What cereals can children eat after a year. Steam fish cakes. Nutrition for children from the year. Healthy baby menu

This age limit is considered the period of adulthood. The kid is taught to eat on his own, to handle cutlery and gradually join the table of adults. And yet the child's menu after a year should still be separate. We will learn about its components, portions and dishes, the recommendations of pediatricians on this matter.

Approximate diet of children after a year: what is possible, what is not

Until one year old, the mother introduced her baby to a variety of "adult" products. These are cereals, eggs, cottage cheese, sour milk, vegetables, meat, fish, fruits and juices. The kids already know what soups, meatballs, casseroles are, and have demonstrated their taste preferences. So, for example, children simply do not want to eat certain types of cereals, while others eat with great pleasure.

When planning a children's menu, mom should take into account the boiling down of food. So, for example, during cooking fish loses 35-40% of its weight, and meat - up to 30%. Processed vegetables lose up to 35% of their weight in their raw state.

At the beginning of the second year of life, mashed potatoes and cereals should prevail in the children's menu, since the children still have few cloves, and it is difficult for them to chew solid food. Gradually, the fineness should change. Vegetables must be very boiled. Porridge should be given in its usual form, and not chopped in a blender, as before. They should be present in the diet every day, but fish and meat should be given to children after a year 5-6 times a week. When a child has more than 8 teeth, he can already be offered steam cutlets, dark bread.

Up to one and a half years, the acidity of gastric juice is still unstable and insufficient. That is why proteins should be dominated by tender, mainly dairy, and not meat. As for sweets, which many mothers are in a hurry to acquaint their children with, nutritionists generally do not advise offering children under 2 years of age sugar and confectionery. And dentists support them in this. Closer to the age of two, you can give honey, marmalade, dry biscuits, jams, if you are not allergic to such products. Those mothers who have a genetic tendency to allergies in the family should be very careful - it can also manifest itself in the baby. Also, do not give children rich soups and borscht from the common table. And offal at this age is also not desirable.

As for the nutritional regimen of babies for a field of a year, the optimal is 4-5 meals a day with a single portion of food of 200-220 ml, which increases from one and a half years to 300 g.

At the same time, it is recommended that children be given cottage cheese, eggs, cereals, vegetables, milk, herbal teas, fruit drinks for breakfast. Lunch should preferably consist of soup, a second course in the form of vegetables or porridge with meat or fish balls, the third in the form of juice, compote. An afternoon snack for children of this age should be dairy, or you can offer fruits and cookies. Dinner is porridge, curd soufflé or yoghurts, fermented baked milk, vegetables, berries. It is not recommended to give meat and fish to babies in the evening. The maximum amount of protein should be at breakfast and lunch, that is, in the first half of the day. Hot liquid dishes must be present on the menu for children after 12 months.

Pediatricians always emphasize: it is better to underfeed a child than overfeed. And if a mother or grandmother constantly shoves the so-called last spoons into the child, then obesity cannot be avoided. No need to force feed children. It is necessary to focus on the age norms of consumption of certain products per day.

Pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky emphasizes: what a child gets used to eating up to 2 years old simulates his diet for the future. It is the mother who lays the foundations for a healthy diet for her child. And his lack of appetite is more often a pedagogical problem than a medical one. In such cases, the children's doctor advises to skip one feeding and give the baby the opportunity to "work up" his appetite without snacking.

Child's menu after a year: recipes

By experimenting with products, their combination, the way of cooking and serving, mom is able to diversify the children's menu. Focus on your child's taste preferences, but also do not forget about the benefits and likely harm of certain foods and dishes.

To start somewhere, we offer you some simple recipes that will not take a lot of time and effort to prepare. We would like to remind that it is recommended to serve only all dishes for the little ones freshly prepared.

Milk soup

So, you can make milk soup for breakfast. You need to take 20 g of oatmeal, 100 ml of boiled water and 250 ml of skim milk. Pour the flakes into a small pot of water, bring to a boil, and then pour in the milk. The soup is cooked for 15-20 minutes. After the end of cooking, a teaspoon of butter and a little salt are added to it.

Meat casserole-soufflé

For lunch, you can prepare a meat soufflé casserole. To do this, you will need 1 medium-sized potato, 40 g of chicken or turkey mince, 4 tbsp. skim milk, butter. First, the vegetable is boiled, kneaded and mashed after adding milk. Stew the minced meat for 10 minutes. Then grease a baking dish with butter. Lay the minced meat in the first layer, mashed potatoes in the second. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes.

Quick meatballs

Cook 350 grams of minced meat and let it stand at room temperature for a while (unless the kitchen is very hot). In the meantime, chop half a small onion (and you can do without it, but in this case, the meatballs will noticeably lose their taste in finished form) and add it to the minced meat along with 1 chicken egg. Season with salt, knead well and, if necessary, add a spoon and a half flour.

While the water is boiling (it needs to be salted), form the meatballs and put them in boiling water. Cook for about half an hour and take out with a slotted spoon. These meatballs can be served with vegetables or other side dishes, cooked into a delicious sauce, or added to vegetable soup.

Cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole

While the oven is heating up, prepare the dough. Beat until smooth cottage cheese (500 g), sugar (3/4 cup), sour cream (175 g), a pinch of vanillin and salt. Beat in 3 eggs one by one, stirring the dough thoroughly after each. Add 4 tsp. semolina and stir.

Pour a little more than half of the curd mass into a baking dish. For the rest, enter ¾ st. pumpkin puree and cinnamon on the tip of a knife. Spread the pumpkin dough over the plain curd.

The casserole should be baked for about 40 minutes at 160 degrees. Then let cool at room temperature and cool in the refrigerator. Serve with sour cream.

Bon Appetit!

Specially for -Diana Rudenko

In the life of a child who is one year old, a lot is changing, including nutrition. Now the baby will use completely different products that he has not tried before. And many children at this age generally tried little other than mother's milk. But if your child is one year old, this does not mean that you need to feed him everyone. After all, a young body needs to get used to ordinary food, and it will do this gradually. The nutrition of children under one year old was replenished every month each time, but now mommy can introduce even more products.


