What flowers to give a man for 55 years. Design and packaging bouquet. What plants are better to give

I say that you should not give flowers to a man if he is, if the reason for this, of course, did not become any other solemn event. If you still need to give a man's flowers, you should remember the color scheme. The win-win version will be a bouquet in purple, white, burgundy, and blue tones. The composition definitely should not be bows, ribbons, and in general accessories.

The man can give a modest Iquiban, it does not contradict the etiquette.

In fact, the "purely male" colors are not very much, but many are presented to men orchids, gladiolus, gerbera, daisies, carnations, roses, irises or dolphiniums. Often a bouquet is drawn up in a basket, and a bottle of good brandy and candy is added there.

Romantic Operations give the subject of his love one Aluu Rosa, and the reaction to this happens different. Some come in complete admiration, though someone falls into some perplexity.

What flowers of men want to get as a gift

On the anniversary, a man in solid age can give a bouquet of monophonic colors. Wildflowers are given, as a rule, at home. Some men prefer to receive as a gift not a bouquet of cut colors, but the "money tree" in the pot, they can then care for the plant. Another advantage of the live plant is the fact that he, in contrast to cut colors, does not start in a few days, but will remain for a long memory.

Selecting a bouquet of flowers for colleagues or boss, buy a bouquet in which exotic elements are made. The rules of etiquette approve such additives to bouquets. If a man is your bouquet, a bouquet of Emerald Call, composed by a professional florist will be as impossible.

For colleagues, you can pick up a bouquet of several types of colors packed in beautiful wrapping paper.

Before you give a man's flowers, you need to know it in advance to them. Some men belong to sharply negatively, therefore, they should not give them at all.

Men have plenty of a favorite holiday, when there are flowers in addition to gifts. You can give one and its choice can be any. Generally indicates that men like big flowers, and what they are larger, the better.
The mansion is scarlet roses, these are flowers for a very close person in age or for a loved one.

Universal selection of gift ideas for any case and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Determine the choice of gift

If you are familiar with a man relatively recently and have not yet sufficiently studying his tastes, it is best to choose a neutral birthday present. It can be the original set of luxury chocolate, set of towels, photo frame, etc.

You can give, let's say, a parachute jump (not suitable for everyone). Not everyone will understand such a present, but if you are sure that the gift will be accepted with a bang - why not? Just be sure to contact the tested office, agree in advance all the details.

Here is a flight in a balloon, a subscription to a visit to the elite gym - already more applicable to the case gifts. If you want to do any particularly unusual and pleasant surprise - seek help to his relatives, friends, ask about his desires and hobbies.

Remember that the originality is good in moderation, otherwise you risk being "incomprehensible."

Go to one of the most ambiguous gifts a man - colors.

We are going for a birthday to a man - the choice of a bouquet

When we are invited to the men's birthday or some significant event, many begin to fluctuate, not knowing how to give men to men.

So in our society it was that flowers usually give exclusively ladies. However, there are dates for which come without solemn colors will be simply indecent.

When you need to give flowers to men:

  • On the anniversary
  • On a filmmaker
  • Promotion
  • Publication of Articles
  • Publishing book
  • Sports record
  • Concert or theater Premiere

50 years

Choosing a bouquet for 50 years, emphasize the solemnity of the date. It can be red roses, plumes, luxurious carnations, gladiolus and gerbera. Packaging is very important, it will help to emphasize the rigor of flowers and give them status. If the budget allows, then it is better, of course, turn to a professional florist who will create an elegant and original present for you.

So that the flowers look luxuriously and do not embarrass the culprit of the celebration, attach to them elite alcohol, cigars or a book - then your gift will definitely not remain unnoticed and incomprehensible.

Flowers are given on professional holidays to the head, the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, handing literacy.

60 years

Going to give flowers for 60 years, give preference to the burgundy, blue or green colors gamut. Callas, lilies, orchids will, as it is impossible, by the way for such a date.

