How to make a baby to eat. Drip tears to a plate with semolina. Do I need to force a child if he does not want

I think that many of us are faced with such a problem. When literally every spoonful of food falls in the child almost to push.

And then the question "How to make a child?" It becomes completely not idle, but practical.

I will share with you my great experience and I will reveal many of the secrets that applied itself.

I will say right away that it is practically impossible if he doesn't want to force a child! 🙂 To this conclusion, I came, after watching children for many years.

And watched for whom. I have three children and there is already grandson. And I also managed to work ten years in kindergarten as an educator.

How to make a baby eat porridge

But now I want to remember my childhood. I am very small, of course, I do not remember, but according to my grandmother's stories - I ate disgustingly!

I was still not a year, and I have already managed to bring your beloved grandmother to white cation! Feeding for her, and for me too, turned into torture.

What only the tricks are not going to shove in my mouth at least one spoonful of porridge! She and songs sang, and flies, and birds showed, and tweethed!

And I still opened my mouth from surprise, she pour to me in her mouth and lined. But sometimes it did not work, and then everything around was smeared by me.

I do not know why I did not eat it then, but I remember why I didn't love porridge for five years. Manya Cashe came across lumps! They in me caused such attacks of nausea that from one species of manna porridge I became bad. And once I just poured the porridge from the balcony, for which I was very much!

I use these children's memories when I myself became my mother. And now I know perfectly well what

I came to the cooking manna porridge with full responsibility. Not a single lump should have been there! I always put a little salt in porridge and a little sugar.

I noticed that the sick-and-sweet porridge kids eat very badly. This, only, it seems that all the children love sweet.

My grandson from birth, sweet does not like. And in porridge, I put very little sugar. But add slightly cinnamon or vanillin.

And in the summer you can add berries in porridge. And tasty, and useful.

The grandson did not eat oatmeal for a long time. And I came up with such a move. He welded oatmeal, and in another room, but in order to hear the grandson, she began to talk to her husband, they say what a delicious porridge turned out. But the grandson, they say, we will not call - he still does not eat it. Worked the spirit of contradiction. Came running. From that day eats porridge.

In kindergarten I used other tricks, so that the kids would file. Since there were drawings on all plates, I arranged the kids competition "Who in a plate is faster than others will seem drawing."

Of course, it works only when children have beautiful plates. Competitions like them liked. Even those children who were poorly tried to distinguish themselves. This method I used for all thick dishes.

How to make a baby have sputtens

Very many kids eat vegetables. They do not like onions, carrots, cabbage. But the bow is so useful for the children's body! And the taste of dishes improves.

Therefore, when cooking, I cut the onions very finely, did not roasted, but cooked with the broth or extinguished. Then he did not swim by rags in a plate, but was well straded, and my kids were not seen. And I did not give a secret.

To teach children eating vegetables, I, that I just did not invent! Sugar sprinkled tomatoes, made men from cucumbers, stars cut out of the carrot. And with a green bow in general, a funny story came out!

When the children were small - I did not work. The money is catastrophically lacked, and so I wanted to feed the kids with something useful!

My daughter was a year old. I crumbled into a plate of green onions, stirred with sour cream, sat down. Put a daughter at the table, said: "Eat! There are many vitamins! " And she herself took up. Suddenly - loud crying!

I look - my daughter across the entire plate, onions risked all over the table, and I also managed to break every piece. She saw me and shouted through tears: "You deceived me! There is no vitaminos! "

When the daughter grew up, and together with her they prepared vegetable cocktails, and then treated the rest of the households. And no one could guess what they were prepared from. Here is a recipe of one of the vitamin cocktails.

Take 1/5 cup of beet juice ,? Glasses of cucumber juice ,? A glass of orange juice (or apple), add half a cup of boiled water, sugar, a little citric acid.

If the child sees the whole process of cooking, then such a cocktail, especially through the tube, he will drink with pleasure!

How to make a baby have soup soup

Working in kindergarten, I drew attention to the fact that the children soups eat well. But not all kids love when in the soup - large pieces of potatoes. Very often I had to knead the pieces of potatoes right in a plate.