It is advisable to feed the child after a year according to the established regimen. This is important and pediatricians recommend feeding by the hour. What is it for? So that a conditioned reflex is formed in the baby, and the body knows how quickly it is necessary to assimilate food and after what time the next meal will come. There may be some deviations from the norms established by the mother, but not more than twenty minutes. It is recommended to feed the child 4-5 times a day. If in the future you plan to send your baby to kindergarten, then schedule his meals so that the time frames coincide at least a little.

So, there is an approximate scheme for calculating the time for feeding a child per year.

Breakfast should be arranged at about half-past eight. Make sure that by this time the baby is already fully awake, stretched and washed. After four hours, lunch can be served. It is advisable that your child be outdoors before dinner. Then the food is absorbed faster, and the appetite, as you know, is much better. After lunch, children usually go to bed.

After a nap, about half past four, you can have a small afternoon snack. But remember that it doesn't have to be a huge portion of porridge or other food. It's good if mom makes a curd casserole or offers fresh yogurt. And the last meal, dinner - at 19:00. It is possible that after dinner the baby does not eat anything, and after evening games and water procedures he goes to bed. But if your child does not sleep well at night, wakes up closer to the morning and simply does not fall asleep well, then it is better to give him a drink of warm milk before going to bed.

Nutritional norms

If you follow all the nutritional norms for the child's diet per year, then the mother is supposed to know that her baby should consume no more than 1200 milliliters of food per day. Why is volume measured in such units? This is due to the fact that the food of such small children has a predominantly liquid consistency, only small lumps are allowed. Next, let's try to figure out what the diet should consist of for a child at 1 year 1 month.

Fermented milk and milk products

It's no secret that dairy products are the basis of the diet of a one-year-old child. Such products are very high in protein, which is necessary for strengthening bones, as well as for the health of teeth, which not everyone has during this period. Milk contains a high concentration of carbohydrates and fats. Fermented milk products are also extremely necessary, because the living bacteria that are contained there have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora and improve the digestion process. And we cannot do without cottage cheese and cheese, where there is quite a lot of calcium, which we need so much. However, you need to be careful with these products and do not give cheese and cottage cheese more often than once every three days.

There are children who have an intolerance to cow's milk. It is better for them not to give dairy products at all until they are 2.5 years old. A good substitute is milk powder, which simply does not contain whey.


Cereals are another source of minerals, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. You can cook a variety of cereals from cereals, which will be not only healthy, but also tasty, especially if they are cereals with milk. As for their varieties, children who are underweight are recommended to cook semolina more often, but buckwheat and oatmeal are considered the most useful. But semolina does not contain so many nutrients, and some babies have an allergic reaction to it due to the gluten content.

If your little one has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then include rice porridge in the baby's diet 1 year 3 months and older. But remember that there are not many vitamins, so it is better not to give it every day. But it is better not to give corn porridge to those who have stomach and stool problems. Since it contains starch, which causes fermentation. Although this porridge is absorbed quite well, but only after prolonged cooking.

Fruits and vegetables

The baby begins to taste fruits and vegetables even before twelve months. However, when the child turns 1 year and 2 months old, the food changes slightly, and vegetables and fruits begin to be combined with cereals. For example, you can add slices of banana to oatmeal or simply cook pumpkin porridge with milk and rice. And also fruits such as strawberries, apricots and plums can already be given. But start with small doses, as strawberries can cause allergies, and plums and apricots are not always normal for the stomach. However, it is necessary to provide products of natural origin. They contain a lot of fiber and vitamins that your crumbs need so much.

At this age, you can already offer your child legumes: peas, lentils and beans. But keep in mind that the fiber in them is heavy and often causes not only bloating, but also diarrhea. These vegetables need to be boiled well and then mashed. Don't give legumes more than once a week.

Meat and fish

When a child turns one year old, development and nutrition is impossible without fish and meat. These are indispensable foods, which are high in protein, phosphorus and other substances that are essential for the baby. As for meat, you can cook steamed cutlets, soup with meatballs, meatballs from it. Try to compose the menu in such a way that the baby eats meat products in the morning. This is important, since proteins of animal origin will be absorbed much longer in a child's body.

If before you gave your baby only rabbit meat and beef, now you can already include lean pork. But it is better to abstain from the meat of waterfowl for now. And also it is better not to feed the crumbs with sausages, smoked meat and sausages.

There are no less useful elements in fish, but it must be given with caution, since some children have an allergic reaction. Choose less oily types, such as hake or pollock. Pollock is also good because there are practically no seeds in it. The baby should eat the fish no more than twice a week. Try not to give just boiled meat. Steam fish cakes, meatballs. It is allowed to give caviar, but in limited quantities. After all, it can also cause an allergic reaction.


As strange as it may sound, eggs are among the strongest allergens. If you have already tried giving egg yolk before and redness was noticed in the baby, then at the age of one you can repeat this attempt again. After all, eggs contain a lot of useful substances, and the most important of them is protein. If after the first use there were no side effects, then it is worth including this product in the daily menu. You can just give boiled eggs, or you can add them to various dishes. If you show your imagination, you can find a lot of different delicacies: scrambled eggs, cheese cakes, pancakes and much more. Never give raw eggs to children.

For the child's diet per year, quail eggs are considered more useful and they can be safely given instead of chicken eggs.


Oil is another must-have product that needs to be given to the baby. But most importantly, not after heat treatment, but fresh. And this requirement applies not only to butter, but also to sunflower oil. The first can be a part of cereals or can be smeared on bread, and the second is a good salad dressing or one of the ingredients in soup.

Flour and sweet

Bread can be given to children, and preferably white, because it is much better absorbed. And try to refrain from spoiling your toddler with cakes, sweets and chocolates. From sweets, preference is given to marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade. These products are the easiest for a child to eat, they contain few dyes and harmful substances, and some even carry considerable benefits.

Sugar is recommended to be replaced with fructose, but it is not necessary. Honey can be given as a delicacy, it is not only tasty, but also very useful. However, you need to be careful, as this is one of the strongest allergens. The first few times you need to give honey in a minimum amount and observe the reaction of the body.


