What signals does a woman give to a stranger? Signals that a woman gives mainly with her eyes to let you know from the other end of the room that she wants you

Non-verbal sexual signals from women are very diverse, although they are often unconscious.

Nature is wise. And if living organisms are faced with the task of multiplying and multiplying, then Mother Nature will do everything to ensure that this function is performed at the appropriate level. In a previous article, we looked at the sexual signals of men. Today the better half of humanity will appear before our eyes.

Hello dear women. Now we will try to figure out what witchcraft charms you use to attract men. Go.

To begin with, let's look at a fairly standard situation. A young girl is sincerely indignant at the too active attention from men to her modest, as it seems to her, person. Like, they constantly come up, try to get to know each other, pester, fight for a phone number and do other unpleasant, which I doubt, nonsense. She did nothing to provoke them to such behavior. They are probably all preoccupied perverts.

At the same time, men perceive the situation in a completely different way. An over-short skirt / dress, all these neckline / slits, fleeting inviting glances (to be honest, I can't describe exactly how you need to look in order for the glance to express exactly the appeal, but, probably, somehow it turns out). And, most importantly, she straightens her hair. Everyone knows that when a girl straightens her hair, she shows by this that you are interested in her. All of this taken together gives men a hint of the likelihood of contact. The hint is so thick, and the contact is supposed to be so deep that not being active is like signing your own impotence.

And so one side of the conflict wonders why they cling to it, and the second - why it freezes, the very first start.

Somewhere the alarm system is malfunctioning.

Let's now deal with the signals that women send to men. By tradition, we will divide them into three groups.

  1. 1st stage contact signals... These are signals that indicate that you have been noticed and that your presence has been taken into account.
  2. Contact signals of the 2nd stage. They are interested in you and are trying to attract your attention, to stand out from other competitors.
  3. Contact signals of the 3rd degree. You are given a clear message that the relationship is worth developing. These are the most real pre- or near-sexual signals.

Signal group 1.

For starters, a woman simply demonstrates that she has noticed you. I noticed you exactly as a man. And she does it completely unconsciously.

Sign 1. Tossing the head.

Sounds very dynamic. In fact, this is a slight movement of the head, the purpose of which is to turn the face towards a potentially interesting object. That is, when a man appears, a woman breaks away from her affairs, raises her face and turns it towards the man. Nothing more. A completely harmless gesture. True, to especially concerned men, and this may seem like the height of coquetry.

Sign 2. We fix the hair.

Women straighten their hair, removing it from the face, opening the area of ​​the eyes, nose, cheeks. The trick is that often women make this gesture without even looking at the man. However, at the same time they reveal their face. And most importantly, the face is slightly opened from the side of the man who is interested in them. This is done both in order to better see him, and in order for him to see her face better. And everything is completely unconscious.

The natural enhancement of this gesture is the head tilted to the side, which exposes the neck. However, amplifiers and strippers are already a higher level of contact, so more on them later.

Confusion often arises at this stage. Often, women demonstrate these signals unconsciously, without even noticing that they straighten their hair and open their faces only at the moment a handsome man appears on the horizon. And this serves as some moral justification for those who immediately start mooring to nice people.

However, in defense of women, it must be said that at this stage they really do not have any far-reaching plans. In fact, the female essence simply signals the body of the opposite sex that it has been noticed and registered. Nothing more. However, this is enough for men to immediately try to ruin the relationship that has not begun with excessive persistence.

Signal group 2.

There will already be a more varied range. Women are more perfect beings. And their sexual signals, especially at this level, are much more diverse than those of men.

To begin with, I would divide this group of signals into attraction and anchoring signals.

Attention signals are designed to get the man to pay attention to them. It is important to stand out from the general background here. And the background can be either neutral, when a girl has practically no rivals at this stage and she just needs a man to switch from work issues to non-work ones, or aggressive, when several competitors are present in a limited space at once. In many ways, these signals are similar to male signals, but of course with their own characteristics.

Sign 1. Smile.

When we smile, we become beautiful. Even not very sophisticated features of the face of a feast to a smile acquire beauty and attractiveness. Let's do a thought experiment. Let's take two female twins, it doesn't matter what age. One of them will smile, and the other will sit with a neutral face. Which one is more attractive? The answer is obvious. And it does not matter at all that the smiling ugly woman does not become more beautiful than the haughty beauty. She will become more beautiful than the previous one. And most importantly, men are more likely to approach those girls who smile, and not those who are prettier. Beauty without a smile scares the fragile sexual desires of men.


Of course, there is a demand for the haughty look, but about the views a little later.

Sign 2. Laughter.

For a man, the main thing is to laugh louder, and for a woman, the vertebrae. Laughter, like smiling, artificially makes us more attractive.

Sign 3. Gait, like a boat in the sea.

There is nothing more attractive (for a man) than a smooth swaying of luxurious female hips. The dance of the lower back of a woman's body while walking turns an ordinary movement of the legs into something for which a man is ready to sell his homeland, his mother (for a short time) and a couple of military secrets from the chief's safe.

The reason for male attention to female gait lies in the depths of our evolutionary path. A certain body structure, balance of height to weight and a number of other parameters create that very exciting gait for men. And the structure of the body determines health, and physical strength, and the ability to bear children, and other functions useful for the survival of the species. That is, women who have a more beautiful gait also have more developed abilities for survival. Everything is prosaic.

Sign 4. Posture and all that jazz.

The task of the female body at this stage is to attract attention. A man is able to appreciate female beauty not only during a fashion show, but also in a more static position. Moreover, women do not always have the opportunity to stand and walk in front of potentially interesting partners. Women correct their posture, arch their backs, demonstrate the height of the bust and the length of the neck. And they often become in such a way that they cross their legs at the ankles, which further emphasizes the narrowness of the waist and the width of the hips.