And the baby eaten the soup. But if the child did not want - I did not make it. Of course, we were forced to feed the children. But I thought like this: let the child eating just two spoons of soup, but - with pleasure. And if you feed for force - it will break it out! And then the persistent dislike for soups will remain at the child for a long time.

How to make a baby eat meat

Many children do not eat meat. I think that this is due to the fact that meat is badly checked, the meat fibers remain in the mouth, already without juice and taste, and it causes the attack of vomiting.

And make a child to swallow it is impossible! In one case of my family life, I still have a shame.

When the son was small, he could not stand meat! I did not forced. But the husband put meat my son in a plate and demanded that he ate him. Even in the corner put the son when he caring a piece of meat in his mouth and could not swallow.

And I swore with my husband, and persuaded - nothing helped! Then I became unnoticed, so that the husband did not see, take away from his son what was once meat. And for lunch I tried to cook cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, chicken meat. By the way, chicken meat children eat with pleasure, especially - "legs".

The main secret. How to make a child there is everything!

I suffer with my children, a grandson came to feeding with all responsibility. I took into account all the mistakes and shortcomings. I began to teach it to a variety of meals even before a year. I tried that the new dish was flawlessly prepared.

And by type, and in quality. I, from five months old, my grandchild is such a tasty potato mashed potatoes that my adult son asked me to leave him a little "children's potatoes." Suggers cooked on chicken broth, add different vegetables, cereals there.

And then crushed in a blender. Grandson was ten months. We went to the clinic to the next medical examination. And when the pediatrician said that it was time to teach the child to a variety of food, I proudly said: "He eats everything!" 🙂

How to make a baby to eat? Well, at least you crasher! He does not eat anything at all and does not want!
In kindergarten, teachers complain that the child refuses to eat. And they beat him and scolded - nothing helps. How to make it eat? Doctors say that it is necessary to feed, it is necessary to force, otherwise the patients will grow. I do not even know what to do ...

Is it possible to force a child? What does violent feeding in childhood lead to?

Most of us have negative memories associated with violent feeding in childhood. Many people remember how even in kindergartens they were forcibly fed fish fat, they saw boiled milk with foam, forced them to eat liver, soyanka, boiled onions and many other dishes that caused disgust.

Did it justified such feeding?

Throughout the stage of development of humanity, food was the main lack of a person and its prey played a decisive role. It was precisely the addition desire for food that he managed a person and pushed him out of the cave - for development, hunting and invention of additional labor tools: copies, arrows, wheels, and today computers and iPhones, contributing to technological progress. In other words, the only desire for food ruled by us for thousands of years.

How to make a baby to eat? (photo: e-vvodit-v-vide-prikorma /)

PRESSED OTHER OF THE TEST YEARS, we first came out of direct nature management. Hunger does not bother us, food is no longer the main problem of man, all supermarkets are naked to failure, restaurants and cafes are almost at every step, at any time you can satisfy your desire to eat. Food has ceased to have a special value in the eyes of a person, we have satisfied with it and obesity has become a massive problem among adults and children. The once important element of our life began to occupy a secondary meaning. What is the excess food intake?

Our grandparents have grown in those long-standing military and post war times still have a special attitude to food, full, fed grandchildren for many grandmothers remain a priority goal. Such a look at the problem is outdated and today it is not operational. With the onset of the new, skin phase, the role of food in our life has changed. Today, nature does not control us through food, as it was before, each person had freedom of choice and will, and our desires, and not hunger pushing a person to work. Today we have little satisfying, we want to experience psychological satisfaction. Therefore, if earlier food was for the weight of gold and children forced to eat everything entirely, today there is no shortage in it, and there is no excuse for such action.


Forced feeding brings tremendous harm to a mental person. The very first additional desire for a person had a desire for food and from how a person takes and distributes food, all his relationships are built in society. Feeling hunger, we want to quench it, and quenching, we fill our desire and feel pleasure from it. If this process goes naturally, it is successfully fixed in the child's psyche and is transferred to other areas of life.

Forced feeding (photo: 6 / a7 / detail_picture_673266_71611708.jpg)

Ustuchi adults, it will be easier to implement other desires, while experiencing pleasure, as it was during the food process once in childhood. On the contrary, forcing the child there is against his desire, we violate the program of nature, which contributes to the most favorable development. Instead of pleasure, food begins to associate with suffering. Meal, the only shortage of a person ceases to be associated with pleasure and the child enshrines this feeling in his psyche. Already adults, he may experience problems with other benefits from life, because it cannot accurately determine where he expects the greatest pleasure. As a result, it takes not his own, not that for him has been deed in life - and mistaken.