Children, like adults, need to drink a lot. However, at the age of one, they are not yet able to explain to their mother that they are thirsty. And parents, for some reason, forget about this fact and then are very surprised when the baby is very naughty, although he ate, slept and recently went to the potty. Therefore, to make life easier for both yourself and your baby, pour some water into a bottle, which you place next to the baby so that he can drink on his own at any time. Give the crumbs boiled water, not too strong tea, you can cook various compotes. It is best not to give juices or other purchased sugary drinks.


You can draw up a menu for feeding a child a year, which, of course, will be approximate, since each baby has its own characteristics, but the overall picture should be just that.

There are children who, after a year, still continue to eat their mother's milk. For them, the menu will be like this: in the morning you can breastfeed, because you have enough milk during the night; then you can offer the baby porridge, a little butter, which can be added there, and 1/2 of the yolk; and for dessert, make fruit puree and a little juice. The next meal will be the most dense: some kind of vegetable dish, such as soup, to which you need to add a little vegetable oil and a few meatballs. You can also make a steamed cutlet with minced fish or minced meat. And wash it all down with fruit juice. The next meal will be light and quite tasty: cottage cheese, some baby cookies and fruit puree, and you can wash it down with a fermented milk drink, such as kefir. And before going to bed, to better sleep, you can give breast milk.

For those children who no longer eat mother's milk, the diet will be slightly different and some meals should be more satisfying.

Several good recipes

  • Puree soup. You will need a few sprigs of cauliflower and half of one potato. Vegetables need to be peeled, rinsed, cut into pieces and covered with boiling water so that the water completely covers them. They are boiled over low heat until cooked. Next, the vegetables need to be turned into mashed potatoes and a few teaspoons of cooked rice prepared in advance are added to them. All this needs to be poured with broth and put on fire to boil a little. Don't forget to add a little salt and a little sour cream.
  • Rabbit cutlets. One hundred grams of rabbit meat will be enough for you, which you need to grind using a meat grinder. Separately, the bread is softened in water and mixed with the resulting minced meat, and then this mixture must again be passed through a meat grinder. After that, you can add a little more water to the minced meat, form small cutlets and steam them until fully cooked.

  • Fish pudding. You will need some boiled fish fillets and the same amount of minced fish. Bread softened in milk is added to the minced meat. After that, the fillet and minced meat are mixed, half of the yolk and a little butter are added. After mixing thoroughly, add half of the protein and mix again. The resulting mass is laid out in tins and steamed.

Although everyone recommends that the menu be made up mainly of mashed potatoes for feeding a child at 1 year old, you need to gradually move away from this. The child should get used to eating lumpy food. Indeed, at this age he already has teeth and is able to chew small pieces. And it is important to accustom the baby to this in time. And do not be lazy to cook meatballs, cutlets, cheesecakes, let's gnaw slices of fruits and vegetables.

No need to fry a year. For his body, such food is still too heavy. Continue to cook, simmer, and steam. These are the healthiest cooking methods. In addition, steamed food retains a maximum of useful substances that are lost during other types of thermal processing of products.

For many parents, feeding a child at 1 year old is difficult, because the baby is growing and requires adherence to the feeding regimen. Correctly selected products and a menu calendar will ensure the growth and development of the baby in accordance with the norms. It is worthwhile to take a responsible approach to the choice of ingredients and the menu so that the child does not experience a lack of nutrients.

The diet of a child at 1 year

According to Dr. Komarovsky, the diet of a one-year-old child, according to the norms, should smoothly approach that of an adult. How to feed a child at 1 year old, pediatricians will tell you - give food mashed with a fork, mashed potatoes, vegetables and fruits in pieces. Meat and fish are served with stews and goulash, flour pancakes and pancakes are added. It is better to follow the feeding schedule five times. In the morning, according to the menu, you need to eat meat and fish, and cereals and milk in the late afternoon.

What can you eat

The feeding scheme, which includes information about what a baby can eat at 1 year old, looks like the recommendations of pediatricians. Here is what doctors advise about the menu for a child at a year old:

  • meat - rabbit, lean pork, veal, chicken, turkey, liver and tongue;
  • eggs - chicken, quail;
  • fish - cod, pike perch, hake, sea bass;
  • fats - eat according to the norms;
  • dairy products - yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream in soup;
  • cereals - buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina, rice, millet, corn;
  • pasta;
  • drinking regime - clean water, vegetable and fruit juices, compotes, weak tea, decoction of mint, fennel or chamomile.

One year old child's menu

Pediatricians have developed a menu for a one-year-old child with recipes for a week. It was based on the observance of the nutritional value of the dishes. All food on the menu for the day contains the right amount of vitamins. The table-graph shows an approximate menu for a child per year for a week, excluding drinks and bread - they should be given for every meal, except for an afternoon snack:


Milk noodles, omelet with cheese,

Broccoli puree soup, fish meatballs, cherry juice, green pea and potato puree, bread

Milk pudding, cookies

Cauliflower puree, cottage cheese

Liver pate with potatoes

Pea soup, meat soufflé, carrot puree,

Milk, cheese pie

Baked apple, mashed potatoes

Oatmeal, cheese sandwich

Vegetable soup, vegetable salad with fish, mashed potatoes

Kefir, applesauce, cookies

Cottage cheese with milk, carrot puree

Semolina porridge, omelet with cabbage

Spinach soup, lazy cabbage rolls, vegetable puree, pancakes

Sour milk, cookies

Banana pudding

Rice pudding

Cabbage soup, meatloaf, mashed potatoes

Kefir, cookies, apple

Cottage cheese, beetroot puree with apple

Pear pudding

Chicken puree soup, turkey cutlets, courgette sauté

Milk, bun, fruit

Cottage cheese, mashed potatoes


Herring pate with potatoes, cheese cakes

Cheese soup, chicken cutlets, zucchini pancakes

Kefir, apple, crouton

Semolina porridge, omelet

Dishes for children from 1 year old

The diet, schedule and menu for a 1-year-old child have been developed taking into account all needs, so parents should look for a special recipe with a photo for cooking meals for a week and a month. This will help you make the right soup, porridge, or casserole. With recipes, there will be no problem with how to feed the baby. If he is allergic, it is worth choosing a weekly hypoallergenic menu.