Roughly speaking, a woman tries to be in the right perspective so that all her dignities are visible in the best possible way.

Sign 5. Flirtatious look.

There are a lot of women in the world around us. Charming and breathtaking. And a "decent" man rarely pays attention to anyone. But as soon as he stumbles upon one sign, and all the others cease to exist (for a while), and the male legs turn around and carry him to the one and only one that LOOKED at him!

A short second glance, especially performed over a book, magazine or shoulder, and then repeated such a quick glance within 30-40 seconds, can knock a man off any of the most correct paths. Men perceive this shooting with their eyes as an unambiguous invitation to communicate.

Most of all men are not turned on by a gaze, but such a fearful contact, when a girl averts her eyes to the side (or shamefully lowers them down - here you are already caught, dear men, you have no chance against such a weapon) as soon as she notices, that the man fixed his attention on her.

After making sure that the man is on the hook, the woman moves from attracting signals to fixing movements. And the demonstration of roundness and nakedness begins.

Sign 6. Roundness.

A sexual sign of a woman's strong interest in a man. Women try to arch their backs and maintain their posture so that their breasts acquire additional advantages and begin to attract with their rounded shapes. They (women) assume an asymmetrical posture, exposing the attention-grabbing slope of the shoulder. Or, in an effort to enhance the effect, they put their knees on display. Of course, a short skirt and high heels doom the knees to a constant demonstration, but at the moment of strong interest in men, women turn their knees towards the subject they like.

Other parts of the body can also act as roundness. For example, the back of the wrists, when the girl puts her head on her crossed hands.


Sign 7. Nudity.

Here, the entire historical path traversed by the modern clothing industry works for women and their insidious desires. The straps slide off the shoulders, the cutouts show the elasticity of the shapes, and the slits reveal hints of the true natural beauty of the female body. Plus, do not forget about the shortness and airiness of modern outfits, and it will become clear to you that men simply have no chance.


When this is not enough for women, they use "heavy artillery".

One of the most demonstrative and obscene gestures is the demonstration of the armpits. Women put their hands behind their heads, usually when laughing, leaning back and in a reclining position, or when braiding their hair in the presence of men.

A more modest option is to showcase the inside of the wrists. The cigarette in hand is very helpful. Or in the end - a demonstration of the neck. A simple and unpretentious way to attract and hold male attention.

Sign 8. Playing with hair.

The longer the hair, the greater the flight of imagination they open up to retain male attention. The women loosen their hair and braid it again. They throw the braid from one shoulder to the other. They ruffle the back of their heads if they have a haircut. They twist the curls on the finger, then dissolve and wind again. They stroke themselves on the head, slowly and smoothly running through their hair. The entire list of this murderous arsenal may take more than one paragraph.

Sign 9. Mimicry comes into play.

Usually, when non-verbal communication reaches this level of signals, then verbal communication has been going on for more than one minute. And mimicry helps to recognize that a woman is really interested in her communication partner. The strongest reaction in this case is surprise. Men at the initial stage of acquaintance always strive to surprise and make their chosen one laugh. These are the actions that they take to reduce women's criticism and suspicion.

And if a woman is surprised and shows rounded eyes and raised eyebrows, then the man is on the right path.

Signal group 3.

At this level, men have almost no chance. A woman who wants a man can only be stopped by another woman who does not want this.

The sexual signals of this group are not even signals anymore. These are signs of the beginning of foreplay. Although at this stage there are men who are capable of ruining everything with their haste or slowness. Well, God is their judge for this, and evolution is their executioner.

If in the previous group of signals we considered the arsenal of heavy weapons, now we will move on to weapons of mass destruction.

Sign 1. Reducing the distance.

A woman willingly accepts a man's intrusion into her intimate zone (I wrote about her in one of the previous articles of the School of Nonverbaliki) or takes the initiative and invades herself. If you, dear men, have found that your face is less than 30 centimeters from her face for more than one and a half seconds and you have not yet been removed and have not fenced off from you in any way, then this sign has already worked.

Sign 2. Gestures.

Women begin to copy your posture, your gestures, your facial expressions. And gestures also acquire a slow, viscous smoothness. The pace of gestures either matches yours (although it can be an intuitive rapport), or its movements become smooth, slow, and bewitching with its plasticity.

Sign 3. Lips and tongue.

To show the delights of her slopes, a woman needs the next level of demonstration. And this is where the tongue and lips come into play. Women slowly open their mouths - and for a short time the tongue enters the field of view. The worst case is when women begin to slowly lick their lips. A more deadly sexual signal is hard to imagine.

Although, in order to damage the male psyche, girls just lick the edge of the champagne glass, and the man will immediately run for the next bottle. In this case, the lips acquire a moist shade and swelling, they open slightly, exhalation often goes through the mouth.

The fact is that sexual arousal makes the blood circulate more actively in the area of ​​the mouth. This increases the sensitivity of the lips and tongue, sharpens the sense of smell and touch, we begin to experience a stronger pleasure from touching the lips.

It is no coincidence that girls with pumped lips have become so fashionable. No matter how comical it may look from the outside, at close range, a man can do little to oppose the murderous power of puffy lips.

Sign 4. Stroking and biting.

Just like men, women in a state of arousal have a heightened sense of pleasure in touching. Touching yourself or something inanimate is a displaced desire to touch another person. Therefore, sexual arousal is usually accompanied by stroking the legs of glasses, own legs, fingers, stroking objects or jewelry. It's all to blame for the rush of blood and exacerbation of the sensitivity of the skin. At this stage, touching of the partner begins, which is lingering and light.

However, when the desire increases, the teeth come into play. In expressive natures, the desire to bite manifests itself long before direct sexual contact. The girls bite a straw of a cocktail, their own lips, a filter of a cigarette.

Sign 5. Down with clothes.

