What women love men, what figure like more and what is the psychology talk about male preferences? What do men love

The question of what women love men is a popular topic for discussions in women's circles and men's conversations. Tastes and preferences in all representatives of the strong floor, however, there is something that forms a common trend.

What are guided by men in the choice of a woman, how important the appearance is and what is an ideal partner from the point of view of male psychology - consider in this article.

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What women love men?

What do men like in women? What qualities are priority and always cause sympathy, in a strong sex?

  • tenderness, ability to love and show love;
  • attractive appearance;
  • femininity, softness;
  • sexuality;
  • intelligence;
  • sense of humor;
  • riddle and mystery.

Most of the listed characteristics (character qualities, personality) are not decisive when meeting and on the first date, but are considered to be decisive with joint living and long-term relationships.

Men "love eyes" and this serves as a key factor in meeting.

Therefore, we will focus more on appearance. What men love in women, what psychology of choice? What do you pay attention to first? What does the look attract? In the end, what women do men want?

What figure?

What kind of girls is the strong floor preferred first? What figure like men? Many people think that men love women with some kind of defined type of figure. But this delusion and in fact everything is different.

The feminine figure is good, but even if the girl has a different type, you can look impurious and cause delight from the male side. To do this, there are stylists, fashion designers and all sorts of tricks in the selection of wardrobe. A fine-floor representatives using competently selected clothing can create a balance with any type of figure, compensate for the shortcomings and allocate advantages.

No matter how hard they try to lose weight, but kilograms are not so defining. Main proportion and forms! This is why a man's look flashes when he is sincere and enjoy admires the female body.

Types of women's figures


The male floor is not considered the growth parameter, as something that can be determined when choosing. Some can attract high growth partners, and others embarrass and repel. There are those men who stop at those who are 4-5 centimeters below.

Why do men love little women? This is due to the fact that women grow smaller than want to protect, defend, patronate. While all the high women look more self-sufficient and capable of themselves will take care of themselves. This reaction is explained by psychological factors and is not characteristic of all representatives of the stronger sex, it all depends on the nature and preferences. Men love tall and small equally, no one is deprived of attention.


Disputers around the topic, whether men love full women, a lot. But statistics says men love women with forms, even if there is a pair of extra kilograms. The nature of the male floor is such that all sensations are reduced to touch, that is, to desire to touch, feel.

No matter how flatstically responded about thin and slender, not all men in a row love women of this type.

Possessing the sophisticated, the aristocratic taste of a man love graceful women, they attract them just such a type. The tastes of strong sex are diverse, and there will always be an appropriate female representative.

With long hair or short

If you ask a man to dream and draw the image of an ideal woman in my head, it turns out that in most cases the image of a girl with long hair is evoked. Why are men love long hair in women? Hair is a continuation, its protection, and also there were always a manifestation of femininity.

But just as men can love women and with stylish, extravagant hairstyle, which emphasizes her cheerful, mischievous character. No matter how long the hair is, they must attract well-keeped and shine health. In this case, the hair will always be a decoration, a wint of a woman.

Is the smell?

The smell is actually crucial when choosing a partner, at least this fact is not always realized by a strong floor. Although it is literally drunk by a female fragrance and is ready for everything, only to spend time with a woman you like.

It turns out that the man will lose his head from the female fragrance, he should just approach him. And it's not about perfumery here.

Whatever fragrance would not choose a girl, first of all it should smell purity. Ideal is the smell of body after the shower, when your own flavors are not interrupted later.

Why do men like the smell of a woman? By smell, you can judge the health of a woman, plus flavors act on a partner exciting. If the perfume is an organic continuation of the girl, then harmony will arise with its own smell and even increase the effect.

An ideal woman - what is she?

Often in male conversations appear such a concept as the "ideal woman." What is her perfect woman with a strong sex? What women do men like first?

The answer is simple:

  • beautiful;
  • thoughtful;
  • clever;
  • sexy;
  • feminine;
  • self-confident;
  • stylish;
  • positive;
  • with a sense of humor;
  • cheerful;
  • gentle.