How to make a baby to eat - excerpts from childhood

Remember the spilled tears above the semolina, the number of hours clamped in the kitchen is alone with a semide bottle. How much do you hatred for unloved dishes and painters who have forced all this? And this all forms our attitude to food, one of the main shortages of a person. A small child gets the strongest psychological injuries precisely from violent feeding. If you are wondering how to make a child to eat, then it is a mistake, to force it to eat violence. This leads to incomplete development.

Most modern parents overwhelm their children. At an early age, up to 3 years old, they try to shut their screams, tears or other problems with feeding. Not knowing the basic needs of your child and that food that is preferable to him, they are thereby harm. The best way is to listen to the desires of your child, not rumors and advertising.

"A spoon for mom, a pope spoon" - today it will not pass. Today, children have a much greater volume of mental, the volume of desires, which is no longer filled with food only, other forms of pleasure are needed. In the last phase of development, there was a need for a strong and powerful body, because physical work prevailed. Today, the work is preferable. Intellectual. Balance with violent feeding, we take away the ability to develop and adapt in the future. It will be wrong to copy the attitude towards the food of our grandparents. Those times have long passed, the child can like food consumed, if there is an opportunity, then it can be given an alternative to the choice.

Dassed in feeding (photo: 3 / 10acb584.jpg)

General Tips:

It is better to prevent you than conveying. Food must be associated with pleasure. Leaving the stomach a little empty, by 10-20% we are therefore preserving the desire for food, desire for action.

We must be grateful to food. From food, we get the second most pleasure, for this reason, many people take their dissatisfaction from life exactly through it. In stress, people pull to consume fatty foods, as it weakens the brain work, constant chewing also talks about stress, the inability to solve problems facing themselves. Most often obesity suffer the most adapted segments of the population, people who simply cannot realize themselves and enjoy. BUT pleasure - This is what moves by a person, you have to be content with food.

With a huge suggestion of goodies at every step, it is very difficult to abandon the temptation to eat something, then when we are not hungry, and still it is worth trying to avoid this temptation. Children very often strive to repeat the example of adults, very often consuming unnecessary food in the form of chips, candies and chocolates. Food consumption takes away the desire and attraction to life, fills it in the most natural way, without making any effort for development. In the modern age, we have much more opportunities to have the pleasure of a higher order.

It is advisable to form the right attitude towards food from childhood, and not to force a child to eat if he does not want. And if you grew up on this experience? There is always the opportunity to change your attitude to food. You can always feel deep gratitude within yourself, limit yourself to be consumed, feel real hunger and then fill it. Even as adults, we can again put ourselves under the management of nature, which will entail the best realization in life and as a result of greater pleasure from her. In order not to endure your preferences and desires for a child, you need to distinguish it by vectors, to understand his desires and preferences for food. Thus, you grow a healthy and full-fledged child who can fill their desire in the future.

"I don't want to eat! I do not like porridge! ..." familiar picture? Child harmful or really not hungry? Any situation arises due to any reasons. Consider what makes the baby give up food and how to solve this problem.

Situation â„–1. Your baby is a little man. He is slender, because parents are not fat. So children do not need a lot of food. What to do? All you need in this case is to consult with a children's doctor, control the weight of the child. And if it is moving, active and no deviations in health are active, then you should not worry about this regard. Just try to make the vitamins necessary for growth and development in the menu, and the food was useful.

Situation number 2.. The child protests. And here should first find out the causes of such behavior. They can rather different:

  • attracting attention (parents are engaged in their problems, much time give work and the child is almost not seen. And children, like flowers, require attention, love and care. The baby in this situation decides: "I will stop there, and parents will remember!") ;
  • overly strict handling of the child (adults "hold it in his mittens", and then sooner or later there is a protest response that the baby expresses its childhood ways: refuses to eat, does not want to sleep, "makes his works" in pants);
  • the opposite situation is the child in the family too indispensable and forgive any pranks, and since the children are developed internal justice, they want them to make adults and reacted by their practices, as in other families. What is the rest parents to respond? For refusal of food! What to do parents? The main thing is not to ask to eat, do not force, do not threaten the punishments, not to go on occasion, ignoring Chad's whims, and it is better to sit next to the baby and try to figure out the situation together. As soon as adults understand the cause of such behavior and adjust their behavior and attitude to the Chad - everything will be in place.

