What are the most common reasons for dismissal of their own free will indicate employees? What reason for dismissal to write in the resume, do employers need the truth

A job seeker who is looking for a job must first think about his resume. After all, this document is a business card, which briefly and clearly tells about the positions held, previous jobs, existing skills and merits.

What is a resume?

In order to attract the attention of a personnel officer or a manager, it is important to write a resume correctly. To do this, you should exclude the presence of common mistakes made when writing it. In addition, the reason for dismissal in the resume must be described correctly enough so as not to arouse increased interest of the employer.

Errors in resume writing

1. Grammatical and simply unacceptable in the resume. This is because a document that has such flaws is usually not read to the end, and even more often it is simply thrown into the trash. After all, the literacy of a new employee of the company is quite an important point.

2. The text should be formatted and easy to read. A document lacking paragraphs, clarifications and highlights is difficult to perceive. That is why it is necessary to use bold highlights, as well as underlines in paragraphs and headings. Decorating with markers, using a different font is unacceptable, because a resume is, first of all, an official document.

3. Today on the Internet you can find a resume, an example of which will serve as a good template for the applicant. It is important to take into account the fact that it is impossible to write in full copy. First of all, the questionnaire must be unique.

4. When writing information about previous jobs, you must correctly indicate the date of the start of the activity, its end, as well as the reasons for dismissal of your own free will. This is because the vagueness of such information will indicate the lack of collection of the applicant.

5. Your business card should indicate the purpose of its preparation. The answer to this question should be based on the structure of the resume. Even if several professions are considered in different companies, for each vacancy it is necessary to draw up its own document.

6. A resume that has a lot of unnecessary information about the applicant's personal life, hobbies, hobbies and habits looks overwhelmed. Therefore, such a mistake simply cannot be made.

Is the accuracy of the information important?

When presenting information about himself, the applicant must avoid lying. After all, information about a person is checked by security services. That is why it makes no sense to appropriate nonexistent experience or skills, as well as to distort the data regarding the date of birth, surname, marital status. Especially important is the indicated reason for dismissal in the resume, to which personnel officers often pay their attention. Here you need reliable information presented by the applicant in the correct way. It is about this that it is important to talk in more detail.

Reasons for dismissal: what not to talk about

For many job seekers, the important question is what to write in the reason for dismissal. It is important to understand here that one cannot avoid a direct answer. The phrase "In connection with the current circumstances" will certainly arouse suspicion. The recruiter or employer may assume the worst. Therefore, the answer for the resume and further interview must be prepared in advance.

The most common reason for a job change offered by a jobseeker to a HR officer is the circumstances caused by the crisis. When the employer receives certain information about the applicant, he will conclude that he is an irresponsible person. In addition, during a crisis, companies are freed from ballast, so the value of such an employee will be in question.

Major mistakes

A big disadvantage of the applicant will be criticism directed at the previous employer. It doesn't matter that it is well deserved, because the interviewer will draw his own conclusions about the incorrectness and disloyalty of such an employee to the authorities. Such specialists are practically not in demand, so there may be big problems with employment.

In addition, it is undesirable to refer to the low level of wages. Otherwise, the employer will decide that the applicant is only interested in money.

All the more, it would be a huge mistake to talk about dismissal without explanation. This can raise a lot of questions, as well as unnecessary suspicion regarding the applicant.

How to correctly answer the question about the reason for dismissal

An applicant for a vacant position, when answering the question about his dismissal, must show his loyalty to the employer. It is important to give the impression of an employee who is interested in the effective operation of the company, who knows how to cope with his affairs and insist on his opinion.

Of course, we can say that there was no career growth at the previous place of work. As a professional, it is important for an applicant to be in a company where you can work profitably and use your experience and accumulated knowledge.

It is worth considering that a characterization may be required from the previous place of work. This has become a common practice today, so it is better to leave without scandals. If you inform a new employer that the direction in which you worked has closed, you need to be ready to confirm this information. In addition, getting a positive feedback from a previous job is a big plus when applying for a new company.

You can talk about disagreements with the former leadership over business development and about the decision to disperse peacefully. Moreover, it is important to clarify that the reasons for dismissal at the interview will be explained in more detail. In addition, you need to be sure that the former manager confirms this information. In this case, the reason for the dismissal in the resume must be specified exactly.

Yes, no one forbids coming up with a more convincing reason, but it is worth noting that such information is checked very carefully. Therefore, any lie will immediately come out. At the same time, in a new place, you may be required to characterize from your previous place of work, where you should be assessed as an employee and a specialist in general.

When filling out the questionnaire, the reasons for dismissal must be indicated approximately as follows:

1. There was no career growth at the previous place of work. In this connection, the applicant wants to find a job in a company where you can prove yourself by showing your knowledge.