These all qualities have most women. What is the secret and complexity of finding the ideal? And the fact that it is important to be able to harmoniously combine all the listed qualities and not to relocate with some of them. For example, such quality as confidence. Here it is not about self-love and high self-esteem. And more about the fact that the woman really appreciates himself, his abilities values \u200b\u200bthis and broadcasts it into the world.

Features of male psychology

Men are very different, and what is called "male psychology" is a category of generalized and in many ways conditional. For most representatives of the strong floor, the patterns of interpole behavior will be similar. However, you should not drive yourself in the framework of conventions: you should always understand that a man who likes you can be different from the majority.

Like to kiss?

This question is given most of women. Do men like kissing? If so, why? Men almost all love, getting maximum pleasure when kiss. Kiss is a pleasant thing and even useful, and also serves as a small prelude to sex. During the kiss you can appreciate the partner and even dream about what it will be in bed, which is even more late for a strong floor.

But there are exceptions here. Prove the fact that all representatives of strong sex love to kiss, it would be unreasonable. There are also those who do not find pleasure. Some either do not know how to be afraid that this inefficacy will become apparent. Others are simply shy, and the third is generally squeamish. But according to statistics among men, few people who do not like to kiss.

What woman will he never let go?

The answer does not provide for some one standard or reference. What woman a man will never let go? Next to which he is comfortable, next to which he:

  • fully forgets about problems at work,
  • next to which inspiration arises;
  • motivation appears to implement, act, create.

A woman gives a man feeling his stay nearby. It can not do anything special, but to give the condition in which the strong floor needs.

This is the secret of femininity, which experts want to find the right words so much, but not listed for women's energy by components. This is a special state in which feelings, emotions, skills, respect, love for themselves and the male floor are intertwined. Some women are from nature, and many try to learn it.

Answering the question "What kind of woman will never forget?", Psychology comes from the fact that the emotion experienced by man is remembered for a long time. And the man that caused a storm of passions in it, with which he survived Azart and Adrenaline, next to which was always different and fun. Yes, he will remember that he will remember for a long time, but not the fact that it is just necessary for life.

Why do men like to look at women's buttocks?

On a female fifth point, you can often see a male, insightful look. And this is not good. There were numerous experiences when there were photos of women in a profile with a curved back and convex buttocks and without such an effect. And of course, the attention of almost everyone absorbed beautiful buttocks.

So, why do men like to look at the women's buttocks, you know? Everything comes down to natural instincts.

Historically, women widespread thighs could easily endure and give birth to a child. As a result, a man could count on a greater number of heirs. Until now, representatives of heavy sex estimating women's buttocks.

Do it like them when they are jealous?

Have you ever thought about the question: "Do men like when they are jealous?". But this question cannot be answered unequivocally. As the answer will depend on which party to look at the attitude of men to jealousy.

Of course, the ego of any man will be satisfied, he will proudly blow up his nose as soon as he sees signs of jealousy. But this is just one side of the medal. No one canceled the love of a man to a girl who confident in herself knows the price. Sometimes, with such confidence in yourself, a strong floor flashes a feeling with a new force. After all, jealousy is the manifestation of distrust. And if there is no jealousy, you trust you, then the woman will have respect, delight and the warmest feelings together with gratitude.

Why do some prefer an older partner?

There is a lot of marriage in life when a partner is younger than its chosen. And such unions are often strong and long. Many girls of the row, watching such a tendency, wonder: "Why do men love women older?". And here everything is explained simply.

Sometimes men move the desire to be close to the wise and experienced woman, a kind of teacher. But often such partners were devoid of maternal caress in childhood and are now looking for it in their companion, instinctively choosing older. If this psychological aspect understand, it becomes obvious why men prefer women older than themselves.

Useful video

So what women love men? 4 important items based on men's opinion, see the following video:


  1. Representatives of the strong floor are all different, just as their tastes. Some of them are crazy from full, others - pay attention to thin.
  2. It is known that mostly men prefer women "mid-type". And the more external data of the girls deviate into one direction or the other, the fact that she faces with great difficulties when choosing a partner.
  3. It is not worth loaning on appearance. It is important to understand the partner, strive to build harmonious relationships, then the question of what women men love will not be so worried. Men love those women who love men.

