What are the haircuts for women with a large nose? How to hide a big nose - wikiHow

Choosing a hairstyle for yourself, you need to take into account not only individual preferences in length, styling and a holistic image. A haircut that is well-chosen for a large nose, for example, will allow you to visually, if not reduce, then balance large features, balance the volume of the hair and draw the eye to the advantages of the face, diverting attention from the shortcomings. If the nose is large, long or wide, the main thing in choosing how to transform your hair is to adhere to the stylist's recommendations.

Here are some golden rules for a haircut for a face with a large nose:

  1. Long strands.
  2. Coloring and ombre.
  3. Curling.
  4. Asymmetrical bangs.

Short haircuts with uniform length primarily draw attention to the face, directly to its center. The most successful choice would be medium length, to the shoulders and below, patiently grown natural hair or extended. Both long options require individual care, but the latter will allow you to experiment with color more freely.

In the absence of inspiration, ideas can always be drawn from celebrities with similar traits and their stylists. In this case, it is difficult to make a mistake, and you can see examples of styling voluminous curls or successfully trimmed oblique bangs. Like well-chosen coloring, such techniques will divert attention away from the nose, drawing primarily to the hair.

Therefore, there is no doubt: well-groomed hair and a winning hairstyle can radically change the image for the better:

Features of haircuts for persons with a high forehead and a large nose (with photo)

A woman's haircut, which is chosen for a thin face with a large nose, will have its own distinctive features.

This example is given in order to remind you that it is worth taking into account not only the features individually, but also in aggregate, in order to choose a hairstyle that complements the complete image favorably.

If the face is thin and possibly elongated, it is worth balancing it with volume. Textured hair will give life and dynamism to the look, while well distracting from a large nose. In this case, it will not remain the only outstanding part, but will be balanced by the hairstyle.

For an oval face with a large nose, a haircut of almost any type is suitable, since (with the exception of a large nose) this shape is considered ideal.

That is, in this case, you can choose hairstyles for any length: short squeaks and bob or long cascades and ladders. The main thing is to never straighten the strands with a curling iron or a hairdryer with a comb, because they take on an unnatural look and do not look corny badly. Curled curls, especially large waves, will create the perfect balance.

For a high forehead and a large nose, a haircut with the addition of side bangs will be ideal. In this case, the benefits are literally "on the face", since such a hairstyle:

  1. Will create asymmetry.
  2. Will hide your forehead.

Both points in this case are important, since the oblique lines of the strands in the upper part of the face on a subconscious level take the gaze to the side, especially if the bangs are twisted outward.

Successful haircuts for a face with a large nose can be viewed in the photo in order to create the correct visual image in the mind:

Short to medium haircuts that balance the face with a large nose

  1. Caret.

Variations that are overly short, like the pixie, are best set aside. The square will look good graduated, while creating the required volume. If your hair is naturally thin and thin, you can apply foam at the roots and make a light bouffant. Dilute the classic bob well with waves, and apply special oil to the strands to add texture.

A haircut for medium hair that perfectly balances a large nose is everyone's favorite cascade:

The hairstyle itself is an almost universal option and a basic choice, on the basis of which you can create various images already for individual characteristics. So, voluminous hairstyles with a "hat" will look especially advantageous, as well as curls and stylish bouffants in the spirit of Adele and Amy Winehouse. Such a look will not only smooth out "sharp corners" well, but also create a unique aesthetics in the image.

What haircuts are suitable for women and girls if they have a big nose (with photo)

Haircuts selected for women with a large nose will have a more restrained and calm character.

Stylish short hairstyles like bob and bob are great for women, with a less dramatic difference in length between crown and front.

The bangs, if desired, can be left, again, smoothing out the difference in the length of the strands and smoothly leading to the side. Such a choice will delight you with the practicality and style of the image, and will create a pleasant, neat look. Crazy curls should be avoided, but bulky roots will come in handy.

Haircuts for women with a large nose can be seen in a photo where many different options are given:

Do not be shy about dyeing your hair, although highlighting should be discarded. Muted shades of light brown in combination with a few lightened strands will add softness to the face and perfectly complement the features.