The same symptom as in men appears in women. Playing with watch bracelets, unfastening their strap, taking off jewelry bracelets, playing with the chain (and biting it), swinging a shoe on his toes - all this speaks of a latent subconscious desire to get rid of clothes. This does not mean that the woman will begin to undress right here, as soon as she is left alone with you. It just means that she is very sensitive now and trusts you to the extent that you should be trusted at all. But if a man has reached such a level of signals with a woman, then the likelihood of sex is already very high.

In addition to non-verbal signals, there is one more type - behavioral features.

In ancient times, a man brought a mammoth to a woman, and she tried it. If the mammoth turned out to be fresh, then she could afford to eat a little. This meant that as a sexual partner, he was comfortable with her, and it came to the extension of the clan. In the wild, there are plenty of species where males buy sex for food. Birds bring insects, insects bring other insects, and humans bring anything to make it work.

So, when your woman eats what is on your plate - this is a sign of the ancient sex-role-playing game. Men, don't miss your chance.

Interpretation errors.

Of course, not all female sexual signals are listed in this article. And not even most of them. Moreover, the mass of women can be deeply indignant and say that by demonstrating this or that gesture, they really did not mean anything like that. You're right. You are not. And your subconscious mind - yes.

However, you don't need to take sexual cues literally. If you are communicating with a man who is not at all attractive to you, and during the conversation one or two sexual gestures slipped through - well, maybe he is focused not on this man, but on another? Our subconscious is very insidious, and no one has yet been able to sort it out and explain it.

Men, on the other hand, need to remember that often all kinds of sexual signals that a woman demonstrates are not directed at him or even at other men, but at women. And this is not about lesbian passion. Everything is much more prosaic.

A woman sometimes dresses sexually, not in order to please her man, but in order to do something unpleasant to another woman. The tonnage of male attention is the currency for which a place in the hierarchy is bought. We are herd animals, and we constantly need to demonstrate our status, our place on the rungs of the social ladder. And such things as power, money, position in society - this is not all that is a measure of success. For women, this set is more diverse.

Everything that is stated is in perfect agreement with the behavior of quite confident women. If a girl is shy and considers herself not so pretty as to compete with heavier competitors, then her alarm will be suppressed. Although this does not mean at all that she is more unapproachable than her liberated friends. So, dear men, be careful. A bare knee and a rounder shoulder are not yet a sign of accessible sex. Affordable sex is not a guarantee of happiness.

I hope that in finishing this article we are not closing the topic of sexual relationships in the School of Non-verbalism. This topic is large and interesting. And we will come back to it later.

In the next article we will look at an equally intimate thing - touch. How body contact solves problems, what gives us financial touch, and why people need to be touched. All this and much more will be expected in the next article of the School of Nonverbaliki.

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If you want to know what a woman really thinks, look at her, but don't listen.

Oscar Wilde

Latent Sexual Signals (CCC) is a term that I have been using for a long time when communicating with my students. What is it?..

Read carefully: 24 HOURS A DAY WOMEN ARE TUNED TO A RADIO STATION YOU CANNOT EVEN HEAR. This radio station is called body language or "What are you thinking about." Women constantly communicate with each other on this "mysterious frequency". So they discuss with each other your thoughts and feelings, including those that you don't even know exist. When communicating with a man, a woman tries to communicate in her natural language, especially when it comes to dating or sex. When communicating with the opposite sex, women constantly use hidden sexual signals, but, unfortunately, very few men are able to recognize these signals. And those men who succeed are so incredibly popular with women that they literally have to fight them off like flies. Just as women adore foreplay in sex, they expect from men unhurried, natural and adequate responses to their own body movements. ALL the first impression you make on women is based on the NON-VERBAL SIGNALS you send! In the first 5-10 minutes of a conversation, the words you utter have practically no meaning - only your intonation, your gestures, your facial expressions, your inner mood of confidence and strength are important. Without going into more theoretical aspects of sign language, I will list all the main hidden sexual signals of women that you need to know if you want to date and communicate with any woman, anytime, anywhere.