Almost every girl, believes that men love in a relationship only sex (physical intimacy), this opinion has long been imposed on television screens and magazines, and in fact how? What do they appreciate in relationships? Believe me - it's not just sex, everything is much deeper and more interesting. We will talk about this in this article. Knowing it, you can build or keep long and strong relationships with a guy.

1. Support. Each man loves support in relationships, everyone has their own plans and goals, big and small and if you help you reach at least a small part of them - it will be a huge plus for you. Assistance in the embodiment of a dream is different. You do not need to take it by the hand and indicate what and how to do to achieve this, sometimes it is enough just not to interfere, do not condemn, and do not hinder, plus to encourage the words. Everything.

2. Recognition. Any man has a big ego given by nature. He will always plow, and if he does not receive approval or flattering reviews of working on his part, will be gently speaking sadly, and if you have to say:
"What are you well done",
"I am proud of you"
"I did everything right"

and all in such a spirit
that such a step will be truly appreciated.

3. humor. The guys love to joke, live in a fun atmosphere, even through humor they talk about serious things and decide no less serious problems. Need the ability to joke, understand his jokes and live in such an atmosphere, let it not every day, but 1-2 times a week exactly. It is very appreciated in relationships.

4. Communication. You will not be filled with one bed if you understand that I'm trying to convey to you. You spend a lot of time with him, and you need to be able to sincere and communicate a lot, let it be about trifles, everything is not important - the main thing is to speak and understand each other. Ideally, you still need to have common friends, with which it will be easy to communicate with both.

5. Freedom. No man will not bearing when his freedom insulates, it can be the first blow to your relationship. Trust is a very important factor that will help you stay together for many years.

6. Obligations.You must regard relationships as serious, if not, the man will look for another. So laid out nature that they are obliged to create a family, to be cooled. If the girl ignores this fact, then interest in it is pretty quickly (a couple of months), it goes down, and you can not even hold his sex.

7. Intim. Men romantics in our time is very small, again because of their psychology, love passion and all other feelings they express through the bed. It does not mean that they are building relationships only for this, there is no reason. Just understand that you will not hear in everyday life - "Favorite, Bunny, Beauty," etc., but this does not mean that he does not think so. The men all keep in themselves and splashing only in bed. Complete and understand.

8. Moral proximity. This is a very important factor in relation. It is necessary to complete the understanding of his life principles, feasures and support in a difficult situation, and in their lives there will be very and very much, especially in the joint.

In general, it is extremely rare against a serious relationship, mostly all depends on the girl. The question from their point of view is so - "is it ready for this, and whether it will suit me." If we try to look at them as an accessory and imagine how we look together (a couple), then men are looking for a future wife first. I understand, it sounds more than strange, but it is so

How could you learn from this article "What men love in relationships", their thoughts are not tied at all on sex. You want a serious relationship, so be ready for them, it is primarily shown by actions, and they seem to be more eloquent than any words.

Relations inside the pair is a difficult thing. When young people are just beginning to meet, the future is represented by them in the rainbow light, and all problems seem insignificant. Only later, realizing the whole degree of responsibility, both sides begin to think about how to make a joint life happier, diversify the gray weekdays. Learn to understand each other - the main task you want to solve every day.

Beautiful half most often first begins to think that the man loves in women. Girls in such things over time become more vulnerable than guys. They need to make a daily convinced of their own right and feel that they are happy. The degree of satisfaction with the relationship depends on different factors. And important among them is that, often in marriage it happens that partners over time cease to respect each other, they have mutual alienation. To this not happen, you need to know some obvious truths. This article is devoted to the ladies who are concerned about the issue of preserving relations. What guys love most in girls? Let's try to figure out.