Almost nothing stops young girls in choosing a hairstyle, since a young age is a time for experiments. Bright coloring will distract from large features, large curls along the entire length will add volume and dilute everyday life with an interesting detail in the image.

When asked which haircut would work well for a girl with a big nose, the first thing to answer is a long texture cascade.

Of course, loose hair can also get bored, and you don't look like that every day: bad weather, not enough time for styling, something else.

The original option would be to collect the hair at the back of the head and raise it at the crown. At the same time, leave a few strands to frame the face, and comb the tail and fix it with varnish or mousse in a "creative mess" - quickly and in an original way.

What haircut is suitable if the nose is large, you can look at the photo to make sure that there are actually a whole lot of options available:

It is worth noting that no matter what hairstyle you choose, a light hair color, such as blond or light brown, always creates a halo of lightness. While black and chestnut sharply and unambiguously outlines the face, gold and ash blurs and smoothes sharp edges and large features.

It's good to be the perfect beauty. But what about those whose features are far from perfect? One of the main culprits of girlish experiences is a big nose. It would seem that the only way to get rid of this problem is with the help of rhinoplasty. But don't be in a hurry. There are several simple methods that can be applied to create the illusion of a perfect shape without resorting to the services of plastic surgeons.

Makeup will create harmony

What is the secret of a harmonious face? This is not only a correct nose or beautifully contoured lips, but a combination of all its elements. So the first way to create the illusion is to enlarge the rest of the traits. As a result of visual deception, the nose will appear smaller, sleeker. The main assistant in this matter is the correct makeup.

Anything that can divert attention must be visually highlighted, made brighter, more contrasting. Big eyes, bright lips, perfect curl of eyebrows - all this will not only create the necessary effect of harmony of features, but also make your image unique!

Women and girls with large noses should pay attention to the shape of their own eyebrows. A beautiful bend and sufficient thickness will add expressiveness to the face and visually change its proportions. For girls who want to reduce their nose, straight and thin eyebrows, especially eyebrows with a thread, are contraindicated. Light eyebrows, which are often found in blondes, will not work for you either.

Draw attention to your eyes and lips with bold makeup and vibrant colors. This will draw more attention to them than to your nose. However, there should be a sense of proportion in everything. By highlighting the eyes and lips at the same time, you will overload your face.

Particular attention should be paid to make-up correction of the nose. The illusion of a small nose is created using the contouring technique. The basic principle of this technique: the light parts visually bring parts of the face closer, and the dark ones move away and decrease. By creating a play of light and shadow, you visually change the shape of your nose depending on its imperfections. This technique will visually reduce any nose - and flat, and wide, and long, and with a hump. You just need to apply the contour and highlight in the right places.

Use a color that suits your skin as a base. You will also need a powder or cream half a tone lighter and half a tone darker than the base. First, you need to even out the tone of the epidermis, hiding all possible defects.

After applying the base, you can proceed to the direct correction of the nose.

  1. With dark powder on the sides of the nose, you need to draw two vertical lines. The lines should go exactly in the middle of the wings of the nose.
  2. Feather these lines carefully, making the borders invisible.
  3. Place a light tone in the center of the nose. The width of the line will allow you to visually adjust the shape of your nose, because it is she who will attract the eye.

To correct a flat nose, shade the wings and tip of the nose, and apply the highlight in the center. Thus, you will focus on the bridge of the nose and hide the wide wings.

A long nose can be visually shortened by darkening its tip and sides. A light stripe is applied in the center, visually shortening the length of the nose.

Correcting the nose with glare and contour is possible only when using this technique on other parts of the face. Otherwise, the nose will stand out too much, which will draw undue attention to it. All transitions between shades should be made as smooth as possible. Be sure to shade the highlight carefully so as not to draw attention to its borders.

The magic power of hairstyles

If you don't feel like mastering complex makeup techniques, pay special attention to your hairstyle. The main principles here are the same: volume and distraction. Asymmetrical haircuts, lush puffs, curls - these are the main directions that create the illusion of a chiseled nose.