  • "Evaluating gaze". This look consists of an express assessment of you: first, the look goes to your shoes, then to your legs and buttocks, then quickly examines your clothes, hands, fingernails and, last of all, your face. The whole process takes anywhere from a second to two, so it is quite difficult to notice it.
  • "Proud posture". She perks up, becomes more energetic and, possibly, lifts her breasts high.
  • "Posing". She assumes an attractive pose, hoping that you will look in her direction.
  • "Women's Chatter". If young girls like you, they will sneak glances at you and giggle. They may even start to cuddle together. Mature women will whisper more quietly.
  • "Ku-ku". She will glance at you over a book, magazine, or menu.
  • "Shy Geisha". She will look down and to the side with feigned modesty. However, if she is interested in you, she will look at you again for 45 seconds.
  • "A sidelong glance". She will glance at you sideways, even if she is talking to someone. A more explicit version of this gesture is a look over the shoulder.
  • "Unobtrusive exhibitionism." She will pull back the hem of a blouse or dress to seduce you with a nude view.
  • "Playing with a shoe." She will toss the shoe with her toes, usually exposing her foot.
  • "Demonstration of armpits." A woman who likes you can pose from old photographs of Hollywood stars by raising one hand above her head and showing her armpit. If you are talking to her at this moment, she can simply raise her hand or throw it behind her head to show her naked armpit.
  • "Demonstration of legs." Women have learned to use their legs in the most seductive way to lure men. A woman can lift the hem of her skirt to expose a section of her leg, or even part them slightly, allowing you to look deeper for a moment. If a woman is sitting in a cross-legged position, she will direct the tip of the knee towards the person of interest.
  • "Close contact". She will get up or sit closer than it is stipulated by social rules. Sometimes she will break the distance fleetingly, expecting you to support her game.
  • “Invasion of 'personal space'. The interested woman will place in your “personal space” (within one meter) an object, her arm or leg.
  • "Accidental" touch ". There is nothing random about it. If a woman touches your hand, fingers, or any other part of your body — usually very quickly — that means she is giving you a signal.
  • "Incline". If the rules of decency do not allow getting up or sitting too close to you, she can lean towards you and thereby invade your "personal space". She also uses the same technique to show that she is interested in your words.
  • "Demonstration of the wrist." You might be surprised to hear that the wrist is one of the supersensitive erogenous zones. Therefore, it is not surprising that this gesture is so popular among women, especially among smokers.
  • "Games with decorations". This usually starts with an instinctive reaction, as you make the woman nervous. However, more experienced women understand that they can seduce you by twisting a chain around your neck or touching an earring with your fingers, because this draws attention to the hollow on the chest or neck.
  • "Palm-weather vane". If a woman likes you, she can clench her fists when she talks to you. If she is indifferent, then she can prop her chin with her hands, knuckles out. If you attract her, the arms are likely to turn around and the palms will shake slightly with the meaning of "come closer."
  • "Exposure of the neck." When foxes fight to the death, the loser puts the throat of the winner, as if giving him the opportunity to inflict a fatal bite. When a woman pulls her hair back from her neck, it is a subconscious (or conscious) signal of surrender.
  • "Preening". A woman dressing up in your presence has a dual purpose. She not only makes herself seductive, but also attracts your attention.
  • "Playing with the hair." Women who have a liking for you will draw your attention to their hair by smoothing it, curling it around your finger, or playing with it the way you could.
  • Stroking. The “pleasure centers” of a woman, unlike yours, are scattered all over the body, therefore, upon seeing a man she likes, a woman starts stroking herself with pleasure. Smart women, noticing a positive reaction from a man, begin to stroke themselves more openly.
  • "Violent gestures." A little girl wakes up in her. The unspoken meaning is: "Oh, I'm terribly good with you!" If her shoulders are bared, she will lead them knowing that you like it.
  • "Silly girl." A little girl, when she is having fun, behaves stupidly. The older girls' version includes some sexual motives, such as winking or something in the mouth, ear or nose.
  • Mirroring. She copies your posture, your movements and mannerisms. More sophisticated and sensual women unconsciously use this technique, considered in neuro-linguistic programming, thereby showing that they are tuned in to the same wavelength with you.
  • Licking lips. These last three signals are fairly straightforward. Licking her lips, a woman subconsciously tells you: "You look seductive and you excite me."
  • "Sexy thing". Whether the harm should be explained, what she is hinting at by running her finger, especially the middle one, along the edge or along the stem of the glass.
  • "Seductive nibbling." She either bites her lips or takes a small object in her mouth. No comments.

There should be nothing tricky in the response of a male hidden sexual signal to any signal of a woman - it should correspond to the INTENSITY and STYLE of the female message. Here are some tips for conducting a conversation:

1. Smile. It always melts the ice in a conversation.

2. During a conversation, be sure to look into her eyes.

3. Periodically inspect it all over, from head to toe.

4. Try to copy her pose.

5. Actively flirt with her during all pauses in the conversation.

6. Gradually approach her.

At the time of the beginning of our acquaintance, we still do not know anything about the person who nevertheless interested us. After all, if falling in love at first sight is quite real and often happens, then to understand exactly what the other person is like is already more difficult, even a year of relationship may not be enough for this. Someone else's soul - darkness, as they say. That is why, during the beginning, when a man and a woman are just beginning to show sympathy for each other, trying to understand whether this is mutual, so-called latent sexual signals are used to a greater extent in communication. And all because such questions are not asked directly, head-on, so all that remains is to “play”, in the hope that the partner will understand and support the game, and then it will not be averse to start the relationship. But since male and female thinking is fundamentally different in many ways, incidents and misunderstandings often occur that can ruin relationships that have not yet begun. Therefore, it is still advisable to study the list of secret sexual signals that are sent by women and men who are interested in a representative of the opposite sex.

Sexual signals of women

Women in general very often in their behavior do not use any open expressions of sympathy or antipathy, but subtle and often ambiguous hints, which can be quite difficult for men to understand due to the difference in psychology. After all, men in their thinking are more rational and logical, and women are guided by feelings and emotions. But still, there are those female signals that are impossible not to recognize if you are able to observe and see.

  1. Sight... Girls will never stare at the object of their sympathy, but a light cursory glance, which they seem to casually throw at him, and then begin to look in the other direction or at their feet - this is something like a bait saying “come on, come , You are interesting for me".
  2. Movement... The girl always clearly controls the distance between herself and the man. Therefore, any accidental touches are not accidental, since a girl will never touch a man she does not like. Also, to attract the attention of a young man and show her interest, a girl can play with her hair and jewelry, touch her neck with her fingers, demonstrate her wrists or legs, and play with a shoe. Also, a manifestation of interest will be if the women move closer to the man, lean towards him.
  3. Behavior... When acquaintance passes into a closer one, then the girl begins to give out her behavior. If she is really good with a man, then she will often behave like a little girl: laugh, talk a lot, and often say some kind of cute nonsense. These are all signals indicating that the girl feels good and comfortable next to the guy.

Sexual signals from men

The latent sexual signals of men are much more logical and consistent than those of women. Because of this, girls may sometimes not notice male interest, believing that this is just a demeanor or a manifestation of upbringing. Although, in general, frankly speaking, girls rarely do not notice sexual signals or decipher them incorrectly, unlike men.

Current page: 1 (total of the book has 17 pages) [available passage for reading: 12 pages]

Leil Lowndes
Hidden Sexual Signals

© 2001 Leil Lowndes.

© Publishing House Dobraya Kniga, 2007, - translation and design.

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use without the written permission of the copyright holder.

© The electronic version of the book was prepared by Liters

Dedicated to those 96.7% of men who do not know how to get to know girls, despite the obvious and unambiguous (for girls!) Hints.