Psychology of strong sex

Men are so arranged that each of them wants to feel the head of the family. Guys also seek to take a leadership role in relationships. This must be taken into account, going to tie themselves with marriage. It is necessary to emphasize in every way that your partner is the main thing in your union. This does not mean that it is necessary to reduce its own position. But the woman does not prevent in reality to think about the men love. Perhaps this will help build trust-based relations based on harmony and mutual respect.

Men hate when a woman is trying to take the position of the head. In this case, do not expect from the partner of the manifestations of the initiative and responsibility. The guy should feel that it is he who leads the situation. Even if the girl in something takes upon himself the courage to make decisions on his own, it should do it so imperceptibly that her partner do not guessed.

Attention to your person

What does a man love in women? First of all, he wants to feel that they admire them, with his opinion they are considered, and the councils ask. The guy cannot be ignored, unless you are going to part with him forever. A man seeks to protect his companion in everything, he is ready to give her love to her, but in return it craves to get respect and recognition. In fact, every guy is waiting for his girlfriend that she will begin to admire them, maintain in all matters and new endeavors. If this does not happen and it does not receive from your favorite due attention, then there is always another woman on the side, which will appreciate it. This should be remembered by building relationships with the face of the opposite sex. It is necessary to appreciate and take each other.

Beauty and sexuality

What guys love most? Probably everyone heard the statement that the man loves his eyes. In fact, it is. Guys are big aesthetes in the field of female attractiveness. A man in love is capable of watching for hours to watch one photo of his chosen one. And he attracts more body than the soul.

This feature must be taken and not offended by her. Never guy will not fall in love with the spiritual qualities of his girlfriend. It is not naive to hope to naively. This, of course, will accompany the state of love, but will not become the main link in the relationship. This woman should know that men love. Otherwise, her marriage will not live for a long time. How many families collapsed only because the girl does not know how to behave correctly!

Patience and excerpt

What sin to hone, men from time to time allow themselves to sit in companies, drink alcoholic drink. They love communication with friends, sometimes want to relax after work. It is also important for them that their second halves understand the motives of the actions performed more. What do men love? Only not ladies tantrums and screams. From such manifestations, they are literally starting shaking, and then there is an alienation. Relationships gradually go to no.

What men love most? Obviously, they want them to be taken and understood. Sometimes they just want to speak, talk about their problems with his wife and be sure that the situation will be correctly perceived. Actually guys are more than girls need protection and understanding. Even with the most decent man sometimes you need to be patient and be able to forgive. Guys highly appreciate this quality character from their girlfriends.

Defenselessness and directness

Men are in many ways similar to children: they love the adventures and funny "feats" that can demonstrate their courage and consistency around them. Guys will be happy to defend and protect their beloved. But only for this they should be sure that the girl is really needed. The ability of a woman to evaluate the jokes of her beloved, to be bright, direct person, too, is usually highly appreciated. Such a companion will always be an interesting partner.

Kindness and responsiveness

A wife for a young man is like a mother. She also cares about him, worried about health, wants to be useful in everything. But in contrast to the affectionate parent, the young spouse did not know her narrowed from his birth, so she will need a certain time to learn to understand the partner. If someone thought about what Turkish men love in women, so this ability to be simple and responsive. In their opinion, the girl should be not only modest, but also possess a sensitive heart. Otherwise, such a spouse does not contribute to any value and does not bear joy with him.

The ability of women to be kind - the quality needed for successful family life. Compression and attentiveness will help smooth sharp corners and overcome significant contradictions. Conflict situations are in all families, but not everywhere partners competently approach them.

Own opinion and freedom

The ability to be independent as needed to be a modern woman, as is the ability to remain in difficult situations. In some cases, it is very useful to defend his own opinion, and a man will appreciate such a girl.

The woman should be a mystery. It was the unspecified mystery and attracts the partner of the opposite sex. A woman should always always agree with his spouse, otherwise at some point he will become simply not interesting.

Wish like

The ability to cause admiration and attract the fascinated views belongs only to the beautiful half of humanity. It was a woman from ancient times for a long time was considered a source of sacrament and witchcraft, whose spells could enhance men. Guys are very valued in girls beauty and desire to impress. Thus, they understand that they are not indifferent, once for their attention is fighting.