Suitable for you:

  • Hairstyles for medium and long hair. Against the background of long hair, all features of your face, including your nose, will appear visually smaller.
  • Asymmetrical layered haircuts. The ideal haircut for you will be a "cascade" with its uneven strands, creating additional volume. Against the background of hair volume, the nose appears to be visually smaller.
  • Waves, curls, curves. Wavy lines will balance any harsh lines on your face, and the bridge of the nose is the most visible of them. Curls soften the face and create the right volume, hiding imperfections.
  • Side parting The same asymmetry comes to the rescue here. The irregularity of the hairstyle compensates for the irregular shape of the nose.

Girls with large noses are generally advised to avoid:

  • short haircuts;
  • bangs;
  • horse tail.

However, the magic formula - asymmetry, volume, wave - will allow you to wear even such hairstyles.

Fans of short haircuts do not have to radically change their image. Modern fashion offers a ton of options that are perfect for girls with any nose shape. The main thing is to avoid smooth, well-shaped hairstyles. Therefore, the classic "bob" is not your option. An asymmetrical bob is suitable for you - with fleece, curls or torn, uneven edges.

Traditionally, it is believed that with a large nose, the face should be open, so it is better not to wear bangs. Covering your forehead, bangs focus on the lower part of your face and draw attention to your nose. Therefore, straight, round, thick bangs are not your strong point.

If you really want to wear bangs, don't be discouraged. Get some creativity and play with its shape. You need to choose a bang that partially covers the forehead: oblique, asymmetrical, torn or combed to the side. It is especially good if the bangs hang below the wings of the nose, so it will balance your facial features and visually make your nose smaller.

Even by doing a ponytail on top of your head, you may not draw attention to the shape of your nose. Just let a few strands out of your hair. You can curl a couple of curls. Framing your face beautifully, the strands will add tenderness to your look.

Pay attention to hair color. Light brown, light chestnut shades or blond will suit you. An interesting solution will be bright artificial strands that are fashionable this season. They can be attached to your hair using discreet bobby pins.

Use accessories

The main thesis is that we attract attention. Bright spots, extravagant details: scarves, hats, caps, jewelry. All these accents will divert attention from your problem.

Pay attention to the earrings. Discard short earrings. Being on the same level with your nose, they will only draw unnecessary attention to it.

Your option is long large earrings and a voluminous necklace. These details will attract the attention of others. Long earrings dangle below the ear, increasing the horizontal space, and this visually reduces the nose.

When choosing a hat, you should pay attention to styles with wide brim. Hanging fields visually shorten the nose. A colorful stripe on your headdress will also distract attention from your problem.

Draw attention to your merits. Do you have a great bust and long legs? Wear a short skirt or a plunging neckline dress. Maybe some envious person will pay attention to the imperfection of your nose, the male part of the population will definitely not care about this insignificant detail.

By following these simple tips, you can create the illusion of a perfect nose. At the same time, your image will become so bright and stylish that the shape of your nose will turn from a flaw into a piquant feature.

How to visually reduce the nose? You will be surprised to know how many ways there are without surgery to correct imperfections in this part of the face. Here's what's in your arsenal: hair, eyebrows, eye makeup, full face sculpting, and nose sculpting. Even hair color can affect the impression of the nose. And only when all this has undergone careful processing, you can see your nose as it really is. Perhaps he never was big, but just seemed like that.

How to visually reduce the nose, choosing the right environment for it

Hairstyle and facial makeup in general are very important. By working with them, you can divert attention from the imperfections of the nose without actually doing anything with it. After all, when we say that the nose is too big, we mean that it is big in comparison to something. And if the eyes, lips or face become larger, then the nose will visually decrease.


In no case should they be plucked into a thin thread, while it is necessary to achieve symmetry and a pleasant "flying" shape with a well-defined bend. Pay attention to the photographs Her nose, despite its beautiful shape, is not so small. But at the same time, perfectly defined curved eyebrows compensate for the size of the nose and the truly German stiffness of the features. In most photographs, she seems to be perfect, and her nose is graceful and small.

Cheekbones and chin

How to visually reduce the nose, emphasizing the line of the cheeks? And is it possible? The famous Russian model, favorite of Vogue Anya Selezneva has a large and not, but still with an excessively wide round tip. However, when we look at her photographs, we hardly notice this, rather, we note to ourselves that the face has its own zest, character. Why? The fact is that a wide nose is in perfect harmony with very expressive, always well-defined cheekbones.