Situation number 3.. The kid at the table does not feel comfortable. Perhaps adults scold or punish him for the fact that the child cannot learn how to apply the knife and fork or neakuten during meals. And maybe parents all the time find out the relationship at the table? How to fix the situation? Adults should often praise the baby when he gets to eat carefully and encourage, and not to scold, when something does not quite go out. You can only exacerbate the situation and sow in the child's soul, at best, uncertainty in yourself.

Situation number 5.. Baby is scary. Basically, the feeling of fear is a neurotic reaction. It may be associated with something that the baby scared very much during food. For example, a bone of fish, which is stuck in the throat. How to help baby? Do not force to eat, do not shout, as it will only worsen the situation. Quietly talk, soothing the crumb, sit next to and eat the same dish that is offered to him. For children, it acts positively. If nothing happens, you should visit the psychoneurologist to get a professional advice.

Situation number 6.. "It's not tasty!" The child refuses to eat new dishes, and not even trying, declares that they are not delicious. How to prevent similar statements? Since childhood it is necessary to systematically enter new products into the diet. When cooking dishes, attract to this process and kid. What is cooked with his participation, he will definitely try. Fantasize, decorate the dish so that it has an attractive and appetizing look.

Situation number 7.. The child has never experienced a sense of hunger. He did not wait for dinner, the baby does not understand that the food can bring joy. And why? Yes, because caring parents constantly just push it into it before it is hungry. What to do in this situation? Try to make failures of food and do not feed the baby. Let it be just getting hungry! Create an unusual situation for him - there is nothing to cook for lunch, as the products are over, one potato remained. When the child is hungry, it will learn to appreciate food.

Famous pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky, gives parents the following tips:

  • to begin with, exclude harmful food from our own diet, do not eat it yourself and, naturally, do not let the kids (remember that the kids are trying in all of them like parents, and therefore copies their behavior);
  • observe the power mode: breakfast, lunch and dinner - at the same time;
  • do not allow children to dry out between meals, as it only "interrupts" appetite;
  • serve dishes for children in an attractive bright dish (perhaps it will be depicted by heroes from favorite cartoons);
  • origine decorate dishes (show fantasy, because the most ordinary scrambled eggs can be issued in the form of a smiling funny face);
  • do not figure out the relationship at the table, the meal must be held in a friendly calm atmosphere;
  • for the whole family, cook the same food, with time the child will get used to eat what everyone eats;
  • sweet juices between meals - under the ban;
  • take a baby with you, when you go to the shopping supermarket, choose products with it;
  • it is categorically impossible to force the power of the baby to eat, it will raise an extremely negative effect and will entail a resistant refusal of food.

Be wise, loving and patient parents!

Food on a schedule or when will it want?

We, adults, have already become accustomed to some particular way, but the body of children is much smarter, until he was taught to eat forcibly.

And how to make a child, when he does not have this need, and why? After all, if the baby is hungry, he will not refuse to eat.

True, another problem happens - when a child does not want to eat some products whose list is sometimes quite large.

In this case, it may be even dangerous to health - after all, the unwillingness to eat something is the reaction of the body, which has not yet fully matured digestive enzymes.


Two extremes - meals by the hour, in a rigorous regime or a completely free schedule, when everyone eats when he wants - wrong.

  1. In the first case, just, there may be problems with the refusal of food - the baby still does not have time to get rid of the following reception;
  2. In the second case, there is a risk of digestion - small children still need to remind that it is time to eat, and then will play and forget.
  • The weight and complex of the child do not depend on how good and often he eats. But the kid cubed as a child can be in adulthood to face food problems in adulthood;
  • Little phlegmatic, for example, can eat a little, but have a "right" weight, and an active choleric, with the same or even more food, will be thin;
  • The children's body requires exactly that in such a volume as he needs to maintain strength and health;
  • Breakfasting children threatens obesity and violation of metabolic processes. Retreat in adulthood will be very difficult;
  • And, if the reluctance to eat is associated with the immaturity of the digestive system, then much more serious health problems are possible. No need to force, with the time of Kroch, it will begin to have something, from which he used to refuse when his stomach is ready to take it.