If you still doubt the decision to give flowers, you can prevent the original modern bouquet in the form of a set of alcohol, expensive chocolate or food set.

Certain situation

Sometimes a bouquet can be chosen if you know about ... human hobbies.

The avid fisherman will be appropriate to give a fun basket that will demonstrate your humor and will give beautiful emotions to the birthday man.

A luxurious composition of fresh roses will demonstrate a man's special attitude towards him. It can be given to the anniversary of the wedding, anniversary or congratulate with an increase in position.

There are situations where you cannot personally attend an important event of a loved one or a respected person. A bright status ohaper colors from gentle carnations will demonstrate your location to the perpetrator of the celebration and will allocate you against the background of other guests.

I hope that this article was useful to you and, gathering to a man on an important event, you are not confused with the choice of the right present

And if you yourself want to make a composition, then look this video. The girl very affordably explains what and how:

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Sincerely, Anastasia Speeva

Choosing a bouquet - the task is sometimes no less complicated than the choice of gift. And if the flowers are designed to a man, the number of questions only increases. What kind of flowers to use in the composition and how to make it necessary to make a bouquet of truly male? How to connect style and harmony into one? You will be helped by the tips of florists and your heart.

With the question of what flowers give a man, you can always turn to an experienced florist. However, it is enough to know a few simple rules, and the choice of a bouquet will no longer seem such a serious and difficult task. And if you even thoroughly think out the details, add songs with bright individuality and put your soul into it, then such a gift will surely melt any men's heart.

Draw flowers to a man

What associations are associated with each of us with flowers? This is primarily beauty, admiration, special solemnity. So why sometimes we teach men with such great gifts and confessions and believe that a bouquet is too female? Why doubt whether to give flowers to representatives of a strong half of humanity? After all, it is precisely such a gesture that you can not only emphasize your respect for their courage, but also to express love, to show attention. And not always for this you need to wait for a suitable reason or festive date. After all, creating a mood and give positive emotions and just like that. And believe me, these moments are always stored in the memory longer than everyone else.

Features of a male bouquet

It is believed that male makes a bouquet of several criteria at once, it

  • The variety of colors in a bouquet,
  • Petal color
  • Composition form
  • Laconic design.

When choosing a composition, it is important to take into account not only the reason for the presentation of colors, but also the age of being beloved, its tastes, habits and even its temperament. For younger men, it is customary to choose flowers with lighter petals, for the elderly - with darker. Connoisseurs of originality in everything can be surprised by cuff and unusual shape, and traditional adherents - the style of the flower arrangement.

What a bouquet to choose

For the composition, plants are usually chosen on a long stem - roses, calves, carnations, gladiolus. Winning will look in the male bouquet of gerbera, irises and orchids. The originality will give him plumery, anthuriums, heliconia. For different occasions and situations, different color schemes are used, but it is better to choose darker and rich shades - burgundy, red, blue, purple. However, it is important to feel the face and not overdo it with the gloomy. In one bouquet, it is advisable to use flowers of one color. The form of composition is often the determining point. Elegant severity and elegance, elongated clear lines, the lack of excessive pomp - all this makes a bouquet of solemn and at the same time very stylish. The packaging should not only correspond to the color scheme, but also add the completeness of the entire composition.

And the most important thing is to give flowers to be sure to sincerely, from the soul. A well-chosen bouquet will be the best addition to your emotions and look.

We often find ourselves in a difficult position when we need to give flowers to a man. Tips for all cases in such a difficult question can only give us a floristry - a complex science, taking into account the many nuances.

For a long time it was considered that the flowers can be given only to women. To date, the situation has changed somewhat, although some stereotypes still remain. In European floristry there are no differences between the male and female bouquet. The floral gift is addressed primarily by the person, a person who wants to express his feelings.

What flowers can be given to a man and how not to put it in an awkward position, giving him a bouquet of flowers? Will we look stupid, seeing that our bouquet led him in bewilderment? And why are we so rarely give men flowers and do not even know if they like it or not?