Pay special attention to modeling the lower and lateral parts of the face. Beautiful cheekbones and chin with clear and smooth lines always look sensual and stylish.

General face modeling

The photo below demonstrates how much the impression of a nose can change with makeup. For use highlighters, tonal creams, special powders, shadows. The size and shape of the light and dark areas will be different for each woman. The basic rule is simple: light tone increases, dark tone decreases. For example, the nose is very long, but narrow, graceful, looks almost perfect from the front, and its length is noticeable only in profile. In this case, there is no need to darken the lateral areas of the nose. It is necessary to lighten the bridge of the nose, then it will seem a little closer, and darken the lower part (but not the tip). Sometimes it's not the nose at all, but other facial features, for example, the distance from the upper lip to the nose is very short, and the nose seems to be long. In this case, the area above the lip must also be corrected. Particular attention should be paid to eye makeup. In the photo below, you can clearly see how much it affects the overall impression - thanks to the actively applied shadows around the eyes, the large nose has become almost invisible.


And the feminine hairstyle also attracts attention. If you need to visually reduce the nose, then hair pulled at the back of the head in a ponytail is contraindicated. Avoid sleek hairstyles. The face should be framed by soft curls or waves, and at the roots, volume is desirable, which can be achieved with the help of bouffants and special styling. The best hair length is medium, but it all depends on the overall appearance. Very lush hair does not always suit petite women, and high bouffants are contraindicated for a too high forehead.


The basic rule is this: the more the face is open, the less noticeable the nose is. And the bangs can compensate for a large nose, and maybe emphasize its size. That is why there are so many mistakes with her. It should be remembered: bangs are picked up not only under the nose! You need to look at the facial features as a whole. For example, if you have an elongated face oval, a heavy but expressive chin, clear full lips, in this case the thick one will balance the overall impression and compensate for the narrowness of the face. In addition, the bangs are different: asymmetric, overestimated, shortened, thinned. Any flat-lying thick bangs with an even and low edge can only aggravate the flaw, but all other options can be safely considered, strands airy framing the face are especially good, creating a feeling of space and volume around the face. These are the hairstyles that Barbra Streisand wears.

How to visually shrink your nose with daily grooming?

Unfortunately, tonal modeling is not always convenient. It is usually used for special occasions such as photography, but even regular powder and constant grooming can shrink your nose. How often there is oily shiny skin on the nose, and even with black dots! But the shine on this protruding part of the face can visually make it even larger. Therefore, matting wipes and powder are a must. Ideally, the skin on the nose should be completely clean, smooth, matte and free of redness - all this will make the nose more neat.

How to shrink the tip of the nose?

The tip of the nose can be made a little more upturned and neat with the help of special exercises. Surely you can voluntarily inflate your nostrils, which clearly proves that there are muscles here, and you can work with them. One of the main exercises for nose shrinking is to hold the tip of the nose with your finger and try to lower your upper lip down.

When doing makeup, in a darker tone, draw short lines at the tip so that they are like a continuation of the lateral lines of the nasal bridge. Then accentuate the bridge of the nose with a lighter tone, without continuing the line at the tip. Achieve smooth boundaries between funds. In order to learn how to correct the nose correctly, first take a darker tone and clearly draw all the lines and spots, move away from the mirror as far as possible and evaluate the result from afar, and only then proceed to the clean version with shading.

In any case, it should be remembered that only you yourself know about your shortcomings. And whether they will be considered flaws or highlights of the appearance depends only on you. Even a large nose can be considered beautiful, thoroughbred and noble. Ancient Greek beauties had a very expressive profile. In addition, it is likely that the nose only appears to be large due to misplaced accents in appearance.

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How to reduce the nose with makeup

Correct makeup allows you to correct the shape of the nose in the vast majority of cases. Of course, there are situations when you cannot do without the help of a plastic surgeon, but we advise you to contact specialists of this level for help in extreme cases (for example, after an accident or if the septum is curved, which does not allow breathing normally).

The secrets of makeup are used by many stars, whose makeup artists "make" their noses miniature and graceful.