How to force a child more if he has no need for such a number of food? And do you need?

  1. Each child eats exactly as much as necessary;
  2. Perhaps you just need to make food intakes more frequent, but offering a smaller number of food;
  3. Try initially not to give children what is considered harmful and knocking appetite. When a child does not know these flavors, it will not give up healthy food, leaking harmful sweets or chips;
  4. Let's all the delicious dessert when the baby was already ate and does not biss a lot of sweet (read the article when you give a sweet child? \u003e\u003e\u003e);
  5. If you want to follow the power mode, then stick not to very strict rules. For example, dinner is not exactly at one time, but about the main thing that the whole family is going to at this time to the table;
  6. The child should see that you all eat the same thing. Food habits are laid in each family in their own way, depending on what is customary.

How to improve appetite

If you see that your child, in fact, eats very little, constantly does not even feed a small portion, refuses many dishes, is an alarming mark.

But, even in this case, it is not necessary to force, it is better to first hand over a general blood test and see the level of hemoglobin.

Know! Conductible anemia is one of the frequent causes of a poor child appetite.

The child does not want to eat - how to make it, at the same time, without hurting?

I am not inclined to force children and never use such principles in working with children to correct food violations. The approach is always comprehensive, we work in several directions:

  • correction of the power mode;
  • we build the rules for meals;
  • we make actions aimed at activating appetite.

What can I do yourself?

  1. Determine what products the child agrees are always, and which, on the contrary, does not want at all;

Try "hide" unloved foods, such as mixed in potato mashed potatoes other crushed vegetables in a small amount.

  1. Perhaps you need to revise the menu;

It often happens that in school or kindergarten children eat better or worse than at home. Let the kid himself tell you what he wants for lunch or dinner - it will be easier for you, and the krook will get what he can eat without whims.

It only seems that he will ask for each day the same thing - the monotony will quickly get tired.

  1. Prepare together;

Ask the baby to grate the carrot on the grater or cut eggs on egg, roll out the dough, stir something. Wanted to try your own hands!

  1. Do not let any hour before the main meal, so as not to knock your appetite;

If you have to give, then let it be some kind of fruit or vegetables - something that will quickly digest and will not take the desire to eat tightly.

  1. How to make eating vegetables if the child does not like them?

You can try to offer vegetables in different ways and cut into different ways: a Christmas tree, cloths, thin strips.

Vegetables are better not to mix. Few children love vegetable salads. It is better to place vegetables on a large dish so that the child can choose what he wants at the moment.

  1. How to make it yourself?

While you feed the child and do not give him freedom in other areas of life - the child will not be independent.

Hand the cutlery, do something at the table yourself, motivating the fact that you are now busy hands and you can not feed it.

Consequences of excessive food eating

When we force children, they have a natural feeling of hunger and saturation. Moreover, we break the child's psyche. And so what can happen in the future:

  • Obesity;

The child gets used to eating uncontrollably much, he does not know how to stop, does not feel when he is really hungry, and when he eats just to chew something in a habit.

As a result, the weight increases and health problems begin.

  • Metabolism ceases to be normal;

Having matured, such a person even with a small number of food gets fat and get fat, can not gain normal weight and shape.

  • Another extreme - leaving in the "adult life", the child ceases to eat at all, eating himself causes disgust, after it was forced, Bulimia, dystrophy, exhaustion comes;
  • The man who in childhood was forced to eat is not able to limit himself in food, even if there are diseases, cannot keep a healing diet than aggravates the state;
  • There is a chance that a person with nutritional problems will give these harmful food habits to its children and already inheritance problems will be created.

Make a child is - spend your efforts and nerves. Learn to negotiate. Show on your example, as is done. Keep the word given to your children.

If you can not cope with a bad child's appetite yourself, please contact. An online course or consultation will give you a new vision of the power process and you will start moving towards a change in the current situation.

Lyudmila Sharov, Children's psychologist, consultant for donning and correction of the poor appetite of children.