Floral etiquette There is a lot of hundreds of years and for a number of moments has not changed so far. There are two rules for presenting colors: "Bouquet and a reason" and "bouquet and personality". They must be very clearly observed if you do not want to get into an awkward situation.

For men of your family, relatives and close friends, the etiquette and reason, for them, flowers are the manifestation of your love and appreciation.

For the rest of men: colleagues at work, your chief, business partners, just good acquaintances when choosing a bouquet for celebrations, compliance with the rules of etiquette.

The flowers for men of this category are given only, due to some solemn event. It may be a birthday, anniversary, getting award, otherwise, when a man is a culprit of any celebration. Without the reason, these men are not presented with these men.

Flower etiquette rules

Never choose a bouquet man just because he liked you.

The male bouquet is complicated even for many florists because of a large number of nuances, so when it is elected, it is better to turn to professionals.

Design male bouquet

Form of a bouquet

The shape of a bouquet for men should be a pyramidal form, a triangular version is allowed, strict clear lines are kept in the bouquet, a certain aggressiveness should be viewed. Do not use plants with hanging down stems, it is desirable to limit also splash and fluffy branches.

A bouquet for a man should have some phallic symbolism, long stems, large leaves and elongated buds. All this should remind the arrow rattled up. Flowers are large, with severe inflorescences of the same size.

A greens are used that supports flower design and herself has a geometric shape, for example, fern leaves, asparagus, monster, bamboo.

Design and packaging bouquet

Male bouquet does not imply design lace elements, sparkles, decorative bows, beads. An exception can be a tape from natural material, jute, but in no case is not satin. Flowers can be tapeled, and experts do not advise her to unleash even when setting a bouquet in a vase in order not to destroy the bouquet microclimate.

The use of baskets for flower compositions involves a round date of the jubilee or the official award procedure.

Bouquet color

The classic of a male bouquet is the use of one type of colors in a monophonic range, although today florists make up a male bouquet and from different color shades, even contrasting.

The color of the bouquet is adjusted by age and the temperament of the birthday man, as well as on its position in society. People of the older generation are chosen by restrained, inhabitant tones, young more will suit the scatter of bright colors. For phlegmatics, quiet colors are suitable, and cholerics - combinations of contrasting shades. Green leaves must be present for the framing. For those who have consisted of solid men, flowers are selected with dark colors.

Colors must be saturated: red, purple, orange, white, burgundy, blue. There should be no sharp color transitions, excessive varnotes. The best option is the monobucts, the flowers are chosen in one species and a single color scheme. In 2018, ultraviolet is recognized as fashionable color.

What flowers are a man fit

Men are suitable flowers that symbolize reliability confidence, striving for success. They even should emphasize manhood and dignity with their form and appearance. For a male bouquet, small buds and fractional inflorescences are not suitable. The time passed when the only flower that could be given to a man was considered the carnation. Now the list of men's colors is large enough.

  1. Orchids, come to classic anniversaries with lots of guests as the personification of luxury, wealth, sophistication, to underline the charisma of the jubilee
  2. Calla - a great bouquet for the boss, perceived as a recognition of merit and a sign of respect
  3. Georgins of dark purple paints - the expression of gratitude to the teacher or attending a doctor
  4. Roses of dark color Bordeaux and white good for congratulations to creative personalities as recognition of their talent, suitable for all anniversaries with round dates
  5. Gladiolus of any color suitable for professional holidays for colleagues
  6. Tulips, daffodils, carnations hand over veterans and young people on holidays of the year, which celebrates the whole country
  7. The gerberas consider a sign of loyalty, they are given on birthdays, the bouquet is collected from the gerberas of two colors.
  8. Chrysanthemums are suitable for corporate holidays to express goodwill and prospects for cooperation
  9. Irises - a male flower, he is given to a man who sympathizes, respect, such a bouquet is good when celebrating the end of the project

When choosing a bouquet, focus on 4 criteria:

  • the purpose of the prevention of a bouquet, otherwise what emotions want to express
  • reason and match your bouquet of this
  • age,
  • character and life preferences.