Here's a book to help you consistently succeed.

Part one
Nobody will ever refuse you again

Meet Sandy, Ashley, and Jade, three of my four girlfriends who have agreed to show you 26 major hidden sex signals. Why did they all agree to sacrifice their precious time and act as models by posing for this book? “Well,” Ashley said, “I’m tired of being constantly harassed by men with whom I don’t even want to talk, and I was always amazed why the men I liked and whom I would like to meet didn’t notice my persistent signals, signs and flirtatious gestures! If it helps them finally understand when to approach a girl to get to know each other, and when not, I will do my best for this. ”

“Yes,” continued Jade, “even though sometimes our hints are too subtle, but with the help of non-verbal signs and gestures, we always make it clear to any gentleman, whether we want to get to know him or not.”

“You're absolutely right,” Sandy finished.

Why study C.C.C

Are you an inexperienced newbie to love games and start to stutter when talking to any person of the opposite sex? Or are you a mature man with an established character, manners, money, position in society, charm - in general, you have everything you need to attract any woman? Be that as it may, I am sure of one thing: if you are not one of those few men who are well versed in women and understand their sign language, you are missing out on many opportunities. Do not expect that the beauty sitting across from you at the bar will wink at you or beckon you with her finger. She gives subtle and subtle signals to men she likes that only one man in thirty pays attention to, according to research. 1
References to sources are given in square brackets, a list of which is attached at the end of the book.

They are called hidden sexual signals, and if you don't fall for her lure and respond to these signals immediately, the girl will go in search of a smarter “victim”.

Forget about sex and sexuality for a moment (don't worry, I'll get back to this very soon), let's talk about relationships. What are your chances of maintaining a good relationship with a woman if, in the vast majority of cases, you are unable to understand how she is feeling and what she is hinting at? Remember how one of your girlfriends constantly took offense at you and walked pouting, but you could not understand why? Beware! This is as dangerous as walking with your fly open: it means that you do not understand her, do not understand her hints. (“He does not understand the obvious things!” - she will say; “But why the hell did she not tell me about it directly?” - you say.) And if you don’t become more refined and sensitive, she, clinking heels, will pass past you, heading for the "hell of a dog".

Gentlemen, what was the best compliment you have ever received from a woman? Have you been called wonderful? Witty? Cute? Or was it an exhalation at the end of a stormy night of love: "You are the best!" (I promised you that I would return to the question of sex.) For me, the best compliment from a man has always been this admission: "Leil, you think like a man." For example, I never liked all this empty romantic nonsense like "connect with your inner self" or "talk to the child hidden in everyone's soul." I dislike doctors of sciences and writers (although I myself belong to both those and others) who pretend to know everything in the world. Every time I read advice on sex, I exclaim: “Who's talking!” If at the end of the book I do not find references to monographs or publications in serious scientific publications that support the author's opinion, I become suspicious, like my high school geometry teacher, who learned that everyone who sat in the last row of the final exam received an A. Therefore, just like you, looking at an advertisement for a book promising that “... if a woman wants you, she will tell you about it herself, without saying a single word, just unconsciously giving you hidden sexual signals ...” I want to know: 1 ) Who is this woman? 2) what are these signals? 3) how many are there? and 4) what each of them means.

So, gentlemen, arm yourself with calculators. This book will provide you with all the information you need regarding the above issues; besides, you will learn a lot more interesting things. This book reveals women's secrets and tells about them in the language of men. This is a clear, coherent and backed by the results of the latest scientific research, a practical guide for a clear understanding of the intentions of the fair sex. At school, while studying Russian, you learn thirty-three letters of the alphabet, and once you have learned them, you can read anything you want in Russian. After reading the book "SSS", you will recognize twenty-six - by the number of letters in the English alphabet - signals, and, having studied these typical patterns of behavior, very soon you will be able to read in the soul of a woman as easily as the text in a textbook for third grade (this is no more difficult).

Remember how in childhood, when you sat in horror at the door of the dentist's office, waiting for your turn in this “torture chamber”, a caring nurse, in order to prevent a tantrum that was brewing in you, thrust a children's book with puzzles into your hands: “Find it, what's wrong with this picture? " I remember. There were always two or three awkward objects - flags waving in opposite directions, or a car with three wheels. The caption under the picture challenged our childish observation: "How many objects in this picture are drawn incorrectly?" So we're going to play another, erotic version of this game. My friends agreed to demonstrate some of the gestures and movements that they make when they spot a man from whom they would like to have more than simple communication. You need to define that right in these pictures: in other words, to find out which of the girls sympathizes with you, is not averse to getting to know each other better and try to make friends, and which looks at you as if it were nothing. By looking at the pictures, try to determine what these girls think of you - just read “body language”, look at their postures and gestures. Then - and only then - read the comments under the photos.

Let's say you walk into a nightclub. On the left at the table, you notice two young girls who, giggling, point their fingers at you. On the right, on the couch, two more mature and sophisticated women are whispering among themselves, appreciating you. What do you think they are talking about?

S.S.S. # 1: Women's Chatter

Looking at two women whispering about you, you might think that they are saying something like this: “Look at this mistake of nature, at this nonentity that is standing at the entrance. Even a garbage cat won't get close to him, unless he soaks his jeans with valerian. " No no no. When you see two women whispering looking at you, you see one of the oldest S.S.S. in the history of mankind. Everywhere - from the impassable jungles of the Amazon to the secular salons of Europe - girls will whisper among themselves when they spot a guy. Young girls like Tanya (left) and Sandy (right) may giggle as they hug each other and point a finger at you.

More mature and sophisticated women, on the contrary, are more likely to try to hide the fact that you have become the object of their attention and the subject of their conversation. But Ashley (left) and Jade (right) would definitely like to get to know you better. Why can you be sure of this? In addition to the girls talking about you, they show you two classic S.S.C. gestures, which we will discuss a little later. Can you guess what these gestures are?