2. You can think of another reason for dismissal. True, do not forget that information about you may be requested from your former employer. Therefore, it is important to leave work of your own free will without scandals.

After reviewing the resume by the employer, the next step is the interview. This is where it is important to explain the reasons for your dismissal.

1. When applying for a new job, it is important to give a positive assessment to your former management. You can't show any grudges and talk about all the scandalous moments.

2. The dismissal that occurred after can be explained by the failure of the company to fulfill its promises. This may be a lower wage level or the presence of other job responsibilities not specified in the employment contract.

3. If there were ill-wishers at the previous place of work, then it is worth warning the new management that they did not want to let you go. That is why it will be impossible to get an adequate recommendation.

What if the applicant has worked for one month?

In the case when the applicant has worked for only a month, the reason for dismissal in the resume may not be indicated. When clarifying these circumstances, you can explain the situation by the fact that there was a reorganization of the company, as a result of which your responsibilities changed. It can also be said that not all agreements were observed. The main thing is to speak loyally and with restraint about the former leadership.

Employment book entry

It should be noted that in the work book, an entry is preferable that speaks of the termination of the contract by agreement of the parties, rather than of their own free will. After all, the first option reports a civilized dismissal. In the second case, the employee could be asked to leave, or the management was presented with the fact that the employee left the company.

It is important that the reasons or any other information are subsequently explained by the applicant. Otherwise, the employer may have unnecessary questions.

It is necessary to prepare in advance the answers regarding your departure from your previous place of work. Otherwise, even if the applicant gets to the interview and then fails to explain the situation related to his dismissal, he may simply be denied employment.

No matter what vacancy you are applying for, once you are at an interview, you should be ready to answer such a question as the reason for leaving your previous job.

Why is it better to indicate truthful information on a resume?

It should be noted right away that when compiling a resume, you need to indicate only truthful information about yourself, especially the paragraph that deals with the reason for the breakdown of labor relations with the previous employer. Even if you were not the initiator of your dismissal, you should not hide it or try to somehow disguise it. An experienced recruiter will always be able to determine how sincere your arguments and explanations are.

Do not forget that upon dismissal, an employee of the personnel department must make a record of dismissal in the employee's work book with reference to an article of the labor code. For example, in the event of your dismissal on the initiative of the employer, article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will be indicated in the work book. This means that when you are hired for a new job, this information will become known to both the personnel department employee and the manager, which may lead to undesirable developments, especially if you initially tried to hide the true reason for your dismissal.

In fact, the reasons why people have to change jobs are different, just as there are different situations that develop in a team, and people themselves. Therefore, when meeting with a potential employer, answering the question about the reason for dismissal from the previous job, you should tell the truth, but you should not indulge in a detailed description of all the details, and even more so to get personal. It is better to prepare in advance the correct answer that can satisfy the interviewer, but will not contain unnecessary details.

What options for the reasons for dismissal can be specified in the resume?

When writing a resume, it is very important to create the right impression of yourself and try to avoid questions, the answers to which could somehow compromise you in the person of the employer and lower the chances of getting a vacant position. It will be about what reasons for dismissal can be safely indicated in the resume, without fear of being on the so-called "black list".

Closure of the enterprise. If you had to quit your job due to the fact that the enterprise at which you worked hard for all these years has ceased to exist, then naturally you are not at all guilty. By indicating such a reason in your resume, you absolutely do not risk anything, since working at the enterprise until the last days characterizes you as a devoted and patient worker;
Moving to a new place of residence. Such a reason will never arouse suspicion, because it is quite natural that having moved to another city, you have no choice but to change your job, preferably without losing your wages;

Inappropriate work schedule. This variant of the reason can be indicated in the resume if you have circumstances that require a certain amount of time to be in the workplace. For example, you have a small child who is attending kindergarten and you need a five-day work week, while at your previous job you could only be offered a shift schedule, which was the reason for leaving and looking for a new job;

Lack of career growth. If you have already achieved a certain professionalism in your field, and the previous employer was not able to offer a promotion, then such a reason for dismissal is understandable and characterizes you as an employee who seeks to develop and improve his skills in the future. But in case of a successful interview, be ready to prove it in practice;

Low salary. Such a reason may seem quite normal, because if a person is able to evaluate his work and wants to get a decent pay, then with good motivation, high results can be expected from him.

However, not all employers share this point of view, and some of them may get the impression that after some time this salary will no longer suit you, and you will start looking for a new job again.

Common mistakes when writing a resume?

The very first mistake when writing a resume is, of course, a spelling mistake. Your resume is a reflection of your personal and professional qualities, and if it is misspelled, it will immediately raise doubts about your candidacy.