Very often, parents face such a situation when the child refuses to eat partially or completely. Especially this problem is worried about grandmothers. Adults are experiencing that kids do not eat anything except candy (gingerbread, cookies, juice, etc.). In fact, the root of the problem is most often not in the health of the child, but in the wrong mode and upbringing. If you want a kid with pleasure to eat soup, asked additives and a Umal to a few potato mashed potatoes, you need to properly build food education that we will talk about today.

How to awaken the child appetite

Here are some rules that will help feed your child correctly, tasty and diverse.

  1. Do not force! First, no coercion. It is impossible to force a child, in no case. From the very birth, the body is experiencing hunger, as soon as nutrients ended in blood adopted with the previous meal. That is, the body himself says about when and how much he needs. In no case do not make a baby to eat, do not dance in front of him with a spoonful of porridge and, even more so, do not feed him forcibly. It may pour out serious psychological problems that will go with the baby in adulthood. Food is a pleasure and method of saturation, but no punishment.
  2. Mode. Install the day and power mode. After the child goes from breastfeeding to a shared table, it should eat approximately at the same time.
  3. No snacks! Exclude candy, cookies and other sweets, especially in the interruptions between the main meals. Do not be surprised that the baby refuses soup, if he ate a chocolateer hour ago.
  4. In order for the child to appear appetite - he must spend the energy that entered the body with the previous meal. For this, he must move. Ideally, outdoor. Walk with a child at least two hours, especially in front of the dinner. After such a walk, the baby is happy to eat the entire plate of Mamina Soup. At the same time let the child run, jump, climb. Do not take a cookie and sweets for a walk, prepare the soup in advance so that after arrival, you can easily feed the hungry child.
  5. Refusal of sweet drinks. Compote and juices can also be considered a meal, because there are a lot of sugar in them. In the intervals between meals from sweet drinks it is better to refuse only clean water. And compote off the compote as a dessert after soup and second dish.
  6. Kindergarten. Normal nutrition, oddly enough, contributes to kindergarten. Many parents admit that their capricious and eating children begin to eat normally only in the kindergarten. There are several reasons for this. First, there is a rigid discipline - all food intakes are strictly at a certain time. Secondly, in the intervals of no cookies and sweets - they are just nowhere to take. Thirdly, the collective plays the role - if all around with an appetite eat, the child will also begin to repeat the peers. Therefore, if your child does not eat badly, you need to try to give it to the garden, unless, of course, allows age.

The question "how to make a child is" - the root is wrong. It is impossible to force it, you need to awaken in the baby interest in food, it is important that he felt hunger. Then cooked dishes will seem much more tastier. But what if the child prefers to eat selectively?

How to feed a child diverse

Indeed, the problem of balanced nutrition is very acute. Many children do not like eating meat, someone refuses vegetables, others do not recognize fruit. However, doctors argue that the child's diet should be diverse. Every day he should have something meat, something dairy, some kind of fruit and vegetable, mandatory and cereals. This will provide a kid by the desired amount of vitamins. What if the child refuses meat or does not like vegetables at all?