If you do not know, I inform you: girls always share intimate secrets with each other. Unfortunately, many men become truly paranoid when they see two women whispering about something while looking at them. Usually men expect the worst and hesitate to approach the giggling couple and get to know each other. This is a big mistake. If two women are whispering while looking at you, it means that they definitely like you. Sadly, they do not understand that the sight of two giggling girls can scare even the bravest man and cool his ardor. Fortunately, women tend to shake off this silly giggle habit as they age at the sight of a man, but they still whisper when they spot someone they like.

How to tell if there is a smell of sex in the air

Let's analyze some of the S.S.C. in the two previous photos. In the first, Tanya and Sandy act like teenage girls (or even younger) who spotted a "really cute boy." Usually the girls huddle together and touch each other, discussing the boy in an undertone for two reasons. Not only because touching makes them feel comfortable, but also because they begin to understand that most men enjoy watching women caress each other.

As women mature, they continue to whisper when they spot an attractive man, just like Jade and Ashley do. But instead of giggling as they touch each other, they compete and fight for your attention, like something animal is awakening in their being. Jade (right) mimics the classic seduction gesture, while Ashley (left) tries to win you over with a seductive smile.

But that is not all. Ashley fiddling with jewelry is a sure sign of nervousness or excess sexual energy. There is no need to resort to psychoanalysis to understand the symbolism of this gesture: a woman strokes one of the objects, gazing intently into the man's eyes. Another tip: pay special attention to which finger (or fingers) the woman is playing with her jewelry or toiletry items. The middle finger is the most sensitive, followed by the ring finger. As this photo was taken, Ashley was playing with pearls around her neck, passing a chain of beads between her middle and ring fingers, alternately winding the beads on one finger and then on the other.

If you don't pay attention to the subconscious seductive gestures of women, it won't even occur to you that Jade liked you; after all, she doesn't even smile. But in fact, she gives you a sign three times. Pay attention to her ideal posture - when she sees you, she immediately straightens her back so that her breasts are visible and have a more attractive outline. In addition, she deliberately tweaks her hair in an effort to look more attractive. When you become a real connoisseur of hidden sexual signals, a man initiated into the SS, you will also notice that she does not just straighten her hair, as women usually do, but in a special way: her palm is open and facing you. This gesture, combined with her other signals, is an invitation to come up and get to know her.

Pay attention to combinations of several S.S.

Now the bad news. Noticing you, the woman looks at you for a split second; her brain is overexcited and starts working in turbo mode. You are taking the exam. Your mannerisms, any movement you make, the way you interact with other people in the room - all this becomes information, data that is entered into the cold, calculating and ruthlessly pragmatic brain of a woman and immediately processed. (Well, at least you won't have to wait long for an assessment - a woman will demonstrate it with all her appearance, and will do it almost instantly.)

Each of us, to a greater or lesser extent, owns the art of understanding people. Using a ten-point scale, a woman's skill can be rated on average eight or nine points; men usually cannot be given more than two. Perhaps if you are one of the few men (one in thirty) who are able to understand the non-verbal signals of women, my words will turn out to be a banal sermon. Unfortunately, most men, when they look at the women they like, resemble mosquitoes in a nudist colony. They understand, what have to do, but do not know where to start. For this reason alone, at the beginning of my book, I am going to present the simplest teaching material that may seem obvious to you. Next, we will gradually move on to more and more complex techniques - until you have learned the entire alphabet of 26 basic female non-verbal signals. The veil of secrecy will fall before you, and you will no longer feel uncomfortable, taking the first step towards a woman. You will have no doubt about whether "she wants to talk to me or will send me away."

You will soon find out why women are starting to play all these complicated and confusing games when it comes to dating and sex. We'll talk about latent sexual signals - whether they are intentional or instinctive - and even how to recognize such signals and gestures in your own behavior. After reading this book, you will become an expert in non-verbal communication, a connoisseur who understands a woman's heart, able to clearly distinguish between S.S.S. in female behavior, like sugar lumps among bitter pills. Plus, you'll know exactly what to do in response to each of these gestures. Just imagine, you can come to a party or a nightclub and say to yourself: “Aha! The blonde behind the bar gives me signal number 20, and the redhead just gave me world-old number 13. ”

When a woman shows you as old as the world # 13, she assumes: you know that she is definitely interested in you. The sad truth is that no one has ever told you: if a woman, staring into your eyes, throws back her hair, exposing her neck, before you is S.S.S. No. 13, called "Neck Bare", an instinctive signal meaning "I obey." (Even dogs know this gesture.) And you think she's just hot. But don't be discouraged. When you turn the last page of this book and hide it in the farthest corner of your closet so that even a psychic does not find it (I highly recommend doing this in view of the fact that you should expect an influx of visitors in the very near future), you will be able to clearly see and understand the mood of women you meet is faster than Evelyn Wood 2
Evelyn Wood is a speed reading specialist, lecturer in the art of reading at the University of Utah, and founded the Dynamic Reading Institute. - Approx. ed.

Notices prohibition signs on the road. But that's not all, gentlemen. In small highlighted fragments of text, you will find invaluable information necessary to understand the mechanisms of the functioning of the female brain. Consider them as the way to navigate the world of women successfully, don't forget to refer to them, and you will soon become a certified expert in this field.

Now, lest you think that I am exaggerating the power of this book, I must tell you that the book "SSS" does not promise in one night to make a shy little guy weighing forty-five kilograms, a champion in bodybuilding and a favorite of the fair sex. But you can be sure that you will never again get rejected from women with whom you try to strike up an acquaintance.