In your resume, you should avoid specifying unnecessary information that is not relevant to the case, since, firstly, it will be tedious to study it, and secondly, the employer may get the impression that you do not know how to clearly and clearly state information, which can make it much more difficult to get the desired job.

Another common mistake is a resume written for another job. If you immediately apply for a resume to several companies, then they must be corrected in such a way that the employer understands which position you are applying for and what professional qualities you have in this area.

The absence or inconsistency of the chronology of work activity in the resume may indicate either your inattention and negligence, or that you are trying to hide some information.

The absence of contact information in the resume can play a cruel joke in your future career, because if the employer is completely satisfied with all the information regarding your skills and abilities, he simply will not be able to contact you to invite you for a further interview.

What reasons for dismissal should not be written on the resume?

Conflicts with your boss are one of the reasons that can have a negative impact on your professional portrait. No employer wants to do business with you, knowing that at the previous place of work you could not find a common language with the manager or refused to follow his orders. If, nevertheless, this is the main reason for your departure, then try to express it in a different way, for example, the inconsistency of the tasks set by the manager with your skill level, well, or something like that.

Unfortunately, many people find themselves in such situations, despite their good professional qualities. Of course, you can try to explain who is right and who is wrong, but the future employer will be of little interest. It is much more important to find out whether you are able to adapt to the already established relationships within the team, whether you have sufficient communication skills and stress resistance. That is why it is not even worth mentioning all kinds of conflicts in the previous job.

Refusal to raise a position or salary

If you include such a reason for dismissal on your resume, keep in mind that it can both justify your resignation and lead the employer to think about why you were refused. Maybe at that time the company really did not have the opportunity to pay you more, or it may be that you have not yet reached a certain professional level in order for you to be promoted.

Overtime work

Such a reason should not be indicated on the resume if you, by all means, want to get this job. In such a case, the employer would rather hire an applicant who is willing to work overtime if necessary. But if you, under no circumstances want to work overtime, then the future employer should be informed about it.

How to explain your dismissal?

In a standard resume, there is usually no such question as to the reason for leaving the previous job. However, many large companies develop their own resume forms for candidates, the so-called questionnaires, in which they are very often asked to indicate exactly the reason for dismissal. Then, in a personal interview with the manager or his representative, you will have to explain what exactly pushed you to look for a new job.

If you had to leave a job that you really liked, for reasons beyond your control, for example, mass layoffs or liquidation, then it is enough to indicate them in your resume and answer all questions calmly and confidently. In the event that the reason for leaving was any disagreement, then it is better to try not to draw the attention of the interlocutor to this, and try to hide the negative points and judgments.

In contact with

Megapolis is a tough huge city. Survival conditions here are tougher than anywhere else. Fighting is everywhere - on the street, in shops, sports clubs, at work, in the office. Over time, the rules are learned, the character is tempered, claws and teeth grow. The heart becomes a useful function. In the megalopolis, the best of the best survive, prosper, prosper, those who are able to defend their interests, rights, while maintaining humanity, humanity, honor and dignity, faith in goodness. Fortitude of character, will of spirit, the ability to rationally assess the situation and take a step is manifested in the most difficult, difficult periods, such as war, economic crisis, organization restructuring, change of leadership, total layoffs without explanation. The latter is a very common phenomenon in commercial organizations and holdings. The most naive, emotional, fearful are carried forward with their feet. Do you want to join the ranks of the mighty of this world? Then you need to remember once and for all the basic forms, types, sequence of actions, rules, reasons for dismissal from work.

The outcome of the dismissal is up to you

First, dismissal from work is a legal phenomenon regulated by law. Simple, clear, clear. There are no other reasons other than the reasons listed in the regulatory legal acts. There are only legitimate reasons for dismissal from work... You may be told that chance, your bad attitude towards colleagues, lack of loyalty, productivity, negative attitude of the customer towards you, or vice versa, that you have developed more than a professional attitude - all these are unsubstantiated words, rumors, inventions. Having heard such hints, it is worth considering, staying calm and referring to the main source that regulates the relationship between the employer and the employee, namely, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The code contains all the necessary information, including the procedure for drawing up and the content of an employment contract, vacation, sick leave, norms, reasons for dismissal from work. Article 6 of the law states that the procedure for dismissal is determined by the federal authorities. Therefore, noticing the arbitrariness, liberty of the employer, immediately appeal to the letter of the law. Calmly, thoroughly conduct explanatory work with employees, starting with colleagues in the office and ending with the head of the company. Lawyers, accountants, secretaries are a difficult category. However, the conversation will be glad and I can even help. The specifics of Russian legislation in the scatter of information throughout the document. So article 77 lists the general grounds for dismissal, articles 278,288,307,312,336 provide additional grounds.