  • Cooking time: half an hour.
  • Servings Per Container: 1 person.
  • Calorie content: 174 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: author's.

An excellent breakfast option according to the schedule is cereals for children for a one-year-old child, which are prepared in milk or its mixture with water. This is a great start to the day, which will give your baby strength and mood for the whole day ahead. Grains contain slow carbohydrates that keep you feeling full for a long time. Prepare the recipe for semolina porridge with dried fruits.


  • semolina - 30 g;
  • water - 125 ml;
  • milk - 125 ml;
  • fruit - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil a mixture of milk and water, add semolina in a thin stream, stirring vigorously.
  2. Close the lid, cook for 3 minutes, let it brew for 10 minutes. Add fruit slices.
  • Cooking time: half an hour.
  • Servings Per Container: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 197 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: author's.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

Another menu option that tells parents what to cook for breakfast for a one-year-old baby is Hercules oatmeal. It boils quickly, has beneficial properties and contains valuable nutrients. It is not necessary to sweeten it - additives in the form of fruit pieces or honey are suitable, if there are no allergies or rashes to the latter.


  • oatmeal - 30 g;
  • water - a glass;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • fruit - 30 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the water, add salt, pour the flakes crushed in a coffee grinder in a trickle. Cook for 10 minutes, pour in the heated milk.
  2. Boil, cook for 2 minutes, add fruit.

Dairy dishes

  • Cooking time: 45 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 1 person.
  • Calorie content: 200 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: author's.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

Serving dairy products to children after a year is best in the form of cottage cheese casseroles and soufflés. The following recipe will tell you about the secrets of making a cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits, which is ideal for an afternoon snack or part of a dinner. The result is a delicious appetizing dish that will appeal to a child of any age, not just a one-year-old.


  • cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • granulated sugar - 30 g;
  • semolina - 50 g;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 10 g;
  • raisins - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Steam the raisins, mix with the cottage cheese crushed with a fork, beat in the egg. Sweeten, add semolina, put in a mold.
  2. Grease the top with sour cream, put in the oven at 180 degrees. Hold for half an hour.
  • Cooking time: half an hour.
  • Servings Per Container: 1 person.
  • Calorie content: 111 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: author's.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

Another option for telling parents what to cook for breakfast or afternoon tea for your baby is milk soup with spider web vermicelli. Your child will appreciate the treat if you include it on the menu on a regular basis. Pleasant taste, rich nutritional value and fast food preparation will please even adults. It's easier to cook soup in a slow cooker.


  • milk - half a liter;
  • vermicelli - 3 tablespoons;
  • butter - 3 g;
  • sugar - 10 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour milk into a bowl, boil in a multi-cook or fry mode, add butter, sugar, noodles.
  2. Cook in multi-cook mode for 10 minutes.

What kind of fish can you

  • Cooking time: half an hour.
  • Servings Per Container: 6 Persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 220 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: author's.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

Fish dishes for children from one year old should be prepared from non-bony fish, preferably sea fish. It is healthier than river and has a high content of omega polyunsaturated fatty acids. You can steam it, lightly fry it in batter, or cook it in a slow cooker. The last cooking method is used in this recipe, which many will like.


  • trout fillet - 1 pc .;
  • quail eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • mineral sparkling water - 50 ml;
  • flour - 10 g;
  • olive oil - 10 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the fillet into pieces, dip in a batter of water, milk, eggs and flour.
  2. Heat oil in a multicooker bowl, fry the pieces for a couple of minutes.
  • Cooking time: half an hour.
  • Servings Per Container: 1 person.
  • Calorie content: 111 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: author's.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

Parents who don't know what to cook for their child's lunch will love the inclusion of a fish soufflé on the menu. It has a soft, airy texture, has a pleasant aroma and is easy for children to chew. You can cook it in a slow cooker or oven from any sea fish. Better to take sea bass or cod, because they are not as bony as other breeds.


  • sea ​​fish - 100 g;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • oatmeal - 10 g;
  • milk - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Steam the fish until tender, remove the bones, put in a blender bowl. Purée with yolk, milk, cereals, salt.
  2. Add the whipped egg white, arrange in the tins.
  3. Place in oven or double boiler, bake for 20 minutes.

Check out other delicious recipes too.

Soups for children

  • Cooking time: half an hour.
  • Servings Per Container: 10 Persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 92 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: author's.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

First courses for children from 1 year old differ in a wide variety, because you can cook meat soup or lean one. A tasty option would be a soup based on Brussels sprouts and broccoli, which is distinguished by its vitamin composition and bright attractive color. It is best to take fresh food for him, but in the absence of them, ready-made frozen mixtures are suitable.


  • Brussels sprouts - 350 g;
  • broccoli - 300 g;
  • tomatoes - half a kilo;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • bell peppers - 2 pcs.;
  • rice - 100 g;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • parsley - a bunch.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the rice until tender, remove the skin from the tomatoes, chop, coarsely rub the carrots. Cut the bell peppers into strips, disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences, chop the greens.
  2. Boil water, add all food ingredients, cook for 15 minutes. Purée with a blender, warm up.
  • Cooking time: 2 hours.
  • Servings Per Container: 10 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 82 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: author's.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

Borsch with beans will be a tasty and satisfying option of what to cook for a one-year-old child for lunch. The easiest way to do it in a multicooker is to get a mass saturated with aromas. You can serve the soup ready-made, but it is better to puree it with a blender - this makes it easier for the child to eat. If you are allergic to any of the components, it is worth excluding them from the composition of baby food.