Any woman loves to spin in front of the mirror and worshum in every way - it can not be taken away. The partner in such situations can admire its lady from afar, observing observing its behavior.

Thus, any woman who is aimed at creating strong, serious relationship, it is important to know that men love. In family life, as a rule, many contradictory situations arise when it is necessary to be patient, flexible and very loyal. Only the desire to know better know your spouse will actually help preserve the Union for many years.

They went somehow with a girlfriend in the city, they looked at themselves, others were discussed, and in general they began to talk about who from women as weared and how could dress.

That is, for a woman there are two options to dress. I mean - constantly. Dressed up with a girl on the exit, on the occasion, it is not that.

So these two options are for men and for themselves. Moreover, do not say that in our latitudes and cultures the option "for yourself" is something worse.

"For men" - he is generally different. Other women's characters, and men, too, should be other men)

In general, I will show you a woman now, which most of our compatriots can not be.

Just because not only is not rich and enough tastelessness, but because in general the other culture.

We have girls - horses, hiking, and for children in the garden, and on the sport, and behind the wheel, and in the Kabak - yes anywhere, and all run, and on foot, and on the subway, and in slush.

It is Leila Al Fayed. Fictional character of the TV series "Tirant".

Beautiful and gray cardinal behind her husband.

According to the series - the wife of the president of the fictional state Abudin. Many power, a lot of money.

Of course, I look at the picture. This one is definitely dressed "as for men."

But this option "For Men", he, of course, is damn handsome, but disapplored only in Muslim cultures. He also obliges you, and a man.

Although men probably like this (the truth is that such a woman obliges, they are not particularly thinking)

In general, we walked with a friend, looked at women, and tried to make a portrait of a woman who likes.

And they decided to assemble what men love and what they do not like. Not that we classifies it to the end, but something has been handed it)

What do not like.

Well, here simply, uggs do not like, yes. Bags and balachons do not like. The lugs do not like on the head, but tolerate. Leopard leggings do not like to love, but always deny it, because leopard leggings are not accepted. This is a darkness, so Varlamov said.

Short hair does not like - definitely.

No woman with a short haircut, even with the most interesting, can not count on the same male attention that a woman with long hair.

Especially men do not like all sorts of strong or alternative haircuts. All these shaved whiskey, asymmetry, etc.

Girls, there are, are faded in every way, but no.

Hair is hair, it is impossible to cut them, if something else needs something from men. By the way, we noticed as soon as the woman enters old age - she cuts his hair. Everything, nothing already needs. So I think somewhere on the subconscious level it is also readable, such as everything. In short, the maximum allowable - Kare, and that. All sorts of boys are one hundred percent loss in the eyes of men.

Do not love, oddly enough, ultra-screwed skirts. That is, you love to look, but this is not the plan.

In every man sits the owner. Woman in mini - someone else's woman.

And by the way, there is a special type of men who really ride from other people's views on their Madame. So, when a man tells you that you can dress frankly (well, there, your legs are beautiful, put on the skirt shorter, or the breast is good, let's decolt) - this is not the norm.

It is not boasting what his beautiful woman has. This is he ... however, it would be more accurate to express ... Mentally offers it to other males.

So if a man insists that you can dress frankly (if, of course, you do not go in bags from under potatoes) - it should not be seduced, but to understand that you have a man with sexually psychological problems.

Although in itself the fitting men love. Stressed breasts, underlined waist, honeycomb. But still within, yes.

More men do not like - now it will be funny - sunbathing sleeves (not to be confused with 3/4 sleeves). Screensy or like tightened upstairs. Listen, and I never said it?

Girls, going on dates - do not roll the sleeves (even if it looks good, even if so conceived), it's better to put something else, and do not pull up the sleeves to the sleeves. Show wrists - sexy, yes. But in this case, let the wrist be covered.

Because tightened the harmonic sleeves - this is a businesslikeness, determination and as if readiness for action. From the series "Well, I'll take it, I will do Kaaaak."