The most favorable way of dismissal for both parties is dismissal by agreement of the parties. You can bargain and ask for more, so that you never catch the employer's eye, disturb his peace, be on the staff of the organization. It is considered the most maneuverable. The method is suitable for creative, hesitant natures. There is a caveat - the initiative in this case should come from you, not from the employer. Leave as if of your own free will, which means you will be left without everything. Later, you will feel offended, deceived, unfairly deprived of your position, job, money. It is almost impossible to prove in court that your mind was clouded and you wrote on pain of death.

Getting fired on your own works for you

with reference to clause 3 of part 1 of article 77 is the most common phenomenon. In this case, the employee is notified to the employer with a statement of his intention two or more weeks in advance. In some cases, the procedure for dismissal is also contained in the employment contract or federal laws. Be sure to check the official legal sources before writing the application, otherwise you can submit the paper outside the deadline. The countdown of 14 days starts from the next day after the application is submitted. Try to talk to the manager on the day of filing, make sure that he saw, read or knows about its existence. It is presumptuous to leave the document to the secretary, assistant. As a rule, they are overworked and can forget a little. Agree on the term and date of dismissal with your boss, no matter what you, business, or colleagues are hurt. Your future in another organization depends on how you play the final chord in this place. One of the common trick questions among personnel officers is why there was a dismissal from a previous job. The application is drawn up by hand. In some, it is enough to indicate the organization "of its own free will." In others, it is customary to prescribe a specific circumstance. For example, reasons that prevent you from performing daily work include: retirement, enrollment in studies, the employer ignores the obligations and obligations assumed in the employment contract. The method is convenient and beneficial to both parties. The employee can withdraw his application within the specified time limit. Can say that he changed his mind about quitting on the last day. In cases where the employment contract is not terminated, the employee continues to work even after 14 days... If you still retained the decision to quit, then you retain the right not to go to work. The subtle points in the question are the likelihood of inviting another employee to your place. According to the law, the new employee who took your place, the employer has no right to refuse a job. The invitation must be drawn up in writing. When resolving a dispute in court, this circumstance is a weighty argument.

Only legal reasons for dismissal have legal force

Among some employers who create an image of impeccable, attentive, caring for team members, it is common to draw up documents after the fact, including dismissal. The main supposedly good explanation is that this is more convenient, less paperwork that takes a lot of time and effort from the main tasks. Be vigilant, do not fall for this deception. Remember you are forbidden to fire when you are on vacation, pregnant, in a state of illness, caring for a child, except for the liquidation of the organization. The Code provides the following only legal reasons for dismissal from work:

Group A - corporate

liquidation of the organization is expected, the owner of the organization's property is changing - the head, his deputies, the chief accountant, there is a reduction in the number of personnel or staff.

Group B - professional

lack of compliance with the position held, there is no fulfillment of the assigned obligations, the head, together with his deputies and the chief accountant, without reason made a decision that caused damage to the organization, violation of the employment contract.

Group B - behavioral

refusal under various pretexts without a valid reason to fulfill the obligations imposed by the contract with the existing disciplinary sanction, one-time gross failure to fulfill their duties, absenteeism, attendance at work in a state of alcoholic intoxication, disclosure of information of limited distribution, theft, violation of labor protection standards that led to serious consequences, loss trust, committing an act contrary to ethics and morality in a position burdened with the function of edification, forgery.

Liquidation of an organization is not your fault

Now the world has a difficult economic and geopolitical situation. Trade operations with a number of countries have been suspended. Many organizations have had to completely overhaul their business processes. Many cease to exist or are at the stage of bankruptcy and liquidation. It is important to keep emotions under lock and key, to accept the fact that soon the beloved corporation to which you have given a significant part of your life will soon be gone. There are many scenarios for the procedure for dismissing an employee from work when an organization is liquidated. The most common ones are carried out in accordance with Part 1 of Article 81 of the TKRF. A conscientious employer will notify the employee about the upcoming collapse of the organization at the latest two months before the date of dismissal. The employee is paid a salary (pay attention to the salary, not the salary, it is also true for gray income), benefits (average monthly earnings). Then you have two months to get a new job, during which the employer continues to pay you your average monthly wage. The term is extended by one more month if, within a two-week period, the employee registered with the employment service and could not find a job. Trade union members, persons on sick leave or on vacation are paid only wages without any other guarantees and preferences. An alternative, popular with greedy heads of the organization, is to persuade the employee to leave at will, or. Then you will not receive either nothing at all, or the amount specified in the agreement. In doing so, the parties' agreement has earned a reputation for being a friendly way of getting fired. This is confirmed by the presence of initiative both on the side of the employee and on the side of the employer, an arbitrary form of drawing up an agreement, incl. through the resolution to the statement. Time and money remain the main provisions. The status of the document is given by means of details. The option is beneficial to the employee, because he can award compensation in any amount. The law allows you to name the amount that you want, subject to the condition of recording the agreement in writing in the agreement. The employer receives an additional guarantee of the final, irrevocable dismissal of the employee, even when the latter is on vacation or on sick leave.