  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • white cabbage - a third of a fork;
  • beets - ½ pcs.;
  • water - 1.2 l;
  • lemon - ¼ pcs.;
  • beans - a glass;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the beans overnight, boil in the morning for an hour. Coarsely grate the carrots with beets, sprinkle with lemon juice, cut the potatoes into cubes, chop the cabbage. Peel and chop the tomatoes.
  2. Add all the ingredients with a whole peeled onion into a multicooker bowl, add water, cook in soup mode for 45 minutes. Remove the onion, purée the food with a blender.


  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings Per Container: 8 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 192 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: author's.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

It will be easier for a one-year-old child to cook meat if you know a few healthy recipes. One of them is chicken schnitzel with an egg, for which you should take a chicken fillet and scroll it through a meat grinder. Instead of poultry, you can take lean pork, and for a more tender texture, chop the meat with a sharp heavy knife. Roasting is carried out in the oven.


  • chicken fillet - half a kilo;
  • quail eggs - 8 pcs.;
  • chicken eggs - 1 pc.;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • crackers - 20 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the fillet, combine with breadcrumbs, chicken eggs, cheese, mix the minced meat.
  2. Form cutlets, put a boiled quail egg in the center of each.
  3. Bake in the oven for half an hour at 190 degrees.
  • Cooking time: half an hour.
  • Servings Per Container: 5 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 118 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: author's.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

How to feed a child, the following idea of ​​making delicious liver pancakes from chicken liver will tell you. They cook quickly, have a delicate taste and are great for transitioning to an adult menu. To make the offal even softer, it can be pre-soaked in milk or water, but you can do without this, because it does not taste bitter like pork.


  • chicken liver - 200 g;
  • onions - ½ pcs.;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • semolina - 10 g;
  • flour - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Make gruel with a blender from liver and onion, add an egg, add semolina with flour.
  2. After 10 minutes of infusion, form the pancakes, bake in a double boiler until tender.

After the baby has crossed his first age limit and he is one year old, a new stage in his life begins, including more and more innovations, including in nutrition. A one-year-old baby is no longer considered a baby, although breastfeeding can and should be continued up to one and a half to two years. Nevertheless, the child's menu at 1 year old includes new products, it is more varied than the previous food.

Ready for "solid food"

The digestive system functions well, with sufficient production of digestive enzymes in all parts of the gastrointestinal tract. This makes it possible to assimilate complex, multicomponent dishes, which six months ago were too tough for him.

By the way, about the teeth. By the age of one, the crumbs can be counted up to 10 pieces. This means that the quality of chewing food has improved and there is no need to grind everything in a blender and bring it to the state of pudding. The child will chew coarsely chopped food or even whole food (for example, carrots) with pleasure and interest.

Surely the baby already has his own preferences: he will gobble up the dish that he likes without a trace, and spit out the one he does not like mercilessly. Therefore, the main task of the mother is to continue to show her culinary abilities in order to diversify the nutrition of the child at 1 year old, to make it useful and desirable for the baby.

Do you need a regime?

It is believed that five meals a day are suitable for a baby up to one and a half years old. However, if you see that this is too much for him, it's time to switch to an adult regimen, which includes breakfast (25% of the daily requirement), lunch (35%), afternoon tea (15%) and, of course, dinner (25%).

It is best to feed your baby at the same time, approximately 4 hours apart. This regime contributes to the development of a good appetite, and also favors the timely release of digestive juice, which is so necessary for high-quality digestion of food.

Do not give sweets, fruits or anything else between feedings, which will spoil your appetite and it will be more difficult for you to feed the baby. Let's consider, by food group, what should be included in the diet of children after a year.

Milk products

Fermented milk products are a staple food in the diet of a toddler. She should be present on the table every day and be adapted to the age of the baby. Due to kefirs and yoghurts, the work of the digestive system is naturally normalized, its peristaltic properties are activated, and flatulence is eliminated.

Kefir 2.5% fat is suitable for children. But yogurt can be different, depending on its purpose:

  • drinking - milk yogurt in the classic version has a fat content of 2.5 to 4.5%;
  • milk-cream (fat content from 4-7%);
  • creamy (10%).

Kids love yoghurts and kefir

As for cottage cheese, after a year, some replace children's cottage cheese with adult fat-free cottage cheese. It is better not to do this and wait a few more months, since in ordinary cottage cheese the protein component remains a heavy food for children's digestion, which creates a load on the kidneys. From the point of view of storage safety, it is also better to buy special curds for children. Cottage cheese is given every day at 70 grams or every other day at 140 grams. A favorite delicacy of all children is cottage cheese casserole.

It is not recommended to give cow's milk at this age due to the high risk of allergic reactions. Acquaintance with him is advised to postpone until two years. Butter is used as an additive to porridge in a very small amount - 12 grams per day. You can add low fat sour cream and cream to dishes.

Meat and eggs - their place in the baby's diet

Meat should be included in the daily diet of the toddler. It is still better to cook with dietary meat: turkey, beef, veal, lean pork, rabbit, chicken. In the menu of a growing child, there should be meatballs or meatballs, as an option, pudding from these products in the amount of 100 grams.

Duck and goose meat, as well as lamb, are still difficult to digest, so if you give them to the baby for a test, then in smaller quantities and not often.

The role of eggs in the nutrition of a one-year-old baby can hardly be overestimated. They are rich in amino acids, easily digestible proteins, vitamins A, E, D, group B, phospholipids, macro- and microelements. For children, they choose quail and chicken eggs. They are used for steaming or hard-boiled omelette. Soft-boiled eggs, like raw ones, are not given for two reasons: firstly, in order to avoid contamination with salmonella, and secondly, they are harder for a small organism to digest.
A whole egg every other day or half a day is recommended. In addition to an independent dish, eggs are added when cheese cakes or pancakes are prepared.

Fish day

It's good if you have a day of the week in your house when fish is served instead of meat, say, on Thursdays. For a baby, a portion of 30-40 grams is enough, but without it, the diet will not be complete. Like meat, it is a source of building protein, contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, iron, useful minerals, iodine and phosphorus, B vitamins.

The first fish that the kid gets to know is, of course, from white varieties, lean, seafood. Pollock, hake, tuna, cod or horse mackerel are perfect. Steam cutlets are prepared from it, baked in steamed pieces. By the age of one and a half, you can taste red fish.