  1. Many kids do not eat onions in any way. However, if it is finely cut and cook at least two hours in the broth, it will dissolve almost completely, the baby will not even notice it.
  2. In kindergartens, potatoes cut finely enough for one piece to fit into a children's mouth. But in this case, educators admit that the soup is not all. But if you crush the potatoes right in the soup, the kids eat a dish with much greater pleasure.
  3. It is quite rare to meet a child who loves meat. First, the meat is rather tough. To kid with pleasure it, it is necessary to cook cutlets and meatballs from meat. Moreover, you need to scroll through the meat grinder 2-3 times so that the dish is very soft. Add a little fat and onions to the mince for juiciness, prepare cutlets for a couple, serve them with hot, immediately after cooking. From such a delicacy, the baby will not definitely refuse.
  4. In order for a child with pleasure to eat fruits and vegetables, you can cut the shape of sprockets, men, animals and other figures. In general, creative feeding dishes is very important for a child, interest is usually heated appetite.
  5. Some moms admit that children do not want to eat fruits and vegetables in general, but they are happy to fly by pieces. That is, you need to cut pears, peaches, apples, bananas and other fruits in small pieces, put in a bowl and give it to the child. Sometimes mad delight causes independent use of fork. Try to give the child a fork with non-footing ends so that the baby does not hurt.
  6. If the child refuses to eat, try to give it in different ways. That is, sometimes one year old kids refuse food simply because they do not want to eat the usual puree from under the blender. Much more they like dishes with small solid pieces. This is called pedagogical dust, when new products in the diet of the child are introduced from the mother's plates.
  7. Prepare for a child tasty! Sometimes parents bother on proper nutrition for the child, although they themselves do not adhere to the established rules. If the baby is half a year with pleasure of the broccoli's pleasure, then do not be surprised that it will give up the green mass in three years. Harvester, add oils, a little milk and salt - that is, that the baby is really tasty.
  8. By the way, feed the child with meat easier if it is a chicken leg. Many children, for some reason they love them very much.
  9. Until three to five years, industrial sausages, chips, ketchups and the like dubious food are in the diet of the child. Understand, Mother's soup rarely benefit fight against sausages, so it's better to protect in advance from such food. The later the child knows what it is, the better.
  10. If the child completely refuses vegetables, you can smear and cook them juice. That is, mix the juice of carrots and apples, serve a baby with a tube or overgrown to the package from purchased juice. Often, children without seeing the cooking process, with pleasure they drink fresh juices. But remember, for a child under three years old, the juice needs to be diluted with water.
  11. You can use this technique. Buy a kid beautiful plate, at the bottom of which fabulous heroes or cartoon characters are drawn. Tell the child that he should soon eat the soup to say hello to his beloved friend.
  12. Do not cook the cereals overly prior - many children do not like it. Add sugar moderately, be sure to decorate the taste of a pinch of salt. You can add vanillin or cinnamon in the manna porridge. Do not allow the formation of lumps - you can form a disgust for the manna porridge for life. But the deliciously cooked porridge, children will be eaten with great pleasure.

And further. If the child does not want to eat, do not force and do not persuade it. You do not want to eat - do not, eat the soup later. But be unshakable - do not offer any alternative, otherwise the child will constantly manipulate you in terms of food. Talk to the senior home in advance. In the morning you have to say to the voice - porridge ready, who will be? If all adult households, including the older children, will be happy to run into the kitchen, the baby simply will not be able to stay aside! Put the child a little so that he can master the portion and enjoyed the taste of dishes.

If the child refuses any meal and is accompanied by such symptoms as pain in the abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, heartburn - you need to see the doctor as soon as possible. This may be a sign of poisoning or gastroenterological disease.

Is it always important to food?

Separately, I would like to say about low-road children, which are on breastfeeding. Often, moms complain that the kids are not very interested in the banging that they are constantly sucking, although there is nothing in it. In fact, many women only seem that there is no milk in the chest or very little. For late feeding (after a year), a situation is characterized when the chest is not very poured, but the milk is still produced in it. This suggests that the baby is fought. If you want to translate the crumb to the shared table, you need to think about the full or partial excavation from breast milk, when you offer the baby to the breast only after awakening and before bedtime.

Is it worth making a child if he is sick? Many women of the older generation are confident that it is worth it, because the baby "will not fight the disease." However, this is rooted incorrectly. There is such a concept - therapeutic starvation. This means that in the sharp period of many diseases, food will only aggravate the state of the baby, because the body is not able to digest food, all its resources are aimed at combating the disease. Particularly impossible to force a child with a cold and food poisoning. You can offer it a light broth or boiled rice only if he himself asks to eat. But this rule does not concern the water regime. Both with poisoning, and with ORVI, you need to drink much and the more, the better. By this, you are not only protecting the child from dehydration, but also help speed up recovery.

The attitude of a person to food and food behavior is laid in childhood. If you do not want to see the child in the future, with a lot of complexes and sores on the background of obesity, you need to instill a healthy attitude towards food. Tell me a teenager that his body is not a trash can, where you can throw everything in a row from soda to nuts and chips. Do not force a child to eat all that the plate is wrong. There is a need as much as you want, no more. The body reacts much worse to overeating than hunger. We are what we eat. And if the child wants to eat, he certainly will tell you about it, do not force children to eat. Nobody died from hunger and depletion in prosperous families!

Video: What to do, if the ribnok does not want to eat