Firing a template process

Whenever you leave, remember everything that you were taught by layoffs from your previous jobs. There is nothing fundamentally different about the procedure. It repeats from time to time. The innovation consists only in the way of presenting the news, resourcefulness and sophistication of the leader with his minions. Each time you become stronger, smarter, educated in this matter. There are actually two reasons for dismissal from work - you and circumstances beyond your control.

Remember, firstly, dismissal for reasons emanating from an employee always applies - his initiative, all possible refusals to work under the pretext of changing the owner of the organization, with a critical change in the terms of the employment contract, from transfers to another job with changes in his state of health, when moving employer to another area. In addition, the employer is more likely to grant your request than try to convince you. Secondly, dismissal for reasons emanating from the employer - on his initiative, by agreement of the parties, violated the rules for concluding an employment contract, leading to the impossible continuation of work.

In mass cuts, the main thing is calm

A softer manifestation of the disorder of business, economy is considered. The reductions can take several months, years. The hardest part is during restructuring. The priority remains with pregnant women and mothers with children under three years of age, productive, highly qualified with the proviso that your qualifications are in the business trend, families with dependents, the only breadwinners of the family, who received an injury, injury, illness in the process of work at the enterprise, manager on the job. Obviously, preferences are subjective. Anyone can get under the meat grinder. Today, there are few managers who care about the fate of an employee. Most strive to multiply their profits at the expense of "cheap" labor, performing simple tasks or at the expense of the brutal exploitation of an employee through oppression, manipulation, humiliation, intimidation. That is why it is very important to carefully read and study the documents accompanying dismissal. The order must contain a reduction date that affects the day you are informed of this event. The notice contains a list of vacant positions and is issued to each employee personally against signature no later than two months before the date of dismissal. Jobs continue to be offered to the employee until the X hour. If you agree, you will be processed with a translation. In case of mass layoffs, the trade union receives a notice of layoff with a list of all employees, including non-union members, three months before the start of the procedure.

Cultural differences and their consequences

Man is a social being. A corporation, organization, enterprise of any size is exactly the same microsociety. It has its own rules, established over time, customs, symbols, orders, norms. When joining your new professional family it is important to learn them, accept and follow them. Violation of corporate rules is a legitimate reason for dismissal from work. Yes, yes, more and more employers are inclined to fire an anomalous body that ignores, violates corporate rules. In their eyes, you are an outcast, undermining the collective spirit, preventing full development and well-being. First of all, it is worth noting the violation of labor discipline. In a number of organizations, the stay of an employee in the office is strictly regulated and established by mutual agreements. You are supposed to be in the office all day only twice a week. So come exactly twice a week. Will appear more often, get it. Believe me, no matter how conventional the reasons are, no matter how difficult the process is, there will be a way to fire you if you have a burning desire to get rid of you. A persistent employer will not even hesitate to contact your ex - employer and find out how your dismissal from your previous job proceeded. The most stubborn people remember that everything needs paper proof. For example, an employee appeared in a state of alcoholic intoxication, he will immediately be sent for a medical examination with the subsequent receipt of a document confirming this fact. Your position has attracted a relative of a general customer, an influential partner, or an affiliate. Believe me, they will find a commission for certification, a compelling argument, they will gather all employees, allocate time, draw up a schedule, and you will not pass this certification. At the same time, it is highly likely that the legal requirements will be met or almost met. Violations will have to prove to you. Even after that, insist on your own. You are obliged to be offered a position in the same geographic point, if there is no mention in the employment contract about the transfer to another territorial unit. Translation is carried out with your written consent.

If a circumstance occurs outside the authority of the parties

One of the rarest grounds for dismissal is considered to be dismissal due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, regulated by Article 83. An employee can be dismissed on the same day by giving him a couple of hours' notice. There remains a prerequisite for offering a position in the same organization in the same locality.

The basis can be:

Group A - external

conscription for military or alternative service, a court decision on conviction and punishment, circumstances officially recognized by the Government of the Russian Federation, OGA, local OGA, emergency, changes in labor legislation.

Group B - procedural

by a court decision or labor inspectorate, a dismissed employee and previously held this position, reinstated, failed election to the position, the share of foreign employees exceeds the permissible limit.