Soups and cereals

Porridge, which was one of the first in the children's diet, remains in demand throughout the entire time. The already familiar buckwheat, oatmeal, rice porridge can be cooked not finely chopped, as during the first complementary foods, but ordinary, but well-boiled. Sometimes you can boil pasta as a separate dish, or fill your soup with it. But do not give them often, since pasta is an easily digestible carbohydrate.

It is good to add a little oil to the porridge.

In our country, it is customary to eat hot liquid dishes for lunch. They also teach kids to do this. However, there are rules here:

  • soup or borscht is prepared mainly in vegetable broth or, less often, in secondary meat;
  • use a minimum of salt when cooking;
  • up to three years, they do not put bay leaves, bacon, hot peppers, smoked meats in the soup, do not fry;
  • children under 5 years old should not eat mushroom soups and broths;
  • it is not necessary to offer the baby cabbage soup with sauerkraut or sorrel soup until the age of three, they negatively affect children's digestion.

Bread is also a necessary product. The amount eaten per day should not exceed 100 grams. Until a year and a half, it is better to give preference to white bread, later - rye.

What drink?

The basis for drinking any person, including a small one, should be plain water. Bottled baby water is no doubt better than boiled water. If the child is still breastfed, then he is lucky, because he continues to drink a valuable drink called mother's milk.

From time to time, you can cook a dried fruit compote for your child with a minimal addition of sugar or on fructose. It is very useful to introduce jelly into the diet of crumbs after a year. The starch, which is part of its composition, covers the body's needs for carbohydrates, this drink does not interfere with zinc and iron to be absorbed properly. Kissel recipes can be found in the notebooks of mothers and grandmothers or on the Internet. Here is one of them.

Milk kissel for children

  • 200 ml of milk;
  • a teaspoon of sugar;
  • 15 grams of starch;
  • vanilla sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons of fruit syrup.

Bring 150 ml of milk together with sugar to a boil. The remaining milk is diluted with starch and added to the boiling milk in a saucepan, stirring the mixture continuously with a spoon. Kissel is cooked over low heat for about 5 minutes, after which the pan is removed from the heat, vanillin is added and the contents are poured into glasses. Top with syrup.

The child will most likely like jelly.

Children are also allowed to drink herbal teas based on chamomile, mint in small quantities, and fennel. Children under three years old are prohibited from drinking carbonated drinks, even water.


Is it possible for children to have sweets after a year? Even necessary! The fact is that a reasonable (up to 40 grams per day) consumption of sugar at this age becomes the prevention of an acetone state. Therefore, introduce your kid to berry mousses, marmalade, marshmallow and marshmallows. It's too early to give chocolates, honey - you can try, but with caution due to its high allergenicity. It is important to make sure that dessert remains a dessert and does not replace a full breakfast or dinner.

Fruits and vegetables

Fresh vegetables and fruits are an integral part of baby food. If you are not allergic, you can taste a little seasonal berries and fruits: strawberries, cherries, red apples. Among vegetables, the kid already knows a lot: zucchini, potatoes, cauliflower. You can add carrots, broccoli, while preparing boiled purees.

If your child is not yet familiar with pumpkin, now is the time to do it. Pumpkin contains a huge amount of beta-carotene, which is useful not only for the eyes, but also for the growth of bones, strengthening the immune system, and normalizing digestion.

Pumpkin dessert

Because pumpkin is high in fiber, it is easy to digest. 100 grams of this orange fruit contains the daily requirement of beta-carotene for children. For children, they make pumpkin puree, soups, cereals, desserts from it.

One of the menu options for a day


  • oatmeal or buckwheat porridge - 150 gr;
  • compote or milk - 100 ml;
  • bread and butter - 15 gr + 4 gr.


  • vegetable soup - 100 gr;
  • mashed potatoes - 100 gr;
  • veal meatball - 40 gr;
  • tea with milk.

Afternoon snack:

  • kefir (drinking yogurt) - 100 gr;
  • banana - 100 gr;
  • cookies 20 gr.


  • omelet - 100 gr;
  • bread - 10 gr;
  • cottage cheese casserole - 100 gr;
  • kefir - 100 ml.

Thus, at a steady pace it will approach an adult. Try to cook as little as possible separately for your baby and other family members, because steamed food will be useful for your whole family, and you will have more free time.

Often parents, as well as grandparents, tend to pamper the baby with “something tasty”. Unfortunately, healthy foods do not always play the role of delicacies. Meanwhile, food preferences, which largely determine human health, are formed in childhood. How can you help your child avoid unhealthy food cravings and develop a taste for healthy food?

Let's talk about proper nutrition for a child after a year. In addition to the fact that food intake replenishes the energy costs of a 1-3 year old baby, covers his need for nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), vitamins and minerals, he also performs an educational function, instills good manners in the child and develops his aesthetic taste ... It is important to teach your baby to eat right from an early age, because it is during this period that taste preferences are formed. If time is lost, it will be difficult to change something in the preferences of the baby. In other words, if a child is not taught to eat fish or vegetables at this particular age, in the future he may not like these products, or if the baby gets used to the high content of salt and sugar in food from childhood, this will form his further wrong taste preferences.

Of course, it's best not to teach your child to eat unhealthy foods from the beginning. It is from us, the parents, that the baby learns what salty or too sweet dishes are. Breast milk has a slightly sweet taste, milk formulas are mostly bland or tasteless, the first complementary foods also have a natural taste of the products themselves. And what do many mothers and grandmothers do? They add salt or sugar to food "for taste", believing that this way the baby will eat them more willingly. This should not be done: from the point of view of a healthy diet, food does not need additional sugar or salt.

It is advisable to start revising your family diet towards a healthy diet even before the baby is born or immediately after his birth. If you have not already done this, it's time to start at least a year, because the baby learns to eat, looking at how and what you eat. It's not that hard to go for a healthy diet. Yes, food with little salt and spices will seem tasteless at first. But it will take a couple of weeks, or even less, and the receptors of the tongue will become more sensitive to the natural taste of products and it turns out that it is very bright and original.