In this tutorial, you will not find lofty reflections on the nature of love and idle chatter about the psychology of interpersonal relationships. I am not going to nominate this work for a Pulitzer Prize. This book is written in simple and understandable language. All conclusions and recommendations here are based on objective, impartial research of sociologists, biologists, anthropologists and psychologists, as well as on my personal observations and the numerous revelations of women that they shared with me over the years of my work. If, while reading, some of the points do not seem convincing enough to you, I ask you to refer to the links to the sources listed at the end of the book - you will be convinced that all my conclusions are supported by the results of serious scientific research.

Keep in mind that most of these works are written in so-called scientific language, which sometimes takes ten minutes or more to read some sentences. I present the provisions of these scientific monographs in simple language ( too much simple, according to some).

But, regardless of whether you decide to dig deeper, studying the primary sources, or are satisfied with their simplified interpretation, you can be sure that what you are reading is genuine, confirmed by research and approved by mainstream science. Even the most meticulous pedant cannot find a drop of imagination in this storehouse of wisdom.

This book does not belong to the primitive manuals of popular psychology.

This book does not belong to those numerous textbooks and brochures on popular psychology, colloquially called K.I.S.S. ( Keep it simple stupid- “Keep it simple, you fool”), talking about sign language, which declares that every movement in itself has some kind of universal transcendental meaning. Men should especially beware of being overly enthusiastic about searching for hidden subtext in every gesture of those around them: not every gesture can irrefutably testify to the emotions associated with it. Reading body language and understanding latent sexual cues can be compared to spelling out text. Individual letters rarely mean anything by themselves, but together they form words and sentences that express a certain meaning. By themselves, individual gestures of a woman cannot be considered a reliable indication of certain of her experiences. But in combination with each other (psychologists call such combinations gesture clusters- combinations of gestures, ligaments of body movements), they can be very meaningful and are able to reveal the most intimate feelings of a woman. Indeed, a woman's words can be deceitful. But only rare individuals specially trained in the art of deception are able to lie in their body language.

Like the letters of the alphabet, which rarely have a meaning in their own right, each of the twenty-six S.S.C. we’ll study cannot by itself be conclusive evidence of a woman’s intentions. The fact that a woman is stroking one hand with the other while looking at you, or playing with a shoe while talking, does not mean that she is about to lean back in a fit of passion and say: "Take me." This could mean that her hand is itching or that she has worn off her feet. If she does both, and then fixes her hair or licks her lips, you can already draw far-reaching conclusions. Just as children learn the alphabet from A to Z before they can write “Vasya and Masha had a dog named Sharik,” so I strongly recommend that you study all twenty-six SSS before you start analyzing whether to have a romance between Vasya and Masha in a specific situation.

Above, we discussed the combinations of gestures depicted in photos 2 and 3. Next, we will focus on the study of the main S.S.S. and devote some time to secondary signals. At the end, you will have an exam for the title of initiate in the SS. men.

Heavy male share

It's not easy being a man these days, especially when it comes to relationships with women. I agree: you men are much stronger than us when you need to kick the ball into the goal, put your opponent on the tatami, drink a case of beer for a dare, and even - when you are in good shape - tear a telephone directory into small pieces. But I'm sure - and you will have to admit it too - if you happen to be involved in another sport, which is more of a martial arts and is called interpersonal relationships, then in a “full contact” duel you are knocked out in the first round ... This is how an ordinary guy spends an ordinary evening in an ordinary bar. He would have sworn that the red-haired beauty at the corner table had just given him a seductive Julia Roberts smile and a gaze so frank that even Larry Flynt would blush. 3
Publisher of an American erotic magazine Hustler. - Approx. ed.

Nevertheless, an hour later, he was sitting at home in the kitchen and staring at the refrigerator, wondering if he could eat three weeks old Chinese noodles, and wondered why she turned him off when he fell for her so obvious invitation. Biting his lip in annoyance, he recalls a conversation with Lisa, a friend of his friend's, that happened last week. She described how disappointed her friend Alice, that stunning blonde from California, was when he “ignored her unambiguous glances and attempts to flirt ”.

“On her what-oh-oh? He wondered. “There was only one thing unambiguously ...” He prudently did not finish the sentence and cleared his throat pointedly.

Now he understood what it was Lisa and Miss California who thought they were unambiguous hints that he didn’t notice. “I'm so dumb,” he muttered, tossing the rotten Chinese culinary masterpieces into the trash can.

Before you start thinking about similar bitter experiences in your life, learn that women have a huge advantage over you men when it comes to subtle, subtle sexual signals and gestures. This advantage, or head start, as the athletes say, is enormous - at least ten years. Any athlete and any fan knows how important this ten-year gap is. A boy who has never hit a ball at 17 is unlikely to become a professional footballer. And little girls begin to learn to play adult games while still in the sandbox.

When you and your fellow neighborhood boys strengthened male friendship by trying to tie the tails of the yard cats, your little sisters developed trust by discussing boys. They scrupulously analyzed their every word. They tried to understand that in fact the boy wanted to tell them when he said, "Please give me some more mashed potatoes." They analyzed every syllable, every intonation, every gesture, trying to understand their meaning. Whenever they came to a conclusion, they returned to the discussion again and again, trying to remember details that had previously escaped their attention. This is natural for women. It's in their blood.

24 hours a day, women are tuned to a frequency you can't even hear. This radio station is called body language or "What are you thinking". Women constantly communicate with each other on this "mysterious frequency". So they discuss with each other your thoughts and feelings, including those that you don't even know exist. When communicating with a man, a woman tries to communicate in her natural language, especially when it comes to dating or sex. When communicating with the opposite sex, women constantly use hidden sexual signals, but, unfortunately, very few men are able to recognize these signals. And those men who succeed are so incredibly popular with women that they literally have to fight them off like flies. Just as women adore foreplay in sex, they expect from men unhurried, natural and adequate responses to their own body movements. ALL the first impression you make on women is based on the NON-VERBAL SIGNALS you send! In the first 5-10 minutes of a conversation, the words you utter have practically no meaning - only your intonation, your gestures, your facial expressions, your inner mood of confidence and strength are important. Without going into more theoretical aspects of sign language, I will list all the main hidden sexual signals of women that you need to know if you want to date and communicate with any woman, anytime, anywhere.