A thin, narrow, graceful and small nose is the dream of many women. There are several secrets, thanks to which you can reduce your nose with makeup and slightly tweak its shape.

1. Bright eye or lip makeup will distract attention from a large nose of not quite ideal shape.

2. Make the nose visually less will help blush, which should be applied from the "apples" of the cheeks to the temples.

3. Visually reduce the nose will help a hairstyle with a voluminous nape. If you have a large nose, skip the bangs.

4. Sculpting the face. This method has several important nuances, so let's dwell on it in more detail.

How to use makeup to reduce the nose with potatoes

Visually making a large nose smaller will help a special technique of applying a light base (a few tones lighter) and a dark foundation or bronzer. It is important to remember that both means must be contrasting, otherwise the desired effect will not work. But it is better for these purposes to use professional cream correctors, which are applied under the foundation or dry, which are applied over the foundation.

Step 1. Apply a suitable foundation on the face and apply eye makeup. The girl in the photo has makeup in an oriental style, which allows her to beautifully emphasize her almond shape.

Step 2. Apply a foundation or dry corrector of a light shade to the middle of the nose, the bridge of the nose and the middle of the forehead. With the same tool, we highlight the area under the eyes, draw the contour of the lips along the outer edge and apply the base to the chin. Apply the bronzer to the back of the nose and nostrils, as well as to the cheekbones. The basic rule of sculpting is to darken the areas that need to be hidden and highlight the areas that need to be emphasized.

Step 3. With a sponge or brush, carefully blend the applied products, moving from the center to the periphery until we manage to cope with the visible transitions. Lightly powder your face with reflective powder.

Using the same scheme, we distribute cream correctors on a clean face, and then apply foundation and powder on top of them.

This technique is just great, with its help you can make your face almost perfect. The only thing is that it takes practice to apply funds, and therefore you need training, training and training again! Experiment with your makeup beforehand and decide which one is right for you.

How to reduce a crooked nose with makeup

We use the same tonal means as in the previous case. Apply a tonal foundation of a natural shade to the skin. On the "hump" we apply a bronzer or a dark tonal base (we darken the flaws), and on the wings of the nose and its tip we apply a lighter base. We carefully shade the borders of the transition.

How to use makeup to reduce a long nose

Step 1. After applying a suitable foundation on the skin of the face, proceed to sculpting. In the middle of the nose, from the bridge of the nose to the tip, apply a tonal foundation or a corrector of a light shade.

Step 2. Apply the tonal base of a dark color in not too wide stripes, bordering the light strip and making a rounding in the lower part of the nose. On an area 1 cm above the tip of the nose, draw a horizontal stripe, as shown in the photo - this technique will visually shorten the length.

Step 3. Feather the borders.

Step 4. Put some light shadows or powder on the brush and go through the center of the nose again.

How to reduce the nose with makeup: video

How to make a correct nose correction

How to reduce a long nose

How to narrow your nose

How to reduce your nose with makeup

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The appearance of each person is individual. Each of us is beautiful in its own way: some have expressive eyes, others have a beautiful eyebrow shape or a perfectly straight nose. With the help of makeup, we can visually change the proportions of the face, make them more harmonious.

The nose is the most prominent, and therefore more noticeable, part of the face. And since not everyone has it straight and has ideal proportions, every year thousands of women resort to rhinoplasty (plastic surgery) in order to achieve ideal contours and sizes.

But why such sacrifices, when it is quite possible to make a beautiful nose even without surgery? It is enough just to choose cosmetics and learn how to use them correctly. Agree, makeup for a large nose is a much more preferable solution both for the wallet and for health. And it's easier to make edits (in case of an unforeseen error).

Therefore, today let's talk about how to reduce the nose with makeup, and give it the desired shape. For convenience, we will consider each "problem" separately. So…

Correcting the shape and removing the "defects"

In this part, we will talk about how to mask the hump on the nose with makeup, make it less snub-nosed, etc. As you know, its shape is set by the bone and cartilage tissue, the formation of which begins when a person is still in the womb. Therefore, if there is a fracture or congenital excessive curvature, only doctors can really help.