What should be excluded or limited?

Sweets. Sugar and all products that include it: confectionery, ice cream, sweetened juices - it is not recommended to give a child under 3 years old at all. This also applies to chocolate. In addition to the fact that chocolate contains a very large amount of sugar, it also contains too much cocoa and various additives, which very often cause allergies in children.

Alternatively, you can offer your baby marshmallow, fruit marmalade and marshmallow: they do not contain sugar, and fructose (fruit sugar found in fruits and vegetables) gives them a sweet taste, which is good for the body.

In principle, herbal tea with sugar or jam can sometimes be given to a child as a treat, but in combination with other food, sweet is strongly contraindicated. Eaten with starches or proteins, sugar causes putrid fermentation and discomfort in the baby's stomach. Honey in moderate quantities does not cause such reactions, therefore, if there is no allergy, 1-2 teaspoons of honey can be added to tea, porridge or when preparing a dessert.

Berries with sugar are much less harmful than just sugar. The fact is that during storage, the enzymes of berries and fruits convert part of the sugar into fructose; moreover, such mixtures contain many vitamins. But all the same, jams, jams and other "live" sugar-based products are foods that you need to eat a little: no more than 3-5 teaspoons or 7-10 berries from jam in the form of a treat and not every day.

Salt. Ideally, almost no salt is used in baby food. The norm of salt for children 1-3 years old - up to 3 g per day - is about half a teaspoon, and for the taste of an adult, children's products should be undersalted. Excess salt causes fluid retention in the body, which leads to increased stress on the kidneys and blood vessels of the child. Usually, when cooking, the child's food is not salted - the salt contained in the products themselves is enough.

Crisp potatoes, salty crackers, some cheeses (which have a salty taste) and other salted foods are excluded from the baby's menu.

Mushrooms. In the diet of a child under three years old, foods such as mushrooms are not allowed: they are very difficult to digest in the intestines. In addition, mushrooms, like a sponge, absorb a huge amount of heavy metals, toxic and radioactive substances. This can make the child upset or poisoned.

Seasonings. To improve the taste of food, you can use seasonings (from a year old - parsley, dill, basil, cilantro, and from 1.5-2 years old - garlic, onion, sorrel). It is better if these seasonings are prepared independently: dill, cilantro, basil and parsley can be dried or frozen, green onions can be grown on the window almost all year round or bought fresh, fresh garlic should be added finely chopped to ready-made dishes.

Store spices, and especially their mixtures, are not used in baby food. The fact is that such sets of spices often contain, in addition to herbs, salt and flavor enhancers such as monosodium glutamate. This substance is involved in the transmission of impulses in the central nervous system, has a pronounced stimulating effect and is used in psychiatry as a medicine. Foods high in glutamate are both physically and mentally addictive. This flavor enhancer is the cause of diseases of the digestive system, such as gastritis or stomach ulcers, and has been shown in experiments to have a negative effect on the brain and retina. Children who often eat foods with monosodium glutamate complain of headaches, heart palpitations, muscle weakness, fever; also monosodium glutamate changes the hormonal status in the body. And it is contained not only in spices, but also in fast food products, sausages and smoked meats. A large amount of this food additive, as well as dyes and salt is found in chips, crackers and various snacks. In addition, they contain a large amount of so-called empty calories, which cause false feelings of fullness and obesity, discourage appetite, and do not bring any benefits to the body. The method of their preparation - namely, frying in boiling oil, which is used repeatedly - leads to the formation of a large amount of carcinogenic substances in the product. The same applies to other dishes that are prepared using a similar technology, for example, French fries, the use of which is generally unacceptable for a child.

Vinegar, peppers, tomato sauces, mustard, marinades, and other hot or sour condiments are designed to "enhance" the taste of food. They do an excellent job with the task, but at the same time they strongly irritate the digestive and excretory organs, interfere with their normal functioning and contribute to the development of many diseases, therefore, these seasonings are unacceptable in the diet of young children. It is also unacceptable for a child to use mayonnaise: it is a high-calorie product, more than 65% fat. It is high in sodium and cholesterol.

Roast. Everything fried for a child under 3 years old is prohibited, because this type of processing produces toxic and carcinogenic substances (from Latin cancer - "cancer" and genus - "causing" - chemicals, the effect of which on the body under certain conditions causes cancer and other tumors), especially when the fat from the pan is used several times. Many toxic compounds are obtained by heating vegetable oils. Ruddy crusts, so appetizing and tasty, are extremely difficult to digest and contribute to the development of gastritis (inflammation of the stomach), colitis (inflammation of the colon), ulcers, liver and kidney disease. Plus, fried foods are high in fat.

How are baby food dishes prepared?

Food for a child over a year old is prepared in several ways:

1) boil; this applies to the preparation of vegetables, meat, eggs, fish, cereals and cereal side dishes. After cooking, depending on the age of the child, the food is crushed into more or less large pieces, kneaded with a fork;

2) steamed (vegetables, meat or fish cakes, omelets). For these purposes, modern steamers are very convenient, which retain most of the vitamins;

3) baked in the oven, in a sleeve, foil. In this way, all kinds of casseroles, fish, meat and vegetables are prepared;

4) for children over 2 years old, light frying of products in vegetable oil, and then stewing is allowed. In this way, you can cook fish, meat goulash, cutlets and meatballs.

Margarine... The diet of a baby under 3 years old should not contain margarine, artificial fats, lard and foods cooked with them. Margarine is a mixture of animal and vegetable fats subjected to hydrogenation - saturation of fatty acid molecules with hydrogen atoms. Mutated molecules of fatty acids, the proportion of which in margarine reaches 40%, increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, disrupt the normal functioning of cell membranes, contribute to the development of vascular diseases, and negatively affect the formation of sexual function. Lard is a refractory fat, its digestion requires the release of a large amount of digestive enzymes of the pancreas and liver, which leads to their overstrain and breakdown. This can be manifested by diarrhea, nausea and abdominal pain.