They are subconsciously reading well, you understand how. What to stitch it, if she is all such, Wow)

Tighted sleeves - it's not feminine at all. So write down. Do not love (again funny) all sorts of painted nails.

So yes, one day it was a discovery for me. Somehow I took the manicure of painting on the manicure. That my manicure had a wonderful vision and clearly missed her hood. Formation. With her, I learned that painting is not what massively offer in groups of inertactics)

In my nails began to appear unreally steep and unreal painfully drawd flowers of all kinds. Watched - Wow.

Then someone from familiar men asked, and why I, in fact, do it.

And, well, well ... - I thought. And conducted a mass survey. It was where it turned out that men were too far from such aesthetics and it even scares them a little represent how much it costs. Absolute misunderstanding in the eyes.

So if for a man, and not for yourself, then a maximum of a monophonic varnish and do not exit. And not blue, that's not blue!)

Of course, love femininity. In short, what they do not have. Dresses love (well, essessna!), Heels (hech).

Very love decorations. For Soroki. On a woman should glisten something and overflow.

On a date, if you need to hook - hang out. Not like a Christmas tree, of course, it will not be superfluous.

But generally you know what I noticed. They absolutely do not perceive the picture separately. That is, yes, it is quite everydays - do not notice that she painted. They see what changed something, but what?

Not only a common image.

In general, girls, let's remember - which your men loved and what they did not like in your clothes.

Men can actively prompt.

And at the same time the question.

That's if you choose, as always to walk: as is customary in our latitudes (jeans, jackets, jackets), or like that leyla alfid (if it could always be so - all these atlases, silk, dresses and suspensions, etc. ) - What would you choose?

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There are several standard female habits that drive men crazy (in a bad sense). To get a more complete picture of what we mean, we propose to find out what men do not like in relationships with women, and what kind of female behavior they hate or simply do not understand. Want to check yourself?

1. Painful attitude to your own figure

Oddly enough, but the absolute majority of guys do not understand our attitude towards their own figure and weight. Although, what is surprised here, because we often do not just have a healthy lifestyle, play sports and sit on exhausting diets. We cannot love themselves as we are, and we believe that you need to study every centimeter of your body every day for the appearance of wrinkles, excess fat, cellulite or other defects that your man will never notice.

Many guys simply shrugs in bewilderment when they see how we are displeasted to consider themselves in the mirror, analyzing whether our waist and the hips are really decreased in the volume after yesterday's fault "by magic cream". Moreover, some men have already been so bored with women's conversations about weight and figure that they just go to another room as soon as it comes to our discontent with their appearance. Know, men do not like to listen to the stories about our combating cellulite.

2. Gossip

Well, how not to suck about the personal life of friends, relatives or colleagues? Many girls with great ecstasy brush her bones with all their familiar. While a woman can be simply fascinated by the news that her boss was seen away from his wife with a young flirtful blonde, or that her colleague was just threw a guy, a man does not consider such gossip worthy of attention. He is not interesting and without a difference, who is sleeping with whom. We do not encourage you to give up the desire to say, but we warn you what behavior does not like men, they will never understand why you do that.

3. Bulk

Do you know what men do not like most? Wash and bore. It is very annoying a strong floor. But agree, we do it not specifically. Are we to blame that guys do not know how to listen and we have to repeat them all a hundred times. After all, if a man is not recalled several times about something, he will definitely forget to buy milk, take the garbage, pick up children from kindergarten or school, etc. However, they consider such a custody with a bore and psychological torture.

True, you can try to take advantage of the other method of influencing your beloved and get the desired without whining. Instead of encouraging and constantly reminding obvious things, trust a man, hoping that he will do everything without your hard control. And if he forgets something, do not "turn on the saw." Just explain why it was important, and how his forgetfulness upset you. Ideally, your explanations should be a guarantee that the next time the guy will be more attentive.

4. Offended silence

Our offended silence really strongly nerves men. Although some guys themselves are masters in the art of silent offense, however, they do not accept such behavior on our part and sincerely annoyed when, after a family quarrel, we closed and do not come to contact. It seems to them that thereby tighten the conflict more successfully.