In other cases, the correct makeup should be enough. Therefore, before we change the shape of the nose, let's look at what it is. Visually, a prism is closest to the desired contours, the edges of which we will correct to achieve various effects.

For a better understanding of what has been said, consider how to hide a nose with a potato using a make-up. This "defect" is expressed in an excessively rounded tip and wide wings, which give the image an excessive simplicity and good nature. Therefore, to eliminate it, we need:

  1. Highlight the front with a highlighter.
  2. Darken the sides and wings with a tone a couple of shades darker than your natural skin tone.
  3. Carefully shade the transitions, trying to shade the new, even light line as naturally as possible.

Consider. If your look involves a lot of use of blush, powder or similar products, then (so that the makeup for the nose with potatoes does not attract undue attention), the choice of corrector should be made based on their color.

If the area under consideration has the shape of a well-defined triangle (whose wings are too wide, and the bridge of the nose, on the contrary, is narrowed), it can also be balanced using a combination of highlights and contours.

To reduce the nose with makeup, the wings are shaded with dark shades. At the same time, a highlight is applied on both sides of the bridge of the nose, allowing for visual expansion. With the help of such simple manipulations, the top and bottom visually achieve the required ratio and are more harmoniously combined with each other.

But the makeup of the nose with a hump will be done exactly the opposite. On the front part, you will need to apply a darker cosmetic product (concealer / dark powder / concealer / shadow), and the wings will be modeled using a light one. Treatment of other parts of the face will also help to visually straighten the nose, which will be discussed in more detail in the final part of the article.

Straight and snub noses

If the desire of girls to find out how to make their nose thinner with the help of makeup is understandable, then their other requests are often perplexed. So, many owners of a "Greek" nose, which is characterized by straightness and a well-defined bridge of the nose, strive to make it as inconspicuous as possible, and snub-nosed ones - to hide their natural charm under a layer of makeup.

In the first case, the problem is solved quite simply: the correction is performed using an ordinary correcting agent (corrector or concealer) of dark shades. It is applied to the base of the nose and shaded thoroughly. If a certain flattening is observed in the contours, it will be enough to apply a light base along the entire length of the bridge of the nose, and, on the contrary, darken the side edges.

As for the owners of excessively snub noses, their make-up will be even simpler than makeup for a nose with a hump. To mask this defect, it will be enough:

  1. Apply a light shade to the front edge (up to the "knoll").
  2. Slightly shade the lower part of the front edge with blush or powder of a dark shade.
  3. Put a light point at the very edge of the overly upturned tip (with the help of a corrector, light powder or similar cosmetics).

Another option is to apply dark tones to the tip of the nose (in the center) and carefully blend all borders and transitions. After that, the makeup for the snub nose can also be considered complete.

Good to know! If you are thinking about how to correct your nose with makeup, first of all, you should decide on the type of make-up. For the evening version, the best solution would be to work with two shades, for the daytime - only with highlights. At the same time, all transitions should be as smooth as possible, which will be perfectly handled by careful shading.


Every fifth girl dreams of finding out how to hide a big nose with makeup today. Just as in the case of being overweight, dissatisfaction is often caused by even completely normal and, which is important, harmoniously correlated with the rest of the face shapes.

Technically, narrowing your nose with makeup is not difficult. As in most of the examples described, for this you only need tonal means of dark and light shades, as well as a brush with which the final shading will be made.

The very same makeup for a wide nose (or rather, the order of its application) is as follows:

  1. On the side edges and wings of the nose, using a brush with a beveled edge, apply a couple of lines of a dark base (be it powder, concealer or something else).
  2. With a highlighter or other light means on the front face, a glare is laid strictly in the center, the width of which should coincide with the width of the desired result. This will allow you to visually reduce the nose to the desired size.
  3. Finally, you need to make a few light vertical strokes with the brush, which will help blend the highlight and blur the boundaries between it and the dark base.

However, not everyone is interested in reducing the nose with makeup. Some ladies, on the contrary, suffer from its excessive subtlety.

To virtually "build up" additional millimeters on the wings and bridge of the nose, much effort is not required. While makeup for a wide nose involves combining two bases, to achieve the opposite effect, just a light powder or concealer is enough. Apply the highlights with your chosen cosmetic to the area you want to expand and blend. That's all, the desired length has been reached.