Symbolics flowers

Flower Symbolism
Dark Bordeaux Roses Love, passion
Hyacinth Curiosity, unpredictability
Iris Courage, courage
Anthurium Good luck symbol, happiness - Flamingo flower
Amaryllis Inaccessibility, elixir love
Lotus Health, wisdom
Strelia Masculinity, Bravery, Victory Bird
Gerbera Optimism, fun
Basil Dislike, disgust
Aster Sorrow, the memory of the dead
Orchid Luxury, elegance
Ginger Symbol of men's power
Gladiolus Arrows Jan.
Lily Hope, devotion
Calla Charm of Mira

Persis for presenting bouquets for men

  • Birthday
  • Round date anniversary
  • Handing diploma, grant
  • Corporate party
  • Defender of the Fatherland Day
  • Ninth of May
  • Presentation of scientific work, protection of dissertation
  • Victory in a sporting event (Olympiad, Championship)
  • Retirement
  • Presentation of the author's work in the field of science, literature, painting
  • Premiere of the film, play
  • Creative concert of singer, poet, musician

Flowers in a pot

Recently, it became fashionable to give flowers in pots, although some argue that this is a bad solution. It is believed that the pot with crude land attracts the death that the one who gives the flower to gives his adversity and problems a new owner, and if the flower was called, then wait for the disease or separation.

The flower in the pot is given only by prior arrangement and give a coin for him. Men are better than such a gift not to do, the only possible options are: mini tree bonsai, exotic flower Anthurium - male happiness and lemon tree.

Bonsai grows only in wise people, Anthurium gives male strength, lemon tree affects the microclimate of the room, and lemons are wonderful delicacy to tea.

Flowers accompany us all their life, used to express emotions, improvement of mood, creating a romantic atmosphere, celebrating important events. They can make us happy and sad, help confess to love and thank you. Flowers - a great addition to a gift and know the basic laws of floral etiquette need everyone, especially if you give a bouquet of flowers to a man.

There is an opinion that floral gifts give only women. But this setting is incorrect: representatives of the opposite sex also love to receive flowers. However, you need to remember some nuances so that the floristic composition for surely liked the young man. Bouquets may look completely different, and it depends on many factors: the age of the man, his preferences, the occasion for the gift, as well as the originality of the donor.

Selection of shape and color composition

There are no rigid framework limiting in the choice of color palette, shapes and types of plants. The only thing that is worth paying attention is that young people do not give round bouquets or those that waterfall fall down. This should be either a vertical composition, or an incorrect form composition. Often the choice is made in favor of large floral baskets.

Registration will depend on what the event is planned. On the birthdays, they give some bouquets, at the awards ceremony - completely different. If a person decides to prevent a bouquet as a gift on the anniversary, then the age of the birthday room is also taken into account. For example, classical compositions are given on the 50th anniversary, and on the 20th anniversary, you can choose something original, unusual, extraordinary.

If the reason for buying colors is sad, then the component of the bouquet must be appropriate. The funeral is given to the carnations and they are not decorated with anything, in extreme cases we are tied up with a dark color ribbon.

A bouquet can be chosen and based on the character of a man for which it is intended. Bright and powerful personalities give plants with burgundy or aluminum buds. Calm and phlegmatic - pastel or monophonic compositions without bright elements. You can also give exotic plants: banksis, shooting, anthuriums.

How gently call guy

Reason for gift

The reasons for the gift of the flower gift are always different. In some situations, it is not at all: the girl can also buy a bouquet for his beloved without reason, at least it is not done.

In this case, causing anything, without any restrictions: roses, tulips, lilies, chrysanthemums, peonies, asters and so on.

