center, gradually moving to the edges of the line with neat rounded movements. The parties must be strictly symmetrical. Try
During the squeezing of the almond form, it is also necessary to observe symmetry. Try to pour the nail to the center ranging from the eldest nail place. Try that the form was pointed and when the desired angle will be reached, start to pour two sides starting from the center at once. Try to move the movement neat and gradually increase like a pendulum. Try to pour the same on each side. This is the strongest nail form and is able to withstand any load, if only nails are healthy.

The nail plate and make a classic manicure, knows every second representative of a beautiful floor. But there are a number of common mistakes allowed in home manicure, which subsequently negatively affect healthy nails. In order to avoid this, you need to know some tricks and features

A properly chosen file playing a great importance to nail care.

It is preferable to purchase ceramic or glass files. It is they who do not smear the nail plate when filling. Particularly carefully for the choice of pylbles must be taken to those who have delicate nails. How to cut this type of nails not everyone knows.

Wash free edge only with a fine-grained saw, moving in one direction. Metal peelings are considered very harmful to nails. In the process of lying, they form on the nail cut of the groove, which subsequently contribute to the bundle.

Types of Pilosch

Pilochka with paper base. They are usually disposable. Made based on paper and top covered with graphite.
Metal-based caps. This type is used only for solid and healthy nails, in other cases bundles are possible.
Plastic-based nail file. Excellent suitable for natural nails, does not injure when working. Also, these files do not require much care, they are sufficiently washed with warm water or disinfectant.
Glass saws. Excellent suitable for damaged and weak nails. The only drawback is that they are not too durable.
Ceramics Based Pilking. Apply to sealing free edges.

Tips on the processing of free edge and improving the appearance of nails

In order to look healthy and well-groomed, there are certain recommendations on how to improve your nails.
How to cut free edge:

  • keep a sawing right: four fingers from below, big on top;
  • observe the direction of movements, namely from the tip of the nail to the hole;
  • Move only in one direction.

In order to nails look more effectively, it is necessary:

  • length and shape of nails choose based on the shape of the fingers and the state of the nails;
  • remember that narrow and long nails visually reduce chubby fingers;
  • for long and narrow fingers, choose an oval nail shape;
  • nails the same length and shape.

In order for the nails to acquire a beautiful view, you must remember how to correctly give them the form and how to cut. Wrapped from the sides, only after that go to the end. In order to give the form of oval, you need to proportionally narrow the sides, after which the tip turn over.

What can not be allowed when screaming nails

There are some mistakes that allow girls by catching their nails.
How to properly cut the free edge, without harming the nail plate, as well as what you can not do when lying the nail:

  1. Use poor quality files, especially with diamond spraying.
  2. Repeat signing movements more than 10 times on one side.
  3. Produce signing movements from one side to another.
  4. Contact your nails too often.
  5. Pill nails covered with varnish.
  6. Saw nails after scolding your fingers in the water. Many girls, making nail manicure at home, quite often admit this error. It must be remembered that the nail is stepping exclusively before immersion in water, otherwise the risk of bundles arises.

How to drag nails

For novice manicure masters, these tips will be as impossible.

  1. I need to cut the nails, starting with the edge and gradually approaching the center.
  2. The movements of the peel should be directed along the nail, and not across, otherwise you can trigger fragility and detachment.
  3. When describing, follow the nail length. Do not allow one nail to be longer than the other.
  4. When signing a slightly rounded the nails at the edge so that they do not rush.
  5. Movement to produce smoothly, without pressure. Pillet is located so that the outer side of the nail is processed.

Polishing nail plate

Not many women know how to polish their nails properly.
Before you begin to polish, you need to cut your nails to the required length, remove the old varnish (if it is). Make a bath for nails, while in the water you can add either juice lemon or salt. These components will help to significantly strengthen the nail plate. Hold hands in the bath for about 10 minutes. After the skin fell apart, wipe the hands and apply a nutrient cream. After that, you can begin to polish the nails.
In order to secure natural nails, you need not a nail file, but a grinder. For the first stage, polishing will need a coarse grinder. With it, you need to remove dead scales, and then take the range and continue processing. Complete the polishing is necessary as the most upholstered side of the grinder, in order to give the nails well-kept look and shine. It must be remembered that it is not recommended to produce too soft nails polishing. If the nails are strong, such a procedure can be carried out more than once a month.
Thanks to such simple, recommendations can not only improve the appearance and state of natural nails, but also to contribute to their healthy growth.