Group B - personal

disability according to a medical report, death of an employer, employee, or recognition of one as missing.

Group D - professional

disqualification or administrative punishment, revocation of an employee's license, expiration or suspension for two or more months of a driver's license, other special rights, termination of admission to state secrets.

Dismissal for similar reasons can occur on the basis of a circumstance that does not depend on the will of the employer and the employee, a fixed-term employment contract has ended, the upcoming transfer to another employer or a transfer to another position, job.

However, now the reasons listed above can put on weight. The tense situation between Russia, Europe, the United States, mutual economic and trade bans, martial law in the Middle East, prevailing nervousness, chaotic suicides and destructive actions, damage to property of wealthy people, a wild rise in unemployment, cutting wages, make you think.

More careful with a fixed-term employment contract

You came to the organization and have not yet decided on the period of your joint work. Then it makes sense to conclude a fixed-term employment contract. Over time, you understand what you like, the salary suits, the functions correspond to your qualifications, the management gradually begins to move up the career ladder. In such a whirlwind of events, it is easy to forget that the contract is about to expire. You can be fired under Article 79. However, in the event that you are notified of the expiration of the validity period three calendar days.

Here, of course, are the main and most common ones that are relevant for today. The time will come, perhaps the economy will go up, a number of people will be replaced by robots, alcohol will take on the status of a medicine before bed, all documents will be converted into electronic form, and a chip will appear on the hand. We live here and now. Bitter experience teaches us that when you come to a new organization, you should think over the ways and options for leaving, build the necessary bridges, draw up drafts of documents and forget for a while.

How to deal with a dirty dismissal

The dismissal did take place. It was hard, with a creak on the nerves, the reason for dismissal from work seems far-fetched, unfair. You are left with an opinion about the illegality of your dismissal, you believe that your rights have been violated, then contact the labor inspectorate at your place of work, in the court at the location of the organization. TI will review the complaint within 30 days. Be sure to ask the person receiving your complaint to make a note of acceptance, date and sign on the duplicate. An alternative option is to send a complaint by registered mail with notification. The answer will come in writing. The court will consider the appeal either within the same time frame as the TI, or will drag out the process under one of the formal pretexts.

Still, try to stop, think about whether you need to spin the hammer. Maybe it is better to send your resume, post it on a specialized portal, meet with friends, notify the largest possible circle of acquaintances about your desire to go to work and go on vacation in a short time. Litigation plays into the hands of lawyers and the system. Find an interesting activity for the duration of your search, start developing forgotten talents, go in for hiking or rock climbing, horse riding. Having a routine check-up is also helpful.

I am glad to welcome you, dear friend!

The question from the title arises when you are asked to fill out a resume form, where there is a column about the reasons for the dismissals. This does not occur often, nevertheless, we will briefly analyze this situation. So, what reason for dismissal to indicate on the resume?

Usually there is no column on the reasons for dismissal in the resume. At least - on the most popular Internet portals. Accordingly, you do not need to write anything.

Likewise, if you compose your resume yourself, in a text editor. The reason for leaving is not an issue on which you can earn any dividends. Minuses are easy, but pluses are unlikely.

Therefore, the reasons for your leaving should not be emphasized.

Your task is to think about what you will say in a telephone or face-to-face interview. More on this below.

What reason should I give?

If there is that rare case when you are asked to fill out a resume template that contains a line about the reasons for dismissal, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Indicate the reasons that are in the work book. You don't need to write anything else. Explain the real reason for the layoffs at the interview.
  2. Think about how to explain the real reasons for leaving. Leaving on the initiative of the employee (of his own free will) or by agreement of the parties always has a background.
  3. What to do if your labor record has a “criminal” record. For example “... due to an unsatisfactory test result ”.

In this case, there are two options.

a) By default - write as is, see item 1 ... Try to find a reasonable explanation and put it in the letter. Or by phone.

Usually, the appearance of criminal records in the work book is a consequence of a conflict on the one hand, on the other - the inability or unwillingness to agree.

Step 1: Present the situation not as a conflict, but as a mutual misunderstanding, which has grown into an emotional plane. Got excited, in short. It happens.

Step 2: Voice your lesson from this story. You understand that you should have acted more carefully and deliberately, but ... what happened happened. No one is immune from mistakes. You acknowledge them openly and do not try to hide anything.

Your reasonable candor can compensate for the negative.

b) Write another reason other than the entry in the labor ... For example, by agreement of the parties.

With the expectation that they will not notice or, if they notice, it will be possible to somehow explain why it was not possible to agree and “leave on our own”.

The strategy is risky. Will only work if they don't notice. Which is unlikely.