Sausages... Meat processed products, which include all sausages (both boiled and smoked), as well as smoked, dried or dried fish, ham, smoked brisket are also unacceptable in baby food. Smoked meats contain a lot of irritating substances and salt, they quite noticeably "hit" the digestive and excretory organs. In addition, these products contain a large amount of dyes, flavors, food additives and the previously mentioned carcinogens.

Canned food... Canned meat and fish (if these are not specialized children's products, but ordinary "adult" canned food from the nearest store) are saturated with salt, pepper, vinegar and various preservatives. They should not be present in the nutrition of children. The same applies to homemade preparations, which usually contain a lot of spices, salt, vinegar or aspirin, which have an extremely negative effect on the functioning of the baby's stomach and intestines.

Baking and confectionery... It is worth limiting (but not completely excluding) foods such as buns, buns, pies, and ordinary cookies from the child's diet. They contain a large amount of calories, sugar and, if consumed regularly, can lead to excess weight. You can give your baby a bun (about 50 g) or a pie for an afternoon snack, but not at every meal. And it's best to give special cookies - for children. Unlike an adult, it does not crumble, but melts in the mouth, so the child will not choke on the crumbs. Baby biscuits are made without the use of dyes, preservatives, flavors or other artificial additives. You can also give your baby biscuits or dryers.

Porridge with additives... Separately, I would like to dwell on children's cereals with additives: they usually contain a fairly large amount of sugar, in addition, many of the additives (for example, some fruits or chocolate) are in themselves allergenic products that are not welcome in baby food. The best thing is to add pieces of fresh fruit or a small amount of berries to ordinary porridge: it will turn out to be both tasty and healthy.


The optimal drink for a child is ordinary clean drinking water without gas. From 2 years old, you can give a child a small amount of table still water: the label should say that the water is slightly mineralized or drinking (in no case medicinal). In the diet of a child under 3 years old, freshly squeezed juices are of undoubted benefit. However, it should be remembered that for children of the first three years of life, freshly squeezed juice is recommended to be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 to 1: 3, because concentrated juice contains a large amount of organic acids that can irritate the child's delicate digestive system.

Compotes of their fresh fruits or dried fruits, various fruit drinks, infusions and herbal teas are very useful. The latter also perform a therapeutic function - they contribute to the normalization of sleep, stimulate appetite, help with colds or reduce nervous irritability.

What shouldn't a child drink? All modern sugary sodas are made from water, concentrate and carbonated. Already from this composition it is clear that there is no benefit for a small child in them. These drinks contain too much sugar, sometimes more than 5 teaspoons per glass. This amount of sugar cannot but affect the work of the pancreas and the endocrine system. In addition, it can cause tooth decay with regular consumption of such water. In addition, such drinks do not quench thirst - when consumed, thirst only increases, which leads to fluid retention and edema.

Many manufacturers add sugar substitutes to drinks instead of sugar: such products contain fewer calories and are sold under the "light" logo. Alas, they are quite dangerous for the child's body. Xylitol and sorbitol, which are sugar substitutes, are capable of provoking urolithiasis. Saccharin and cyclomat are carcinogens that contribute to the development of cancerous tumors. Aspartame can cause allergies and negatively affect the retina of the eye, which can lead to decreased vision.

The concentrates from which drinks are prepared are citric or orthophosphoric acids, they form the basis of the taste of carbonated water and serve as preservatives. These acids irritate the mucous membrane, cause microdamage in the mouth, esophagus and stomach, and have a bad effect on tooth enamel (especially citric acid). But phosphoric acid is more dangerous, since with regular ingestion, it promotes the leaching of calcium from the bones, which many children already lack. Lack of calcium leads to such a serious disease as osteoporosis - fragility of bones with minimal stress.

Doesn't add to the benefits of carbonated drinks and the addition of caffeine, which is used as a tonic. The use of such soda leads to overexcitation of the nervous system, which is completely contraindicated for children.

And finally, carbon dioxide, which is contained in carbonated water, is not harmful in itself, but it causes belching, bloating, increased gas production and is not allowed for children in the first years of life.

Basic rules for choosing products for a child

1. Choose foods that are labeled "Suitable for young children" or foods specifically for baby food.

2. Carefully read the labels, pay attention to the color and consistency of the products: if you doubt any of the components of the product, it is better to refuse to purchase.

3. Products for children should not contain food additives, preservatives, stabilizers and other "chemicals".

4. Products should contain a minimum of salt or sugar, and it is better not to contain them at all.

5. Pay attention to shelf life: natural products cannot have a long shelf life, especially dairy products. If the shelf life of such products exceeds several days (usually 3-5), it is better to refuse such products.

6. Be sure to taste all foods yourself before giving them to children: the food may be overly sweet or flavored.

How to reduce the risk?

If the baby is still treated to chocolates, soda or anything else from the above, do not focus the child's attention on this product. Just suggest an alternative: instead of chocolate - marshmallow or marmalade, instead of soda - fruit juice. If the baby really wants bubbles in the drink, go for the trick: dilute the juice with mineral water - there will be bubbles and benefits. It is also necessary that prohibited foods are absent in your home and the child does not see them, then the desire to try something harmful will be minimized.

Feel free to instruct your relatives on how and what to feed your baby in your absence, write them a complete list of foods that should not be given to your baby. In order not to provoke the child once again, try not to visit the fast food cafe, especially where he can see other children deliciously munching french fries or some other forbidden dishes.

Many parents complain that the baby is reluctant to eat foods from a healthy menu. Here, too, there are some tricks: let the child prepare himself, for example, a salad or porridge. Let him take an active part in cooking to the best of his ability - this is so interesting, then he will eat it with great appetite. You should never force your baby to eat. Better to eat a little, but with appetite, than a full portion with tears.

Always serve the dish beautifully and with imagination: ordinary porridge can be turned into the sea if boats are made from baby cookies and islands from a piece of apple are made in it. Every sunk ship is sent to the mouth with a spoon. Turn on your imagination, and let the baby help you. When the whole family gathers at the table, let the child have his own position - he will help to set the table, then eating will eventually turn into a kind of ritual and will contribute to the formation of correct eating habits and a sense of taste.