Familiar men on February 23 should be given a discreet bouquet. It can be arranged in a transparent or colored cellophane, a canvas fabric or to bandage the stalks atlantic ribbon. It is undesirable that a festive gift looks in extraordinary, especially if there is no friendly relationship with this young man. Otherwise, it will not appreciate the ingenuity and originality of the donor. So it is desirable to give preference to the classic versions of bouquets from the carnations, Call, Orchids, Georgin, Chrysanthemum.

On the anniversary and birthdays, flowers are chosen on the basis of the recipient's age:

  • For 20-30 years. An excellent gift for a feast of a young man is an unusual bouquet with detailed design. Example: Estoma in a large round box with inscriptions or print.
  • In 40-50 years, there should be no problems with the choice of colors. You can prevent almost any. It is recommended to give lush compositions of purple, burgundy, purple shades. You can arrange in some subject style associated with the hobby of the birthday room.
  • For 55 years or 60 years, a great gift will be a basket with flowers. Its ideal filling will be dark roses, lilies, dahlias.
  • And at 70 years or 80 years old, the exotic compositions are not quite appropriate. An ideal gift will be a bouquet of ASTR or chrysanthemums decorated in transparent packaging or wrapped with satin ribbons.

Eustoma - the perfect gift to the young man

A bouquet in dark purple or lilac colors will be good gifts for middle-aged men

The second version of the floristic composition in cold shades

Basket with flowers and gifts for the 50- or 60th anniversary

Magnificent chrysanthemums will delight an elderly man

You can give both motley and monophonic bouquets. But it is important to work on the combination of shades: all plants constituting a bouquet must look harmonious with each other.

How many roses you can give a girl

What is not accepted?

As already mentioned, there are nuances that do not follow. When choosing a bouquet for a male representative, you must pay attention to the following:

  • The form. Men do not give round compositions or vertically falling down.
  • The presence of bows, ribbons and other decorative elements. Usually bouquets are drawn up in a weathered style. The decor is allowed only when the gift is thematic. You can decorate flowers with ribbons, but they should fit into the composition and be relevant to about occasion. Bows, rhinestones and sequins are not used even for packaging.
  • Plant species. Young people buy almost everything except meadow flowers and cream roses. Sometimes they are used to add a floristic composition, but separately do not give.

If the donor is convinced that the culprit of the celebration needed exactly a bouquet of meadow colors round shapes with bows, he can present him and such a gift.

Recommendations are common and fulfill them optional. Draw a man certain plants or decorate them with a sparkler - this is not a bad tone. If the donor knows everything about the tastes of a young man who is designed a gift, and close to him, then it is necessary to prevent him from the fact that he will definitely appreciate independently of general recommendations.

Original ideas for holidays

Men give flowers in pots, but quite rare. To buy such a gift only in cases where a person is very passionate about the botany.

If a festive event is scheduled soon, and the guest wishes to impress the culprit of the celebration, then the following ideas will be able to help him:

  • Food bouquet. In cases where a man loves fruit, sweet, tea, coffee or something in this way, you can make a composition only from boxes, cards with congratulations and decorations, wrapped them in foil or, if it does not work, putting it in a basket. The meaning of the idea is that all items look entirely, imitating a flower bouquet.
  • Bouquet and with flowers, and with other elements. This option is different from the first thing that plants are combined and other gifts. It is also important that the composition looks entirely. It is worth focusing on a combination of colors or forms. If a young man loves alcohol and disassembled in it, then you can combine plants with a bottle of good brandy or whiskey. It can be any other subject.
  • Flowers with a hidden gift. It will look like this gift just like an ordinary bunch, but a surprise will be hidden in it. Inside, you can put a clock, jewelry or envelope with monetary bills folded in half.

Food bouquet

Bouquet with flowers and other elements

Bouquet with a monetary surprise

Composition with a hidden gift inside

No need to be shy to show originality when choosing a gift. A man in any case will appreciate the idea and an extraordinary approach to congratulations. If you do it with your own hands, you can not turn to a specialist . Decorator Florist will be able to embody the idea of \u200b\u200blife more professionally.

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