1. Signals given by a woman who is interested in you as soon as you entered the room:

  • "Appraisal look". This look consists of an express assessment of you: first, the look goes to your shoes, then to your legs and buttocks, then quickly examines your clothes, hands, fingernails and, last of all, your face. The whole process takes anywhere from a second to two, so it is quite difficult to notice it.
  • "Proud posture". She perks up, becomes more energetic and, possibly, lifts her breasts high.
  • "Posing". She assumes an attractive pose, hoping that you will look in her direction.

2. A signal that will be given by two or more girls, talking to each other, if they like you:

  • "Women's chatter". If young girls like you, they will sneak glances at you and giggle. They may even start to cuddle together. Mature women will whisper more quietly.

3. The signals that a woman gives mainly with her eyes, in order to let you know from the other end of the room that she wants you

  • "Ku-ku". She will glance at you over a book, magazine, or menu.
  • "Shy Geisha". She will look down and to the side with feigned modesty. However, if she is interested in you, she will look at you again for 45 seconds.
  • "A sidelong glance". She will glance at you sideways, even if she is talking to someone. A more explicit version of this gesture is a look over the shoulder.

4. Signals meaning that a woman likes you, giving which, she slightly exposes her body

  • "Unobtrusive exhibitionism". She will pull back the hem of a blouse or dress to seduce you with a nude view.
  • "Playing with a shoe." She will toss the shoe with her toes, usually exposing her foot.
  • "Demonstration of armpits". A woman who likes you can pose from old photographs of Hollywood stars by raising one hand above her head and showing her armpit. If you are talking to her at this moment, she can simply raise her hand or throw it behind her head to show her naked armpit.
  • "Demonstration of legs". Women have learned to use their legs in the most seductive way to lure men. A woman can lift the hem of her skirt to expose a section of her leg, or even part them slightly, allowing you to look deeper for a moment. If a woman is sitting in a cross-legged position, she will direct the tip of the knee towards the person of interest.

5. Signals related to the distance between you, which are given by a seated woman, making it clear that she wants to get to know you better

  • "Close contact". She will get up or sit closer than it is stipulated by social rules. Sometimes she will break the distance fleetingly, expecting you to support her game.
  • “Invasion of“ personal space. ”An interested woman will place an object, her arm or leg, into your“ personal space ”(within one meter).
  • “Accidental“ touch. ”There is nothing accidental about it. If a woman touches your hand, fingers or any other part of the body - usually very quickly - it means that she is giving you a signal.
  • "Incline". If the rules of decency do not allow getting up or sitting too close to you, she can lean towards you and thereby invade your "personal space". She also uses the same technique to show that she is interested in your words.

6. Signals that a woman gives with her hands and which mean: "You turn me on"

  • "Demonstration of the wrist." You might be surprised to hear that the wrist is one of the supersensitive erogenous zones. Therefore, it is not surprising that this gesture is so popular among women, especially among smokers.
  • "Games with decorations". This usually starts with an instinctive reaction, as you make the woman nervous. However, more experienced women understand that they can seduce you by twisting a chain around your neck or touching an earring with your fingers, because this draws attention to the hollow on the chest or neck.
  • "Palm-weather vane". If a woman likes you, she can clench her fists when she talks to you. If she is indifferent, then she can prop her chin with her hands, knuckles out. If you attract her, the arms are likely to turn around and the palms will shake slightly with the meaning of "come closer."
  • "Exposure of the neck". When foxes fight to the death, the loser puts the throat of the winner, as if giving him the opportunity to inflict a fatal bite. When a woman pulls her hair back from her neck, it is a subconscious (or conscious) signal of surrender.
  • "Prepping". A woman dressing up in your presence has a dual purpose. She not only makes herself seductive, but also attracts your attention.
  • "Playing with the hair". Women who have a liking for you will draw your attention to their hair by smoothing it, curling it around your finger, or playing with it the way you could.
  • "Stroking". The "pleasure centers" of a woman, unlike yours, are scattered all over the body, therefore, upon seeing a man she likes, a woman starts stroking herself with pleasure. Smart women, noticing a positive reaction from a man, begin to stroke themselves more openly.

7. Signals meaning: "I'm good with you!"

  • "Violent gestures". A little girl wakes up in her. The unspoken meaning is: "Oh, I'm awfully good with you!" If her shoulders are bared, she will lead them knowing that you like it.
  • "Foolish". A little girl, when she is having fun, behaves stupidly. The older girls' version includes some sexual motives, such as winking or something in the mouth, ear or nose.
  • "Mirroring". She copies your posture, your movements and mannerisms. More sophisticated and sensual women unconsciously use this technique, considered in neuro-linguistic programming, thereby showing that they are tuned in to the same wavelength with you.

8. The most explicit signals that a woman uses when drunk, aroused, or simply desperate that you did not notice her previous signals:

  • "Licking lips". These last three signals are fairly straightforward. Licking her lips, a woman subconsciously tells you: "You look seductive and you excite me."
  • "Sexy thing". Whether the harm should be explained, what she is hinting at by running her finger, especially the middle one, along the edge or along the stem of the glass.
  • "Seductive nibbling". She either bites her lips or takes a small object in her mouth. No comments

There should be nothing tricky in the response of a male hidden sexual signal to any signal of a woman - it should correspond to the INTENSITY and STYLE of the female message. Here are some tips for conducting a conversation:

  1. Smile. It always melts the ice in conversation.
  2. Make sure to look her in the eye when talking.
  3. Periodically inspect it all from head to toe
  4. Try to copy her pose
  5. Flirt with her actively during all pauses in the conversation.
  6. Gradually approach her