Good to know! If you want your nose makeup to look as natural as possible, when choosing cosmetics for adjustment, give up products with glitter, pearlescent and similar effects. The best solution is a powder or foundation with a matte finish.

Correct the length

Want to make your nose shorter? It couldn't be easier. As in other cases, you will need no more than three steps:

  1. First, apply the highlighter in a straight line strictly in the center. Its length should correspond to the length of the desired result.
  2. Next, using makeup in dark tones, process the wings and tip to reduce the long nose.
  3. The last step is shading.

If you are interested in how to reduce the tip of the nose (and only it), then first try to simply powder it. In most cases, getting rid of the oily sheen is enough to get the desired result.

However, if that does not work, any dark tinting agent will help, which, as already noted, must be applied to the wings and tip, and then shaded. Thus, you will make the problem area less prominent and noticeable, and the shadow, enhanced with dark tones, will visually eliminate extra millimeters.

But what if you do not need to shorten the nose, but, on the contrary, lengthen it? Judging by the popularity of Internet requests, this issue worries quite a lot of the fair sex, and therefore let's consider it. Moreover, there are no secrets or difficulties here.

To achieve a similar effect, the techniques described above must be done the other way around. Where it is written to use a flare, apply a contour, and where a contour is mentioned - apply a flare. With such a simple technique, you can achieve the length that suits you without the intervention of doctors and third parties.

I would like to note that makeup for a long nose does not always justify its use. By striving to reduce the most prominent part of the face, you can create great disharmony in the overall image. For example, to make the already narrow lips thinner or the lower part of the face - more massive (compared to the upper one). Therefore, if you still have little experience, apply makeup to reduce the nose for the first time under the supervision of an experienced makeup artist.

Good to know! Correction of the nose with make-up should always be done in conjunction with the application of cosmetics of similar shades to other areas of the face. If this is not the case, you risk giving it even more expressiveness, focusing all your attention on the only treated area.

It often happens that the disharmony in the general image is brought not by the nose of the "irregular" shape or size, but by the disproportionality of certain parts of the face relative to each other.

Photos before and after correction of the nose with makeup

So, a small chin and a thin upper lip give the lower part of the face an excessive sophistication (against which the rest of the areas look unreasonably large). And in such a situation it is better to think not about how to make the nose smaller with the help of makeup, but about how to correct this "problem" area. About makeup for different types of face, as well as how to hide flaws and highlight advantages, we wrote earlier in one of the.

We conducted a survey among makeup artists, and this is what we got:

  • For those with narrow lips, adjusting the shape of the mouth will help to change the nose (or rather, its length). Add volume to the lips, and the nose will visually become smaller.
  • The thicker and closer to the bridge of the nose the eyebrows are, the longer the nose will appear. If you need to add / hide a couple of millimeters, this knowledge will be especially useful.
  • For those wishing to learn how to make a nose with the help of makeup, it makes sense to focus on the cheeks and lower eyelids. Make them lighter than the sides and wings of the nose, and the result will not be long in coming.
  • The bangs do a good job with the visual correction of the hump. Unfortunately, there is no single styling scheme here (since the face shape and type are different for all people), so do not be afraid to experiment.
  • But bangs are strictly contraindicated for owners of an overly wide nose. The more open your face is, the less bulky and bulky your nose will look on it.

As you can see, nose correction with makeup is not difficult (and much safer than surgery). With the proper skill, it is quite possible to cope with it without outside help. However, before making drastic changes, think twice if you need it. Each of the described "defects" (with the exception of extreme forms) with properly selected makeup can become an advantage, adding personality and charm to the image.

So, a hump on the nose in ancient Rome was considered a trait of the goddess, and snub-nosedness is an excellent help for those who seek to look younger. Moreover, according to surveys, people much more often remember not the shape of the eyes or the color of the lips of the interlocutor, but the shape of his nose. Therefore, is it worth depriving yourself of individuality, adjusting your appearance to the stereotyped frames of beauty (which, in addition, change from year to year).

However, the decision here is up to you. We will only be glad if our advice helped you. Comments on your own achievements are also welcome.