The most unpleasant thing will be when you have passed an interview with a recruiter and a manager, but when applying for a job, the “personnel officer” will pay attention (and he will definitely pay attention) and then it will be a bummer. You will not be able to explain anything - they will not listen to you.

Think about the real reasons

Drawing up a resume - it's time to think about what you will talk about the real reasons for the dismissals "on your own" and by agreement of the parties. And you have to talk. This is one of the most common interview questions.

Doubtful reasons

  • I understand the desire to tell the truth about my former bosses. Or some other nasty thing :). And I know that everyone who is not lazy warns applicants against this.

Nevertheless, it often happens that the "Ostap" has suffered. Apparently hurt. Alas, it is important to control yourself. It is advisable not to speak ill of anyone at all.

  • Unfulfilled hopes for higher wages and promotions - also push back until better times. For there are a dime a dozen of those who want to become a boss, and money in the eyes of an employer is not the best incentive to work.
  • Also, do not talk about overtime, busy schedule, excessive workload. I suppose it is unnecessary to explain why.

Good reasons

  1. Barriers to professional growth. At the same time, I recommend that you think about the trajectory of your career, because the question will be a logical continuation.
  2. Change of team. A new leader was appointed, he is dragging his people. And they say to you: "Of course, it's a pity, you are a good worker, but ... you yourself understand ...".
  3. Reorganization. The situation should be presented in such a way that the management did not have a choice of who to offer to stay and who to “ask”. Otherwise, the question is logical: there are still the best, and you are not included in their number?

The company is restructuring. The position that you occupied (or your entire department, even better) goes into oblivion. Some kind of job is offered for you, but it does not fit in with your professional plans and you leave. Quite civilized. No scandals of mutual claims.

"Artistic speculation"

The reasons for dismissals are not the case when you need to “cut the truth”.

There is such a concept: “artistic speculation”. Somewhat from a different opera, but also in our case: why not?

You are not lying, but interpreting the situation as you see it.

By the way, recruiters are also well aware that often you will lie :). Therefore, do not forget that your “ex” can be called.

However, they will not call often. Why? The answer is not for this article. Just take our word for it.

In short, light “fictional speculation” is preferable to truth from among the reasons we have designated as “dubious”.

  1. When compiling a resume, we write the reasons for dismissals only when the template contains such a column that must be filled out.
  2. We write the wording of the reasons for the dismissals similar to the entries in the work book. Comments in your cover letter and interview.
  3. We choose “valid” reasons for face-to-face and telephone meetings. We decide what exactly we will say.


Let me take my leave for today. If you have any questions - write to the "contacts" section or in the comments.

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  1. Share with your friends by clicking on the social media buttons.
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The Labor Code contains quite a few reasons for dismissing an employee. However, an employee who does not want to leave his workplace and complies with the terms of the employment contract can safely continue to work. But still, sometimes there are cases when the dismissal is made for reasons beyond the control of the parties.

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An employer cannot fire an employee for no reason or because of personal dislike.

If the reason for dismissal does not correspond to reality, then this is considered an offense, and the employee has the right to appeal to special labor protection bodies.

All issues, including the reasons for dismissal, are regulated by the Labor Code and Federal Laws.

The legislative framework

The main law that regulates the relationship between the management and the employee is Federal Law No. 197 of 12/30/2001.

As for the dismissal itself, it says that its procedure is established by the federal authorities.

An employee's own desire is the most popular reason for leaving work.

In order to be able to leave for their own reason, the employee must independently make up for leaving. The advantage is the fact that the document does not have a specific form, which means that it can be filled in in any order.

However, the general rules, although not so strict, still exist:

  • the application must begin with a header in which you must contact the head of the company directly;
  • the text of the application should be as brief as possible and state the main reason for dismissal;
  • after the main text, you must put down the date of filling, as well as the personal signature of the employee.

The advantage of this method of dismissal for the employee is the fact that the action is not subject to challenge by the employer.

This means that if the employee has already submitted an application, then the employer is obliged to accept it and begin the dismissal procedure.

The procedure is given 14 days from the end of the day on which the document was read.

Within two weeks after the acceptance of the application, the process of paperwork and the calculation of compensation lasts. At this time, the employee works out his hours at the workplace.

After the fourteen-day deadline has passed, the day of dismissal comes.

Upon dismissal of his own free will, the employee is paid the salary on the day of dismissal.

He is also given a work book, in which a record of dismissal is made with reference to paragraph 3 of Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

At the initiative of the employer

There is also this type of layoffs when. Moreover, if an employee has the right to name any reason for leaving, then the boss in this regard is still limited by the framework.

When dismissing on his own initiative, the employer must take as a basis the second paragraph 77 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which has references to Articles 71 and 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The legislation provides several reasons that allow an employer to fire an employee without his consent:

  • the employee did not meet expectations on time;
  • systematic violations of the terms of the employment contract, as well as industrial discipline by the employee;
  • in case of a change in the management of the company;
  • among the staff of the organization;
  • the employee's qualifications do not correspond to the proper level;
  • violations by an employee, resulting in injury and other harm to the health of colleagues or company property;
  • disclosure of information that is a trade secret or personal data of employees;
  • four hours late for work, which is translated into status by law.

The director of the organization may also be dismissed under such an article. In addition to the above reasons, he may lose his position if he makes a mistake in any action or decision, which will entail serious consequences in the form of damage to company property or employees, as well as material losses.

By agreement of the parties

There are also situations when the employer and the employee decide to find a compromise when firing the latter. In this case, the transaction is concluded between the parties.

It may be of a verbal nature, however, in order to avoid conflict situations, it is recommended to additionally draw up a written document. It will stipulate all the main points: from the term of work to the need for payments and their amounts for the employee.

Dismissal by agreement is made on the basis of a written document and paragraph one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which refers to Article 78 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If an agreement is drawn up, the initiative leading to the dismissal can be shown by both the employee and the employer.


Downsizing is considered one of the most unpleasant reasons for dismissal. This type of dismissal refers to the initiative of the employer.

In the event of a layoff, the employee who falls under it must be warned at least two months before the dismissal.

Therefore, when familiarizing yourself with the reduction order, you must pay attention to the date set. Each downsized employee on an individual basis must receive a notification against his personal signature.

In the event that there are vacant jobs, but in other positions, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation requires the possibility of providing them to downsized employees. Such vacancies may be offered upon notification, during a two month period.

On the day of dismissal, in addition to compensations, severance payments are included in payments. Their size corresponds to the average salary.

Unlike compensations, such payments are made not once, but within two months.

In case of redundancy, the employer does not have the right to dismiss:

  • pregnant women;
  • women whose child has not reached the age of three.

Also, productive workers with a high level of skill are rarely laid off. In the event of difficult choices, the employer gives preference to employees with family, especially if they are the only source of income. Also, people who have been injured through the fault of the employer or during hostilities may remain at work.

Without working off

There is an opportunity to quit without working off. You can get it in several ways.

First of all, there are two categories of persons who have the ability to avoid work when they are fired:

  • caring for any of the relatives due to the latter's illness;
  • dismissed due to departure with their spouse, who was sent on a business trip.

But there are other ways too. So, for example, the reduction of working hours can be agreed upon during the drawing up of an agreement between the parties. The period can be adjusted within the range from 1 to 14 days.

Also, a person who is on sick leave or who is dismissed due to retirement can be exempted from working.

You can also try to leave without working off at the expense of unused vacation. In this case, an application for vacation is drawn up with subsequent dismissal. However, the possibility of making the final decision still remains with the employer.


Not all reasons for dismissal from work are listed above. There are other, more rare reasons.

These, for example, include situations when an employee leaves for transfer to another company. In this case, the procedure is similar to dismissal of your own free will.

With the exception of one "but" - in this situation, the employee does not have to work two weeks at the old job and pass the probationary period in a new job.

In addition, there are reasons beyond the control of the parties that may lead to the dismissal of an employee. These include the bankruptcy of the organization. Then all employees quit, depending on the working conditions.

In addition to compensation, they can receive severance pay for two months.

Registration procedure

Dismissal registration almost always follows the standard scheme:

  1. The employee draws up a statement or negotiates the terms of the agreement with the employer.
  2. An order is issued based on documents and articles from the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  3. The order is sent to the accounting department, after which it is handed over to the employee for review under the signature.
  4. After working off (if it is required), the day of dismissal comes when the employee receives a work book and all calculated payments.


It doesn't take a lot of paperwork to fire employees. To start the process, a statement from the employee, an agreement of the parties or a notice of redundancy with the signature of the employee is enough.

On the basis of these documents, dismissal orders are created, drawn up in the "T-8" and "T-8a" forms, which differ in the possibility of dismissing one or several employees, respectively.


In 2019, the time between filing documents and dismissal depends on the reason for terminating the employment contract. So, upon dismissal of his own free will, the employee, with some exceptions, undertakes to work for two weeks.

When drawing up the agreement, the term is chosen in an alternative version, which will suit both the employee and the management.

In the case when an employee is dismissed at the request of the employer, the term is reduced to 3 days. The same working period arises for those who leave during the probationary period.


For any reason for dismissal, the employee is entitled to payments in the amount of compensation for unused vacation, as well as wages for the period worked after the last accruals.

Also, if the collective agreement contains conditions for the availability of additional payments, then they must also be provided to the employee.